xt7bg737181d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg737181d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19310414  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1931 1931 2012 true xt7bg737181d section xt7bg737181d j Best Copy Available







'31-'- 32


Elizabeth Ewinjj, Lofs Ncnl
Are President and

Are Placed in
Administration Building

Ballot Boxes

and Boyd Hall
Women students, balloting yesterday In the annual election of officers of the Women's
Association, selected Elizabeth
Ann Ewing, Louisville, Alpha Gamma Delta, and a Junior in tho College of Education, president-elec- t.
Officers-elewill assume their duties at the beginning of next semester.
Other officers elected yesterday
arc: Lois E. Neal, Chicago, Zcta Tau
Alpha, and a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences,
Carolyn Ray, Louisville, Chi
Omega, and a junior in the College
of Arts and Sciences, secretary;
Mary Galloway Griffith, Cynthlana,
Kappa Delta,, junior in the College
of Education, treasurer; Christine
Johnson, Delta Delta Delta, junior
in the College of Arts and Sciences,
town representative.
According to Miss Georgetta
Walker, president of the Woman's
Administrative Council, official introduction of the new officers will
be made at the annual spring banquet of the council, Tuesday night,
April 21, in the ballroom of the
Phoenix hotel, with formal installation Wednesday afternoon at 5
o'clock in Patterson hall. Arrangements for the banquet are virtually
Other features of the banquet
program will be the pledging exercises of Phi Upsllon Omlcron, honorary home economics sorority, and
the awarding of the Alpha Gamma
Delta cup to the outstanding freshman co-e- d.
At this time there will
also be announced the Y. W. C. A.
next year, the election
officers for
of which will be held sometime beaccording to
fore the banquet,
Eleanor Swearingen, this year's
president of the association:
Nominees for trie Y". W. C. A. officers are: president, Eleanor Smith,
Alpha Delta Theta, and Dorothy
Root, Alpha XI Delta;
Eleanor Dawson, Chi Omega,
and Alice May Durling, Theta Sigma Tau; secretary, .Winston Byron,
Chi Omega, and Martha Carlton,
Zeta Tau Alpha; treasurer, Mary
Allison Threlkeld, and Eudenia
Mae Bryant and Mary Virginia
Halley are on the committee which
is in charge of the arrangements
for the banquet.

Original Edition of First Volume of Kentucky Law Records Given to Dean by
R. B. Waddle


Nominations Must
Be Given to Dean
Nominations for Queen of the
May must be turned in to the
omce of the Dean of Men not
later than 12 o'clock noon Thursday afternoon. Vernon Chandler,
president of SuKy announced
that the nominations would be
turned in at The Kernel office
but since It is necessary to check
the scholastic standings of the
nominees the nominations will
be turned in to the dean.
The nnnual May Day at the
university will be held Friday,
May 1, when the Queen .of the
May and her attendants will
lead the parade of fraternity
floats and when coronation ceremonies for the Queen will be held.
The nominating petitions must
be signed by 20 men students of
the university.

Kentuckian Plays
Works of Masters
at Vespers Sunday
Eminent Pianist Renders Selections by Chopin, Bach,
Debussy, Liszt
Herbert L. Newman, eminent
pianist and a teacher of music at
the Cincinnati College or music,
presented a piano recital Sunday in
Memorial hall at the first regular
vesper service hour following the
Easter holidays. A large audience
attended Mr. Newman s recital.
Mr. Newman presented a program
composed of the great masters'
works. The concert was piviaea
among compositions by Bach, Chop-I- n,
Debussy and Liszt. Papillons,
Opus 2, by Schumann, was one of
the best received numbers by an
appreciative audience. It was given
an artistic treatment by the pian
ist. This piece was the only Schumann composition to be played.
The interpretation given to the
Debussy numbers by the artist was
one of delightful playfullness.. The
applause given was an indication or
the pleased listeners. "La Campan-ella- ,"
Liszt, was the last number on
the program. Dr. Newman played
it with a finesse that made it a
beautiful performance.
taking many bows, Mr. Newman did
not play any encores.
The program follows:
dir 1st Preude,
Choral Prelude-I- n
Bach'-BuaoAdagio from the Or-i-an
Toccata" In'b.
Gigue from the French Suite in G,
PaDillons. Opus 2. Schumann.
Ballade in G minor. Nocturne in
F sharp, Chopin; Etude in F.
The Engulfed Cathedral, Serenade of the Doll, Gold Fish, Debus-

