xt7c599z389q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z389q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1999 1999 1999-10-26 2020 true xt7c599z389q section xt7c599z389q 1.




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Here's a list on how you
can make
miserable when they
call you during your
dinner break or
interrupt your
favorite show.

If they want to loan you
money tell them you
just filed for
bankruptcy and could
sure use some

If they ask personal
questions ask them
personal questions

If they start out with,
"How are you
today?" say, “Why do
you want to know?"
Or tell them you’re
so glad they asked
because no one these
days seems to care,
and you have all
these problems; your
sciatica is acting up,
your eyelashes are
sore, your dog just
died and when
they try to get to the
sell just keep talking
about your

if they want to sell you a
newspaper tell them
that you can't read.

If you're a male, one
thing you can do to
telemarketers (male
or female) is this (it's
very rude, though):

Telemarketer: Hi. my
name is Pam and I’m
with Canter and
Siegel Services...

You: Hang on a second.
[a few seconds
pause] Okay, [in
really husky voice]
What are you

Telemarketer: [Click]

You could cry out, in
well-simulated tones
of pleasure and
surprise. “Pam! ls
that you? Oh, my
GOD! Pam, how have
you BEEN?" It's
possible you could
give Pam a few brief
moments of terror as
she tries to figure
out where the hell
she could know you

Say ”Oh yes, I’d love to
talk to you, but I
charge for my time
by the hour so if you
want to continue the
conversation. you'll
have to give me a
credit card number
and expiration date."

With charity solicitors
ask: "Do you accept
numbered bills?"

If they call for you to
sign up for their
Family and Friends
plan reply: ”I don't
have any friends
would you be my
friend?" in as
sinister a voice as


Compiled by:
Samantha Essid and
Ron Norton


? 1 t . ), ‘
FT T152“: 1"
i" ’


5.15 4.]

Cool and clear.


latitti'ijglé V


News tips ‘

Call: 257-1915 or write:






Popular MTV program may drive th

"I (I like to see a friendly' game of

‘Road Rules' searching for a campus to challenge
their team of young pop-culture Winnebago warriors

By Brian Granger

The cast of MTV‘s Road Rules
might be stopping at [K next spring
to challenge a group of IF students.
said Student Activities Board oITir

“MTV contacted us. along with
forty other universities. and have
asked us to submit a challenge to the
Road Rules cast. Only five colleges
will be selected and we hope to be


one ofthem."

said Mike Knox. an ad-
visor with the SAB.
Students are asked to submit



Russian roulette."
ton. a political science sophomore.
said that while crazy and original
ideas are encouraged. truly ol'I'~the
wall ideas (such as the
tioned Russian roulettet are discour-


said Alan llampv

SAB president.

aforemen ly.



Celtics vs. Ja22i
IIttp: m.liykernel.com

rough UK

challenges for the cast to SAB's web
site. Some already have ideas for the

“A horse race around campus
with the basketball players against
Road Rules would be fun to watch.“
said .larnes (‘isco. an architecture ju-
tiior. "Fans should be able to throw
tomatoes at the Road Rules cast."

Other students have different


Also students must attempt to be
somewhat realistic. Frye said. For
instance. having the Road Rules
team play I’K‘s Men's Basketball
team on national television is not a
viable option. she said.

Although some students are ex-
cited that I\l'l‘\' might come to UK.
others are not interested.

“I would not care if Road Rules


were Ii)((illli tot. ttiipiis siiow
really does not nit-tr est it: ‘ s.i|(l
Brian l)(':tl'lll‘_'i'l‘. Ill English '~"l:llrl' """""
For anyot11 trite trsied ll 1. I; is Studentswishingto
chosen. the static llis who 1 Illll])1'l ‘lIl provide suggestions
theih 1llei1ge will lit l hos. Ill * 111111.,” forachallengefor
MTV's RoadRules
l'K will not recent any littilii'\ shouldsubmitthernat
TT‘UIII .\l'l‘\' ll~ ltlliltl lllili-s (lilt'\ (‘1tllli- SAB'SWEDSITEC
to campus. but it would in- good piib www.uky.edu/Student
licity. Knox said. Center/5A8
Frye hopes that the creative SABcansubmitas
minds at [K will lll‘ able to get the manyentriesasthey
job done. want to Road Rules
”We're really f‘\'('lit'(l .ihoiit l'K andwillpickthebest
students It; 1\. ing lllt 1h lllti‘ to he on ideastosubmit. Every
Road Rules and we liopt tlt it they submissionhasa
(the students) siibitiit 11-1111 good chancetobechosen.

