xt7bvq2s7k29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7k29/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 05, 1983 1983 1983-10-05 2020 true xt7bvq2s7k29 section xt7bvq2s7k29 l l .
w—_———————______§WW*__”3_ 33
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l Vol LXXX‘t‘l, No. 4'. An indopondont student newspaper serving the University of Kentucky since l894 Wodno|dcy Q mt»... s will

Reagan proposes U . S . , U . S . S . R . reduce arms

' By BARRY SCHWEID The president. outlining a new But he accused the Soviets or At Reagan's side was Edward backed by c» solution The pmi tion iii I nan two-rm..- .22 llntiw
Assocxated Press Writer U.S. bargaining position in the dead- “stonewalling.” and Rep. Les Aspin. Rowny. who will open a fifth round dent s endorsement could smooth that only drplmmriiz it to» l'l‘l

2 —2-2 2. 3 locked strategic arms talks, said D-Wis.. who played a key role in of talks inth tthoviets tomorrow in the way for «nun-minim upprmal shtng 2 and Tomahawk .zuiw ms
g WASHINEAFON Qfofiigintliehs: that rimerigdm tlhe age." He White House consultations with Con- Geneva25witurland of his MX missile program silt-a would nhakc Nu :r't ill'lJll",
an PTOPOS yes 5’ Spec 1 y 0 i 850. “080‘ gress, predicted “3 ve col - ,. . if the Sox'it-ts acccil ilt-a an's encr at thr- oliatiom to until
Viet Union and the United States “ate limits m long'range bombers tion"from Moscow. 0’ d MC “8”,“.1” have to be tradeoffs prOptsed builddmtii :l‘could stilulllc rhodium raruc mutt-s ll‘. limou-

‘ each destroylat least 5 Percent Of and flif'iflunched cruise missiles The Soviets have proposed limit- and the Unitod Sula '8 WNW to at least part of lilt‘ plan to deploy Bi ditploymg ll‘ llll\\lil'\ .'..ii
the" strategic nuclear warheatk The United sut$ holds an edge in ing each side to 1.8m missilm and W“ them.” Reagan said ‘5 he out- lw new land NM'ti tumult-s with Ill and tho Ami-nun sitii- would .i.
every year. “We want to reduce thg bombers of no to 343, and also is bombers combined. Currently. the med mm" 5 ”mm“ ‘° "9"” “meats each .ii \tnrrcn .iir hm- lually tum the ground trnii. under
weapons 03f war. pure and Simple. aheadinthecl'um they carry. 33 United States has about 1,600 mis- “‘3 busein Wyoming tin-talks
Reagansaid. Earlier, Reagan sought to require silos compared to 2,340 for the Sovi- Asked whether he had specific Apart from ”W guarantwd cut It said itcmtrrgcr u.“ {rung !u

Spbsmttal CUtbaCks m heavy mls' et Union. . numbers of weapons in mind. the back of :3 pt‘rt‘t'lll .i war in war mislcadthc public
Meanwhile, the Kremlin kept up Silos. which account for about two- The president met for 45 minutes president replied: “Not that I would heads. the pmixml would also n- m i‘timmrtilan n-pmzul t'.Ill.r‘!
its propaganda barrage against US. think of the Sovtcts' strategic with a group from the Home and mentioninadvancc " quu-c both Sldt‘b to destroy mnri- old ual‘ntngs that ll tbi- inn-r2. .ll‘ ”1.x
nuclear policy yesterday, wanting strength. while promiSing to take up Senate before announcing the re- Reagan adopted the proposal for a nuclear weapons tor l'dt‘h tit-M om- silt-s art' iii-pinion m.- Nun” i 22......
that the deployment of new Ameri- bombersatalater stage- 3 vised us. position in the Rose Gar- guaranteed “builddown” in u 5 they add to their ufimnls mild lnt‘l’l'axl' iii mmm 22 men
can rockets in Europe will “knock “We have removed the diVide den. “Let me emphasize.“ he said. and Soviet long-range nuclear weap» Toss. the official Smiel rims mimics targeted on “Hlt'lf' in
the ground from under” the Geneva line between the two phases of our "that the United Stata has gone the arts at the prompting of Aspin and agency. rejected 1' .\ [Home Soc rnpr and long rattgc tumult-2 'li.|l
talkstolimit the missiles original proposal,”Reagan said. extra mile.” other members of Congress It was retar) t‘aspar w-iiiln-rger s contcn cmiltlhit ihcl nimlstutn
UK, UL offer W, 2 - 222 Armament but up
D an to eep 2 . .. - ~ vi. .: - , . .
