xt7brv0czc0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0czc0h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1985 1985 1985-03-14 2020 true xt7brv0czc0h section xt7brv0czc0h seesaw M. § - - wear-MW Wee-mi "mi-wu- m- .
' ”WWW h.”‘.’”‘ o o
N. 9 c ° 3 T . - _. Councrl discusses '
lmoy S 011 68810118 '0 ' 1
‘ R ha t 0 Wd (1 h I] ‘- ”i” ’t "l minority retention ' J
l enc n or e a , ' ‘ ‘ V. . Instructors should give black students . »
ByJAMES A. STOLL the separation and finally the com- After that came discussions of ' g f. g . _ . .
Edimria‘mmr “the“ “Star Trek "3‘ and the "tenable ~ _./.. -- added attention, Vice chancellor says , ' .
Nimoy was never really able to controversy regarding the death of i.§ . = . “ ‘ ' . V . - ‘.
.. Star Trek lovers. young and old, depart completely from the role of Spock. When first confronted with ,1 ' ‘é .i ‘ By JOHN VOSKUHL In addition. instructors should be .' ,. . . .
. if,” " packed the Center for the Arts last Spock. and insisted he would not that possibility at a party in his own i“ . ”it? _.... ' i Editor-in-Chief aware of the facilities that the office ' . ’ ', ~ .,

' " :1 night to listen to the wit and wisdom want to. However. he said, his pub- home, Nimoy said he replied “Well, i ”:i g! I of minority affairs offers_ he said, . . - - ,
-5 of Leonard Nimoy. The full house lie 80! the wrong idea from a book that‘scharacterevolvement.“ 1 EV ‘ \ E . ‘ VT UK faculty members need to Minority affairs has support pro— . ‘ ” '. . .'
greeted the legendary Mr. Spock he published titled I Am Not It was character evolvement that 2 8‘ _, ' 4c \ “nurture" black students in their grams. sum as a free tutoring serv~ ’ . ' .
is with a standing ovation, one which Spock.The press picked up on the made Star Trek what it was Nimoy ' s it ‘ i ; g classes to increase minority student ice and a peer counseling program. ‘. - "V' ' _'

xi they would repeat at the evening's negative angle in the book’s title, described the death of Spock as a h: l , ’T- retention. UK‘s vice chancellor for which are available to students on r ' . .
' close. saying that Nimoy was sick of the troublesome scene for him to act t.- " ”t - minority affairs told the University request. But students often do not ' " ' g g
- Spock image and wanted to break He also said that he and the others "t " ‘ Senate Councilyesterday. take advantage Of the services. he 7 ' ..

ThI'QUShOUt the lecture. NHhOY free. . .. , h , .. William Parker. leading a dis- said. “Usually. when we get young- - ' . ‘
w s nter ted b a rec tlve working on Star Trek ll had no LEONARD NIMOY . . . . . , , g . . - ,

a 1 WP y PP la In fact Nimo s ‘d that “Sta dea that S k , - cuSSlon on improvmg minority re. sters who come to us for help. its .
laughter and applause. Whether .. ‘ y 8' r ‘ 9°C. “35 3"“ t° be tention told the council members almost toolate " ,
speaking on his experiences with Trek I really came about as a re- brought backtolife. not as cnicial, “Maybe we will blow th tbec fth U . 't . . F" ult be e u] _ . . . _

' . sult of the success of another movie. Nimo also 5 ke about a sub'ect h tli r " h id. "The rob- a ause 0 .9 "wers‘ y S “3‘ dc y them r5 CO d momtor ' , .
Star Trek or elaborating on what he .. y Vpo . J eac o e up, e 53 p students have little contact With the students and recommend the
thought to be today‘s pressing is- Somebody at Paramount saw the he felt was of immediate concern to lem is: what ifwedon't‘?" their rofessors services when n eed ed hesaid -. ' .
sues Nimoy expressed himself with big bucks ‘Star Wars' made and said humanity: the fact that great num- "It‘p d'ff' ult to t An th V . t . ‘ ' . . ' . -.
'. . ‘Hey. wegotoneofthose.‘ "hesaid. bers of different species of life on ~ - 5 very ' ‘° 9“ Y0.” ° er “3" ° ”“9”“ ”9‘9““ ' - '
bothlnformalityandopenness. Ea th d . . N'mOY ended his 190th"? by QUOt' hands on a group of people with would be to try to recruit more - ‘
Nimoy said that despite the mov- r are ying out. "‘8 a poem from You Md 1. one of whom you can communicate." Par- black faculty members. Parker ' - -' -‘

