xt7c599z3836 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z3836/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1994 1994 1994-02-21 2020 true xt7c599z3836 section xt7c599z3836 -‘fi'fiv.-. ..,.....-.-.






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Kentucky Ker




FEB 211994



‘EKentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday, February 19,1994



Tobacco research to be terminated


Associated Press


The US. Department of Agriculture is
preparing to terminate tobacco research op-
erations at UK and two other facilities and
use the money for other programs.

“This is a catastrophe in terms of our pro-
grams," said Scott Smith. chairman of UK‘s
agronomy department.

Bob Norton, a spokesman for the federal
Agricultural Research Service, said the de-
partment’s budget proposal sent to Con-
gress earlier this month called for eliminat-
ing the $1.55 million that UK receives

The department's two other facilities
that focus on tobacco research —- in Ox-
ford, NC, and Beltsville, Md. — also
have been targeted for closing, Norton

At UK, the federal program employs 16
people full time, including seven research
scientists, Smith said.

He said the program also has provided
grant money to about 15 additional UK fa-
c_ulty members during the past two years.

The federal money makes up about one-
sixth of his department’ 5 $9 million bud-
get, Smith said.

But Norton said “we feel it‘s time that
this agency got out of tobacco researc

Norton said the research money is need
ed for other priorities and the halt to tobac-
co research makes sense in light of health
concerns about tobacco.

Smith said the agricultural research pro-
gram has been at UK for more than 25
years and its research looks at more than
just tobacco.

For instance, $325,000 is spent on re-
search involving a type of feed grass
known as fescue.

Fifteen or 20 years ago. Smith said, the
tobacco-related research would have fo-
cused on improving tobacco production.

See TOBACCO, Page 6

Future bleak for farmers


By Stephen D. Trlmble
Assistant News Editor


The US. Department of Agriculture's
proposal to eliminate UK‘s tobacco re-
search program may pose considerable
harm to Kentucky farmers. UK agronomy
director Scott Smith said.

“This is more than a nibble — this is a

very large bite," Smith said yesterday of

the USDA’s proposal to eliminate $1.5

million or 20-25 percent of the total fund-
ing to his program.

Smith said 16 UK employees will lose
their jobs because of the proposal. and
there will be temporary cut backs in grants
for tobacco research.

The budget cuts will have the most dra-
matic affect on plant biotechnology, and
improving the quality of tobacco cultiva-
tion for more than 90,000 Kentucky tobac-

See FUTURE, Page 6









front yard of her home on Linden Walk.



Health administration senior Faye Campbell soaks up the warm weather Saturday in the


Officials reject notion
of inflated grading




U of L president worried
about fate of engineering


Associated Press


FRANKFORT‘, Ky. — The University of Louisville
president and other leaders say they fear unless a pro-
posal to elevate UK's engineering school to “world-
class" status is derailed, UK‘s gain would be at U of
L's expense.

Specifically, U of L President Donald Swain is
against a proposal to give an extra $500,000 a year to
UK‘s College of Engineering while giving nothing ex-
tra to its counterpart at U of L, the Speed Scientific

Rep. Steve Riggs of Louisville said he got that mes-
sage from Swain recently when he bumped into him in
a restaurant.

“Dr. Swain seems to be worried that this is just the
first step to phasing out the Speed School," said Riggs,
a Democrat.

According to Jones' proposed state budget, the extra
$500,000 a year would put UK's engineering school on
a path to becoming one of the nation’s best

UK President Charles Wethington said last week he
will do everything he can to keep the appropriation in
the budget.

“I think there has been at least some understanding
between colleges and universities that we advocate for
our own programs; we do not advocate against another
school's programs. 1 hope it does not become a situa-
tion where either one of us is advocating against appro-
priations for the other."

In a letter Swain sent to about 50 Louisville-area
business leaders, he said Jones‘ plan would consign the

See ENGINEER, Page 6


mid- SOs.

Partly cloudy tonight; low in the mid- 303.


showers; high in the mid- 50s.




I. ..,,N ..- -

Paducah program needs
UK ’s expertise, Lester says


Associated Press



’Tttgh in

oPartly cloudy tomorrow with a 30 percent chance of


PADUCAH, Ky. —— UK is the proper institution to
provide an engineering program in far westem Ken-
tucky, the school‘s dean of engineering said.

