xt7c2f7jt334 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jt334/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 2007 2007 2007-01-23 2020 true xt7c2f7jt334 section xt7c2f7jt334 SWINGIN' AWAY



UK Swing Dance Club and Main Street
Live come together for downtown dance

IANL'AR\ ’00,“






Todd to announce scholarship program to Trustees

By Juliann Vachon

ivachon®kykernel com

An announcement regarding schol-
arship and financial aid. along with pro
posed tuition increases. are on the agen-
da for the Board of Trustees meeting
this afternoon.

President Lee Todd \sill announce a
iitulti—tiered approach that vs 111 look at a
number of ll‘lltl‘dth es dealing with
scholarship and financial aid in his re—
port to the board. according to UK
spokesman Ja} Blanton.

”President Todd will present a
broad—based plan that looks at afford-
abilit). greater access and transfer stu~

dents coming from comiiiunit) col«
Ieges." Blanton said.

Todd‘s announcement comes Just
weeks after the L'iiisersit} of I.ouis\ille
umeiled a tie“ program. the first of its
kind in Kentuck). designed to make
college attainable for students from
ltm—incoiiie families.

The (‘ardiii-al (‘o\enant “Ill prm ide
eligible students Iixing 150 percent or
more below the federal pmert} liiie

\sith the full cost of tuition. room.

board and books tiiitil the) graduate.
Students “ho appl) must be Ken»
tuck'y residents. meet L' of I. admission
standards. be accepted as degree-seek»
mg freshman. complete a free applicar

tioii for federal student aid and meet
l’ell (irant Cllgtl‘llll). In addition. stur
dents must maintain a cuiiiiilatise GPA
of Ill or better. be a fullrtime student
and graduate iii the scars

The pi'ograiii \\ as modeled after the
LViti\ersit) of North ('arolma‘s (‘arolina
(‘o\eiiant program. which began in

I' of I. Assistant I’rmost for Iinroll~
iiieiit Senices Boyd Bradshau said l'
of L hopes to enroll about l5“ students
in the program this fall at a fll'\[*_\C‘dl’
cost of about SISUMKI.

Bradsha“ said the uniVersit) is u.
cited to IItH‘st in a program to help the
-21» percent of Kentuck) families li\~

iiig l5“ percent or more below the fed
ei'al post-rt) liiie fund then education

Bradslia“ also said he \s as pleased
to hear [K “as making plans to ad
dress the issues of affordability and ac
cess for students

““e are hoping that otliei schools
“Ill look at “bat l' of I. has doiie and
put similar programs iii place Itrad
shaxs said. "This is all about exersone
pitching in and making college atford
able for students in Kentuck) "

The BUT “III also \ttlL‘ on the pro
posed nia\iniuiii nine percent tuition
increase as set b) the (‘ouiicil on Post
secondar) Iiducation.

If the proposal is appro\ed. lower

\IthslUll tll statc students \Hll pa) 32‘”
more a sciiiestci. totaling Sta“! l'p
pet di\isioii iii state students \Hll pa)
VH3 more a seiiiestei. totaling \Uiil

HUI staff t‘epteseiitatiw Russ
“illiaiiis said he does not e\pctt the tii
itioii \otc to be Lt‘IIIlU\ et’stal

"The amount that is being iecom
iiiciidcd is consistent “till the business
plan and the geiieial asseiiibl_\ man
date." \Villiaiits said

The BUT \\lll also one on iiici'eas
iiig ioom atid board rates It appim ed.
students “I“ pa} SIX“) *1) per settics
let for an air conditioned down and the
minimum \L'\t.‘l1 meala \seek meal
plan. up H35 ‘tt tioiii this _\ear


UK’s cheerleading team has outworked the competition to lead the country in national titles


on construction


8y Shannon Mason

‘1"‘ESIW showtime _::”


I’Iaiis tot a new. iiioie ad\aiiced and Iaigci
hospital at the l lll\L‘l’~ll} ot I\L'llltch\ !ll\l got
a little biggei

l K Ilcalthcaie offhials ate scekiiig ap
pi‘oxal to add I": additional patieiit beds to
the plaiis foi tIie ttt‘\\ ('haiidlei Medical ( eii

