xt7brv0cvt29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cvt29/data/mets.xml Mosgrove, George Dallas. 1895  books b92-95-27763366 English Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., : Louisville, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Personal narratives, Confederate. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories. Confederate States of America. Army. Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, 4th. Kentucky cavaliers in Dixie  : or, The reminiscences of a Confederate cavalryman / by Geo. Dallas Mosgrove. text Kentucky cavaliers in Dixie  : or, The reminiscences of a Confederate cavalryman / by Geo. Dallas Mosgrove. 1895 2002 true xt7brv0cvt29 section xt7brv0cvt29 



                "Warriors! -and where are warriors found,
                If not on martial Dixie's ground"


                        IN DIXIE


The Reminiscences of a Confederate Cavalryman.

                  BY GEO. DALLAS MOSGROVE


Much of the History of General Humphrey Marshall and his "Army " and ot" Morgan and his Men ;' Colone.
Henry L. Giltner and hi Cavalry Brigade; A History of the Fourth Rentuoky CavIry Regimest; Reeoilee-
   tions of Generals John C. Dreokinuide, Wm. Preston, " Cerro Gorde" WllIams, S. B. Buckner,
     G-e B. Cosby, Geo. B. Crittenden and others; General Longatreet in Teessee, and General
       JUbal A. Carly is the Shenandoah Valley; Pen  ortraitaof Omr and Men; Lih in
         Tent and Field; Battles, Cavalry Raids, Song, Ineidents and Aneadotes;
             Ch-setertstles otthe Conlhderate Soldier; Interestng Miscellany, eto


        LOUISVILLF., KY.:




                         E R R AT A

   Page 44, third line, and page 165, foot of page, "Colonel Candall"
should be " Colonel Caudall."
   Page i07, second line, last paragraph. "Richmond" should be
   Page 0og, fourth line, second paragraph, "orderly officer" should
be " ordnance officer."
   Page 157, fifteenth line, second paragraph, and page 167, third
line, first paragraph, the word -inforced " should be "enforced."
   Page 189, fourth line, last paragraph, " Bullit " should be " Bullitt."
   Page 212, first paragraph, " ordlinance ' should he " ordnance."
   Page 262. second stanza of quoted poetry, "'neighboring troops"
should be "neighing troop "

This page in the original text is blank.



                  TO TIlE CONFEDERATE SOLDIER,
                            THIS BOOK
                         BY THE AUTHOR.

   "The men who held the heights at Gettysburg will live in history;
yes-and the men who charged up the heights will live in history, too."
                                                -Abraham Line oln.

This page in the original text is blank.



THE following pages represent the labor of years and
      the affection of a lifetime.
  Old soldiers, Confederate and Federal-they are all old-
are accustomed to salute the one the other, and exclaim:
" We are passing away! " When all shall have answered the
last roll call, no sculptured marble may perpetuate the mem-
ory of their soldierly virtues, but their names shall be en-
shrined in the remembrance of their countrymen.
  The stars and bars are entwined within the folds of the
star-spangled banner, and the bravest in time of war show
themselves the most orderly and generous when the doves
are nesting within the cannon's mouth.
  I have written the following pages largely from memory,
and; although what I have written is authentic history, I do
not pretend to claim that this book contains a complete history
of any company, regiment, brigade or division of the Con-
federate army.
  The personages with whom I came in contact were so
many, the movements of troops so numerous and complex,
that it were impossible for me to remember all of them; and
besides, no one soldier or officer of any command ever saw
everything, or had the same experience.
  Being connected with the adjutant-general's office, and
performing staff duty, I was brought in close contact with
the rank and file of regiments, brigades and divisions, and
was enabled to see much of prominent officers and to acquire
information in regard to plans of campaigns, the movements
of troops and to witness innumerable interesting incidents;
yet I was so young, only eighteen, that I naturally failed to
observe the panorama of war as closely and intelligently as I
probably would have done had I been past the age of
  Many personages and incidents, however, impressed them-
selves indelibly upon my youthful mind, and I have been



