xt7c599z3g3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z3g3h/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1960-06-10 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, June 10, 1960 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, June 10, 1960 1960 1960-06-10 2023 true xt7c599z3g3h section xt7c599z3g3h _4__



June L0, 1960

Dear Victor:

What was my astonishment recently in Louisville to see
on the front page of the neWSpaper a picture of a civilized man.
It was you. I congratulate you on your honorary degree.

I am glad the University knows enough to give you one. This
is sufficient reason for a certain amount of rejoicing.

I am very glad that you liked the poem. I was not sure
what your concept of the jacket was going to be, and if you
want to change the length of the lines, making them longer,
or anything like that, just let me know. Certainly if you want
to use the poem for Christmas I am delighted. If you have some
cards left over at that time I could probably, in fact cer -
tainly use them. As to the extra copied of what you print for
the cover, I could use a couple of dozen. Is that going to be
too much trouble! If so, fifteen would be all right.

I amnglad Carolyn's talk was a success. And of course I
would very much enjoy reading it. As to the New Yorker, it is
always a good idea to try them. I no longer know the ropes
around there. The man who used to handle stories in my day is

About the copies I spoke of as going to France, I don't
know what to do about them, but anyway, please hold them or
bring them over when you come. When shall we plan on another
meeting here! Toward the end of July perhaps. When you have
had time to get the books bound. This month is going to be a
busy one for me, and I will be pretty taken up in the first
part of July.

I am enclosing one of the slips Carolyn made out for
a book that is in the Library, and which I would like to have if

With every best wish to both of you, as ever, and God
bless you

Cordially in Christ

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