Nimoy began his “Confessions of a ie's flaws, “no Star Trek fans would ”Ill a few years." Nimoy 53id~ his tWO published b00k5 0f poetry. ker said. For this reason. faculty said L'K emplovs 14 black instruc- ' t .
Trek Lover“ lecture by decribing a knock it. There was a lot of hunger “we 0011“ have 10.000 species a year and then a final hICSSihg from members need to make special ef— tors. the University lost five blacks I ” - '.
love affair as having three steps: for Star Trek. and here came a Star dying Ollt‘" Nimoy felt the issue 0‘ SPOCR'S VUJCBh heritage: “May you forts to get to know their black stu- last year >
the meeting and the falling in love. Trek meal.“ nuclear war also was important, but all live long and prosper " dents. ' \cc ('()l'.\(‘ll.. pages ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

rm .' ,c - k . .. , . . ‘
. - é _ st. , . ‘ "Q ‘
: A .. f“ booklets on , . .
..' i; ., . . ' -. '
. g « . , . . aspartame a
‘ . B) scorrwanl) _ .
l .iillTUCKY .i ‘ $33 "7!"? Senior Staff Writer .
t ‘ . "$9 ‘1 ’3‘ . The Student Government Associa- . . .
u ‘ V/' lion last night allocated $800 to help . '
1 pay for booklets comprising the .
~ \\ .. is material presented in a lecture by
. Dr Daniel Azarnoff who is speaking _ ” ‘
l ‘--—..... . g on the topic of Aspartame. more -
I l m commonly known as NutraSweet. an V
V l i ._ . ' " artificial sweetener V
It . "i ,; A . Azarnoff is a world-renowned re- V
' I Van V, c g. Meg‘s search selentist and president of
. t .. «vs-2V. .1. “ngag‘lij fin... gel-«.5 G D. Searle and (‘0 '5 Product and
” c I .' , .. (fifth est. " with . ‘ p“ Development division. the company '
. . ‘ l L tfic- " .r'i‘iliz'“ {.3 ‘.i.,'~”-' ” ' ‘ . " " , rinses which makes the sweetener. He is _ '
.- ' ; speaking at 10 am today in 210 (‘01- ~ '
4« lege of Nursing/Health Selences ' .
‘ building across from the UK Medi—
, cal Center.
There was a lengthy debate about .
- the merits of spending money for ”
“ .. . . . . - ' " . ._ . the booklets because the allocation
. , s. .. . . . -..; 4 ‘ " ‘ g» .~ “V c . * V;- reduced the budget in the speaker's - . . .
an!!!” .E ,- * 3' “ , .1‘ ,. 4 '. "t h "' I, ‘ f '. ”’ " “Mg V ”t. is 1 V”~ ”j” a” ,, ’* “*2 v» , V. ; a : bureau toabout $200. - ' '
m - .. "" ”" ' a ‘ ” " . I -- t we" ~ ‘.,..‘ 7...-” - ., 7AM“? “i '3 4 .- s‘ .. 33'“ In other action. the senate passed
“muss“. Krmclvil" a bill that will make the week of ' ', . ‘
Cover up April 14 to April 21 “Holocaust Me- -
Three members of the UK Baseball team spread a tarpaulin across Shively Field Tigers 6-0 in five innings. For details of the non—conference victory. see mgvrfigl‘gjfgdse of the week is to - ' ‘
yesterday as rain shortened the game. Kentucky won the game over Georgetown SPORTS, page 3. serve as a reminder of ”a tragic : '. -
chapter of the history of humanity." : .
. . said Senator-at-large Theo Monroe. . . . "
. . who sponsored the bill at the request . x . . _ -
ursrng s u ent rylng o orm seat e t coa ltlon - r .,
SGA also allocated $56 to pay for a ' , . -
. , documentar' film about the HOIO— ' ‘ . '
By FRAN STEWART {“1105 when her car StNCk a patch of than through the window," she said. rection in that car and the wood lege of Nursing. is heading local ef~ caust. which will accompany a pro ' - . f '
Senior StaffWriter ice. Seconds later she found herself "Itwas quite an impact." could have perhaps come through forts tostartaseat beltcoalition. gram coordinated by the Religious - '
over a 12-f00t embankment, with a Lewis walked away from the acci- me. . Advisers Staff ' I '. . ' '
Shirley Lewis left home early Feb. fence post penetrating the front door dent with one bruise. “I had to reach over the wood to ‘The purpose Of a“? group m“ be The program will be April 17 from t ' . ~

