xt7bk35mcv8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bk35mcv8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-09-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1972 1972 1972-09-28 2020 true xt7bk35mcv8r section xt7bk35mcv8r y VOI' LXlV N°~ 2l an independent student newspaper
'(zrnel Thursday, September 28, W72 University of Kentucky
Sixteen pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506 77
F . ”'5’ ; W - . ' ’ .3 r 'i
'1 « ‘1“;- . "Wt,“o ’ - u _ l ,
orgy notes impact . . t
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| >: “,f:sst,._u _ .. ,
of students on trade :. w -« :g *2 M , ~
,, ,«V 1.. ‘. .. ,
’ saws“ ' ' ' . t «
@;.‘ e. 3 «.3. ‘ ,_m“tt§$w“mw Nfi:§§;}1
hy KAY‘ECOYTE despite any differences which may exist ”at s M. W" an
kernel Staff WM." _ between the students and this society and - " M aifi w I‘m" :1 --. “R
Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr., Vice preSident the society at large‘ they as a group of . Was ,. . a: . a .' f” it. _ ,
for business. affairs .stressed mutual consumers are very active in the "w 3" f .1 ‘ 'I .
cooperation and appreciation between UK Lexington market place." ' ~' A “ a, : ' , a . . . -‘ . .
and the Lexmgton busmess community in Most student complaints come to the .
a recent speech to the Lexmgton Chamber attention of the UK Tenants‘ Rights HO’S'ng It’s fall racing season again and the horsemen have
- of Commerce. Organization in the form of housing been getting ready for it in a big way. For a closer 7*
Forgy estimated that the University problems. d look behind the scenes at the trotting track see page
payrolls. student expenditures and UK ‘ _ ' ‘ (noun 7. tKeriiel photo h." Barry llurst.i
related payrolls conservatively would (“"de (in Page 9' ("L l
exceed $150 million in any year since 1967. . .
Student related expenditures have a Slgns Of the 'hmes
‘ tremendous impact on Lexington's '
economy. said Forgy. He cited a recent UK ' t I, f d t h 1
survey that indicated the average student 0 e s u en 5 w e re 0 g 0
in the Southeastern United States spent _“
- around $390 in a nine month term for By KEITH MORGAN Sign study . . ' . .
personal items other than room and board. ‘ Kernel Staff Writer . Marshall said he contacted Arther and Dlrt‘ctlonal Slgnh ‘ _
The UanEl‘Slty has begun a prOJect for hired him as a consultant for ra hics IPhasc one also includes complex
“Considering this year's enrollment of the placement of identification and x h {h dd 3 si n stud'g 5 th - directional Signs that will direct People to
20.000 that is almost $8 million largely in directional signs both in and near the ' rt er .en 1 f g . "V 0 . e the ”lam Complexes hke lht‘ Plaza area.
. . . . campus in co-operation With the deSign Medical (‘, ter. Shaw e T , ,
Lexmgton on everything from gasoline to campus. d t t' d' . . d . . en n e own and
hamburgers and from s orting goods to The ro'ect will be im lemented in three an ’con ruc ion msmn an campus tra‘em'ty row.
personal services.“ said Forgy. seperate phases the first hase will be traffic controllers. - (‘°““““°d 0“ 9“" " C0“ 5
Major consumer completed in the next few? weeks. The UF'romwAréherl‘s rgcpmmendatiofns the M d° I C 1
An additional $5 million for room and phases are directional signs, iden- pl:::;s;n3; eve ope ls program or Sign e ICC en el’
board other than UK housing and food tification signs and departmental signs. . -
service brings the total student impact to Clifton J. Marshall, director of design 230k Johnson. environmental planner aCfS to Stop
almost $13 million in Lexington during the and construction, said he first started and the project‘s co-ordinator said, phase
school year, he said. thinking of the project when he noticed the one will include the placement of six UK f * fh ff
“In my opinion, the student is the most graphics at the University of Tennessee. signs on streets near the campus to aid out- u u re 9
unappreciated major consumer in this city Through the UT’s Dean of Architecture of~towners coming to UK. At the entrances
today." said Forgy. he found out the designers were Paul to campus there will be six foot square 33’30053 "RU“
“1 have occasionally heard criticism Arther and Associates of Toronto. Canada. signs on the top of each of the three gate Kernel Sta" write"
from people in the business community The firm had also done the graphics for houses. The signs will give the number of While many may say the University is
who should be the first to understand that. Expo‘ 70. the gate and a map of the University. 510W ‘0 a“ when there are changes ‘0 b"
made. recent events have shown this to not
. always the case. - —
D'a' an answe r The Medical Center, for example.
