xt7bvq2s7n07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7n07/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1999 1999 1999-12-10 2020 true xt7bvq2s7n07 section xt7bvq2s7n07  




Y2K woes

The rail is basically over

for the semester.
year, decade and
century. Everyone is
worried about the
millennium bug.
which is gotng to be
less damaging than a
toaster that always
burns your toast in
the morning. Here
are our ideas on
what problems will
actually occur on the
stroke of midnight on
the last day of the year.

The party will be one-
fourth the size as
predicted. Why, you
ask? Because no one
with a child will be
going out unless
Grandma is available
to visit since no one
is gomg to want to
babysit on the last
day of the century.

All the ladies that are

now "with child" are
hoping to give birth
to the first baby of

We 0' 199



Next week. a
look back at

the past 100

http: www.ltykernel.com

Neel able to still serve as SGA comptroller

Tracy Kershaw

ASSISTANT ntws tpiion

StIA eomptroller .\daiii .\‘eel tan tinal
ly rest easily.

The student Senate \oted till in favor
of keeping Neel as i'oniptt‘ollei' \\'ednesda_\'

Neel came under fire when allegations
arose that he hail neglet‘ted his ditty to pre
sent the budget to the Senate eat‘h month

The approved reeomtnendation re
quires Neel eontinue his job tinder eertam
conditions. He intist spend three hours in
the SGA office weekly. reeene training unr
tlei' the diseretion of the ehaii'iitan ot. the
Senate. present the ()t'tober and November
budgets at the first Senate meeting of the

new year antl submit budget reports in
spreadsheet format.

Erin Yeager. eliairinan of operations
and evaluations. hopes people will see Neel
is not solely at fault.

“I hope this ret'onimendation is not
seen as a punishment for Adam. It is a
eompound fault of the Senate. e.\et'utive
braneh and .\leel." she said.

The operations and evaluations t'oin
iiiittee partially based its ret'onnnendatioti
not to tire Neel on the fuel that the exet'u»
tive braneh did not fully e\p|ain to liitii the
eoinplete requirements of his job.

lluring debate. Sen .\I: :\moli men-
tioned President Jimmy (ilenn‘s role in
the t‘lilll])ll'l)llt‘l‘ issue.

"President (ilenn is lueky that he has

not been reprimanded for not i‘hoosing .i
L'otid t'onipti‘iillel‘." .\lllllll salil

Yeager said she is pleased her tomniit
tee eanie to a tit t'ision to keep Neel Ironi
being tired.

In other St}.-\ news. tilenn ein‘oin'aged
the Senate to attend the Board of 'l'rus‘iees
meeting ne\t 'l‘uesday .\t the meeting.
l’resitlent Wethington \\ ill give his l‘l’t'lilllr
inendatiott to the hoard tor the Sti.\ pro
posal to inerease the number of students
on the presidential seaieb l'llllllllllll‘l‘

\'int'ent l“ll‘lll,\. t'liairinan oi the Sen
ate. stressed the nnportanre of'l iiesrlsiy's

"It is a pivotal time in [It‘s history It
is the first step in the empowerment ot‘stu»
dents at I'l\'." I’ields said

Support the Presidential Search

The Board of Trustees meeting will be at l pm.
Tuesday, December l4 on the top floor of
Patterson Office Tower.

All students are encouraged to attend and show
their support for increased student representa-
tives on the Presidential Search Committee.

the New Year will be
in serious danger. .
Let's see, all the "" ’ " ' " ’ ' " " ’ '
doctors with any
experience Wlll be
sitting home with the
kids wondering where
all the babysitters

' are or out boozing it i

up. How would you

like to give birth in a

hospital with no

power, water and a

3 ward full of interns

that probably were

drinking anyway?


‘ What Lexington will
‘ bedoing at midnight

One Lexington couple
s_ stocks up on various

9) items for both the
holidays and Y2K at
Sam's Club on New
Circle Rd.





