xt7c2f7jqb66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jqb66/data/mets.xml Webb, John, 1794-1870. 19  books b92-93-27763135 English J.A. Stewart, : Louisville, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Webb, John, 1794-1870. Webb family.Stewart, J. Adger (Joseph Adger) Webb and allied families consisting of Manuscript of John Webb written in 1870 and The Webb family  : an article reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. text Webb and allied families consisting of Manuscript of John Webb written in 1870 and The Webb family  : an article reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine. 19 2002 true xt7c2f7jqb66 section xt7c2f7jqb66 

The Webb and Allied Families,

                 consisting of

       Manuscript of John Webb
                written in 1870


           The Webb Family
           an article reprinted from
Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine

            J. ADGER STEWART
            4780 Crittenden Drive



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   At the request of my children, I have consented to write a
short history of my life. I do it with a heavy heart, feeling my
inability to put anything on paper that may interest the public.
My history, though somewhat eventful, as I am now getting to
be an old man, I cannot conceive of interesting anyone, unless
an immediate descendant or some relation. There is another
motive that influences me to write my life history; i. e., perhaps
there are few men that have as great a knowledge of their ancestry
as myself. I have never kept a journal, but am indebted to
tradition and a retentive memory for my information. I have no
pride to gratify nor time to waste, yet I feel that if I can accom-
plish something for the gratification of others, it is not time
spent in vain. Should the sketch not meet the approval of my
friends, I hope they will attribute it to my want of capacity and
not to any desire on my part to fail to give a full and impartial
history of events of my past life. With the above remarks I
shall now proceed to the task before me, promising to devote all
of my leisure time to the work. Should I live to complete it,
I shall present it to my children for their disposal.
                                                JOHN WEBB
Newton County, Georgia

This page in the original text is blank.



   My great-grandfather, James Webb, went up the Rappa-
hannock and settled in Essex County, Virginia, about eight
miles below the county village, then called Hobb's Hole, and
within a half mile of the old brick church, on a farm owned those
early days by Mr. Newman Brokenbrough. I am not certain
whether my great-grandfather and great-grandmother are buried
there or in the churchyard nearby. (Note.-This James Webb was
born in Virginia in 1705, married Mary Edmonson in 1734, and
died in 1771. His will was dated November 26, 1770; proved
May 20, 1771.)
   They had four sons and two daughters to live to adult age.
The sons were: James, John, William, and Thomas. One daughter
married Philip Voss, settled in Halifax County, and had eight
children. Tls daughter's namo was Elizabeth, born 1754;
married a second time, a Mr. Thomae 3hepard, of Granville
County, North Caroliia, The other daughter, Mary Webb
(born 1740), married Samuel S;rth, of North Carolina. Thomas
Webb (born 1761, died 17,83) settled in Pennsylvania; followed
the mercantile business. Afterwards he moved to one of the
West Indian Islands, acquired a large fortune, and died un-
married. John Webb (born 1747) married Amy Booker, of Din-
widdie County, Virginia, and settled in Person County, North
Carolina. William Webb (born 1745) married Francis Young
and settled at Tally-Ho, Granville, North Carolina. James
Webb, my grandfather (born July 2, 1734), married Mary Smith.
a daughter of Colonel Francis Smith, of Essex County, Virginia.
She was of English descent.
   Colonel Francis Smith, my great-grandfather, was twice
married. By his first wife, Lucy (daughter of Francis Meri-
wether), he had one son and two daughters: Meriwether, Mary,
and Nancy; and by his second wife, two sons and one daughter:
William, Francis, and Letty.



