xt7b8g8fj93n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fj93n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1992 1992 1992-11-16 2020 true xt7b8g8fj93n section xt7b8g8fj93n f”"


Vol. XCV No. 56

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Monday. the'eber 16 1992




x‘iil'Tfim' . _

it”: ”was...“

«- Mme.»


By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer


Two systems.

Two peoples.

One campus.

UK’s greek system exists under
the auspices of the Dean of Stu-
dents office. with the fratemities
presided over by the lnterfratemity
Council and the sororities gov-
emed by the Panhellenic Council.

But after cajoling from the ad-
ministration for the doors of tradi-
tionally white fraternities and so-
rorities to open to black members
and after efforts to indoctrinate the
smaller historically black organiza-
tions into the system. the groups
remain (llVIdCtl along racial lines,
and contact between the two is

This week Panhellenic is spon-
soring Multicultural Awareness
Week. Debra Williams. the coun»
cil's presidenpelcet. said the pro


UK greeks racially divided


There seems to be some conflict sometimes,
and everyone concentrates on our differences.

— Debra Williams,

President-elect, Panhellenic Council




‘lrm U1 .1 mu! pun slur,»

gram is designed for members of
the two groups “to get together
and try and find our similarities.
There seems to be some conlltet
sornettriies. and everyone concen-
trates on our differences."

The tiiosl recent figures a\atl.i
ble shots that last setiiester l’ls‘s
13 predotnitiatitly tiliite sororities
had a total ol three black rrietiilrers

out of L478. The lo predorriinarits
l_\ “1111C fraternities totaled 1.157
members. live ol \\ horn are black.

During spring 1002. l‘K’s .se veti
traditionally black greek organi/ar
lions had a total of 75 members.
Those organizations had no white

Three fraternities. t\\o predomi-
llallll} \ihite and one historically
blaels. iotried 1H” this semester

Shortly alter becoming chantel-
lot for the l eungtori (‘ampus‘ four
years ago. Robert iletiietiway -.iid
seeing the dearth \‘l riiiriorities Ill
\iliiie creek orgaiii/atioris led hiiii
to eoneliiile that either 1‘1.|t1\\ -ete

American Indian]
.~\siari/l’acifie Islander

White. Non-Hispanic

lotal \lettibets

l-'R.-\'l‘1-ZR\I I'Y

.\nieriean ltidtari/

l :\\l.lll l‘aeilic lslander
. ll1.1\b.\llllllll\[l.lll1k
1 lltspariti
l \\‘hite. \tlllrlll‘sllillllt'

lolal \lt tiibeis


NPC (iroups

Totals 'l'olals
NPHC (iroups

4 o

l I I)

3 5o

4 (l
1.450 (i
1.481 *0
Totals Ti itals

\‘l’t‘ (iroiips

‘ UK Greek Ethnic Summary Spring 1992 ‘



Nl’llt‘ (iroiips

ll (1

s o .

s W; 1

3 I I
[Jan 11 1
1.151 25




e'lltillllitt‘t‘il li‘ \i'x'is

rll ”llli'\ \\t‘lt' 'li‘i‘L‘.‘

”lull l‘t‘lllt'

est 3 tilid Ir.~tii ll‘i_‘|lll‘t'lsill[‘ U
”i; 1 riixersil} s piisl to
\e’ il 'I.\‘1s


\\ slt‘tli ili‘st‘rsth its

MARK TARYER Kiwm- (hurt a,

lllt‘llllx'l‘-i‘il‘ is a push that niai lsi-
1ll\”- tl’lli'i‘tl .iI \\1itte greeks
Blatks llenieiiiiay .said. alreads

ism: OVERVIEW. Back l’dCo

fall rush week

Defined poster

revealed (luring


By Graham Shelby
Senior Stall Writer


Scott \lason sits on his it‘llill
Lillil \t't'lllt'\ llls
.iiiay and his \oite solteiis 111st .i '
niari deliberately tryirii' to .oriiiot i

lie‘s talkaic about th iiielii '

loiirid the poster


e\es liil'i. lit

{luring tiisli seek .it the 1. x
l‘l lllt‘ st lll. slt‘f \lasim slll
bli ll upon a delated poster or \l.i ‘
\i‘llll .\ III the .itiric\ of the [Ma .
lati l)elta \t‘tldl lrater’iirts l‘l‘ll‘w
lle \\.’l\ there .is part of the litter
fraternity i‘iriiiieil's
triaiiat'eiiieiil tii.ikiiie silt
ll.lit‘lllllli -- .\er

illi' liii~ioi'\ izl‘iltll 1 its s.: ~.