reacted quickly and effectively to avoid
’ ' ° ' an' re eat of the incident last year that
NEXUS telephone tapes to give a variety of information negrlypmed M m mm) of Med
(‘enter money. _
By BlLLPlNKSTON Suppose. for instance. that you need a down to the approximately 80 subjects now James ROh'hSO" and Donald Lee Bur' .5
Kernel Staff Writer grade transcript and you haven‘t got the on tape. “We‘re trying to make it chzim 39‘th Jo'lltly ‘0 "“591“? $68,661.99 _
Need the dope on how to change your faintest idea of how to get one. You dial the (NEXUS) really relevent to the questins from "‘9 Med (enter earlier ”“5 year. I" -
major? Want the facts on the morning NEXUS phone number, the operator finds students ask." said Dalton. their system. Robinson cancelled bills out : <
after pill? Lose your ID. card and you‘re the tape you need and plays it for you in ('ontiniial updating ”‘ the “"59"“ computer as uncollcctable » -
not sure how to get it replaced? the space of three or four minutes you‘ll The tapes are cataloged into 10 Whlle Burcham lhlefcepled the payment
When NEXUS begins operations in the have learned how to get that transcript. categories. including academic. related. for them from: the insurance companies
near future. answers to these and several The idea for NEXUS originated last financial aid. student health. student and (kW-“lied ” m a “dummy account
other questions of importance to UK spring in the office of the Dean of Students organizations. campus activities. campus Ne“ changes
students may be only a phone call away. and was developed by the Human recreation. Personal assistance. com- The embezzlement was discovered only __
According to the Program Proposal Relations Center. with the help of director munity resources. housing and when Robinson failed to cancel a bill and =
“NEXUS is a telephone information Jon Dalton and his Staff. Several UK automobiles. A major effort will be made. an insurance company complained that it
system which utilizes a cassette tape Students and staff members were polled Dalton said, to continually revise and had been billed twice. it was the sub
library of prepared information onabroad last Spring about topics that should be update topics. in accordance with student sequent investigation that revealed the -
range of topics of interest to students. A lnClUGed in the tape selection. Question- response to the program. missing money,
telephone operator receives the call and naires were also set to the clerical staff of Jack Hall. dean of students. noted that Since then. many new changes have
places the requested tape on a special the Office Of Student Affairs. one of the key features is a phrase at the been initiated in the hospital finanCIal
playback mechanism that is hooked A “St 0f some 200 lOPlCS frequently end of each tape advising the student to system '
directly to the phone line.“ inquired about by students was pared ('ontinued On Page 4. Col. 5 (‘ontinued ()n Page 4. Col. 5
i I 'd th Kernel T d '
“5' e e o ay 5 Increasing cloudiness may _
tiring slitmeis. iis often happens
On page 6 there is 3 story abOUt a city inside a Mien clouds .ippeai‘ 'l't'm
computer. Ralph Nader has a comm” 0" Page 3‘ pt-i'ntiii'es “Ill be near it“ Tonight
And if you like sports controversy. tennis players m” be “mi” “1th tonipnraiiiros
arc tossing words at each other in the letters to the wea f h e r m iht. it,“ ms hi’ltiii) ti ii. 5..
editor on page 2. Rick DreWitz is out of breath on lit'illlliilll
page 12. And on page 7 there is something for racing _ -

 The t‘il-Ihln'ii o lava Asmiiant Managing Editor Katie McCarthy Ed It I I '
tilt” in one I e mu. tan. an and tn ”0' Net" MO'QM‘ '
KentUCky :‘jiimqmukf a-lto'M EV": Man," :swst'dn: :Aflnilaqgin: EEdaflov Dean (iawtord ' Orlo S
ltll'i'tiitt til-tor Greq Harlmann As‘us'ani Managing Editor Mike Board
Kernei tam“... tmtm Mthe Tierney [ditonals it-piesent the Opllllt\"\ oi the I‘tll'O'X out Mr U'IW'" A” l
' ' ' l t’ VI
/\ Education isnt so u ion
0 0 v
‘ 3% to poverty in America
kw In the 1960‘s a persistent belief conclusions are indeed an accurate, the
’1 ‘.‘ a mong Americans was faith in anaylSIS 0f the SltuahOn. It may mean P90
\v, I ih' I education as a tool for leveling social that Head Start programs. increased Re‘
i‘ a I . and economic inequality But a four- spending in ghetto schools and h?
