xt7bzk55f62g_103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55f62g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145.dao.xml Perry family 4.7 Cubic Feet 11 boxes The Perry family papers (dated 1800-1952; 4.7 cubic feet; 11 boxes) consists of correspondence, accounts, business vouchers, bills of lading, receipts, and legal documents relating to Fountain Perry's river shipping business and Roderick Perry's public service and law career in Gallatin County, Kentucky. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Perry family papers Inland Water Transportation -- United States Bridges -- Design and construction. Bridges -- Kentucky Business records -- Kentucky -- Warsaw. Shipping -- Ohio River. Shipping -- Mississippi River. Boatmen. Bills of lading. Wrought Iron Bridge Co text Wrought Iron Bridge Co 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145/61m145_9/61m145_9_14/40210/40210.pdf 1880 1880 1880 section false xt7bzk55f62g_103 xt7bzk55f62g V Nrr N ` _] .;v|iU.M{wJg1’..; ,`  `   •~ __ " `f_1J:¤_{¤i!]f'QI§'l' __  
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I .1V?1,s·. 2·~1/,/11.11101/r·.s· 5y% /1/0/21 . 1. 1 . c J P 1 Counter Rmls. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ V I r .1\//1x. mw r01Z •·yy.znc/21. . ..1 .. . ’ /A/vg i : { *2*/ -1 * ·- ·‘ 1 s r I . 1 ' L.- . . ’- e. ., . .4,. A T _. " I •· ‘ · ¤ h V V 1 From A, l880. ` XR -, _ Proposal. 4:; —· .,_ ' r x we $3*o time %omombBe ,______ _ eooe peepp of", ..... .. ........................... . ............ 2..... ......,..... ....... ,,.,, ,__,_,C0y,;q,iy, Sfgjg Ofl.4 .... ......... - .................................. ....».......... Homonmbhe Sim: e I The Wrought Iron Bridge Co, of Cumfoh, Ohio, propose fo (Zo ull {he work, and furnish ull muteriul of every cZe.s*eriptz`o7z, requz`siz‘e ami necessary to eomplete in u woricmo,nZz7/ue mumzer, cmd reudy for tralvcl, the .supm·.sh·ueturefor ·>%}¤.é`;~.. {X7 EOCTGHT IEOZNF EEIIDG1-`.E¤%5<· Oper ............. ,,,........,o , ...,._,,,......__ yy. ....._.,.. _..,... in sufzl Counfy uml S/up/e_,· at //1,0 pr/cms· ,s·pz·¢·x]/MZ /ur/ow. Su,/rl J}/·/{/ge /o fu: bu/'//‘ in urnro/·r/:rm*z· u·1'//z unm·;1·w/ .~·pw·r]f¤·nHon and o'1·uu·f12g‘. , CQ . I · ([9Xg;/4 ,4 6;,,,,,,./f/@LQ,,C rr 15) , C7 N N ,, M)! 550éE / ( (l ·S ME · ( yo/{(rA_<(»l’(rl l /QF/osu, *L " ¢»¤~·7,·<». 4e ek EZ I ~ /// ’ ` I‘ Should either 0/' the ubove ]}/‘(}]}(}.\'(l/S be m·r·z·p/M/, we /zew/»y ay‘1·w· /o euh·7· into eom‘ruet with your ]{O7’L()7'((Z}Z(3 Body for //10 /»uz`/rf/neg' of .s·u/M ,/;/'/'({Q'z", u·//he /N/Z plurm uml speezfeutiohs of .s·ueh ]37·zY¢Zg‘e us your J/ouors muy uz/opf /0/zen/1/n·.w*(Z Z0, (H7//Z fhv·m» j/(,LI‘[V of audi ro/L//·u¢//. Very L'e.s·peeff’uZZy, W‘R0’UGHT- IRON? BRIDGE C0, ···P,f ‘ Ag('|l[, Af ..,................ .. .. ., ......... . . . ..4.. .. ........ . ........._... ’ f · Cl vi, J lwi A / " __:__ ,1,%*/_ L}; _ ` ` r Z ’ <»4"r*»¢\ · w . 7 U W` _ vH_“_,: _ :T,,.,,..,.r_,(,, ·`··v-v-·~¤r .; q · ) "g;$/,_:_;:4j,( "' I ` _ , .. ,. V. V; -. ;» W"` -~‘¥"""" ` ''`»'` N V ulvblwlwlw lv l I V . 2 ‘ a-- .. > .• \ For High Truss Specmcations. IRON {X7 OELEC- . az] . . . ~ ' La F t Bridge tc have ...·........ · .............. fences cf the fellcwzng dimensiens: L X " f-·`»·.._Q / tticc 00 - , A _ . ,_ _ . . ’ ~ wa1kFence. Fcetwallc Fence tc be made in 1,3 feet panel lengths, cr lengths te suit bridge s panels. Tep rail tc be feet; lcwer rail b' inches abcve fcctivallc f/ccr. Pests tc be cf the best east cr wrcught iren, cast ircn tc be free frcm j/aws, well cleaned up, and 0f crnavnental fcrm with lcncb head. U"}/·eught [ren pests tc be made with twc bars with jcint blcclcs fer upper and lewer rail adjustment. T cp rail tc be 2 1-2 by 1 1-4 inch rclled eval hand rail; Lcwer rails cf 1 1-,; by 1 1-4 inch relled angle bars; Lattice bars cf 3-4 by 1-8 inch rclled jiat bar, placed 10 inches apart: all riveted up with 1-4 inch rivets, ene tc each crcssing, with crnamcntal cast rcsettes at center. Ends cf tcp and bcttcm rails tc be jitted inte fence pests, cr in jeint blcclcs en wreught ircn pest, and panel center tc be suppcrted by cast bracket secured cn /iccr· or mam up ./1 ll ircnwcrlc te be neatly and accurately pitted up, and jinzshed in a werlcmanlilcc manner, and at right ang`les with abutments and piers. The fcrm and numbers ef ~ chcrds and diagcnals may be varied frem sizes herein speciii-ed, withcut reducing tctal panel secticn, and the ferm cf ccmpressicn members may alsc be varied, with- ent reducing the tetal value ef crcss-sectien, as determined by Gerdcn’s fcrmula. with ratic cf length tc least diameter,. A/ll zcerlc tc be hct riveted. PAINTING- Painting. All inner surfaces ef ircnwcr/c tc have cnc ccat ef Ircn Clad Paint (mixed with gccd beiled linseed eil} befcre riveting parts tcgether, and all expcsed surfaces cf irenwcrlc tc have cnc ccat cf said paint at the shcp, and a seccnd ccat ef same after · the erecticn cf bridge; but in case weather will net permit painting bridge said last ccat at time ef ccmpleticn, it is nct tc p