xt7c862bch7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bch7m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 2004 2004 2004-11-09 2020 true xt7c862bch7m section xt7c862bch7m {f‘/ 1.

08A: David Bettez discusses
study abroad options
Page 4


November 9, 2004


newsroom: 257-1915 Review: Donaldson follows in

Tolkien's footsteps with ‘Runes'


Celebrating 33 years of independence

First issue free Subsequent Issues 25 cents.

Study gets grant to research foal deaths

Researchers: Hairs of caterpillars key
to understanding string of horse deaths

By Katie Vass

Scientists and horse
breeders were mystified in
spring 2001 when about 3.000
foals were miscarried on
horse farms throughout
Central Kentucky.

UK researchers who
recently received a com-
bined $219,040 in grants
think they may know what
caused the deaths.

Coinciding with the lost
foals was a population explo-
sion of the Eastern Tent

Scientists are conducting
experiments to determine
what part of the caterpillar
is causing the onset of the
disease in the horses.

“We‘ve got some evi
dence that says it's the hair.“
said UK entomologist Bruce
Webb, who has been con-

ducting experiments and re-
searching the connection be-
tween the Eastern Tent
Caterpillar and the deaths.

About 25 to 30 percent of
pregnant mares lost their
foals due to Mare Reproduc-
tive Loss Syndrome, a dis-
ease that causes early and
late term abortions.

This devastation. which
cost an economic loss in cen-
tral Kentucky of about $330
million. led UK researchers
and scientists to begin stud-
ies on the disease.

At first. cyanide used to
treat plants was cited as a
possible cause for the syn-
drome. though research now
identifies the cause as the

The belief is that when
mares ingest the caterpil'
lars, the hairs of the cater-
pillar's body punch holes in

the mouth. throat and digese
tive tract of the mares. The
holes. or sores. help bacteria
from the gut enter the blood-
stream of the mare. which
eventually leads to the foal
and ultimately kills it.

“The bacteria we're get-
ting out of the fetus is the
normal gut bacteria out of
the horse." said Walter Bar-
ney. a scientist in the ento.
mology department.

Scientists are using chil-
dren's rock tumblers to re-
move the hairs from the
caterpillars. by putting a
frozen caterpillar into the
tumbler with dry ice to keep
it frozen. The hairs are col-
lected from the tumbler and
saved to research.

The disease can be seen
with an ultrasound of an in-
fected mare. Between 35 to
100 days of the pregnancy.
the ultrasound will give an
indication of the disease
when the placental fluids Of
the foal appear cloudy.

See Horses on page 2


“The bacteria
we're getting
out of the
fetus is the
normal gut
bacteria out
of the (mare)

Walter Barney

entomology researcher




By Laura Nelligan
mt xznrucxv ktxntt

Jenni (‘asper rarely roots
against lxiuisville.

But tonight will be one of
those occasions.

When Casper looks on the
other side of the volleyball
net. she will see the faces of
not only her friends but also
her favorite team the
Louisville Cardinals.

Casper. a sophomore
libero for the (Tats. graduated
from Mercy High School in
Louisville in zoos. She played
club volleyball at the Ken
tucky lndiana Volleyball
Academy. where she met .len»
nifer Craven and Candace (‘o
gan. who both play for

And (‘rasper can't wait to
play against them.

“It will be fun playing
them." Casper said. “We used
to play against each other all

the time. .lennifer was one
year older and (‘andace was
two years older. so we would
scrimmage in KlVA. It will
bring back memories."

Her friends on the other
side can‘t wait either

“UK has always been a big
rival. and even more with
.lenni on the team." (‘raven
said. "Jenni is connwtitive.
and i am competitive. so it
will be a good game."

But even though (‘aspcr
grew up a (‘ardinal fan. she
will have no problem with her

She is very much a (at.
her team says

in her second year with
l'K. she has contributed
many things to the team

As a libero. she serves as
the seventh starter and is a
defensive specialist permitted
to enter the court in more
than one position However.
the libero is required to al
ways stay in the hackcourt

Last season at this posi-
tion. (‘asper was named the
firstevcr Southeastern (‘on
ference Defensive Player of
the Year and named to the All-
Slit‘ First Team and the All-
Slit‘ freshman team.