   Meriwether Smith married a Miss Adams, by whom he had
two sons and one daughter. His sons were George and Bathurst
Smith. I do not recollect anything in regard to Bathurst Smith
or his sister. George Smith, the oldest, was twice married. By
his first wife he had several children. I recollect the names of
but three: Richard, Meriwether, and John Adams. His second
wife was the widow of Meriwether Jones. George Smith was the
governor of Virginia at the time of his death. He lost his life
in attempting to save his children, whom he supposed were in
the theater in Richmond when it burned. Fortunately for them,
they were all out.
   Mary Smith was my grandmother. More of her later.
   Nancy Smith married a man by the name of Lee, who died
shortly after the marriage. I never heard of any children.
   William Smith married Nancy Belfield. They had five chil-
dren: Francis, William, Nancy, Elizabeth, and Alice Smith.
Francis married Letty Nuphis, his cousin. William married
Sally Throckmorton; his son, James Smith, was in the Conven-
tion that framed the present Constitution of the state of Virginia.
Nancy Smith married Thomas JeffricE, by whem she had several
children; two sons, whom I knew when young, became men of
distinction in the Northern Neck of Virginia. Elizabeth Smith
married Thomas Walker, a bizotber of my mother, of whom I
shall speak in another place. Alice Smith was not married when
I left Virginia; she has married sin.ace and gone North to live.
   Francis Smith, the son of Colonel Francis Smith, came to
Georgia previous to the Revolutionary War, and married Miss
Lucy Wilkerson. They settled on Fishing Creek, Wilkes County,
six miles north of Washington, Georgia. They had nine children:
eight sons and one daughter. John Smith, the oldest son, married
Miss Walker and moved to Tennessee, later to Missouri; they
had one child, Ann Smith, who married David Dedrick, of Mis-
souri. Ebenezer Smith married Francis Anderson and settled in
Wilkes County, adjoining his father. He had three sons and six
daughters: Francis married Julia Wilkerson, and had one son;
John and Lucy Smith lived to be adults, but never married;
Mary married a Mr. Warren; Ann married a Mr. Thurman;
Reuben married a Miss Prather, and lived near the old home
place. Of what became of the younger girls of Ebenezer Smith




I do not recollect. William Wilkerson Smith married Judith
Heard, his cousin, and settled near his father, moving after his
death to South Carolina, then to Chambers County, Alabama.
He had ten children: Ann married Colonel Thornton; Judith
married Dr. Thornton; Cynthia married a Dr. Cobb; Susan
married James Cade; Lucy married a Mr. Baugh; Thomas was
killed by a horse in South Carolina; Francis was killed by a ne-
gress in Chambers County, Alabama, who was hung; William
Wilkerson, named for his father, married a Miss Baugh and moved
to Texas; Jesse and John, the youngest boys, I have not heard
from. Thomas Smith was appointed captain of a rifle company
in the United States Army about 1806, and was stationed at
Fort Hawkins during the War of 1812. He was made brigadier
general. After the close of the war he retired from the army, and
settled in Missouri. He married Miss Cynthia White, sister of
Hugh White, of Tennessee. Francis Smith, con of Francis and
Lucy Wilkerson Smith, married a Mrs. Toombs, of Wilkes,
formerly Miss Kelsie, of the Northern Neck of Virginia. Francis
died in a short time, and his wife married Andrew White, of Ten-
nessee. He died, and she married Governor Blount, of Tennessee;
all this before she was twenty-one years of age. Reuben Smith
married when fifty, and settled in Missouri, then a territory.
A Francis and William Smith died when young, so two others had
the same names. Nancy Smith, the only daughter of Francis and
Lucy Wilkerson Smith, married Peter Early, former governor
of Georgia. They had seven children: Augustus, Thomas,
Alexander, Francis, Peter, Lucy, and Cynthia Early. Lucy
Early married Mr. Richard Jones. Cynthia Early also married
a Jones. The Early boys left this state. Nancy Smith married
the second time, to Rev. Adiel Sherwood, a Baptist minister, also
editor of Sherwood Gazette.
   MY GRANDFATHER, JAMES WEBB, after he married Mary
Smith, settled a tract of land on Piscataway Creek, Essex County,
Virginia, five miles from Hobb's Hole and three miles from the
Rappahannock River. His will was dated August 20, 1773;
proved January 17,1774 (Essex County Records). They had four
sons and three daughters: Francis, James, William, George,
Mary, Lucy, and Jane Webb.