19 en route for work at the College of the passengers side Of her 1984 She attributes her lack of injury turn off the car,“ Lewis said. “It ‘to educate the public aboutVthe use 8t010 pm. in 2308tudent Center. ' ~ .

of Nursing. Nissan Sentra. more to her seat belt than to luck. would have injured someone on the of seat belts. and mud ”Straws and In other action because he had his '

She's lucky she made it to work. “The seat belt saved my life.“ she passenger‘s side. I was not injured support legislation for a mandatory second unexcused absence last ' . ‘

She‘sevenluckiershe’salive. bewissaid hercar turned 2h.» rev- said. “When I thought about that period." seat beltlaw, Shesa'd' night. Law School Senator Chuck - t

LeWIs, an associate professor. left olutions berfore crashing through (the accident). I realized what Donna Ricketts wants more acci- Ricketts said at least four states Huffman was purged from the sen- ' . ~ .
her home in Georgetown at 6:30 that two fence posts. The wooden fence would have happened to me if I dent stories to end as happily as now have state laws requiring the ate. ‘- "

mommg and crtused along US. as came through the door and split hadn‘thadmyseatbelton. Lewis‘ did. use of seat belts. including New And Kevin Moore. College of Med- , . V,

at 3:)"t35mph- aroundthesteeringcolumn. "If I hadn't had a seat belt on. .1 Ricketts, who is enrolled in the York. New Jersey. Illinois and Mis- icine senator who was purged at the - ’y I

only had gone about three It came through the door rather would have been thrown in every dl- upper division program in the Col- Sec ““5““. pas", last meeting. asked that the rules be . ‘~ .
g I S $ . ” suspended and his absences be ex- ' ‘ '
Q ‘ t . ‘ . . ~ cused. He was unanimously re- .
Gallaher combines 3 “AL-“‘4- .. ' * Speaker calls Wm... ' ‘
1 _ . t3“ .. LCC Senator Phil Taylor unsuc- .
. g. é - kl. . g: f . I. cessfully tried t: rr'i‘ove th;e senlajte‘s .
f‘ r: ._ 1 ' ,V . . 3 ’ 3 next meeting w ic will he at . .
academlcs culture :38"; f n ! 3:3 ‘ \\. or natlona lsm the Kappa Alpha fraternity house -
, , l l‘ n t ' "it ‘1? t ' l ‘ amon bl k back tothe Student Center. .
V. ~ 1 ' -*-‘ ' ‘ The meetings have been moved - . ‘
By CYNTHIA APAUORMO Gallaher became the acting director t t t. if if: i It . w g ac S around to attract more students, but ' . . ,
Stafferter 0‘ the Center for Developmental ” ' r- 3 ” .‘ ' ByLINl S.KADABA Taylor said this has been ineffec-
. . . Change for a year (1964-65). He was «.wwen Contributing Writer tive. There were less than 10 guests
If Veverythlng is “busmess as the deputy director of the center I ' V. i'. a: in r at last night‘s meeting at the Delta
usual around campus, then Art from memo. he z” i‘ i ' . 't "I .. Black activism didn't begin in Delta Delta sorority house '
Gallaher lsdoinghis job. In 1970. Gallaher became chair- - V‘s _ l i E ‘35 t . 1920 1945 1954 or 1960 said Aingred
In the words of President Otis A. man of the anthropology depart- ? ' r 'i " lit ‘ Dunston ‘a professor of history "It .

