xt7bcc0trd9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0trd9j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19441208  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  8, 1944 1944 2013 true xt7bcc0trd9j section xt7bcc0trd9j Best uopy Avanaoie

The Kentucky Kernel


We Need Tradition"
Write IK Student


Initiation Slated
For Tuesday



Eight students were elected to
membership in Phi Beta Kappa,
learned society, at the meeting of
the University chapter on December 1. Dr. L. L. Dantzler, secretary
of the chapter announced Wednesday.
They are: Marian Yates. Lexington; Ada Newland, Stanford; Anna
Mary Wagner, Webster Groves. Mo.;
Virginia Stuart Baskett, Casper.
Wyo.; Huguette Balzola. Mexico;
Thomas Marshall Hahn, Lexington;
Elizabeth Noble. Henderson ville. N.
C; and Lucy Ouye Meyer. Lexlng- too.
Language Major

Marian Yates, a Modern Language major, is the
of the SUB board, president of Chi
Delta Phi, and president of Alpha
Lambda Delta. She also belongs to
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, the
YWCA, the French club, and is a

first lieutenant in

Ada Newland, who is an English
major, is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta.
Anna Mary Wagner, a bacteriology major, is the
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and is
a member of Alpha Lambda Delta.
She won the Mortar Board sophomore plaque and is also a member
of the YWCA, Ouignol, Cwens, president of the Bacteriology society,
and secretary of the society in 1943.
Clique representative, and Pryor
Mathematics Major
Virginia Stuart Baskett, a mathematics major, is the treasurer of
Delta Delta Delta sorority, president of the YWCA and the 1943
treasurer; treasurer of the Mortar
Board, secretary of Alpha Lambda
of Cwens, and
she belongs to the Pitkin club and
the Philosophy club.
Huguette Balzola, a history major,
is a member of the YWCA cabinet,
president of the Cosmopolitan club.
Member of Mortar Board, Pitkin
club. French club, Spanish club.
Philosophy club, Cwens and Who's
Who in American Colleges and Universities.
Elizabeth Noble, a history major.
Is a member of Delta Zeta sorority.
Topical Major
Lucy Guye Meyer, a topical major,
is a member of the YWCA, Dutch
Lunch club, WAA, Students Standards committee, SuKy. Delta Delta
Delta sorority, Cwens, Mortar Board,
of the Philosophy
club. University Social club, and the
House President's committee. She
was presented the Mortar Board
sophomore plaque and was attendant to the beauty queen in 1944.
TIj initiation will be held in the
Staff room of the Library at 4 p.m.

ASTP's Will Get
Christmas Holiday
The military department an
nounced this week that the ASTP
classes will be discontinued on the
Saturday afternoon and Sunday preceding Christmas and Saturday af
ternoon and Sunday preceding new
Year's day. In addition to those noli
Plans are now being made for en
tertauunent during the holidays for
the soliders.

Wins Contest
Roy Lee Ballard, University agricultural senior, has been awarded a
free trip to Chicago as wiiuier of
the 1944 Swift and Company essay
Mr. Ballard's essay subject was
"Meat Packing Industry." He will
leave Saturday for Chicago.

f'boristen . . . will present the annual Christmas program at 4 p.m.
and at 8 pm. Sunday in Memorial

Christmas party . . . for all students
at 7 p.m. tonight in the Union ballroom. Santa Claus will be present.
Sponsored by the BSU.
Newman club . . . will meet at 9:30
a.m. Sunday at St. Catherine's
Academy for a party after regular
mass and breakfast.


By Casey Goman

The UK "Best Band in Dixie"
did march on!
The response to Director Alexander Capurso's appeal for additional band members, especially
trumpets and trombones, was so
royally answered that the band
really feels as if it can do justice
to its title.
Of the thirteen bandsmen answering the call for help issued just
before the West Virginia game, the
majority were AST and ASTR men.
and Dr. Capurso and every band
member feels deeply grateful for
the cooperation the military department has given, in arranging
rehearsal times and class meeting
times to enable the service men to
participate in band activities.
The University is among the very
few schools throughout the country
that have been able to maintain
large bands during the war, accord
ing to Dr. Capurso. Most of the
schools have been forced to discontinue band activities entirely. This
is especially true of the southern
In most of the football stadiums
this year the universities have
called upon nearby high school organizations to provide the music,
since their Own bands are nonexistent.
Says Dr. Capurso, "The Univer
sity should feel justly proud of the
fact that not only has the school
maintained a marching band of
decent size, but that it has also
been able to produce an organization which is upholding high musi
cal traditions and standards that
deserves to be called the 'Best Band

Choristers Will Present
Annual Christmas Program

With a total of $54,400 in bond
and stamp sales, and the goal of
$70,000 yet to go, the campus sixth
war loan drive will begin its final
week on Monday.

