xt7c599z329d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z329d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199202 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1992 text GLSO News, February 1992 1992 2019 true xt7c599z329d section xt7c599z329d Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Deliveryat $5 per-Year
LBXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN snvzcx ORGANIZATION, v.0. box x1411, mum, It! 40575

The Lexington chapter of the Tri—State Gay Rodeo Association is
proposing to sponsor a formal banquet this coming June in order to
recognize and honor individuals within the Lexin ton area who have
demonstrated outstanding achievement towards tine advancement of
Lexington's gay and lesbian community.

All lesbians and/or gay related organizations in the Lexington area
that wish to be a part of this ceremony are encouraged to discuss it at
their next meeting. Each organization is asked to choose one of its
members to be honored at the banquet.

Lexington's gay and lesbian
community has much to be proud of PLANNING IS UNDER WAY FOR
in regards to the efforts of the BLUEGRASS GAY PRIDE WEEK 1992
individuals who work tirelessly to _ .
make life better for us all. The By Debbie Currie
proposed awards ceremony would be Planning for Pride Week 1992
a way of formally recognizing got officially under way at an
these contributions on a organizational meeting of the
community—wide basis. Pride Week Committee, January 16,

A meeting of representatives and we feel that we have plenty to
from the various organizations be excited about. One of our
will be held in the near future to primary goals this year is to
discuss the proposal if enough promote higher attendance at the
interest is expressed. If your various events, to that end we are
group or organization is putting together a schedule of
interested in participating in events that we hope you won't be
this gala event please contact able to resist!

John at 254-7150 or write to Now that we have gotten
TSGRA, P.O. Box 1576, Lexington, organized, we are looking for
KY 40592. volunteers who would like to help
plan and produce Pride Week. We

FAIRNESS LEADERS PROMISE need help in a lot of different
TO PRESS ONWITHCAMPAIGN areas, but most specifically, we
are looking for a person, or

By DAVID WILLIAMS persons, to coordinate publicity,

Despite failure to have the and someone to organize a raffle
Fairness Amendment reported out of to be held during Pride Week.
committee on December 23, Give us a call if you you can help
Louisville activists promise to with either of these projects.
continue working for the passage If you are willing to help, but
of the controversial ordinance by unable to take on a major job,
the Louisville Board of Aldermen please contact us. There are many
in 1992. The campaign is also details to take care of, and we
picking up new volunteers from a need your help. The committee's
wide spectrum of the community. next three meetings are Wednesday,

"We no longer have the choice of 8:00 P.M. February 5, 15, and
going home." Carla Wallace, co— March 4. Call Debbie at 255—3851
coordinator of the Continued on page 9 or Craig at 266—8887.

 A word from the editor
By Chuck Smith
h This isfsue offthe hGLSO Nfirfs
. - as a new ormat or t e mont y
Published monthly by the Lexmgton calendar of events. _ This change
Gay/Lesbian Services Orginizatjon, :houkld fmarllcet it eaSier to keep
_ rac o w a 15 cm on. You may
13.0. BOX 11471, Lexington. KY 40575 want to put the %alegndar on your
bulletin board or the door of your
Chuck Smith. editor fridge-
. . The new calendar represents
”818 Clere, premdent. 5130 Board more than just a new look for the
list of events. This change was
Hailing: lee. Folding and stuffing: Lee. necessary because of the
. - increasin number of events taking
Lanna. Hark. Steve. and filly. place ingthe Bluegrass that are
————-—~ organized by or of interest to gay
men, lesbians, and bisexuals.
This is certainly good news.
The Esmerelda's Parlour column Even though one generally expects
with news and viewpoints of activities to diminish during the
interest to lesbians in the cold winter months, there seems to
Bluegrass is produced by have been an increase in area
Esmerelda Collective. events of interest to gay people.
And, not only is there more going
—"—_ on, these events are across a wide
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News Spectrum: SlerVice, educational,
are those of the authors and don't SOCllal,‘ spiritual and political
necessarily represent those of the GLSO aCthltleS are all on the
Board of Directors. Submissions are increase- Moreover, the planning
welcome. All submissions become the committee for Pride Week 1992 is
property of GLSO and must indicate full hard at work to ensure that this
name and eddreee of the author. The June's celebration will be bigger
staff reserves the right to edit and more exciting than ever.
submissions and ads to meet publishing There are reasons to expect
requirements, as well as the right to more activity in several areas to
reject any submission. Placement of be organized in the neXt few
advertising in the GLSO News does not Weeks. The well planned Fairness
denote a person's sexual orientation nor campaign in LOUiSVille inspired
sbusiness's custmer preference. . some here to start thinking along
those lines. At UK the students'
gay, lesbian, bisexual group has
‘ ' begun to Eetwork with other groups
an ive ein a a more ositive
All of this is yet another
To become a member of the Gay indication that we can make good
and Lesbian Services Organization things happen. So look over what
send dues $10/single or $15/ is going on and find something
couple, this includes a GLSO News that interests you and get
subscription. A subscription involved. That is hardly taking a
without membership is $5 per year. risk. If you don't like it, don't
Send to GLSO Newsletter, Post do it again. But you will
office Box 11471, Lexington, probably find something enjoyable
Kentucky 40575. and make some new friends.
2 - GLSO/February