I)t \Iichicl Is ~tpt. cscctitiu' ‘sttc ptcsi
tl"lll Ittl littilllt all ills il I IN. lH‘lcscttlt‘il llii.‘ lt’
\Iltksl Int ttl' I‘I\ It‘l t\l .lt L sclllllc llk' xii l‘it‘a‘tl lt‘
the liii\eisit\ I osp t d (oiiitiii ttce ot the
I‘loaid of Iitis'ec- last llltdll

Ihc Hospital t oti‘ittttttec
attest llllttlliltltttl\l\ and die toll Hot-id

lllls‘ic‘c'\ is set m \ot; «ttt 'h: l\stlL 'otia

passed II‘L‘ lt‘

tcgtil. tlI\ scheduled tittctttic
It the 'IIUI .ipt‘io‘scs the teams I:
witches ‘atl'.’ .zppVx It‘l s'atc appttoal
It is ~‘lll c s; Lg atioii  : ‘~ t I.» about boat .1

llioiiipson ‘ ‘


I . t
\ 1‘s“ ifllx,‘


UK (IISCOVCI‘S stem cell gene

By Shannon Mason
s't‘a: "lust?“‘e ii. '

Scorsone: partner benefits should be up to schools

By Alice Haymond
ahaymond@kykernel com


unnersities from doitig it." he leadership thought it uas a good

said “.s\ctuall.\. in) position is that idea "

\se should butt out. Scorsone said most of the ar
State Sen. Iirnesto Scorsone ”Ifl take no hat off as a legis gument behind the ban on domes

cmd the debate about d()n]c\“c lator. it tdomestic partner benefitsi tic partner benefits is simpl} a tear

partner benefits should be is obnmisl} the smart of ga_\ people. \sliich he thinks

thing to do.” ma} be difficult for students to
Domestic partner ben understand.

Iature last night at a l'K efits for employees. siich "With the older ct’tnsd. it's a

(1)1]ch Democrats meetr . as health care. are being little differentf he said "Iloiiior

mg . ~ considered at [K The phobia is a lot stronger"

k Although Sc‘ttrsnnc. I). [Vttnersitjs of Ioiiis\ille When students \\ ho support
Lexington. personall} implemented them at the domestic partner benefits asked
agrees mih domestic P3m‘ , start of the )ear l.ee_ R him uh} he \soiild not push those
ner benefits. it is not an Is~ Sconono Lexington. has proposed rights in the senate Storsone said
site he wants in bring be- a bill to ban domestic it \souldn't do any good to fight
fore the Kentucky Iegisla» partner benefits at public tor the issue before Kentutks 's
ture, uni\ersities across the state legislature “cm W.” l‘“i‘“l ”mm WW” ta»

“I would not gne it a lot of .\s a g ga\ man." he said. “I -~| Mum h a lICtldIch Wt- Min”, ~
chance." Scorsone said of Lee's can tell _\oii I agree \sitli \oii Hit) \an /ant Mm, Hm means that it ' EDMATTHEWS

bill. "Noboh in th‘ R‘ iibli 'an 57A“
(' ‘ kp \ V/E't‘SCONOI'IO "Liars Cells . v

lVK reseait bets are the tiist to tind
a gene that tcgtilatcs the cioxsih to
adult stem tells in llllt c at least

I)i (iar\ \aii /aiit. a l K piofes
sot ot medicine aiid researcher iii the
hematologt dcpartiticii'
said the nest step \sith his latest stiid\
is to take the results "from the bench
top to the bed side. that is. frotii the
laboraton beiith to the patients bed

left up to the unisersities

and not Kentuck) s legis~ ontolog)


sltIC H

During the stiid\. ‘van /aiit and
his tolieagiics geitetitalh mapped a
stem cell gene and its protein. I ates .
in. \shicli regulates the sin: of adult . {wt/ft" rt


"My opinion is a different take
than that of (Rep t Stan Lee who's
saying the legislature should ban