, ' .2). , 26 ., " ‘3.. ~”. ' ‘ " .. . Aha-"K ‘I . "2 ‘ .
' IE CAL’DILL ' ' " ' -~ ' 2“ 1 ' - 2‘ ' 1 2&2 ‘- o o
BVNATAL l - 2‘2 ' - 2 .. 22- 3.. :".’~f' 23 3 .3, ' "v‘ f; 3, ’
Staff Writer i ‘ 2‘5““ ““954 prleSt tells audlence
President Otis A. Singletary and 2 ' 3_ 3 - w " y , .1; .2 2 2222 - 1 w. .. 2 .
Donald Swain. President of the Uni- _. «22222.. 2W -- 2:21 ‘ 2‘ Byl-JVl-IRI‘ITTJ xii'tciimiii “‘"”" ‘ " ‘
versity of Louisville, proposed that WW“: *3 ~- 3. 3 2?. 2" Semor Staff Wm”
each of the state‘s dental schools re- 1 j ' ~ 3‘2; , ,
. main open. .222 'W» 333 33 3 i 1 3 Father Robert Drinan told an au Th" ’“lt'lt’Ur/rt't’if’
The Council on Higher Education 2222,53,, 22,222 2222222- 22. - o - -- ~ - 3 W, 3 theme of about son that the nuclear . , , . .
. , . 3, 2.3:. W”; 2 9,1 . . . “W - 3 I71()\( "If If! (.8 (l ( Fl
received a consultants report in ,3 2,22,, 3333 . omit. 23,3221 w 3 «ti freeze was the first slap on the way 3 3
July which suggested merging both 22 33., . of": L' ""' ”‘fl' . to nuclear disarmament f r ()"l [’10 hour! (If I ht’
universities' dental schools in order .91‘.. “WQM. ':.' ~22 1 22,. . '_ Drinan, a professor of law at ' 3 3 3 3 3 3
momma,“ 3 $§““fi2;.-w * . J l 3333,22,. 33W, 33 _ 6,03,33,10“ “New, 1m. (1.,m,r poop/r 10.80} Ihti (fl/l
Both Singletary and Swain reacted 5i gzvcwwrzwémj ,2 sz’fic d In Washington D (‘ . said during a "0 longer g“ on I, i'l’li’
to the report by composmg a Jaint , 33 3:3 - . r - . 3 speech in tho Newman (‘entcr "that . 3
letter which was mailed to Council 222,.» .3 .- i. 2% 3 the country is gmng through a pro 1" (I W( N' [(1, Wlfh "0
members over the weekend. .2 ~ I ' l found anxxcty." and that Americans arm 8‘ (.0 ll ".01
The letter stated their goal “is to wwwfl,“ ‘ ' arc gomg to have to takc a personal ‘ ' ‘ '
offer an alternative proposal" to the ' 2 ' 2'” ,x ; interest maybe I’ll" (‘tmgri'sx
suggested mergingofthe schools. 233333 33,,;g,::,}:::"*"'°" 5 "The 38 years of thc nuclear agc '- ' 2- ..
The presidents bOth recommended _ , ”’°‘ { ”‘1’" 3222i i has cmncided With the adult years of “ I” [Pa/[4’ (ha, ' ' '
that the Council authorize them to M2 .. 1 323-1 222 .272.» «22:22 12.23% 23" ‘ ' my lifetime. and 1 (cc! more and
research their plan and to comment __ , «92922.1..“2‘? fiwg ’3'“: i M more that i have N“ do"? enough.‘ - .