There will be hawking of ;
Dom Perignon on I
* street corners at It
I pm. for $500 since i
s} the stores have no i
more (buy some now
— our investment tip .
for the year). 5


DAE GRODIN I kills-g van

1. People will destroy
things just because
I they will be ;
surrounded by
thousands of people ,
nearly as drunk as i
they are. Better yet,

the cops will

probably be too

drunk to care



M‘-.\t . ,, ._.,

Huge outbreaks of mono
will occur as
everyone will be
kissing everyone.


What happened to the good old days of GI Joe and the Transformers? Today's youth (and a few too many college stu-
dents who know who they are) have caught Pokemon mania. So for a younger sibling or a friend who needs to grow up,

. . ‘ Pokemon might be the perfect gift.
TaXl drivers the world .‘ ‘

“9’ W”‘°‘“°’"“”e Holiday shopping woes: Avoid the stess of the

third highest-paid

. riaLL‘as



By Jennifer Sciantarelli Hotels

t-ommon novelties that make good

f§§tftwi 2’~.:»'2*:»‘;«.7 *3=;;¢2~‘e1<:+:: 3:.» . .s ..




occupation for the
year 2000 (after
bartenders and
waitresses) as the
huge influx of drunk
people will start
waving SlOO dollars
to get a ride a mile

The New Year's Day

fact that the players
as well as the fans
will be too hung over
to show up for the

This rail is completely
Y2K ready and will
not interfere with
any bank
transactions or the
dispersal of beer.

Written by Samantha
Essid and Ron

5.1 3.2

Partly sunny.


Call: 257-1915 or write:

malls, and go alternative this shopping season.

By Lindsey Clouse
tbiimamiiavtiitt M 7

Maybe you‘re not sure what
to do about (‘hristinas shopping
this year. l‘erhaps you're tired of
Wal-Mart. bored with the same
seented lotion and t‘l)s you give

ly unique stores. Never fear. here
are some suggestions about how
to wide the Shopping Monster.

lfyou‘re thinking about head-
ing to the mall. it has its pros and
eons. li‘ayette Mall has plenty of
department anti spet'ialty stores.
as well as iinttsual plaees like All
Wound lip. Natural Wonders and
the Learningsmith. The loeation
is also niee. There are plenty of
restaurants in and around the
mall when you need a break. and
there‘s a movie theater right
across the street.

Mall shopping isn‘t for every
one. If you have little time on
yotir hantls or are already on the

wage of a stress-indilt'ed
aneurysm dtie to impending t'ir
nals. the long lines and screaming
kids might do voti in. It. you don't
have a ear. or simply prefer to
l'orego the holiday madness. here
are a few helpful ideas that you'll
liiid nearby.

of the elothing is beyond the bud
get of a typit'al eollege student.
but you‘ll find sunglasses. shoes
and even fully handeul‘fs that
will better fit your wallet. llon‘t
forget to ('Ilt‘t‘k out the bead room
in the bark. You can l)l(‘k from a
large assortment of beads, stones
and t'harins to make your own
jewelry. 'l‘his t'an add a niee per-
sonal I()Ll(‘ll to a gift.

Sqeeial Media. upstairs from
the l’eat'ot'k. t'arries art. incense
and books on every topie front al-
ternative healing to Zen Illlllr
dhism. Looking for a ('Iltll‘lll. an
herb. a spell or an unusual print'.’
This is your plate. They also have

gag gills Illl't‘fl a stress doll?)

If vintage elothing is what
you're after. t'heek out Zing at ‘s’ll
W. Maxwell. They have jeans.
skirts. shirts and shoes to suit
every taste. l’riees are reasonable
and the stallean be quite pleasant
as well. The Zebra Lounge on
.\laxwell has similar goods. but
bring your eredit eard. 'l‘heir

good stop for the alternative shop-
per. 'l‘bey have all kinds of T-
shirts. plus botly jewelry for all
your 2.0m) parts. It‘s also a smok-
et“s paradise: Try some l)jarum
('IUV't‘S (100% legal) for your ad-
tlit'ted friend. Not too steep at
$4.30 a park.