'al oiiol lice

‘ili pi sli‘: Itiitii a ilisliiti.i'. I til .i

t.i I i it

tiilst'I i i‘.,i sit tilt‘l.’ was

“rew- DELTS Pack 1‘



gives $4,000
for research
on cancer

By Li-Chang Su
Staff Writer

Members of Phi Gamma Delta
social fratemity raised more than
$4,000 for cancer research this
weekend by running a football 100
miles to Cincinnati.

Fraternity member Scott Griffin
received the football from UK
chapter President Mat Arnold to
launch the non-stop relay in the
freezing weather 4:20 pm. Friday.

UK police provided an escort and
a van to transport fraternity mem-
bers. and several supporting vehi-
cles followed the runners all the
way up Route 25 to Nipper Stadi-
um, where the last runner arrived
with the UK—Cincinnati game ball
around 11 am. Saturday.

The money was raised by collect-
ing pledges and auctioning a foot-
ball autographed by UK coach Bill
Curry, said Chip Crawford, chair-
man of the event.

Crawford said 28 UK students
teamed up with Fiji members at the
University of Cincinnati to fight the
leading cause of death in America.

“Practically everyone has been
touched by this tragic disease,"
Crawford said. “This year. about
1.130.000 people will be diagnosed
as having cancer. Over half will die
within the next year — that is a rate
of about 1,400 people aday."

The fund-raising project had spe-
cial significance for two members
of the UK fratemity because their
fathers currently are battling cancer,
he added.








VICTORIA “OVER Kerr‘s :iia“

UK placekicker Doug Peltrey receives the football Friday. be-
ginning Phi Gamma Delta‘s run to benefit cancer research.

Crawford also said he hopes the
charity event will help the greek
system “get away frorn people‘s
stereotypes toward the fraternities
and sororities and to set a precedent
for other greek organizations to
combine the charity effort with re-
search organizations, school admin-

istration and the community

The fraternity presented the iiiori»
e) to the American (,‘aneer .Sot rely
and UK's Lucille Parker Markey
Cancer Center prior to the game at
Nippert Stadium on Saturday.
Crawford said.

See CHARITY. Back Page





FALL siNow





On Saturday. the University received its tirst coating of snow this season. Accumulation
was light and most at the snow had melted by yesterday afternoon.



Cats out for blood against Vols
during annual Big Blue Crush


By Erica Patterson
Contributing Writer


The f'enlral Ketitiitky Blood
('eriter is asking students and lat lil-
ty to roll tip their slee\ es today and
give blood during, “Bit: Blue
(‘rtislif' the llllll'dllllll'dl blood
drive eoriipetition between 1K and
the l'msersity of Tennessee.

The iotiipelttiori which runs uri»
til l‘riday. ties into the sports rival
ry between l'K and Tennessee. but
the purpost ..
to give blood. said ’1 ram llerubree.
spokeswoman for the blood renter.

Henibree said there always is a
shortage of blood this time oi year
because “people the bits) doing
other things" as they prepare for the
holidays. The probleru is etllll-
pounded by an increase Ill traffic
accidents around Thanksgiving and
Christmas. she said

To get more students irixol'. 'd in
the blood drive. there ‘i\ ill be separr
ate competitions for residenie
halls. medical students and creek

A pil/a party will be given to the
residence hall \Mlh the highest per-
centage ()1 blood donations. and the
social fraternity or sororitv \\Illl the
highest percentage ol donations
\Hll ‘s\|ll a plaque. Door pri/es. iri-

li‘ qtiioiiinife ‘,i.'i‘p1e

The best of outgoing columnist
Toby Gibbs' four years at the
Kentucky Kernel. Columns,
Page 7.