‘Dime-store to critical theory’

Bargain-priced variety of donated
books rasies money for student group


Students check out the selection yesterday at the English Graduate


Student Organization' 5 fall book sale at the Student Center.


By John Wampler


Rows and
hooks could be seen lined
up yesterday at the Eng
lish (iraduate Student 01'-
gani/ation's fall hook sale.
which runs through today.

"We've got everything
from the dime-store novel
to the heaviest of critical
theory," said Jason McEtr
tee. president of the orga

The books for the sale
were donated frorn UK fac»
ulty and students. student
organizations such as the
Turkish Student Union.
and businesses such as the
UK Press. McEntee said,

Students can find a
number of bargains at the
sale. For instance. brand
new books frorii the l'K
Press were being offered at
a quarter or less of their
original cost.

"The majority of our
customers are students.
and students don't have
much money. so we try to

keep our prices down.
McEntee said.
The booksale. which

McEntee said has been go-
ing on for “t or 5 years."
gained a new addition this
year. (‘opies of Limestone.
a literary magazine pro-
duced by UK‘s English de-
partment. is also available
for sale.

While there is a rather
large selection. not every
author is represented at
the book sale. Ed Blum. a
history graduate student.
came looking for works by

rows of


Support the


to am. to 3 pm. today
Prices range from 50 cents
to five dollars.
All proceeds go to support
English graduate students
travelling to conferences.

JR. Tolkien. but had no

“Everyone likes to
hold on to their Tolkien.“
explained Kelli McAlister.
an English graduate stu~
dent who was volunteering
at the booksale.

However. tnany other
unique titles are still for

"Where else can you
get classics like ‘The Bass
Fisherman's Bible?” joked
English graduate student
Jeff Birkenstein.

Those books not sold
at the fall book sale will ei»
ther be kept for the organi-

zation‘s spring sale. or if

there are only a few left.
they will be donated to
Goodwill. McEntee said.

Most students enjoyed
the book sale. if nothing
but for a change of pace.

"It's a way to waste
time between classes and
check out sonte good
books." said Vicki Camp
bell. special education se-

The Black Box challenges thespian norms

By _Suraya Shalash


While large productions at
UK are performed in the Briggs
Theatre or the Guignol Theatre
in the Fine Arts Building. a
small group of actors may be re»
hearsing on a completely differ
ent kind of stage. UK‘s Black
Box Theatre.

“You can communicate
with the audience. which moti-
vates you to do your best. It's an
adrenaline rush." says (‘ourt-
ney Stoll. an undeclared sopho—
more who appeared in last
year's original stage production
of Round.

The Black Box Theatre al-
lows for such interaction with
the audience because of its

unique design. There is no
stage. but rather a room con»
taining only four black walls. a
few black curtains. and chairs
that can be arranged to the di-
rector's preference.

The simplicity of the room
allows the director to arrange
the audience and the actors in
any configuration they wish.
Stoll said. For example. in
Round. half the audience was on
one side of the room in chairs.
while half sat on cushions on
the other side of the room

The theatre was recently re-
named the Lucille little The-
ater. a tribute to the first actress
to perform in the Guignol The-
ater when it opened more than
fifty years ago

Between two and six plays
are performed in the Black Rm


Theatre per year. said Nyalls
Hartman. theater professor and
head of productions in the
Black Box Theatre.

While some plays per-
formed there are classic works.
the majority are contemporary
or original productions.

The theatre's second play,
which is currently in produc-
tion. is Strange Games. written
by Dave Morrison. a theater
graduate student. and directed
by Shannon Christy. another
theater graduate student.

While auditions are open to
all UK students. Hartman said
that the Black Box Theatre es-
pecially offers theater majors a
chance to work with material
not as similar to what they ate
studying in class Hartman said

“It is an excellent opportu
nity for the theater students to
experiment with other art
forms." he said.



When: 8 pm, No-
vember 5, 6
(possible perfor-
mance on No-
vember 4)
Where: The Black
8011, Fine Arts
Building on the
first floor near
the classrooms.
Admission: free
about auditions
and upcoming
can be found on
the bulletin
board in the first
floor of the Fine
Arts Building.