First Issue mo. Subsequent issues 25 cuts. Nomzzs7~1915 W 257-2872


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I0 git t‘Ie aIivaotage check :‘III
.13 ay 5 twat/7g 'UI Is‘ the Ias‘ e5: not, Q
the nostthaIeI III;

Aries (March 21 — April 19) it any
'ater tunIgtIt or IIIIIIIIIII'3w The no
vousness you feel Is your IIIIII'IIIII
wan: Ing syste I: III IgI:
Taurus (April 20- May 20) Int: 2‘
ISA? 7' letinIcvvz.
IN.) ‘Il ' q SIII‘ ‘ YII‘Ij‘ tI‘I' ‘If

' It or; BI"

I I oI ani at t' "l.' *I

B: watt IIIg. IIII

Gemini (May 21— June 21)

Is ”I '31 :(Il’uu‘t iI'l

I get I '

tore a-II .ldt ‘



part of the answer you're seeking
You have the other part
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) today
is a 7 Stavi IIIeI'I: y’llll are now
VIIII let yo ‘IIr patch. no, :IrItII's A sit
tIIItIIII‘ 2) VIII (MS ”‘ [II LinItz‘I as" f,
‘thi' lit t't'. y I IlI ‘II't‘Cint
Leo R(July 23— Aug. 22) Today s
s'III IIIIl :Ie am to II "iw eIII F :IIdI
Ll' )5 cl I'I'l lg.“ ‘I‘I‘ Ist il'itil"‘I {If
‘IIs' III! :lIS'II I I'II: [Wills ..
Virgo (Aug. 23— Sept. 22) II IItay Is
I 7 . listen III. ;IeII:IlIIs .IuI-IIII'Is
and treat them wI'sI I'esueit tie
H‘V‘Wl I'PiH'v t" t‘St‘ Eli‘t‘i‘inlil " I\‘
{WI 7 O I I‘ltt) t V"? yy ‘ n
Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) l

I I . .I
yd VIIII ':I.lw'\ .


.II I18 I I'

It i

Scorpio (Oct 23— Nov. 21) I L I
. . (\wi i . ”'7." ‘ If").


and come up with a couple of new

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today IS a 6 If You've suffered
enough humiliation Schedule a
It'lletltli Go get an infusion of an

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day Is an 8 7» Be very careful again
today New Information Is contus
IIIg You'll understand much better
tIIIIoI Iow Wait until then to make
romIII IeIIts

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day Isa 7 A - You're gettIng Into the
phase where you have a definIte ad-
vantage That goes along With your
IIIII‘III'iay Congratulations, on both
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
is IIII 8 Continue to do what
III .l .aIIl you would, on time and
WII'I enthusiasm You're (II‘Ially go»
'Ig to start seeing the money flow

' "I 8W: M? 211A srnycrs INI:





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Happy Hmn4-7


Drew & Fab ——
It's Over!

we DiSl-l

After four years, Barrymore
parts with her rocker beau

Drew Barrymore is living
the Fab life no more. Hot Stuff
has learned the star. 31. has giv~
en Strokes drummer Fabrizio
Moretti. 26. the boot. “Drew
said they needed time off." a
source close to the actress tells
Us. Confirms a Moretti pal.
“Fab is now living back in his
old apartment." The pair a who
hooked up in April 2002 ~
seemed a good match on the
surface. friends say. “Drew has
always had a taste for subcul-
ture." Barrymore pal Courtney
Love tells Us. But they had suf»
fered some rocky times.
Tongues w‘agged when she
skipped the February 2005 nup«
tials of Strokes frontrnan Julian
Casablancas: months later. the
duo got in a public tiff in Santa
Monica. Califomia. In fact. “she
broke up with him twice before
this." says a Barrymore insider.
At issue‘.’ Clashing personalities.
“He‘s younger. and she‘s more
worldly." says a source of Bar-
rymore. "He doesn‘t like the
Hollywood stuff. He doesn‘t get
her friends." But don‘t count
them out just yet. adds the
source: "This is exactly what
happened last time they took a
break." Reps for both declined
to comment.