In addition to those hone
ors. she recorded 17:1 digs last
season. which is the third.
highest single season total in
UK history

"She has a pure defensive
mindset." said head coach
.lona Braden. "ller defensive
piece adds punch to the of
fense. She has that inner
fight. determination to win.
and the spirit of going after
it ‘

Not only does (‘asper
bring amazing defensive skill
to the team. Braden said her
spirit fits the theme of this
year‘s volleyball team. Blue

“What makes her special

See Casper on page 3

Above - Intensive care unit supervisor Lynne Hewlitt kept an eye on a sick foal at Hagyard-Davidson-McGee, an equine
hospital on Ironworks Pike, May 9, 2001 after an affliction caused a dramatic increase in sick and stillborn foals.


Lefl - Researchers believe the hair from Eastern Tent Caterpillars caused the foal deaths in 2001. They believe the
hairs punched holes in the mouth, throat and digestive tract of the mares when ingested. The holes, or sores, helped bac-
teria from the gut enter the bloodstream of the mare, which eventually lead to the foal — ultimately killing it. To get the
hair off the caterpillars, the researchers put frozen caterpillars in a child's rock tumbler with dry ice.

Joint mm | sun
The sky glowed shades of red and green Sunday night as the Northern Lights. also known as aurora borealis, became visible over Lexington. The best place
to see this astronomical occurrence is away from city lights. such as near the Lexington Cricket Club near Bluegrass Station, where this photo was taken.

By the

Jenni Casper

88 games

400 digs (team-high)
2 kills

32 sets

30 receptions

Home Finale

Louisville at UK
7 Tonight in
Memorial Coliseum



Sky of Lights

The aurora borealis makes
an appearance over Lexington

By Dariush Shafa

Skies over Lexington blazed with light Sunday
night during one of nature's most vivid astronomical
displays. the Northern Lights.

Similar activity was predicted to happen last night
as well.

Also known by the scientific name. aurora borealis.
this vivid display of red and green is caused by solar
particles. said astronomy professor Tom Troland.

These particles. emitted in a “solar wmd" by the
sun. are electrically charged and are drawn to the
earths north and south magnetic poles. he said. male
ing it rare that they (‘i till“ this far south.

“l‘ve been here 3o years. and i only know of two or
three times ithev've been visiblei.” he said.

tince the charged particles enter the illllliispilt‘i‘t‘.
they release energy into the surrounding air mole-
cules. charging the an with energy and causing the
oxygen and nitrogen to glow. Troland said.

A Web site dedicated to astronomy.
www spaceweathercirm. predicts that more auroras are
possible because of a surge in solar sun spot activity.

dsliuja a A‘ykernelrom

UK sophomore
libero Jenni
Casper leads the
Cats with 400
digs this season.
Casper, who
grew up in
Louisville, will
face her home-
town team, the
No. 22 Louisville
Cardinals, at 7
pm. at
Memorial Colise-
um. Students get
in free with valid









PMEZ | Tuesday Nov. 9. 2004



Continued from page]

“We believe the disease
invades the placental fluid."
Webb said. Normally. the
placental fluid would appear
black on an ultrasound.

Even though the disease
has not been a large prob-
lem for the past three years.
the loss in 2001 has motivat-
ed research to find a cause
and a solution.

The few cases of the dis-
ease from 2002 to 2004 can be
attributed to the downward
cycle of the caterpillar pop-

ulation. Researchers believe
there is a disease within the
caterpillar population that
is causing the decline in
their population.

UK is enlisting the help
of biology students at Lex-
ington‘s 'l‘ates Creek High
School and Winburn Middle
School to educate them
about the disease and spark
their interest in science.

The students have been
counting the egg masses to
predict how big next year's
population of the caterpillar
will be. The students will
compare their count to the
number of tents. the thread-
like shelter the caterpillars
make. in the spring.