Guignol Player

Juniors and Seniors in College
of Engineering to Go on
Trips of Inspection


Dean Evans, the faculty and 12
students of the Law College, attended the meeting of the Kentucky State Bar Association, held
April 9 and 10 at Somerset.
An original copy of the first volume of law reports ever made in
Kentucky has been presented to
the law school by R. B. Waddle.
This book is of especial interest to residents of Lexington
because it was published here in
1803 at the Dress of John Bradford.
Thomas Todd and James Hughes;
undertook the publication of thei
early decisions in Kentucky, which
until that time were required to be
filed but not published. It was
necessary for them to reimburse
themselves entirely from the sale
of the reports. The first volume
was published by Mr. Hughes alone
That it is a great life at the Unia loss of several hundred dollars, versity of Kentucky is the concenat
Colonel Todd having withdrawn sus of opinion of the boys and girls
who durinc the nast several days
from the enterprise,
Mr. Hughes was an eminent land have been guests of the university
lawyer at Lexington and the first in the annual celebration of High
volume deals only with land cases. School week.
The first part of it contains deImpressions are various as to
cisions of the old Supreme Court what one thing makes the univerof the district of Kentucky, the first sity so delightful, but the abuncase being of the date of 1785. The dance of pretty girls, strong, silent
volume contains cases decided be- men, the air of hospitality, and the
tween the years 1785 and 1801. athletic plant seem to rank high as
There were no syllabi to the cases factors creating a favorable prosand the index was very meager, pectus.
but the publication of tho volume
One husky youngster thought
aroused a great deal of popular at- that the food served in the Com- tention, and later on provision was i mons was enough to Justify a per- made for the printing of the Ken
son's liking the place. Several
tucky reports at the expense
in ihnr Himmh ihnt. t.
the state.
would give one more composure if
the cashier didn't go to so much
trouble over a single trayful.
Almost all of the visitors wonDr. Otto Kopplus of the physics dered how anyone could find his
department will address the mem- way about when his classes were
bers of Pi Mu Epsllon, honorary scattered all over the campus.
at their
woods full of crazy
meeting at 4 "o'clock Wednesday "Like a observed one perplexed
afternoon in room 109, McVey hall. agrarian. Some prep school football
His subject will be "The Course of stars openly voiced surprise when
Deep Bore Holes." All persons who Floppy Forquer walked by unatare Interested In this subject are tended by a flock of girls. A few
invited to hear this talk which will admitted that they had expected
precede the regular business ses- to find freshmen shining upper- sion of the fraternity.
classmen's shoes, leading cats by
strings, and otherwise abjectly em
The members of a male quartet
Miss Elizabeth Gay, Instructor of expressed disappointment regarding
English, will speak at 8 o'clock to- the speed of the college flappers,
night at the Lexington Y. W. O. A., while a group of representatives
on "The Outstanding
American from a convent boarding school
Miss Gay's confessed that they were overAuthors of Fiction."
talk will be the last of a series on whelmed by the speed of the boys.
"Current Events and Book
Undisguised incredulity was ev
ident when a band of debaters from

Brethren! Sister n!

On 'Holiday New
Guignol Offering

Alumni Clubs in Various
Cities to Entertain Kentucky Students

Sonetto 104 del Petrarca, Liszt;
La Campanella, Liszt.
Mr. Newman, the son of Dr. Herbert Newman of Versailles, began
his musical studies at the age of
16, under Frederick J. Hoffman,
(Continued on Page Four)

Wildcats Lose First Baseball
Game of Season to Badgers
Of Wisconsin by 9 to 2 Score
Rehearsals Begin