Mandy 81 DJ AM. —

New year. new love! Mandy
Moore. 22. and Adam “DJ
AM." (ioldstein. 33. got cozy
January (I at a Coffee Bean &

Tea Leaf in l..A. "She had a
huge smile on her face." says an
eyewitness. “When they left.
they put their arms around each
other." Moving fast‘,‘ Maybe.
This was at least the fourth out—
ing in a week for the pair. who
exchanged numbers in Miami
Beach over New Year's week—
end. and then met up in L.A.
days later for a trip to Moore‘s
recording studio (where she
played tracks from her next
CD). And what about Moore's
ex Wilmer Valderrama. with
whom she hung out during her
New Year‘s trip'.’ "Even though
she was with Wilmer in Miami.
she and DJ made plans.” says ;i
source close to Goldstcin. "They
are seeing where it goes."
(Goldstein‘s rep had no com—
ment. Moore's rep doesn‘t com—
ment on her personal life.)

Jennifer Hudson In Vogue

From Dreamgirl to . . .cover
girl? Hot Stuff has learned that
on January 5. Golden Globe
nominee Jennifer Hudson. 25.
posed for photographer Annie
Leibovit/ at the Apollo Theater
in Harlem for a Vogue photo
shoot. ()ne insider says. "She
may even end up on the cover."
(A rep for Vogue confirms the
shoot took place for the March
issue. but says the co\ er hasn’t
been decided.) lt‘s yet another
accolade for Hudson . and is
unlikely to please her Dream-
girls costar (and rumored rival)
Beyoncc Knowles. 25. who. a
source says. has long coveted
the coy er of Vogue (though she
appeared In a four-page feature

in 2003 I. A rep for the magazine
says. “We don't fayor one ac-
tress oy er the other."

America's Secret Identity

ls Ugly Betty going under-
cover"? A source says America
Ferrera. 22. used the name Jen-
nifer when listing a “shabby
chic" desk for Sl00 on
Craigslistorg. But while arrang-
ing a pickup. she slipped by say—
ing. "This Is America." on a
voice-mail message; Ferrera
hung up as soon as she realized
her mistake. Says the source.
She called back later as Jen-

Milo 81 Adrian: True Heroes

Talk about life imitating an.
While driving in LA. January 7.
Heroes costars Adrian Pasdar.
4|. and Milo Ventimiglia. 29.
helped two female motorists
whose car was stuck In the mid-
dle of the street. “People were
honking." says a source. “So
they pulled over. pushed the
girls‘ car to the side and asked if
they needed AAA." No super-
powers required!

Mary-Kate Has Role Cut

So much for her big closeup.
According to a source. Mary'-
ls’ate Olsen. 20. was “reduced to
being an cstra" in the upcoming
Factory ("Iirl. Says the insider.
"She had two scenes with lines.
but they cut them to focus on
the movie‘s Oscar hopeful. Sien-
na Miller." (Olsen's rep tells L's.
"It was a creatiyc decision")



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 Limestone Street and the new
hospital will be built where the
hospital‘s current parking
garage stands.

If the extra I92 beds are
approved. two additional stoA


Continued from page 1


garage and hospital. is project»
ed to cost $450 million.

The three~phase project.
which should be completed by
2020. also aims to burld a new
critical-care facility and an ant»

welcome to attend the meeting
He said the meetings are main-
Iy for neighborhood groups.
which are organized and a “po»
litical force."

I‘K Health(‘are officials

Tuesday Jaituaiv 23 2007 I PAGE3


Student Health Advisory (‘ouncil (SHAC) Meeting

Thurs Jan 25. 6:30 pm University Health Service



| atnig Disorders \waieiiess \\ eck


cent occupied and meet a num-
ber of other criteria." Karpf
said. “We fulfill all that crite—

The new hospital is part of
phase one in UK's hospital ex-
pansion plan. A new parking
garage is betiig bath on Sotith



ries will need to be added to
plans for two sis»story bed
towers to accommodate the in

The new hospital is set to
open in 20] 1. Phase IA of the

bulance facility.

L" K



parking Karpf said

will provide community mem-
bers with an update on the ex-
pansion tonight at o in room
3I7 of the Wethtngton Build-
ing on South Limestone Street.

have hosted several communr
officials ty meetings and anywhere
from a couple to about It) pew
ple attend. he said.