UK beats Cincinnati 5-0. in
turnovers. that IS. Actual score:
Bearcats 17. UK 13. Story.
Page 4.

Watching UK and the Bearcats
was not unlike a number of bad
movres. Column, Page 4.

Cool Cats give fans exhibition
when Denison Universny squad
fails to show up. Story, Page 4.
Lady Kats shooting leaves
something to be desired in early
morning scrimmage Saturday.
Story. Page 4.

Soccer game turns into winter
wonderland, right down to the
snow and the singing of ‘Rudolph
the RedsNosed Reindeer“
Column. Page 4.

Senior Angela Salvatore takes
front and center in final UK home
volleyball game. Story, Page 4.


Creativity. Ingenuity Both
qualities absent to Bon Jovi's fifth
album. Revrew, Page 3.


Partly sunny today; high near 50.
Partly cloudy tonight; low
between 35 and 40. Partly sunny
tomorrow, high near 60.


Diversions .......... 3
Sports Monday .......................... 4
Classifieds ................................ 7






“Big Blue Crush” Blood Drive

Monday Student Center 10 am ~ (r pm.
Small Ballroom

'l‘uesday Complex (‘Toniiiions ' I phi. . 9 p in

Wednesday Complex Commons 1 pm ‘1 pm

Thursdav UK Hospital North Lobby ‘1 ii.iii - (i pm

Friday Patterson ()fl'tec 'l'ower 8:31) am. 1'3” pm.

Saturday 'l‘rophy Presentation at halftime ot the
[JR-Tennessee football game.




eluding l'ls'
passes and tree dinners. also be git
eti at random to donors. llerribr‘ee

posters. tr. e lllii\ it‘


lit‘ls} Mi‘tlliili,
of the greels ilftlillll/lllltllls ti‘lllllt‘ll
tion. said Big Blue ('rtish helps
brings s'oeial fraternities and sorori
ties ”together for a cause (living
blood is very irriportanl

co . 1‘..ilf\\illlldll

Members ol gr'eek oreatit/altoris
i'ari give blood ltlllli‘llii‘A and
Wednesday from I toll pm. at Kir-


.san ltlanlinx ( i'flil‘m‘ li'lllllll‘li.
tlllil\t'\i't1i‘11iii'lih,tl-li* .iill ii
si‘l tip :7: \.lil'; 111' wi-‘li-iit tli.

l)tllt;tlli‘lls also can i road. to
ilaj. lilfi‘l.‘"1llllil.l» ill'ii ‘e: II I.- “
[‘.III at [1,3 ( 'etitral ls'eruuth Blood
(‘etiti‘r Hi \\.ili.r \ii

its and Tennessee tied Ill last
year's iotiipi'ttliiiii when each

silll‘e'tli'tl lullt j‘llll‘s tli

CNN? BLOOD 1).: .k 1),:Qt‘


Conservative pundit
calls for legalization



By Holly M. Baumgarten
Contributing Writer

Nationally renowned conscrvas
tive William F. Buckley Jr. told a
Lexmgton audience Thursday night
the federal government should le~
galile the sale of all drugs to any
one 21 or older.

The drugs should be available c.\-
clusively through federal govem-
ment agencies at the lowest possi-
hle cost to make black-market sales
unprofitable. Buckley said in a
speech at the Lexington Horse Cen-

Any profits from the sale of these
drugs at the federal level should
then go to drug education programs.
said Buckley, best known for
founding the righbwing maga/ine
“National Review“ and for hosting
the PBS show “Firing Line.“

Buckley also commented on the
recent presidential election, openly
criticizing Presidentselect Clinton
and claiming that President Bush
lost because he was a “v retim of the
business cycle."

Buckley said Bush‘s mistake in
what he called a theatrical reelec—
tion campaign was that he attacked
Clinton‘s ability rather than proving
his own to voters.

Bush‘s relentless attacks on (‘lin-
ton further alienated voters. Who
were starting to lean toward Clin-
ton, he said. Bush‘s image as a pa-




triciari politician llit‘llt‘tlth‘
and drove voters to knot the seems
tngly \ telitiit/ed ('lirilori.