Singletary. Gallaher. chancellor for ment. He continued to move upward l 4’ . i ~ has been‘a my”,- struggle." '

the Lexington campus. “stands at through the University ranks when 1% * i - i The struggle against oppression is

3:, top of this bemston organlu- fishing? deanV oimtlzieBColllgege I: a. not defined by designating historical

. names in . y , . _ 'v' ‘ V 11” «l;
Gallaher is one of three chan- had moved to administration. For t I if ‘ agfmifihdmfigfingldlfigfi w~

cellors overseeing variom aspects of two years, 1981-82. he was the vice l t 3 t" , ' tional Association for the Advance “w“. 3-.“ WM

the University system. Charles We chancellor for academic affairs. in l Ii ~ ” ment of Colored People because u” ' L'...:§:~.ti~;~s‘

thingtonVis the chancellor for the 132 he became chancellor for the ~. '3 - . . . at. those events suggest a beginning ” ' ‘ . - a: 33‘}:

community C9116“ system: Peter ltxlnetoncamlm. . ii ' 1“ andan end. Dunston said to about 15 “'mm” e‘ '

Bosomworth ‘5 the chancellor b" “He was the natural Person to 5”I I ' . people yesterday during her lecture 5 ‘ .wc-Ertl

. . . . l. . . . . . :‘.~‘~‘vw or:

“Mailman”- . Wider for the chincellor position ' on “Political Socialization and the - .4 - ~ or

08'1““ “memm‘m 193398" became he was already in a lob . ' - ‘ ContinuityofBlack Nationalism." star—sage f‘ : ‘ ‘

anthrooolosy protag- Hgdsaid lib: moat roughly close to that as vice ~ : a [,3de mm advocated black . . . V. y :

knew one ”"0“ re m ch.lndla‘,"sinsleurywd ' ' w ' "ed as ' a . 'f V-r-«titwi

came. but had heard about the med- Gallaher hails from Oklahoma. ART GALLAHER ntmg'idgcgdfitm of be. # . - ‘ . t .

ml school’s {9thth as well u but has studied and taught throw» iliii education did not stop there. triimltion for me." He believes a havior which affirm the existence of m ' “Sit

the University: social m col- clothe wave-t. mmmudtrom as he then went straight into teach- science background can be ndvanta- an Afro-American nationality and ,.-.- . -\ 7— ”a.“ .

labor-tiers. Social science was of the University of Oklahoma in 1960 mg. For six years (1956-62) he was gm even in an administrative po setofvalues."

out interest to him. became he with I bachelor's deem in anthre an anthropology professor at the sition. “Anthropology is comparing “Black people are a nationality

:{pzcnmind (:yeociocultunl am m. Herecelved “£33: Ummvpcfélty of Nebraska. As a visit- 2:: octane at; human behavior. which are basically different from

thropol . n outta-apology eucl- at Rice Universi in can u ying if you're mak- other hyphenated Americans . . . be is. at. c; ”is. g

VGelleherwunppoeedtohevean UnlvenltyotOklahomelnlflLIn teemGallahertIightantrroprtolyogy “Mahatma“! “MWMWWSIIW affifit ,

interview atSmthemllllnoisUnl- lm,beearnedhisdoctontelnen- andsoclology. mmwsdvetheeeprob- andnoouiermlphasapa'iaiced fig.”-

vanity in Carma-la altar In lnter- Woo at the Unlvenlty of Arl- thn he became an adminbtn- term." He hopel he is solving prob» out. Your post nuiici you miqiie." ‘ 9‘ ‘ "L '

viewhaemuthedei-[uhedwhat m. Alan-am will“. tor.hehadtomakesomesacrlflcee, lelmwitboutemtlngnewm. maidenuhqukaoi-oredby am ,i ”'

leewhel'e.”eolcalicdodtlielnter- be foetus on bilnan behavior blitmofthunweredlsadven- Guidance-UK: objective» theBlacandueteeandProfeulon— 3?

