xt7bzk55hs5n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55hs5n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1983 1983 1983-03-23 2020 true xt7bzk55hs5n section xt7bzk55hs5n l ’ . ‘

‘ .

) Thence-otnbulldln. .
“D A. if recovering from the club's lott-
ploco finish in I982 weren't enough, the
O Cincmnoti Rods now taco the throat of a
\‘fi) )>)»,\ hepatitis outbreakhopogob.
Vol. Lxxxv. No. i35 Wednesday, March 23, 1983 An independent student newspaper Universny of Kentucky Lexmgtoni Kentucky
I i.
SGA candidates ‘ “'7‘ “
..~ ”' '5“ K 'i n U “
present platforms .. r . . 3 . .
. Q . ”V - " cs , ,
i, ". .... . .. W “was.” .w . ‘_ ‘ . .: \I t.
at Issues forum - -- cA '
——'—'—.—'—.'—— ared."he stated . j 7 .. ._- *"" .-
t "5 "m,“ “0”“ "l' p li‘reudenberg said their adniinis— . “k“ .. ‘ .v . yaw-c» ° " , . “1
StaffVlritei tration also would propose legis ' V. , W- .» 7
7 lation calling for the construction of “ c
' a student swimming pool and the es» §

, tablishment of a “campus pub.” . .7
The six candidates for president where students could purchase alco— i . in" W... ' v, ‘ e .c ‘i
l and vice president of L'K‘s student holic beverages KR?“ 32‘!“ .. _.c : gem

body met and discussed their cam~ Bradford. stressing his commit- if“ a ’ ”.41.,” cg ‘ (I ,;."- ._

-. paign platforms last night in the Stu» ment to student rights. said he ii‘t‘lfiw ”’ - .i' ’: :1, ‘~ '
dent Government .i‘issociation‘s (‘aii» would work for the implementation g: ' t a. k: , . y
didates'li‘orum of a firm sexual harassment policy l x. < ‘-

'l‘he forum. held in 309 Student calling for the dismissal of any tac- 5.‘ i ‘7'; '-'- ‘-. ..
(.‘enter. featured presidential candi- ulty' member who sexually harassed ’7
dates David Bradford. John t‘. Da- a student. He said his administra- .. . .
venport and (‘heryl llardcastle. and two would oppose any unnecessary ‘ .,,... . . . ., ' ‘1 “ “ Thuf's our ' ' .1

7. Vice presidential candidates Tim increases in tuition or education fees I. - c “A?“ 1’ I ah. " '

Freudenbcrg. John Miller and Jack atthe University. ._ "- . . - _ ‘ . .

Dulworth, Bradford also said he would try to r”.- . - . § number! ,fi ‘ h. ..

‘1 Running mates Bradford and affect some changes in the structure .. ” ‘ . 3

Freudenberg painted to what l-‘reud- of the student government. "The or— 4 -- . . f A . ~ *

i; enberg called their “solid track re» ganization has grown in power and ._ '.'- _- . -» , ' Student tickets were dis- 1 .

f cord of campus involvement" as influence in recent years without " _ - i tributed by lottery yester- "" r

. their best qualification for the of- changing its form." he said His ad- . ‘9 _. 7" ~ day for Kentucky's up- . /

1 fices ministration would try to make SGA ‘ 1 , coming NCAA games in s.’

j Freudenberg said their platform “better than it‘s ever been. more of -. Knoxville Tenn Above '1 a,

1.‘ includes the establishment of a f'ective than it‘s ever been." he ’ P l B, 1 . f' ,

1‘ guard booth at Commonwealth Sta- added _ y , 3/ DU 0 05 on, inance \

i dium to protect parked cars from Running mates Davenport and “K ; freshman (left), and Julio X K
vandalism. a student escort service Miller outlined three main areas on “we“ -..; i 1. Mettom, busmess fresb- . .
and an emergency student loan which their administration would sync . '7 s . .c. mon, anxiously awaited is. ,.