(’)n abortion. the conservative eol
tiniriist blasted (‘Iintori .itid running
mate Al (iore for changing their po
sittons Ironi anti-abortion to abor
Iron rights to lit the ruolil of ilie
Demoi'ratri l’ani

Buckley said that politii tans \\ ho
say they are persori.ill\ ill‘illllsl
abortion but believe it is the deti
sion of the woman are more afraid
to run the risk of losiriir than the)
are committed to define personal

The speech was the first iii a se
ries sponsored by Wl'KY-IM and
WKYT-TV. The series also ssill
Icaturc ABC newsman Sam l)o~
naldson on Jan. 1‘) and political sat-
irist Mark Russell on March 11.


H II iittiy Ldill i liti. K. 'IiIutMy Kt'llt‘l All will [JIIUII, wt .hirig tiiihlishrvn-ii-aitiii; ii iii


. IIIU .Hl'livi ill itiliirri.i'ioi It

AJAB iii rt uni Bill .iillh- ‘Jli 'r‘, ill (.0 rilir lrvu-lt prior Iuputt/u .H‘, l








Monday 11/16

- TICKETS ON SALE” Tickets for
Spotlight Jazz individual shows
are on sale at TicketMaster; gen-
eral pubiic. students. faculty and
administration; call 257-8427

- TICKETS ON SALE!! Tickets for
the Next Stage Series are on
sale at TicketMaster; general pub-
lic, students. faculty and adminis-
tration; call 257-8427

- Exhibition: W:
Headley-Whitney Museum; thru
11/29; call 255- 6653

- Exhibition: Wm

Bluegrass; UK Art Museum; thru
11/29; call 257- 5716

- Exhibit: Frederic Thursz: A Trib-
ute; UK Art Museum; thru 12/20

- Exhibit: Sheldon Tapley, Recent
Landscapes; The Galbreath Gai-
lery: thru 11/92

- Exhibit: Lexmgton Creative Cam-
era Club. Rasdall Gallery



Tuesday 11/17

- SAB movxe: W131;
free; Student Center, Center The-
ater; 7:30pm

- African-American Film Festival:
W; Worsham Theater;

‘ Performance: Tuba Recital. Sikp
Gray; free: SCFA Recrtal Hall;
8pm: call 257-4929

Wednesday 11/18

- SAB mot/192W? $2:
Worsham Theater; 8pm

- Festival: Tuba-Euphonium Fall
Festival: free; SCFA Recital Hall;
8pm: call 257-8867

Thursday 11/19
- SAB movie: Boomerang; $2;

Worsham Theater: 8pm

- University Theater: W
dull; $8. $6: Guignol Theatre,
Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 257-

- Performance: UK Symphony Or-
chestra and UK Choristers; free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 8pm: call 257-

Friday 11/20

- SAB movie: Wm $2;
Worsham Theater: 8pm

- University Theater: W
M: $8, $6; Guignol Theatre,
Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm; call 257-

- Poetry: Poetry Happy Hour: Mar-
tin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center;

- Gallery Series: Benjamin Karp;
cello and Lumen Stark. piano;
free; UK King Library Peal Gallery;

- Performance: Central Kentucky
Youth Concert Orchestra; free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 7pm; call 257-


~Arts Professions: Illus-
trated Lecture by Michael
Monroe of the Renwick
Gallery at the Smithsoni-
an Institute, Noon 11808




Saturday 11/21

- SAB movie: Wu; $2;
Worsham Theater: 8pm

- SAB movie: W:
free; Student Center. Center The-
ater; 2pm

- University Theater: W
M: $8. $6; Guignol Theatre,
Fine Arts Bldg: 8pm: call 257-

- Performance: Chamber Music
SOCiety: Aequalis; $10 (80 free
tickets to UK students): SCFA Re-
cital Hall; 8pm: call 257—4929

Sunday 11/22

- SAB movie: Wang; $2;
Worsham Theater; 5pm

- Performance: Lexington Commu-
nity Orchestra. Johnathan Roller,
conductor: free: SCFA Concert
Hall; 3pm; call 257-4929

- Performance: Music for Cello an
Piano. Benjamin Karp. cello. and
Lumen Stark, piano; free; SCFA
Recual Hall; 8pm: call 257-4929

Monday 11/16

- Ticket Distribution Begins:
Wildcat Basketball vs High Five
America: Memorial Coliseum:
call 257-8867

- Ticket Distribution Begins:
Wildcat Basketball vs Ukraine
National; Memorial Coliseum;
call 257-8867

Tuesday 11/17
~ Volleyball: UK vs Louisville; in
Lomsville: 7:30pm


guard .dn'
. , I ,
I; .'. Al/ZL mium 1“-

C( A b/O—SI/ AW

‘. Th. 5

Nov.,/2'l‘l’ ".