“We like to offer an oppore
tunity to ask questions." Karpf

Kroger grant pays for cancer patient computers

By Chris Wei:

news©kykernel corn

Patients at the l'niyersity of Kentucky‘s
Markey' (‘ancer (‘enter can expect to be
more comfortable and better educated in fu—
ture \isits thanks to a grant from The Kroger
Co. Mid-South DIHSIUIL

The Markey' (‘ancer (‘enter will Use a
$50,000 grant from the company to estab~
lish Patient Education (‘enters that (‘raig
Rogers. director of cancer services at
Markey. said w ill make the center more pa»
tient- and faniily~friendly.

Rogers described the Patient lidtication
(‘enters as kiosks that w ill be chipped with
computers. literature. brochures. 3-D models
and more.

The goal of the kiosks will be to help
\ isitors better understand their hospital stays
by providing current and credible cancer iii-
formation ranging from treatments to coping
methods. he said.

"People who are diagnosed with cancer
tend to be information seekers." said Judi
Dunn. patient education center manager at
the UK (‘handler Hospital.

Dunn. who directs the hospital's Health
Information Library. will oversee the imple—
mentation of the Patient Education (‘enters
in Markey waiting rooms.

The Patient Education Center project
will be an extension of the Health liifonna-
tion Library. Rogers said.

The computers will help people manage
disruptive hospital stays by acting as both
educational tools and diversionary activities.
Rogers said. People will be able to access
the Internet and check their e-mail. he said.

"ll‘amily members and visitors) still
have ll\cs going on. so they appreciate the
ability to Use a computer." Dtitiii said.

Tim McGtirk. manager of customer rela—
tions ol Kroger's Mid—South Division. said
the grant came from a nationwide fundraiser
by The Kroger (‘o, in October. All of the

2.400 IRS. stores helped iii raising $2 iiiil~
lion toward the research and treatment of
breast cancer.

The Mid-South division researched local
agencies that supported breast cancer and
other related diseases and chose the [K
Markey' (‘ancer Center. McGurk said.

“We were impressed by what we learned
about the Markey (‘ancer Center. the siaft.
the sheer number of people they help and
the quality of help they provide." McGurk

The decision to use the grant for the es-
tablishment of the kiosks was an agreement
between Kroger and the Markey (‘aiicei'
(‘eiiter. McGurk said.

"lThe kiosks) should provide patients
and families with answers to the many ques»
tions they have." McUurk said.

Rogers said he hopes to have the first
Patient Education (‘eiiter set tip by lilltli

Syving dancing goes dow ntow n with new ey ent

By Ellie Fairbanks

etatrbanks©kykemel com

When Mike Richardson got “0'1 1"“

married. he made his wife one
promise that lie was determined
not to break. it

“I told her I‘d learn to
dance." said Richardson. the
staff adviser to the [K Swing
Dance Club. “Since I didn't
keep my promises of becoming


k n o w

Main Street l.i\e."
Main Street Live.
know it as Avio. is a great loca-

Richardson said.

"We thotight this would be
swing dancing
some w he re

dancers at the
(iainesway I)r..

a sw iiig dance.

way to bring

m If you go

What: Swingin' at Main Street

Recreational Ballroom at 1400
on Mondays at
will start

315 pm. and 1) pm, ”
at Main Street Live"
with a beginner swing dance
lesson from 8 pm. to 9 pm.
tiiinutes to an
hour. you can
steps and get

(‘reek ever want to look stupid. but
it‘s actually a lot of fun when
yoti le ..irn We‘re itist trying to
get people interested ind on the

Main Street l.i\e is usually
1 21»and—up bar. btit the club
has made an csccption for the
swing dance. Anyone IS and
older can get in. but those who
wisli to drink alcohol will re“
ceiyc a wristband as identifica-



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said. "They
lMain Street
Live: hay e a
really great
dance lloor on
the second
floor. and
we‘re happy
to 1_.ct a
chance to try it out."

a professional athlete or a mil~
lionaire. I thought the least I
cotild do was keep one of

To help others learn to
dance. Richardson. along with
second year pharmacy student
and Swing Dance (‘ltib l’resi»
dent Amanda Becknian. has or
gani/ed the first “Swingin‘ at
Main Street Live.“ The event
takes place tonight at S at Matti
Street Live. .167 ll. Main St.