Support has been growing for a program to train
more engineers in western Kentucky, as has debate
over what school or schools could best fulfill the mis-

UK officials will make their case at a Council on
Higher Education meeting Feb. 28 in Lexington.

“If the industrial base in western Kentucky decides
there needs to be an engineering program there and
if the legislature decides it should be done, then UK is
the one to do it," said Thomas Lester, dean of UK’s
College of Engineering.

“We are the one with the statewide mission."

Lester said engineering education in Paducah would
not go against an effort to eliminate duplication of pro-
grams at the state’s universities.

In Indiana, for example, Indiana University and Pur-
due University have established three extension cam-
puses where the two schools cooperatively offer an en-
gineering program.

Purdue supplies the technical training and IU other
courses, Lester said.

“In Indiana, they have not duplicated programs, and
they have a top-five engineering school at Purdue and
a top music and business school at TU,“ said Lester. a

See PADUCAH, Page 6


By Robert H. Reid
Associated Press


Herzegovina — Bosnian Serbs
pulled back enough heavy guns
from snowy hills around Sarajevo
to stave off immediate air strikes as
a NATO deadline for removal
passed early today.

..... " Bosnia’s Muslim president, Alija

lzetbcgovic. urged NATO to bomb
the remaining gins.

But Yasushi Akashi, the U.N.’s
senior official in former Yugosla-
via. said he saw no immediate need
for air strikes, and NATO agreed.

‘ ¢. ”how-w... a..-“ Awe- ¢¢¢¢

By Don Puckett
Senior Staff Writer


Although students receive unusu-
ally high grades in certain UK col—
leges, few faculty or administrators
think professors are inflating the

The average of undergraduate
grades given in the colleges of edu-
cation and social work during the
fall 1993 was 3.5 for each college.
This number represents the average
grades given in the college, not the
average GPA of students enrolled
in the college.

More than 90 percent of under-
graduate grades given in the Col-
lege of Social Work and almost 85
percent of undergraduate grades
given in the College of Education
were either As or Bs.

In both colleges. more than half
of all undergraduate grades were

During the fall 1993, the average
of all undergraduate grades at UK
was 2.6.

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway said all
professors at UK need to maintain
high levels of expectations for stu-
dents so that grades are an effective
measure of what students learn.

“It‘s the faculty that give the
grades," Hemenway said.

"If there is a high average grade
in a particular college, then my
question would be: Is the expecta-
tion for an A grade being set high
encugh in that college?"

When a professor's expectations
are high for a class. liemenway
said, students tend to rise to meet

Making the Grade?

, aounr t

those expectations.

“If you set your expectations low.
students will work up to those ex-
pectations but not exceed them."
llemenway said.

Robert Shapiro. the College of
Education‘s associate dean for aca-
demic and student affairs. said
classes in that college adequately
challenge students.

He attributes the high GPA to the
quality of undergraduate students in
the college.

“I would say (the College of Edu-
cation) is selective," he said.
“We‘re obviously trying to get the
best people to be teachers."

Shapiro also said there are few
introductory courses offered in the
college. Since most students taking
education classes are upper-division
students, Shapiro said their perfor—
mance should be better.

Education professors also say
their teaching and grading practices
are different from those of other
professors at UK.

Ron Atwood, who teaches under-
graduate education courses. said he
tries to emphasize only a few con-
cepts in each class and to cover
those topics well.

“All my tests are open-book and
open-note," he said.

“None of my tests ever require
simple memory. I'm always more
interested in application of under-

Several education undergraduates
said their education classes were
less demanding than courses of-
fered in other colleges at UK.

"The education classes are struc-
tured so that it is easier to get a bet-


ter grade." education sophomore
Christie Lcnouc said.

“In a couple of my classes. I felt
they were so simple I could get a
good grade if I just kept breathing.“

College of Social Work Dean
S.'/.. llasan is aware that students‘
grades are higher in his college. but
he said grade inflation is a problem
at social work colleges around the

“We’ve talked and talked about
the problem, but so far it has not
been seen as enough of a problem
to warrant a remedy." he said.

Hasan, who came to UK in 1970
and has studied the problem of
grade inflation in social work class-
es. said social work students tend to
get good grades because they enjoy
helping other people.

