xt7cfx73vf4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73vf4f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1920 yearbooks ukyrbk1920 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1920 Volume XXI text The Kentuckian 1920 Volume XXI 1920 2012 true xt7cfx73vf4f section xt7cfx73vf4f University .Arefilves- ! - NortK ino UniversUy AfcHlveJ Margaret I. King Library - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 I EXLIBRIS THE KENTUCKIAN 1920 Volume XXI The Year Book of the University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky -.:.=. ;,:; FOREWORD It is not our desire in tne publication of this volume to offer to tne world an imperishable -work of literature, but merely to record in simple and effective manner the deeds of our student days, so that in future life we may turn through these pages and live once again those days we spent in college halls. Hence, stranger, look not upon our humble work with critical eyes, but become as one of us, that you may the more appreciate the contents of this volume. i L ORDER OF BOOKS University Classes Athletics Organizations Features * (6) DEDICATION to DR. FRANK L. McVEY Our President Whose ability and untiring efforts have placed our University on a higher level and enabled it to serve more perfectly the students of Kentucky, this volume is respectfully dedicated. : 5/eeT/ M Mi v"'-3is-"V bleet! - (14) UNIVERSITY College of Arts and Science This year (he College of Arts and Science has changed its name and will be known henceforth as "The College of Arts and Sciences." Never before in the history of the University has this college been able to give its students a broader and more liberal training than today. The able corps of instructors which was last year strengthened has this year had further additions to its ranks. The two former boys' dormitories have been remodeled into recitation buildings and turned over lo the use of the college. Thus the Departments of Zoology, Economics and Sociology, Psychology, Bacteriology, Botany, Music and Art and Design have been given more room to expand and to still further enlarge their scope of activity. The Little Theatre, situated in White Hall, has, under the auspices of the English Department, performed a real service in stimulating the interest of the community in play giving. This year also students in this college have been given the opportunity of practical work along sociological lines by the addition of Red Cross Courses to the curriculum. The College of Agriculture Under the direction of Dean Cooper the College of Agriculture has always stood for a broad educational program. This has been accomplished through its Experiment Slation, teaching and extension departments. It has been his purpose through these agencies to make the agriculture of the state more profitable and the rural conditions more wholesome and attractive . The short courses in Agriculture and Home Economics offered at the University and the movable schools which have been held in various parts of the state have been very successful in bringing the message of scientific agriculture to the farmer himself. (it) Wmm The College of Engineering The College of Engineering under the supervision of Dean Anderson continues to increase the efficiency of the training given to the students of its various departments. The keen interest of the Dean for his department is felt by all the students. He has often said that he is not training engineers but executives; men who will go into the various branches of engineering to assume the responsible positions of industrial leadership. It is this training which each engineer who goes out from the university receives. The College of Law At the head of the Law College stands Judge Lafferty, the friend, guardian and advisor of all his students. The addition of several valuable men to the teaching staff has enabled the college to make rapid progress in the type of training offered. The length of term required for graduation has also been increased and the course now occupies the full four-year period. The Law College has advanced in a manner in keeping with the progress of the entire university. (17) Dean Simrall The office of the dean of women serves one of the most important functions in the life of the University. As director of the social life and general welfare of the girls Dean Simrall is efficiently fulfilling the functions of her office. Not only has she sought the welfare and happiness of the women, but in every phase of university activity