xt7brv0cwm2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwm2h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770318 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 18, 1977, no. 170 text The Green Bean, March 18, 1977, no. 170 1977 2014 true xt7brv0cwm2h section xt7brv0cwm2h I I HE GREEN BEAN  
3/18/77 N0. 170 ( H
C/1lENl)!\R -
18 March — Administrative Council Meeting — Cancelled.
21 March — Library Science Colloquium — 7-9PM. Student i
Center President’s Room. (see note) A
24 March — Browsing Room dedication — 4PM, Room 504, MIK
South (see note)
24-25 March — KLA Special Libraries Section Meeting — V
Ft. Mitchell, Ky. (see note)
25 March — Administrative Council Meeting, 8:30AM, Gallery
Music in the Gallery series: Chamber music by
Peter Simpson (bassoon) and the University of
Kentucky Tuba Quartet — Noon, Gallery. Open
to the public.
Current Exhibits: Gallery, Special Collections — "Here‘s ·
to you, Harry C1ayl" (through 15 April). Foyer, King
Library North — "Epidemics in Early Medical Books: A Selection
of Rare books from the collection of the University of Kentucky
Libraries" (through 22 March)
Contributors to this number: David Farrell (Editor), Kay
Saillard, Jeanne Stevens, Bob Turner.

-2- 4
The Reference room murals - an update: E
· The Reference room murals that have excited great interest in T
the two weeks they've been on our walls will be painted over j
as soon as maintenance can make time for the job, according to 1
Administrative Services. L
Although some art professionals are of the opinion that the i
murals (by Pat Steir of New York City) give the room a new y
and more interesting character, it appears that the majority ;
of staff and clientele believe the work is inappropriate to Q
the design and function of the space. Numerous letters have Q
bee received from public and staff and are available for exam- ;
ination. Noteworthy among them are two--an eloquent plea for j
white walls written by Cathy Herman (Acquisitions), and another, T
five handwritten pages of impassioned prose, in which the writer T
describes the effect as similar to "the sound of a dentist's
drill or fingernails on a chalkboard."
Browsing reom_dedication: _ ‘
The newly refurbished Browsing Room (MIK-South, Room 504) will ·
be publicly dedicated on Thursday, 24 March at 4PM. The cere- Q
mony will be attended by President Singletary and will be open
to the public; refreshments and other arrangements are being ,
handled by the Staff Organization. ·
The Browsing Room will be one of the comfortable reading rooms
on campus with its thick carpet, over-stuffed furniture, and a A
sizable collection of current paperback books.
Library Scienee Colloquium:
The College of Library Science presents Mr. Robert W. Burns,Jr.
in its colloguium series on Monday, 2l March l977, from 7 to 9
PM in the Student Center President's Room. Mr. Burns will speak
on "Assessing User Satisfaction: Problems of Methodology."
K1,/)—SEEQiAL-Li-‘@-¥ilE_S MEETING
"Assert Yourself" is the theme for this year's spring meeting of
the Kentucky Library Association — Special Libraries Section
being held 24-25 March at the Drawbridge Motor Inn in Fort Mitchell,
Kentucky. Activities on Thursday include registration from nine
until noon, a tour of the Taft Museum and the Lloyd Library in
Cincinnati, a social hour, and a banquet featuring Barbara Williams,
The State Librarian, as guest speaker. Dr. Louise Dutt, Assistant
Director of the University of Kentucky's Counselling and Testing
Center is the featured speaker at Friday's seminar on assertiveness
training. Registration fee is $1.50 for one day and $3.00 for
both days with no fee charged to Special Libraries Section members.
All interested librarians are invited to attend. For further
information, cantact Sara Leech, Medical Center Library, 233-5726.

The fire alarms are scheduled to be conducted in the Main King
Library from 7:30-8:30 AM on April l9, May_l7, and June 2l.
When the alarms go off during these times, consider it a drill.
If the alarms go off at any other time, please proceed to the
nearest exit.
ARL Library Management Skills (April l9—22)
Inst. for Graphic Communication. Advances in Bibliographic and
Document Storage and Retrieval Systems. (April 5-7)
For further information, see Faith Harders.
Interlibrary Loan Librarian. University of Florida, Gainesville.
Application accepted: March 28, l977. Available: April l, l977.
Salary - $9,300+ depending on qualifications.
Circulation Coordinator, Library East. University of Florida,
Gainsville. Applications accepted: March 28, l977. Available:
April l, l977. Salary: $9,300+, depending on qualifications.
Assistant Reference Librarian (2 positions). University of South
Carolina Libraries, Columbia. Applications accepted: April l, l977.
Available: Immediately and July l, 1977.
Head, Catalogue Division, Librarian III - Librarian IV. Princeton
University Library, Princeton, N.J. Applications accepted: April
30, l977 and available July l, l977. Salary: $l4,400, depending on
qualifications and experience.