xt7bvq2s541h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s541h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19230209  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  9, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  9, 1923 1923 2012 true xt7bvq2s541h section xt7bvq2s541h The Kentucky Kernel









for All-Da- y
Program Here March
Being Made


All of the students that arc
working their way thru the University by selling magazines,
or articles that requires a subscription for its sale are asked
to call at my office and get a
recognition card. This is absolutely necessary as a number of
frauds have been detected.
C. R.












Freshmen arc reminded that
attendance at chapel every week
is compulsory.
Failure to attend will henceforth be dealt
with by the discipline committee. Seat numbers are found on
the bulletin boards near the
chapel door.





U, K.











W. A. Bryant, Prominent Mem- Prof. E. E. Fleischman's Class in MARRIES IN CINCINNATI
Der ot Aipna uamma tx.no xies
Dramatic Production to Give
in Hospital.
Series of Plays This Year.
Hero of Manv Footbal Battles Students of 'the University, and
The Little Theater is for the pur
Downed by Little God of
specially his comrades in Alpha
pose of testing plays not only for
Gamma Rho Fraternity, of which he







Mr. McCrady, of Faculty, Comments Upon Doctor Mott's
Manner and Personality.
John R. Mott, LL. D., head of International Y. M. C. A. and leader in
religious enterprises,
other world-wid- e
will address the students of the Uni-sit- y
in Chapel Saturday at the third
hour. The meeting is being especially
arranged by President McVey, in order to take advantage of Doctor
Mott's presence in Lexington during
the latter part of the week at a series
of conferences with the Y. M. C. A.
leaders of the state.
Seldom does the University of Kentucky have a speaker as eminent as
Doctor Mott; who might be called
one of the greatest statesmen in the
Christian world today. Tho he is a
layman of the Presbyterian church
there are few ministers whose influ
ence is comparable to his. Not alone
through the vast organization of the
Y. M. C. A. with its myriad branches
the Eastern and Western Hemis
pheres but through other religious
movements such as the Student Volunteer Missionary movement, John R.
Mott wields a tremendous force in
the upbuilding of Christianity and civ
ilization. The effectiveness of his
work in these various fields was recognized by Woodrow Wilson, who
called him one of the mose useful men
of the present generation.
Mr. Wilson offered Dr. Mott the
post of ambassador to China; yet,
though such a position would have enabled the "Y" chieftain to do much
to commend Christianity to the world
of the Far East, he felt his present
work of more importance, and hence
declined the offer.
Dr. Mott's manner and personality
are thus described in a recent article
in the Lexrnigton Leader (January 28)
by Mr. McCready of the University
faculty: "The writer has listened to
(Continued on page five.)