A group of gay men have been meeting regularly to reflect on
spirituality. Ca led the Gay Men's Spiritua Group, it provides a forum
for gay men to recover, discover, and explore their spirituality in a
non—threatening affirming environment. GMSG offers gay men in the
Central Kentucky area an o portunity to affirm one another in our
individual life journeys. TESLS affirmation encourages growth for the
individual and the community.
We all struggle with our
"spiritual side," but without our GLSO NEWS SEEKS INFORMATION
spirituality we are without hope. ON GAY RELIGIOUS VIEWPOINTS
We are hopeless. GMSG provides
hope. GMSG lets us know that we The March issue of GLSO News
are not alone. It provides us a will examine the views of
forum for dialogue. This dialogue Bluegrass gay men, lesbians, and
reflects our fears and bisexual people about religion.
frustrations, rejections, as well Views on the role of spirituality
as our aspirations, dreams and and religion in our lives will
hopes. be presented. There also will be
In February, GMSG will begin a a look at the activities of local
two-part discussion on "spiritual gay religious and spiritual
friendship." You may be askin groups. If you would like to
yourself, "What is spiritua? contribute to this issue, call
friendship?" It is what we all Chuck at 253-0661.
seek, but are scared to find:
acceptance. - __"
Every other meeting the group ‘ _ ,
has a potluck. That is where you I 6 3
can share your culinary delights. , . 4 r,,
Yes, we accepted the thought of ‘0..5~.§
eating Oreo cookies and champagne ;a\:§-,é'."3] 0-
together. )”.I, -.
- . ‘o. -'-,Z:'- ~ “xi-5'9.” ' I
Through our dlSCUSSlonS and "£52535; ;:;-;~’-‘ .. 1“
potlucks we are able to experience ‘~§_:3"* " ‘
the uniqueness and diversity .3.) A In
within the gay community. iii/[7’7 (.2
"Diversity," as the song goes, 4"!" fl
"makes us strong." Help affirm //' ll [7,];
yourself and your community. ‘ ‘§ Vf‘ \
Attend GMSG. " I‘VA ..
GMSG Meeting Schedule , J I 45,-- " ‘
Feb. 7: Potluck dinner i 1'
Feb. 21 "Spiritual Friendship" ,~ 'I 'q
In the months to come a variety of V,
programs are planned: "The Way of l
the Cross of Persons with AIDS." ..
on Good Friday, and examination on ‘
Buddhist spirituality, a SAINTSSERGIUSANDBACCHUS _
presentation by the Dean of Sergius and Bacchus are described in
Lexington Theological Seminary, martyrologies as Christian soldier-
Michael Kinnamon, and a video on lovers mar yred in the 3rd or early 4th
"AIDS, The Church's Response." Century for refusing to worshilp the
For more information about the emperor's god. In orthodox iconst ey're
GMSG and the meeting schedule or Eortrayed as equestrian soldiers their
to get their newsletter contact alos overlappmg and their horses
Steve at 233—1782. nuzzling eacho her.
’ GLSO/February - 3