Closing Reception NOV. i‘I‘f‘ Ionian.


/-1’/)( ' _,

Jd 'b/LV (all

0/ .fitvrrth'u .i

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Contributing Cream: by Monica 6 Church






Monday 11/16
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Can Food
~ SAVE Benefit Concert: with Ca-
tawampas; $2; Lynaghs; 8pm; call
- UK/UT Blood Donor Challenge-
Student Center

Tuesday 11/17
- Cultural Nights: Common
Grounds-African Student Associa-
tion; Holmes Hall; 8pm; call 257-
. Cultural Nights: Common
Grounds; Kirwm Tower; 8pm; call
- Cultural Nights: Common
Grounds-Malaysian Student Asso-
ciation; Donovan Hall; 8pm; call
- UK/UT Blood Donor Challenge-
Complex Commons; 2-10pm

Wednesday 11/18
- BSU Thanksgiving Dinner
- UK/UT Blood Donor Challenge-

Complex Commons; 2-10pm

- UK Women's Forum: Special
Discussion on Breast Cancer
with Dr. Karen Baker and Doris
Rosenbaum: Med. Center Hospi-
tal Auditorium, 6th floor. room
HG-611; 11:4Sam; call 257-2219

- African American Studies Wom-

en's Forum: 'Redefining the At
Risk Concept’, presenters. Patri-

cia Dardaine Ragguet, Hazel For-

sythe. Sharon E. Moore. De-
neese Lakay Jones, Sonia M.
Feist: Faculty Club: 12:30-
1:30pm; call 257-4415

Thursday 11/19
- English Careers Day: Speakers
and Panelists. Mr. Ouan Shi. Ms.
Liz Caras Petros, Mr. Jim Hanna.
Ms. Lynn Roundtree Schrader;
New Student Center, room 228;
3-5pm: call 257-6979

Friday 11/20

- UK/UT Blood Donor Challenge-
Patterson Office Tower; 8am-






Monday 11/16

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es: 8:30pm: Alumni Gym Loft: call

- Lecture: 'Changing Manage-
ment in the National Forests: A
Conservationist Perspective';
Cooper Blg.. room 113: 3pm

Tuesday 11/17

~ Meeting: Water Ski Team and
Club Meetings (Weekly meet-
ings); 8:30pm; Student Center,
room 106; call 255-1268

- Bible Study: Black Campus Min-
istry. Bible Study (Weekly meet-
ings); free; 7pm; Student Center,
room 205; call 254-1811

- Workshop: Writer's Bloc Weekly
Workshop; Old Student Center.
room 119; 5-7pm

- Meeting. Cycling Club; Seaton
Center. Room 212; 8pm: call

- Seminar: Dr, Jennifer M. Martin;
”The Functional AnalySis of the
Latent Membrane Protein of Ep-
stein-Bart Virus': Room MCC180
(Markey Ctr.): 10pm

- Seminar: Dr. Peter Sinclair, 'The
Role of Cytochrome P450 iso-
zymes in Ascorbic Acid in Uropor-
phyrinogen Oxidation'; Room
MN563: 4pm

Wednesday 11/18

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es: 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

. Meeting: Encounter (Religious):
Student Center. room 359; 7pm;
call 276-2362

'Meeting: W.S. Webb Archaeo-
logical Society, speaker, Dr. Dick
Jefferies; Lafferty Hall, UK;
7:30pm: call 233-4058