she has shown herself to be deeply interested. Having proven herself to be a wise counselor and loyal friend, Miss Simrall is constantly growing in the esteem of the students. Her marked ability, not only as a writer, but as a lecturer and reader, have been recognized by the Women's Clubs over the State before whom she has appeared many times. Her gracious manner, her charming personality, her splendid vision have already made her one of the most popular and valued members of the University faculty. The Dean of Men The office of the Dean of Men serves very effec-ti.ely the many miscellaneous needs of the university students. Dean Melcher has always endeavored to make the life of the students more wholesome, profitable and above all, more enjoyable. By his wise counsel generations of students have prospered and we trust that many succeeding generations will be equally fortunate. (18) New Faculty Members Charles Herbert Anderson Professor of Engineering and Design Professor Anderson came lo the university from Sealtle, Washington, where he had been many years engaged in railway engineering. While acting in this capacity he developed the steel car and certain ship-loading devices. W. P. Angel, A.B., M.A. Assistant Professor of Physics Professor Angel received his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Tennessee and his Master's from Johns Hopkins University. He is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi honorary fraternity and an associate member of the American Chemical Society. Before coming to the university Professor Angel taught at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, North Carolina A. and M. College, Oklahoma A. and M. College, and Johns Hopkins University. John O. Barkman, B.A. Instructor in Dairy Manufactures Mr. Barkman is a 1915 graduate of Ohio State College. He has been engaged in commercial manufacturing since 1915. Minna Belle Bates, B.S. Instructor in Art and Design Miss Bates is a graduate of Columbia University. Before coming to Kentucky she was supervisor of art in Sherman, Texas. Harry Best, A.B., M.A., Ph.D. Professor of Sociology Doctor Best is a social worker of note. He is a graduate of Centre College, and also holds the degrees of M.A., Columbia; LL.B., New York Law School, and Ph.D., Columbia. He is a member of the American Economics Association, the American Sociological Society, the American Association of Workers for the Blind, the Academy of Political Science, the American His'orical Association, and the National Conference of Social Workers. Doctor Best has also been made honorary vice-president of the University Settlement Alumni, New York, and has written a number of books on sociological subjects. Marie Boterf, A.B. Instructor in Home Economics Miss Boterf is a graduate of the University of Missouri. She is a member of the Pi Lambda Theta honorary fraternity and of the American Home Economics Association. Howard Milton Boyd, A.B. Instructor in Chemistry Mr. Boyd is a graduate of Auburn College, and has been for two years a chemut for Eli Lildey & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana. (19) George C. Buchheit Assistant Football Coach; Instructor in Physical Education. Mr. Buchheit is an all-around athlete. As a member of the football, basketball, and track squads of the University of Illinois he did notable work. He is a member of the Theta Tau and Delta Tau Delia fraternities. John Scott Cleland, A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Economics and Sociology Professor Cleland received his advanced degrees at Princeton and the University of Pittsburgh. He is a member of the American Economics Association and of the American Sociological Society. Professor Cleland has devoted much of his time to social setllement and to other forms of social work. He is one of the college men who early in the war gave their services to the country. L. Maybelle Cornell, B.S. Instructor in Textiles and Clothing Miss Cornell is a graduate of the University of Ohio. She is a member of the Phi Rho Omicron honorary home economics fraternity and of the American Home Economics Association. Previously to coming to the university Miss Cornell had done extension work in Ohio. L Marietta Eichelberger, A.B., S.M. Instructor in Nutrition Miss Eichelberger received her Bachelor's Degree at the Mississippi Industrial Institute and her S.M. Degree at the University of Chicago. She is a member of the Sigma Xi fraternity, and has taught in Shorter College, Rome, Georgia. G. W. Forster, B.S., M.S. Professor