xt7bk35md247 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bk35md247/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1959-02-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 9, 1959 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 9, 1959 1959 1959-02-09 2020 true xt7bk35md247 section xt7bk35md247  


Hughes .0}: like Ilnilfiiiifil Em 11.1.71. “Janeen: 1.2. .Lfiflo

have a number of letters of commendation
from his superiors in the Armed Forces and
he is now successfully pursuing studies at

This petition is concurred in by the Test-
ing Bureau and by the Lniversity Registraro

Respectfully submitted,

Earl P. Slone, Dean

Dean Spivey asked the University Faculty to approve the
expansion of Metallurgical Engineering 209 and Mining
Engineering 209 to Metc Engr. 209a,b and Min. Engr. 209a,b.
He explained that this change had been aphroved by the
Graduate Faculty last year but that in some way it had been
overlooked in material presented to the University Faculty.

The Faculty adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

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Charles F. Elton!

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The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of
Lafferty Hall Monday, February 9, at #:00 n.m. President
Dickey presided. Members absent were: A. D. Albright,

L, L° Boyarsky, George B, Byers, Leo M. Chamberlain, Bernard
Fitzgerald, Lyman V. Ginger*, Maurice A. Hatch, W. A. Heinz,
Don R. Jacobson, Abby L, Marlatt‘, Lo L. Martin, H, F,
Massey, Pete Perlman, Frank D. Peterson, G. W. Schneider9

D. G. Steele, Lawrence Thompson‘, William R. Willard, and
Kenneth B, Wright.

The minutes of January 12 were read and approved.






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the .e..S.‘_tX Fecrllm. Lehman): 3, 1.25.9.


The Registrar presented a list of candidates for degrees
who completed their work at the close of the Fall Semester and
after some discussion these candidates were recommended to the
Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated.


£1.11..i..d.e.t.e§. .9..f 1‘ 1.1311 _ .egD rmee oi 1.3.19-4 0.1: 111" fist;

- .— fl

Philip L, Barbee Ethel Faw Mullins

Gene Gregory Bush Josephine Haywood Patton
.Delis Burbank Cothran Joan Helen Shear

David Lindon Goodloe John Franklin Souder II
Jordan Hoolick ~Merian Louise Van Horne
Francis Edward Johnston Hugh Howard Waterhouse
David Pratt Klaiter William Stuart Wester
Judith Marshall Lane Helen Ogden Wood

Carnett Julian Leonard June Elaine Zuverink

Candidates in; the Degree of Bachelor g: Science

m—O— m

Ronald Geddes Atkins Charles Wendell Fawns
Marvin Barker Ernest Campbell Holbrook
Robert Bailey Binford Jerry William Koppman
Roy Leslie Clemons Wardell Lavon Lewis
Robert Donald Cooke Kenneth Caesar Moore III
Gordon Eugene Demerson Novis Beecher Powers
Donald Grant Ehleben Kenneth Arnold Shubak

Robert Warren Whalin

Candidates for the Degree oi Bachelor g: Art:
in .an 1:11;in ' .


Donald Clarke Deaton Audrey Ann Roberts

madame. £9.21 the Degree 9.11 semen; -i -leienee.

it; kissing; Isnhaeleax


Donna Kay Allbee

deifintee £9.11 the. Degree 9i fienhelpr. .Qi §§.i.en.c.e
in .Asrisnlimn

Charles William Adams Virgil David Florence
Eugene Farrell Asher V Louis Lee Haggin III
Fred Baker Bernard E. Horsley

Alva Galloway Bennett William Sterling Johnson
Robert Jordan Bradford Paul Wallace Jones

Leroy Chumbler Harman Eugene Lee

Dawson Glenn Eckler Lester Ping Lobb

James Allan McWilliams


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Minutes g£_the University Faculty, February 2, 1252

Candidates for the Degree g£_Bachelor 2i
Science in Agriculture - Cont.

Tommy Harold Mink

J06 Oliver Owens
Jerry Lawrence Rexroat
J. Lynn See


John Daniel Shugars
Jones Hazelwood Smiley
George Larkin Summers
Harold Ray Taylor

William Harold Wood

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor 23
Science £3_Home Economics


Grace Carolyn Anderson
Lula Elizabeth Clarkson
Vera Mae Conrad

Gail Rowland


Barbara Jo Johnson
Betsy Ann Johnson
Mary Winn Leaks

Candidates for the Degree g£_Bachelor g:
Science in Civil Engineering

William Henry Baker
George Maurice Blakeman
Billy Gordon Bridges
Ernest Eugene Brown
Ivan Childers

James Richard Cobb
James Dale Davidson
Robert Curtis Fields
Daniel James Garland
John Owen Hibbs
Harry Ralph Honaker