Wednesday 11/19

- Entry Deadline: Turkey Trot;
Seaton Center, room 145: call

Thursday 11/19

. Campus Rec: 3-on-3 Basketball;
call 257-2898

- Basketball: Wildcat vs High Five
America; Rupp Arena

- Turkey Trot: Cross-Country Run;
Starting Line of Course-UK Water
Tower; 4pm; call 257-6584

- Meeting: SAVE meeting and
vegitarian potluck: free; 371 Lin-
den Walk #2; 7pm; call 253-4623

Thursday 11/19

- Meeting: CN2 - ‘Catholic New-
man Center Night'; Newman Cen-
ter. 320 Rose Lane; 7:30-8230pm;
call 255-8566

. Seminar: Dr. Eugene Bruce,
'Chemoreflex Control of Ventila-
tion in Sleep Disordered Breath-
ing'; Room MN563: 2:50-
refreshments. 3pm-lecture

- Lecture: Dr. Philip Sandgerg.
'Hypertext and Graphics in Geolo-
gy instruction'; Funkhouser. room
200: 3:30pm-refreshments. 4pm-

Friday 11/20

- Seminar: Judy Ratliff, 'Study of
Atomization Mechanisms of Se-
lected Elements in an Electrother-
mal Atomizer'; Room 137, Chem-
Phys. Bldg; 3:30pm - refresh-
ments. 4pm - lecture

- Seminar: Art Professions - Mi-
chael Monreo. Curator in charge
of the Renwick Gallery: White Hall
Classroom. room 118; 12-

Saturday 11/21

- Mass: Catholic Mass: 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center: 6pm; call

Sunday 11/22

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 1pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

. Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 9:00am.
11:30am; 5:00pm, 8:30pm; call

Friday 11/20
- Volleyball: UK vs Louisana
State: in Louisana; 8:30pm

Saturday 11/21
- UK Football: Wildcats vs Ten-
nessee: in Tennessee; 1pm

Sunday 11/22
- Volleyball: UK vs MisSissippi; in
Miss; 1pm





Vii-Vanderbilt game Nov 7.













. . . horses. .

V. . on how this protein is put together ‘Timoney and his sniff will seek out unknown vari-
mate develop an tindetstartding of their molecular strictures

' ' : may. reveal how the proteins resist horses’ immune systems. leading to development

comes on animal life, exhibits an __emutsi
” struggle with inevitabilities of life on
3; Township. NJ ‘

appeared in dozens of publications earned is bachelor 5 degree in English .
'" writing from Wichita State: University . :y .




.000 grant to fund equine disease research
._.W to UK teamsher John F. Timoner to develop om effective vac~

mammary andreproductiw-uact diseases in horses and are the most impor-
”diseases, ; d Timmy, Keeneiand professor of infectious diameaat UK.
__ attydtsooveredttteDNA we ot'aproteiin geneo'fa streptococci tintevades the

tourism MW Mod. my skill knowledge shalt be given without reservation for the public good.”
- The Order of the Engineer has no membership dues or meetings Rather, members are bound together by
:rheiroommon can and purpoxe said David Blythe. a retired engineering dean and professor.

l'YttegoaJ ts to reinforce their professional ethics as they go out into jobs,” he said. “The oath reminds
items to think sheet the consequences of their designs and notions on the environment and Other peo-

Super-markets donate money to iihrary‘campaign
bedroom Supennatkets donated 81.500 to the Commonwealth Library Book Fund during halftime. of .

e fund, which will be used to purchase materials for UK 5 proposed central library. receives $1 from
3 theNational Endowment tor the Humanities for every $3 collected from private donors

" ' EiFoodtown ts donating $100 for each sack made by UK football players this season

. _._.,Wc believe that academics and athletics work together to make UK agmat University, and this pro-
gram reflects our support of both.” said Bob Stone, Foodtown president. .

UK editor wins national poetry aWard
Jeff Wodey associate editor of UK s “Odyssey” magazine on research. has won the national Still Wa- .

