xt7c862bck5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bck5j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1935-12-16  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 16, 1935 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 16, 1935 1935 1935-12-16 2020 true xt7c862bck5j section xt7c862bck5j i







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he must secure the written De

less than 12 credits,

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Dean and file same in the Registrar's office in order

from his


the Un'

1 n


to remain longer

Section Z


Make penalty for absence before or after hol

1 credit and 1 point, the same for all collegese


~ Omit dismissal so that


9e 41 a Eggrees of Di



The degrees of discipline in the University are expulsion,





Minutes of the University Senate; Contirued, December 16“ 1935

suspension c reprimand"

excludes f


>n is permanent exclusion from the Universitv; Susnension

a definite time» but not to exceed two semesters; reprimand

is an admonition given by the proper officer ac0ording to the Circumstances


of the particular cusee

Page 42 m Fenslty for Cheating a Change third paragraph to read;

"If a student is drapped from class for cheating as a second offense,
he shall be Eusgended find not he Ellcwed to reenter the University
until the beginning of Eh: Sorresoonding semester or term of the
following veere The Registrar shall report that fact to his Dean who
will notify the student that he is suSpended!



Page 42 a Particiystion in Public Activities a Substitute the following;

To be eligible to participate in extraecurricula activities such
as extraemural athleticsn dramaticsa membership on staffs of University
publications, class officersg fraternity and club offices, sponsorships,
a student must meet the following requirements:

1. He must have met the full entrance requirements.
2. He must be carrying a schedule of at least 12 credit hours.
35 He rust not be on probation.

4. A first so ester freshman may participate immediately upon
matriculation, except for membership in a fraternity. For eligibility
during his second semester and thereaftero except as provided for
in intercollegiate athletics under perographs 5 and 6. he must have
gained credit during the yreceding semester for threeofourths of the
work of that period required for graduatione For membership in a
fraternity he must have gained credit during the preceding semester
for threeafcurths 1f the work of that period required for graduation
with a standing of one.“

59 For intercollegiate athletics during his first varsity year
he must have gained credit in the freshman year for three-fourths of
the credits required in that Year fOr graduation.

69 For intercollegiate athletics during his second and third
varsity years he must have passed during the preceding year three»
fourths and during the preceding semester threeefifths of the
proportionate yercentage of hours required for graduation in the
course in which he is registerede

7, A student with an incomplete grade at the time of the opening
of the session may have the privilege of removing that grade any
time up to and including the second Monday (The close of the regular
registration period) and have it considered as completed the
previous year.

The members of the faculty in charge of these student activities
are required to present to the Dean concerned the list of students
proposing to engage in the“ hefore proceeding. The Registrar will
issue a certificate of eligibility as authority for the proposed











































Minutes of the University Senate; Continued° December 169 1935

Page 43 a Egcial Life - Substitute the following:

The general control and arrangement of student social life is the function

of the Committee on Social Affairs which has power to act under the following
rules passed by the University Senate.

It is desired and urged that all entertainments given by the students
shall be simple, free from ostentatious display and inexpensive and so far
as possible they shall be held on the University campus.

General Rules

1. Dances shall be on Friday or Saturday afternoons or eVenings or
on the evening of the day before a legal holiday or on a legal holiday,
In every case, permission shall be obtained from the Social Committee.
However, permission for dances on special occasions at times other than
these may be granted by the Dean of Women and the Dean of Men on approval
of the President, For functions other than Saturday night the closing
hour shall be ten-thirtyo Saturday night functions shall close at
ten-thirty, Saturday night functions shall close at twelve o'clock.

2. A calendar showing time and place of all dances and entertainments
shall be made by the Social Committee. An up—to-date copy shall be kept
in the office of the Dean of Men.

3. All such events shall be properly chaperoned. Not later than one
week prior to the affair, the names of chaperones who have accepted the
invitation, and of the committee in charge, shall be given in writing
to the Dean of Women. If this list is not submitted by the time specified,
the event may be automatically cancelled.

4. Besides the chaperones. at least one member of the University
Social Committee or some one designated by the Committee as its representative
shall attend the entertainment and remain until it closes. The name of the
committeemember or representative shall be printed on the program as one of
the chapcrones.

5. Permission for formal social functions will be granted only to
organizations which meet their financial obligations promptly and make the
financial reports to the Auditing Committee if such reports are required under
University ruling.

6. Permission for women students to attend out-of-town dances must be
sent directly to the Dean of Women by the parent or guardian of the
woman student. For each cuteof-town dance° permission must be obtained
from the Dean of Women and acceptable chaperones provided.

Fraternities and Sororities

1. University Fraternities and Sororities are subject to
regulations adopted by the University Senate and all students who comtemplate
connecting themselves with such organization as well as those who are
members should inform themselves in regard to these regulations which may
be obtained from the Dean of Men or the Dean of Women.


VI.” l,






Minutes of the University Senate: Continued December 16, 1935

2. Classification

a. Collegiate

he Professional

0. Honorary

d. Class or Local

a. Collegiate Fraternities are the fraternities which
have been designated as social fraternities and maintain houseso

be Professional Fraternities are those that organize
for academic aims and limit their membership to students professing
aims in some Special field of knowledge.