constrained to write these reminiscences that the virtues and
valorous deeds of my comrades may not be lost in oblivion.
I am conscious, however, that my pen is lamentably deficient
in artistic and descriptive ability to do justice to the Con-
federate chevalier.
  I have written this book also with the hope that to the
Confederate soldier who is not yet "sleeping in the valley"
may be recalled memories of the bivouac, his marches, his
battles and the innumerable scenes and incidents peculiar
to the days when he was " a soldier in gray."
  It will not be long until "the last of the Confederates"
shall have passed to the " eternal camping ground," to " rest
under the shade of the trees." Even now, but few are left
to bury the dead; therefore, to the sons and daughters of
Confederate veterans should be left something more tangible
than tradition to remind them of the gallant deeds per-
formed by their fathers who followed the stars and bars and
starry cross " away down South in Dixie."
  A native of Louisville, I was living in Hunters Bottom, on
the banks of La Belle Riviere, near Carrollton, Ky., when I
mounted a charger and rode to Dixieland to serve her cause
"for three years, or during the war." This was early in Sep-
tember, i862, and, looking adown the long vista of years in-
tervening between the present and the far-away past, I see
the indistinct outlines of many pictures I fain would hang on
the " walls of memory's hall." Numbers of them, however,
are hanging there in bold relief, every feature clearly delin-
eated, the coloring fresh, every tint discernible. I have
striven to freshen up the faded pictures by brushing away
the accumulated dust and cobwebs of Time, and, in numer-
ous instances, have succeeded only by the aid and counsel of
a few intelligent comrades, who, believing in my work, have
given an impetus to my energies by their assistance and en-
  To Captain Edward 0. Guerrant, Adjutant-General, the
comrade whom I loved, I am indebted, more than to any other
person, for material aid in the preparation of this book.
  The Hon. Charles J. Bower, Kansas City, Mo.; General
Basil W. Duke, Captain John J. McAfee, Captain Bart W.


                      PREFACE.                     7

Jenkins, Captain R. 0. Gathright and Comrade Neville Bul-
litt, of Louisville, Ky.; Captain J. J. Schoolfield, of Iuka, Ill.;
H. P. Willis, of Bracken County, Ky.; Col. A. S. Berry,
Member of Congress Sixth Kentucky District; D. Brainard
Bayless, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and others have been prompt
and generous in giving me valuable aid, timely suggestions
and encouragement.  I herewith beg them to accept my
thanks and acknowledgments for the same.
                             GEo. DALLAS MOSGROVE.
 CARROLLTON, Ky., December. 1894.

This page in the original text is blank.



                       CHAPTER I.
In which the Author Becomes a Confederate Cavalryman-The March
   from the Ohio River to Owenton-Organization-Froni Owenton
   to Camp Buckner-General Bragg's Campaign-Battle of Perry-
   ville-Retreat from Kentucky.

                      CHAPTER II.
Organization of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry-The Muster Rolls.

                      CHAPTER III.
General Humphrey Marshall-General William Preston.

                      CHAPTER IV.
Colonel Henry L. Giltner.
                      CHAPTER V.
Adjutant-General Edward 0. Geerrant-Captain Peytoui Miller.

                      CHAPTER VI.
Lieutenant-Colonel Moses Tandy Pryor-Mrs. Barbara A. Prvor-
   Officers in Prison on Johnson's Island.

                      CHAPTER VII.
Major Nathan Parker.
                     CHAPTER VIII.
The Buttermilk Ranger.
                      CHAPTER IX.
East Tennessee Campaign-Events of i863-Telford's-Limestone-
   Capture of the One Hundreth Ohio Infantry Regiment.

                      CHAPTER X.
East Tennessee Campaign, continued-Battle of Blue Springs.

                      CHAPTER XI.
East Tennessee Campaign, continued-Battle of Henderson's Mill.
                     CHAPTER XII.
East Tennessee Campaign, continued-Battle of Rheatown-Pugh's
   Hill-Blountville-Zollicoffer -Abingdon - Review - Reorgani i-



                     CHAPTER XIII.
General Ransom-General William E. Jones-General John S. Will-
   iams-General George B. Crittenden.