T " year study by a Harvard research curriculum I'eVlSIOHS are not going to :1:
To 0 B team seems to shoot down this idea. eliminate the inequalities in list
DIX MK 1' i k while at the same time proposing a American socnetY- They may make P"
‘- 0 more radical approach to ending school more pleasant, but the VlClOUS 8m
:5 i. T 3 K . povertv poverty circle will remain unbroken. m
a o . ' ... .
. lili
b& we; ¢ U ' The research was conducted by What Jencks and Bane propose hug
u ‘ U i ¢ I ‘ . ( Christopher Jencks. an associate instead is more government in- 0w,
1 l K a ' professor of education at Harvard, tervention in the economy. They g
t J R I and research associate Mary Jo suggest more progressive taxes to she
1 R l U K‘ To , Bane, and published in the October force the top income brackets (where Am
" ' To Saturday Review of Education. They 20 percent of the population earned an the
- ' Q9 . concluded that making schools equal average of $22,500 in 1970) to subsidize Pi”
‘ 2 UV ’ MIX by affording all the same on public services for the bottom “’7‘
‘ . - K , ' ¢ portunities will have little effect on brackets twhere20 percent earned an Pr!“
1 l s . “3 UK : .3 what happens to students after average of $2,300)_ :Ih
* i l . , : . 5’: graduation. . . ,.
ha, 3 1 . l; i = 9' 5; ‘ Try socmllsm '1
-‘ 1' I 1' .' ‘ ' 'i i “The character of schools output . Jd)
, . i i '. . - .3 d ndsl el on a sin 1e in ut the Conservatives are sure to scream do.
. . , _ . ~ . .
‘5 '-' ' '.’ I 3 g, . ,5 9 y epe alg .y g p ‘. w1th rage at such a proposal, but we my
‘I '_ . l ‘- .-, ,; l - characteristics of the entering see it as a rational alternati t th
ill ll : ‘ :li: a AMI ‘ 9 ' " children." they say. “Every thing resent helter-skelter atteil: t: t: N'
'1' ' t a Ir ’ i, 5 : l else—the school budget. its policies. p . . p J;
V . , . L i . . . alleViate the misery of the poor. , .
a»; 3 ; ~. the characteristics of the teachers—is . .. . . . . . ,. mic
Kq . . .. Sweden s capitalistic soc1alism has
go either secondary or irrelevant. . met
tremendously narrowed income gaps que
Factors murk and provided all of its citizens a der:
il h. k I'll . r Y , standard of living that is the envy of ..
T In resugn. The study notes that we really don t Western Europe can
know which factors are the im- ' .
. . . . . . ‘Tt
Sho u I d Vle spen d $ 1 6 I o 00 portant ones in determining whether All this is not to denigrate the can
a child will rise or fall in schools. which do (or should) perform
. 9 socioeconomic status. Bane and the demanding task of producing
on a Slgn-us eadac e . Jencks say home environment is creative. intelligent adult citizens.
more important than school. but add But in light of Jencks and Bane‘s
It “.3an long ago that a college m a $250 million biennial budget. But that talent. ambition and sheer raw findings. we shouldn't expect too
dean. in passing conversation. to more than one struggling depart- luck also may determine one‘s future. much. Socialism might be a better I,
pointed out to us the bare-bones. no- ment or college. it representsa luxury This should give educational answer to poverty and inequality than
fat restrictions limiting his college‘s that could well wait for richer days. reformers pause. If the report's education.
annual budget.
. “It's really tight.“ he moaned. “I‘ll c
bet you couldn't trim $1.000 from it if
Letters w
()ur sympathies lie with that ad- driv
ministrator and all other thre
academicianery’lng tosqueezew’ater :0O‘.'...OQOOOCOOOQ0.0......O'....0.00DOOCOQOOOOCOOOOIOQOOC0..00......000...... OV'CI
from the University‘s $250 million ° I I : lobt
biennial rock. So we find it difficult to HHS SG censors S d “0U
approve 0f the leveI'SIty S deClsion In reaction to the recent furor over the : erve '° "’.' ° '.'. '.'. an re fur" 3 P
to call in an outside firm of graphics . . . . . : 1 r
. Free liniverSIty catalog. a group of Scott . . . _ .
experts to deSign a system of hand- . . .. . . , ° 1 ObJECt to your article entitled Dear Stacy. . T
. . . _ ‘ . Vlendelsdorfs Student (:overnment ; “Jocks and Jabberwock'" . , .. . H . ;
some. informative Signs to guide ”unkeys got together and printedacouple : t' I _ d' .V. This ar- lntheflrstplacedhe. article was in : est:
“Sums and unwary freshmen around of leaflets to advertise the classes. 0n the <15: istabézgraae to the mentality of the facta column. As such itwas a personal rep.