"We went to the horse


park (the Kentucky Horse
Park on Iron Works Park-
way in Lexington) to learn
about the disease." said
Tates Creek sophomore
Sami Mansour, who is in-
volved in the project. "Then
we looked at the eggs of the
caterpillars by the cherry

Currently the bald cater-
pillars are being fed to preg-
nant mares to test whether
the disease will affect them.
Scientists hope to target the
cause of the disease to avoid
another outbreak like the
one in 2001.

news a Azrkernel. com

Marines move cloSer for asSault on Fallujah

By Alissa J. Rubin, Patrick McDonnell
and John Hendren

warplanes pummeled suspect-

ed insurgent positions in Fal-
luiah early yesterday as thou‘
sands of American troops ad-
vanced to the edges of the
rebel-held city and prepared
to launch an all-out assault.

Iraqi commandos and US.
troops captured a hospital in
Falluiah late Sunday: The fa-
cility was seized “to ensure
that there was a medical treat-
ment facility available to the
population as well as making
sure the insurgents could not
continue to exaggerate casual-
ties,” at senior Pentagon offi-
cial said on condition of

US. forces halted traffic in
and out of Fallujah by night»
fall. and roads in the sur-
rounding countryside were
blocked. presumably to stop
fighters from escaping and to
prevent reinforcements or
arms from entering.

As dawn broke and a
thunderstorm poured down
rain. hundreds of Marines
streamed out of bases near
Fallujah. Scores of tanks.
Humvees. amphibious assault
vehicles and tow trucks
moved in toward the city

Arriving at staging areas
about a mile outside of town.
the troops dug ditches and
built berms with shovels.

Flames and smoke rose from
the city as the United States
launched a heavy attack.

The military movements
in Fallujah came just hours
after the Iraqi government de
elated a state of emergency in
most of the country: anticipat-
ing that violence could elsca-
late nationwide once US.
forces stormed the city. about
”$5 miles west of Baghdad.

Although the looming
showdown in Fallujah is in
some ways a rematch 0f
April‘s abortive five-day Ma—
rine assault on the city. this
battle could be mtich larger
and longer.

This time. the US. troops
have taken longer to prepare
and say they are determined
to go in with overwhelming
force and finish the fighting
instead of withdrawing
halfway through.

In April. fewer than 3.000
troops were initially de-
ployed, This time. US. forces
are known to have trained
two regimental combat teams

which could total more
than 6.000 troops to spear-
head the assault. with
Marines. soldiers. sailors and
extensive Air Force support.
In addition. thousands of
Army and other troops are in-
volved in the cll‘ort.

In another contrast with
April's assault. l’rimc Minis-
ter Ayad Allawi has sent en-
voys to neighlmring countries
to explain his approach. hop-

ing to avoid the kind of criti-
cism Arab countries leveled
at the United States over the
spring attack.

The rebels. too. appear to
be far more numerous. better
organized and well armed
than they were in April. ac-
cording to Falloujans.

US. intelligence estimates
that as many as 5.000 mili-
tants may be hunkered down
in the city. Most are believed
to be Iraqi. including many
former members of Saddam
Hussein's army

Residents reported contin-
uous explosions Sunday.

“We are just a helpless
and feeble town. a town like
an old man! Still. the US. is
accumulating its armies and
troops against Fallujah as if
Fallujah is a superpower that
stands in the face of Ameri-
ca." said Haji Mahmood
Allawi. a former colonel in
the Iraqi army who has
stayed in I-‘allujah for the
fight. ”If you look at what is
arrayed against Fallujah. you
would think World War III
was going to take place.”

Insurgents have threat-
ened to launch attacks
throughout the country if
Marines storm Fallujah. and
in recent days. militants have
stepped up assaults on Iraqi
police and soldiers. A number
of insurgents are believed to
have left I‘allujah in recent
days to conduct attacks in oth»
er cities.






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Bob Batch

A Kentucky native. Bob Batch is gladly returning for his
second season perforating at the (fats Den. His chamiing
southern style ofcomedy is intertwined with a fast-
paccd Boston delivery giving him an edge that makes
him a master ot'his craft.



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Nov. 9, 2004

By Jeff Patterson


Help wanted. Apply with-

The UK football team
needs help.