                     CHAPTER XIV.
East Tennessee Campaigu, continued-Battle of Big Creek.

                     CHAPTER XV.
A Literary Symposium.
                     CHAPTER XVI.
Stampeding Wolford's Cavalry.

                     CHAPTER XVII.
General Longstreet in Tennessee-The Siege of Knoxville-Assault
   upon Fort Sanders-Minor Infantry and Cavalry Engagements.

                    CHAPTER XVIII.
Schoolfield's Battery.
                     CHAPTER XIX.
Captain Bart W. Jenkins and His Troopers.

                      CHAPTER XX.
Dr. Sam S. Scott-Adjutant reeman-Sergeaut-Major Harrison-
   Captain Geo. T. Atkins-Captain Geo. T. Campbell-Captain War-
   ren Montfort-Lieutenant-Colonel Clarence J. Prentice-Dr. Geo.
   S. Whipple.
                     CHAPTER XXI.
Lieutenant Archie W. Smith - Recruiting in Kentucky-General
   Order No. 38-Execution of Corbin and McGraw-Lieutenant-
   Colonel George M. Jessee-General S. B. Buckner.

                     CHAPTER XXII.
General John H. Morgan-His Escape from the Ohio Penitentiary.

                     CHAPTER XXIII.
General Morgan Defeats Averill-Major Parker Killed.

                     CHAPTER XXIV.
Morgan's Last Ride into Kentucky-Preparations for the Trip-
   Organization-The March to Mt. Sterling-The First Battle There.

                     CHAPTER XXV.
The Second Battle at Mt. Sterling.




                    CHAPTER XXVI.
Winchester-Lexington-Fort Clay-Buggies and Carriages for
   Ambulances-Obtaining Horses-A Generous and Hospitable
   Bluegrass Family.
                    CHAPTER XXVII.
Georgetown-Demonstration Toward Frankfort-The March to
                   CHAPTER XXVIII.
The First Battle at Cynthiana -The Federal Commander Killed-
   Defeat and Capture of the Enemy-The Burning of the Town.

                    CHAPTER XXIX.

The Second Battle at Cynthiana-A Desperate Combat-The Capture
   of General Hobson-The Fatal Encampment on the Wrong Side
   of Licking River.
                     CHAPTER XXX.

The Third Battle at Cynthiana-The Confederates Defeated and Stam-
   peded -Many Captured-Death in the Licking River-Narrow
   Escape of General Morgan and a Remnant of His Command-
   The Confederate Force, Cut in Twain, Retreats by two Routes-
   The Prisoners Paroled-The Bummer-Results of the Raid.

                    CHAPTER XXXI.

General Morgan's March to Greenville, Tenn.

                    CHAPTER XXXII.

Morgan Betrayed-The Woman-General Gillem's March.

                   CHAPTER XXXIII.

General Morgan Surprised-Confusion in the Camps-The General
   Missing-Uncertainty Regarding His Fate-Retreat on the Jones-
   boro Road-Captain McAfee, Under a Flag of Truce, Finds the
   General's Dead Body in Greenville.

                    CHAPTER XXXIV.

The Death of Morgan-The Garden Scene-Murder in the Vineyard
   -Arrival of General Basil W. Duke and Colonel Dick Morgan-
   Burial of the Dead Chieftain at Abingdon-Some Reflections.

                    CHAPTER XXXV.




                    CHAPTER XXXVI.
The Battle of Saltville.
                    CHAPTER XXXVII.
The Battle of Saltville, continued-Death of Colonel Trimble-Defeat
   of the Federals.
                    CHAPTER XXXVIII.
The Battle of Saltville, continued-Captain Jenkins in the Federal
   Rear-Arrival of Generals Breckinridge and Echols-Duke's,
   Cosby's and Vaughn's Brigades-Killing the Negroes.

                    CHAPTER XXXIX.

The Battle of Saltville, continued-The Retreat and Pursuit-General
   Basil W. Duke-Colonel Charles Hanson-Federal Depredations
   -Escape of the Federals.