“Students come to our college
and finally find something where
they can excel. and this gives them
ambition," he said.

An essential component of many
social work classes is field experi-
ence. Hasan said. If students per-
form the required number of hours
of social work. they are rewarded
with good grades.

There is, however. a downside to
the high grades, Shapiro said.

Employers and graduate schools,
which usually evaluate students on
the basis of grades. have a harder
time distinguishing between stu-
dents when the grades are clustered
toward the high end of the scale, he

“As the grades tend to get in this
range, one needs to start looking
again at how we grade," he said.



. UKAverage 26
1991 199%.

3.5 3-2

‘ .......... uKAvevageZS
1990 1991 W

- UK Average: 2.6
2. ————~———~——————-—~
1990 1991 1992 1993



“I have decided that it is not nec-
essary at this stage for me to re-
quest NATO to use air power,"
Akashi said in a statement released
at his Zagreb, Croatia, headquar-

“I am satisfied we have achieved
effective compliance with the re-
quirement to remove or place under
UNPROPOR control all heavy
weapons within the 20 kilometer
(l2-mile) exclusion zone," Akashi‘s
statement said.

NATO, after nearly two years of
painful debate over whether to get
involved in Bosnia‘s wu. had de-

mmded all heavy weapons pull
back that distmcc from Sarajevo or


._.-..a...._ ........n

be placed under UN. control. Oth-
erwise it would launch air strikes in
what would be its first combat ac-
tion in its 44-year history.

NATO Secretary General Man-
fred Woemer said Monday the alli-
ance will follow U.N. recommenda-
tions not to use air power “at this
stage" in Bosnia.

As the midnight GMT (7 pm.
EST) yesterday deadline passed, the
roar of a solitary jet could be heard
in misty skies.

A C-130 which has been flying
over on nightly surveillance also
droned through the skies.

In a day that saw 400 Russian
troops join the UN. peacekeeping


mum-»~s.‘f.~,.\ _ ,r

IVL HEBLEV/Kemet erhtcs

Deadline passes for Serb army

force in a gesture that encouraged
Serbian compliance, skies cleared
yesterday for the first time after
days of snowy weather.

Before the deadline. the UN.
commander for Bosnia said the situ-
ation remained unclear at nine of 41
Serb gun sites around Sarajevo
which UN. soldiers have not yet

Bosnian Serbs spent last night by
campfires, roasting oxen and lambs.
drinking brandy and singing nation-
alist songs on Mount Trebevic over-
looking Sarajevo.

On the roeds around Trebevic.

See BOSNIA, Page 6

\ V











2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday, February 21,1004


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Monday, 2/21
-TICKETS ON SALE!!! Tickets for
Spotlight Jazz: are on sale at

TicketMaster; general public. stu-
dents. faculty. and administration;
CALL 257-8427
-TlCKETS ON SALE!!! Tickets for
Next Stage Series: The National

Theatre of the Deaf; Dylanlhgm;
as'llndeLMilkmgiare on sale
at TicketMaster; general public.
students. faculty, and administra-
tion; CALL 257-8427

EXHIBIT: MalnaMadamlsmse-
lections from the Ogunquit Mu-
seum of American Art; UK Art Mu-
seum. Singletary Center for the
Arts. Tuesday-Sunday 12:00-5200
p.m.. CALL 257-5716 (thru 03/27)
EXHIBIT: Jan O'Dea: Bacam
m2:00-5:00 p.m.. Center for
Contemporary Art. Fine Arts
Building. free and open to the
public CALL 257— 81 48 (thru 2/23)
lextflesELQmZaiLe; Tuesday-
Sunday 12. 00- 5: 00 p. m.. UK Art
Museum. Singletary Center for
the Arts, CALL 257-5716 (thru 4/

1880-1950, King Cultural Center.
Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m.-6:OO p.m.
(thru 3/15)

College of Fine Arts presents:
University Artist Series; Barry
Tuckwell, French Horn, 8:00 p.m..
Singletary Center for the Arts.
Concert Hall, Pre-concert lecture
by David Elliot at 7:15 in the Reci-
tal Hall, CALL 257-4929
Tuesday. 2/22
Discussion Film Series: Illa L91-
ar, Student Center, Center Thea-
ter, 7:00 p.m.. FREE

Thursday. 2/24

-Co|lege of Fine Arts presents:
Faculty Recital; "An Evening of


‘Vp State BeoneTennis Center, 2:30

‘I-UK Baeball vs Samtord. Birm-
' ,ktghamClsssic. 1:00 pm.