"We're really escited about
this event." Richardson said.
"We hope that it‘s the begin-
mug of a really great collaborav
tion between our cltib and


Main St.

had swing dances and otfered
swing dance lessons regularly
throughout the school
Richardson said.

Lessons are
beginners or

d\ ailablc

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' Amazing 2 bedroom, 2 full baths
starting at only $629
- Large I bedroom
starting at only $475

Please call Jami or Chris: 2638100

The Swing Dance (‘lub Iias



When: Tonight, lessons start at
8, dance starts at 9
Where: Main Street Live, 367

Cost $7 and open to the public

the flow
said. "It you
know right
from left and
you can
count. then
you (All)
s w t n g

Richardson said lie thinks it
is important that weekly
lessons are ayailable so that
people are not afraid to learn to

"The hard part of learning
to dance is giytng it a try,"
Richardson said. “(itiys don't


"We told them lNIaiii Street
l.i\e) that swing dancers don't
drink a lot. but we all still
thotiglit it‘d be a good oppomi»
iiity and a good venue.”
Richardson said.

Richardson said he thinks
that men though the event is in
the middle ol the week. it
should not discourage students
from coming,

"This is a completely
stress-free cyent." thhaidson
\dltl, “It‘s tip-teiiipo. good ltiii
that can be had iii an exciting
and ine\pensi\c way "

350 Landsdowne Dr.
(Across from Fayette Mall)
MvTIt io- rii II-SatIZ-tl- Sunllz30—IO



is coming to the
Cats Den!

When: Tuesdayjan. 23 @7207
Who: You and four friends can play
on one team! (Teams of no more
than 5)

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0 TEAM TRIVIA!, 7:00
PM, Student Center
Cats Den

. UK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center

0 Students Taking
Action Globally
(STAG) Meeting, 5:15
PM, 211 Student

0 Yates Elementary
School Tutoring, 4:00
PM, Yates Elementary

0 Swing Dance
Lessons, 8:00, Tates
Creek Recreation Ctr

0 Solar Car Team
Meeting, 7:00 PM,
DVT Engineering

- FUEL, 6:30 PM, 508
Columbia Avenue

College Democrats
Meeting, 7:30 PM, 211
Student Center




0 University Christian
Fellowship, 8:00 PM,
230 Student Center
0 Comedy Caravan
with Ryan Hamilton,
8:00 PM, Student
Center Cats Den


0 Voting Machines:
Does Your Vote
Count?, 7:00 PM,
Temple Adath Israel,
124 N. Ashland
Avenue, Lexington

0 Mars Attacks! (SC
Film Series), 10:00 PM,
Center Theater
(Student Center)

Center Theater


0 UK Ultimate Frisbee
. Organization,
i 12/17/06, 10:00 PM,
intramural Fields

0 Alien (SC Film
Series), 10:00 PM,

(Student Center)







lanuary it, 300,"
Page 4

Megan Bootiniio. cal lot i. . r. w
Koifll Smiloy. Managing editor

Wu Blevins, up it ers. eit tor

Bremen Konhl. ass start i_‘Llit‘i-..tl\ at mi

Kmm EoironiAi Bonn

Dariush Shall. -' .. t l"e..‘ .i ed to:
Jonathan Smith. spirits etliltit
Elli. Flirhnnlis. 'eaia'es er! to!
Chris Miles. a siait so t's at t



Tuition increase
shouldn't be met ?
with silence

There should be a sigh of relief from the l'K student
population in response to the news that tuition will only
increase by nine percent in 2007-3008.

But instead of a sigh. there seems to be only silence
from the students.