   Francis Webb, my father, was born some time in the year 1759,
and married Francis Walker in the year 1786.
   James Webb, born 1762, was very dissipated in his early days.
I am told he spent the entire estate left him by his father, which
was considerable. After an unhappy love affair, he applied him-
self to his profession of law, having previously been admitted to
the Bar, and became very eminent. About 1790, he married Miss
Dorothy Throckmorton. Her grandfather gave him a very
pretty estate, to which he added and became quite wealthy.
They had no children. He made a will distributing his property
very partially, leaving us nothing, though he had wronged my
brother and me of twenty thousand dollars.
   Dr. William Webb was born in 1765. He also went through
most of his estate when young. He married twice; his first wife
was Miss Rousie, a lovely woman, and very wealthy; she died
within a year. His second wife was Miss Priscilla Brown, also
wealthy. He lived in Essex after his second marriage, had several
children; then moved to Kentucky, and later to Indiana.
   George Webb was likewise wild when young, and spent his
estate. He studied law and was admitted to the Bar. Kentucky
was then a new state, and George wished to go there, but had no
means. My father furnished him with clothes, money, a good
saddle horse, and a bridle. After his arrival in Kentucky he be-
came steady and engaged in his profession with zeal. He became
wealthy, married, and reared a large family. Some of his sons
reside in Louisville.
   Mary Webb married Albion Throckmorton, a Baptist minister.
He had but little property when they married, and in a few years
he spent most of her estate. They had several children; the oldest
daughter, Sophia, I remember well. They moved to Kentucky,
and one of their sons became a fine lawyer in Texas.
   Lucy Webb was very handsome and accomplished. She was
called the "Belle of Tappahannock." She married a gentleman
named Gray. They also moved to Kentucky.
   Jane Webb married and moved to Kentucky.
   My grandfather, James Webb, died previous to the Revolu-
tionary War. My grandmother, Mary Smith Webb, died about




   I shall now proceed with the history of the family of Francis
Walker, my mother, as far as I can recollect.
   Freeman Walker, my grandfather, born September 23, 1734
(son of David and Mary Munford Walker), was of Irish descent.
He married Frances Belfield, of the Northern Neck of Virginia, a
lady of an English family of high birth, and settled a place called
Stephen's Green on Buckskin Creek, in Dinwiddie County,
Virginia, ten miles from the courthouse and thirty miles from
Petersburg. They had five children: two sons and three daugh-
ters. He died in the prime of life, when his youngest daughter
was but six months old. His death was caused by lockjaw. My
grandmother married again, a Mr. Henry Brodnax. He was a
widower with three children: namely, William and Henry Brod-
nax, and a daughter who married Mr. Holmes, of Bowling Green,
Virginia. By Henry Brodnax my grandmother had four children:
one son and three daughters, all of whom lived to be grown.
   Alexander Walker, the oldest child by Freeman Walker,
married Miss Penelope Beckwith, of large fortune and noble
family. She died soon after marriage, and he did not get the
fortune. He became very intemperate and spent his own large
fortune. My grandfather had died under the English law, and
thus the largest portion of his estate went to his oldest son. He
lived to be very old.
   Thomas Walker married, when forty, Miss Elizabeth Smith,
of Essex, from whom he got some property. He was one of the
best classic teachers of his day. They had several children.
   Mary Walker, the oldest daughter of Freeman and Frances
Belfield Walker, married William Brodnax, the elder son of Henry
Brodnax by his first wife. They settled in Brunswick County,
Virginia, and had three sons. Her first son, General William
Henry Brodnax, was a lawyer of high distinction and was con-
sidered one of the foremost men in the state. He married and
settled in Brunswick County, too; he died in 1834, leaving four
sons and two daughters. Mary's second son, Freeman Brodnax,
became deranged, was lost and never heard from. Her third son,
Meriwether Belfield Brodnax, died in 1832, leaving one son and
two daughters. They are all married and living in Petersburg,
Virginia. General William Henry Brodnax's oldest son, David
W. Brodnax, was a doctor, living near Greensboro, Alabama.