Winstue's 129.1. martini“ N W: 30 p m Memorial Col-

: The National Theatre of the Deafpresents
A Dy! n Tbomas’
A U (1 M ' 1k W d
“You See and Hear Every/Word ’
Is the mottool T he NationalTheatrc oi the Deal, and II x mill) lrllc l/I. ll.1I/Iir.llr.rr 'l'mm
The National Theatre of the Deaf
February 26, 8:00pm.,
\ , Singletary Center for the Arts
‘\~ Tickets Available at Ticketmaster
$12, $10 and $7.
SAB's Next Stage Series Production
Saturday 2/26
Monday. 2/21 . . ' . .
. -Catholic Newman Center Daily 'A'k’do Classes. 4‘00 p.m., Alum-
\ Mass Services: 12:10 pm. 320 m Gym Lott. CALL 269-4305
\ Rose Lane Call 255-8566. -Catholic Newman Center Week-
-UK Judo Club: 5:30-6'00 p rn and Mass Service: 320 Rose
. ' ' ' ' " Lane
Alumni Gym Lott, CALL 255-2625 _ '
-Aikido Classes: 8:00 p.m.. Alum- goodme/géLL 255—8565
ni Gym Loft. CALL 269-4305 “" av.
Tues day. 2122 -Catholic Newman Center Week-
-Co|lege of Arts 8. Sciences Lec- and Mass SerVIces: 320 Rose
, Lane. 9:00 8. 11:30 am, 5:00 8.
ture. Steven W. Yates. Dept. of 3130 CALL 5
Cemistry. 8:00 pm, Singletary ' p.m.. , 2 58566 . .
Center for the Arts Recital Hall 'HOIV Communion: St Augustine 5
FREE ' ' Chapel, 10:30 am. 8. 5:30 p.m..
Cosmopolitan Club Meeting: 7:30 CAL." 254-3726 .
p.m.. Student Center. Rm. 345 ~Aikido Classes: Alumni Gym Loft.
-Public Relations Student Society 1:00 p.m.. CALL 269-4305
of America (PRSSA) Meeting;
7:00 p.m.. Grehan Building, Mag-
gie Room
Wednesday, 2/23 —
-Holy Communion: St. Augustine's
Chapel. 12:00 8. 5:30 pm. CALL
-Aikido Classes: 8:00 p.m.. Alum-
ni Gym Lott. CALL 269-4305 7 "
-UK Judo Club: 5:30-6:00 p.m..
Alumni Gym Lott, CALL 269-4305 ‘
Department of Biochemistry 'i
Seminar: Mr. Lyndon L.E. Salins,
“Sodium Gold (I) Thiomalate in
the Treatment of Rheumatoid Ar-
thritis"; 4:00 p.m.. Rm MN 463 ’
-Student Government Association
Meeting: 7:30 p.m.. Classroom I
Building. Rm. 212
Thursday, 2/24 ’ f 8%
-Meet the Members or the Lexing- ~. 63 v
ton Stall Council at a Brown Bag ’ fl
. Lunch: 11:00-1200 p.m.. Student ‘: 7 '1
Center. Rm. 231 * do
-Lecture: Spirituality vs. Relig‘om. l IV
§ An Africanand Nisan-filler“ ' .
Perspective. 12:00 new. UK M ‘
dent Center momcmu, _
Rm 124 . ' ‘
Catholic N . ‘ ' ..f
dent Night ( ans, in.» .. , 2 ’ A an"
7.30me GALE“ woman
’ Christian S - m of KMe ..
'Thursday Poem Day Warren: '4
' ' W150 p. m. ..Student Guard 5
Well Win us in acrimonio- .
wt. friends. mmicaMIZé" *
Me fpd make you 10* .
_ , my .
as StudIeeForuM



or "a”. ,WW0M Jug, .