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GLSO/February

 ’ teach us to become our own urus
fissmerelda S Parlor and our own leaders . . . nguel
\(\ is here to deliver a message that
B".- will help us learn to trust
5‘ ourselves, to love ourselves. His
. / is a message of hope and lover and
growth for us and our world at a
. . time when that message is
The Phoenix lnstltute -- desperately needed.
It's Not So Welrd after All! Now, I admit that the open-
. . mindedness I brought to the
By Debbie Currie meeting was tinged with a healthy
I'm gOIng to delay beginning our dose of skepticism. However, while
series of articles on safe sex for I am still not quite sure what to
lesbians until next month so I can make of Samuel. I am quite clear
share with you an experience I had on how his message made me feel:
last month. Many of you may be empowered.
familiar with the Phoenix The meeting, which lasted
Institute, if only the name. It's about an hour, brimmed with
been around for quite some time, positive thoughts. It felt
and while I was aware of its comfortable and non-threatening.
existence. that was about all I There were quite a few familiar
knew about it. I had some vague faces around me and there was
awareness of a character named nothing strange about it-—just a
Samuel, and thought that there room full of people listening to a
were some "weird" goings-on, but very wise and gentle person.
beyond that I had little interest There was some interaction between
in it beyond knowing a few people the audience and Samuel, but none
who attended meetings. was required. As I left that
Last month that all changed. On night, I found myself thinking of
January 4, I attended a meeting at people I know who might be
the Phoenix Institute wit a interested in attending a meeting,
friend and heard Samuel. My friend and curious enough about all of it
had assured me that there would be to probably go back myself.
no "weird " goings-on and allayed I hope that I am not out of
my fears that I would have to line in discussing Samuel and the
somehow tparticipate S-and perhaps Phoenix Institute in this forum.
make a 001 of myse f). so I Both the meeting and the
thought, "Why not?" and off we literature that was available gave
went. And what an experience it me plenty of good food for thought
was! and left me feeling good, not
For those of you who know weirded out, not converted, just
nothing about Samuel and the good. Which is not bad for a
Phoenix Institute, I will try to Sunday night adventure.
explain it briefly, hopefully
without offending anyone in the NEWDESIGNERCHECKSAREAS
process. Or perhaps it would be QUEERASATHREE DOLLARBILL
safer to lift a quote directly
from one of their pamphlets: Tasteful checks with themes
"Samuel is a discarnate entity —- related to Gay Pride, Women's
a being without physical form who Rights, and AIDS Awareness are now
is channeled by Lea Schultz. He is available. Contact: Harland, Check
here to give a message, not to be Printers, 2939 Miller Road,
a guru, not to be a leader, but to Decatur, GA 30035. 404 981-9460.