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After the death of William Brodnax, Mary Walker Brodnax
married Mr. Albion Adams. There were no children.
   Frances Walker, my mother; more of her later.
   Elizabeth Walker married the Rev. Henry Merritt, a Metho-
dist minister. She had three sons and one daughter, and died in
1819, being only fifty-three years of age. Their oldest son, Dr.
John Freeman Walker Merritt, lives near Vicksburg, Mississippi,
and has four children, all grown. Their next son, William Henry
E. Merritt, lives in Lawrenceville, Brunswick County, Virginia,
and has six sons and four daughters. Dr. Alex. Thomas Belfield
Merritt lived in Richmond until a few years ago. I think he now
lives on his plantation near Vicksburg, Mississippi. He married
a widow with one daughter, and had one daughter by her, called
Frances Elizabeth, for his mother, my mother, and grandmother.
Frances Elizabeth married a Mr. Rives, son of Judge Rives, of
Virginia. Elizabeth Walker Merritt's only daughter married
Dr. John Parham, of New Orleans, and died in 1844, leaving four
sons and one daughter.
   John Belfield Brodnax, my half uncle, son of my grandmother's
second marriage, married a Miss Maria Woolfork, of Bowling
Green, Virginia. He died in 1824, leaving six sons and one daugh-
ter. One of their sons, a prominent doctor in Vicksburg, Missis-
sippi, died in 1850; issue: five daughters.
   Rebecca Brodnax, the oldest daughter of my grandmother
by her second marriage, died unmarried.
   Susan Brodnax, the second daughter, died unmarried.
   Mary Ann Brodnax, the youngest, also died unmarried.
   Frances Walker, my mother, was born in 1764 and married
my father, Francis Webb, in 1786. They had eight children: six
sons and two daughters. My mother died in 1808, leaving an
infant daughter of six months. She was an affectionate wife, a
fond mother, and a kind mistress. The infant daughter died in
twelve months. This left but three children living, myself the
   Francis Webb, my father, the oldest son of James and Mary
Smith Webb, was born in 1759, in Essex County, Virginia, on the
place my grandfather first settled. My grandfather died in 1772.
My father took the notion to become a sailor, and actually had his




chest put on board a vessel, when the entreaties of his mother
brought him home again. In a short time though he went on a
privately armed vessel. This was about the commencement of
the Revolutionary War. I have often heard him speak of the
first battle: everyone on board their little craft was either killed
or wounded, except Captain John Evans and a negro boy. My
father was shot in the ankle, which caused one of his legs to be
shorter than the other. For his gallantry my father received the
appointment of midshipman in the Virginia Navy, and was
stationed on the ship "Dragon," where he served the principal
part of the war. At the close of the war he returned home. Soon
he took his waiting man and several fine horses and went to
Georgia, where he purchased a large quantity of land and returned
to Virginia. About this time grandmother died, and her children
began to scatter.
   In 1786 my father married. In 1787 brother Bathurst Webb
was born and only lived a year. On August 5, 1789, brother
Thomas was born. March 31, 1792, brother James Webb was
born. I was born March 20, 1794, and named John Webb. In
1796 sister Frances Belfield 'named for our grandmother) was
born, and died the same year. In 1798 Richard Walker Webb
was born. In 1800 William Meriwether Webb was born. The
last two died within two days of each other in 1804, and were
buried in the same grave. Frances Walker Webb was born in
1808, and lived only a year.
   After my father had made his purchases in Georgia and re-
turned to Virginia, nearly all of his land was resurveyed, either
by what was then known as Head Rights or Soldier's Bounty.
To establish his claim, he found, would be attended with consider-
able expense and require much time. He asserted his claims in
1799 or 1800. In the fall of 1805 he went to Georgia and re-
mained twelve months, securing the titles to his lands and making
sale of some tracts that had not been taken up.
   My father resided in Essex County, Virginia, on the same
tract of land on which he was born, but not in the same place.
My grandfather had commenced building, previous to his death,
on a beautiful mound about one mile from the former place.
This new place was known as "Mount Prospect." The construc-
tion was sufficiently advanced for grandfather to move in before