‘ campus. first leaflet. a class was omitted because I :9“ eh . y. by expose us to such observation that I made while trying to 2 tedt
its coordinator had acted contrary to : inferior. Journalism? This article play tennis in the dark behind the ; not
Somewhat helpful Student Government's wishes and handed rgzngs It: :28 mfih 50,1903 newspaper Complex. , mu
It‘s not that the si ns aren‘t needed 0m the original catalog. on the second takeguWIs a e 0t er armies that Jus‘ If you have never discovered green : “m
g ‘ leaflet.another class was omitted because : Al hp p ceh . tWigs on your forehead 't might be : I‘M
because they are. More than one the coordinator had made a critical 5 tough I like tennis and I have because you have never been hit in the ; auti
Vigitor has tried to orient himself to remark about Wendelsdorf. : played for many years, never have I forehead by a flourescent green tennis 1 heft
the campus with the unreadabley I can’t emphasize enough the : found my tennls Lialls smelling “Musty ball just out. Of the can. 5 (‘Ulli
confusing maps now decorating UK’s magnitude of these acts of censorhsip. hr hsvedl;hund green twigs" on my The purpose of the column was not to E groi
' catalogs and telephone books, only to Things appear to be getting to such a point o?rfh:a r. t ls IS a ridiculous portrayal denigrate tennis, since [agree With you : I“
give up in frustration. that a person can't hold a class in Free : l ho g 23‘3“; or tennis. that 1‘ '5 a great game. bUt to point out 5 hav
But the price of the signs. and the University unless they heartily endorse gets aphaew S mt .e future the Kernel the absurdity of having lights put Up : to I
design firm‘s study—first tabbed at Scott's every move. And that may mean a : por 5 Editor. ‘ over a vacant lot while there are about E “ii“
$12 000’ then $16,000—seems far out of very thin year for Free U.. since I doubt E St‘acy'f-oldman a dozen courts that are worthless after ; W”
- ’ . - that very many people on campus approve : Sophomore Engl'Sh Major the sun goes down. 1 N"
line for a set of kiosks and Signs. And , . . . . . . , . . '1‘
. . of Wendelsdorf s childish actions through . If all this hasn t changed your mmd °
we suspect the flock of inventive the past few weeks ; then perhaps you would like to try your 3 “m
“We” minds m the College Of A." Gosh. Scott. it looks like the student 5 hand at it. We are in search ofafemale E "g"
CtheCture COUId have saved _ thls body is going to have to stop dealing with g - Sports columnist and the job is yours if 3 "“5
UniverSity the cost of a professmnal you. ' omw¢ you can hack it. 5 con
analyst‘s opinion on how to best gmde : ea - ~ g Charlie Dickinson : £Ir0
visitors. Bev (‘ubbage 5 Kernel Sports Editor 5 tom
Sixteen thou is indeedapaltry sum AnthropologySophomore "unannounuu..................."n"nH“.Hun"n"...",,,,,...; H“

 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. September 28. l972—3
7, \.
. Nicholas " - .\l| Welcome DATING A
VOnHoffmon ; l‘,\t'l‘) Saturday , :ltl p in ?
.' f l K .\ll‘2.\lllltl.\l. ll.\l.l. Want to learn more about
New talented Wanted Roman ('atholicism‘?
No Charlie ,‘33 titI-lti_ 337 llll lNQl'IRY (ll..\§.\‘ —
I o . . ' It) Father Larry Ilehman
Women s Li not or Jaylay m“
PA 8‘ evenings Ex laining and
, a E . . p . .
WASHINGT()N——The first time 1 saw Jayjay anything right if people thought only of them— _ . ,, (,3 discussing the bum“ OHM
was on a yacht moored opposite those damned selves and theirfamilies. Buddha left his familv; ' ' \\'\ Roman (‘atholic Religion 1
hotelson Collins Avenue in Miami Beach. It was (‘hi‘ist left his. If you are on the side of C“ Beginning “Pd ,(M' 4 “I
‘ the Republican convention and the California sociological good people see it I‘m deathl . 7:3” p m M) Pre-
people were having a party for the press or Gov. serious. . .I said to myself. ‘Why me‘." Well. I 1 5 ”’fllfitljdhml m t t 58d! 3.