by May 1. ' ' ~ -' .; ‘ ,th .3 3 he said "And I think mum of father Robert Drman
Many Council members said Mon- _ «3?? 3 .; ,222‘333251gw/ «‘3 Americans and a lot of Europeans

. day that they believe the proposal i 3 ‘29.- . " 22,.:3~3.~2_,22;:f'.33. . 3 feel thatwaytoo "
by both presidents deserves serious " .22.... 2 ‘3 Drinan. a former l' S congress-
consideration. ,2“, 3?; 3"",2, . _ 2‘ man from Massachmctts. descnhed clear weapons cvcryilay and that

The main thrust 0f the presidents' I 3"" ' “#2533. 323;? the nuclear armament racc as a massive retaliation should mil in-
proposal recommends increased co- 2,22: tr" ~. “cancer in our society" and “the partofourforcign policy
operation between both dental ”f" 22 2 , 1n.L ,. 3 "2.; 2, 3_ ., 322233 , ;<:>“‘m3 , only sm we commit is the sin of SI Drinan said ”‘1' church was not
schools. It states that graduate spe- ,§$&12?M’2W2%W%M;MW“W$W4 gm { lence if we do not speak out " condemning nuclcar arms tor thr-
cialties that do not require duplica- ”(W 2r “ ' ' ”'32s”: ”7:" 3'3 l Drinan said the history of the present. but said thc l'niml \ic‘lll’fi
tion would be offered only at one of =.313,'M,i%,: ,,"5~".*“§f2 “4 i ~32“ ‘ arms race started with the dropping should neveruscsuch wrapom
the universities. The university pro- ” ”,2, 7% ' '- l of the bomb toward the end of World He iiaid the church iii in the our of
viding individual graduate studies .2- l' . 2 ' " ,, 5 War ll on the Japanese cities of Hi the storm over nuclear arnmnii-nt
would be “the primary institutional 22,33,233? ' " l roshima and Nagasaki and the church is heading in if colli
responsibility" for that field, accord- ‘ 2 22w: ' 2 “And I don‘t think :it the time we sion course with the- l' H gnw'rn
ing to the letter. .' *‘,~% 3 I appreciated what wt- had done And mt
' Clinical training would be offered 2 3 ”21422322232 ' ; people to this day Will Justify what "We should not walk away from
for graduate specialty students at “mg, . _ 33 ,9,” __3 3 3 _ l we have done and l suhrnit to you the problem.‘ Drinan sand The nu
both UK and UL by circulating stu- 2.222%?“ 221'? 1,2, ‘1,,,,;222:., . “M'.” 1 1. v” ,_;,2.1'."22 U ' perhaps It can"! bc Justified." he clear from movement in u in from
dents to the university assigned pri- .. 1" """7'5‘7 5. ' .2" . " ‘ “ 7.. j' 2f 2..., 1,." " . 2 1 said. thc heart of the proplc to say tbm
mary responsibility. Mu my,” "mm..." “We dropped a bomb on a city can no longer go on living in a world
The proposal also suggested a Leaky roof without any military installatim and with no arms control Slnl'r [hr-
“commoncore”curriculumbeorga- we violated the rules of war set Catholic bishops support the
nized {01' undergraduate dental edu- John Ingram repairs leaks in the roof of the Fourth Street Tobacco Warehouse No. 2 on West downatthat tlmt‘."1mnan said movement, maybe W‘ (muffin WI”
cation at both univeI‘Sitifi- Academ- Virginia Avenue yesterday afternoon. He is spreading tar on the roof The "new“ fm“ movem' "In" "W WW0" Ind 815" WW“
ic requirements would be gained popularity because the Rat it "
standardized and students would be gan administration failed to move Drinan said the goals at the nucle
exchanged betweenschools. . . toward nuclear disarmament. he ar freeze movement has three
Faculty would be alloted between V t t t h 1d said. staga to stop the reduction of nu-
both campusm in clinical pharma~ 0 er regls ra Ion e on campus “It came about became the SALT clear arms in both countries. to d"
cology. radiation physics and other ll treaty broke down. it was a sys- cuss arms control and to decrease
_ fields to be decided. Department ByGAYLE BODNER out that a large number of regis- ter then." he said, “and we've tematic way of cutting down stratcg- uienrscmlolnuclur arms
chairmen, faculty and key personnel Reporter tered student voters increased the sigiiedupaboutmmall." ic weapons on both sides," he said Drinan described Regun's pro
would be shared between UK and SGA's lobbying power in Frankfort Although students will be able to n was perfect but it was a step to. m “builddown plan" as mine:
UL. Student votes make a difference in and Washington. DC. “A large num- registar on campus for another ward the ultimate destruction of all fact "i .m .miid that i. . rather
