xt7bvq2s621x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s621x/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1935 journals kaes_circulars_274 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 274 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 274 1935 2014 true xt7bvq2s621x section xt7bvq2s621x   5 
1 University of Kentucky—ColIege of Agriculture
Q THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
  Circular No. 274 February,·1935
1 Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried
on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
  with the U. S. Ihepartment of Agriculture, and distributed in furtherance
of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914.
i Pregnancy Disease of Sheep
 y F. E. HULL and W. W. DIMOCK
For many years sheep breeders thruout Kentucky have
i_ had severe losses of pregnant ewes, caused by pregnancy dis-
I ease. This disease usually occurs during the months of Jan-
`V uary and February, ia few days to several weeks before lamb-
ing. Of one hundred and six cases 011 which autopsies were
held, el occurred in December, 59 in January, 38 in February,
l and 5 in March. The loss varies from tive to twenty-tive percent
1 of the ewes in the flock. This disease probably ranks second to
parasites as a cause of loss to the sheep industry in Kentucky.
Pregnancy disease is not infectious or contagious, as re-
peated a.tte111pts have failed to transmit the disease or to isolate
a causative microbe. A study to determine the cause of the
disease brought out tl1e fact that it was an acidosis. Aeidosis
develops as a result of improper nutrition. In many flocks of
sheep some individuals are 011 the border line between health
and ill l1ealtl1. Many ewes are in a low state of nutrition at
breeding time. lf such ewes 2ll'€ 1lOb fed so as to gain in weight,
especially i11 the latter months of pregnancy, when the drain
on the system is at its maximum t11l(l the requirement for essen-
3 tial nutritive elements is greatest, they may become so out of
  balance nutritionally that sickness develops. ·

 ;, j  
2 Kentucky Extension Circular N 0. 274  
Studies in nutrition have shown that in addition to pro-  
l tein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber, the animal body requires a  
certain amount of a number of mineral elements and of those  
substances known as vitamins. All the essential elements used $1
by the animal body are best obtained by the animal direct from  
the feed. In those sections of the country where certain min- 1
erals are not present in the soil and thus not present in the feed 1
it   necessary to supply them from some other source. Some ·_
4 minerals may be supplied effectively by adding them to the ·
grain mixture or by mixing them with the salt; however, it is l
generally believed that minerals fed to animals as such are not  
so readily made use of by the animal body as the same minerals l
present in the hay and grain. Therefore, in feeding· sheep,  
particularly breeding ewes, it is best to feed a liberal supply of  
roughage and a small amount of grain. It is also best to feed a  
variety of roughage and a mixture of grains. If ewes are fed a  
sufficient quantity and variety of roughage and grain it usually  
means that they are supplied with all the essential nutritive Q
elements that animals need to maintain health and to produce ,
young. The non-pregnant ewe may survive and appear to be i
healthy on a quantity and quality of feed that would not be
sufficient to maintain the health of the pregnant ewe. As the
ewe approaches the time of lambing the need for proper nour-
ishment increases; therefore, in a flock of ewes poorly nourished I  
in one or more of the elements essential for balanced nutrition,  
there is danger that some of them may develop pregnancy dis- 1
, ease or acidosis during the last weeks of pregnancy. ,
Parasites and the popular belief that sheep need not be fed 1
and watered regularly are predisposing causes of pregnancy
disease. Parasites alfeet sheep of all ages, but are particularly 1
severe on lambs. This results in a large number of cull lambs 1
of low market value. liwe lambs not in marketable eondition l
frequently are retained as breeders. Such animals usually have 1
a large number of parasites. 'l`he parasites interfere with nu-
trition and as a result the ewe does not have a reserve supply of
food elements in the body. »

‘  Pregnancy Disease of Sheep 3
  Ewes in the first stages of pregnancy disease lag behind
  the rest of the flock and refuse to eat or drink. There may be a
  tendency to walk in a circle or to stand with the head pressed
  against some hard object. The sick ewes do not have good use
  of their legs and are unable to get over small obstructions.
  Breathing is rapid and difficult. The temperature varies but is
  usually normal. Sick ewes are apt to be constipated altho they
  may have a diarrhea.
  As the condition progresses the sick animals are found
  lying down more or less constantly, grinding the teeth, trem-
  bling, and gradually becoming indifferent to their surround-
 “` ings. At first the sick ewes may rest on the breast, with the
i g head turned toward the body; later they lie on the side with
  the head and legs extended and are unable to stand even with
  assistance. Finally the sick animals become almost unconscious
  but may live for several days in this condition.
E  The majority of ewes that die of pregnancy disease have
  twin lambs in the womb. This is not thought to be a primary
I factor in causing the disease because the majority of ewes pro-
_ duce twins. The lambs a1·e always found a.live in ewes killed in
gl an advanced stage of the disease. Examination shows that the
  womb is closed, sealed normally and there is no tendency to
  dilate and thus facilitate the delivery of the lambs.
·~1 The liver and kidneys are the only organs in which path-
  ological changes were observed with any degree of regularity.
C, These organs, as a whole, were soft, sometimes to the point of
__l being pulpy and gorged with blood. The kidneys are usually
  very dark in color while the liver is most often of a grayish or
  slightly yellowish color, more or less mottled.
  Pregnancy disease has been mistaken for hemorrhagic sep-
i_ ticemia, grub in the head, nodular disease, botulism, pneumonia
  and poisoning. Many farmers report that the disease appears I