                      CHAPTER XL.
In the Shenandoah Valley-General Cosby-Natural Bridge-Lex-
   ington-Washington College-Virginia Military Institute-Stone-
   wall Jackson's Grave-General Early-General Lomax -Captain
   McAfee-Rosser's Men.

                      CHAPTER XLI.
In the Shenandoah Valley, continued-Luray Valley-General Imbo-
   den-Lieutenant Crit Ireland-" Moonshine Stills "-Columbia
   Bridge-Front Royal-Desolation and Graves.

                      CHAPTER XLII.
In the Shenandoah Valley, continued-General Early Makes a Recon-
   noissance in Force-The Infantry Exchanges Pleasantries with
   the Cavalry-Lost on a Bleak Plateau-A Fragrant Breath and
   Two Canteens-A Weird Scene.

                     CHAPTER XLIII.
Farewell to the Valley-General Early's Opinion of the Cavalry-
   Good News from   Rosser-New Clothing-FFamous Virginia
   Springs-The Return March-Grave of Captain Cleburne-Mrs.
   John B. Floyd.
                     CHAPTER XLIV.
The ' Boys " Entertain Their Comrades with Stories of Valley Expe-
   rience-Stoneman on a Raid-Burbridge After More Salt-Gen-
   eral Duke is Captured, but Escapes-General Duke Defeated at
   Kingsport, and Colonel Dick Morgan Captured-Captain BartJen-
   kins Captured at Abingdon, but Kills Two Soldiers and Escapes.



                      CONTENTS.                       13

                      CHAPTER XLV.
The Battle of Marion-Witcher and His Nighthawks-The Ken-
   tuckians win Choice of Position-Incidents.

                    CHAPTER XLVI.
The Battle of Marion, continued-No Sunday in the Armv-A Des-
   perate Combat-Stoneman Repulsed-Duke and Witcher Denior-
   alize the i Smoked Yankees."

                    CHAPTER XLVII.
The Battle of Marion, continued-Enigmatical Strategetics-A Wide
   Open Door for General Stoneman to Enter Saltville.

                    CHAPTER XLVIII.
The Captains of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry.

                    CHAPTER XLIX.
Some of the " Boys."
                      CHAPTER L.
The Last Days-The Homeward March-The Surrender to General
   Hobson at Mt. Sterling.





                     CHAPTER I.

              And there was tumult in the air,
              The fife's shrill note, the drum's loud beat:
              And through the wide land everywhere,
              The answering tread of hurrying feet."

S IMULTANEOUSLY, September 5, 1862, General Lee
H invaded Maryland and General Bragg marched into
Kentucky. There were exciting times in the Northland and
in the Southland, and more especially in the border States.
In Kentucky thousands of young men were eager to enlist
under the starry cross of Dixie. The coming of Bragg
opened the way. In advance of his army recruiting officers
appeared here and there throughout the State, none of whom
were more daring and successful than the noted trio, Giltner,
Pryor and Parker, who camea into, Kent-ocky with the inten-
tion of recruiting a regimcnt. They operated in the border
counties, along the Ohio River fron L ouisville to Cincinnati,
and in counties acjonting them itot. lying immediately on the
river. The result of the enterprise was the organization
known as the Fourth rentt;ek;y Cavalry Regiment. The
recruits remained quietly at their homes until there was a
marshaling of clans for purposes of organization. They
were compelled to be very discreet in their preliminary
movements, as there was ever present the menacing danger
of being captured by the Federals upon information given
by unfriendly citizens.
  Having secretly provided themselves with arms, horses
                          (1 :r))