“I don‘t think I’d be interested in the political arena. Student Govern- bel‘ of registered voters on campus week. the key days of the (hive will theweapons. imperfect plan because all it mean-
commuting at this time." said Julia merit Association officers say. means more votes to congressmen be today and tomorrow. Bradford “The whole world was looking at is when we bulid new and more hid
E. Watts,amemberofthe facultyin In an effort to register voters, and representatives." Gaines said. said. the new administration and nothing can weapons we destroy the old
UK's dental sch001. “I'm much SGAinconjunction with theLexlng- Bradford said a lot of students Gains said students can registe- was happening on arms control: men." he said “We would be doing
more interested in stayingatUK.“ ton Jaycees, is spomoring a student registered last year because there in Blazer. Commons and Daiovan For it months during m1. there um .nngy And this it seem. to
Other faculty members declined to drive that will continue this week, was a vote on Sunday liquor sales. cafeta'ias and at the Student Center was absolutely no negotiations going me u a built in escalation of the
comment and several did not have said David Bradford, Student Gov- “This year many students don’t like from 9 am. to 3 pm. “They (atu- on at Geneva for the first, time in ll "in. race
any extensive knowledge of the pro- ernment Association president. the candidates or issues very much dents) don‘t need to bring anything years" He said almost :2 billion per day
posal. Drew Gaines, chairman of the po~ so we don‘t know if the turn out (for to register" he said. “and the whole He praised the ('alhoilc‘ bishops iupenton military arms
Enrollment. by the two presidents' litical affairs committee, said many registration) will be as big as it was prooastakeamaybe five minutes." for speaking out on the nuclear ar- "1 have A Villa! for you taught. it
recommendation. would call for an students choose to vote at home or lastyear." Bradford said many students fail mament race i. . vigion mg! is deep in my soul
increase of out-of-state dental school to send in abouttee ballots. “But Bradford said the drive began to register to vote because they do “The bishops felt they had to do that the in percent of the world's
enrollment by 15 percent and to re- many times," he said. “students Sept. 17 when the McDonald's on not wider-stand the proceckirc. "A something specially since the Roa- people win are Catholic will look to
duce the enrollment of Kentucky just don’t feel that'their vote makes limestone Street gave free ice student can regista' to vote if he has gan administration was not doing the Catholic leadership and any that
students byasimilar margin. adiffa-enceltdoea." cream cones to those who regiata'ed lived in Fayette County it: 30 days anything.” he said "They said it is we have to do "nothing about the
‘ SceSCHOOL.page2 Bradford and Gaines both pointed that day. ”We had 150 people nus. and'n ls."hcnid. wrong for the US to build more no nuclearums race “
o o o . 2 . . -
i / ' ’ l‘ 2
l ms.” Cocaine hotlme answers questions, - 221. 2, ,fl' Pr‘
. . 010 o f , v“ V y g - V
. . s
. ,. refers addicts needing rehabi itation . 2 . . r .2 .
. "-2 Isa- Mt no 2 | if 2. . .2. ' . . .t
°f WW! A” ByKA'l'HY OSBORNE staff of cocaine retnbilitation «33- doses, patients already in imi- 2 /.~. , , ~ 3. g ,
MN”? ,1.- Staffwntc per-ta,mofwhomareformer mentareportafrommm.he ifi_ "" / ' a. ‘2 ‘-$i2 ' t'
mmw’” ,, www.mauamhve said. "What luppandtoall the i3 2..., /.j ‘0: :0 (’ l
6‘ - ‘ 3s. “'9 “€189 cocaine M is a questions answered or be refund people in the middle was totally - , , ‘ I l ' :g'i,‘ s
1 . 2‘2 white. nywddmnnwith an an- to the nearest treatment facility um." nie iiotiine wild ful- . to 1., 3, 3 ,2: ~ . _ 3.
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HIM“ . 2g four dance a booming addicted is a nut-profit project of Fair “abominations.” ;' {'w.“ I .‘n ; . a
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mfimgathtodbyatoll-fmna- whiletha'emupertsavallable miner anti-cm Wfi t-
tionalcocahiebtline. wmtcocaincabtleJhecoaine «tummyaodtimeofthe o‘...‘ A‘ '$.' "
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. ._ opuratimdnccflayfiisthe anywba-ebeorshccanmfor Canushadthdrquutiin ’ 3-...322.3' s. v..