Completion of plans for tho three
annual inspection trips of the junior
and senior classes of the College of
Engineering was announced yester
day. Dates for the tours are, thir
annual northern Juniors
inspection trip, April 27 to May 2;
thirty-secon- d
annual senior inspection trip, May 13 to May 23; and
twelfth annual junior inspection
trip through the south, April 26 to
May 3.
The southern trip for Juniors will
be conducted by Prof. C. S. Crouse
and Prof. P. C. Emrath of the College of Engineering, and Prof. L.
C. Robinson of the department of
geology. Professors R. D. Hawkins,
E. A. Bureau, B. Barnett, and Gordon O. Thurman of the College of
Engineering will be In charge of the
northern Junior trip. The seniors
will be accompanied on the tour by
Dean F. Paul Anderson, Dean W.
E. Freeman, and several other fac
ulty members of the College of
The itinerary of the southern trip
will include Lookout mountain; the
nitrate plants and the dam at
stop at
Muscle Shoals; a two-da- y
Birmingham,. Ala., where an underground iron mine, the Fairfield
Steel pint, a coal mine, and the
Ensley Steel plant will be Inspected;
Stone mountain and other points of
interest at Atlanta; a copper smelter, and the sulphuric acid plant of
the Tennessee Copper Company at
Copper Hills, Tenn.; and copper
mines at Ducktown, Tennessee.
While in Birmingham the party
will be guests of the Birmingham
Alumni Club, who will also entertain for theni with the annual banquet The party will arrive in Lex
ington Sunday morning, May 3.
The thirty-sixt- h
annual junior
(Continued on Page Four)





Final castings for all parts in
the forthcoming Stroller Revue
will take place In the Women's
gymnasium tonight beginning at
This call includes all
specialty, novelty or musical,
people; actors; chorus people;
and dancers. This is last call
as the show goes into rehearsals
this week.
Production Manager.


Charles J. Turck president of
Centre College, is a member of
Sigma Nu. He is also a member
of Phi Beta Kappa.
Eva M. Seism secretary to the
president of Cornell, Is a member
of Kappa Delta.
George Cuttcn
president of
the University of Minnesota is
a member of Phi Oamma Delta.
Eben J. Carey dean of men
at Marquette is a Lambda Chi
Edger C. Jones director of
athletics at the University of
Florida, is a member of Kappa
Rev. Joseph
known minister and father of
Woodrow Wilson, was a member
of Beta Theta Pi.
Phi Delta
Arnold B. Hall
Theta, Is President of the University of Oregon.
Frank Murphy mayor of Detroit, Michigan, is a member of
Sigma Chi.
Lillian Decker author of the
1931 Jordan Revue, at Indiana
University is a member of Zeta
Tau Alpha
Billy Arthur
"The Mighty
Mite," midget cheer leader at
the University of North Carolina
is a member of Theta Kappa Nu.
Billy's height is three feet and
one inch.
George Akerson private secretary to President Hoover is a
member of Phi Kappa Psi.
Walter Meanwell authority on
basketball Is a member of Sigma
Alpha Epsllon.