their constructive merits but also for
memper, were
was an outstanding
their literary and producing values, WEDDING WAS SURPRISE. shocked at the tragic death of W. A
according to a statement made by
Bryant, which came as a result ot a
Prof. E. E. Fleischman regarding the Bride Was Childhood Sweet- collision between an automobile in
program to be followed this year.
heart of Wildcat
riding to Louisville
which he was
With this purpose in view the Little
Wednesday-- and a machine coming in
Theatre will present in the next few
the opposite direction. The accident
months a series of plays by eminent
It became known her Tuesday occurred on Wednesday of last week,
playwrights and several which will be morning upon the return of the Unin near St. Matthews, Ky. Mr. Bryant
supplied from the English classes of versity of Kentucky bakltiball' team' received a fractured skull and was
the University.
from Cincinnati (that Cupid had rn taken to the Louisville City Hospital
Due to lack of funds and sufficient' vaded the camp during the sojourn where an operaton was unsuccessful.
equipment, the Little Theatre is fac- of the players in 4he Ohio city .
Mr. Bryant was a junior in the Col
ing many problems at present.
Freddy Fest, for ithree yeains star lege of Engineering and stood well in
order to solve some of the difficulties on the Wildcat football eleven and his studies and was popular throughtwo benefit plays will be given this bidding fair to annext his first letter out the campus. He was the son of
spring, the first of which will be pre in basketball evaded ithe other mem Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bryant, of Hardy- sented the last of March, and the bers of the 6quad Monday morning ville.
performance and was married to Miss Mary Har
second an out
The following
Night's ris, of Martins Ferry, Ohio.
adopted by the Alpha Gamma Rho
Dream," will be given some time in
Fest kept the marriage a secret un Fraternity:
til after the game when he refused
Wereas our brother, W. A. Bryant,
The students of the class in Dra to return to Lexington with the iteam met with a fatal accident as he was
matic Production will present to the amd when Coach Buohheit threatened on his way to Louisville January 31
public in about six weeks, the first to drop him from ithe team he an an after treatment in the hospital
of a number of matinee performances nounced that there were rtwo for tr on Febuary 1, 1923.
to be immediately followed by a tea mentor to cortsult. Although the bas
Therefore be it resolved, that the
served by the students. This is the keteers had two more games to play Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity ot
the which he was an honered member do
same plan as followed last year with during the week they dropped
the exception that the matinees will cares of the athletic world for the hereby express our sorrow in his loss
be given every two weeks instead of time being and ententained the newly and each member feels a personal
weekly. Each play will be the product weds unlit Coach Buchheit tucked the bereavement.
of one group directed iby a student cagens to bed
That we extend to his family in this
appointed by Prof. Fleischman. The
The marriage was the outcome of a hour of sorrow our deepest sympathy
purpose of this method is to give the childhood romance which began when and bear record to them of his worth
students practical training in produc- Freddy and Miss Harris attended th as a young man and as a student.
ing and interpreting the drama.
Martins Ferry School. When Fest
That a copy of these resolutions
who had spent his first year at college be spread upon the minutes of our
Wis sweetheart
WILDCAT MATMEN LOSE at Marietta informed to Kentucky to fraternity and that each member disthat he was coming
play with his fraternity pin the sym24-- 3
school, she came with him and had bol of mourning and that a copy of
s training
these resolutions be forwarded to his
West Virginia Grapplers Win all been taking Good nurse
Samaritan Hos family.
course at the
But One Match Enlow
ottal. Last fall before the football
season opened when Fest was oper INTERPRETER OF ANCIENT
ated on for appendicitis, she nursed
University of West Virginia wrest- convalescence and it was DRAMA HERE NEXT
lers deafeated University of Kentucky iargeiy due t0 her efforts that he was
Miss Dorthea Spinney to Give
maimen nere wionaay nigm in mx
Program Presented Tuesday out of seven matches easily winning abe t0 take ipart $n tne seas
Reading in Chapel; Tea
Over WHAS Broadcasting
Will Follow.
the rapplirg meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Fest returned to
The Kentuckians' only victory was Lexington Tuesday night and she will
Miss Dorothea Spinney, well known
in the neavyweignt class, wnen cniow rMna:n ,for severai weeu before re
The University of Kentucky band I downed Pitzenberger, after 15 minute turning to Martins Ferry, where she interpreter of ancient drama, will be
guest at the University the latter
was the guest of the Louisville Cour- - wrestle.
unti urai until Freddv is graduated a
and Times Tuesday evenclass, Richards, of th;8 summer. Fes)t s a member of the part of next week, and wiW give one
In the bantam
of her readings in chapel. AU stuing where they gave a program over West Virginia, defeated Uranam ot Alpha Sigma phi fraternity and is
invited to the performance
ataticH Kentucky.
the WH.A.S.
college of engineering, dents are
senior in the
and to the tea which will follow in
Many telegram! were receives1 4ur
Hough, of the moutaineers team,
her honor in Doctor McVey's office.
the concert requesting the repetition pinned Blair, of Kentucky, in seven gu.xy CIRCLE ELECTS
Her visit here is under the auspices
of certain numbers and also com- m,"u?"'
OFFICERS FOR YEAR oi the Classical, English and Art D
mending the band for its excellent
Miuener won irom sum, 01 ivcn- Arrangesajnits have not
nrlfv in five and half minutes in the
Circle been completed, but it is probable (that
At a meeting of the
The program consisted of several 135 oound class.
marches, iollowtd by selections (ton
afternoon the fol Electra will be the play chosen for
Brown, West Virginia welterweight held Wednesday
Tickets must be secur
famous operas, tuck as Fsuet. Wilson downed Truitt, of Kentucky.
lowing officers were elected for the presentation.
ed by students without charge in the
Daniels gave two solos, one a cornet cision over Stanley in eight ""nutes
Sneed Yeager president's office.
As the perform
Threads Among the
solo, "Silver
Mountaineers, camcu a uc- - President; Dan Morse, vice president
ance is especially for their benefit, an
Gold," and the other a saxophone
Pit,- a faii
solo, "Sexema." Two vocal numbers enberger earned a decision over Rob- - Anne Hickman, secretary: Earl Reif admission price wiN be charged fro
town people.
ken, treasurer.
inson, of Kentucky, with no fall.
(Continued on page 4.)


and Clergyman.