' Friday, 2125

20th Century Solo Tuba Music",
Daniel Burdick. soloist, 8:00 p.m..
Singletary Center for the Arts. Re-
cital Hall FREE
-College of Fine Arts presents. UK
Theatre: Waring
Class. by Sam Shepard. 8: 00
p.m.. Fine Arts Building. Guignol
Theatre. Tickets are $9 8. $6.
CALL 257-4929 (also playing 2/
25 8. 226)
Friday. 2/25
-College of Fine Arts presents:
Guest Recital, Paul Taylor. piano,
7:30 p.m.. Singletary Center for
the Arts. Recital Hall. FREE
Ethnic Heritage Ensemble spon-
sored by the Multi-Cultural Com-
mittee and UK Spotlight Jazz:
7:30 p.m.. UK Memorial Hall, Tick-
ets are $4.00 and $3.00 in ad-
Saturday, 2/26
-SAB Next Stage Series: National
Theatre of the Deaf, 8:00 p.m..
Singletary Center for the Arts.
Concert Hall. Tickets are $12.
$1 0. and $7. CALL 257-8427
Sunday, 2/27
-EXHlBlT: College of Fine Arts
presents: Center for Contempo-
rary Art opening reception. Fine
Arts Building. 2:00 pm. (thru 3/
-College of Fine Arts presents:
Guest Recital: Greg Philips. horn.
8:00 p.m.. Singletary Center for
the Arts. Recital Hall. FREE


Wednesday. 2R3

~Lady Kate Basketball at Murray
State. 8:00 pm.

-UK Men'sBadtetball at Tennes-
see (JPTV) 8:00 pm.

~UK Women's Tennis vs Florida

-UK Baseball vs Birmingham
Southern. Birmingham Classic
Birmingham, Alabama 3. 00 p. m
Saturday, me

My K‘s Basketball vs Louisia-

Bunday, W

-UK Beseghll vs Al
1: 05 p. In '






ivs Georgia.
11: 00 a. m.
a Georgia
' . - Arena




LCC providing
dental services

The students in the dental hy-
giene program at Lexington
Community College will provide
free preventive dental care to
children today through Friday in
celebration of National Dental
Health Month.

The members of the Student
American Dental Hygienists As-
sociation took donations from
area dentists and dental supply
companies to help underwrite the

“The event is held as a service
to the community. It gets chil-
dren into the dental health care
system that otherwise may not
have the opportunity," said Judy
Anderson. SADHA president.

The children will be treated to


a visit from Sparkle Crest, the tooth
fairy. and will receive a goody bag
to take home.

Appointments may be made by
calling the LCC's dental hygiene
clinic at 257-2992. Special rates al-
ways arc available for students, fa-
culty or staff at LCC or UK, for sen-
ior citizens and for the unemployed.

New program offered
for people with HIV

AIDS Volunteers of Lexington
will begin the MATCH program
this month. matching HIV-infected
residents with individuals in the
community. The program is de-
signed to match the growing needs
of the HIV/AIDS community with
trained volunteers to assist them in
their struggle with the virus.

.w.--’i-§< ...-I

The program provides supple-
mental support to the care pro-
vided to people who are HIV-
positive through hospitals, physi-
cians and hospice programs.

Together the volunteer and the
match may participate in be-
reavement support, emotional
support, hair grooming. light
housekeeping. massage, therapy.
minor legal work. occasional
laundry, phone visits, range of
motion exercise, short day trips.
social visits. spiritual support.
supplemental pet care, support
group contact and transport to

Anyone interested in becoming
a MATCH volunteer or taking
advantage of the services oflered
through the MATCH program
should call (606) 254- 2865 or
the hot/inc number at (606) 231-



Jury selection begins in trial
over shooting death of Gunn


By Bill Kaczor
Associated Press


PENSACOLA, Fla. — Bani-
cades are up outside the courthouse
and jury selection is already
cloaked in protective secreCy for to-
day's start of a murder trial for Mi-
chael F. Griffin, accused of shoot-
ing Dr. David Gunn outside an
abortion clinic a year ago.

The 47-year-old Eufaula, Ala,
physician was shot three times in
the back March 10 as he was park-
ing behind Pensacola Women‘s
Medical Services. An abortion
protest was being held in front of
the clinic.