- service that could give students in- concentrate. Davenport said he in- R...- ‘ ' " . for their numbers to be i i
terest-freeloansofupto823 tended to focus on student rights. a “ " ‘_ called out, then moments

Freudenberg said he and Bradford quality student services and the ac ii 5' 7“» ~ later it happened. Y
would also concentrate on lobbying curate representation of student con 1 g“ «3;?» $3
the General Assembly in Frankfort cerns " . .3.» ‘
for support of t'K programs 'You Davenport said the mayor planks ' \ f“ StettPhotos byJ.D.VanHoou
can be assured that David atid l will of their platform would include the i .
not walk into Frankfort unprc SeeCANDIoATEs,poge4
U ' ' S | ' d ' ' If hl

lllVBl‘Slty enate passes 88 EGtIVE a mlSSIOI‘lS, separate p00 or at etes

» atid there is no reason why there lvey said the policy will not mean dard or hecan‘tcompete " on the ACT. to be automatically ac letes accepted from the pool would

? By Mlt‘llrilJiEltlt should be anything different in the athletes will not be asked to fulfill Alhk’IeS. 1V0} Said. £1th perform cepted t'llt‘t'llVM} deny ””1"“ 1” ll from en

7—7 Senior Staff Writer admissions policy.“lvey said admissions standards They must SIXTH” tilSkS for this and other Utii- The parameters are on 3 Slldmtl tering H" SUPP‘WWT‘ ("HUHWI‘E‘G

‘ and .l.\\llCS l~2li\\l\ll.\ltl(lS lvey was commenting about the meet the sonic .\'('.\.-\ and Southeast VOI‘SIYIOS "Who else advertises the scale. a student with a :23 should tha' ail u. ho could not nice: the ad

J Managing Editor Senate's overwhelming decision erii t'onference standards they have university as well as the athletic have scored a 19 on the MT in l)“ llil>>lttll> WINTM regardles> “9 their

Monday to create a separate catego- always met. (‘urrently' a 2o grade program?” he asked "As far as the admitted. while a student with .i stilllb should be a part ot the pool

‘ ry' for freshman athletes in the sec point average and a score of l?) on general populace is concerned. all SCON’ 0t 15 would be required to

i . lective admissions process the‘Americant‘ollege Test they know about [K is the basker havean averageofitfi The Senate.» t'omniittee on Adc

[Ks proposed selective admis Later in. the meeting. by a voice ”the new policy. however. is an up- ball team They dont know what is Student‘ 'ho .. Q. . 't“ ‘V V. ”115,10,“ and _,\wdonm. Standards
sions policy. if passed by the Board vote, the Senate approved the entire grading of those standards. liesaid taught in phystcs Thev couldn't “ b V“ posses oni 1‘ "n““m‘ solved the problem by putting all
of Trustees will give special atten policy. thereby completing \Htt‘k "The Nt'AA is the governing body name you one member of the tin» or the other would. 1*“ ranked 1” an athletes t percent oi which are not
tion to entering freshman athletes that began last June. when Pl‘t‘Sl' for athletic competition and they \'(’l‘Sl[)’ symphony orchestra but they admissmns p00" “'[h "" percent ”' (NtX‘cted m m. 'iccepted ’lul()m‘]l'
beginning in Fall 1984. l‘niversity dent (ltis Singletary first asked the make their rules and our athletes can tell you evervbodv on the ms the incoming class being accepted icilly [P 't seiar“'ite pool “\Vllh the

' Senate President Donald lvey said Senate to formulate a selective ad must conform to those rules.” he ketballtearii.” lvey said from thatgroup lit:\\“t“‘lilt“l~“t‘ “Ill; the policy non-ath-
y'esterday missions policy said "Other students don‘t have to l'nder the selective admissions The controversy debated m m, MW “i“, apply in, admgsmn WI“

‘ "“10.‘ “'1' “Xi't’l‘ll‘mil' “WW" ““7 PWP‘N” ’5 (‘XP‘K'N‘Q ‘0 b“ 3”“ are ”9“ ‘0 take fight 5011195!” policy. “PP“UU“5 “l lht‘ [ HINTS”) Senate. however. centered on the in not in reiected in favor of an athlete

. from the beginning. from the mo» voted on at the April 4 lrustees hours but aii athlete must take a full must have at least a 2 t' hltdh school clusmn of athletes in that pool (“I’llc whose academic qualifications may
ment they sign that letter of intent. meeting load. He must maintain a 2o stan- grade point average. or a score of it ics of the plan contended that ath not look as promising 1