Students to Have Privilege of
Hearing Eminent Statesman


Plans are being made for a Voca






No. 17



Dean of Men.

Teaching is Popular Vocation
Among Girls at The
tional Guidance Day for the assist
ance of all. women students, to be
held on the campus March 22. Speakers will be heard on the various vo
cations), and conferences held with
students on the helds ot work in
which they are interested.
Vocational guidance questionnaries
distributed to all girls were used in
the selection of speakers. These show
ed that by far the greatest number
were constdering teaching as a vocation. Literary and newspaper work
came second, and home economics
third. The vocations and the number
choosing them follow:
Art, 60; Business, 37; Engineering,
1; Health, 23; Home Economics, 63;
Laws and Government, 18; Library,
33; Literary
and Mewspaper, 78;
Music, 35; Physical Education1, 54;
Psychology, 35; Research Labatory,
3; Romance Language, 34; Sooiarand
Religious, 56; Teaching, 118; Agricul
ture, 2.
There will be six speakers, one on
vocations in general, and one on each
of the following subjects: Psychology,
library. The
teaching, art, music,
subjects which were used in the voca
tional guidance program last year had
to be omitted this year in order to
leave time for other important lec
tures. Miss Helen .Bennett, director
of the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of
Occupations, and vocational guidance
specialist, is asked to speak on voca
Hons in general. Students who heard
her as
her last year remember
speaker of value.
There wiH probably be a vocational
guidance luncheon at Patterson Hall
for all speakers and University girls.
with talks and discussions.
There are still a few girls Who have
not filled out the questionnaires. They
are asked to do so at soon as possible
in order to make the records com
plete. Blank cards may be secured in
Miss Jewell's office.








at Desk After Six Months
Leave at Columbia

Dean C. R. Melcher returned last
week to resume hfis work at the University after a six 'months leave of
absence. The early part of the sum
mer, Dean Metcner went with ms
family to Princess Point, Maine, where
he remained until Ihe opening of Columbia. Here he took graduate work
this past semester.
During Dean Melcher's stay at Columbia he met many University of
Kentucky graduates in the school.
Each week they met at a luncheon and
watched the activities and progress
of the University.
The students and faculty have missed Dean Melcher and all welcome him
"I'm glad to be back at the University, for here we have the finest students in the world," stated Dean