The trial of Griffin, 32, a Chris-
tian fundamentalist and former
chemical plant worker, is being
closely watched by activists for the
impact it may have the national
abortion debate.

Gunn‘s death has already con-
vinced many state and federal law-

makers that special laws are needed
to protect abortion clinics, asserted
Eleanor Smeal, president of The
Feminist Majority Foundation,
which advocates abortion rights.

“It refrained the debate so that
this violence was taken more seri-
ously," she said. Smeal also said a
first-degree murder conviction
would put a chill on anti-abortion

John Burt, a lay minister who
was leading the demonstration
when Gunn was shot. said he well
understands the high interest of
abortion rights advocates.

“If Mike got off, gracious, they'd
go crazy because that would be a li-
cense for everybody else to do
something like that, I would guess,"
Burt said. “I would like to see him
get something like second-degree if
he has to get anything at all so
he’d be able to get out and have
some kind of life."

Griffin is charged with first-
degree murder, and the prosecution

is seeking the death penalty.

Griffin's lawyers plan to call lo-
cal anti-abortion activists to the
stand to try to show that they. and
Burt in particular, influenced Grif-
fin through speech and action and
by giving him anti-abortion videos
and literature.

The attorneys contend such expo-
sure enraged and deluded Griffin,
either driving him to temporary in-
sanity or prompting him to kill in
the heat of passion. The defense
also still could take the line that
Griffin did not shoot Gunn at all
but falsely confessed to the murder
under influence of the anti-abortion

The trial is expected to run at
least two weeks with jury selection
taking the first five days.

Against the wishes of lawyers on
both sides, Circuit Judge John Pam—
ham ordered that jurors be seques-
tered throughout the trial. Prospec-
tive jurors' identities will be kept



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Vandy ushers
prove too weak
for conditions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Pardon me,
please, if you have a soft place in your
heart for Vanderbilt's Memorial Gym
or the ushers that guard its archaic
doors. Pardon me for just this once.
That's all I ask.

What‘s that. you say? All you really
want is an expose of the first half ac-
tion of Saturday‘s UK-Vandy show-
down? Well, you had best look else-
where. And don‘t blame me, blame
the ushers.

Three weekends ago, I travelled to
the Meadowlands in New Jersey,
picked up my press pass. watched the
game, wrote a column.

Dittos for the trip to Syracuse, N.Y.,
two weekends ago. No hassles. No in-
terrogations. No bel-

Good enough for

the Meadowlands.
Good enough for the
‘ Carrier Dome. But ap-
parently not for Me-
' morial Gym.
, No, in the Music
, City you must be pre-
: . pared for threats, in-
sults and an overall
pugnacious attitude to
fly your direction after requesting your
press pass.

Isn’t there some kind of “Usher's
Doctrine” that says, “An usher will be
cooperative, an usher will be cour-
teous, an usher will be sober ?"

Finally, after a debate that would
make Michael Kinsley and Pat Bu-
channan proud, the barricades lifted.
The defeated ushers, overruled by a
superior, sat glumly as I entered the

Once inside (with 3:00 to go in the
first half), the situation improved only

The advantage to being in the arena,
obviously, was being able to wimess
the game.

But the benefit-to-cost ratio of this
excursion registered well below one,
on my scale at least.

In the interest of time and column
space, I now present a condensed ver-
sion of the “Reasons I Despise Memo-
rial Gym" list.

1. Basketball Arena or Sauna? —
Run a ladle through the air of this are-
na and your likely to see ripples in the
humidified atmosphere.

The gym‘s ventilation system con-
sists of several open windows at one
side of the building, giving credence
to the theory that the deeds for the
structure were written on papyrus.

2. The Luciano Pavoratti Factor ——
Designed as a venue for stage perfor-
mances, Memorial is a testament to ar-
chitectural antiquity and wasted space.

The three-tier seating configuration
leads one to feel, even in the middle of
a game, as if the athletic competition
is merely a warrn-up act for “The
Phantom of the Opera," ”The Nut-
cracker" or some other theatrical pro-

3. Pride in the Rafters — Hanging
high above the court, near the open
windows, is a banner coutrnemorating
the Commodores' thrilling run in the
1987 National Invitational Tourna-

It reads, “NIT- 3rd Round," across
the backdrop of an apple. Whoa! Talk
about intimidating the opposition.