of Agricultural Economics Professor Forster received his B.S. degree at Cornell and his M.S. at Wisconsin. He is a member of the American Farm Economics Association, has taught at the University of Wisconsin, and has been for two years in war service overseas. George Washington Goble, B.A., LL.B. Professor of Law Professor Goble received his advanced degree at Yale University. He is a member of the Gamma Eta Gamma honorary law fraternity and of the Delta Sigma Rho honorary debating fraternity. Besides having engaged in the practice of law for a number of years, Professor Goble has had four years of teaching experience. Jay Cook Grimes, B.S., M.S. Instructor in Animal Husbandry Professor Grimes received his Bachelor's Degree at the University of Tennessee and his advanced degree at the University of Kentucky. Before coming to Kentucky Mr. Grimes did extension work for the University of Tennessee. William S. Hamilton (Oxon) Professor of Law Professor Hamillon is a graduate of the University of Kentucky, and enjoys the distinction of bein one of the two Oxford graduates now on the faculty. (20) Dean White Hendrickson, A.B., M.A. Instructor in English Mr. Hendrickson is a recent graduate of the University of Virginia, having received his Bachelor's Degree at that institution in 1918 and his Master's in 1919. Curtis Judson Humphreys, B.S. Instructor in Physics Mr. Humphreys is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity. James Richard Johnson, B.M.E. Professor of Applied Mathematics Professor Johnson is the first graduate of the Mechanical College of the University, and is also a former faculty member, having held the position of professor of mathematics and mechanical engineering between the years of 1893 and 1905. He is a member of the Tau Beta Pi and the Lamp and Cross. James Byron Kelley, B.S. Professor of Agricultural Engineering Professor Kelley is a graduate of Iowa State College of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, Ames, Iowa. He is a member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and has taught in Iowa State College. Augustus N. May, A.B. Professor of Industrial Education and Supervisor of Trade and Industrial Education (Smith-Hughes) Professor May is a graduate of Berea College, and has taught in the Department of Manual Training and Free-Hand Drawing of that institution for the last fifteen years. Morris E. McCarty, B.S. Instructor in Zoology Mr. McCarty is a graduate of Purdue University, a member of' the Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity, and of the Lambda Chi Alpha. Gertrude McCheyne, B.S. Home Demonstration Leader Miss McCheyne received her degree at the University of Kansas. She is a member of the National Home Economics Association, and has done extension work in Indiana and Kansas. Morris Scherigo, B.S., D.V.M. Instructor in Bacteriology Doctor Scherago is a graduate of Cornell University. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and of ihe Society of American Bacteriologists. He has served on the staffs of the Marine Hospital of the United Slates Public Health Service as bacteriologist and pathologist, and of the Life Extension Institute of New York as pathologist. (21) Josephine Simrall, B.S. Dean of Women; Assistant Professor of English The university is indeed fortunate in having obtained the services of Miss Simrall from Sweet Briar College, Virginia, where she has taught for a number of years, graduate of Wellesley, and has previously taught at the University of Cincinnati. She comes to us Miss Simrall is a A. J. Steiner, D.V.M. Assistant Veterinarian Mr. Steiner is a graduate of Iowa State College. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and of the American Live Slock Sanitary Association. He has previously taught at Iowa State College and at Oklahoma A. and M. College. Olus J. Stewart, A.B., M.S. Mr. Stewart is a graduate of Ohio State and Purdue Universities. He is a member of the American Chemical Society, and has published a number of articles on chemical subjects. Captain Albert Sidney Johnson Tucker Professor of Military Science and Tactics Captain Tucker of the United Slates army was stationed here last fall when he returned from a year's service overseas. While in France Major Tucker received especial honors for gallant conduct. William Dorney Valleau, A.B., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology Doctor Valleau is a graduate of the University of Minnesota. He is a member of the Alpha Zeta, Gamma Alpha and Sigma Xi