Christmas Greetings

Students Lag
Sara Dee Rainey, chairman of
the victory committee of the Student Government association said
Wednesday that she was very encouraged over the results of the
drive although the student sales
are lagging far behind those of the
faculty. Of the $54,400 only $1,200.80
in stamps and bonds has been pur
chased by students.
The sixth war loan drive began
Monday, November 20, and will end
December 14. A booth has been set
up in the Union building, opposite
the Card room, where bonds and
stamps are sold. The Student Government association is sponsoring
the drive.

To The Students Of The University
Next week the fall quarter will be completed and you
will be leaving the University for your Christmas holiday. For
President Donovan, who is away, and for the University staff,
may I extend to each of you sincere wishes for a very joyous
holiday with your family and friends. In this year when there
is so much of sadness and heartbreak, and when so many

Sales. Announced
The sales according to sororities,
fraternities, and residence halls are
led by Zeta Beta Tau with $531.25.
The others, as announced by the
chairman of the sales committee.
Alma Cla.rk.snn. are: Aloha Gamma
Delta, $236.50; Phi Delta Theta,j
$150.40; Kappa Delta, $80.90; Sigma
Phi Epsilon, $75; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, $60; Alpha Delta Pi, $20.85;
Alpha Xi Delta, $20.50; Shelby
house, $8.40; Sigma Chi, $6.30; Chi
Omega. $3.95; Jewell hall, $3.55;
Delta Delta Delta, $2.20; and townspeople, $1.
Need More Cooperation





8 a.m. Monday
4:50 Wed-


38-3- 5.