I " Press Fourth Awtud Warner Poetry Competition.
' ' h, ng'sollocuon of





poems, titled “Neutral Selections, in collaboration with Lance I
at the University of Idaho and a former assisrant professor of English ‘

V empathy with the animal world

by UK’s Kentucky Small Busmess Development Center will put par— ,
' ‘ sweats; as well its-dross who may be business .




swdSbirley Warren editor





Nov. 6:

Theft by unlawful taking. more
than $300 (felony); College View
lot; items not listed removed from
vehicle; Marion J. Hoffman. com-

Theft by unlawful taking. rnorc
than $300; Press Avenue lot: ilt‘m\
not listed removed from vehicle:
Erik Andrew Johnson. complainant

Theft by unlawful taking. amount
unknown: E-139 Commonwealth
Stadium: portable clock radio/black
and white television removed from
desk in front of lobby at football of-
fice; Susan Renakcr. complainant.

Nov. 7:

Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; Hilltop Avenue parking;
stereo equipment removed from ve-
hicle; Joseph P. Sisk. complainant.

Third degree criminal mischief;



Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research
Center, first floor; unknown person
activated the emergency shower
causing the first floor to be flooded:
Jim Whitefield. complainant.

Nov. 8:

Theft by unlawful taking. more
than $300; Blanding IV bike rack:
items not listed removed from bicy-
. 10: Lisa Taylor, complainant.


Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300: Commonwealth Stadium
Rcd Lot: communications trailer rc-
movcd; Jason Bauman. complai-

Theft by unlawful taking. less
than $300 (misdemeanor); Physical
Plant Division parking lot, South
Upper Street; items not listed rc-
movcd frotn sheet metal panel
truck; William Corman. complai-

Theft by unlawful taking. more

the Kentuck Kernel



than $300; D-278 Kentucky Clinic:
computer removed: Cheri (‘. Tiidcr.

Nov. 10:

Third degree criminal mischief;
near Cooperstown and Hilltop avc-
nucs; shopping cart dropped on vc-
hiclc; Gabdcul Slibli' Abdul. com-

Theft by unlawful uiking, less
than $300: Donovan Hall bike rack:
items not listed removed from biot-
clc: Jill S. DCCkITlllII, complainant.

Nov. ll:

Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Donovan Hall bike rack;
items not listed removed from bicy-
clc; Ann W. Sultlcs, complainant.

Nov. 12:

Theft by unlawful taking; Com-
monwealth Stadium Rcd Lot: items
not listed removed from vehicle:
William Hainsworth, complainant.



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New Jon Ben J ovi
still king of cliches

Bon Jovi
Kt'r‘p the Faith
Mercury-Polygratn Records


By Brian Manley
Statt Critic


Creativity. Ingenuity.

These words have absolutely
nothing to do with. or are they re|at~
ed in any way to. Bon Jovi‘s' t'it‘th
album, Keep the Fair/i.

Yes, rock ‘n‘ roll‘s bad boys are
back utter a tour year hiaIUs ot‘ soul
searching, from which they
scrawled arty findings on the near-
est scraps ot~ paper. L'ndoubtedly. a
waste ot trees.

It has been a while since this
band has penetrated the ears of
America with its brand of pop rock.
t)ver the past tour years, Bon Joyi
had. for all intents and purposes.

A few members embarked on
solo careers, while the others appar-
ently sat at home (probably because
Iion .lovi is the only band that will
hire them).

Alter reveling in their new espe-
riences', the band members transmit-
ted their ideas into Keep the l-tiir/t.
the group's t'irst album since I‘lts’ts‘s
multiplatinum New Jersey.

The main problem is that it this
album is a culmination ot‘ Bon
lovi‘s ettorts and works. then. well.
that‘s pretty sad. Although the cm-
er ot the album doesn't have a “I’a-
rental Advisory -— Explicit Lyrics"
sticker. it should at least teature a
label inscribed “Caution M May In-
duce Vomiting."

(‘hange seems to be the primary
theme o1 this album. Iloweycr. the
most prominent change seems to be
lead singer Jon Bon Jovi‘s transt'or-
mation into an unnatural merging of
Ilono and John Mellencamp.

In tact. on the song “In These
Arnis," JIIJ can be heard crooning
in what sounds like a bad imitation
it [72‘s t‘rontman. You almost ex-
pect him to launch into the chorus
ot' “With or Without You."