honorary fraternities, and of the American Assocalion for the Advance-ment of Science and of the American PTiytopalhological Society. Doctor Valleau is also the author of a number of papers on pathological subjects. Julius Wolf, B.M.E. Assistant Professor of Steam Engineering Mr. Wolf is a graduate of the University of Kentucky of so recent a date that many ofi his student escapades are still related on the campus by his admirers. He is a member of ihe Tau Beta Pi and the Tau Kappa Alpha honorary fraternities, and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ernest R. Wood, A.B., M.A. Principal of the Model School Professor Wood is a graduate of' Ohio University and holds a Master's Degree from Clark University. He has had wide experience as a teacher, a professor, and as a psychological examiner during the war, at which time he was educational director of the Tidewater District. (22) The University of Kentucky Alumni Association Officers Mrs. Chas. J. Smith, President............ Lexington, Ky. Herbert Graham, Vice-PresiJenl............ Frankfort, Ky. S. B. Marks, Secretary-Treasurer............ Lexington, Ky. S. B. Marks, Editor, The Alumnus........... Lexington, Ky. Executive Committee W. E. Freeman, Chairman.............. Lexington, Ky. Frank Battaile................. Lexington, Ky. E. B. Webb................... Lexington, Ky. Lula Logan................... Lexington, Ky. T. T. Jones................... Lexington, Ky. George Brock...................London, Ky. Greetings from the President I am sure we enter upon the year with a larger vision and a greater sense of opportunity than ever before. Let us not forget the hand that made us. Our Alma Mater has not made large demands upon us. Her idea of the memorial to Kentucky's sons fallen in the war was the first of its kind put forth in Kentucky. It has received enthusiastic support, but there is much yet to be done. If every alumnus would do his utmost, the goal would be easily reached. Here is a definite enterprise for us to engage in, a task to test our mettle. Perhaps we might regard it as an alarm that might arouse some of our slumbering members. It is undoubtedly true that fully half of the graduates of the University of Kentucky are asleep. They have surely not awakened to their duty and to the opportunities offered to them. (23) IN MEMORIAM U. G. Ward Class of 1921 Dec. 16, 1919 Allen Stillwell Garrow Class of 1922 Jan. 16, 1920 (24) Mary //* aie //, What c/o Xzi //to &e /T^tfvwj (26) (28) BKg Senior Class Officers Clyde Bland..........President ('Edward Dabney............President Mary Turner...............Vice-President Dorothy Middelton..... ...........Secretary E. Everett Elsey...............Treasurer Louise Will...............Prophet Margaret Woll.........Historian U. V. Garred.......Crumbier Goebel Porter........Orator James A. Dixon........Poet Tom L. Gorman.............Ciflorian Jesse W. Tapp.............Editor-in-Chief Kenlucfyian J. Edward Parker, Jr.................Business Manager Kentucl(ian "('Graduated First Semester (29) r , :- ; iT-MMa Senior Class Nell Alford, B.S. in H. E.................Hartford, Ala. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Home Economics Club, '18. She's gay, she's good, she's true, She's sad, and bad, like me and you; But, good or bad, gay or sad, She's . . . just Nell. Joseph Harrison Bailey, B.S. in M. E...............Bagdad Westinghouse Engineering Society; Class Baseball (2, 3, 4); Tau Beta Kake; Class Football (4); A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. Joe once designed a bay window or a cowshed, and he has been called the "Boy Architect" ever since. Because he could ask questions rapidly enough to make even the profs dizzy, he has also been called the "Human Question Mark." However, Joe does not let all the answers escape through the other ear, so we predict that his storehouse of knowledge will be used to answer the questions of real life before long. Marie Barkley, B.S. in H. E..................Lexington Alpha Gamma Delta; Home Economics Society. "Salt of the earth " is Maneone of the finest ever. When Marie says she will do a thing, you can be sure it will be done, and you won't have to bother any more about it. She will make her mark in whatever field she enters. (30) senior Class George Childs Bauer, B.S...................Maysville Alpha Sigma Phi; Alpha Chi Sigma; U. S. Engineers, A. E. F. George is another one of the old boysjust how old we do not knowbut he says that he can remember when the girls used to wear ears. Now he is older than you really thought he was, but he has improved with age. He knows all sorts of chemical formulae, likewise the solution of a number of vexing problems of the heart. Jane Stanley Bell, B.S. in H.E...............NicholasviUe Chi Omega; Philosophian; Ag.