Pardon me, again, as I chuckle.

4. Binoculars, Oxygen Masks Not
Included — Because of the dysfunc-
tional arena design, members of the
press (who usually sit at courtside) are
relegated to an area high above the
floor, surely making the lives of UK
radio announcers Ralph Hacker and


Kyle Macy miserable for a day.
5. The Benches Enough already.
You get the picture.

What about the game, you plead.
Well, I have little to say. When 1 final-
ly got inside, UK led by 10. They won
the game by eight and the lead never
seemed to have a variance of more
than four.

The one thing that stuck out from
this game was the newfound vigor in
the Wildcat squad, especially on the
defensive end.

“I think today was the best defen-
sive game we've played all year,"
Wildcat forward Rodrick Rhodes said.

One second-half effort by Rhodes
symbolized the difference in the two
teams on the court Taking a page
from former teammate Dale Brown,
the sophomore dove across the Memo-
rial Gym fioor in pursuit of a loose
ball after his constant defensive heck-
ling forwd Vandy star Billy McCaf-
frey intoamishap.

In fact, it seemed as if the Cats got
every loose ball down the stretch.
the second half at least.

This may have been true of the first
lmlf as well but, of course, I wouldn't
know, thanks to the ushers. ‘

SM Writer Eric Mosolgo is a civil
engineerin graduate student and a
Kentucky cruel columnist.





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Kentuc Kernel, Io . Fehr

VU’s McMahan misfires at the line
as Cats slam Commodores 7 7 -69


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — As Vanderbilt's
Ronnie McMahan approached the free-
throw line in Saturday‘s game against UK,
the fans in Memorial Gym readied them-
selves to explode like Nor-
wegians at a giant slalom

McMahan, a reliable, 86
percent foul shooter, was
about to cut the Wildcats'
lead to four with five min-
utes left, about to trigger
the Commodore version of
a classic (‘at comeback.

Except he missed.
Twice. Then on the re- Illlltlflllu
bound, Dan Hall fouled
Tony Delk, who made two free throws to
preserve the Cats‘ 77-69 victory.

“They were on the ropes at that stage,“
Vanderbilt coach Jan van Breda Kolff said.
“To not make the free throws and give up
two points without them really having to
work for it was a tough situation."

UK (20-5) made shooting a tough situa-
tion all game long for the Commodores.
Vandy shot just 38 percent for the game, in-
cluding 4 for 1‘) from threes, and its top
three perimeter players — Billy McCaf-
frey, Ronnie McMahan and Frank Seckar


— were a combined 8 for 31 from the field.

“That could be the best our guys have
played on defense all season," UK coach
Rick Pitino said.

“Defense won this game more than any-
thing,“ point guard Travis Ford said.

Ford also played a large role, scoring 22
points on 7-of-11 shooting. But he was dis-
gusted with his six turnovers, including
once when he dribbled the ball off his foot
and out of bounds.

“The points were irrelevant," Ford said.
“I was not too excited about the way I

Ford, who had been mired in a shooting
slump of late, hit 3 of 5 three-pointers. Sur-
prisingly, though, most of his points came
inside the arc.

“They were leaving the lane wide open,
and I took it," he said.

The Cats led by 10 at halftime but came
out sluggish to start the second half. Pitino
sought to put a quick end to that by pulling
all five starters out for a brief reminder.

“It was to tell us, ‘Don‘t get weak. Stay
strong, play hard and intense,” said for-
ward Rodrick Rhodes, who had 10 points.
“When he gave us that shot in the arm, we
just sustained all their runs and played great

UK built a 13-point lead with 10 minutes
to go before Vanderbilt made its run, which
mostly came from foul-line points. After
McMahan‘s misses, Ford nailed the clench-

er —— a wide-open three-pointer which
pushed the bulge to 11 with two minutes to

“He was tremendous,“ van Breda Kolff
said of Ford. “He‘s the heart and soul of
their team."

The game was no thing of beauty, as de-
fense dominated and both teams made just
nine field goals in the second half. But Piti-
no still was tickled pink, as the Conuno—
dores found little reason to cheer.

”This was one of the more special wins
of the season for us because we never really
let the crowd into the game. That‘s tough to
do in this place.“ Pitino said. “We wanted