Jack Warren Wright

William Robert Keown
Riley Nelson Kinman
Stephen Bean Logan III
John Elias McChord
Robert Brown Quisenberry
Stuart John Riehl
Theodore Serrenho

Eloy Quan Sham

Eugene Franklin mith
Leonidas Anibal Tejeda
Donald Querk Wallace

Candidates for the Degree 21 Bachelor oi
Science in Electrical Engineering

Hugh Cleveland Card
Ezekiel Field Clay IV
Jerry Lynn Cobb
Robert Lee DeForest
George Ellis. Jr.
James Clay Ely
Melvin Clinton Gilreath
Paul Lawrence Guthrie
Derl Nelson Harper
Fred Anderson Helvy
Ben Allen Johnson
Preston LeRoy Jolly
He Bong Kim

Eugene Lawson King

Stathis George Linardos
Dentis Stephens McDaniel
Thomas Stewart Means
Robert Earl Moore
Frazier Joseph Phillips
Vernon Haney Powell
Pasa Sari

Wayne Allan Schneider
Glenn Austin Smith

Roy Dan Squires

Homer Allen Schirmer
Donald Ray Stephens
Paul Wheeler, Jr.

James Monroe Williams

Dewey Alfred Young

Candidates for the Degree 2£_Bachelor 3:

Science in Mechanical Engineering

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Minutes a: the University Faculty, February 2, 1953



Candidates for the Degree g£_Bachelor g:


Science in Mechanical Engineering_- Cont.



Malcolm Keith Abbott
John William Alcorn
William John Brokamp
Walter Melvin Buschelman
Dalton Dewey Fleshman
Edwin Cyril Johnson
Billy Ray Kersey

Chesley Martin Lain
Henry Clay Lewis

Paul Johnson McDaniel
Gerald Edwin Otis

Roger Walter Perry

Ronald Coleman Poe

Jerry Allen Risk

Gerald Charles Saladin
William Patrick Schnatter
Charles Michael Simpson
Wendell Ray Trumbo

Candidates for the Degree 9:,Bachelor g§_Science
$2 Metallurgical Engineering

Frank Wayne Bennett

Carter Gene Brown


Candidates for the Degree g£_Bachelor 2£_Laws

Harry Wendell Cherry
Richard Maurice Compton
Richard Dewey C00per
William Ray Forester
Thomas Milledge Galphin

Kent Parrott Hollingsworth

Garland whitt Howard
Gross Clay Lindsay
James Hackett Lucas
James B. Miniard
Bobby Kn0x True
Stuart Yussman


Candidates for the Degree 3: Bachelor 2£_Arts

Betty Gayle Baxter
Billy Roxroat Boone
Philip Harson Brawner
Mary Lou Carter

Benn Hale Coke

Sylvia Jean Jandacek Cravens

Sara Conchita Dean

Eugene Porter Drake
Eugene Debs Freeman

Jane Eleanor Harris
Wilbur Henry Herrman
Blanche Marie Hutchinson
Carolyn Sue Jones
Patricia Shelton Koppman
William Henry Livings. Jr.


Betty Jane McEwan
Matthew Howard Nevels
Patricia Anne Peaslack
Penelope Riddle

Bueford Eisner

Betty Richardson Schwall
Mildred W. Sparks Small
Owen Bennett Smith
William Ronald Smith
Barbara Joyce Snarr
Richard Eugene Spradlin
James Bert Sullivan
Howell Clifton Tribble
Georgia Corean Wells
Robert Edwin Williams

Albert Edwin Wright

Candidates for the Degree 2i Bachelor 2g Science in Commerce


Robert Wesley Anderson
James Robert Bailey
Bobby Eugene Baldwin
Vernon Elwood Barber

James Lewis Blakeman

Wayne Ellis Blethen

Bobby Gene Burgess
James Donald Cain






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ifl.§£-fl§rce - Cont.



Henry Alvin Carroll Charles Minor Moore, Jr. S
Victor Allen Clerk Alvin Cecil Nash I
William Rey Cobb Peggy Ann Norman ‘
Harold Bridgebane Copley Marvin Clayton Parrett : l
Paul Edward Crump Robert Challie Palfrey ‘ l
Dan Garey Evans William Jennings kuest, Jr. 1
John Vincent Favorite George David Ravencreft ;
Robert Lee Hines John 9. Richardson . i
Ernst Norbert Hochberger Joseph Waller Rodes III ‘ ‘ l
Marcella Ann Hudson Everett Tarleton Rogers ‘ 9
John Robert Johnson Charles Henry Rogers 2
Nancy Foley Johnson William Bittner Schneider I ?
Thomas Ray Johnson Frederick Gale Shirley l
Thomas Logan Jones Gene Douglas Simmons
William Joseph Kenney Gene Frederick Stoll
Richard Augustine Macomb III Joseph Dalton Tobin, Jr. j
William Jackson May Jeannette Ward 1‘ f
John Allen McKinney Carroll Lee Wood “ i
Nancy Claire fldamson Yeaste “ W}