Cast Headed by Mrs. F. Pet-ti- t,
Donald Pratt, in
Leading Roles

Pitching by Paul McBrayer
Is Good, but Support
Is Lacking

Rehearsals have started on "Holiday," by Phillip Barry, the fifth
production of the Guignol theater
this season, under the direction of
Frank Fowler. The play will open
Michigan' and St. Xavier to
May 4 for a week's run at the
Katherlne Davis, who has befcn campus playhouse.
Play 'Cats Thursday
chosen for the part of Julia Scion
stellar names
A cast studded with
and Saturday
in "Holiday," fifth Guignol pro- will be presented in "Holiday." The
duction, was graduated from the
lead, Linda Seton, has been given
The University of Wisconsin baseuniversity in the class of '30.
F. Pettlt, formball team defeated the University
Miss Davis, who appeared in "The to Dunster Duncan the little theof Kentucky 9 to 2 yesterday afRoyal Family" this season, is a erly identified with known as the
It was
ternoon in the opening game of the
member of Alpha XI Delta ater when Mrs. Pettlt appeared In
season on Stoll field. Poor fielding
on the part of the Big Blue played
the title roles of "Sister Beatrice"
Visiting Lady" under the
large part in the defeat.
and "The
Romany banner.
Wisconsin will play again tomor
row on Stoll field and Thursday
Katherine Davis, well established
Gulgnollte and Stroller, will be seen
the Wildcats will meet the University of Michigan here. They will
as Julia Seton In "Holiday." Miss
Journey to Cincinnati Saturday
tfavls was in "The Royal Family"
where they will meet St. Xavier.
this season.
In the first two innings of yes
Famous Sextet of Colored The male lead, Johnny Case, will
terday's game neither team scored.
Choristers Will Appear in be enacted by Donald Pratt, whose
In the third inning Kentucky got
Central Kentucky for First performances part, toyear have roles.
two hits, one when Hogue singled
for the most
Time, April 20
down the third base line, and the
Andrew Hoover and Christine Johnother when Ellis Johnson singled
cast as Nick and Susan
through the pitcher's box.
The Flsk Jubilee Singers, inter- son are
parts of "Holiday."
Starting in the fourth inning the
nationally famous sextet of colored Potter, comedy of these players has
Wisconsin Badgers opened up and
in The reputation by several appearsingers, will make their debut
made four runs. They were maae
central Kentucky, at 8:15 o'clock, been enhanced
collegiate theatricals.
on one hit. coupled with three er
Monday night, April 20, when they ances In
Neal Cain has the role of Ned,
rors. Hits by Poser ana cusiner in
will give a program at the Woodbrother of Linda. Mr. cam nas
the seventh brought in two more
land auditorium, under the auspices appeared in all but one Guignol
runs for the Badgers. Kentucky remanager. Miss Anna
of the concert
season. Virginia McVey
taliated with two runs in their half
Chandler Goff, director of the Lex play this
of the seventh when Kelly and
and Hugh Mcuuire laxe cuu
ington College of Music,
Barnes clouted two clean hits.
Seton cram
For 60 years, these singers being Laura and
Ragged fielding by players at
Woodson Knight will be seen in
the third generation, havfe keen
shortstop and third base and inaSeton, the char
carrying the message of the negro the role of Edward piece, iienora
bility to hit behind the beautiful
of the
acter lead
spirituals to the world. The pro- Alice Howes Is cast as Delia tne Singers
Will Perform at Din pitching of Paul McBrayer accountgram of the late classics will be as maid..
Wildcats' defeat.
ner Given by University edIn-t-for thefourth inning--, Smilgoff
"Holiday" will be staged in tnree
in Honor of Delegates to reached first base on an error by
acts, with two staee settings, a living
Live a Humble Nobody Knows de
Hogue. Poser and Cusiner each
a nursery. The Guignol's
Trouble I See, Every Time I Feel room and
hit safely filling the bags. Schnle-de- r
stage crew, under the direction of
the Spirit, My Soul Is a Witness, William Morgan, stage manager, is
reached first base on an error
uniThe rMen's Glee club pf the
Smilgoff scoring.
by Urbaniak,
already at work on tne construe versity will go to "Louisville
"O Holy Father, Palestrlna; RusGriswald, the next man up hit a
to perform at a dinner given
tlon of the sets.
scoring Poser.
sian Carol, qaul; The Old Refrain,
by the University of Kentucky to
on an error by
Song, Orelg.
men came
the K. E. A. delegates. At a later Urbaniak. home run,s one hit,
Services Are Held In Club Krelsler; Solvjg'sIll
a concert
tlm6 the club will give
House at 6:30 o'CIock
three errors.
Sewanee River. Stephen Foster; Gym
at the auditorium.
Wiener, of Wisconsin, got on" base
Friday Night
Lullaby, Arranged; Carry Me Back
This trip by the glee club has through an error by Urbaniak. The
to Ole Vlrglny, Arranged; Kentucky
been a custom since the university inning featured Poser striking out
Stephen Foster.
Seven new members were formal- Home,
practice of enterTumbling, Wrestling, Fencing first began the E. A. delegates at Hogue. Barnes, and McBrayer.
ly Initiated Into the Campus Club at
taining the K.
In the sixth bracket, Lusby hit
6:30 o'clock Friday night in the club
and Boxing Events
John the Revelator. I Want Two
All 45 members will through shortstop
a banquet.
