xt7bvq2s7q4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7q4p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-10-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 8, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 8, 1956 1956 1956-10-08 2020 true xt7bvq2s7q4p section xt7bvq2s7q4p    

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notifying us of your decision as soon as possible. Our desire

{ for deliqious Lmnhasis Week is that it be a significant part of
i the life of the university and we appreciate not only your

cooperation but also your criticisme

Sincerely yours,

William A. Leake
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Newton Fowler
‘ Adviser elected by Interfa‘th Council

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The Faculty voted to anprQVe the 013mlssal of classes on londay, March 4, at
I 10:00 a.m,, for a general convocation in Remorial Coliseum.

The Faculty adjourned.
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{ Secretary


;’ Minutes of the University Faculty, October 8, 1956

The University Faculty met in regular session on October 8, 1956 at 4:00 p.m.
r in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hell. President Dickey presided. Members absent
were '1'. Clifford Amyr’, A. J. Brown“, Lyman V. Ginger”, Fred E. Harris, Roy
' Moreland’, Frank D. Peterson, Morris Scherago“, Dwight M. Seeth, W. G. Survent“,

and Frank J’. Welch“.
The minutes of August 1, 1956 were read and approved.

. Dr. Dene G. Card, Chairman of the Faculty Elections Committee, presented a
( I"Wort as follows:

Dr. Robert L. Mills October 6, 1956
Secretary of the University Faculty
University of Kentucky

1. ? Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Dr. Mills:

This is to certify the reSults of the current election of members
for the University Faculty who are to serve for the next three years.

'Absence explained.


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Minutes of the University Faculty, October 8, 1956

The method of replacing members who are temporarily away from the
University on leave, is not entirely clear in the Governing Regulations,
The Elections Committee conducted the election on the assumption that1m9
President will appoint persons to fill such temporary vacancies. In mmh
case where a vacancy occurs, however, we are certifying the person wiflx
the next highest number of votes. These persons may be considered tolm
elected to serve in place of the persons on leave or the President may
wish to ignore the results of the election in making appointments.

Literature, Philosophy and Arts

Five places were to be filled from this group. The Department of
Ancient Languages and Literatures and the Department of Radio Arts have
not been represented on the Faculty during the last three years. Ac-
cording to the rule that each department must be represented at least
once in four years, Dr. Jonah W. D. Skiles and Professor 0. Leonard Press
automatically become members of the Faculty as the only eligible members
from these departments. The three elected members are: T. Clifford
Amyx, Daniel V. Hegeman, and Thomas B. Stroup.

Social Studies

Three elected members are: 0. Arnold Anderson, Howard W. Beers,
and Ernest G. Trimble.

From this group, Irwin T. Sanders and Jasper Shannon are on leave.
Persons with the next highest number of votes are: Thomas P. Field
and Amry Vandenbosch.

Physical Sciences

Two elected members are: Otto T. Koppius and Sallie E. Pence. Fran
this_group F. L. Yost is on leave. The person with the next highest
number of votes is Lyle R. Dawson.

Biological Sciences

The four elected members are: Alfred C. Brauer, Betsy W. Estes,
Earl Kauffman, Jr. and Herbert P. Riley. '


The four elected are: Dana G. Card, Stephen Diachun, Harald Jensen.
and Roy E. Sigafus.


The three elected are: Nathan B. Allison, G. S. Grouse, and Oliver
W. Gard.


The persons elected are listed according to the group to which they belmn.

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University Faculty9 October 8, 1956



The elected member is Paul Oberst. Professor F. W. Whiteside, Jr.
is on leave. Professor Moreland received the next largest number of
votes 0 ' ‘


The elected member is Fred E. Harris.


The two elected members are Robert D. Haun and Ralph R. Pickett.
Dr. W. W. Haynes is on leave and Professor R. D. McIntyre received the
next largest number of votes.

The elected member is Richard M. Doughty.

The Elections Committee wishes to report that the College of Adult
and Extension Education is not included in the election procedure. Six
persons are involved (three on campus and three at the Northern Center).
They might have been included with "Education" but committee members felt
they had no authority to do so. When a faculty is provided for the College
of Medicine, study will need to be given to their representation also.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Dana G. Card
Dana G. Card

The Elections Committee

Committee Members

Clinton Adams I. M. Carpenter J. R. Meadow
S. F. Adams F. E. Harris J. E. Reeves
T. R. Bryant A. B. McEwen R. H. Stroup

President Dickey expressed the welcome to the newly elected members.

Dean Terrell presented for the College of Engineering a request that 11

senior Civil Engineering students be permitted to attend a student chapter
meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
October 17—20. The Faculty approved this request.

Faculty adjourned.

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Robert L. Mills



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