of the
The annual "Hanging
Greens" ceremony sponsored each
year by the
and the
Union House committee, was held
yesterday in the Great hall Of the
Union building. The halls were
"decked with boughs of holly." and
a Christmas program was presented.
must be separated from those they love, it is. our prayer that
Response "Given
in your home, happiness and the true Christmas spirit may
Jim Little read the Christmas
story from the Scriptures, and the
response of the nation," Glory to
God in the highest," was given by
Huguette Balzola in French, Alice
Dean of the University
Dean In German, Phyllis Freed in
Russian, Ann Cowgill in Italian,
Natalia Abello in Spanish, and
Zelma Goldenberg in Jewish. Elizabeth McNeal read the tradition of
the Hanging of the Greens.
The University Choristers under
the direction of Miss Mildred Lewis
sang Christmas carols. A harp and
By W. B. Wrench
violin provided special accompaniNow that it's all over, the cast of lier, and all the other came through ment. Ed Bary gave the invocation
like as many Helen Hayes.
the latest Ouignol play, "Junior
Director Wally Briggs is glad he and benediction.
Miss," can sit back, get some badly got adolescent Judy Grave, junior
Committee Chairmen
needed sleep, and look back on the miss, through her difficulties withChairmen of committees in charge
play and laugh about the mistakes, out any undue mishaps, and rang included Charleen Burris, decoraGuigtions; Elizabeth McNeal. Ed Bary,
the stage fright, and what fun it down the curtain on another
nol success.
of the
and Joan Scott,
program committee: Melrose
Backstage Tactics
and Norman Chris man, music;
So much goes on backstage before 55
and Nancy Taylor, Union House
and while the play is in session that
it would make a good play just to
The House committee decorated
show the backstage scenes during
tree in the Grat hall and hung
a performance. And those who gave
Approximately 55 students, 10 of the
their time and effort to make the Uicm graduates, will complete their the other
play a success, without appearing on requirements
for graduation this
the stage, deserve a lot of credit.
quarter, it has been announced by
All things taken into considerathe registrar's office.
The names of these candidates
tion. "Junior Miss" was a hit. At
least the audience seemed to enjoy will be Included in the list to be
It. One lady, seeing a member of presented to the Board of Trustees
the cast the next morning, remarked, in June, and the students will not
A $50 loan was granted the War
"Oh. I thought the play was splen- be awarded their degrees, until .that Chest" committee' by
the Student
certifying that
did. No one forgot his lines." That time. Statements
in the
all these students are eligible for de- Government
apparently made everything
Monday meeting. This money will
grees may be secured from the regright in her estimation.
be used to purchase stamps for the
istrar's office.
First Night
will be reWar Chest Booth
Formal graduation exercises will turned to SGA at and end of the
The dressing room scenes were a
be held in June, 1945.
present drive. The motion granting
riot. This was the first Guignol production for several performers. One
the loan was made by Merl Baker
of the older members of the male
and carried unanimously by the
cast, when entering the dressing
night-ers- "
room, noticed that these "first
President Bill Embry appointed a
were pacing about nervously,
Athletic Director Beniie A. Shive- committee to make plans for the
and remarked, "I wish you amateurs ly and Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, sec- SGA campaign to be held next
would get out of the way and sit retary of the Southeastern conferquarter against property damage on
down." One of them replied. "We ence, left here yesterday for Birm- the campus. The committee is comamateurs, but we're not ingham, Ala., where they will rep- posed of Betty Tevis, chairman;
might be
'hams' yet."
resent the University in the annual Richard LeGrande, Betty Harris,
winter meeting of the SEC.
Gain Nicknames
and William Bucklar.
representatives met
Several of the performers were
A report from the convocation
of committee stating that no definite
given nicknames of famous actors. "Mike" Conner, commission
For instance, Lionel Barrymore be- the conference, at a special session plans had yet been made for the
came the first name of one of the yesterday and will participate in first convocation
of the winter
more talented members of the male other meetings today and tomorrow. quarter was given by Charleen Burcast, while Vitamin Flintheart is
ris, chairman of the committee.
the secret name of one I cannot tell.
The ten new members of the
Something new was added when
legislature were installed by Kilin rehearsing his lines with a femmer Combs, chairman of the judiinine member of the cast, a gentleciary committee.
man performer warned her, "Be
Monday, Tuesday and
you'll mess up my makecareful, or
Wednesday of final examinaup."
tions, the fall quarter will officially end on Thursday, DecemRuns Overtime
ber 14. Then school's out for
"Junior Miss" ran the entire week
the Christmas holidays.
of December 27 and continued
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan are
Classes in the winter quarter
through Monday and Tuesday of
spending a month's vacation at
begin on January 4, with registhis week. One week has enough
Mount Dora, Fla. They will return
tration of all students on Wedopening nights to give the most vetnesday, January 3.
to Lexington in time for the opens,
eran actor the
ing of the winter quarter. '
Beth Caddy, Ivalou Ross, Jean Col


It's Alt Over Now, So
Guignol Cast Can Relax!

For Graduation

SGA Grants Loan
To Committee
To Buy Stamps

Dummit Advises
University To File
Declaratory Suit
Attorney General

In Memorial Hall

Mc-Gu- rk


Eldon S. Dum-

mit will advise the Board of Trustees of the University to file a declaratory Judgment suit to determine if
the institution must clear cash gifts
through the state treasury, James M.
Molloy, Lexington, has announced.
Molloy and Henry A. Harper, also
of Lexington, former students, re
quested the attorney general to bring
such a suit in a letter dated October
Announcing Dummifs reply.
Molloy quoted him as saying that the