United Nations
and UK students

Professors discuss the U.N. and
how it affects the average student

By Brian Yong

CONTRIBU le W‘v ltc

Turkey. Singa 1‘poie.
Malaysia and Engl 111d
a few countries that
are united under :1 cont
nion bond. :1 constitu
tion of sorts. This bond
is created by the l'nited
”The l'iiiti'tl \ri
tions will play an 111
cr‘easiiigly large role iii


the coming inillenni
um.” said (‘ynthia
lryin. political science

professor “Its role will
become more complex.
more contestant and
more necessary "

In in and other I’K
hrof't-ssoi‘s will be
speaking at a panel dis
ciission this eyening on
the four major aspects
ofthe l'N's purpose: hu
manitarian. economic.
judicial. and political

"Students should
he very aware of what

the IKN. stands for. and
they should also know
the roles and limita-

tions of the l‘.\"s lunc-
tioits." Irvin said.



When: 7-9 pm, Tuesday,
Oct. 26
Where: Jewell Hall
Lobby, across from the
Student Center.
Sponsored by: Jewel!
Hall International Living
and Learning Center, the
Bluegrass Chapter of the
United Nations and the
Office of International

Seeitia .\l:inohar. :1
IUlllHl‘ in health sci~
vices management from
Bahrain. is concerned
with I'K students
knowledge of the l'..\'

.\lanol1ar said that
1111111}. tioirinteriiatiitrial
students are confused
about the l‘..\'. and the
I’S‘s relationship with
the global hotly.
.\l:1nol1ar added that
while international stu

See U.N. on 2

Haunted house
based on trilogy

Dante's “Divine Comedy" finds a
new audience this Halloween

By Millinda Rumble



The White Oak
I’ond (‘hurch in Rich
itiond added a unique
twist to the haunted
house theme this year.

The “Divine (‘onie
dy.” written by Dante
Alighieri. is the blue-
print for their haunted
house. which takes visit
tors through Hell. l‘ur
gatory and Heaven just
like Dante's ch centu
ry trilogy.

Debbie Bellairs.
publicity coordinator
for the event. says the
church is portraying an
important message
through the house.
which has been dubbed
“Dante's Inferno.“

“Life is difficult at
times and even though

we go through difficult
stages there is some
thing good at the end."
Bellairs said

This year's haunted

house is dedicated to
the memory Aaron
(‘ari‘ (‘arrz who had

volunteered at the
haunted house for sev
eral years. (lied this
summer in a car wreck.
He would have heeti a
senior at Madison (‘enr
tral High School this
year. This year his fam
ily has been helping
with the event eyei‘y
night. said Rusty
Recltenbach. minister
of White Oak Pond
While the
had put on haunted
houses since before
Rechenbach arrived ten

See DANTE on 2







13.5%”; - g. ,.

2 | iucsukvipcroacn

26,1929 1 itsurucitv itciiuci.


The Low-down

I love my
wife, I
really do.
and she
loves me,
and that’s
why we’re



- Howard Stern,
radio shockjock,
who spent much
of his show
yesterday in a
mood, soberly
discussing his
recent separation
from his wife of
21 years. the
'King of all Media'
told listeners who
called in to give
advice, offer
condolences and
even make jokes.


Taliban urged to expel bin Laden

WASHING'I‘ON Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright offered Afghanistan's Tal-

iban ruling army a chance for normal relations if

it expels suspected terrorism kingpin Osama bin
Laden. The United States suspects the Saudi mul
tiniillioiiaire masterminded the ITS. embassy
bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. The Taliban
has said it tried bin Laden in an Islamic court
and found him innocent. But one incentive for
the Taliban to submit to American demands is
that the IKN. Security (‘ouncil has threatened to
impose sanctions on the militia including a
freeZe on assets overseas ifbin Laden is not etc
pelled by Nov. 14.

Buchanan bolts GDP for Reform

FALLS CHURCH. Va. Hours after billion»
aire Donald Trump joined the New York arm of
the Reform Party. Republican presidential can-
didate Pat Buchanan bolted the GOP to mount
his own third-party campaign. Trump will do»
cide early next year whether to challenge
Buchanan for the Reform nomination in 2000.
Buchanan. whose insurgent campaigns hobbled
GOP frontsruiiners in 1992 anti 1996. failed for
eight months to break out of secondtier status
in the Republican presidential field. Though low
in polls and money. Buchanan is considered a
threat by Republicans because of his anti-abor»
tioii conservatism.