Reagan or themselves. feel guilty because I have certain assets that {3V 7&7) “here
'1‘ I 1 , he] nlv I ‘ H ' (\THULH'
. . 0 ounc or e reserva '0“? he . . . 2012 Regency Rd. 320 Rosie l..\.\E .
Family. on whose board she serves, JayJay is Don I’ picket ‘lOllOl’S l'lioiie 1"-..”- 7
listed as “Bette J J‘ Jarboe, International la‘jav then the chief anti-woman‘s In Southland -s.) ‘
$1.?ijiwtgi‘lirgm:alitbtleLlliziizdulmtit Leggue. iiberationist. is liberated. Moreover. if you listen _- 7 -
‘ i i ‘9 ere 51g“ to her closelv she‘s not even ant'- ' . " ‘ ” .- -
safety-pinned to her suit which gave her af- She simply doesn‘t accept the w'hhl:0prlleitrfo:riih" A CHARCOAL "’1" \5
111121;;de [Elly-Ch )htthr hyifhgvfliége manpler "There has always been oppression of women. PORTRAIT OF . r “‘ Willi i‘
”jig ‘ i l d b L oug b t was among er The greatest was in Greek and Roman days YOU. . . i I - Q l1 l
()\'l peop e. .. ‘ . . .- .' . . .1
She wasn‘t The men flirted with l'iy"av while “kn the women in“ buried “1th thUF l . \ ‘ Ll l '
h. , .l . . I n k. g [h Egkjlh‘ght husbands. . .l in against the double standard. Only 32-00- Done by ‘5 / l' «'3; i - _
s e gave icr spie a ac in e qua l s . ., , . , . ,, , , . ‘ . , v , . .
\mendment “it would force our daughters into (md‘tht pay gap between men and womui ls artist, Elliot Jordon. K " u '7 i
the \rmv" but it was a richie woman in i blue ‘80ng worse. but instead of domg anything See him Thursday and / i -' W "
r ,. c c , , )_4‘ g" .'-‘ . ._ .' ‘ “
rims-suit with '1 Southern accent from Alabama about that. th‘.‘ picket outsidc and M} {ht glrb . i '
l‘ " ‘ f f ‘ ‘ ‘ _ and boys toilets aren't integrated. Friday, 125200 p-m. ‘va . g i ‘
“h" 'Ii‘ld .layyay out. She ran some kmd 0‘ "Liberation implies freedom from social u. "; l4} _
printing business dowln there'and she “Ck“? 0” responsibilities. In our organization we‘re for DAWAHARE’S / r \ ’l- l i )i A i
‘11.];th fill-‘6’; \lpbagta Id"? 59‘“? she couldn ‘ d0 normal change, . .l)on‘t tell me nothing’s going WEEKEND SALE \ fl] ‘ ! j . w’ . ‘
“1: out I“ “‘5 )an 5 pe’m‘bS‘O” to happen if they pass the Equal Rights Amend» ' 5.42% ffl/
I We Aliiibahmd 2‘0"]?!le ml‘dd"? a monkey out 0; inent. Look at what happened in Prohibition. It \ ,
.avav;s e a acts or.a'av‘so inions.an 2') ~.. , . . . .,
.121). V ‘ . 1‘ J- "a l] .ietisFiical asser- give birth to the gangster. They icpealed DAWAHARES COLLEGE SHOP
{05‘ reasoning or "‘H ys p Prohibition. but they never repealed the 395 5 LIME 2775733
tions. gangster." '
NOI 0 sex queen 0 slow let the clamps up easy. layjay is d.“
J' y w n‘t tell 'ou her a e ( robabl' the cx—Stevensonian Democrat whos for {\ixon this [IQUOR
inidlligltis?) obut sh: will ggivep you 3 her year: “I believe every human should have a
" ‘ ‘ ‘ . voice. but not a say-so." Yet not for Jayjay
measuiemhents. 3?}24'3‘; To kiss “5?“: as 3.59)“ herself. She wants the sayso: "Women have BEER
33::t21:§h:ruseW1 e w 0 escape ‘5 0 misun- always been the controllers, the real power
“If you‘re. ‘ inclined for public interest you source. . .and I realize when you do anything of 3
~ _ ~ ‘ _ olitical nature there's a risk of a fanatic comin W'NE
can't keep your nose out of it. ’ she explains. :fter vou .. g CHEVY [IQUOR STORE
”The ask me wh aren't ou at home takin ' ' -, . .
care if your babie: but I 52y we’d never havg (C) ”ML The Washington post 80' EUCLID CHECKS
Ralph Nader ~ -~
Q i
a a ‘
In the public interest 5,, Paul (Dem) McFadden
for your Mira! ”ml: at
Cons mer bills may pass ~
WASHINGTON—With Congress in its stretch The pharmaceutical industry is concentrating OF Kentucky, II'IC.