viewetsm. th'ot'h learned systems He calls tags. "It takes away from re- belngmtiaiallycompetitlve. alsuidentsAuociatlon. ~

Ant mm for thee yearn. tibbb‘hbidfleddnworld." near-dl. but it was a comfortable “gunman ng‘n‘mg M - .- . .
t i ' _,

Arte Editor
Sweeps weeks Coney Hatch seeks American
' M f" pm" succ ss with ‘Friction’ release
year-round TV
Friction Coney Hatch with both Judas Priest and Iron
Sonas wrong. ~ ' Mercury/Polygram Records ThefifSt song off the Maiden.
Sweeps month has come and gone. ‘\ . Friction — the rubbing of one . u h. A . , Their two previous albums. the
with only a third of my prediction -‘ -\ force against another. That‘s the LP 15 T IS m I self-titled, Coney "am, and Outa
. coming true — ABC did lose consis- definition according to the Wester's M ' Hand gained acceptance and a num-
tently week by week throughout 2.5;... ‘ Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Love“ D eSp “8 the bad ber of followers around the world. ‘
February. But I predicted NBC - F .. ‘\ However. Mercury Records would usage ofEng/lsh Publications in England have placed
would win by a substantial margin. / , 3‘ define friction as the latest heavy in the title Coney Hatch high on their lists be-
As it turned out, CBS led every .. \ metal effort from Coney Hatch. grammar ’ cause of the band’s huge appeal with
week, a good distance ahead of ' W \ Similar to Coney Hatch’s two pre- this song iSfOF a][ young British fans.
NBC. The results of the final week ’ .\¥‘ “I’ ‘ vious albums, Friction is a tense , [I . . .
are as follows. according to the AS' 1“} 4! w ‘ \J’ .L €135“ between ’hcyrt‘hmic igvenm“ those who don trea y neir'éfitii; 3:312:13: 8330 e212;
sociated Press: CBS finished the ' and raw 89PM . cm "‘8 a" n led '
week of Feb. 25 to March 3 with an \ 'g album that has the effect of an understand the ta g has "“1”“ ”ems f" Ozzy 05‘
. , 18.3 rating. higher than its season- s‘ , ,._'_‘r "‘n earthquake. _ . emotion oflove. bourne, Bad Company and Ian Hunt-
. leading average of 17.2, NBC had a \\ ‘l l 5% fit ‘2‘ The first song OfftemtlieLEal: ”This — er.
16.6 rating, close to its season-to l ‘. Ain’t Love." Despi . , wage . in addition fellow C '
date 16.4, while ABC's “-7 rating "ruin” “‘ g g {I i of English grammar in the title. this This Toronto-based quartet has Nova has work ed with mggdtlgg
was lower than its average 15.7 per— I‘|I|'.'l\'..,llllu‘ 'i....it song is for all thosengig don’threally; :eachced hteiadlinfj itatus m‘tlgiir na- collaborated on “Burning Love ..
‘ formance. 2" i" mu" understand the tan emo 'on 0 we ana a an as receiv con- '
' A rating measures the percentage . . l 0 w: love. It delivers a pure punch with siderable attention in Japan. France Friction may'not be the cutting
' ' of the nation‘s 84.9 million TV homes "M mam,“ ”EM "Meg“,ndcmm, tenderwording. and Germany. edge of rock. n roll but it‘s sharp
. that are tuned. on average. to a ____________ ”She’s Gone" is a classic story of Coney Hatch has also concen- enoughtocutintoradioairpiay
‘ given minute of a network‘s prime ta,“ is once again working in the lost love and lust and the empty trated on live perfomances over _the KERNEL RATING: 7
time programming. business as a priest in a place called feelings felt after “she’s gone." years, playing In North America.
. _ Although NBC‘s “The Cosby sma" Hell Togm— a chvertygltrLcken Accordisngi tof '2; press releaoseng, They also have toured extenswely LINDA HENDRICKS
. .. . , ' litte nei rhood w ere a e is ”Wrong i e o own,” is a s
' Show has been consrstently ranked SCREEN the only one who cares what hap- that your mother wouldn’t like. She
near the top of the Nielson ratings . . , .
chart (it was No 1 Feb 25 to March pens to the povertystncken resr- wouldnt be the only one. Basrcally, _,..
3) CBS hasl ‘ ulling out its r_ dents of theneighborhood. this head-crunching song combines i *
enhial favorites sfich as “The $2- —— The local head honcho policeman good lyrics and music, but there 15a 0, In. .
., .. , make sure the stations can do their hates Blake became he is a bleeding problem. Lead singer Carl Dixon 5 p ' .. ' - ' ”" '- "
ard of 02 and The Grammy , , . . . . . . . ,
~ _ . Awards" to successive] . boost its best. Its whats called in most heart. undermining everything the veice cannot master it. t; \
overall ratin 5 Also m: new Sun- schools of clichesavicious circle. police do. Blake hates the policeman If Coney Hatch were to make_a ' a \ ,
' da night lingu‘ of “Sixt , Minutes .. Too vicious perhaps. because he is a a heartless. hard- video, it should be of the song, “Girl . id ..