Israelis open safe passage route

I‘IRI‘ZZ (.‘ROSSING. Gaza Strip Hundreds of
eager Palestinians shouldering duffel bags and
suitcases traveled 28 miles across Israel yesterday.
inaugurating a "safe passage" that for the first
time links the areas under their control and takes
them a step closer to statehood. In all. some 132.000
Palestinians are so far eligible to use the route but
most are workers and business people who had
been granted permission to enter Israel in the past.

Clinton challenges medicine makers

WASHINGTON President (‘Iinton ordered
a federal study ofdrug costs. saying American se»
iiior citizens shouldn‘t be forced to travel to places
like Canada to buy medicine at lower prices (‘Iin-
ton directed that the study. which will look at dif
ferent prices for the most commonly used drugs.
be completed within .‘10 days. It also will examine
drug spending by people ofdiflereiit ages and in
comes. (‘Iinton said that 13 million older Anieri
cans have no prescription drug coverage and mil-
lions more have lliittlt‘qllttif‘ coverage.


‘55 4. , (if;
was arrested in
Austin, Texas,
early Monday
for drug-related
offenses. a
official said.
29. was
arrested for
possession of
marijuana and
but had not yet
been formally
charged, said
Curtis Weeks, a
Travis County




Despite an
outpouring of
sympathy for
Pete Rose,
NBC's Jim Gray
said his
questions during
a prime-time
show before
Sunday's World
Series game
shouldn't have
surprised Rose.
“I don't
apologize," Gray
said yesterday.
“I stand by it
and I think it
was absolutely a
proper line of




Payne Stewart dies in crash

MINA, S.D. —— A Learjet carrying golf
champion Payne Stewart and four other people
crashed in a grassy field this afternoon afier fly-
ing uncontrolled for hours. Everyone on the
twin-engine plane was killed. The Lear 35,
which took off from Orlando, may have suffered
a pressurization failure during its scheduled
flight to Dallas, government officials said.

No loans for student drug offenders

WASHINGTON Students conyicted ot'drug
offenses will lose eligibility for federal college iii-
ition aid programs under new Education Depart-
ment regulations. Penalties under the rules that
take effect Jilly 1 will range from a yearlong sus-
pension to permanent denial of financial aid.
However. the rule will not apply to juyenile
records or proceedings. A recent survey indicated
that drug use among young adtilts aged 18 to 2:")
has risen in the last five years. with 16.1 percent
saying they were current users of an illegal drug.

Dell passes Compaq in us. PC sales

SAN JOSE. (‘alif I)eII (‘oinputer (‘oip easi-
ly surpassed rival (‘ompaq (‘ompiiter (‘orp. in ll.S.
personal computer sales last quarter the first
time Dell has held such a commanding lead over
its rival. I)eII sold nearly 2 million P(‘s from July
through September. grabbing a 17.1 percent share
of the I‘.S. market. according to the research firm
I)atatiuest. (‘ompau sold 1.78 million computers.
giving it a 1.1.”. percent share ofthe market.

Compiled from wire reports.




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Continued from page 1

deiits tend to know more about
the I'.N.‘s role. they are not fa-
miliar with the several organi-

zations under the UN and
what their functions are.
"There‘s not much

awareness on
Manohar said.
Students need to know
about the [N for more reasons
than just getting ready for that
class in current world history.
said UK law professor John
Rogers. who will also be speak-
"The UN. affects students


indirectly. It affects interna-
tional relations and then it af~
fects the US. which in turn af-
fects Kentucky. and then it af—
fects us (the UK communityl."
Rogers said.

For students whose hotne-
towns are thousands of miles
away. the itnpact of the UN is
felt a little greater. The UN.
represents the potential for
states to resolve potentially
catastrophic situations by
means of a limited use of mili-
tary. Irvin said.

This has lately been a help
in countries such as East Tint-
or anti Chechnya.

“The UN is vital because it
provides the only legal basis
for the armed enforcement ac-
tion." Rodgers said.




\f. ‘3‘


Continued from page 1

haunted house should take on
:i (‘hristian message.

The event has been a
rather successful one for the
church. Bellairs said. raising
thousands of dollars each
year. She said the church esti»
mates six thousand people
will experience [)ante‘s Infer-
no this year.