-Home Ec. Club. Jane has certainly made a record for herself in the history of our famed University. Her amiable spirit, her refined humor and her kindly wit will not soon be forgotten by her host of friends. If Franklin's wife had known what she does, probably "The Gout" would never have been written. Rupert Arthur Belt, B.S. in Agr................Sheridan Glee Cluh (2, 3, 4); Republican Club; Ag.-Home Ec. Club; Captain R. O. T. C. (3, 4); Strollers. Belt joined the navy and liked sailing so well that he sailed right out on the sea of matrimony. We were not surprised, for he had a system of rushing that would put even "Dude" to shame. In addition, he was so successful in his school work that he was able to leave us at mid-year and accept a good position in Smith Hughes' work. (31) Senior Class H. H. Bennett, B.S. in Agr...................Mayfield Higma Alpha Bpsilon; Agricultural Team at Chicago, ]!)!!). Society (1, 2, 3, 1); International Stock Judging "Hub" made a name for himself, as well as a host of campus friends, while he was doorkeeper of one of the students' places of amusement. Being forced out of business by national law, he has since devoted his time to university work, and we shall not soon forget his good work on the judging team at the international. "Hub" will put West Kentucky on the map when he goes back to the farm. Elizabeth L. Bertram, A.B..................Vanceburg Y. \V. C. A.; Glee Club. Club, '10, '19; English Club, 'IB; Horace Mann; Romance L,anguag;e Elizabeth, we understand, is the suffragette of the Class of '20. But we are sure that she is not the militant type, for we cannot imagine the tall, dignified Elizabeth under any circumstances being so forgetful of herself as to hurl stonesor dishes either, for that matter. Judging by the time she arrives for Journalism classes, we would say that her mania is promptness. Her sense of fair play is positively masculine, for it has been hinted that she has refused pomtblank on a number of' occasions to "cut Amanda out." Hubert McGuire Blakey, LL.B................Beattyville Sigma Alpha Ensilon; Henry Clay T^aw Society, '1!), '20; Union Literary Society, '19, Masonic Club, 'II), '20; Basketball Team, '20. '20; "Mac" made a huge mistake in his young life when he entered "Centre." But that was not for long. He is now in the safekeeping of Judge Lafferty. He is a basketball tosser of no little ability, and can chew the blackest and meanest tobacco of any male student in the university. He will be missed by his host of friends after he leaves us in June. (32) Senior Class Margaret Tilford Bird, B.S. in H.E. Shelbyville Home Economics Honorary Fraternity; Home Economics Society '16, '19; Horace .Maun: Philosophian '10, '1!1; Glee Club '18; Y. W. C. A. Margaret has not spent all four years of her college career at the University, but during the time that she has been here many As have been placed under her name on the registrar's books. Margaret is a steady worker, full of fun, and possesses a personality which will bring her success wherever she may go. Clyde Bland, B.S. in Agr...................Cynthiana Alpha Zeta; Class Treasurer (2); Class Football (1, 2, 4); Cynthiana Club; Agricultural Society (1, 2, 3, 4), Treasurer (4); Class President (4). "Clippy" left us for a year and a half, but as soon as he had accepted the surrender of the German Navy he came back to be a member of the Class of '20. The Class was so well pleased with him that they elected him to (ill the vacancy in the president's chair. Clyde will make a good farmer and he need not be lonesome unless he chooses. Lucille C. BlaTZ, B.S. in H.E..................Louisville Alpha Xi Delta; Y. W. C. A.; Glee Club 'IS, '19; Homo Economics Club '18, '13; Louisville Club; Honorary Hoine Economics Fraternity. "Ceil" is the "pop" and the pet of the class. If you don't know what that first adjective means, then you certainly are not familiar with Patt Hall jargon, for it means popular, and in this case has no substitute. There are not many girls who can get through four years of Home Ec, never miss a dance nor a "rush" at that dance, who can play and sing, and yet remain charmingly unspoiled through it all. We know but one such girlLucille. (33) senior Cla ss Hervey Parks Boone, B.S. in