06 Honorary Fraternities are those that require a
standing of 1.8 for membership or select the same from the upper
twoofifths of the class and maintain a group standing of not less
than 2,

d. Class or Local Fraternities are those that have no
intention or desire to become national and may be limited to
classes or may be general clubs»

Special Rules for Fraternities and Sororities

1. No student shall be initiated into a Fraternity or Sorority
until he or she has been in residence on semester and until he or
she has met the requirements for participation in extra-curricula

2. No Fraternity or Sorority may initiate a student without
first obtaining a certificate of approval. Certificates are
issued by the Dean of Men for men and the Dean of Women for women”

30 Undergraduates who are special students or matriculates
in short course of study are not elibible to membership in a
Fraternity or Sorority.

University Approval of Houses and Residences

1. All contracts for renting or purchasing club houses and
proposed location for such houses must be submitted to a
faculty committee for approval before any contract is closed. The
Faculty Committee shall consist of the Busirmss Agent9 the
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, the Dean of the College of
Law” the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women.

2. The selection of house mothers for all fraternity and
sorority houses must be approved by the Dean of Men for Fraternities
and the Dean of Women for Sororities. The Fraternities and
Sororities may, howevere submit names for the Deans' approvale

39 Women of the Freshman Class will not be permitted to reside
in Sorority houses, and Saphomore. Juniors and Senior women must
get permission from the Dean of Women to do so.

















Minutes of the University Senate: Continued December 15; 1935

4. No woman studentg unless she is under the care of relatives
may board outside of the residence halls or the sorority houses without
the consent of the Dean of Women.



Attendance at Races and Camping Parties ”a


1. Women students residing in the residence halls9 sorority houses,
or boarding houses are not permitted to attend the races nor to go
on camping parties that remain overonight nor to swim in the river or
any pool outside of Lexington within the academic year which extends
from the time of regirtratlon in September until Commencement Day in
June except upon request of their parent or guardian presented in
writing and approved by the Dean of Women. In such cases a chaperone
acceptable to the Dean of Women must be provided.








2. Permission for all camping parties held during the academic
year must be obtained from the Dean of Men for men”s parties and
from the Dean of Women for women°s parties and from both deans for
mixed parties. In all parties where there are women9 chaperones ;
acceptable to tie Dean of Women must be provided. m







Permission for New Organizations


1. No society or association may be organized among the students
of the University without permission of the Senate and no change
in the character of the regulations of such society or association may
be made without such permission.


2. Petitions for pernission to organize new social or fraternal
organizations must not include the names of any students on probation.

Withdrawal of Authorization
1. The Senate reserves the right to withdraw its authorization from

any society of students if in its judgement the wellebeing of the
University requires such action.




Page 48 a Military Science a Required Work a Substitute the following; ”1

Military science is required of all male freshmen and sophomores
who are citizens of the United States. who are not less than 14 years
of age, and whose bodily condition is such as to meet the requirements
specified by the War Department,

A student who enters the University with advanced credit is
required to take military science until he attains junior classification.
If he is excused from all or any part of the requirements on account
of physical disability, he is released permanently from that part of
the requirement. If he is excused for reasons other than physical
disability. he is required to make the work up before graduation.


A student will be excused from required military science in the ‘M‘
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. and will not be issued a Government 9\
uniform or commutation therefor. until and unless he meets all the 4:

prescribed requirements and has been selected by proper authority to pursue

the Reserve Officers' Training Corps course.



Minutes of the University Senate: Continuedt December 16, 1935

Students twentyafive years of age at time of first registration
in the University are excused.

Page 49 a §§E3§83 = Add following:

First paragraph, last sentence:

“ and to the Head of the Dept of Military Science.”


Excuses rrom military training for work done in junior units
(essentially military and high schools) where an officer of the Armv
is detailed as professor of military science may be granted by the ~
Head of the department of Military Science and may be applied only
on the basic Course, Excuse will not be given to a student for

military training received prior to his fourteenth birsghdaye

The satisfactory Completion of military training at a recognized
junior unit will entitle a student to the following exemptions;

One year”s training; Exemption from the first semester, first year
basic course"

Two years” training: Exemption from the first year basic course.

Three years” training; Exemption from the first year basic course

and the first semester of the scoond year
basic course.
Four years” training: Exemption from the entire basic course.

Students who are entitled to be excused from the entire basic
course by reason of work completed at a junior unit may, if they
desire to take the advanced course be required to complete the
second semester of the second year basic course at this institutione

The ROTC and the Band


10 All freshman and sophomore members of the Band who are
physically qualified will be required to enrol in the ROTC. The
Music Department is to have comnlete charge of the training and
instruction of the Band during the first semester for football
games, etcH and award the entire grade for the semestere Credit is
to be the same as for Military Science students.

29 During the second semester the Band will function as a
military organization and will be turned over to the Military Department
for not to exceed twentycseven (27) hoursn exclusive of scheduled
parades and ceremonies” for instruction in Military Courtesy and
DisciplineD Military Hygiene and First Aid. and Drill, in preparation
for parades: ceremoniesP and marches with the ROTC Regiment. During
the time the band is turned over to the Military Department, the
Band will be under the control and subject to the orders and discipline
of the Military Department. The Music Department is to be responsible
for the musical instruction of the Band only. Each department is to
award fifty per cent (50%) of the semester grade.