drive before adjournment. it looks as if only on the House of Representatives version of the ‘ I Pl Sh 'n Center -
three consumer protection bills will be passed h'“ ‘0 make sure that the F00" and Drug Ad' "We“ “a ow 9 _
over the relentless opposition of corporate ministration stays within the Department of Waller Avenue Lexington. KY-
lobbyists. often in subtle concert with White Health. Education and Welfare. which is more
House aides. amenable to drug company interests. Remember ,0 ask DemS abou. Comm Lens
The third bill. which is certain to become law. and SPEC.“ CONSIDERAYION 10 ALL U K s‘ruDENTS
. sets standards for reduc'n t' l U ' —
Protection agency ' . .. ’ g."”."’”’ 07‘ ”‘ Q.
. _ motor \ehicle collismns. This is colloqu1ally ______ Telephone 255-5506 —————-—-—
“w. mOSt important 0f the.“ bills would called th“ "hump" bill” and COUld 53"“ lltll'RS: 8:30-3:00 Mom-Fri. siii.x::iii-iz p.m.
(‘StahhSh a consumer protection agency ‘0 motorists over a billion-and-a-half dollars a
represent consumer interests before other year. ,
lif‘df’ml regulatory agencies. This agency would A unique provision of the legislation is
”01 regulate anything; rather "5 lawyers. ac- designed to provide consumers with meaningful ”60?. 'UR'LAND MALI" .. ‘
('OllmflhIS. economists. engineers and scientists information about the operating costs and h" ‘K I” _
. 1d .- 1, .d. Um. mmumw ri ht. f q. . ... .. g . . y , . cums MALI. i-iunn
wou Mmh.‘ d ‘Oh - t g 5 or safety chaiacteristics of vehicles by brand “"003"," IOADILANI “u" I“ le\ington
lower utility rates. safer 100d. drugs. name. thereby tin the words of the Senate \h‘m'mg.
automobiles and engage in many other activities report I. upmoumgmg automobile manutac WOODY ALLEN’S ‘i"
hf‘IOH‘ federal agencies who often "9810C! their turers to compete to produce cars with . :1». r ,.\
consumer duties in favor of special interest operating costs and safety ('hill‘ilk'lvl‘lshi's ‘1 ‘31
groups. tbetter thanl required standards " , /~ 1'. 1 i . .
Long-time (‘ongressional staff people say they _<‘ “Evefyth‘ng p. , ‘\
have never seen a more ferocious lobbying effort Ol’h b." . f bl 'l l\lI-I.\' 0“ a\w’¢ws ;_ ~ *2” “a".
to block or undermine a bill, Leading forces or ' S ”1 l'OU G J W ' Y «\an , _ ,7
against the hill include the Grocery ManufacA “U“t‘l'f‘lfi "Nth." 0th” consumer hills “I” "0‘ i to “,ka ]_ :3 “ x '
turers of America. Proctor and Gamble and the P335 this With because 0‘ SUCN‘SSWI “I’PO-‘hh’h 0:00 3"“.st # "
National (‘hamber 0f (‘ommerce bytrade associations. These include proposals to you . cat.‘-‘,.‘.~\“RND ~ " -.
The second hiil which ('ongress is about to pass reform the warranty and guaranteedeception. to 9: ‘3 1 *an first" I), . i 1 -
would create an independent consumer safety fllW 1h" Ff‘df‘l'hl Trade ”’"Hhmsmh simple ///: ‘ ~ ‘ ’
agency. Such an agency. at least in the Senate- powers it should have had 30 years ago to root , / " 4 -}
passed version. would consolidate various 0U! (“Uh-Witter injustice and to permit consumers ’ R "‘42:“ fl ‘ L
consumer product safety activities now spread to tile class actions against corporate defrauders 4- ‘ 4
' . ' federal court ('onsumcrs should learn more
around the government. intluding the present In . . ‘ ‘ _ g _ . u _ _ .. . m
tood. drug and cosmetic safety activities of the about ”11"“ h) “SKI-"R 'ht‘lr congressman 0"
Food and Drug Administration. senator tor information

 ' t—TIIF Kt)NTl'(‘K\' KERNEL. Thursday. September 28. I972 Tapes give
' info rm of
, (‘ontinued From Page One
395 S. Lime A advising the student to call 3
277_5733 G particular phone number if he
' needs more information or if he
p has new information relevant to
the topic.