If all else fails. you might
want to trek over to Kismit at :42]
S. Ashland. They have sortie in
teresting jewelry and tlothes as
well. and some unusual hats for
those with wild tastes. You‘ll also
find bumper stickers for every in
terest group out there.

Merry (‘hristmas and happy


Stiii'k in Lexington on New
Years I‘:\'t".' l)(lll.l [)titlt. More
than a few parties will be
around to help you ring in


.\l.\ Sandliai and (irille'

playing at the rooftop garden
The danee (‘Illll will be eom
pletely renovated. The party
begins at 7 pm. (‘over t'liarge.

(‘Iub l‘ll; llant‘ing. shows
and a champagne toast at mid
night are just part of the ltiii.
(‘over int-hides party favors
The festivities begin at itiio
p.m. (‘over eharge,

l.ynagh‘s: (‘attawampus
I'niverse plays, (‘over eharge

The Phoenix: Appetizers.
open bar and entertainment.
what more eoiild you ask for”
Festivities begin around 9 p in
$30 per t'otiple. Siil) single.



‘_-~_.___‘s ssis s







trident Newspaper at the University





Ilyatt Regeney' 'I‘wo bands
w ill be playing and .i [M will be
in the lobby, t‘ash bars The
party begins at St pin. 'l‘it'kets
are $19.99 per t'oitple in ad

.\lariott (irit‘tiii (late. 'l‘heir
i'heapest paekage is $29?) per
t'oitple. Slut.) single This [I]
eludes one night's stay in a
room. dinner in the steakhouse

{as Bowl Games M” be every “7”“ ()r ”“0““ “mil." “N Th" Pill-SIP." I’l‘ilt'lll'k- 0“ I’l'll‘t‘5 ”1M” l’l' beyond "W” San 7.10.”. w ill be broadi asting live. with 'l bottle of wine lrtrty
é: unexpectedly not ‘Illlllllltll‘ with the area. Illltl Limestone. offers a wide variety ta‘s tiieans. Really Big Rm. will in. I)|;1y'i]]g with 1 l) l. Mum.“ ”I ”HI mm.”
4,3,: postponed due to the don t know where to find the real ()fgnthhaguvht inert'handise My,“ Np“- Age mm b unmhpr at Riptides. Soupbone will I“. m” “M ”AWL N” I” .. ll m The

party begins at ‘l p in,

The Radisson' l’ai'kage in
(‘lllllt'S a two-night stay. break“
fast. free parking. a bottle of
t'hampagne. early t'het'k in and
late ehet'k out and at't'ess to the
hotel‘s tour parties.


(‘omedy ()Il lh‘oadway
l‘hil Kelley will be performing.
llis ltliiil) pm. show will rtin
though midnight. ending with .i
l);llltii)li tlt‘iiti 'l'Ile $7.3 [)ei‘ t‘tlll
ple tit'kets lllt‘llllli‘s party hats
and a bottle ofi‘hampagne


linestone. Ramadanisamonthof
fasting usedtocelobntotboron-
lotionoftheloran tothoprophot

bum l itt'RuttSiArr






John Dobson
Assnstant Editor


Phone 25791915! Email: trueblueadamwyahoocom

Bowling, with receviers too

Nashville Bound: This
year's squad could be
better than last, says

Mumme, Whalen

BL”??? Spaw


Sometimes. most often around l'K
sports. history is worth repeating.
Which is probably worth noting 1.3
years after the football program last
appeared in backto-back bowl games.

It was 198i when the (‘ats re
deemeti a previous postseason loss to
West Virginia in the Hall of Fame Bowl
with a onepoint victory over Wiseon
sin. ()fcourse. lTK coach llal Mumme
hopes to imitate tltenlcoach .lerry Clai-
borne‘s laterllecemher moio when his
teatn takes on Syracuse on Dec. 29 in
the Music (‘ity Bowl in Nashville.