Dante’s Inferno is the
youth outreach project for the
church. so most of the respon-
sibility for the eyent falls on
their shoulders. Rechenbach
said. In addition. families in
the church. fraternities and
sororities at EKU and EKU
athletes have also contributed
time to the haunted house.

The money earned goes
towards various youth activi-


ties. while the canned goods
are sent to The Food Pantry of
Kentucky River Foothills.

Rechenbach said that
while the haunted house was
meant to be scary. it was also
meant to be uplifting.

“It‘s a lot of fun. It’s a
haunted house too. but it has a
message, not at all preachy.
but we want people to know
there is a happy ending."
Rechenbach said.


fly » .,,


Dante's Inferno

When: 7-9 pm on October 27 and
28, 7-llp.m. on October 29 and 30
Where: White Oak Pond Church, at
Barnes Mill Road and Goggins
Lane in Richmond
Admission: $5.00 or $4.50 with a
canned good
Children under the age of five not
recommended to attend.
For more information call Rusty
Rechenbach at 606-623-6515, or
Debbie Bellairs at 606-623-6104.

An item in Friday’s “Left of Center” should have said Oct.
23 is the last day to withdraw from a course. Sept. 23 is the last
day to withdraw from a course and still get a refund.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915.









‘A Kentucky Com Affiliate"




M a great jol



















in I


a la


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”av-t _


x. ‘.‘


Former Wildcats Antoine Walker (Boston Celtics) and Scott Pad

‘2 Adam Spaw

Rupp Arena. Padgett's Jazz came out on top, 93-92.

Padgett adjusting to NBA

Former Wildcat star and Utah Jazz rookie has gone from
Karl Malone fan to Malone teammate

By Travis Hubbard


'l'he l'tah .lazx have been one of the
most successful teams ill the NBA in re
cent years. John Stockton and Karl Mal-
one are future Hall of l’amers and Jeff
Hornacek is a former .\llrstar. but when
the Jazz players stepped oll' their team bits
in Lexington. Kentucky. native Scott Pad
gett was the first player liliiit‘i'ti.

“We had an NBA Allrstat‘ (Stockton)
and Jeff Horn'icek. one of the best shoot»
ers‘ in the gatne. and this little old latly no-
ticed me." Padgett said ofthe Jazz arrival.

Malone was unable to suit up in Satur-
day‘s NBA exhibition game between tiie
Jazz and the Bostoti (‘eltics because of
back pains. anti .iohn Stockton played un-
usually poorly with six turnovers. Despite
a lackluster performance by l‘tah's‘ stars.
Lexington fans had five other reasons to
enjoy the game.

Not only was it Padgett‘s return to
Rupp Arena. btit Wayne Turner was there
with the Celtics. although he did not play
because of a sore elbow. Pormer [7K coach
Rick Pitino returned as coach of the
Celtics with forwards Antoine Walker attd
Walter McCarty.


The former l‘K players and coach
were reunited for the second tittie this pre
season. The Jan atid (‘eltics playetl
Wednesday in Nashville. liven though
they were former teammates. Mcl‘arty
and Walker gave the Jan rookie a hard

“"l‘oine was talking trash in
Nashville. but lyiust reminded him about
his fotil shooting from last year." said Pail

Padgett saitl he had fun and is enjoy
ing his rookie season with the Jam. thus
far. He especially enjoys playing with fu-
ture Hall of Famers. sticli as Malone and

“Outside of Michael Jordan. Karl .\lal
one was my favorite player grow ing up. l
thought he was a hard worker. but I had
no idea just how hard he worked until l
played with him." said Padgett.

“It‘s not because our games are alike.“
Padgett joked.

Padgett won't he asking for Malone's
autograph anytime soon. although he
might be carrying Malone‘s lu 'gage.

Padgett said. "If you are in awe of

someone you aren‘t going to he able to
compete.” Padgett still maintains his re-
spect tor Malone. however. "(I do) whatey
er he asks." Padgett said regarding being a

Phone: 257-1915 I Email-trueblueadamiyahootom


gett (Utah Jazz) squared off against each other in Saturday's NBA exhibition game in


Padgefit said he wasn‘t nervous ' bout
the Uanie. ill wztis nefi‘vous abo t zdt r issv
lllfi Miailtz.‘~‘a't;tilt-iiilittle: tr!
.lzi/Z:(Q‘i‘lllt‘\ and ti eent 'e l\i£$\( _

”It s not soniet iing was looking for-
ward to. but no one else wanted to do it."
said Padgett.