question "is susceptible of such con
flicting statutory interpretations
that a declaratory judgment suit
should be brought and that he will
so advise the Board of Trustees.
The issue was opened in October
when President Herman L. Donovan
revealed that twelve men on the
University staff are drawing salary
supplements above the $5,000 constitutional limit from annual cash
gifts of the Keeneland Association.
Molloy and Harper, critics of the
Donovan administration and plaintiffs In a law suit against it now
pending in the Franklin Circuit
court, have said that they have no
objections to either the source or
Following tlie Christinas holidays extent of salary supplements, but
regbstration for the winter quarter insist that cash gifts clear througli
will begin on Tuesday, January 2, routine channels of the Department
of Finance and the State Treasury.
when students entering the University for the first time will take their
classification and physical examinations.
Registration and classification for
former students will take place on
Wednesday, January 3, beginning at
By Mary Louise Patlon
8 a m. and continuing until 4 p.m.
As our fourth Christmas of this
classification will begin with L
war approaches we face it without
and continue alphabetically.
cgin on all the eagerness and abandon we
Regular classes will
Thursday, January 4, and continue have done In times of peace, but
still with a great deal of
until March 19.
University offices and service deChristmas spirit.
partments will be closed for the holiAs in the past three Christmases,
day Deriods beginning at 5 p.m. on there will be many a family which
Friday. December 22, and opening will find it heartbreaking to look
at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December across the Christmas dinner table
26, and beginning at 5 p.m. on Friat a vacant chair. Christmas Eve
day. December 29. and opening at will find many far from the fireside.
9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 2. Still even in families so crushed as
according to Leo M. Chamberlain, these there remains the Christmas
dean of the University and registrar. spirit.

Registration Plans
For Winter Quarter

Announced By Dean

Shively, Funkhouser
Attend Meeting


It's All Over
But The Cramming

"One of the best teams we will
meet this year," is the way Baron
Adolph. Rupp tags the University of
Cincinnati team which the Wildcats
tackle tomorrow night in Alumni
gym. The UC aggregation lost twice
program by
The annual Christmas
to la3t year's 'Cats, but the second
the University Choristers, under the game margin was slight
direction of Miss Mildred Lewis, of
team has three returning
the Department of Music, will be
center Mueller, guard Gin.presented at 4 p.m. and at 8 p.m. and forward Snyder, who is among
Sunday in Memorial hall.
the top forwards "Cat fans will see
The Christmas program will mark perform on the home floor this sea
the closing of the quarter and of son.
the first half of the Sunday afterFirst College Game
noon musicale series.
This game, against a college five
Assistance Given
two heavily
The Choristers is primarily com- after service teams, is just the sort
posed of University students, but
game the Kentucky men need
this year they will be assisted by to prep for their next encounter
a few men in the community.
which pits them against Indiana in
Lela Williams Cullis, organist, will
Louisville Saturday. December IS.
be accompanist and soloist.
Practice will continue until the
A feature of the program will be
close of school, and most of the boys
carols from other lands, emphasiz- will
have time to go home for
ing the universality of the Nativity.
Christmas between the Ohio Sta'e
The program: processional. Harkl game which will be held here DeThe Herald Angels Sing, Mendelscember 23. and the time the whole
sohn; Fanfare for-- Christmas Day,
team leave for Philadelphia on
Martin Shaw; carols from other Christmas afternoon. The 'Cats plav
lands: The Quest of the Shepherds, Temple
in Philly on December 30.
Polish; Nativity Carol of Mexican
and trek on to New York's MadLson
Shepherds, Mexican; Bring a Torch, Square
garden the following day to
Jeannette, Isabella, French; The play Long Island University.
Carol, Bulgarian.
January Games SUted
Second Group
Returning Students will find three
The second group;
good home games lined up for them
Burgundian, by the men; The Little next quarter. Ohio University on
Braga. Portuguese; Away January 6, Arkansas on January 8.
Jesu of
in a Manger, Martin Luther, by the and Michigan State on January 11.
women: A Merry Christmas, English. Many of the English carols
deal with feasting and merrymaking instead of the religious .significance of Christmas.
Thirty-fiv- e
The third group, to be sung by
dollars in awards to
the audience and chorus: Joy to the winner and runner-u- p
in the
the World. Handel; The First Noel SuKy contest for the best Home(with descant), traditional; Silent coming Beat the Vols decorations,
Night, Oruber; The Battle Hymn were mailed this week. Delta De!'t
of the Republic. Steffe (chorus will Delta sorority will receive a $25 war
sing the first part: audience re- bond, and second place winner. Zf.t
quested to sing at conductor's signal. Tau Alpha sorority, will receive
The fourth group: A Carpenter in war stamps.
Is Born (from Apostolic Symphony),
It has been a custom in the years
Edmundson, by Lela Cullis.
the University has had a football
The fifth group: A Cradle Hymn. team for the various campus organChristianson: The Shepherds" Story. izations to compete in decorating
for the Kentucky-Tennessgame.
Decorations will be by Keller-OraThis year judging took place at 12
and Ruth Haines and Doro- noon on Saturday. November 25.
thy Robinson will do the window. with Duane Van Horn, president
of SuKy, in charge.