for a single.
house, 557 South Limestone street. Wings, Golden Slippers. Great
make the trip.
Fries got to first on an error by
After the initiation services, re- Camp Meeting, Spirituals.
a high standard Hogue who fumbled an easy one.
As a reward for
freshments were served.
The Fisk Singers are: Anna
A colorful gymnastic exhibition of work the Girl's Glee club of 55 Wiener was walked, filling the bases.
The Campus Club is a fraternity Goodwin. C. Barbour, Luther King,
Saturday night. April members will also be taken to the Schendel was put out by Johnson.
initiating men from all lines of .Tommo wreht. David Collins. Mrs. will be 8held
according to Prof. Carl
o'clock, under the super18, at
Mt, one error. For
siuay onerea Dy me university. James Myers, director; Manage vision of William Hansen, instructor convention who directs both organ- No runs, oneUrbaniak was the only
the Wildcats,
Scholastic grades above the average ment: Jean Wisweu
nu..oinr.l oAnnaUnn rtpnnrt- - izations. The two groups will peri..
one to get a hit.
are required for admission, and only
Tickets at noDUlar prices, are onl
ha aiHPrt hv Potter. form separately and in chorus. In
Smilgoff reached first on an error
students with sophomore standings sale at the Lexington College of
Hackensmlth Jones, Applebaum. chorus they will present outstand- by Urbaniak. Poser hit safely and
or above are admitted.
The down town sale will Mrs Robert Lee Stout, and Miss ing examples of choral literature. Smflgoff went to third. Cuisner got
Active members are: E. Duval, begin Friday April 17 at 9 a. m. in Rebecca Avern. The event Is
This Is the first time that the Girls' a hit through short stop bringing
A. Bruce, secretary;
lobby. The entire balcony sored b the physlcai education de-- is
Glee club has ever appeared in a in two runs. Two runs, two hits,
George Snyder, treasurer; A. Eyer,
onp error.
reserved for colored people, tick- - nnrtment and wln include all of public concert.
sergeant-at-am- s;
R. Aldridge, C. ets for whom are on sale at tne
Members of a quartet which was. For Kentucky. Kelly hit through
Adams, J. M. Dillon, H. Dunn, J. R. Marble Pharmacy, 118 North Broad- - tne gymnastic department. that
very well known at the university j second Hoeue was waiicea. Barnes
taucht ln the
Foster. N. Hill. J. A. Hatcher, K. way, Lexington.
hits to left field bringing in Hogue
A band under tne airecuon in in 1994 wni hold a reunion m lxnus
Howe, Bryant Jones, J. W. Kincaid,
The members of and Ohr. Ohr goes to center field
Elmer G. Sulzer, composed of mem- - vjjje Thursday.
W. M. Morrison, W. O. McCammon,
for Trott. Two runs, two hits, no
Robert Clem,
Will Be ibers of the gymnasium classes, pur- -. 'this group are Baughman. ana Earl errors.
J. Prather. George Stone, Ray
Heavrln, John
play during the events. ine
Troutman, W. L. Rast, C. Fury, and
Fries started the eight Inning
summer ui
of the program is to allow bert Decourcy.
in ine
C. Waldron.
hit through Kelly and got
the people 01 me cuy w wiwjcm edu-- 1924 they appeared in Glacier Na- with a safely. Wiener reached first
The new members are: S. M.
spent a successful to first
i tional Park and
Fitts, H. L. Smith. H. E. Talt, Jr., New Building of Department work the university
on fielder's choice. Fries is out at
'ration department is doing. Each season.
A. D. Eangford, R. L. Rudolph, Wil..- was safe at third.
Ol Astronomy iudc muu- nerformers win be pro
The Glee club will tour Kentucky second.' Wienerleft field for a triple.
liam Ferrell, and H. D. Varlle, Jr.
Smilgoff hit to,
em in Every Detail
perly drilled for the event, for ex during music week in May.
and Fries scoring. Bach is
tensive worK is oeing aone m ine
substituted for Kentucky. Smilgoff
The observatory for the astronoparation for the exhibition.
scores on Poser's sacrifice. Carney
my department, which is being conThe list of events includes march .
singled for the 'Cats only hit. Neithstructed on the experiment station ing tactics, a callsthentic march,
er side scored In the last inning.
farm at the sound end of Wood- an Indian club, drill, tumbling.
The lineup and summary:
completed dancing (women), fencing, wrest
land avenue, is almost
To Be
Wisconsin Wiener, center field:
occupancy the lln
boxng ancj a clown dance
a west Kentucky town was told in- and will be ready for
September if not the
dignantly that as an ordinary thing first of next semester, according to
PI Siema Alpha, national honor
rntnhpr: Poser. Ditcher: CuaineV,
of this
no one comes to class while drunk. last announcement.
ary political science fraternity, is i sec0nd base; Schneider, first base:
t TT.
A questioner wanted to know if anLusby. left field: Griswald, third
ueing reurguuizcu unu iiik
The building which Is of con- - niSlUry UUUnCiUS
swers given in class were always in
base; Fries, right field.
will be announced ln the near fucrete will be modern in every detail.
the form of wisecracks, as in ColKentucky Johnson, second base:
ture, according to an announcement
The basement consists of a work
lege Humor.
given to The Kernel yesterday by Kruger. first base: Urbaniak; third
room, a dark room
Wonder was sounded that any one room, a class pictures, and a store