“This team wants to win this howl
game and equal last year‘s record.”
.\lumme said

Some might consider that a tall or-
der for this year‘s (‘ats. which defeated
only one team with a winning record
iArkansasl and whose average margin
ot‘del‘eat was 36 points. But then again.
Syracuse isn‘t eyactly the Penn State-
type collection 'l‘im (‘ouch and compa-
ny faced iii UK's last season ()utback
Bowl loss.

_\fter_iumping out to a .ll start and
a No. to Al’ ranking. the tradition-rich



()rangemen have since dropped four of
live and plummeted to 6-5. Along Syra~
cuse's slide were disappointing losses
to Bostoti (‘ollege and Rutgers. iii addi
tion to blowout defeats to Virginia
Tech and .\liami.

“I know they haven't had the kind
of season they had hoped to. which
makes them dangerous." Mumme said.
"They‘re a talented team."

l'K m‘S. 1 l Southeastern (Tonfer-
encel didn't finish with a flourish. ei-
ther The l‘ats dropped their last three
of four games. with a lastininute
sqtle:iker over Vanderbilt on Nov. 1:: in

"When we played at Vanderbilt it
was a huge game for both teams. but i
still considered that a home game for
us." .\lumme said. “You looked up aml
the place was half full with Kentucky


UK running
back Anthony
White. shown
here in an
win over Indi-
ana, will try
and help lead
the Cats to a
Music City
Bolwl win over
Syracuse. It
will be White's
last game as a






Part of UK‘s late-season woes can
be attributed to its core of injury-
plagued receivers. Before games even
began. quarterback Dusty Bonner was
left without the services of senior Jim-
my Robinson. A season ending injury
to sophomore Dougie Allen would soon
follow. backed by missed games from
(iary Davis. Brad l’yatt and Quentin
Mct‘ord. who will return to action
against Syracuse.

“To get guys like (Quentin and
Brad will be a big lift for us." Bonner
said. “They are just so fast that they
can separate from people in a hurry.
.\ii\ little you get a player back. it

“We began the year as a young

team and towards the end of the year
we just kept getting younger anti
younger because of the injuries." free
safety Anthony Wadja added. "By the
end of the year the sophomores were
being looked at as the tnost experi-
enced guys on team.”

The UK coach recalled a (lay in Au-
gust when All»American to-be James
Whalen told him the 1999 Cats would
be better than Mumme's second rendir
tion ofAir Raid in Lexington.

“That can be true." Mumme said.
“if the records are the same, l‘d say
this team is a better team because they
played together and overachieved.
They weren't as talented. but they
were better in the team concept."



Keith Bogans will return to his
home state and try to wreak havoc
on Maryland once again.

The UK freshman guard scored
17 points in 22 minutes when the
two teams clashed just five games
ago on the Wildcat slate in the
semifinals of the Preseason NIT in
New York. UK prevailed. 61-58.

“l want to do anything that will
help this team. whether it's coming
otfthe bench, scoring or starting."
said Bogans. "Whenever coach
puts the in the game. I‘m ready to

UK has since run into some
early season growing pains. drop
ping three straight for the first
time since 1989-90. The Cats‘
wounds were healed. however. af-
ter a rout over a winless UN(‘
Asheville squad Tuesday night in
Rupp Arena.

“We're a young team and peo-
ple have to understand that." said
UK center Jamaal Magloire. "One
reason I came back my senior sea
son was to be part of this team and
the talent we have.“

Win number one over the
Terps didn't come easy for UK. The
(Tats let a 16-point first half lead
wither to a 52-52 tie with less than
six minutes to play. A potential
game-tying three pointer by Mary-
land at the buzzer slid off the back
of the rim.