Page Two



"I .nil nlu'.iv nl.nl lo irct tlic Ker
nel." R. A. Belt, principal of High
School, Tolu, Ky.
Street, Lousville, Ky.
M. Elizabeth Davis is head ot jnc
in the. high
Win. Ewing Hobsdn, who has been Science Department
Ky.; Mabel
Ave., Pars,
mining engineer with the Standard school at Ocala, Fla., address
stenographer, President's office,
.ullor Alumni Secretary
Island Creek Coal Company, was East Fifth street.
University of Kentucky, Lexington;
Did you get a new member?
teaching in promoted to superintendent of mines,
Imogcnc Robertson
Mr. Hobson's wife was
Schools, Ft. Thomas, Ky, ad January
Martine Bennett. They have two litCALENDAR
dress 190 Rob Roy Ave.
"A thousand pardons for being late
Bennett and
daughters, Ruth
News Echoes Dean
Columbia Alumni
F. M. llutcheson,
Mary Eleanor, aged six and four, re- but here is the two dollars, cheerh
Boyd's Declaration
Buffalo, Feb. 10. (Second Sat- Managing Editor, Morning Gleaner, spectively. They arc living at Taplin, given. I want to state to the world
liberal education is the plea of Henderson, Ky.; Ralph T. Garnctt
urday Regular) luncheon at the
that the Kernel is now some magazine-size- d
W. Va.
Columbia Alumni News, echoing the
Ellicott Club.
paper more power to itl It
ruei ucpanmciu,
Have you sent in any news?
Feb. 10. (Second
thought expressed by Dean Paul P. Railway Company, Blueficld, W. V'a.;
makes me awful homesick for the
Boyd of the University of Kentucky J. P. Barnes,
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
student, Southern
campus but I don't want to miss a
College of Arts and Sciences publish Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisat the Lafayette Hotel, at 12:15.
B. Siegel, with the Western
A recent letter from McHenry Hoi- one."
Courier-Journlast sum ville, Ky.; Jamison F. Skecu
York, Feb. 13. (Second
ed in the
Adress-321- 0
brook gives an itinerary that has cov- Electric Co., .Chiago, 111.
Tuesday Regular) stag luncheon
Lcesburg, Fta., P. O. Box 38.
ered a good part of the world since Arthington Street.
at the Harvard Club.
At Somerset, Ky., Judge J. Sherman he graduated.
"A generation ago a man went to
Kathcrinc B. Christian is a field
He joined the National
Detroit, Feb. 24. (Fourth Sat- college not because it fitted him for a Cooper, box 264, W. M. Jomcs, 516 N City Bank of New York in August, agent, Extension Division, Expcrment
dinner, Dixie- urday Regular)
Neikirk, 1915, in January, 1916, was transferred Station, Lexington, Ky.
and George
commercial or any other kind of a ca Main street
land Inn.
reer but because of the common be Route 2.
to the International Banking Corpora address, Chilcsburg, Ky.
Mon- Frankfort, Feb. 26. (Last
lief that a college course was funda
manager tion, (a subsidiary of the National
The address of Mrs. E. J. Hunt
Mark A. Watkins
In. Pomilnr nvptlttlcr tllPPtllltr.
....... 0
mental for a gentleman who cared to and
Motor City Bank) London, England. From (Vivian DcLainc) is Box 387, Cape
be considered cultured and educated," Car Company, London, Ky.; Victor
thence to Manila, P. I., for nearly two Charles, Va.
says the Columbia editor. He makes a H. Barlow
Barlow, Ky.; Lewis years, leaving to meet his financee,
Corine L. Martin is teaching at
plea also for courses pointing out the G. Stanley,
bookkeeper, Logan Mary C. Smith, in Hongkong, where Franklin Kentucky.
good things in American government, County Corporation, Luudale, W. Va.: they were married, August 19, 1918
Have you sent in any news?
An announcement that will be of literature, art, business and society
Boyd S. Edwards, with L. & N. R. R. After
that came work in Canton,
interest to all alumni is promised for and especially a course in History that
Company, address 4211 Huntington China, Manila, and Kobe, Japan.
the next issue of the Kernel. One of would teach a greater respect for the
Ave., Latonia Station, Covington. Ky. Then came a trip home for six months,
"I wish to tell you how much I've
the features is a prize to be offered. government of the United States,
back to Shangha, and then to Kobe enjoyed the Kernels and appreciate
It is less than some school teachers
Mahoney-Or- r
Address care of International Banking the fact that 'the eyes of dear old
earn in a year but it is large enough
Corporation. The Holbrooks
have Kentucky are still upon us' no matter
The marriage of Ben Mahoncy-17- ,
that if it were invested on the same
and Catherine Orr, of Dallas, Texas, one son, John Rowan, born in Kobe, where we are. I've found this cold,
basis as Jim Couzens' first $2,000 it
Club in Michigan Opens With a was
cold world we heard about so much
at Westminister Japan, December 21, 1919,
would amount to $1,000,000 in twen First
Rush Says Planck.
a pretty nice, warm place after all
Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Janty years.
with these big old friendly mountains
The Detroit Alumni Club was or uary 26. Mr. Mahoney served as a
ganized at the Dixieland Inn, Satur captain in the World War and is now
the cold breezes."
R. Brooks Taylor is now in the shutting
department of the Miriam Kincheloe, teaching at Harday night, January 27. The officers connected with the farm bureau of superintendent's