his death. This place was about 100 yards from the road leading
from Tappahannock to Urbanna, five miles from Tappahannock,
one-fourth of a mile from Piscataway Creek; and three miles from
the Rappahannock River. It had a beautiful view of the creek
where it entered the river, then a view of the river for five miles.
   My grandfather, grandmother, mother, three brothers, and
two sisters are all buried in the family graveyard, about one
hundred yards from the first settlement my grandfather made on
the place. My father lost thirty-odd slaves while at "Mount Pros-
pect," for, in spite of the beauty of the place, it was unhealthful.
   My father was left a handsome estate by his father, he being
the oldest son, but by sickness, bad management, and unprofit-
able speculation, he left his estate in such a condition that, when
wound up, there was but little left. Many years before he left the
state of Virginia, he purchased some lots in the town of Tappa-
hannock from Uncle James Webb, as agent for one Ritchie, for
which he gave a mortgage not only on the town property but on
the place on which he lived. In a few years he sold the town lots
for a profit and canceled the debts by the notes of others, which
were perfectly good and received as such. Uncle James promised
to destroy the mortgage . . . . Part of John Webb's manu-
script was lost, making this land deal far from clear.]
   My father, Francis Webb, came to Georgia in 1810, and settled
in Hancock County, Georgia, where he died in 1811.
   Brother Thomas Webb was killed by a horse in 1812. He was
twenty-four years old, and said to be engaged to marry. He was
the administrator of my father's effects.
   Brother James Webb had a strong liking for books. He com-
pleted his education before he was sixteen, and came to Georgia in
1809. He taught school that year, and in 1810 he returned to
Virginia. He wrote in the clerk's office in Tappahannock under
John P. Lee, and read law in his leisure time. After the death
of my father he returned to Georgia and read law in Milledge-
ville. That year, 1812, he was drafted and sent to Point Peter.
He was appointed clerk for the regiment, served his term, and in
April returned home. He married Miss Rachel Lamar, daughter
of Colonel Thomas Lamar, formerly of Hancock County, June 24,
1813. That fall he was admitted to the Bar. He was already
Justice of the Peace, having been elected shortly after his return




from the army. He moved to Linton, where he practiced law
with Colonel Lowther until 1823. He next moved to Jackson
County, Florida. There he was employed in an important land
case, which made it necessary for him to go to Washington City.
He was appointed Judge of the Southern District of Florida and
also Judge of the Admiralty, for the adjustments of claims on
the coast. The last appointment made it necessary for him to
move to Key West. This was during the administration of John
Quincy Adams. He was re-appointed by Jackson and retained
by Van Buren. During this administration he resigned and be-
came the Secretary of State under Mirabeau Lamar, then presi-
dent of Texas. A few years later he was elected Attorney General
of Texas, then made minister to Mexico. Afterwards he was
offered the appointment of minister to the Court of St. James, but
declined. He was again made Secretary of State, held the office
for several years, and returned to his profession. In a few years
he was elected Judge of the Judicial Circuit in which he lived.
This office he held at the time of his death.      ........[Many
eulogies and resolutions made by the different courts of Texas,
many papers, etc., which John Webb copied in his original man-
uscript, have been omitted.]
   James Webb and Rachel Lamar Webb had seven children:
four sons and three daughters. Two of the daughters and one
son died when young. The two older sons, Thomas Francis and
James William, were sent to Mount Benedict in New Hamp-
shire for their education. Mary Elizabeth was sent to a school
in Cahaba, Alabama, where she became acquainted with Dr.
Walter Hubbert, whom she afterwards married. I do not know
where the third son, Charles John, received his education: the
first news I had of Charles John, my brother and I having let
our correspondence slip for several years, was of his brave ex-
ploits in the Mexican War under Lamar. After the war Charles
John visited me for several months, and, upon his return to
Texas, he\ was appointed quartermaster in the United States
Army. He was stationed at Fort Ewell, and died there after a
short illness, on December 20, 1852, in his twenty-second year.
James William Webb was admitted to the Bar, but his health
permitted him to practice but a short time. He then engaged in
the mercantile business, and visited me on one of his trips north.