And head coach Rich
Brooks is seeking every op-

With the latest rash of in‘
juries plaguing the Cats.
Brooks is trying whatever he
can to fill his roster.

“Anybody interested in re-
turning punts can come out
to the practice field today."
Brooks joked.

Seventeen players who
were listed on the first or sec-
ond team at the start of the
season are currently out with

The kick returners might
as well have had a bull's-eye
on their chest this year.

First. sophomore Keenan
Burton broke his wrist early
in the season.

Go to Plan B.

Freshman Dicky Lyons Jr.
broke his shoulder blade Oct.
30 at Mississippi State. He's
out for the season.

Last weekend in UK's 62-
17 loss to Georgia. junior An-
drew Hopewell suffered a
thigh contusion on his first

During Monday's practice
Brooks tried using senior
quarterback Shane Boyd and
senior safety Russ Throck-

It's reached that level of

“This is approaching
about as bad as it gets."
Brooks said. "When you run
out of players at a few critical
positions. it gets unnerving."

Cook ins extra ear of eli-
nihility‘la y

The NCAA granted a
sixth year of eligibility to se-
nior receiver Tommy Cook on
Monday: Cook tore the anteri-
or cruciate ligament in his
left knee during the Blue-
White game in April.

Cook needed the NCAA to
grant him a second medical
redshirt in order for him to
ever play again, He redshirt-
ed in 2000 after breaking his

“Obviously. this is a win-
win situation for Tommy
Cook.” Brooks said. “He's an
outstanding young man. He


Continued from page 1

is that she's the only player
from Kentucky." Braden said.

Jeff Patterson

Assistant Sports Editor
Phone: 267-1915 | E-mallzsportsOkykemelcom

Fix WW .1. .\'(_)'l‘l<‘.B( )( )K

Brooks looking for part-time workers


will be a big boost to the 2005
Kentucky football team."

Su Williams will miss
Sen or Day activities

Senior safety Mike
Williams. who was suspended
for the remainder of the sea-
son for violating unspecified
team rules last Friday. will
not participate in Saturday's
Senior Day festivities. Brooks

The team learned of
Williams‘ suspension Friday
night at the hotel.

But Williams has taken
the suspension well. accord-
ing to his teammates.

“Mike‘s overcome much
ntore difficult things than
this." said senior cornerback
Earven Flowers.

Lineup changes

With senior defensive
ends Ellery Moore and Vin-
cent “Sweet Pea" Burns out
with high ankle sprains. sev-
eral younger players will take
their spot. Freshman Jason
Leger. redshirt freshman
Ricky Abren and sophomore
Lamar Mills will start.

.lunior center Matt Mc-
(‘utchan has also been out
with a minor neck injury
Redshirt freshman center
(‘asey Shumate played about
20 snaps Saturday. and senior
guard Jason Rollins. who has
played center sparingly. may

“Site has had a love for the
university since she was a lit-
tle girl. This is a very conta-
gious piece. It really rubs off
on the rest of the team."

As for playing No. 22
Louisville tonight. both
(‘asper and Braden said it‘ll
be ait difficult match.

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start at center Saturday.
Brooks said.

Lyons loses his ride

It‘s been a difficult month
for Dicky Lyons Jr. First. he
broke his shoulder blade. end-
ing his season. And now his
scooter is in the shop for re-

Ever since he arrived on
campus in August. Lyons and
his scooter have been insepa~
rable. He has even given rides
to his teammates. most n0.
tably afoot-6 freshman receiv‘
er Lonnell Dewalt.

Vandy's Cutler injured

Although he isn‘t facing

“Anytime there's an in-
trastate rivalry. there's an
emotion that‘s stirred.”
Braden said. "For this game.
we need to be in a defensive
mindset and put pressure on
ottr opponent‘s tendi‘xncies."

That‘s something (‘asper
will not fitrget tonight. even


Senior safety
Mike Williams
(1) sacks Ohio
senior quarter-
back Ryan
Hawk in Ohio's
28-16 over UK
Oct. 2. Williams
was tied for
third on the
team with 43
tackles before
his suspension.

mm nun
| sun

the shortages UK is, Vander-
bilt head coach Bobby John-
son also faces a short-handed
roster. Junior quarterback
Jay Cutler missed practice
Sunday with an ankle injury.
Like many UK players. he
wears a protective boot.