elected are: T. E. Warnock, '02, 1392 Texas.
National Carbon Company, the second lan, Ky.
Alumni of All Colleges Plan Celebra Manistique
president: E. H
promotion in six months. His ad
Did you get a new member?
tion for April 12.
Clark, '16, 1450 David Whitney Bldg
dress is in care of that company, W
F. C. Walker was a visitor in the
The national Association of Alumni
publish- 117th Street and
'19, De
C. E. Planck,
Madison Avenue alumni office last week and promisLack of space only prevents
Secretaries will meet in Cleveland troit
secretary-treasureing an entertaining poem received Cleveland, O.
ed to "get busy" to get an alumni
April 12, 13 and 14. The University Mr. Warnock was formerly president from Dr. Keene R. Forston, who is
"The Kernel is a splendid paper,
Kentucky will send a representative of the club that previously existed at practicing medicine in Washington, D. No excuse for my failure to pay up club in Adaiir county, where he is now
county agent, address Columbia, Ky.
One of the features of this conven Detroit and died out because of its C. address 804 H. Street, N. W.
more promptly." J. Owen Reynolds
"I seem to be holding down the fort
tion is an All College Dinner to be members being called to other places
attorney, 604 Security Trust Bldg. alone up here, at least I haven't run
held on the evening of April 12 when
Lexington, Ky.
Here is some news: Robert S. Ar
across anyone from 'Old Kentucky
alumni of forty leading colleges and nold '19, is with us mow, sales engineer
"I regard a strong organization of Harry C. Williams is office mana yet. Here are my two, late, but I
Western with the American Blower Company
universities will celebrate.
as a factor of great im- ger of the Williams Coal Co., Man tope not too late." W. K. Stokes,
Alumni Clubs
Reserve and Case, hosts for the con and living at 54 Smith street. C. R portance in the future welfare of the nington, Ky. He was married June
vention, expect to lead all in attend Roberts '22, is the baby of the club University of Kentucky. Such clubs 28, 1921, to Selma Margaret Archer. Studebaker Corporation, South Bend,
Ind., address 521 Franklin street.
ance. Keen rivalry is expected for He also is with the American Blower
can best foster that spirit of associaJ. W. Crenshaw, who has been with
first place in enthusiasm and noise.
Company and lives at 3535 National tion which is the warp and woof of
Department of
The Cleveland Alumni Club of the Avenue. We think our club will num
is with the the State
David McC. Phelps, Jr.,
fabric which forms the strength
North Carolina, is now with the L.
University of Kentucky is planning ber twenty. We have a list of pros the
and power of institutions. Best wishes Virginia Mining Co., Strunk, Ky
& N. irailroad at Krypton, Ky.
to make its corner at the festival
pects and intend to find out. We are for all success in the work of the
E. J. Eimer, who went with the
prominent place.
Anna L. Parrish is teaching in the
sending an invitation
the Alumni Association." J. G. Scrug-ha- Hercules Powder Company immeMichgan Daily to all Kentuckians at
Governor, Carson City, Nevada. diately after graduating, is chemist high school, Ashland, Ky., address
tending the University of Michigan
with the Patterson Chemical Com 633 East Carter Avenue.
"I am sorry to have neglected sendto meet with us. Later we intend to
pany, 344 Totawa Ave., Paterson, N
Alumni Help Arrange Dates for Stu be host to several Kentuckians, re
ing dues so long," Elizabeth Greene,
"I hate to be one of those 'better J.
dent Bureau.
gardless of the affiliation with the late than never' guys, yet enclosed
Fred Whitely is eleotrical engineer teaching, Jenkins, Ky., Box 483.
The story of the University is being University. Whatever enterprise the herewith is my check for dues, also with the Eastern Wisconsin Electric
told to members of civic clubs and Association undertakes, give us our history of past and present list of Company, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Have you sent in any news?
chambers of commerce in Central quota and we'll do our "dangdest" to children. Let it be understood I did
J. Casper Acree, who has just comKentucky by the recently organized fill it. C. E. Plank, Secretary,
pleted his course at the University,
not marry a widow with children
Student Speakers' Bureau. In many
left January 30 for Knoxville, Tenn.,
Have followed the athletic prowess of
even to take charge of the C. A. Norman
instances alumni of the University are
Old State most eagerly, for I was
on committees arranging for one of
My 1907 with hardened old things like myself
'one of 'em' back in 1904-0the student speakers to appear before
Kentuckian is still a source of joy to and I'm glad of it. Success to the
these clubs.
me and my kiddies who weekly cause Association and dear old U. K."
Did you get a new member?
me to stretch my magination in re Lena M. Phillips, executive secretary,
The plan is part of a scheme to ere
ferring to it. My life history is too National Federation of Business and
ate a better understanding of the Uni
Women's Clubs, New
long and varied to refer to it, but I Professional