He died August 11, 1853, at the home of Lewis Webb, in Rich-
mond, Virginia, age twenty-six. The oldest son, Thomas Francis,
named for our brother Thomas and his two grandfathers, Thomas
Lamar and Francis Webb, married Miss Jane Montgomery, of
Texas. They had seven children, but only one son and two
daughters are living. Thomas studied medicine, but never
practiced. His present occupation is farming and stockraising,
in which he takes great delight. Mary Elizabeth Webb had two
sons and four daughters by her first husband, Dr. Walter Hub-
bert. One son and two daughters died. Dr. Hubbert acquired
a handsome estate in Alabama and moved to Texas a few years
before his death. Mrs. Hubbert later married Colonel Henry
Kinney, but he went to South America about a year afterwards,
and was never heard from. She, her mother, and two daughters
reside in Galveston, Texas. Her son, Walter Hubbert, makes his
home on the old farm on the Caney.
   I have endeavored to give a faithful history of my connections
from my great grandfather down to the present day. The most
difficult part remains, the history of my own life. I will do the
best I can.
   I, John Webb, was born March 20,1794, at "Mount Prospect,"
Essex County, Virginia, the residence of my father, Francis Webb.
I was called John for one of my father's uncles, John Webb, of
North Carolina.
   In my fifth year I was sent to board with a Mrs. Treble, three
miles from home, to go to school. I did not go but two days
before I pined myself sick and was sent home. The next year
my brothers and I boarded at the same place and went to school.
In 1801 I went to school to a Mr. Tucker, an Englishman, who
was very cross. In 1803 father employed a Mr. Evans to teach
his children; he was a man of fine education, but a poor hand to
impart it. In 1804 Thomas Jordan taught us.
   In October, 1804, Father went to Georgia. My mother and
brother Thomas went to Dinwiddie County, Virginia, to visit her
mother, and left me with Uncle William Webb, and brother
James with Uncle James Webb.




  Brother James stayed all of 1805 with Uncle James and went
to school, but Thomas and I worked on the farm.
   The next year we all three boarded with George Chapman in
King and Queen County, Virginia, and went to school to William
Deshaser, at Millirs Tavern on the edge of Essex Coumty.
   In 1807 Uncle Thomas Walker took a school near my father's,
and James and I went. In 1808 I went to school to Smallwood
Nowell, a graduate from Richmond.
   Shortly afterwards my mother died, and my father moved
to Georgia, taking me with him and what negroes he had at that
time. That year we farmed. I was fifteen. The next year I
went to school. The latter part of the year my father got me a
clerk's position with a Mr. Wilkerson, in Screven City. There
was a store with mills connected with it. My father died while I
was working there. He died suddenly, but he left a will. I went,
but my brothers were absent and did not get home for some time.
When the will was opened, he had left all he had in Georgia to me.
What he had in Virginia he willed to my brothers. They then
went to Virginia to look after their property. When they got
there, they found their Uncle had gone back on father, and
claimed it under the old mortgage.
   They came back to Georgia, and we destroyed the will, and
we had an equal division of what was in Georgia. My brother
Thomas was killed soon afterward, so we divided his part.
   I then went out to fight the Indians, as the following will
show . .
   [Note.-This is after his father's death. There were several
leaves missing from his manuscript.]
   I now found it necessary to remain until brother James re-
turned from Point Peter. Consequently I had to abandon all
idea of returning to Millhaven. During my sojourn at Millhaven
for nearly two years, my associates were not of the best character.
My preceptor was a fine man, though he meddled himself little
with anything but his own business.
   Shortly after my brother's return home, I joined a volunteer
company of light horse. In the latter part of July, 1813, wewere
ordered to prepare for our march. On August 13, 1813, we left