. writ“ it" t f r“ 3‘1“" “it”

a“ 1 “WEE-“N1“ ‘Iitc is, = “m" "‘7‘ Federal funds WI“ help

' -» " , ' . Mi g"; :cfic c‘ . L . : cit

, , MMMflM “third amW,wcc Brawn sets agenda to ald shortfall
-. ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' i: "t .i die-«memoir ‘

um sum W . m mom 1 - " fairing“

'l“. .Elk 4 ‘ y C L‘. .', .” tW«_yMWc.“{§ YFSANKH)§T .Tp.‘ Hm Jim'n tries tot); affect“; ibdyd any hmdll“ lt‘t"t‘tl by the end ot the palrity pro-
:~i_.»c- wfigt ); .. “b _ _ _ §e§§qiififia Burke plans to order eqmpment to use in production. Mr Gath'sa localpiua chain. willend the day

by "hm .‘V "7 . 'pxgmg. “T?“ . RM “M;$ " ‘V V 2 5i? “3“ i such as cameras monitors and accessory items SAB The derby will wind up Sunday with courtyard parties
y“ . Md; ‘ . 2. c- c, 1- cc" ‘ ‘ fit“; ":é‘“:l “'3‘" was “7 Q 1“ cannot afford editing equipment at thistime. he said on both North and Southcampusesanda footrace

.. i 7: y - %>%r%$“>.l'. “"° "‘35 NW .7. c. - "it“s; - " “ in other business. the board discussed the schedule of LKD is funded through the balloon race and the LKD-
":7. ”25,; . . w_ i,» . its-“i ‘ .' c" ’ “ issvcvrcfiiiie;-m.:i={-sw‘iwwsvtic. ‘* 2 . V. - events for the Little Kentucky Derby. scheduled for the Alumni Golf Tournament to be held April 8 Other funds

w ' V ., g“, M y - ._,,_ “c .5. ;.,.',.. .. . V. 4‘ weekendoprrillii I? are obtained from syn LKD. which uses funds to pro-
"”wfikm‘*fiw . 4‘7”“ “W" '1?“ “""’**‘*»~"~”W'Wi‘z“"»"' ” ”if: 1" ‘ ' The derby begins Thursday with concerts at Donovan. vide scholarships. will award four Sfioiiprizes this year

I I I p
‘ I j .