C I I S h Information more available n
0 e g e O p In pointing out advantages of S
NEXUS, Dalton observed that d
For the GUYS printed material of a similar fl
nature often doesn‘t get read, and
‘ that students are often reluctant a‘
_ to go to the offices involved to .
T I" N k ' ' BU'ky ‘ talk to people about their C‘
o uestions. NEXUS will “make
ur e ec KN" PCIWI'S ' , Turtle NCCk ?nformation much more C:
sweaters available,“ said Dalton. t?‘
’ SOIidS 8‘ Patterns sweater NEXUS has been given the a:
official go-ahead by the Office of
Reg' $12 Reg' 520 - Reg- 520 the Dean, said Dalton. “The only :1
problem we have now is to put the a
2 f 1990 ' 90 system in operation," said
99 . 0r Dalton. m
- ' UK to erect m
e w
new Signs s<
('ontinued From Page (hie N;
. ‘ At the gate near the (‘heniistiw ar
Shirts sportscoats Physics Building there will be a K;
' . A t d Fl it)lll‘*8ld(‘d sign ()nesidewillbea f
ssor e are YOUR CHOICE campus map. The other three 0
Patterns and SOIidS Casual Jean ANY PANTS sides will be used as bulletin d6
Reg $9 & $10 boards. Another t'ourrsided
. FREE bulletin board made of rough
_ 429 sawii cedei‘ will be placed on the
99 Wiih any sport» west corner of the plaza area
James E. Wessels. director ol
5 3 for 1200 V . coat YOU buy the physical plant. said the ap
proximate cost of phase one is
, . smooo. Marshall said the iii-si
estimated cost was $12,0oo
Phase three
Johnson said phase two will
place identification signs along
. F0 r- fh 9 Go I S with thedirectional signs on the
campus‘ main complexes Phase
‘ three allows for departmental
signs to be placed in front of
c d J individual buildings.
Jean Jacket or uroy eans Sweaters Johnson said one of the pur-
poses of the project is to stun
Pant set Reg. $14 12 Si l dardize the signage system on
' 7 90 Y es campus Since the signs will be a
Reg- $24 . . ‘2 COIOFS very visable portion of the
‘ campus the University would like
to make them look good. said
99 ' 2 for 150° 690 Johnson. The signs will con-
" tribute to the image of the
790 l niversity.
99o Med Center
' fakes ca re
p ’ (‘ontinued From Page One
“The first thing we did," said
Tops & Judge (‘alton, hospital director
Knit Blouses . “was to suspend the referal ol
smOCk Tops B accounts to collection agenCies.
Idlers Burcham was a collection agency
Reg. $7 8' $8 / employee.
Reg- $4 R99. $30 (‘alton aid the Med (‘enter is
placing a new emphasis on
99 getting insurance companies to
899 90 mail their payments to a Post
Office box. The hopsital has an
arrangement whereby a local
bank will get the checks directly
from the PostiOffice. he said.
Periodic audit
_ At the hospital. changesé have
also been made at the accounting
desk, said (.‘alton. All checks
mailed in that come to the Med
‘ (‘enter are carefully logged by 4'
clerk and confirmed by another.
Both then sign the log. he said.

 Tlll‘I KENTl'CKY KERNEL Thursday. September 28. 1972—5
0 O
Wealth of triwa °
' .‘..—w,
SG's new calendar ‘
, fl 1 ' ,
he ' “
he By RITA (iATTON compiled too early for campus '
I“ Kernel Staff Writer organizations to have formulated /
What‘s in the Campus Calendar detailed plans for fall events.
\ now being distributed by the explained Naser. l (-
Ol Student Government office‘.’ That As a result, such trivia as the l , ”U llf l)
lat depends on what you are looking date of the First International N n l ,
ar for. Congress of Women Against War l“ -—- ..C 7 ~ ‘k l l V . .-
3: There is a wealth of trivia and and Fascism and library hours _ _, _ , - ~ ' . Prlces 900d
advertising, very little detail of were used to fill space. “'
l0 campus events—anda$250 grant. SCBrejectedcontract ll’erUgh Tuesday
kl: SG . will receive. $250 for The contract for the calendar , Sept. 26’ ]972
. compiling and distributing the was originally offered to last
’0 calendar on campus. The grant is year‘s Student Center Board, but . . h l .
from the University Marketing the offer was rejected. * LeXlnglon * N lC O OSVllle ‘
h: and Consulting, Inc. 0f Penn- “The executive board felt it 9 hl d
0 . .