and other equipments, they quietly assembled at the desig-
nated rendezvous, and, without noteworthy adventure, con-
centrated at Owenton, Owen County, Ky., at which place four
companies were organized, H. L. Giltner, M. T. Pryor, W. B.
Ray and J. T. Alexander being selected as captains. Sub-
sequently Captain John G. Scott, Captain R. 0. Gathright
and Captain D. L. Revill reported with parts of companies,
which were afterward filled, and Captain Thomas E. Moore
brought in another company. From Owenton the march
was resumed, the column being constantly augmented by
additional recruits. Passing through Stamping Ground, and
on to Paris, in Bourbon County, the " little army " went into
camp for a day or two at the fair grounds, and then moved
into a more permanent camp near by, in a beautiful wood-
land carpeted with luxuriant bluegrass, owned by the
wealthy and hospitable Buckner family, in honor of whom
the encampment was called "Camp Buckner." Being lib-
erally supplied by the generous and wealthy citizens with
well-cooked provisions, and visited by the fair ladies of that
most beautiful and hospitable of all lands, and in turn the
gay soldier boys being received as welcome guests in the ele-
gant manors, the halcyon days at Camp Buckner savored
little of the rough, hard life afterward experienced. The
march from the Ohio River to Camp Buckner had been a con-
tinuous ovation. All along the route men cheered and fair
women smiled and waved handkerchiefs. An exhilarating
scene was witnessed at the Oxford Femnale Academy, where
the young girls rushed out upon the green, wildly cheering
and waving encouragement. The most notable demonstra-
tions, however, were at Georgetown and Paris, where the
ladies thronged the sidewalks c oorways and windows, wav-
ing handkerchiefs aud small Cotnfederate flags. This so en-
thused the boys that, after giving the regulation " Confed-
erate yell," they began singing:
     "Cheer, boys, cheer, we'll march away to battle;
     Cheer, boys, cheer, for our sweethearts and our wives."
  Pleasant memories cluster about Camp Buckner and the
elysian fields and smiling skies of Bourbon-the generous

1 el



families of Buckner, Clay, Thomas and Bedford. But the
bugle calls, and all is changed. We mount our horses and
forthwith confront the rough, hard life of a Confederate cav-
alryman. There are to be no more Camp Buckners. From
now on it is marching, marching, marching, day and night,
along dusty turnpikes, suffering greatly for want of water,
and nearly always hungry and sleepy.
Until the close of General Bragg's campaign we were con-
stantly marching-moving to and fro on the chess-board of
Just before marching into Kentucky General Bragg had
been at Chattanooga, on the left flank of Buell's Federal
army. Early in August, with Morgan's cavalry in advance,
the Confederate army made a rapid movement up the
Sequatchie Valley into Kentucky. Buell immediately started
for Louisville, and then there was an exciting race between
the two armies. To make it more interesting, General E.
Kirby Smith, of Manassas fame, leaving a considerable force
to watch the wily Federal general, George W. Morgan, at
Cumberland Gap, with twelve thousand infantry and about a
thousand of Scott's celebrated cavalry, entered Kentucky
from Virginia and struck the army of General Wim. Nelson
at Richmond, and, in a pitched battle, defeated the Federals,
the defeat becoming a rout. Smith swiftly marched upon
Lexington, effecting a junction with General John H. Mor-
gan, and advanced a division of his army to the vicinity of
Covington, threatening Cincinnati. Within a few days Bragg
also arrived at Lexington, thence moving to Frankfort, tak-
ing possession of that city and the country south and west
of it. At Frankfort, October 4th, in the presence of thirty
thousand Confederate soldiers and a vast assemblage of citi-
zens, Richard Hawes was inaugurated Governor of Kentucky.
The new Governor had scarcely concluded his inaugural
address when the advanced cavalry of Buell's army charged
up to the Kentucky river bridge, and " Governor" Hawes
retired with General Bragg to Lexington.
  Buell, having reached Louisville and reorganized his army,
marched upon Frankfort with one column, sending another