 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday D I R E C T 0 R Y
M... m M... 1... ——
IIIIIEIHII neonatal GLSO Gayline ~ - . ~ - - . - - ~ . - - -- 231-0335
Eli-Emu“! nammmmm meme: GLso Board (Cm-i) . . . . . . . . . . .. 266-8887 »
IEEEEmEIElEE [BEE-[Emma'32f2292:5352?:jiigiigi-zgigg3:23:13:i323;2':§3§2§:§i::;1153i:£63:11:33.2; ::§:I;;.;i;§:§:a:2a;:;a§:;;15:21;1:3;:::s‘:21'2:izt?:§§§:;;§:i:sai::vgiivéaigs‘igi PP' S‘P' GLSO News (Chuc )............253-0661
IEEJEIEEEIE EEEEEEIEB Egg ggeakiemrs E'if‘reali (Bill) . . . . 322-3%
.- , 3:1»???5535553353?3:23133355':5§:£§§E§3§’:iE'ii'iiiiiiizi?5553353252555???31.3 3:;32‘52;3‘£32525???Eaiizéiéiéiiii?iii23522:}:3§5§5§SEEEE:L:35:?iii? 1225525552§§§§§ii§§ii§§f§f€23E£52225?3:,1?i§1:533?25i‘2':fiiiiiiiiii§§§§§5§é€§§§t§5f 55%;:{iii3Ei?iii5:if?ii?if2:35§f€33:i3Eff:§3§§i?iii,iifiiiii?§i§§i§§§§§§§§§§j§§iz 0118 e ony . - - - - - - - - -
Elam WEEK <2?::5:2e;:2'212‘xii:g:2i§é2z¢2:£:é£22.22};22225:3522:igzzgzz GLSO Commg Out Group (Mary) .266-5904
um: “mu (Steve - - - - - - - ~ 233-1782
.. ., . , . , , , . .. . . .. . . Rainbow Bowling League . . . . . . . . 267-2127
.5535? 4 5 6 7 Trl-state Gay Rodeo ( erry) . . . . . .233-7 266
53%”; 4:235:22: NAMES PrcIlject Kentucky (Katie) 223-3855
Txi-state Gay Rodeo Asso. 5:30pm GLSO phoneline 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 7pm gay mens spiritual 9am front runners Lesblan Po't uck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223-3925
4pm gay/lesbian AA meeting 8pm pride week 7:30pm Lex. mens Chorus group am HIV+/ADDS supp grp. Esmerelda S Parlour .(Debble) . . . . .255-3851
7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon committee 7:30pm GLUE meeting 8pm gay/lesbian AA Yer Girlfriend concert {33213 Ell/1:111? 5/ ruSIizmcIllg (£1111) £13315) 254-3832
8 3m gay film feSliV‘il 81”“ gay film feSIival Lexingilonelslelrzi'Is1 Chlariits1 (sSlielby) .gg?:0090
(see p.8) . _ (Michael) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233-3709
8:45pm rambow bowlmg
‘-1 ‘ Gay/LesbianAA (Davefi. . . . . . . . . . 277-9522
1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon ( obert) . . . . 293-0516
4pm gay/lesbian AA 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 7pm NAMES project 7:30 GLUE social 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am front runners Di tngggglgIggogROUPS . . . _299_ 4458
4pm AVOL board meetin 8:45pm rainbow bowling meeting pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. am HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. Inagrlty: Episcopal (K)ay) _ . _ . _ . . ' 277-4384
5:30pm AVOL general league 8pm gay/lesbian AA 7:00pm NAMES panel Interweave: Unitarian (Craig) . . . ' 266-8887
meeting 8pm gay film festival making Gay Mens Spiritual Group ( teve) .233-1782
7:30 Lex. mens Chorus _ .
8pm gay film festival AIDS Informatlon & Serv1ces
Kentucky AIDS Hotlme . . . . . 800 645-2437
",5; flag-23:2: .:;;1=1=1333:; 55:35:23: AVOL (mfo. & semces) . . . . . . . . . . 254-2865
1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2:553:22: HIV + ’ ARC AIDS Support Groups
(AVOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254-2865
2pm lesbian potluck 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 8pm gay/lesbian AA 8am front runners _
4pm gay/lesbian AA 845pm rainbow bowling 8pm pride week 7:30pm GLUE meeting 7pm gay mens spirtual am HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. _ ADOFI’IOUS AIDS Testmg
league committee 7:30pm Lex. mens Chorus group IfafiilsgfifrCII-o 11?: fytte County ' - - - - - ' -%g§:%§§;
. . _ Jessamine Count. .. .' .I .I .~ .I .. .' .I .. .. .' .. 85-4149
Transylvania Gay/Lesbian Video Fest, Feb. 17-21, 7 p.m. Woodford County; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58537-4541
Louisville & Jefferson County
4pmgay/lesb1an AA 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 6:30pm GLSO fold&stuff pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 7pm Dignity . 9amfront runers National Gay/Lesbian Crisisline
8:45pm rambow bowlmg 7:30pm GLSO board 7:30pm GLUE socxal 8pm gay/lesbian AA 8pm Reel World Concert (800) 347-4283
league meeting 7:30pm Lex. mens Chorus (see p.8)
8: /l b' AA
00pm gay es m Lexington Gay/Lesbian Information
6 - GLSO/February , GLSO/February - 7


By Debbie Currie

Reel World string Band will be performing a benefit concert on
Saturday, February 29, at the Unitarian Universalist Church in
Lexington. The primarg goal of the concert is to help raise funds to
acquire a service dog or Linda Laporte.