, sy'vamai who Prints and - l 3 8 Sout on Dr. * Geor etown K
ll} distributes the calendars to Lglliecalsillgzr)wvzqul::]fl:l11:: ) g ' y - C
(I ‘ . . . .
id colleges and universities. enough relevant information 2) 649 Georgetown Sl. * COfllSle, Ky
Well probably distribute the during the summer H said Mary
money among those who did the ‘ ' -
work on the calendar and any 3.0 Ntlertens, Board program 3) 814 N' lee * West leerfyl KY'
money left over will be ap- ”8C or. Fl . b K
propriated by the Senate, along Wendelsdorf then accepted the * emlngs U rg' y i r
with other SG funds,“ explained offer for SC; without consulting fl -
SG President Scott Wendelsdorf. the Senate since it would be of no I
According to senator Diane cost to either SG or th student I” K I N G S '2 E
Naser. a journalism junior and body. _
W an A & S senator, she alone . I ‘
‘ worked on the calendar and will ”We thought It WOUld be a BOX
_‘l probably receive a large portion community service even though I c
‘l of the grant. campus organizations weren’t
” In order to meet the company really together about plans for
l: deadline. the calendar was fall at that time,” said Naser.
”1 Limit One with $5“ Order or More
1- * ' A C K——-— 1 6 o ’
‘1 CONCER N 8 P 2.
S! f 0 —
Rolf Kemp u am {i j a;
” “"d ‘ l: E l S l CTN- ragga
“ - ( v C a-
Davul Mcllugll (a? PEPS. l
up 1
” Thursday, Sept. 28 Q ' _,,,
s.c. Ballroom 8:00 p.m.%
I ,
,1 l \ HUNT S e
50‘ K\ ' "' "W
" 8 §\ *‘*’ W SNACK PAC
(‘ ' .. \
. llu ® ‘59 K
i 3 " “31““\"M
\ «i " @a/ and FRUIT PACK
\. 4 PACK CTN. 49C
) a a ‘ ‘
lliilllp ()dll __________________.
l -. «. CRISP
i and Sun S 5.3,;
. l . , C ., ., HEAD LETTUCE
exmgton S omp e e 0?
Himalayan Dealer ’ 25C
— l -.ql _________———————————
Down Sleeping Bags / ’ j.
Down Clothing ‘ l . ll
' ' ment "' [11" H f l P
Hunting Equt «1 e ome 0 0“! "CBS
Backpacks I l
230 W. Main a
“The Home of Low Prices "
(across from courthouse)

 t‘r-JI‘IIE KENTl'CKY KICRNEI.. Thursday. September 28. l972
T a City is unreal
Put on a Londen Formal. m ,“LLSTWB
I I Kernel Staff Writer
If H be the g realeSl pU l-On YOU V9 ever had The town of Two (‘ity is a river-basin area containing two
separate political jurisdictions with a population of ap-
proximately 275,000 people.
,' Like most towns Two (‘ity faces pollution, unemployment
.L and inadequate education problems. In fact, the only dit-
: ' terence between 'l‘wo (‘ity and any other city is 'l‘wo (‘ity lives
3 i . solely in a computer.
High FOSl‘lth Al ‘\ " V Wedding BellS? 'l‘wo (‘ity is the mythical kingdom studied by the par-
' \v 2“ i 'i ants ot' the l'rban Simulation class (Architecture 96323:
L I’ \ ‘ ‘L t ‘ p .
OW COSl TO / .5K\- f) Drop BY or CO” on Monday nights in the (‘lassroom Budding. The objective
,tI ’/ J of the class is to provide the players with insight into and the
U ' Of K Students , ‘_ 5 ”I For one Of our opportunity to investigate the dynamics of cities and their
SpeCIol Group ‘ "Groom To Be" regions
‘4’: \ Three groups
Rates TO 1‘ l it Free Booklets The group is split into three basic sector classifications.
. . l '1‘} w l~ th ‘ onernmental sector control the munici al
, \ iost unur ( g p
Fraternities or / N“ “\L And AS A BOHUS serylces such as school and utilities. The social sector is
An Other .._.. ,1. YOU Wi|| Receive representative of a diverse population. while the economic
Y ‘l people have the say in controlling industry and private land
Com p U 5 (£1! ti' 1‘ A Please nl sale Together these groups try to transform a troubled area
_ O . l. .43" J l it And Prof’t bl into a model city.
rgon '20 ions F-G’ K. F“ l C 8 Dr. Roy Elmore, a professor of civil engineering at UK is
“ti I ll ll surprise ll in charge of the utilities at Two (i‘ity. His