down the south bank of Kentucky River, on Bragg's left
flank,threatening his rear.
  Strangely, inexplicably, General Bragg divided his army,
and with the smaller part fought the larger part of Buell's
divided force.
  The battle of Perryville, fought October 8th, was most des-
perate and bloody-the bloodiest ever fought on Kentucky
soil. Neither general was aware of the real situation when
the battle began. General Bragg thought he was attacking
the smaller part of Buell's army, while Buell believed he was
confronted by the greater part of the Confederate force.
Just the reverse was true.
  The battle was brief.  It began at 2:30 o'clock and
closed at 6 P. M. Of twenty-five thousand men, the Fed-
erals lost, in killed and wounded, probably four thousand.
The Confederates lost, in killed and wounded, about three
thousand of the fifteen thousand men they had in the fight.
  By nightfall, General Bragg realized that nearly the whole
of General Buell's army was confronting him, and concluded
to fall back toward Harrodsburg to meet General Kirby
Smith, who was marching toward him from Frankfort and
Lexington. Bragg then resolved to retreat from the State,
overruling the counsel of Generals Humphrey Marshall and
Smith, who declared that such a movement was not neces-
  The Confederate Government was very much dissatisfied
with Bragg's management of the Kentucky campaign, and
placed him, temporarily, under arrest. In like manner, the
Federals severely criticised General Buell. The Fourth Ken-
tucky Cavalry, having been assigned to General Marshall's
command, assisted in covering the retreat, marching in rear
of the immense wagon train-said to be about thirty miles
  Upon reaching Lancaster, due east from the Perryville
battlefield, General Marshall's column separated from Bragg's,
leaving the State by way of Pound Gap, while General Bragg
retreated into Tennessee by way of Cumberland Gap and
other passes through the mountains.




                    CHAPTER II.

              There imany a youthful knight, full keen
              I'o gain his spurs, in arms was seen."
T HE Fourth Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, nearly nine
Thundred strong, was fully organized at Salyersville,
Ky., on the 5th day of October, 1862. Henry L. Giltner
was made Colonel; M. T. Pryor, Lieutenant-Colonel; Nathan
Parker, Major; S. S. Scott, Surgeon; Geo. T. Campbell,
Captain-Commissary; Geo. T. Atkins, Captain-Quarter-
master; Terah M. Freeman, Adjutant, and R. Frank Harri-
son, Sergeant-Major. Charles Duncan, of Covington, Ky.,
had been adjutant, temporarily, and Captain Campbell was
eventually succeeded in the commissary department by
Captain Jacob Yeager.
The final organization of companies was as follows: Coin-
pany A, Captain Wm. B. Ray; Company B, Captain John G.
Scott; Company C, Captain J. T. Alexander; Company D,
Captain Thomas E. Moore; Company E, Captain Sam Dun-
can; Company F, Captain Thomas M. Barrett; Company G,
Captain Loss Revill, succeeded by Captain James T. Willis;
Company I, Captain John J. Marshall; Company K, Captain
Shuck Whittaker. When Major Parker was killed, Captain
Ray became Major, and Lieutenant Ben Duncan became Cap-
tain of Company A.  When Captain Marshall was killed,
Lieutenant H. S. Chilton succeeded to the captaincy of Com-
pany I, and when Captain Sam Duncan was captured at
Rheatown, Tenn., Lieutenant H. H. Adcock succeeded to the
command of Company E, retaining it until the close of the
The companies were made up of men from the counties of
Harrison, Bourbon, Pendleton, Kenton, Campbell, Boone,
Grant, Gallatin, Owen, Henry, Carroll, Trimble and Oldhamn'
Some were from Louisville, others from different parts of the
State, and not a few from other States.




  The regiment was first brigaded under General Marshall;
afterward under Generals Wm. Preston, John S. Williams
and others; finally, under Colonel H. L. Giltner. The bri-
gade was a part of General John H. Morgan's division from
the timne of that chieftain's escape from the Ohio prison until
he was killed. It then became an independent brigade, con-
tinuing as such until the close of the war.
  The muster rolls of the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry are
herewith appended:

                   FIELD AND STAFF.
  H. L. Giltner, Colonel.
  Moses T. Pryor, Lieutenant-Colonel.
  Nathan Parker, Major.
  Sam S. Scott, Surgeon.
  George S. Whipple, Assistant Surgeon.
  H. Gamble, Assistant Surgeon.
  L. L. Gregory, Assistant Surgeon.
  G. T. Campbell, Commissary.
  Clint W. Kelly, Commissary Sergeant.
  Geo. T. Atkins, Quartermaster.
  James Crews, Assistant Quartermaster.
  Terah M. Freeman, Adjutant.
  R. Frank Harrison, Sergeant-Major.
  James 0. Bersot, Quartermaster-Sergeant.
  Jacob Yeager, Commissary Sergeant.