“He‘s a tough guy and if
there’s any way to play. he‘ll
be ready." Johnson said.

Jeff Patterson covers UK football
for The Kentucky Kernel. This article
contains his observations and opin-
ions. He can be heard Sundays at 9

pm. on "The Big Blue Review" on

WRFL, 88.1 FM.

jpatterson M kykernelcom

‘Q UK head coach
. Rich Brooks

" " ’ announced Mon-
day that senior
safety Mike
Williams (left) will
not participate in
Saturday's Senior
Day festivities. UK
hosts Vanderbilt
at 1 pm.

cults envious |


with facing her hometown

“She takes the ‘Blue Atti-
tude' defense to the court."
Braden said. "It‘s in her

Illelligan i a Itylrernel. 00m





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(Milli Ulllllll

Week of November 8th-14th

The CaVV‘UliS Caterina: is predated m we Ottice of Stonem Arl'V‘lies Registered S'uoent Orgs
and UK Debts can SoD'V‘w‘ intovmatim: for FREE (tonne ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAV m m

"rat or .5 to appear a' http://www.ulcy.odu/CompuoColondor. Call 257-8867 10' Wtore
'Ioptiot Studont Union'o Englioh Conversation
’ UK Studonto tor tho Mootlng, 8:00pm, Itudont

M'h. “mu ”'1‘." "l 'I 1 ~3°P|lir ‘29
M'I'Ihl- AV..

Tues 9
. Room 115


“11: Boroon Ilblo Study, 8:00pen-9200pm, Studont Comor. Room

"Pro Physical Thoropy Studont Aoooclotion floating. 7:30pm,
Willlom 1'. Young Librory. Gollory Room

'Nottonol Ctudont S h-Longuogo-llooring Aoooclotl 7 00pm
pooc on. : .
Collogo of Hooith Scionco Building, Room 41 1


'Shoolin-Do Club Mooting, 5:00-6:30”, Alumni Gym Loft, 300
nor oomootor foo

’UK Fonolng Club, 8:009m-10:009m, luoll Armory on
Administration Dr.

'UK Wotor Ski Club, 8:00pm OFF CAMPUS, Coil (889)983-4123
for moro Info.

’UK Too Kwon Do Club Mtg., 8:30pm-1:30pm, Alumni Gym Lott,
coll 351-7311 for moro into

'Cloooiool Tuoodoyo “Citlzon Kano," 8:00pm, Worehom Thootro,
Stardom Contor


'UK Animo prooonto Alohltru :o Bolsy, 6:00pm, Sodom Castor,
Contor Thooto


'MCL, French Division's Table Froncoioo, Fronch

Conversation Group, 3:004:30pm, Student

Center, Room 206

'Lovondor Society Mtg, 7:00pm, Student Cantor, Wed

Room 228

'Coto For Chriot Mtg, 7:00pm, Student Corner,

Room 230

'UK Followohip of Chriotion Athletes Mtg., 8:00pm, Upotoiro of
tho Commono Morkot, South Campus

'Luthoron-Epiocopol Compuo Ministry's Worohip ond Dinner,
7:00pm, St. Augustino'o Chapel on Rooo St.

'Collogo Republican Mtg. 8:00pm, Commono Morkot, Room 306
'Womono Studios Vogino Monologuoo Informotionol Mootlng,
7:30pm, Student Cantor, Room 211


'Croativo Writing Corner, 6:00pm-8:OOpm. W.T. Young Library,
Writing Center, 5th floor Wootoido, for more information coll tho

Writing Contor ot 257-1356
Thurs 1 1

'UK Fonclng Club, 8:00pni-10:00prn, Iuoll Armory on
Adminiotntion Dr

mounts-o. Club Mug. moo-ooh. Alumni Gym Loft. ooo
oomootor foo
'Droooogo Toom Mooting, Om. m Contor, loom 11!