K. Walp, of the political base; Worthlngton. left field: Kelly,
An address by Otto A. Rothert Prof. Paul
so nice and gracious as Dean for developing
materials for the science department. PI Sigma Al- right field; Trott, center:
Blandlng should be anything but room. A gas furnace, located in on sources aofhistory of any Ken- pha was organized about eight years shortstop; Barnes, catcher; Mcthe basement, heats the building. writing of
well-likeThe paucity of humorago at the university, under the Brayer. pitcher.
principal feacounty was
floor contains an ofllce
ously painted skeeter Fords also The first combination library and tucky of the Aprilthe
Substitutions Wisconsin: Blank-emeeting of the guidance of Dr. J. Catron Jones,
evoked disillusionment of a sort, as room, room, a dome room for the ture
for Cusiner; Kentucky: Ohr for
was held head of the political sclene departHistory club, which
death of loud sweaters and class
Kruger: Bach for
did the
Trott; Toth for
telescope, and a small transit room. Thursday afternoon In the old Edu- ment.
Worthstriped trousers.
Reoulrements for admission into McBrayer, and Carney for
The eight -- inch telescope which cation building. William Trott,
Some visiting young ladles cast
fraternity are a high standlpg lngton.
president of the club, presided.
envious and dubious looks at mem the university has owned for sev- y wcorujci,
j,i tho depar ;uneiu ana a mauueM- Mr Kotnerc, is secre ary u
bers of their sex who were enjoying era! years, has been repaired and is
tVps on balls: Off McBrayer,
their fags with impunity. Youthful in excellent condition to be piaceu f ' ?""""":
science, imicers 01 wic in eowii
building. Other equip cuiiaumi mm iii.ov .
from a boys' boarding in th. new
relating to the Chapter at the university are: pres- school were loud in their praise of ment will be bought from time to ments and relics
npnr. rt 11 w nuns iiuuiuiiu. iuuuitj
a dormitory with wide open privtime, among which are a transit
He is the . ndvlser( Dr, Esther Cole, and secre-- 1
Stlldy lOUT
a slvereal clock, a quarters at Louisville.
ileges and a telephone for every
u maiuij
cronograph, and possibly a picture county ui
four rooms.
and of other historical , rvinnUv mpmjv.rs of the orcaniza- Not many of the guests inter machine.
In addition to his discus- - Hon nr. Dr. J. C. Jones. GaVle Mo
f ii, hiiHin.r inpi.id. works.
viewed had seen The Kernel, but
sources of materials for ,
slxty have registered in con- those who had, thought it a pretty ine equipment, will be approximate-- 1 l sion of Mr. Rothert gave personal heny Dn Amry vandenbosch. Dean
tour. which will be
Sarah B,nndlng, Dr. Esther Cole, travel-stud- y
good school paper, some comparing lv $30 000
advice to members of the History nnd professor Wo'lp.
by Transylvania College this
It favorably with their own high
club who are plann ng to write
ttnihtnnBW n,mhrs have been . summer, according to an announce- school publication.
hlstories of t heir native counties. ,
initiated with- -' ment Issued recently. The plan was
The models In Mechanical hall
He nnoncedMllmt,icnM
Professor Wa!p Bald, announced five weeks ago.
ranked high among the things
Those who havu registered
of the fraternity
worthy of interest on the campus.
secure I b writi B to him at
upon nfter several cUlde students and school teachers
Much anxiety was manifested In
There will be a meeting of the
th,1SZfCVJfti of the History , members of the local chapter at- - from practically all sections of
regard to the severity of hardships
stall of The Kernel at 11:50 o'and
imposed on a freshman,
xnaj o.
' ' WPSt Virclnia. Tennessee.
Pllw1nn,- re- whether freshmen were allowed to clock today ln the news room. club will bo hem inursaay.
iininuii; iiowi in chapters - 01 1110 Indiana,
All members of the present staff
umo, iumui, u i
attend dances. The terrors of milare 25
centlv There
training also loomed as a forthose who expect to become
i,,,ic),niit thn United Dakota.
bidding contingency.
members are requested to attend.
James R. Miner, sophomore ln States.
The new editors of the publicaThe fact that students of the unimile tour ln motor busses and will
the Arts and Sciences college, Is
versity are goaded unmercifully by tion will be inducted into office
study at various points of interest
the author of a story published reg
professors seemingly
with the publication of the next cently in The Thoroughbred Recalong the way. The itinerary of the
southdid not daunt those contestants
Issue, and the staff will be anThe university debating team and tour includes the eastern and States,
ord. The story deals with the old
hearing of It. The Impression pernounced at that time. The meetin debate work for eastern parts of the United
great place, and
purpose type of trainer who race horses for all Interested
sists that it's a
ing today will be for the
room and southern Canada. Courses in
the sheer love of the game. Lexing- the coming year will meet ln
they're coming here themselves if of reorganizing the staff.
history, literature and;
ton and the surrounding Blue Grass 231, McVey hall at 7:30 ofclock, American will be conducted,.
they get a chance.
article. Thursday evening.
play prominent parts in the
Wise boys, you can't fool them.