 . _ I._ cl. .
om Moldov- Anduu 0mm- John Ovlmn “or NOW llnl I. I.“ I... VIM Ion (“Hui
(one: in (mot no." room Am iditov sport. “my Spot-at Fromm Mom Photo Editor Graph-n (diva:
uno- unto Mum Dub-v- Prico hit-o out |. widen-r Jr. In Mot-ow not». won... Ion Von Moot Clwh Anti
Monog-ngkditor (‘4‘i'0"0'§\t"u‘ A“i"“"""“d"0' AbIII'M'svo'N‘dt't-‘l' SwiolProlanuiImm Chid'hovogmphol Copy Duluth-ct .
W . .. __ lit!
Rea an chooses ' ' ht man’? was, 50 x6” , "i
/ 3/3 4
g '19 I K / ' ' =
N EPA h‘ t ' t r ll d 't h d’ 77’557’547’ , '3
ew c te given po en la y angerous ree an 5577776 . . y, t
, i t 'a
In order to stabilize the turmoil wracking ministration continuously seems to be unable 5‘7 [6K0 . I/ . / w . l
the Environmental Protection Agency. Pres- to separateitself. AI. / i" i
ident Reagan has reinstated William I). A Vice president for the Fund for Animals. ,i t/ , g
Ruckelshaus to the post vacated by Anne LEWIS Regenstein. said if Ruckelshaus were 8 t;
McGill Burf‘ord. to step aside every time the dioxin issue was ‘ [It ' \ "I l
When Ruckelshaus name was announced raised at the EPA, “he won't have anything Sm \ ' d .5
at an impromptu press conference Monday. to do." “N“ . .:, I, It " .
most everyone. including some environmen— There‘s something awfully fishy about a w d x « ’ , *‘ t\l‘ . §
talists. was pleased The National Wildlife man who would leave a job with a salary of i \ . ’ .. M l! t)" /’ . f ..
‘ ~ .. .- - i. . I t
liederation even went so far as to say that 3221.300 per annum for one which offers less 6 b ‘- g \\, ti / l l” / a a
his appointment was "a refreshing sprout in than $70.000. ' é] . Iv t .3 y”, 3’ ’7 _, I“, it .7 {5) ,1
. . . . . H n 3. ‘V/é/ / ’»’ "i " - / L / l l
a clear-cut torest ll Ruckelshaus is given the free hand. 0 , y / ”WWW/“Willi r; ' .//- ,/, . .
/ , . , . ,’ / _ ‘7 II. "_ v ~ '.;A: f. '
This and similar statements are based on as he said he Will have, in trying to solve the , Wi/M‘flmlll ./I/ ‘Jnll'lll‘ 5/; , ,, . .4,
Ruckelshaus" reputation with the agency. As worst 011515 in the EPA‘S htStOTY- then we /I// I "//I/,I\\ \\f\ A351: .\ ~45" I "5 M5" Lg/‘Q'Wlm‘k fix». ‘
its first administrator. he was known to be a might be seeing a continuation of tactics y/fl/ ' I/‘d'h 3g; \ 5; ' .- “ 7 ; , .' " :51 L; I ‘ iI’l/l Wt“ l ‘
man of strict and straightforward principles. used under Burford’s reign. . ‘ my, ‘ / —. (a fee—t ' .2], ' ‘ “7’5: Il
. . . . } 7,2/ . ‘u . . 1 7"
Eight days after the agency s inception. for Burford seemed to have been unable to V» ’/ ‘ g ’. a; - -
example. he shocked many city mayors bv break loose from the control big busmess _7 9 ‘1 g... t;— g— y/ L/ "/1." -
. . I . . . ' r I _,,_/ / f, . I i i I\ ‘
telling Atlanta. Detroit and t levelaiid to stop now has on the EPA, and her term was . t _ '2—— : 3'; t ’ t'il’tifl‘l“i’.tt‘“"{ll"l ’
polluting interstate waterways within 180 clouded With alleged “sweetheart deals" in- . AW ; :9; ("E51 5" IQ‘3‘ ' ’ 1M .
. . ‘ - . A ‘ .s - ,2: ’ . -
day's ortacetederulwm" action. volvtng polluters. If she succumbed to their .' / A? - 72 g- 1;. 3145.15: .,
“.ng a w} to clean ”Mill is a lot tiasier pressures, what is to stop Ruckelshaus from (1:: 7. J 1/; 9° ~—-T:§ g; g Q'fz';:/ ..
than telling a multi-million dollar corpora- domg the same? 5?] f \ . "m” ,1 7:“? V'E‘§.~/ .
tion to do the same hoyvev-oi- And it that Reagan has a firm faith in Ruckelshaus; 53% ‘ // 3/ i/gm; """,.;—’I +"‘ .
companv happens to have been the person‘s he called him “the right man for the right .- -3. - 3‘6"}?- .Efi. ——‘2 L;
. - _ . . . H u~ \ / Y. ‘ _. — I
former employer. things could get stickier JOb at the right time. No doubt Reagan ;~/,-‘/v, , a; fit,“ " ‘ i—" ,H 15
than they currently are. thought the same of Burford, but has the Egg—7:.- 1/11/11 1“; . j: ' _ ‘ T, - ‘ ,
Ruckelshaus association with the ecologi- president thought of the skepticism felt na- .~~_"‘ , ‘ ‘ x v. ' I '2’- ~ ' / :