Tom M “H.""thf braindiild of Dr. Mark Gold. di- help." Gold aid. “‘Ili Coum‘ w W and m thui / f. 2'11! if ‘ {3.2
mdmcuchatrairona attanptabbrimthetwotoletb- ukudtopartidpatchawoliml- 1’ .'o(,q".:,r2 i... .f.”
M- with“! WU, a paydilatric facility in a." nary Ham-tion urvey on ef- // ‘ 2 “I ,2‘.‘ .‘ s o ' '
W761“ ,;,,3,W...,,..,1 Sinnilt,NJ. Goldstartadtliehotlineuaro» “nonhuman.“ o / 2"‘0 ‘2'; 2 '. ..
manhunt. ,3. ,; 'wOoain-"—moian-aio www.mahuc- «Mm-humanoid ’ ~32 0,32,: u. .’
«nutmeg: 1 —emctaacall¢fromany- mmmyumm nun-.mnmam I L, .I.‘
0'0".” M in th- Ufltd Stat. to a mammalian. “Mm-082 ‘ " MID/mums“

r i l
2 - nu KIMUCKV "lull Wednesd- . October 5. I”!
' GENERAL CINEMA St d t lok k.
«mm mums-wave»
maroon. u en s l e wor mg, ,0 School
WM . . . Continued from PIS! 0“
. , _ , , . -| ruaruuomau campaigningfor Collins . _
NAIIW :0 “Walnut: .1» mt The comulting firm that pre-
'°' °'- pared the report call" for the
TONlCHT 9tol "fifioflofim Bycutoum MOCK push student awareness." Huffman merger, MGT of men‘s: Inc, ad-
Wilhorn or“ Staff Write said. In order to raise this aware- vised that the removal of the out-
HAPPY HOUR PRICES' £3?an ness and 8“9901'? {01: Collins, in- of-state enrollment limit would
. . . , . . Supporters of Martha Layne Col- creased voter registration 15 the sec- help induce dental education
Pitchers 1.80/Wcll Drinks l.l0 Imports 135/ FrozannnksIBs ; flung MALL 1 fins are enthmiutic over the Demo mdsoalofthe group. costs.
«nousmtum until Ins ill—m2 “350 Emma] mat“ - - - The consulting firm said a year-
. speech tomonw an,” m Finally, recruiting personnel by l . f milli ould
MUSlC Y “amt-AH.) . . . ' p: ‘ “finding willing workers" helps the y 38W o ‘2 on w
B laoaaosaouovao , 311100118 fiflt organizational meet- . . occur if the dental schools merged
. ,y .,-, ingineariy September Young Dem- stateWIde effort tremendously, said and $5 million more could be
:55: ,/ .mszl'm ' 0°73“ F" Collins has ’1'de from Chris Greenwell, personnel director. saved if UL took over the UK den-
V r ‘3 9 Good Food “(new ' a membership of 20 to 150 members, “You really have to stay on people tal school.
J . _ . me LONCIJ LA!" (I) . “and is growing by leaps and students are generally uninte— Tim Freudenberg, vice Wi-
: 3:: E ch Spirits ”5315545745915 bounds," according to Chuck Huf- rested,” said Greenwell, an agricul- dent of the Student Government
- 1 c\ V! 9 W fman, campus coordinator of the tural economies and accounting se- Association, said: “Well, I think
3 ' Q C F I group. Collins will speak in B0 Stu~ nior. “I think it's fun and self~ it’s indicative of the t of
rat un. . . . . . .YP”
' .. . . i '. i , dent Center. salleYlnstogetmvolved." things that you Will see in the fu-
‘ CHI Ym WU “I’m very impressed With the stu- ”People come to me and ask what ture of higher education. I think
. ' l 7 dents' enthusiasm," said Huffman, a they can do to help," said Marla both schools have realized that it’s
| ' mmt m- second-year law student. The 0138- Collins, daughter of Martha Layne in all our best interests to cooper-
:g; ram?(3130;101:332 nization is designed to take this en- Collinsandan advertising junior. ateonissuesofthis magnitude.”