'Wooloy Foundotion Foouo Worohlp, 7:30pm,
Ctudont Comor, Contor Thootor

'Chrlotion Studont Followohip prooonto

'8 norgy", I: , CCF Building on tho cornor
of W mum-bio

'UK Phi Alpho Dolto Pro-Low Mtg., 8:00pm,
Ctudont Contor. Room 20..

nAgilobyltovoMoetln,l. .flnoArto


'UK Too Kwon Do Club Mtg.. 5:30pm-6230pm, Alumni Gym Loft,
coll 331-7311 for moro ano
'Doug Womblo, 3:00pm, Momorlol Noll Fri
"Mind. Wldo Opon," Mondoy—Fridoy, 1 1:00pm-
B:00pm. Roodoll Art Gollory, Studont Contor
'Picoooo ot tho Lopin Agllo by Ctovo Monln, 8:00pm, Flno Arto
Building. Guignol Thootro, 'l'lclioto on 38-01., coll 2374.29 tor
moro into
“UK Anlmo prooonto Lupin Ni ht Douhlo Footuro: Cootlo oi
Cogllootro. 0:00pm, Ctudont ontor, Contor Thootor
m Iron Do coo "stow-1
Alum Om sole. ool 8| 1 m om 3‘ ~
ool “he moo

Sun 1 4


"any. om, 1:30pm. oi
, Coll aruoao

Am, “ohm oro "tier









Nov. 9, 2004



Emily Hagedorn, Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor

Ben Roberts. Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal. Asst. managing editor for news


Steve Ivey, Managing editor
Josh Sullivan, Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham, Prerects editor
Tim Wiseman. Sports editor


Council shakeup must bring real change

Last Tuesday Lexington voters over-
whelmingly voiced their displeasure with
Urban County
Council. Incumbents Paul Brooks. Wanda
Sipe Ellison and Gloria Martin all lost their

the Lexington-Fayette


All of those members supported the
effort to condemn and seize control of has

Kentucky American Water Company.

Last Tuesday morning. the urban county
council was lined up 9—6 in favor of condem~
nation. Tuesday night. the breakdown was
reversed. with nine council members oppos-

ing the condemnation process.

One of the new urban county council's
first orders of business should be to end the

effort to seize this well run company.

The council has been obsessed with this
fight for the past year. Voters knew where


Opinions editor Andrew Martin
sat dozen with Study Abroad Director
[)ai'id Bette: to discuss options and
opportunities I'K students icho decid
ed to study in other countries hare

.fi .2

t. Why study abroad?
“it . There are personal and
professional reasons to study abroad
Personal reasons to see a place that
you‘ve always wanted to see. maybe a
heritage reason for going to study

Professionally we live lit a global
society so I think all students should
be aware of this The best away to be
come aware is to go abroad yourself

Students who go abroad learn a
lot about countries they go to. they
learn a lot about their own country

because they are representatives of

the United States. whether they like
it or not sometimes I think our stu-
dents learn a lot about themselves

So l think these are all reasons
for going abroad.

Q How many options do stu-
dents have to choose from?

IX t Hundreds. There are
many options to 17K. departments.
colleges. through our office If those
options don't work then we can help
students find programs from every
university that can suit their person-
al. professional or educational needs.

(:32 Whotpr'ograrnsorrrialors

A . Last semester. I think we
had over 50 different majors repre-
sented in the Study Abroad program.
I assert that any major can do a
study abroad.

Now it may be studying in the
major. for either major requirements
or electives. or it may be just study-
ing abroad outside the major for uni-
versity requirements or electives.

With proper planning. early plan-
ning. students from any major.

Q. Isn't studying abroad pro-

A o It doesn't have to be. This

Q&A with DaVid Bettez

vote on the water compa-

their representative stood and understood
that their council vote would be a de facto


ny issue. They roundly
rejected the council's

Now. the new council
an obligation to
respond to its con-
stituents and end this
reckless pursuit before it
drains more taxpayer dol-
lars. The court battles
surrounding this fiasco
have cost us well over a

candidates opposed to the
water company takeover
should send condemnation

The election of several
urban county council

supporters a message.


million dollars so far.