cally suspect Weyerhaeuser t'o . a firm with tionwide about the EPA? He apparently has; 5’. {1- _. a V ":1, . _; - M _ ~';_.
vested interest in seeing that (llttXlllvlilt’t‘d he also remembers history. when 10 years :1 ’ " ,_ , ‘- ‘-;; l;__,_, c _ _ g .
' . . . . . . v ' ' ’ - - “ ~ ,‘~ ‘..- v . - _‘ ‘ -\-_ ‘:'—~‘ fi“
forests are not declaied toxic. suggests big ago. another man was picked for the right ‘ _.~. .2 J ,. ~‘ ‘r‘ ._ ; W W --¥ 1- s .
business ties. a specter from which the ad‘ job—Gerald Ford.
E] t 0 . no .8 creeps into mailboxes and DUI lives
And rm”.- s si‘tm . :3. 1. .,. , :iiiiiibei or, .i letter from some com- nocontrol over its use carry that insidious number on its None of us can keep track of all 1mg 3 telescreen in my livmg room
Ht] tititei‘ xt-il iot‘ placement service OK. so I'm probably paranOid. mailing label. In fact. on the last the lists we‘ve somehow managed to next week. But I do resent increas- ;
t€v‘t‘pl'2gptt,’n"s w. m l‘t:..' iiZtlI\ litiltlt‘ sense. obviously Maybe there are all sorts of sale page of their enrollment pitch rides get our names and addresses on. We ing amounts of personal information
[facts not it: mitt: .. t‘tilltti.itt_\ does most of its guards preventing use of this sen» a disclaimer apologizing to those re can't even be sure when we get stockpiled forsale—by-mailpurposes
t". lx’ s: . litl>lllt',\.\ wittistiidents ice by anyone other than legitimate. ceiving the letter by mistake, citing "listed." since our permission is Perhaps those mailing lists are
. totally honest employers on the the error factor involved with iiiail- never askedin advance harmless enough. and the only
sometimes l-iig brother sliciilys :r. . "‘. ‘ prowl for employees (‘ould be the inglists. I recently glanced at an article threat they pose the private cttizen .
‘hr"ut“~’hm" ”1*‘1‘ A \‘ Gary w. serum is completely above board There‘s comfort in the thought of that made some predictions as to is the added cost of garbage bags to
"l. i‘ - .i-iii ~. it i 3‘ M , ’ I I .. . .. ,' ... _ . ‘ .
It“ Nth” (to) \t \t H t.» l)H N M PIERCE and reproach some teetering granny at buniiyyiew the quality of life iii the new lni()l‘* hold the junk mail Maybe electronic
tot" thtt‘thlhfl 7" Mt “My l Lid-“1U” 3 - But my Optimism is checked when Rest Home receiving a letter asking mation society” computers are lead resumes are thoroughly protected
lhr‘tufih tht‘ tlttth "in“ ‘3th "A“ li'it‘t‘ :I. ‘ I remember that somewhere in the if she has what it takes to become ing us into While in most aspects from unauthorized use. But the fre-
Ul) ”WV "1“ H“ 1““ “W“ “l“ V electronic bowels 0t 0U!r compute- "oneofafew good men " the article extolled the vtrtues of the quent errors ctted in information
-\”‘-t.\ 'it £1”th Iiic the \l.ll'l!lt‘\ new [{dget’ young ioti hunters tttt‘rt‘l.‘ rized information somety eXists a But paranoia won‘t subside so eas- new age. the “social problems” cat- processing plant at least a few seeds
looking tor a text good ones :iko' iiic till titll their salient academic statls' wrong»thinking chip convinced I'm ily. Suppose the Armed Forces leave egory struck a significantly sour in the fertile breeding ground of
and Sears t‘heyron. l‘lllllilh no 'i.\ oii .l lttl'lll identical to those stillacollegesenior off the “(‘ar-rt sort” number “N m note techno—paranoia
tempo wanted t‘\lt‘lttl irii' soiiii' we ['0‘ all \lt’ly' ot from registration. If such mistakes are common make their correswndence seem “t'nemployment. war and fas- And there lies the real terror of
Phi-‘H‘t'l‘mit along with their career and location place. and we've come to accept more innocent Perhaps they add cism“ were cited as the dominant the information age For all its ben-
Most ot tht‘ mutt Jtttltcth 131" to pretereiit'es The info is led into the them as an inevitable tact ot electro- the disclaimer Iiust to fool us into be troubles of the industrial age. which efits in information processing and