Maryland was knocked off by
George Washington a couple weeks
ago and had to take Winthrop to
overtime for a win on Tuesday. [)0-
spite the Terps‘ recent struggles.
the UK players know they'll have
their hands full in College Park.

“They‘ll play us tough." sopho-
more Tayshaun Prince said. “We
know what they‘re going to do and
they know what we‘re going to do."

“Hopefully we'll start off
against Maryland where we left off
tonight." Magloire said after UK‘s
win over Asheville.


Cats to face familiar foe
in College Park

Homecoming: UK guard Keith Bogans returns to
Maryland after pouring in 17 on the Terps already


UK guard Keith Bogans returns to his home
state Saturday night when the Cats face
Maryland. Bogans scored l? on the Terps in
22 minutes earlier this season.



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4 | nub/iv. DECEMBER l01999 l kcuruciiv KERNEL


Matt Mulcahey
Assistant Arts Editor

Phone' 257 1915 l E mail. keinelartayaliootom

The films that forever changed cinema

Films and filmmakers that influenced
the art form of the Twentieth century

By Matt Mulcahey


Although it appears to
be merely a flat surface.
there's soIiiething magical
about a movie screen. It's
a doorway. a portal into
another world. another di-
mension Film is the ulti-
mate escape from reality
for dreamers.

Here are the films
that most shaped and in-
fluenced the way we view
filrri. (With thanks to UK
professor Dr. Greg Waller
for his insights. which
make up a large portion of
the following listl.

1. Birth of a Nation

l).W. Griffith‘s silent
classic began the Ameri-
can film's never-ending
quest for epic spectacle.

2. The Wizard of ()2

Released at the height
of the studio system. The
ll'r'mrd QM): typified old
Hollywood‘s flair for the
grandiose with its colossal
scale and glorious Techni

:1. Citizen Kanellslli

Landmark film made
innovations with its deep
focus cinematiigraphy and
fractured narrative. lni
tialized the idea ofthe au-
teur. with Orson Welles
serving as actor direc-
tor producer co-writer at
the age of 24.

4. A Streetcar Named
Desire 1 1951 l

The moment
Brando burst onto
screen with his mix of
brute intensity and raw
sexuality. acting would
never be the same. Along
with James Dean in Rebel
ll’ithout (1 Cause. Brando
helped transform acting


and paved the way for
method actors like he
.\'iro. Pacino. and Hoff»

:3 Bonnie and Clyde

Along with Sam Peck~
inpah‘s bloody band of
antiheroes in The Wild
Bunch, Bonnie and Clyde
forever changed the way
movies viewed violence.

6. Night of the Living
Dead ( 1968i

Night of the Lir'i’ng
Dead made low-budget
horror chic before The
Blair Witch filmmakers
were gleams in their fa-
thers seyes. l‘he predeces
sor of all modern horror
films and an important ex-
ample of American inde
pendent 111111.

T. The

Francis Ford (‘oppo-
la's epic tale of the dark
underbelly of the Ameri-
can dreamGave a brief
glimpse into the director»
dominated cinema that
started to emerge in the
705 with fellow mavericks
like Scorsese and Altman

8. Jaws (1975)

.larcs heightened the
blockbuster mentality
with cross marketing tie»
ins and saturation book~
mg. Started the changes
that Star Wars made irre-
versable. paving the way
for cineplexes.

9.Raging Bull (1980)

Scorsese‘s master-
piece examines the rise
and fall of self-destruc-
tive, volatile boxer Jake
LaMotta. Scorsese's inces-
santly moving camera
and black-and-white cine-
matography turn the vio-
lent. bloody world of box-
ing into a ballet of move-
ment. a beautiful mix of
brute strength and grace.

lll, Pulp Fiction

Pulsating. lighting
quick run of violence and
gallows humor.’l‘arantiiio
borrowed a lot and influ
enced even more with his
scattershot narrative
structure and popculture
saturated dialogue


A Streetcar Named


As the primal Stanley Kowalski, Marlon
Brando forever changed acting by bringing
the method approach into vogue.