versity's purposes and work, intended
Since the beginning of the 1923 have had my 'ups, downs, ins and York City, address 31 East 30th St
to make more effective its service to
W. C. Eyl is a consulting geologist
the State and to provide facilities for drive for 2,000 members, the following outs' to say nothing of forward and
First and City National
married to Delia office 407-Was
NOTE Alumni in business and in
its expansion and greater support to students have joined the Alumni As backward.
take care of the growing number of sociation: C. N. Manning, president, Mildred Highley, March 31, 1909. The Bank Bldg., Lexington. His wife was the professions are encouraged to inWilhemina Hagen. They sert cards here for the convenience of
Expenses of Security Trust Company, Lexington future wearers of the Blu eand White formerly
high school graduates.
A., age done fellow alumni.
Write the Business
the speakers are borne sometimes by Harvey Edwards
farmer, Ver are: Stanley T., Jr., and Edwin J., and have one son, Joseph
Dorothy D. Trust the year. They are living at 406 North Manager for rates:
the club and sometimes by the Uni sailles, Ky.; F. M. Maddox
one fair
tain of the 1903 football team, Major day is not far off when I can return Broadway.
Have you sent in any news?
Requests for appointments may be Inf., U. S. A., Room 2034 Munition to Lexington and renew old acquaint
ances. Best wishes to you, to Hilly,
made through the secretary, John L Building, Washington, D. C.
any any of the old bunch who re
Hays, a senior in the College of Law,
Mrs. Lelia' Calhoun Leidinger, teach
A. J. Zimmerman, who has been re
707 Marion E. Tay USr Bfdg.
or through the Alumni Secretary. The ing in public schools, Louisville, ad member 'Bone' Baer and his varied
alumni clubs have been urged in com dress 1605 Third street; Edward I. collection of postcards." S. T. Baer, ported lost is found in the Univor
manager, Big Wood Canal sity, where he is an instructor, De
munications from the Alumni office Scrivner
studying denistry, Uni assistant
partment of Chemistry. Mr. Zimmerto help arrange an extended itiner versity of Lousville; Earle C. Clem Co., Richfield, Ida.
man was married November 10, 1918,
ary for the student speakers,
ents, Sheriff, Union County, Morgan-field- ,
to Ida Marx. They have one son
Robert Lytton Maddox, who receiv Mortimer, eleven months old.
H. J. Childress, County Agent, Mar- ed his A. B. in '09 and LL. B. in '10,
IN MAGA- ion county, Lebanon, Ky.; Mrs. Mary is
practicing law at Middlesboro, Ky.
University Dinner at Louisville Set Elliott Flanery, member of 1922 Gen He has been one of the leading back
"I am now engaged in business here
eral Assembly,
For April 20.
ers of the Strollers' eastern Kentucky and am doing well enough." W
School executives and teachers at Orville J. Stivers, Secretary, Jefferson trips and other University enterprises. J. Kallbrier, attorney, 1329 South 18th
street, Louisville, Ky.
tending the K. E. A. in Louisville County Board of Education, address
"My address during the college year
April 19, 20 and 21, are invited to at- Beuchcl, Ky.
ONE YEAR $2.00.
H. Louis Alexander, Paris Pike,
T. P. Warren, who went with the C. is still Queens College, Charlette, N.
tend the annual dinner of the Univer
Herbert Graham,
sity alumni on the evening of April Lexington; Winston Skillman, Union R. I. & P. railroad, as assistant engi- C. I want to get every number of
Motor Company, Lexington; Joe
20, Friday. Arrangements of the Lou
neer, maintenance department, imme- the Kernel this year." Edna King
real estate and insurance busi- diately after he graduated, is now dis- Berkele.
isvillc committee will he announced
later, including the name of the hoM ness, 125 East Main Street, Lexing trict office engineer with that comcontrac20
pany, 501 United Bank Bldg., Des
where the dinner will 'be held. It will ton; C. H. Daughcrty
tor, 183 Walton Avenue, Lexington; Moines, la. Mr. Warren's record as
Lora Lee Robertson, who was teachbe at the Seelbach or the Watterson
C. R. Chappell,
Room 4101220 an active member of the Alumni As- ing in the west the last two years is Formerly With Caskey Jewelry
sociation is as steady as that with the on the faculty of Columbia College,
Alumni headquarters will be in the Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass.
Watterson hotel, maintained in conAlexander Bonnyman, General Man C. R. I. & P. railroad. Mrs. Warren Columbia, S.C .
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Edna W. Smith, who taught in the
junction with the University head- ager, Blue Diamond Coal Company was formerly Lucy Thompson, of
quarters. The Lexington office will and allied interests, Knoxville, Tenn., Lexington, and they have one son, Carrollton High School the past two
Phone 3M2
be transferred in toto to Louisville Box 1086;
Edgar A. Pence, truck Thomas Phillip, Jr. The family were years, is spending the winter at home,
Lexington, Ky
for the convention.
Detroit, holiday visitors in Lexington, and Mrs. address 110 Poplar St., Corbin, Ky. 1S7 I. Limestone
Mich., address 5064 Burk Ave.; Aline Warren and son, arc
C. Mattingly, 528 West St. Catherine winter in Florida.