                      COMPANY A.

Wm. D. Ray, Captain.
Ben F. Duncan, First Lieutenant.
John H. Thomas, Second Lieut.
John R. Sanders, Second Lieut.
Fred Hutchison, First Sergeant.
L. G. Peak, Orderly Sergeant.
Silas N. Peak, Second Sergeant.
-Ben F. Gray, Second Sergeant.
Jesse F. Fallis, Third Sergeant.
Geo. W. Abbott, Fourth Sergeant.

Abbott, Wm. A.
Abbott, W. H.
Alexander, James.
Arington, Lafe W., transferred to
    Company H.

Nathan Barnes, Fourth Sergeant.
Geo. W. Miller, Orderly Sergeant.
Jacob Yeager, Quartermaster.
John Law, First Corporal.
Columbus Shephard, Second Cor-
John F. Hall, Second Corporal.
John R. Skidmore, Third Corporal.
Robt. W. Gatewood, Fourth Cor-

Burrows, Win. F., transferred to
   Colonel Hawkins.
Burrows, A. WV.
Belle, Lafe, transferred to Com-
   pany H.




Burton, W. B., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Burrows, Thos. D.
Colbert, John L., detailed as
   butcher and commissary.
Colbert,  Russell, detailed  as
   butcher and commissary.
Colbert, W. J., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Coleman, Wm. Oscar.
Crafton, Jack.
Crafton, Elijah.
Crafton, Babbitt, died.
Canady, Moses, died March 3, 1863.
Callis, Hampton, transferred to
   Company H.
Callis, Thos. A., transferred to
   Company H.
Callis, Camden B., transferred to
   Company H.
Callis, E. B., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Duggins, Kendrick, transferred to
   Colonel Hawkins.
Davis, Flem, killed.
Ewing, Geo.
Ewing, Augustus M.
Edrington, Alex., died.
Edwards, Geo. WV.
Ewing, G. D.
Fisher,J. E., died.
Fallis, Flournoy C.
Farley, Wm., died.
Frost, Amos.
Foree, John T.
Ferguson, Sid.
Foree, Thos., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Faulconer, Lev., transferred to
   Company H.
Foree, Geo., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Tague, John T.
Ginn, James G.
Greenwood, Wm. L.

Gatewood, W. R.
Goode, Wm. R.
Greenwood, Wm. H., transferred
   to Colonel Hawkins.
Greenwood, John W., transferred
    to Colonel Hawkins.
Gideon, John R.
Gideon, James W.
Glass, F. M., transferred to Com-
    pany H.
Greenwood, W.
Glass, Conwas, transferred to
   Company H.
Gosmam, Sam'l.
Hunter, Henry, transferred to
   Colonel Hawkins.
Hood, Robt.
Hall, Ely.
Humphrey, Robt. E.
Hoskins, Armistead, died.
Hunt, J. C.
Hedges, R.
Harmon, 0. P., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Hoskins, R. A., transferred to
   Company H.
Harmon, J. W., transferred to
   Company H.
Hoskins, A. G.
Jones, J. D.
Johnson, Joe, killed at Telford's
   Depot, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1863.
Johnson, Barney.
Jackson, Sam P.
Kirk, Wm.
Kent, David.
Lent, Geo., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Murphy, Philip.
McClelland, Wm.
Mitchell, Allen.
Maddox, Alonzo W.
McCarty, James.
Mitchell, XV. C., transferred to
   Company H.




Mayfield, C. G.
Martin, James, transferred to Com-
   pany H.
McGlochlen, Henrv, transferred
   to Company H.
Ogden, Wm.
Owen, James G., promoted to Ord-
   nance Sergeant.
Owens, James.
Perkinson, John D.
Pendleton,John R.
Peak, Geo. W.
Peddicord, John.
Pryor, Wm. M.
Penn, John W.
Quinley, Allen.
Robinson, John L.
Romans, Sam L.
Rowlett, John W.
Riddle, Wm., transferred to Com-
   pany H.
Richmond, Andrew, transferred to
   Company H.
Richmond, J. WV., transferred to
   Company H.
Stafford, D. F., died.
Stafford, H. W.
Smith, Robt.
Smith, Albert R., killed at Limne-
   stone, Tenn., Sept. 1863.