Will Be Given

Christmas Program
Follows Annual
Hanging Of Greens

UK Students
Meet Requirements



Indiana, Ohio State
Travel to Kentucky;
'Cats Play in Garden

Those Of Faculty

At the end of the first week when
In Dixie.'"
Present band plans call for ap- the war bond and stamp sales
pearances at the basketball games amounted to $98.85, Miss Rainey
said "Our members are contributing
during the winter quarter.
their time and effort toward this
cause, and we did expect the supHigh School Guests
port and cooperation of the student
body." Sales have now mounted but
are not up to the University's prerecord. In the
Edit KHSPA News
fifth war loan drive, the bonds sold
Publication of The KHSPA News on the campus
totaled nearly
at noon Saturday climaxed two days $100,000.
of clinics on problems of high school
The News contained
articles and features written by the
Highlight of the clinic was the
awarding of $50 in war stamps donated by The Lexington Herald-Leadand $10 in war stamps offered by the Kentucky Press association for the best articles in the
fields of advertising,
make-uclinic news story, feature
on own newspaper, interview, sports
story, feature on campus tour, personality sketch, and column.
Members of The Kernel staff as
sisted those competing for prizes.
Janet Edwards, Mildred Long, and
Doris Singleton edited copy for The
News. Betty Tevis and Dick Lowe
helped the sports writers, Adele
Denman and Billie Fischer helped
the columnists, and Dora Lee Robertson helped the news writers.
Delegates were guests at the
sweater swing Friday night and
they participated in a round-tabl- e
of the air which was transcribed by
the University studios.
The convention this year was the
first held since 1941 when it was
suspended as a. result of the war.


Cincinnati Next Wildcat Foe
As Rupp's New Cagers tace
Four-Gam- e
Holiday Schedule

Student Sales
Lag Far Behind

Marches On



War Drive Has
$15,600 To Go
In Final Week



lop-sid- ed

Pat-a-pa- n,

Sorority Winners
Receive Prizes



Addresses Written
By Dr. McVey
Now On Sale

Copies Attainable

All students who wish to obraiM
copies of the last two editions of
By Marguerite McLaughlin
the magazine "Kentucky." may d
"The University Is a Place a so by calling at the Department of
Spirit." Dr. Frank LeRond McVey's Public Relations in the Administrabook, compiled by Frances Jewell tion building it has been announced
McVey, is now on sale at the University Book store and the Alumni
office in the Union building. The
book covers the addresses and many
writings of Dr. McVey while he was
president of the University. It was
published by the Princeton Press
and is extremely artistic In its arrangements.
Having taken the subjects in
By Shirley Mebier
seven divisions, Mrs. McVey's plan(Jmestion: What do yon want
ning of the copy gives an excellent
continuity in what might be called Christmas?
Walter Bailey, ASTR: A date u"h
the progress of the University dur
ing those years. Mrs. McVey refers the best looking girl on the camp's.-to it in her preface as a "memory and I know who that is.
Tilly Thompson, Com., frsahm.in.
book" for former students and
friends and the dedication Is to I want the war to be over and t
"sons and daughters of the Univer- certain sailor to be home on Christmas.
sity of Kentucky."
Pvt Levi Fanning. Jr.. AST: I whii.
The seven divisions of the book
pass, a blond, and all
are: part one The "?uiversity of a three-da- y
Kentucky; part two The University the trimmings.
Helen Donovan. Ar-- , sophmore; A
and the President; part three The
University and the State; part four white Christmas and a date
Education: part five Remember you know who.
Mary E. Brown. Eng.. Irnhinrtii:
Kentucky; part six Economics, and
part seven Democracy Our Heri- A good time in Dayton. Oiiio.
rvt. R. M. Weisbard. AST; A
furlough at home.
"The University is a Place a
men appreciate but the atmosphere
Rose Marie Blanchet. AJtS.
family on the I Spirit" celebrates the seventy-fift- h
of a home and a
One of those fuzzy little doanniversary of the University of
greatest holiday of the
Norman Wiener. A1S. freshman.
Kentucky and honors the presidents
One student said she intended to who have served the institution for I want my girl friend.
do her part in spreading Christmas
Jane Miller, A AS, junior, A packof a century.
cheer by not just sending Christage tied in Navy blue.
mas cards to men in the service, but
Pvt. Alan L. Rosenberg. AST; tvn
by enclosing a letter. Imagine what
full stockings.
it would mean to men in service
Helen Blaxe. A AS. sophmore; A
to get a note from all their old
great big man and I don't mean
friends telling all the news from
There will be several openings in Santa Claus.
home. No matter how trivial this the University radio staff orchestra
Pvt. Joe Dresser. AST: a
might seem it would mean a great which may be filled during the furlough.
deal to them, and it's all up to you winter quarter by musicians who
Beth Maxwell. A AS, miiiw: A
to see that their Christmas is a wish to gain some orchestral plane ride to India.
merry one.
Fred HilL AAS, senior; I want an
broadcasting experience, it was anAnd last but not least, one stu- nounced by E. O. Sulzer. director of electric eye.
Betty McNamer. Eng.. junior.
dent reminded us, remember the public relations, and radio.
Musicians that will be needed in- Gobs of nothing.
Sixth War Bond drive. War bonds
Charley Gardiner. A A S. fresh
and even war stamps, make a good clude violinists, saxophonists, trum.
Christmas present which, 10 years peters, trombonists, and drummers. man; Some mistletoe and eight day-now, will remind your friend Those Interested are asked to see In a week.
Ann Wood, Af.. sophmore; a great
that you had the good sense to buy Mr. Sulzer before the present quarbig snow.
ter ends.
the "test gift sold back In 1944.