TODAY you wlthnoobllgutmn to buy If you thlBlasm and put ittowork, hesald. Marla sald She finds campaigning
an iffxosflrzufgflgcwjgtdfi The purpose of the Collins organi- to be fun. “I want to do more, but Information for this story was
It a decommvzun 20 3:" or u- zatlon_ is three-fold. “Visibility is it’s so hard with school and all,“ she also gathered from the Courier-
:"m '°"" "W“ most important . We need to said. Journal.
- _No appomtmeni necessary .
> because the donor and 4
All Cafetenas '“""::'r::::':.1111“"" 0 Drugs
diam lunch and (Elliot midfiméim
m It the aria-“3:3: Continued from page one
“win". . . - . . ,
STUD anus-u. use — intranasal, freebase, intrave- heroul. The study for 1982 has not busmess and his family because of
ENT CENTER ”*""""""“ nous — the amount of their cocaine been completed. but Neal expects his addiction.
Gillian! tomes use per day for the past two weeks cocaine arrests to draw near even The most distressing cocaine-re
9-00 a m _ 3-00 m WM and the duration of their cocaine with the top contender, marijuana. lated problems for users in the sur-
. . u n n u o u ”I use. Neal cites plentiful cocaine su plies ve were feeli of nxi t h '-
n- P y hes a e y. p ysn
“'3'" MSW-mm ”the“. "Ionian. W “Inn-w . They were also asked questions and the rising cost of marijuana as cal shaking and irritability at work.
Smell" rel-r, ”mm 1, concerning cocaine’s effect on their reasons for the trend. Spontaneous attacks of remorse, de-
physical well-being and mental func- The survey 8150 found that ab0ut pression and tearfulness were re-
\ I‘- tioning. two-thirds of the respondents had ported by the largest number of re-
ai-__, “Wh-c__-.,_..m _,,,.____-_ ,#___,. we---” _, ., w. -_ , .r As of July 27, 70,000 calls had been spent at least 50 percent of their 215- spondents,
1 ; received, far exceeding official esti- sets on the drug. Half said cocaine Almost half of those surveyed con-
’ ’é’ mates of 10,1110 for the first year of use had put them in debt. The drug sidered suicide at one time or anoth-
~ ‘ 1 operation. “Although the number of has a street value of $100 to $150 per er to escape from their cocaine-re-
. .. T Y ”O A D 1 cocaine abusers in the nation is un- gram. lated problems.
. ".6 l 1 known, we had suspected there were Although most users interviewed “Depression, lack of energy, drive
‘2 4:71, 1' .1 about 100,000. Now we know that’s considered cocaine a threat to their for the dru , slee iness, irritabilit
6; ' December 27 — January 5 , t 1 wrong," Gold said. “Among the four physical and psychological health. and physical effect: following cessay-
2* -: A Unique Christmas Gift for Anyone (”‘5' to five million Americans who regu- they used the drug continuously and tion of chronic intravenous use or
"25/", 5% ! larly (once a month or more) use could not turn it down when it was freebase use of cocaine may qualify
. é: _ . Featuring: 1 " J 3 cocaine, ‘aoo-Cocaine' counselors es- avfilablefloldsaid. as evidence of brain dependence,"
:5 ;. z .. .7 - .. 1 timate that 20 percent to 25 percent e survey indicated that 40 per- Gold said.
. . 1:“ “E 1’: §« ‘ Rounq trip mOtorCQach between i; 1‘ 1 -— at least one million — are now cent of cocaine users deal cocaine to Some of the physically debilitating
y 6;» Pd; §.\~1’.’ Lexmgton and Cmcmnatl. -, - - 1 profoundly dependent on cocaine, a support their habit. Twenty-five per- effects of the drug were headaches, .
1 ,'; ~; ' E. , , . - - - ' new corps more numerous than her- cent steal from work, and 28 percent nose bleeds, insomni , loss of -
| gt“ “\Cji’n\ ° Round Up Pa." American A'rlmes s oinaddicts.” rob their family or friends to pay for ergy and reduced sexadrive, callzils
1 ’ Clncmnatl and London. 1 This trend is echoedlby Lexington madfiug. , l M f N said.