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If you have a stuffy nose, we need you! And if you have a cough, sore
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CALI. 1 -811-S‘I'l.ll-'FY-1

never got
me down

Picking u the

gauntlet hrown l

e Niro re-

defined the bench-

mark of a great
erformance with
is complete Jrhysr

down b

cal (he gaine

fifty pounds) and
emotional meta-

morphisis into

lent, self-destruc-

tive boxer Jak

Lamotta in Scors-
ese's Raging Bull.


The Godfather

Francis Ford Coppola's mafia saga was an offer filmgoers couldn't

refure and it made stars of Al Pacino, James Caan, and Robert
Duvall. Contributed greatly to the all-to-brief period“ in the 70’s

when creative control was wrestled away from number-crunching

studio heads and placed' in the hands of filmmakers.

Pulp Fiction

lnvaded the pop-culture

consciousness like no

other film of the 905. The
movie featured John Tra-
volta's 87th comback and
one of Bruce Willis's rare

good performances. Pu

Fiction has been endlessly

imitated since its 1994
release, but no other it

has come close to match-

ng it's level of cool.





End the
in style

Options for those
trapped in Lexington

rArr WRITER fl ,

Stuck in Lexington on New
Year‘s Eve? Don't pout More than
a few parties will be around to
help you ring in Y2K. 1


AlA Sandbar and Grille: lel‘i
will be broadcasting live. Really
Big Box will perform at Riptides.
Soupbone will play at the rooftop
completely renovated. The party
begins at 7 pm. (‘over charge.

Club 141: Dancing. shows and
a champagne toast at midnight are
just part of the fun. Cover includes
party favors. The festivities begin
at 8:30 pm. (‘over charge.

Lynagh's: (Tattawampus Uni-
verse plays. (Tover charge.

The Phoenix: Appetizers.
open bar and entertainment. what
more could you ask for? Festivities i
begin around 9 pm. $30 per couv v
ple. $30 single.


Hyatt Regency: Two bands
will be playing and a DJ will be in
the lobby. (Tash bars. The party be
gins at 9 pm. Tickets are $19.99 per
couple in advance.

Mariott Griffin Gate: Their
cheapest package is $299 per cou-
ple. $199 single. This includes one
nights stay in a room. dinner in
the steakhouse with a bottle of
wine. party with a DJ. brunch in
the morning and checkout at 2
pm. The party begins at 9 pm.

The Radisson: Package in
cludes a twonight stay. breakfast.
free parking. a bottle of chant
pagne. early check-in and lilll'
checkout and access to the hotel‘s
four parties.


(‘omedy Off Broadway: Phil
Kelley will be performing. His
10:30 pm. show will run though
midnight ending with a balloon
drop. The $75 per couple tickets in—
cludes party hats and a bottle of



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There is a

Santa Claus

From the Editorial

Page. New York Sun,


i am eight years old.
Some of my little
friends say there is
no Santa Claus. Papa
says, ”If you see it in
The Sun, it's so."
Please tell me the
truth, is there a
Santa Claus?
— Virginia O'Hanlon

Virginia, your little
friends are wrong.
They have been
affected by the
skepticism of a
skeptical age. They
do not believe except
what they see. They
think that nothing
can be which is not
comprehensible by
their little minds. All
minds, Virginia.
whether they be
men's or children's.
are little. In this
great universe of
ours, man is a mere
insect, an ant in his
intellect as compared
with the boundless
world about him, as
measured by the
intelligence capable
of grasping the whole
of truth and

Yes, Virginia, there is a
Santa Claus.