University Campus
Club Initiates Seven

Exhibition Is
Slated for Saturday

Keady beptemDer

Visiting High School Students
Consider University Life Great



Honorary Political



mu TT,


Address by Rothert



Announces Courses

Staff to Meet







* Best Cop


The Kentucky Kernel



National College Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce


K. I, P


the Unlvmlty

of the Students of
of Kentucky, Lexington

Entered lit Lrxlngton, Ky.,
cUss mull mutter


Subscription $3.00

s second



Managing Editor
Assistant Mnnaglng Editor
Dramatic Editor


Elaine Ilonnell
Margaret Cundlff






Virginia Nevlns
Daniel Osodmnn

Virginia Hatcher

... ...

New Editor
Sue Dlckerson
William Shafer


Mary E. Price

Jack Keyser





Society Editor
Emily Hardin
Polly Reese

Sports Editor


Ralph E. Johnson
W. D. Bohon
O. L. Crutther
Lawrence Crump




J. D. Adams
Bill Luther


Fannie Curie Woodhead
Oertrude Evani


Edythe Reynolds

Harry Varlte
Turner Howard
Malcolm Barnes
Gilbert Rlngsberry
Will lam Martin
Deuna Mnthls
Gladys McAtee
Emmett Whipple
Robert Baxter

Eleanor Daa-soMary Prince Fowler
Marr Galloway Griffith
Mary Virginia Ralley
Cameron Coffman
Mary Alio Salyers
O. B. Coffman

Harriet Holllday
M. E. Price
w. w. oacra


Busness Manager
rranK wortnington

Advertising Manager
Wm. Geary
Jimmy Randol
H. P. Kirkman



tras which have been playing here are well
conduct and as a result next year th freshmen would not have good examples set by known, people everywhere like to Iicar them.
precedent to follow instead of the current The publicity they give the university furthers
the Idea that the University of Kentucky is
"ashamed to admit it" custom.
ideal. Weekly radio programs successfully give
the radio audiences an idea of the cultural
and academic side of our university life and
Unlike football, baseball is not one of the mast music from the best dances in the South rounds
popular sports of a university. It Is a sport that out the impression.
only those who thoroughly understand the techIndividuals who arc accomplished can serve
nicalities and the Intricate plays of the their school while serving themselves. There Is
game can thoroughly appreciate. There arc a possibility of a regular university radio unit,
few baseball fans who arc not literally students and when that possibility becomes a reality
of the game. It Is a sport that Is followed more they will bo the entertainers of the station, tho
widely than football in the United States.
"drawing cards." Parents arc always proud of
Baseball is typically American, it is a keen, ex- tho Idea that their children are so outstandingly
citing game, a game which appeals to all talented that they have the privilege of serving
classes. For the average person it holds the their university as an advertisement of Its
same fascination that horse races hold for the quality. Furthermore, Individual pride must be
Kentuckian. Strange to say, it dose not draw taken Into consideration; the fact thnt you can
as many university students to attend its games do something successfully is a big thing In your
as do some sports. Perhaps that is due to the own life.
fact that college people arc too Immersed in othLooking over the situation we think that the
er things in spring to become thoroughly car- broadcasting management Is not only offering
of a game. That studenst an unlimited opportunity but is placing
ried away in the finer points
Is a lamentable fact, for it Is a sport which ofone of the most outstanding favors of the year
fers the most interesting and exciting form at their disposal. It is there to take and The
of entertainment.
Kernel hopes tha