Sanders, Gosley.
Shoemaker, John.
Staples, Marion, tram
   Company H.
Staples, Sam'l A., tran
   Company H.
Smith, Robt. F.
Sanders, Jas. G.
Trulove, H. H.
Trulove, WV. T.
Trulove, H. WV.
Trout, Dan'l B.
Tandy, John A.
Thompson, W. D., died.
Tingle, Sam.
Tingle, Wm.
Turngate, J. N., tram
   Company H.
Turngate, D. WV., tran
   Company H.
Tandy, John F.
Tandy, Andrew J.
Vawter, Wim. H.
Vawter, Alphiel.
Welch, David.
Wooley, Thos.
Wright, James.
Welch, Geo. W., tran
   Company H1.


John G. Scott, Captain.
Marion Corbin, First Lieutenant,
   shot by Burnside, death order,
   on Johnson's Island.
Robt. F. Alexander, First Lieu-
Pierce Whittaker, Second Lieu-
Parker Dean, Second Lieutenant,
   killed at Cynthiana, Ky.
Alex. C. Ros s, First Sergeant,
    killed at Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Lewis Alexander, Second Ser-
Price N. Demint, Third Sergeant.

John D. Alexander, Fourth Ser-
Robert L. Bond, Fourth Sergeant.
SaPnrk  Ryan, Fifth Sergeant.
Robt. L. Sanders, First Corporal.
Daniel H. Morgan, Second Cor-
John E. Egleston, Third Corporal.
James 0. Bersot, Fourth Corporal.
XWood G. Stansifer, Fourth Cor-
Dike Arnold, Bugler, died atJones-
   ville, Va., February 12, 1863.
Joel K. Corbin, Blacksmith.
John W. XWest, Farrier.

;ferred to

sferred to

;ferred to

sferred to

Iferred to




Alexander, Lewis.
Alexander, Richard M.
Allcorn, Benj., transferred to Com-
   pany K.
Ayers, Jas. T., transferred to Fifth
Boothe, James.
Baxter, James.
Baker, Wm.
Bowlin, Robt. 0.
Bowlin, John, died at Gladeville,
Bournand, Henry.
Brown, Wm. M.
Boyd, Wm.
Costigan, Albert.
Cox, Richard L.
Craig, Edward T.
Detnint, Wim., transferred from
   Company F.
Diarmit, Richard.
Dinguid, James E.
Friend, R. S., captured in Ken-
Franklin, Robert, transferred to
   Company K.
Garnett, Wm. R.
Green, Henry.
Garnett, Andrew T.
Garnett, Wim. H., died in Virginia,
   May 20, i863.
Garnett W. B., wounded; died ill
   Virginia, June 22, I863.
Hammond, Sam'l.
Hammond, Wm.
Johnson, Win.
Judge, Michael.
Knox, Joel T., died in Virginia,
   April 30, i863.
Knox, Newt. A.
Kirby, Nat.
Lilla, John A.
Langley, Wm. F., transferred to
   Company K.
Lindsay, John F.

McElroy, Geo.
Murphy, John F.
Means, Nimrod A.
Marksberry, Sam'l.
McDaniel, John H., died at Camp
   Henry, January iI, 1864.
McDaniel, Thos. D.
McCreary, Wm. H.
Myrick, Morton.
.McElrath, Thos. J.. captured at
   Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Noel, John B.
Pettit, Julius J.
Pettit, James, died at Holston
Pettit, John E.
Pate, John.
Perkins, Joseph.
Pilow, John.
Rodgers, Alex. M.
Rodgers, Wm.
Rudd, Jos. T.
Reptka, Barney.
Rigg, Harry B., wounded at Bean
   Station, Tenn.
Ross, Campbell, killed at Mft. Ster-
   ling, Ky.
Roberts, R