"(WM‘UMWJ ““1“” “m": "M“ l'ldt‘t'l‘it‘lt‘ “”“lldm ~‘ computer. nic life. how can we be sure the per lieving their intoi‘iiiation is llK'ttlll' hardly sounds surprising. while retrieval. it denies most private Clll-
h‘t“ much ‘ht‘f- KW” l it‘dltttd’t‘tt it: and when employers have vacancies sonal information we divulge for our plete Worst yet. perhaps they don‘t problems of the information age in- zens knowledge about. and control
lNTH Apparently l ii. taught .3. .. they t-aii contact the service. which own legitimate purposes can‘t be 51' need any other sources when conir elude “future shock. terror and in over. how information on their per-
.tttttktttdtl'ttttt"~\-tt‘l' then calls up all the appropriate phoned off for reasons more sinisr piling their mailing lists Maybe vasion of privacy “ sonal lives is being used behind the
"t1 "t" 1M“ -‘*‘ ”‘It‘ t—‘dt‘lt-olt' t-il' l t‘tilllptllt'l‘l/t'tl resumes Employers ter" Junk mail is a classic case in they have all the information they Well. i suppose every generation computerized scenes The systems
hotlk‘t‘tt \tttttt'thtiiL‘ tilt-\t‘ttlittL’H --'“t‘t tlt‘t'ivlt' with h ones to contact for in- pomt. i doubt many of us enrolled in need on allof us already deals with a certain amount of f'u- we've created for our convenience
t'stitth‘ about Itht’N' “"7“!“ \lih' '3 lt'l“.ll'\\~.llltlt‘lillt'l‘llllt’ rest college just to get our names amt Now that 1 think of it. as often as l ture shock as it watches its world by their very nature engender para
rm. indihng idiots titit‘r '.'lt tillliht in; m. my. it: it this all seems addresses on hundreds of Junkvmail move I've never received Iiunk mail evolve into a place fit only for the noia
INT t" “’r‘ MM“ ”1“ fell?" 3'” iltltlt' hai‘iiiicss and Hen >pl€hdtdl.\ inglists. from the Armed Forces with a for young. and we‘ve lived With various ()ur information systems might
“MM “13h «t tttttttltt't’ l’it' \Ht-r i-ttitieii' lilectroiiit resumes dart- With interactive computer sys warding address label. they always terrors for as long as we‘ve never be used in Orwellian-fantasy l
"Unl‘h'r KW“ “m“ mg tihmt‘ ‘ht‘ l’ldttt‘t should greatly tems becoming ever more sophisti know my current address. some breathed air But invasion of priva- fashion to enSlave us. but the para .
tr pm in.“ only ~tlt‘ltl"\t‘t1 E tori-mt.- ioii tiiiiitiiig success and 0t cated. while even the occasional thing not even the auto registration cy. while it‘s always been around. noia inherent in the system is at
mmii tilil tt-i: 'i'tls tn'fii't' t vie .i' more. '.ti11l't' sllll at liberty to piti whiz kid manages to tap into the folks downtown can keep track of has never before been so technologir least annoying. and at the worst ,
least iagiiuii mare 'ii..' vll;3'\' is point and apply to prospective em Bell System‘s banks with his handy and they update their info once a cally efficient may prove tobean insidious form of
ties as wei. its :i..ii \ itli'lt‘l orga'w/a plow-rs it; the traditional way. as dandy home computer and a tele» year And the real problem is not so slavery initself ,l
””1‘ ”“101“! Ht" “UMP“ "‘ 41"“ M‘li phone link. the possibility of infor I've never gotten anyone «(sex much the invasion itself but the fact And sometimes paranma creeps in
”13‘1"“ ”"- h‘l‘L" “WW" “" l""‘l”' titt' «o 1‘ UMMHF lht‘ C859 With mation theft increases. to say noth- Armed Forces advertisements ei that all too often we may be com- throughthe mail
rtltlltltt'l‘. st-ii sin-i :::oi~:i..i'-ii “python Lemon stinlt'tlllllg must ing of the potential for accidental ther. though I frequently get all pletely unaware our privacy has
“hllmvwr ”1'" “a" mmm‘r': 1'. w 3"" I" ”‘1‘ “N‘ “W “’5“ )1“ 'd leakage other kinds of mail intended for for been violated Gary W. Pierce should know bet
“"1 “‘~ “M” “”4" '7‘“ ‘Y‘ "' “"1" UNI" ‘" ”t” hum“) \flntShtng Well. l'm not ready to run into the nier tenants of whatever apartment l hate sounding like an alarmist. fer than to distrust the powers-that
and \riiieil tori-w. iiiit'l‘\ lKi!2lli.ll'