He exists as certainly as
love and generosity
and devotion exist.
and you know that
they abound and give
to your life its
highest beauty and
joy. Alas! How dreary
would be the world if
there were no Santa
Claus! it would be as
dreary as if there
were no Virginias.
There would be no
childlike faith then,
no poetry. no
romance to make
tolerable this
existence. We should
have no enjoyment.
except in sense and
sight. The external
light with which
childhood fills the
world would be

Not believe in Santa
Claus! You might as
well not believe in
fairies. You might get
your papa to hire
men to watch in all
the chimneys on
Christmas Eve to
catch Santa Claus.
but even if you did
not see Santa Claus
coming down, what
would that prove?
Nobody sees Santa
Claus, but that is no
sign that there is no
Santa Claus. The most
real things in the
world are those that
neither children nor
men can see. Did you
ever see fairies
dancing on the lawn?
Of course not, but
that's no proof that
they are not there.
Nobody can conceive
or imagine all the
wonders there are
unseen and unseeable
in the world.

You tear apart the
baby’s rattle and see
what makes the noise
inside, but there is a
veil covering the
unseen world which
not the strongest
man, nor even the
united strength of all
the strongest men
that ever lived could
tear apart. Only faith,
poetry. love.
romance, can push
aside that curtain and
view and picture the
supernatural beauty
and glory beyond. Is
it all real? Ah,
Virginia, in all this
world there is
nothing else real and

No Santa Claus? Thank
God he lives and lives
forever. A thousand
years from now,
Virginia. nay l0 times
10,000 years from
now, he will continue
to make glad the
heart of childhood

Merry Christmas and
Nappy New Year!!!








Stopping law abuse

Kickball lawsuit another example of selfish lawsuits

Whatever its origin. our society and the social in-
teraction within it are becoming increasingly litigious.
The law has always played a prominent role in deter-
mining the way people behave in social settings and.
within a reasonable scope. this is clearly a good thing.
The law provides boundaries for people and provides a
framework in which we can expect most people to act.
This legal structure loses much of its appeal when it
stops directing social interaction and begins restrict-
ing anti actually eliminating many of the ways we have
come to deal with people.

it is increasingly apparent that the tendency of our
society to place blame on others for problems in our
lives has led to the expansion of our legal structure far
beyond its desired limits.

One example that perfectly illustrates the danger-
ous, and even just mind-boggling. way in which the
law is being misused in social situations gained recog-
nition last week. A cafeteria worker. who was super
vising children at an after-school activity at Russell
Cave Elementary. was hit by a kickball with which the
children were playing. Apparently during a game, the
soft kickball ricocheted off of a wall and hit the cafete-
ria worker in the jaw. She now claims that she has

damaged vision in one eye and an injured jaw from the
incident. and is suing the parents of the kid who
kicked the ball. Though she reportedly asked the stu-
dents to be more careful with the game. the incident
was clearly an accident. It seems extremely doubtful
that the elementary school-age child could have hit the
lady in the jaw from any distance, even if that had been
his intent. One could only imagine the kid calling the
shot. “Off the wall. under the banister. over the school
bus. one bounce . nothing but jaw!“

For our legal system to even hear out this clearly
frivolous lawsuit not only takes time away from legiti-
mate cases. but also lends it a certain amount of signif'
icance which could only encourage other such cases.

If indeed this woman has sustained the injuries
she describes. she clearly deserves our pity. It is anoth~
er thing all together to say that the boy and his family
are legally responsible for the injuries.

Accidents happen. Sometimes events largely be-
yond our control determine the major twists of our
lives. To blame anyone vaguely associated with in«
stances of “bad luck" is clearly misguided and hurts so-
ciety as a whole by making people weary of being sued
for even the most innocent misstep.


D ' Finals

uring ,
It seems that if you ask any-
body on this campus how
they are doing. you will get
the “f“ word thrown back in
your face. l'm not talking
about the four-letter word
that our mothers would take
a soap bar to our mouths if
we use. but the six-letter
word that is kryptonite for
even the most elite of college
students: finals.

Even the most smart. organized. prayerful, in-
shape. well-studied and rested students have fallen
victim to the “f“ word.