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L_r-s§e&e§..nr‘$_§.£b£re§ infieeierv 3 Axis
MHry Nash Cox Rbrv Campbell frichard
Harvey Helm Embry, Jr. William Taswell Sledd
Jimmie Lee Hardison Dorothy Wesley SJerr . H‘
Ann Brown Matheny Austin Theodore Turk ' . Jfi

£fl£fiifi§i§§.inr ihe.2eg;ee.a£.fles£er gi.§£iense


Melvin Bernard Kremsky Louis Robert Ponsetto
George Ray Laughlin Phrgeret L. Simone
93e_iéee,§.ior.~he,£Egr§e._£ £E§W_L a: Arie. :
in lfireeiige J
Ethel Mae Arthur Juanita Turner Fletcher :
Clyde Carter Cropper Donovan Hill i

James Richard Hopkins


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Howard ?hilip Jones Mildrzd Masters

James Allen Kiger Svghie 192 GoolmaL 731cr12

Hazel White 113 aggard thtga Lester 2Pud80“
Willis Brown Qinpsan

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am 11.2.3535. f '22? .116 1125.1; 22.9.11: 11f. idem in.
wvrxrul tu_;g

Hobart Leonard Carter James Richard Feiman
Dreux deflefindnconwt Dana Howard daylor
Tamas Edsel Marion deard White Etrcube

Raymond Wilson

( 1 3 2 t.e.s. i; e._.1.g.r<2.§z 2.: 1.1.6: -e.I_' 9.: 12311.04; L :1
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Harry Louis Mason

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Lucile Sto.uabrp1w rBradley

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Agnes McDowell D¢n William McNeil
Louise Chang Yang

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211111.- 81212111

Leo Kaufman Eva Neun'1nn
Irwin Wolf Kidorf Donald Herbert Painting
Charles John Korpics Pady Quintar

John Lynn Lubker Ernest Lloyd Rhodes
Richard Kenneth Wolford





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Frank Hall Stellinus

In discussing the fact that duylicate copies of the list of candidates
for degrees were not available for the Faculty, it was agreed, that

in the future, candidates would be considered at a later meeting of
the Faculty, either the March meeting a week or two later than the
regular February meeting.

John Bondurant, Chairman of Religion in Life Week, arpeared
before the Faculty and requested that those who had not returned
the forms asking for speakers, try to get them in by the end of
the week if possibleo

Dean White presented a recommendation from the College of Arts
and Sciences that the Department of Anthropology be authorized to
offer Anthropology l by television to resident students who will
enroll for it as a regular class. After some discussion this
recommendation was aprroved by the Faculty.

Dean Well presented from the College of Agriculture and Home
EConomics a request for approval of a new course, which was approVed
by the Faculty.

To: Members of the University Faculty

The College of figriculture and Home Efibnomics is
submitting the following for your consideration as a

new course in Home Economics:

Theories and yractices of guiding your
children in various situations, including
study of program, space and equipment,
creative material, music and science
possibilities for young children. This
workshop is planned to meet the educational
needs of persons employed during the regular
school year in private and churchmsponsored
schools that enroll children aged two
through four years. Lecture and recitation
10 hours per week, laboratory 15 hours per


Duration: Three weeks, including a total
of 30 hours lecture and discussion and
45 hours laboratory.









_\ f

Februagx,2, l‘go

Dean upivev presented a recommenfietion from the Graduate
Council that honurery degrees be awerdei to tWo men at the June
Commencement. These are:

Philfip 3. Edwards, Pacteriologiet, the d ee of Doctor
of Science; W. Hugh Peal, Lawyer, the

The University Faculty voted to recommend Mr. Edwards and Mr.
Peal to the Board of Trustees for honorary degrees e3 indicated,
Dean Shivey called attention to the necessity for keeping these
awards confidential until after the Board of Trustees had taken

action and the recipients had accepted.

Presiflent Dickey presented a letter from the Committee on
Religion in Life Week, to be held March 1 to 5, requesting per~
mission to hold an all»University Ccnvocation at 10:00 a.m.,
Monday, March 2, at Memorial Coliseum. A motion to approve the
reluest W“S amended to have the Convocation held in the evening,
The amen&ed motion was adopted.o

Upon Motion the University Faculty adjourned at 4:50 pm;a


Charles F, Elton