The dog will be supplied through
Paws with a Cause. This nonprofit LOUISVILLE FESTIVAL FEATURES
organization identifies and GAY,LESBIAN,BISEXUALFILMS
develops ways to establish
mutually beneficial working The opportunity to see movies
relationships between people with with gay, lesbian and bisexual
disabilities and dogs. The dogs themes is provided by a film
can perform an amaZing variety of festival being held on the campus
service for their owners and of the University of Louisville
training them is extremely the first two weeks of February.
expensive. The Louisville Gay, Lesbian,

The concert is a wonderful Bisexual Film Festival will run on
opportunity for those of us in the Tuesdays and
community to show our support for Thursdays at
Linda and to show our gratitude Floyd Theater
for all she has done for us. in the New
Through Athena Productions, and student Center
Crossed Fingers Productions before at the U of L.
that, Linda has been instrumental Admission is
in bringing an impressive array of $3.00, students & senior citizens
performers to Lexington for our $2.00. Shows start at 8:00 pm.
enjoyment. And of course, more is On February 4 and 6, "Salut
yet to come. Victor" and "International Sweet-

In addition to raising funds for hearts of Rhythm" will be shown.
Linda's service dog, (a female The features on February 11 and 13
golden retriever, for you dog are "If She Grows Up Gay," "Can't
folks out there), a portion of the You Take A Joke," and "Looking For
proceeds will go to support Pride Langston."

Week 1992.

The doors will open at 7:30 "YERGIRLFRIEND"FEATUREDIN
p.m., with the concert beginning FEBRUARYLEXINGTON CONCERT
at 8:00 p.m. Admission is on a
sliding scale for this event: $7, Athena Productions presents the
$6, and $5. Please give all you popular Louisville all—women rock
can. For more information or to band "Yer Girlfriend" in their
volunteer to help with the event first concert in Lexington since
call Debbie at 255—3851. the release of their second album.

The doors open at 9:00 p.m., Feb.

GAY/LESBIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOR 8, at the Lexington Unitarian

THE UNIVERSITYOFTOLEDO Church. Tickets Will be sold at
the door for $7.

A University of Toledo graduate

set up a scholarship fund for the TRULL&HIGBIE IN CONCERT

exclusive benefit of Lesbian or

Gay students at that university. Teresa Trull and Barbara Higbie

Two scholarships will be awarded will present their reunion concert

annually on the basis of need. at Memorial Hall, University of

Applicants also submit an essay on Kentucky, on March 13. Full

problems facing gay people today. details will be in the next issue.


Continued from page 1
Fairness Campaign, told a crowd of everyone from Moses to Paul
about 50 supporters at a meeting Cameron to claim the proposal is
at The Connection Comelex on evil. such opposition indicates
January 12.. "We're st]. 1 here, the ordinance is needed.
we're not geing away."

The Fairness Amendment would GAY/LESBIAN VIDEO FESTIVAL
protect citizens of Louisville PLANNED AT TRANSYLVANIAU
from discrimination in employment,
housing‘ and public accommodations Students at Transylvania
on t e basis of sexual University are presenting a
orientation. It was the subject of Gay/Lesbian Video FeStr February
numerous public hearings held in 17-21- Films Will be shown each
December by the Human Relations evening at 7 o'clock in the Media
Commission and the Board of Viewing Room of the basement of
Aldermen. It is patterned after the UHlVGrSitY Library. The event
similar laws in more than 100 is free. For more info, call
communities nationwide. Susan: 299-8167.