 4 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 274 *
a day or two after salting. Sheep should have access to salt at   aft
all times. Salt poisoning is apt to occur in flocks that have not V the
had salt for some time and are then given a liberal supply. Salt t of
should never be left outside where it gets wet, as salt and water   the
form a brine which is poisonous to animals if taken in any   of
quantity.   tw
‘ an
As soon as pregnancy disease is noticed in the flock, meth- , of
ods of management, feeding and watering, as suggested under   Ck
prevention, should be begun with the idea of preventing the de-   go,
velopment of the disease in the remainder of the tloek. Usually  
treatment of the sick ewe is useless. Constipated animals may  
be benefited by giving them one-fourth pound of Epsom salt. 4;
Blackstrap molasses is a good feed, a laxative, and appears to i
have some value if given early in the course of the disease. g
Molasses feed may be purchased or the molasses may be added  
to the grain mixture at the rate of four ounces per animal per ‘
day. Sick ewes may be treated by drenehing them with a mix- g»
ture of two ounces of molasses and four ounces of warm water, in
repeated twice daily. ,
Prevention of pregnancy disease depends on the selection
of good, vigorous ewes as breeders, good feeding and the control ,
of parasites, especially stomach worms. Prevention should thus  
begin with the selection of the animals that are to be used as   PG
breeders. Early ewe lambs, that are well developed, well nour- 811
• ished, and have been kept comparatively free of parasites should ev<
be selected. Such animals have a larger reserve of nutrients iu y QU
the body and are more able to withstand the drain of pregnancy i   fe<
and lactation. The majority of breeding ewes are in rather  
poor physical condition at the time the lambs are weaned. llc-   sat
stricted feeding at this time aids in drying up the ewes and . na
also helps to prevent the development of udder trouble. iu
Beginning two to three weeks before breeding, the ewes su
should be fed so that they gain in weight. It is imperative al<

  Pregnancy Disease of Sheep  
  after they become pregnant that they retain this weight and at
K`, the same time continue to gain so that they will be in the best ·
_l of condition at lambing time. To do this it is necessary that
  the ewes, from the beginning of breeding, have a liberal supply
  of water always available, receive succulent pasture, from one to
’ two pounds of hay per day, and from one-fourth to one-half
;:’. pound of a grain mixture per day. The exact amount of hay T
l and grain depends on the physical condition of the ewes. A part
_l of the hay should consist of a legume, as alfalfa, lespedeza, red
it clover, soybean, cowpea, clover mixed with timothy, or any
  good mixed hay.
Q The following grain mixtures are suggested:
  Mixture 1. (Experiment Station Farm)
  Oats 300 lbs.
  Wheat Bran 100 lbs.
  Linseed Oil Meal 50 lbs
{il Gradually increase oil meal to 100 lbs.
  Mixture 2.
  Corn 300 lbs.
  Oats 200 lbs.
*4 Vlfheat Bran 200 lbs.
l Linseed Oil Meal 100 lbs.
i Mixture 3.
g Corn 300 lbs.
} 'Wheat Bran 150 lbs.
  Linseed Oil Meal 50 lbs.
  Perhaps the best grain mixture is equal parts of corn, bran
  and oats, with linseed oil meal in the proportion of l. to 7. How-
  ever, where a grain grown on the farm is available, a larger
  quantity of it may be used. liwcs in poor condition should be
._ fed a grain mixture containing a larger quantity of corn.
  Wliile feeding as above indicated is the most natural and
.` satisfactory method of maintaining proper nutrition of preg-
i nant ewes, it might he advisable to feed a suitable mineral mix-
ture. A mixture of one part. of ground limestone, one part of
V sulfur and ten parts of common salt may be used instead of salt
I alone. Minerals should be fed to livestock only as supplements -

 ; l  
6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 274 Q
to rations that have been properly balanced. The proper use of i
linseed oil meal improves the ration and at the same time re-  
duees the need for minerals as such.  
The disease of pregnant ewes known as pregnancy disease  
or acidosis is due to a nutritional unbalance. Pregnancy dis-
ease is caused by impropertfeeding, poor care and management _
and irregular watering. Many persons are of the opinion that 1
sheep can go for several days without water. Sheep can go  
without feed longer than they can without water, without suffer-  
ing ill eitects. A   . .
The majority of cases of pregnancy disease occur directly ,,{
following a sudden drop in the temperature, a cold rain, or a *5,
snowstorm. At such times the ewes may be temporarily ent off i
from free access to the water supply, green feed may become  
unavailable and shelter may or may not be provided. This sud- ]
den change in methods of feeding and management, together i  
with exposure and a restricted water supply, may upset poorly   im
nourished ewes that otherwise would not have developed preg- V  
nancy disease.  
tion c
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