.. y p . .. 3 ‘ .. ' , Sweeps month is one of the biggest nosed cop undermining everything From Last Night’s Dream: i ' ,
Murder. She Wrote and Crazy p .
Like a Fox" has met with success problems for non-cable TV. For thechurchdoes. , >
.. . . . ' three months out of the year, the This clever and original little par "1 know dreams are what she's . , y ,‘
Crazy Like a Fox 15 the only mid- . . . . . . . . ~ . ,
airwaves are flooded wrth mini-5cL adox leads to brilliant dialogue like made of, g r
season replacement that has fared .. , . . . , — . C
, well in the ratin S iies. made-for-TV mowes, world thefollowmg. But ldon twant to say goodbye. ‘ , s
g - television premeire movies and ex- COP; “1 don't like the way you use we did some things I shouldn't talk .s p \.; .
But the more I think about it. the travaganzas. The rest of the year is your collar.“ about. l > ‘
more this thing called sweeps month essentially nothing more than regu- PRIEST: “I don't like the way you But how good she made me feel. k I "
bothers me, AS far as the networks lar programming and reruns of reg- useyour badge." I woke with a smiling face. ‘til I s 1...: ’ ‘, ~
are concerned, in the general uiar programming. 1 think the whole Brilliant. found out she wasn't real. ». .; r a
scheme of things, the threetimea- thing would run a lot more smoothly That was only one of the intensity- 1 wanna meet her, the girl from last
year intense ratings period doesn't if the networks would take more filled. action-packed moments of the night's dream." m ‘5
mean all that much - their shows time and effort to provide quality two-hour premiere last week of “ ‘
are rated weekly. However. It 15 lm- programming throughout the year. “HellTown.” Attention Foreigner fans: “Com-
portant to local stations because it is Other than some overly-intense di- mg to Get You" is the answer to “I
enough the ratings that they deter . alogue and some equally intense Want To Know What Love Is.“ It
mine their advertising rates. So this camera work. the show has no re- has a sound similar to Foreigner‘s
month-long period three times a deeming qualities. If you‘re looking Double Vision album. ‘
- year is very important to the local Robert Blake, who started his tele- foragood excuse to study.this is it. “Stateline” tells a story — not
stations, and the local stations are vision career young as a member of Similar to “I Shot the Sheriff,“ mind
. . important to the networks. so the “Our Gang." and then in the mid- Senior Staff Writer Scott Ward is a you, but the basic concept is the
networks want to do their best to '705 showed up again to do “Baret- journalism sophomore. same. CONEY HATCH
Polka parody and Sherlock Holmes series premiere to ' ht
NEW YORK (AP) — YOU lUSt performances by the fab two, the for tickets to the Schmenges’ final . “Sherlock Holmes is one of the in Bohemia" and subsequent epi-
’ can‘t find enough good polka music Schmenges. concert. Sir Arthur Conan D0yle‘s idiosyn- great British eccentrics,“ said Mi- sodes, the new series is brilliant in
today. and now that the Schmenge As you’ve probably guessed by The burning issue is why, after a cratic sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, has chael Cox. who produced the series almost every respect.
Brothers have played their last now. “The Last Polka" is a rousing. 20-year, scandal-filled, wart-filled proven eminently adaptable to film, for public TV's “Mystery!" “He is
beeer and bowling alley. the void rocking spoof of those somber-toned. career, are the Schmenges retiring? first with Eille Norwood in the role like a machine. a mental calculating Granada. for instance, replicated
_ may neverbefilled. somber-intoned documentaries — “No comment," says Yosh, or was in a series of silent pictures, and machine. Holmes' Baker Street of a century
The Schmenges (John Candy and with apologies to The Bands fare- that Stan? later with Basil Rathbone in a set of “Jeremy Brett, in contrast, is a ago on a studio lot in London. And to
Eugene Levy) have jolted the enter- well concert tour immortalized in “Th , rob bl 16 mostly original productions. warm, sensitive person,” Cox said. assist the cast in characterization
tainment world by leaving at the the film “The IastWaltz." be ere S p a X .50‘"? money to There have been others, including “But he looks the part. conveys the and help the production team in
peak of their mediocrity. Who would Candy and Levy. who co—starred made from retiring, 'acknowl- Douglas Wilmer and Peter thing intellect, andheisaman of action." matters of design wardrobe and