The crowd was mostly bipartisan. but
Padgett thought the fans started to lean to
ward the .lan as the game progressed.

“i thought they were cheering more
for lls. because in the last minute of the
gami- ‘iiere was a North (‘arolina guy
ti’ete (‘hilciittl that hit a three and they
cheered for him, l never thought id see
that.” said Padgett.

.lzi/x (‘oach .lerry Sloan said Padgett is
doing well and wasn't disappointed with
his play. l'adgett scored five points and
four rebounds on two of four from the field
and one oftwo for threewpoint field goals in
I'tah's Hall‘s) \\ in.

Sloan said. "He‘s got a terrific body for
this game."

Padgett said the toughest thing for
him is getting t‘elaVed and getting used to
the l’tah altitude. lie also said he got offto
a slow start because ol‘a brief vacation.

"When i first came to camp 1 hati just
got married. so i took some time off." said

Altogether. Padgett said he is comfort-
able with the Jazz and is looking forward
to adding to the success that the Jazz has
had in the past,

Former Cats look back

What a season it was: Pitino, Walker and McCarty reflect
back on the 1996 championship season at UK

By John Dobson
ASST. svoéts‘piiiv Hilton

Long ago. And. seemingly. so far away.

Former Wildcats Rick Pitino. Walter
McCarty. Antoine Walker. Wayne ’l‘urner
anti Scott Padgett returned to Rupp Arena
for a preseason tilt between the Boston
Celltics antl the l'tah .lazz Saturday night.
Padgett‘s Jazz were victorious. ruining the
homecoming for the prodigal sons in green
anti their coach.

The loss was just another reminder of

the harsh reali ties of the NBA for Boston
players who once called Rupp Arena home.
The memories of past glory. however. en»

For Pitino. Mt-(‘arty and Walker. the
1996 NCAA title remains a point of great

“1 always have said that i think that
was the greatest defensive team of all time.
and one ofthe greatest teams period." Piti-
iio said. “Our record indicated that anti the
way we went about our business indicated
that. We took care of every game as if it
were our last."

Mcl‘arty agreed with Photos asses»

“i take a lot of pride in that team." Me
(‘arty said. "i think we were one of the best
teams ever assembled. We loved every
minute of it."

Nine players from that squad have
signed NBA contracts after Turner‘s con
tract agreement with Boston this year.

"Anytime you have a team that works
hartl anti wins. you will always lioltl a spe
cial place in your heart for those times."
McCarty said.

For Walker. the present is awash with



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challenges he has taken some heat for be—
ing a crybahy iii the big leagues.

“19% was a special year for me individ
iially.” Walker said. “A lot of good things
happened for me as a person. it’s always
good to reflect back on that. to see how
everyone has progressed since then. We
had a lot of pros. a lot of guys who are in
the NBA right now."

in this. his fourth year in the league.
Walker is h irdly a candidate for the NBA
pension roll anytime soon. In his mind.
however. his college recollections are like
those flu/y childhood memories trea»
sured reminders of a bygone era. of a shit
pit‘t‘ time.

“it seems like a very long time ago.“
Walker said "I‘m into my NBA thing right
now. so a lot of that has faded away. But
those are good memories. anti l'm going to
cherish them for the rest ofmy life."

19% may not seem like a very long
time ago.

liiiweyei‘. in basketball terms for
these three men it may as well have been
a lifetime age

to the Alpha

Kappa Psi Fall
1999 Pledges




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The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student A(liVlilPS
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
I(apartments. Information can be submitted in Rm. 203 Student Center or by tom
pleting a request form on-line at http://www.rulty.e_du/StudentCenter Postings
requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to appear iii the .
calendar. For more information call 257—8866

1 mL(

as life Tutoring: French. 4-7pm. Haggin (omputer Lab
Res Lite Tutoring' Math. 6» 10pm. (ommons 308A

Res life Tutoring. History 108/100 6 30» 10pm (ominous 306



-N-T Meeting. 7.30pm. Baptist Student (enter

\Ipha Phi Omega Meeting. 7:30pm. Rm 359 Student (enter

DAB Multicultural Committee Meeting me 201 Student (enter. Everyone Welconie‘

’ H.A.T. Tuesday Worship Sewlte Sponsored by Wesley Foundation 7 309m Rm 2 )0 Student