Dr. And Mrs. Donovan


Visiting In Florida


UK Students Spread Christmas Cheer


The spirit of Christmas is
Long after wars have
The University faculty will meet ceased and international disputes
on everybody's at 4 p.m. Monday in the Assembly have died down, people will take a
Oirislmas Uay
room of Lafferty hall. The nature new hold on life, and feel in their
calendar December 25.
Holiday . . . ends January 2 with of business will be to further con- hearts a renewed spirit, and hope,
the beginning of winter quarter sider the report of the committee at the approach of the Yule season.
Contrarv to the belief of m&ny


'15 Are Named
New Fhi Beta Kappas




Eight Students Are Chosen
For Phi Beta Membership

nnd continue through


Faculty To Meet


college students there Is
a Santa Claus. He is no Santa of
flesh and blood but one of spirit
perhaps the myth of the Jolly fat
elf in red is the most universal symbol of Joy and good will in the world
today. If the lights on the Christmas trees, the lovely gifts In shop
windows, shopping in a mob of people, snow falling, make you feci
warm and good inside, spread a
little of that friendly spirit along to
others. How?
In a campus survey of the question "What do you intend to do
this vacation to spread the spirit
of Christmas?" many definite plans
were expressed.
The most frequent answer given
was that they planned to take baskets to the underprivileged. This is
done each year by many individuals
or organizations who realize the full
benefit it gives to persons who are
not as fortunate es others. Baskets

of food, clothing or toys are fun to
fix and even a greater joy to give
personally to a family.
One "steady" couple said they
planned to take an underprivileged
child out to dinner on Christmas
eve. If this were done by more people there would be no hungry children at Christmas.
holiday seaDuring a
son there are many things that may
be done to prevent anyone from forgetting the true meaning of Christmas.
Two patriotic coeds said they in
tended to work as Nurses' Aids during the holiday. And others said
they planned to roll bandages at
the Red Cross headquarters in
their home towns.
Another suggestion was that of
asking soldiers to your homes for a
big dinner on Christmas day. It is
not only the meal which service





Positions Available
In Radio Orchestra



* Best Copy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page



t th Post

.. ...






t lntnfton. KMiturkf, M





intercollegiate Pres. Associ.tton
Lexington Board of commerce
Kentucky press Association
National Editorial Association




MfM.4iTH mi
naUOfWll HUYerUS4ngierH.C,
tutlnr-- i

t ttlMtt


.. .-








New York N.
MMits .