' have believed it? in “Splash" as the older brother and edghed YOSh (Candy) m an interView in a British Broadcasting Corp. tele- Brett‘s carefully measured. knife- makeup, Cox and. two associates

But it‘s all there in gloriously the crazed oceanographer, wrote the M The “0918‘“ _Press He 31?" vision series in the 1960s, but Jere- sharp delivery might have pleased prepared “The Baker Street File,“ a
‘ clashing plaid and checks tonight special. starred in it and served as Stan were havmg a little ".0me 1“ my Brett, who plays the lead in Holmes‘ creator: I 77-page cross-reference of detail and
» when Home Box Office presents its executive producers. “The Last the dressmg room “'1?" the" leder- “The Adventures of Sherlock “Your majesty,“ Holmes inquires quotation drawn from the 56 stories
“The Last Polka," which chronicles Polka" is delightfully inventive hosen. Y0“ 1““ cant get. good 18' Holmes,“maybethe best yet. of his client, the king of Bohemia, in and four novels that feature Sher-
_ ' the never-told story 0f how YOSh and humor on the edge, a one-joke derhosen anymore,“ Stan sa‘d' A new package of seven hour—long the premiere program, “A Scandal lock Holmes.

' ’ y Stan Schmenge picked themselves themethat is non-stophilarious. The Schmenges (creations of dramatizations from Britain‘s Gra- in Bohemia," “why is this woman so
' “P from their muddy bootstraps and After 88 albums and five hit sin- Candy and Levy from their “SCTV” nada TV begins on public television vindictive?" “There had been countless ver-
became the toast of the accordion gles. the Schmenges (pronounced days on NBC) hail from Leutonia, tonight. “Oh, there was once some talk of sions before ours." said Cox. “and
' set. like GEEZers, not sausaGES) are the hotbed of polka and cabbage. As Rathbone's eagle-like visage marriage... " the monarch respon- we felt if we were going to do it our-
This award-deserving docu- retiring from the music wars. dev- lieutonians are easily identifiable by established Holmes‘ celluloid image ds, rather sheepishly. selves. it ought to be superior to all

. - mentary, complete With blackouts astating news for their legion of fans the wart-like beauty marks dotting in the early 19405. Brett‘s extraordi- “Ha!" Holmes barks, and his the others.