The public hearings brought out
the very worst elements of the
religious community, who used CLASSIFIED ADS


WS NOTES + WANTED Remodeling Contractor, need
Japan -- Occur, a gay rights group estimate on framing, drywall, electrical,
in Japan filed that nation's irst and lumbing work to finish one interior
suit claiming discrimination based level) of our home. Call David or
on sexual orientation. The suit Richard, eveningsZ73-6752.
was filed against the city of
Tokyo. There are very few gay Lesbians and AIDS -- AVOL now has
political groups in Japan. literature on this and mamaI other AIDS
related subjects. AVOL: 25 -2865.
India -- The first Indian lesbian
organization, Sakhi, was founded VALENTINES
recently in New Delhi. Contact:
Sakhi, P.O. Box 7032, Srinivas SHOOTING SAINT VALENTINE ARRows of love for all
Puri, New Delhi 110065, India. the super member of GLUE. xxxooo your president,
Jeff Gillispie

Germany -- A monument of pink
granite in an inverted triangle DOUGLAS, you are my one and only valentine.
has been placed on the Berlin with love, Chuck
Wall, to honor the gay victims of
the holocaust. The inscri tion DEAR PEE WEE, Now that your days are free, maybe
reads: "TO be beaten to death, to we can get together for a matinee. Captain Carl
be silenced by death: dedicated to
the homosexual victims of the Au AEROBIC VALENTINE FOR DAN M. -— from the
Nazis. " Front Runners, you keep our hearts pumping!
Argentina -- The Argentine Supreme TO TORA, FROM SUSAN, for 16 months of conjugal
Court refused to legalize the bliss.
country's only gay group. Without
legal status the group is unable VALENTINES —— Jeff 6., Beth, Andrea, Curt, Tom,
to rent an office. open a bank Chuck, Rob, Jesse, will, and the whole GLUE gang
account, accept donations, or - thanks for being here . . . in more ways than
conduct other routine business. one. Happy Valentine Day, Cupid


There may be much debate about what we call ourselves, but in New
York City and Seattle, and in the Oregon and Texas legislatures, you can
add a new title for lesbians and gay men: "honorable." This past year
saw New York elect two openly gay city councilmen; Seattle elected the
nation's first black, openly lesbian city council woman; and for the
first time, good old boy networks in the Texas and Oregon House of
Representatives had to negotiate with a gay man and a lesbian,
respectively and respectfully.

While these are important gains
for gay and lesbian rights, more NEWALTERNATIVE TO POPPERS
are needed. Gay candidates lost in POSES SERIOUS HEALTH RISK
races for the Louisiana house,
and city council seats in A drug called ethyl chloride or
Cincinnati, Greece, N.Y., Tampa, Chlorethane that is being offered
Cambridge, Mass., and Houston. as a "safe" alternative to

There is no doubt that Tom Duane poppers, poses a serious danger.
and Antonio Pagan will make a Use of the drug may casue death
major difference in New York with absolutely no warning. It has
politics, where the gay men and been blamed for the deaths of two

esbians have wrestled with the people in Minnesota.

citly power structure for years There have been reports of this
wit very little representation. drug being used in bookstores and
In Seattle, Sherry Harris changed bars in Lexington. Occassionaly,
how lesbian candidates are without warning, the drug simp y
perceived, as a record turnout of shuts down a patient's heart or
over 150,000 voters propelled her lungs or both, completely and all
into office. Gail shibley was at once.

appointed to the Oregon House,

where she announced her sexual

orientation at her swearing-in

ceremony. When she couldn't get a

committee to hold hearings for the REEL WORLD STRING BAND
Oregon Lesbian and Gay Rights

Bill, she held her own before the BENEFIT CONCERT

media, embarrassing House leaders

who blocked it. Saturday, February 29

In Texas, Glen Maxey was sworn 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:30)
into the House by Gov. Ann
Richards. After the ceremony, a
House member rose to protest ProceedstohelpLindaLaporte
sitting next to Maxey. But now acquireaservice dog
everyone wants to sit next to him, from Paws WithaCause
as he has become known as the and
leader of ethics reform in the supportPrideWeek 1992
scandal-plagued House where the
speaker has een indicted. Sliding Scale Admission