M. E...............Lexington A. a. M. B.; A. I. B. B.; Tau Beta Kake; Varsity Football Squad (2, 3); Class Football (2, 4); Track Manager (1); Merriman Engineering Society; Class Baseball (2, 3, 4); Marconi Engineering Society; Lexington High School Club. "Initially" his name was H. P., but now it has been changed to "Horse-Power." When (he weather permits, Hervey parks Lizzie in front of Mechanical Hall just in time to blame a puncture for making him miss the first three classes. Like several of his fellow toilers, he has studied himself into wearing eye-glasses, but he has found time to star in class football. Kathleen Brand, B.S. in H. E. Mayfield Alpha Xi Delta; Home Economics Honorary Fraternity; Philosophian Literary Society; Cast of "The Two Virtues"; Tennis Club, '16-'17; Glee Club, '1S-'19; Y. W. C. A.; Class Officer (3); Kentuckian Staff.; Home Economics Society. This Brand comes small, done up in a neat and attractive package, flavored with wit and spiced with common sense, handy in all sorts of emergencies, guaranteed to improve with acquaintance, effervesces to jazz, and will fit most admirably into the home of the most fastidious. Jerry Bromagem, B.S. in M. E..................Louisville Tau Beta Kake; Westinghouse; Marconi; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Lamed Pe; Captain Cadet Battalion, R. O. T. C.; Class Baseball (2, 3). Jerry is looking forward to Commencement Day, for he is Texas-bound. After investing three weeks of the eighteen-day Christmas holiday in the far Southland, he fooled us all by returning alone to finish his course with Ruth-less zeal. Jerry will have all our good wishes when he leaves. (34) Senior Class William Coleman Brown, LL.B................Owensboro Alpha Sigma Phi; Henry Clay (2, 3, 4); Class Football (2, 4). "Hit 'em low, Buttsie!" was the cry of the Seniors during the clashes for football supremacy. So "Butlsie ' did. And the Seniors came out the champs. Built on the barrel, he might be thought to be slow, but he can trip the light fantastic with the best of them. During an interrupted meeting of Senior court he established a speed record that will probably never be equaled. He is a good scout and his friends are more than numerous. Holland Gaines Bryan, LL.B..................Paducah Patterson Literary Society; Henry Clay, President (4); Law Debating Team (2); Student Editorial Board of Kentucky Law Journal (3); Assistant Editor Kentucky Law Journal. Gaines is not from Holland, as his name might indicate. He hails from Paducah. On entering the university, Gaines, like all good lawyers, wanted an office all his own. He chose the largest in the univer-versitythe Law College libraryand for the last four years Bryan has literally lived under, around and in a huge leather-bound book. As a student he is there with the goods. He has sadly neglected the ladies, but then there may be some fair and only back home. Who knows? Elizabeth Lloyd Card, A.B...................Pineville Alpha Gamma Delta; Philosophlan Literary Society; English Club, Corresponding Secretary, '19; Y. W. C. A.; Delegate to Blue. Ridge, 'IS; Cabinet. '19, '20; Stroller Cast, "Mice .and Men," 'IS; Pan-Hellenic Council '19, '20, President '19; Kernel Staff, '19, '20; University Press Association; Phi Sigma. Farquhar's red-headed pet is Elizabeth. These two never tire of arguing; neilher convince the other, and they dismiss each other with "Oh, I can't argue with you." Betty is a keen student, as her professors can testifya level-headed, common-sense girl, as all who have come in contact with her know, and one of the best friends possible. (35) Senior Class William Reynolds Campbell, B.A............... Lexington Alpha Tau Omega; Varsity Basketball (1, 2), Captain (2); Varsity Tennis Team (1, 2); Winner Doubles Championship (3); Member Athletic Committee (2); President Marconi Engineering Society (1); President Shaler Geological Society (4); Pan-Hellenic Council, "Pat" has successfully traversed the rocky road to graduation in Geology, and his industry and perseverance are to be commended. It is said that he has become so expert in finding oil wells that he no longer needs to look for them, but finds them by the sense of smell. "Fat's" record in basketball and in the army won't stand examination for a hero's ]ob, but he will fulfill every qualification for a true friend and astute diplomatin matters of the heart especially. Herman Carman, B.S.....................Lexington "Shorty" has been with us for four years, and we have all learned to