Denman. Betty Lee Fleishman, Catherine
Shirley Melster. Frances Keller. Dora Lee Robertson,
llitchfll. Martha Yates. William Wrench, John
Laura Headley. Edna Crawford, Marjorle Wyant.
Hagn. Mary Louise Patton. Jane Hunt Clark, Patsy
Jane Hammersley. Frances Jenkins, Maud Keller.
Jones. Carol Ranch, Martha Jones, Rcihard Lowe,


As much as

One Ymr









hriii this problem into ihe open.
lime condii ions have iehi(-(- l the
Sm.e wai
iHhnl.i l ol hapiers Mix? Pearl I I n hoi . cxaejlv
:ils ago. from
i nilies, remaining liatcmity
ih'iiiImi Ii.hi



i n .i






.a .s

Na-iion- al



lotture, including paddling,


I.ee Robertson












Be Kind To Working People
When bugles sound their final notes
And bombs explode no more,
And we return to what we did
Before we went to war.



rne suaaen snut oi siauis
On the ladder of success


was introduced to L. E. Dickinson,
associate professor of English, on
her recent visit to Wayne. "Oh,
yes, Mr. Dickinson, you were In my
class one time." she commented po- litely. Now Ensign Pasquale isj
afraid shell tell the Captain she's
Eia(j to have him aboard when she
reports for duty,

Will make some worthy gentlemen
study of silver wings coiled around a Feel like an awful mess.
ana iern, aate and dance, with parachute
from home. Are we too busy some sort of sanity.
Spare time with Dee Singleton
...airiii-iiuiiumy cnnsimas present to and Mildred Long,
siuaymg to De
you some oi mat Kernel staff, is
( ?'f:i brains,
or tryine to lure some
know, but down in The Kernel News room.
i"VM,nn.vi.iirjiM ini ,eb,
R Shir lev Meister
f.., 'dL"BU' SUJn.
nd hear aa'" with soldiers wno 8et lost in the
Only seven more days and we can
nuw and then to break down
-- according
to the "So They Sav basement of McVey hall.
take a deep breath and say well,
tl write?
mere are mousanas oi column of last week, you want gos- December 6, 194
it s 11 over. Yes. vou can go to the
!.::n,.-.i,nd addresses in the Alumni 'P. so here It Is.
eard an interesting theo"ry on tne movie without thinking about that To the Editor of The Kernel:
j.Tice just waiting to go on the
Maybe it isn't true lore in a sense, subject of immortality.
Life after term paper or book report that is
The campus of the University
even goes wun death, had been described as Christ- - aue ana enjoy me raaio wunuui this year u more like the campus
outside of an envelope with vour
10 grt nis Sundry.
mas hoUdays, after exams at the class notes staring you in the face. of pre.war days than it has been
in it We realize that some
You can also tend to that holiday for four years
Everyone is talking about an University.
0nce agsin tne
he somieis on isolated islands,
shopping you haven't had time to Mens Residee haUs are open.
amazing paper boy who calls aU the
Did ou Know?
it, hospitals would really be too
rta M ask what tney are
Athletics are in the air. There is
1.:. v vi;h budge games, dances, and this quarter.
The boys who play volley
new activity stirring. That is fine
This man of mystery
Virginia Rosen decided that she and T for one am very giaa t0
to be interested in hearing carries his books in a Lexington ba)l in the men's Phys. Ed. classes.
can e seen any time out on rne wouia m up on net iura iii yem
: boat our old dull existent
back Leader paper boy's satchel, and loves field playing vigorously in
their and bought her first gift, a whole
me. but we could make an effort
she the
long flannels. 7. The cooks at sev- - month ahead of time-- was
- tK
RPaiiv miH
lo wre. especially dunng Christ- - est
eral soronty houses have college eager beaver! However her joy as
Ma, grlfa
degrees in home economics, and the short lived when she got home and tQ dQ t
...ash. gerinj?
other than classroom
soror.t.es are promising many of found the package gone. In her
To prove how drastic the mail
is with some of the boys. new
nlw e home ec majors (in vlew cf the sh.Pping haste she had l0ht the college life so mature and so great.
mwr MiuriaKC. umt .v.... eai. nave kui.
re i. a story of a ooy who re- ouarter
I have a suggestion to make to the
JDS when tney graauaie. 8 . A
d a bill for purchases made
lou have really gfH t0 hand lt new record by Victor will soon be in Could someone please tell us if student body. Once I heard a fel- t before he went into
the armv to
- "Harvard is a grand school
Bi" EmbrV- - His date with
stock at Barney