Some things have remained the
«ante tor the band. For example. al<
though Bryan Adams and Fireltousc
are giving the group a run for lLs’
money. Bon Jovi has continue to
prove that it is the reigning Kings
of Cliche - with such lyrical prizes
as “The truth is, baby/You're all
that I need" and “All I'm trying to
say/Is all l wanted was you."

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Another consistency on this al~
bum, which is. as alway s. a high—
light tor the listener. is the tretwork
ot' guitarist supreme Richie Sambo-

'I‘his battd has accumulated a lot
ot‘ money trom its previous tour al—
bums, and Sambora made a little
cash with ltts own celebrated solo
proyect. Srrri/ieer Ir; {Fax [mm 1.11-
though I don‘t know an\ottc who
actually shelled out money tor such
dll car—soret

You would think \aniboia lltliilll
break down and buy himselt some
guitar lessons somewhere along the

Keep the lint/t is a step iii the
right (llrc‘c‘lnlll. albeit a [lhldlk‘li‘N
SIL‘I‘. ll lltc‘ band has t‘foyii'c‘ssx‘tl
otily trom “I'II Iie lhetc I'or You"
to “I Want You," then Il‘s :‘lllllt‘ to
be a long time below these guy s put
out anything worth buy .ttg


,oni represented corporate

rock at one ol its viles‘t stages and

continues that tradition with pride.

'1 his album is an improvement met

the group's t'irst tour releases. brit

arty dietiard III tans are going to be

disappointed because the band has







Atter a long hiatus. New Jersey rockers Bon Jovi have re-
grouped and released Keep the Faith.

L't‘llc' \t‘l lilll\.

.\o longer the party tnongers they
once w ere. the lion
Iiaye lttto

wh. '. I'm to I sit; yet II it their at-

titudes hay: dc lit.

:netiil'ers ol

,onr tried I.‘ grow tip

‘.‘1\ c llttltt'k‘il

lbc .lil‘li’llt rl Illtt‘c‘

ot Aillcll -\lll prob

”to. ket s, a};
abe Ieatuie .l \it‘co showing these

guy s nutty antic s oti stage

.-\nd. ol course. what Hon Iovi alt
bum would be complete without its
slcw ot required relationship bal
lads ’ ‘1 hey 'ye penned some dcl initc
tear Jerkets hcre w ith "Ilcd ol Ros-




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2)) Wm Ttwvi n. r ,,u o
as _ — 8
- 0 lrrrnglim I. ‘ II
to WA : . q,
2 ' 1 Gt arlilI-tu Jul». 5
J l l owns b? 5
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es." “It I \\ as Your Mother" idon‘t
aski and the keyboard laden “I
\\ant \oti.~ a guaranteed single.
«then again what swig won't be a


{in the whole tli; album otters
some material that r-tt‘t as bad as
lli.‘ ballth ‘.lIllt‘1 w 'rk lint what
could be as terrible as “Ilorn to lie
\Is Baby"y




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Kentucky Kernel. Monday. November to t‘J'tQ -


Gibbs gone. like water in POT fountain

Since I030. Toby (iibbs has
tabbed practically eyery [Nlllllcl‘dll
in the tree world. He gave three
cheers for line American institu-
tions like baseball and 7-lls. blast»
ed the UK librarians tor not allow
trig students to picnic III Margaret I
King Library and dissected 'I'\
shows l‘rom "Saturday Night lave”
to "Brady Bunch" reruns.

()l‘teri tolks reading copy at the
Kentucky Kernel would break iiito
tits ol laughter upon reading the
words ot' I‘oby.

As arts editor. I was privileged to

get to peek at Ioby 's cllllllllll ey ery
Monday nreti!

like Richard l‘elty an? the water

troiti the Patterson iltlite I'owcr
tountain, loliy is gone Itut not
w ilhotit sweet sorrow , knowing

tltcre are led totks out there who
can llll up a xs‘llllllll with the sarcas
tic grace ol Iol~\

()ld Kciitnck\ Kernel columnist-
don't die. they tiist go get real robs
So giyc it to 'em. titbbs'

.-\I.'\ /.:..'r ' [’u‘i( law. ran ' .'\ .t
illtI’Ittli‘V’. u rum an.“ it At rum 4.



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