After four straight years of double digit tuition in-
creases. the nine percent cap on tuition this time round is
a great tool that. on paper. would help ease the financial
burden on students of IIK's mandated top-20 status and
place the responsibility in the hands of state legislators.
In—state tuition will increase from $3.349 to $3.6M per
semester while out-of—state tuition for a semester will in-
crease from $7,078 to $7 547. and. despite a still large
increase. UK students will no longer shoulder as much of
the funding for big projects like new facilities or staff
salary increases. The source for UK's financial needs will
thus fall on the state legislators who mandated top~20 sta-
tus in the first place.

But apparently no one affected by the nation increase
has noticed.

The students the group most directly affected by
both ends of I'K‘s Top 20 Business Plan. as they both
pay for and receive its benefits don‘t seem to even
know w hat is happening to them or their school.

A week ago. I'K administrators held an open forum
and Ill\ ited students and others to discuss the nine»pet'-
cent tUition increase and how it would affect [Is and its
students. The forum presented unanswered questions of
the planned increase including why the tuition increase is
capped and what that means for the uniyersity. Less than
I: people were iii the audience at the forum. according to
a Kemel article on Wednesday. IiK officials w eren‘t sur—

I‘ls' I’royosf Kunihlc Suhhaswainy said in tlic Kernel
that the low turnout was probable because the increase
being discussed was only nine percent. unlike last years
I: percent increase. and students aren‘t as concerned as
last year

But men. in pi‘eyioiis years. students hayciit shown
much concern

On March ‘I. thtfo. a rally for increased legislatiyc
funding for state uniyei‘sitics at the capitol iii Frankfort
drew 200 students from colleges and uniyci‘sitics across
the state, ()rin the students were on scene to represent
I'Is'. the states flagship iitii\ersity and the one that has
been tagged to become a top 30 iiiii\ci‘sit\ by the state

according to a Kernel article last year Scratch. the
school‘s mascot. was also there

"This is a ridiculous turnout." said their Student. (io\
erriiiieiit (‘hief of Staff Robbie llopkiiis til the Is'ernel ar-
ticle "Maybe it's that e\crj\bod_\ is too bus‘ or may be it‘s
that nobody cares ”

More and more it does seem like no student cai‘cs
where their money is going The nine percent tuition. cap
is a good idea to help al.e\iate the growing burden of fti
itioii on students. and w ill hopefully lot‘cc- legislators to
fully fund I'K's Iop :0 Business Plan

Hut legislators might not hc inclined to pi‘oyide the
funding needed to iclic\c students of the tuition burden it
senators and rept'csentatiyes get the iiiipi‘ession that stii
dents doii‘f i are how much their education costs \\ itli
the poor attendance of last year s rally .iiid last week's
forum. legislators could may well be getting that mes

We should he proud that I Is lSllil content to slug
gishly shrug along as a iiiediocic school and has set goals
for itself that will stiengthcii its reputation and improyc
thc education that it offers

\s the iiiiiyci'sity pushes to meet state c\pcctatioii\
there should he a strong \oicc from the students that are
hciiig sei'\ cd .is to w Iiethci the school and the state are
making the right decisions Student \oice t an be positi\c
or iiegatixe. but it must be there

bltttlctth \Iiitttltl lake atlutltlagc til sclttiol spttttsttl‘ctl
forums to understand w here the money they are pay trig is
actually going I K and state oftic ials iiicyitahly make dc
c isions that students disagree w ifli. hiit w ithoiit a \tyls c
fioiif the student body. they will iicyci know ltiitioii is
.in .ssiic that affects all stiidcnts more than a do/cn
should care enough to speak up

M LK award
rcflccts Turncrs
work at U f

.\ slttlc‘W‘ltIt‘ award recently reinforced William Iiii'ii
er‘s importance at I’K by rewarding his dedication to cry [I

Iiiriier. an assoc rate provost tor multicultural affairs at
(K. was awarded the \Iaitin l iitlici King .li (‘iti/enship
Award on Jan I7 for his work toward racial equality and
llttll‘v It‘lL‘Ill \tK Ial change. an ortling to .i Kct‘ttel .irtlclc last
week The awards recipient is t lioseti aiitiiially by a com
mittec appointed h\ the goyernoi

As [Is continues to work toward a more diverse stu
dent. faculty and staff population. it only benefits from a
[K administrator recei\ing this pr