It's time to fall on our swords.
The council should also make funding
for the police force and fire departments a

Director of Study Abroad program



is one of the myths of Study Abroad.
It can be Some programs are expen-
sive But we focus here on primarily
cost effective programs.

We have some summer programs
that are amongst the best bargains iii
the l'nited States for six hours of

For a semester a year we focus on
exchange programs where students
can basically pay their 17K tuition
atitl fees. sometimes room anti boartl
and administrative fees anti ex
change places with students from all
over the world, And so that makes
the cost quite reasonable

You‘ll have to. of course. pay for
transportation abroad

Students often then save on car
expenses. for example It cati be but it
doesn‘t have to be expensive and plan
early and take advantage of the best

. f'm

Is it too late to study
abroad next semester?
it would be a little tough. I

won‘t say it‘s impossible

There are language programs. for
example. that sometimes require
only a month notice

Most of our students coming in
now are starting to plan for the sum
mer or following vear

There‘s still plenty of time for
summer programs

(i) Is it necessary for stu-
dents to know the language spoken
in the country they study in?

{At . It's not. We do obviously
support the study of foreign lanr
guages but it isn't absolutely neces»
sary to know a language to be in the

We have some examples here at
UK. We have a college of business
programs in France. ltaly and Airs
tria where students can go and take
upper—level business classes in Eng»

We've had chemical engineers in
Budapest. Hungary and a geology
student at the University of Iceland
who neither spoke Hungarian or Ice»
landic. It's not absolutely necessary

That's another one of those
myths of study abroad.






Is it difficult to get visas
and other travel documents?

It's becoming a little more
complicated for getting visas to some
countries because of what we are do-
ing with students from those coun-
tries niaking them all go to the em
bassy to get personal interviews for
visas But on the whole it‘s not too
bait. .liist another bureaucratic step.
and we help students hurdle that.

Are there some countries
or regions that would be considered
dangerous for American students?

‘2 The three of us who deal
with Study Abroad are on the State
Department e-mail list where we get
automatic notifications. updates of
safety conditions around the world.

If I recall correctly there are 26 or
27 countries on the State Department
warning list that we would not send
students to at this time.

i Any particular country or

‘t . lt ranges from some
places in the Middle East although
we had a couple of graduate stu~
dents. one in Syria anti one in Jim
dan. this summer studying Arabic.

We used to send some students to
Nepal but we‘re not doing that; that's
a rough place to be right now. Atitl so
it‘s just whatever the State Depart»
ment warns against.

Q When students study
abroad what do they bring back with

n‘\ « They do get a better ap-
preciation for the world around us.
That the United States is not the only
place in the world

l think they get a better under»
standing of themselves and their
ability to adapt to new cultures and
new situations which can be. impor-
tant for the future when they leave

Students adapt to new cultures
when they leave here. business cul
tures or new educational cultures
and so forth. These are things I think
they get.


top priority. ()ur officers ar . severely under-
paid and have been fleeing the city in pur~
suit of better wages. The
first function of govern-
ment should be to protect
its citizens. The council
has seen fit to rank that
goal shamefully low on
the priority list for far too
long. It's time to put it
where it belongs.
should take a backseat to
the effort to retain the
best safety personnel and
pay them the most com-
petitive wages possible.

A city growing as quickly as Lexington
can‘t afford to let its police officers and fire-

fighters bolt town because they can‘t meet
the cost of living.

After ending the water company
takeover and stetiiming our public safety
crisis. the council should follow 3'” District
(‘ouncilman Dick I)e(‘amp's lead and work
on ways to continue improving the relation-
ship between UK anti Lexington.

We are undeniably a “college town." and
a strong working relationship between UK
and the urban county government will ben-
etit everyone. The Live Where You Work pro-
gram, which offers grants for UK and
Lexington government employees to buy
townhouses near campus. is a great start.

Lexington voters plainly rejected our old
council‘s actions. Our new council would do
well to heed the message or else the future
may hold another historic shakeup.




President Bush deserves
support of his detractors

Oh. no! Only one week after Bush‘s re-election antl a
whole new monster of myths is lurching up from the debris
of fallen