[This article was supplied by $7-$6-$5
Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a
national organization that funnels B. Y. O. B.
funds into the election campaigns
of gay men and lesbians. For more Unitarian Univeralist Church
information about the fund, write: 3564 Clays Mill Road
Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, 1012 Lexington, Kentucky
14th St. N.W., Suite 707,
Washington, DC 20005.]
10 - GLSO/February

 @LSfi News Reader's Survey
This survey has two purposes: to let us know who the readers of the "News" are and
to find on what you think thefay and lesbian community in the Bluegass needs.
Please fill this form out and man it to GLSO, P.O. Box 4183, Lex1ngton, 40544.
1. Your gender: male female 2. city/county you live in
3. age: 15-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 76 and older
4. educational level: high school some college college degree graduate degree
5. race: a. African American, b. Asian, c. Hispanic, (1. white, e. Native American
6. income level: < $10,000; $10,000-$19,999; $20,000-$29,999; $30,000-$39,999;
$40,000-$49,999; $50,000-$59,000; $60,000-$69,000; > $70,000
my occupation is
7. If you live in the Bluegrass area, how many years have you been here?
8. In what state or nation were you born?
9. How do you discribe your sexual orientation? a. gay male, b. lesbian, c. bisexual
d. that other category
10. Number of people in your household?
1 1. What is your relationship status? a. single-not dating, b. single-dating,
c. long-term relationship, (1. married/opposite sex, e. union/married, same sex
12. If you have children, how many?
13. How "out" or open are you about your sexual orientation? a. not open at all,
b. open with a few friends, 0. open with a few friends and family,
(1. open in lesbian/gay circles, e. open with everyone,
g. "flaming in yer face"
14. At what age did you realize your sexual orientation?
15. At what age do you consider that you came out?
16. Have you ever been verbally harassed because of your sexual orientation?
a. yes, b. no In Lexington? _ Elsewhere? _
17. Have you ever been physically attacked because of your sexual orientation?
a. yes, b. no In Lexington? __ Elsewhere? __
18. Have you ever been discriminated in housing, insurance, or employment because
of your sexual orientation? ayes b. no In Lexington? Elsewhere? _
19. Do you practice safer sex methods in every instance? a. yes, b. no
20. Are you in a monogamous relationship? a. yes, b. no
21. Have you been tested for HIV? a. yes, b. no. Are you: a. HIV + b. HIV-
22. I socialize mostly with: a. gay men b. lesbians 0. straight men d. straight women
e. bisexuals f. a mixed crowd
23. What religion, if any, do you identify with?
24. Are you active in an organized group of that religion? a. yes b. no
25. Do you consider the overall environment of Lexington to be
a. very gay-negative b. gay-negative c. neutral d. gay-positive e. very gay-positive
GLSO/February -1 1

 26. How are you registered to vote? a. not registered b. Democrat c. Republican
d. other e. independent

27. Have you voted in the past four years? a. yes b. no

28. Are you more likely to patronize a business you perceive as "gay friendly?"
8. yes b. no

29. List some Lexington business you consider to be particularly "gay friendly."

30. Wsime W

31. 1M a. yes b. no With a mom

32. Do you travel frequently out side of the Lexington area? a. yes b. no

33. Where do you get the GLSO NEWS? a. in the mail b. pick it up at

34. How frequently do you go to nightclubs or bars? a. several times a week
b. once a week 0. a few times a month d. a few times a year e. never

35. Is there any kind of gay/lesbian/bisexual group or organization that you would
like to see formed in Lexington?

36. What do you think is Lexington‘s best:

a. lesbian-oriented nightspot

b. gay male-oriented nightspot

c. straight-oriented nightspot

d. restuarant

e. entertainment spot

f. pizza place

g. place to meet gay men

h. place to meet lesbians

i. place to meet bisexuals

j. drag queen

k. music/record store

1. local music group

In. bookstore

n. florist

0. place to buy men's clothing

p. place to buy women's clothing

q. gay/lesbian neighborhood

r. bartender

+ o + o + o + o +
Please mail this completed survey to: GLSO, P.O. Box 4183, Lexington, KY 40544
12 - GLSO/February