, . . police. Lt. Drexel Nea, of the Lex- el‘S me u a nurse rom 8W “Althou these findin are -
1 0 NO nlghts accommodatlons In London. 1 ington-Fayette County Urban Police, York City who was fired for stealing liminary, a?” are ginning" (€31
. . . 1 ‘ ' -— - ' t k d t' ' 1‘ ' ' ‘ ' -
- Accommodations at the quan Country Inn m 1 :1: 12111111111115. 111211111: 21..., 11. 1:11:11 1111:1111:11::P:11::111
Canterbury for Four nlghts. 1 sale‘ond g‘lace inl a departmental employerl found she had forged 35:3,- patients in treatment. Now these
, . . s yon epreva enceof drugs. 000wor 0 pay vouc ers to pay or findings are providi insi ht into
. SpeCIal New Years Eve dinner party in 1 min 1975 to 1977, marijuana had cocaine. A Boston businessman who the medical, social "End 11mm,
Canterbury, 1 the top spot, followed by heroin. in had spent $102,000 on cocaine in 12 consequences of cocaine use by em-
. . 1 1980 and 1981, cocaine had replaced months said he had lost both his ployed, functioning professionals“.
. Dinner and Theatre show ln London. 1
. 1 oPorterage at hotel in London and Canterbury. ‘
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m KINYUCKV IN“ ”My. 0006.: I. t”)~ 3
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_, _ Aunt-wt WNE‘M.‘
Fur-e _
“3' UK 't h h I ' '
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m, pi e er may ur into history,
:ation ’ . .
m Hellman hopeful ()lympic prospect
urged . a, gun "[313;an Hellman a 61 right hand hurler High \‘htlll piirhnt unit mm the
d be i , Stanwnrfl- from (incinnati compiled it t.‘ rr ithin Shir ihnitnimmp pm M
iden- .— . coed last Spring with A 38 ERA for yunmr \Q‘flf and lat hu team to I
~ , :1 Aonetnamillion shot the Hal t‘ats runner up stint dimm hu ulna
prest- . 7 . That is bastcally what the odds Sinu- It is in lnuisxille I dun! \f‘r
imem ‘ ~ \ were when Jeff Hellman went to the think that that can do anything but ” 'hed h '
think , . , ” a, “v - mound at Eastern Kentucky in help me' Hellman uni Sun “ t "h “t "t ”“1“ M.
5 of . iv; .2,” ' ”1-2.” hoPes of making the Olympic base there is a lot of will!" W“ I!" W“ “it”; “it; St..." ‘Wm0 M
19 m. > 4 3-1: ‘ ballteam making this tum but I thin: that it h“ 1" ‘ w “r"r ‘h" N," u
think ., ‘ - try, Will he to my 8d\flntilflr since l mu “Wt nude H I“ the lili- “.0.
at it’s " “ ' " N°t that Hellman 6095th have the n‘prmenting the Staten! Kentucky ”t itnlted ”u" "t huh "M by 0.
”per- g, - ability to play at such 8 Mel N 'I win be looking for wm'puii “”“9‘” “mm "“ “mm
t." g ‘ ; 4‘ . causehem from the people in lAlu15\lllQ' il‘ well am p“ ted 1”! "‘r t“ the t‘ttl‘tn
; 4° 1 ' t ‘ 0‘“ 0t the & “ta around the M as other patplt' around the state who mm Rab
, was .. . ' tic-"L h0“'9"et'- only one player “35 areinchiirge of the tnuut 1 plans! m, ,. Mutant w
urler- . .~ 7 Chm" from end. And comtdt‘rlng Hellman faced N‘ Witt?!“ lflmlllltl N‘thlll tmtn Hopefulh it till hi my
.. - ' V, . the amount 0t ttmt‘ “Ch player “35 five. and was clirlted between ‘1’.’ EN turn nut summer but mu rally
. ox tr” . " 81"?" to perform and W large mph rim! count ill? that and haw to lost
.- . ”H »_ , V. C. ’ u, quanttthy 0t, talent that :25 present "My goal its .i fnshman wits ll‘ at what you are diving nm "at
a z _ .g _Iir “5 U3 at 986 how Sltfi 0"? 3 t“ “”1 wm an Slut Champlflflhhlp .ind mutu- nuke the lirst n1 lt llpllnun um
h __ ‘1‘ ,' a" -» " ” _-/' Q“ ~ ' , del how strenuom the pressure 0" it to the