.eftlst Student Union Meeting. 7pm. Rm .728 Student (enter

Breen Thumb Environmental (lub Meeting I ‘inpin. Rm 106 Student (enter

’re—Physlcal Therapy Student Assot Mt‘i‘lll‘iq i' 30pm Rm 205 Student (enter


Movie: New Psycho. 7 30pm South (dmlttis tHiE‘ sponsored by SAB
:xhiblt‘ A Tale of Two Cities. UK Art Museum

:xhibit 100 Giants oi (hair Design. LK Art Museum

Ixhlbit Town and Country. 12—4pni UK Art Must-uni

.xhlbil: Modern Fiction and Art l2~~4pm (it Art Museum


Jitlmaie Frisbee Club Practice. 6~8pm Band Field

Racquetball Singles Tournament lntri Deadline for int 30 3 it Sign up in Rm 14') St'dlfnl (enter
py 4pm

ae—Boxing. 3.30pm. Baptist Student lauon
JK Rugby Practice. 6‘8pm. (luti Sports Field


Same Night in Student (enter Gameroom i‘ ~9pm

BEE Flu Shots. given by Universtty Health Servuc- to all part and lull time t K and l(( students
tam-40m. Must have Student in. Outsme Rm 101 (Idssroom Bldg

.nglish Dept. Book Sale. 10—3pm. OutSide Student (enter




Wednesday 10/27

Res Life Tutoring Eng 101. 6304). Holmes (lassroom and (ommons 3088
Res Life Tutoring Chemistry. 35/ 30pm. (0nlm0nS 308A

Res life Tutoring. French. 7710pm. Keeneland

Res life Tutoring’ Spanish. 8- 10pm K“ Commons 306

Res lite Tutoring Math. 6—10pm. Haggin lounge

Res Life Tutoring History 108/ 109. 679 30pm. History 104 10‘) 6 30-8 30pm Holmes Study lounue



mil indoor Activities Committee Meeting. 5pm. 203 Student (enter

able Francoise. A French Conversation Group. 3—5pm. Magit Beans (ottep to South Hill Station
Solden Key National Honor Society Meeting. 6-8pm. Rm .778 Student (enter

JK Votes organizing Meeting. 6pm. Rm 231 Student (enter contact Ben at 135-9811 for iVTtiTl

iGA Environmental (oncerns Committee Meeting mini. Rm 2‘)! Student (enter

19.011} _
ae-Boxlng. 50m. Baptist Student Union

JK Octubafest Concert featuring U S Army Ground forces Baud Tuba Quartet. 8pm Sinuletai y
.oncert Hall

NBFL'S "Local Show" Featuring Bands. 61-9pm. Student (enter Gameroom
1“ Flu Shots. given by University Health Servit e to all part and full -time UK and lit students.
yam-4pm. Must have Student 10. L(( Academic Technical Bldg lobby






Thursda 10/28

ti ;- u
Eree Math 109 and 123 Tutoring. RM 119 Student (enter. Sign up in advance. call 746059 for
more info
Res Lite Tutoring: (hemistry. 5* .7 30pm. Noggin lounge
ies Life Tutoring' French. 4—6pm. (onimons 306
195 Life Tutoring Spanish. 3-5 300m at Holmes Study lounqr ii. ‘i . rpm at Haquin (ornputer lab
has Life Tutoring: Math. 6-~ 10pm. Holmes Classroom
Res Life Tutoring' History 104/105. 6 30 8 30pm (ominons 306

14111109} . .

hursday Night live. 8pm. Christian Student Fellowship building (502 (olumbia Ave 1

Devotion and lunch. 12pm. Baptist Student (enter. Si

reshman Focus. 6pm. Baptist Student (enter

JK Lambda. The Gay and Lesbian Student Org Meeting. 7 30pm. Rm 231 Student Center
hursday Night Dinner with UK Wesley foundation. 6pm. SOB (oiumhia Ave . 52. First time free
Dinner at the Dorms sponsored by Hillel lewish Student Org . 6 l‘ipm. Blazer Dininu Hall
’re-Medical AMSA Meeting. 7.30pm. Rm 114 Classroom Bldg

madam: ‘ .

)uke Ellington Symposium. call Itzi 4900 for more info
ntramurals/Ret reation

Jltlmate Frisbee Club Practice. 6 -8pm Band Field


aevBoxlnq. 3:30pm