Milledgeville enroute to Fort Hawkins. We arrived at Fort
Hawkins on August 15. The next day we crossed the Ochmulgee
at a ford, and passed through the place where Macon now stands,
and encamped just below Captain Carr's ferry. Next we moved
above the ferry and were joined by Captain Erwin's troops from
Washington County. We now mustered every day but Sunday;
that day we explored the country. As soon as the army became
consolidated, Camp Hope was the place of rendezvous.
   Report had reached us that hostile Indians were in the neigh-
borhood of the Flint River, which proved to be a false alarm.
When we got there, I was taken sick, and was quite ill before they
removed me to the hospital. To Dr. Lee's kind attention I at-
tribute my recovery. Dr. Lee told me that when I was able to walk
a hundred and fifty yards to where he boarded, he would get me
a furlough if I could get an opportunity to go home. During my
sickness my horse ran away. Shortly after this I learned that
Colonel Hawkins' wagon would go to Milledgeville empty. Ac-
cordingly I began to walk a short distance each day, with help,
and the day the wagon was to leave, I got up early and made my
way to the doctor's quarters, made known my business, and he
granted my request.
   I reached home and surprised my brother's family. They had
heard I was dead, wrapped in my blanket, and buried without a
coffin. My health continued to improve, and by the latter part
of January I had purchased another horse and was enabled to
join my company. I belonged to Captain Steel's troop of horse.
Our company, Captain Erwin's, and Captain Patterson's had all
returned from the nation and were stationed in Twiggs County,
Georgia, to recruit both horse and men for a few days. My horse
that had left me at Flint River when I was sick, was brought to
me. I had to sell him, as I had no use for but one, but got very
little for him.
   In a few days there was a request made for us to volunteer to
go on foot, with the object of giving the Indians another battle.
   One morning we rode to Fort Mitchell, sending our horses
back from there. About 120 men joined us there; a part were
left there on the sick list, and the rest were a guard for a train of
wagons. Our company now amounted to about two hundred
foot, and some ten or twelve horsemen. On the second day it




rained, and our arms were in a bad condition. When within six
miles of Fort Hull, we heard the report of fire arms quite plain-
ly . . . . The next day the rolls were called, and there were less
than 1,208 men reported fit for duty out of an army of over 4,000
men rendezvoused at Camp Hope in October. We now turned
our faces homeward.
   The night of the first day's march, I was very sick and sent
for the doctor. He thought I was only tired and would be better
in the morning. I continued to march with the army the next
day, and by night I had a high fever, and was delirious all night.
The next morning I was broken out thick with the measles. My
captain offered to let me ride in a wagon, but the idea of being
called a bunk major (a name given to those on sick report) and
my headstrong disposition prevented my accepting the offer,
and I took the road with the other soldiers. Many were the times
that day that I was told they would have to prepare a box for me
before we got to Flint River. On the fifth day we arrived at Fort
Lawrence on the Flint River. I had not eaten anything for six
days except two spoonfuls of softie, a preparation made out of
corn, similar to hominy, which I got at an Indian hut on the side
of the road. When I laid down, I thought for the first time I
should take my journey to that Country from whence no traveler
returns, before the opening of another day. John McCallister
went off and returned with some old peach brandy, and insisted
on my taking some. I did, twice I think, which changed my
feelings very much. John D. Lunesden (our sutler) had just
arrived. He informed me that he had a fine Northern cheese and
crackers and asked me if I did not think I could eat some. I ate
quite heartily and laid down and slept sound. The next morning
the measles were again out on me thick, and from that time I
began to mend.
   I was mustered out of service in Milledgeville, Georgia, on
March 12, 1814, and was told that there was no money in the hands
of the paymaster, but that we would have notice when to meet, in
the County from which we came, to receive our pay. I returned
to my brother's without clothes or money. What clothes I left
when I entered the army were about gone.
   On a certain occasion, soon after I left the army, I had busi-
ness at Tavern Mills, in Jones County, and on my way, late in




the evening, I passed a farm where there was a young lady in the
yard. She raised her head and looked at me, and as I rode on,
I made up my mind to visit h