Alumni Notes

spending the






ex--- -,

ex-2- 2,












Betwixt Us


ex-1- 5,





E.R. Ranio m'05





* 9



Page Three


of chicken feeding tests put on by the


experiment station.
Mcmbors of the Kentucky Poultry
Association, in a business nicctng
The Great American Stomach
Wednesday afternoon elected W. C.
It is undeniable that the sitomasli is
of Georgetown, president
organ of the
of the organization for the coming the most
year. Mrs. R. C. Coomcr, of Speed- body. The manner in which people
and abuse their most important organ and
Livestock well, was named
bcslt friend is cleverly hit off in the
Men, Poultry Raisers and Fruit J. R. Smith, of the college, secretary-treasure- skit entitled: "Diary of a Flapper's
Directors selected at the
Interests Appealed To.
meeting included: H. M. Lirttrcll, of Stomach," in The American Journal
of Public Health, Chicago. lit is mereGill,
PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED Baducah; George Union, of Louisville; ly the experience of a single day and
and Arthur
W. Huey, of
is not as much exaggerated as might
Two State Associations Hold An- Vaught, of Science Hill.
'be supposed. Here is the stomach's
The association also adopted a res- complaint:
Sessions in Connection
olution urging the board of Irustccs
With Conference.
"10 a. m. Oh, dcarl Another warm
of the University of Kentucky to alday. Wonder if I'll be abused as I
KenDespite a heavy rain which fell low $10,000 in the budget of the
was yesterday.
If I am, I'm going
throughout the day one, thousand far- tucky Agricultural Experiment Station to strike. Just disposed of a
for 1924 above the annual allowance
mers and their wives Wednesday atbreakfast. We ran for the train,
of $50,000 for the organization and
tended the second day of the eleventh development of. an egg laying con- which meant, I was so joggled about
annual farm and home convention be- test in the state. The resolution and so tirc dthat it took me twice as
long to do my work. Hope she gives
ing held alt the college of agriculture. pointed out that chickens yield Kenme an hour or two of complete rest
tucky farmers $26,210,759 a year and
Authorities of the college arc pleased
before anything more comes my way.
profit from the farm flock
with the success of the annual event that the
"10:30 a. m. Two glasses of ice
is directly proportional to the average
up to the present time and point to
water have just arrived. It will take
production of cadi hen. An egg laythe good attendances at the meetings
all the energy I can pump up in the
ing contest would serve to increase
as an indication that Kentucky farmnext hour just to warm me up to noraverage production of hens in the
ers and their wives are becoming more the
mal again.
eresolution declared.
interested in studying their business. state, th
"10:50 a. m. Half 1 chewed breakA. A. Rule general manager of the
Discussions and demonstrations perfast did not satsfy her and she bought
Vegetable Growtaining to the leading the crops and Federated Fruit and
some peanuts and started agan.
ers, inc., delivered one of the princiclasses of livestock in the state's farm"12:00 a. m. Peanuts have been