- and a voiceofdoom narration iby — none of whom seems to have been their faces. nary characterization invigorate: message (“As I thought!") is clear,

3 - ' comedian Dave ThomaSi that would bornin this century. “The more you have on your face. literature's most famous detective if unspoken. “We tried to make it as faithful as
be the envy of NFL Films. also in- ”They‘rethekings," says one de- the more prestige you'have in your with singular personality and man- Though Brett‘s extraordinary per- we could to the original by reading
cludes some electrifying concert votee. waiting in a slow-movmg line neighborhood. Stan said. ner. formance distinguishes “A Scandal Doyle as carefully as we could."

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. .wmssnosis
‘ Berlin W3“ , could inhibit Wildcats ’
By ANDY DUMSTORF Schremf leads the way Iat a 15.8 clip while Welp and “He’s a good outside shooter,“ he said, “so you've got The defensive style the Huskies use ,5 comparable to _ ,
www.- Fortier each chipin 13.1 paints pergame. to have someone that can guard him closely outside but what the Wildcats have faced all year long.
“They're a very deliberate ball club, that likes to 80 can still defense him on the inside in a post-up situation.
One could say the Wildcats will be looking for the pot inside," Hall said. “and look for-theirinside strength." He is an excellent passer; he is very quick at foot and "They play a very tight 2-3 zone." Hall said. “We can .
ot gold at the end of the rainbow when they take on the And their glass cleaning work isn't too shabby either. he is asmartplayer.“ look for much of the same type of defense that we've ' ' ,
wumngtui nation tonight in the first round of the Schremf is snatching so rebounds per game, Welp is And if Marv Harschman decides to spread his bad Playedagainstusin the conference ' .
NCAAtournamentinSalt Lake City. . . pulling down 7.0 and Fortier follows close behind with Hiskies out on offense, Hall said guarding Schremf with “They‘re a real probelm defensively as far as we are
The rainbow being that the Cats received a bid after 6.4. a smaller player could prove to be futile. “Their team concerned because of their hei ht .. . " I
. such a mediocre season. Kentucky enters the tourna- Hall said containing Schremf. who shifts at times can exploite that (posting Schremf) offensive strategy g ‘ s ,
mentwiththeworstrecordasanat-largeteam (1612). from forwardtoguard. couldbethekeytothegame. very well" The Wildcats will look to counter the Huskies scoring . - x .
And the pot-of-gold is a trip back to Rupp Arena. to “Schremp throws a little kink into their team because _ , , attack with AP’s second team All- American Kenn ‘, - , ~
theehdoflhe th he la a uard H Hall said “He's 59 and ~ k Hall compared Schremf to Florida 5 Francrsco Deon, . . _ y -
theF‘inall-‘our at man . P W 8 . . . - Ivery qulc whose inside la helped the Gators knock the Cats t Walker. The 6-8 Roberta. Ga. native is averaging 22.7 -3 ' ' -
But before reaching Rupp, and Denver for that mat- and he has the ability to post up. So, this makes a p y 0“ points and 10 4rebounds rgame - . ,
ter (the site of the West Regional semifinal), they will match-up problem atthevery start." or the Southeastern Conference tournament 135‘ Thurs- ' pe , ‘ . f '. . . 3
have to conquer the Huskies’ “Berlin Wall." Hoot-9 for- Stopping Schremf could be the task of Kentucky soph- day' If Walker stays at his current rate. he will lead the . " . . ,
ward DedefSchremfand7-OChnsWelp. . 0'90” Winston Bennett when play gets underway, Hall “He doesn‘t stay on the point like Leon did. but he‘s SEC in both scoring and rebounding. The last time that ' ' ' " ' ‘ 3
“They're very big," Coach Joe B- “All 581d 0‘ the en- said. very capable because he‘s an exceptionally good passer happened was dur