love him. We will miss no one more than him, for he is full of "pep" and always in favor of anything that will help the Ags. However, we predict that some day "Shorty" will be the possessor of a large poultry ranch, as he is a great admirer of chickens. J. Preston Cherry, LL.B...................Morgantown Delta Chi; Lamed Pe; Strollers' Cast, "Father and Boys" (2), "Lion and Mouse" (3), Secretary and Treasurer (3), Advertising Manager (4); Henry Clay Law Society; Union Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Democratic Club. Preston was born in Morgantown, but that was not his fault; neither was he connected with the famous "cherry tree." Nevertheless, he has many good qualities that more than make up for these seeming deficiencies. He is an actor in a class all by himself. Then he is no slouch in making good conversation with the ladies. A good fellow through and through, and when it comes to friends he has more than the law should allow. (36) Senior Class Davie Craik Choate, B.S. in M.E............... . Erlanger Tau Beta pi; American Association Mechanical Engineers; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Marconi Engineering Society; Merriman Engineering Society; Republican Club. The "infant Sleinmetz ' answers to many aliases. Of course, his current name is D. C, but we often call him Dave. Then, too, he has a pen-name"Shote." He can spot a comptometer fifteen decimal places when it comes to accurate calculations, so we figure he will make a name for himself. Sal-Henri Coleman, B.S. in H.E................Paradise I 'hilusophian Literary Society; Horace Mann; Home Economics Club; Glee Club; Republican Club. The Class of 20 is extremely good. In fact, one of its members came from Paradise. Poor Sal-Henri; like Milton, she aspired to be a literary genius and write perhaps a second Paradise Lost, but the harsh hand of her family intervened and she was forced to become, against her will, a Home Ec. Thus she is a Home Economics Senior with literary aspirations. John Winston Coleman, Jr., B.S. in M.E............Lexington Sigma Nu; Tau Beta Kafce; A merican Association Mechanical Engineers; Chairman American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Class Basketball (1, 2, 3); Merriman Engineering Society; Lexington High School Club. "Wint" is Marconi's only living rival. Not content with receiving daily bulletins from Eiffel Tower and from Pisgah, Kentucky, he is planning now to intercept messages between Mars and Saturn. He has also studied baseball and has developed a new system of pitching. He swings his arms so hilariously in the "wind up" that he sets up a gale of wind which fans the batter before the ball ever reaches him. (37) Senior Class Harry Roberts Cottrell, B.S. in Agr..............Owensboro Alpha Delta Sigma; Kernel Staff; ciation (4); Owensboro Club. Agricultural Society; Democratic Club; Press Asso- Harry hails from Owensboro, and although matriculated in the Ag College, spends a large portion of his time around the Journalism Department. It really is hard to tell what Harry will decide to do, but whatever field he enters, we predict for him a bright future. Lucy Jane Cracraft, A.B...................Shelbyville Glee Club; Y. "W. C. A.; Horace Mann, Secretary and Treasurer; Philosophian (3, 4); Cast of "You Never Can Tell" (2); History Club; Romance Language Club; Rafinesquc Club; Student Reader, Romance Language Department. Lucy, though she has tried hard to keep the guilty secret, comes near to being the "baby of the class." Despite her extreme youth, however, she is one of the best students in school. Her one worry is thai she may get below 95 in a quiz. Though as yet none of the beaux on the campus have captured her heart, Lucy is, nevertheless, in love, as all the girls at the hall who have heard her ravings can attest; in love withzoology. Grover Howard Creech, B.S. in Agr................Pineville Sigma Nu; Mystic Thirteen; The Fish Club; Strollers. Secretary-Treasurer (2), President (3), Stage Manager (4), Casts "Lion and Mouse," "Mice and Men," "The Climbers"; Drum Major, Band (2, 3); Vice-President Republican club. Grover will get his diploma in June, but we hope he can be prevailed upon lo stay around and help lake care of things. We can always rely upon him as a real booster, a good sportsman, and a stroller of great renown. His record is an enviable one. (38) .. ; ..--, ..,.- - Senior Class Virginia Halbert Croft, B.S. in H. E. . . . ............Louisville Alpha Xi Delta; Class Treasurer (1); T. W. C. A.;