xt7cfx73vt2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73vt2b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430416  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1943 1943 2013 true xt7cfx73vt2b section xt7cfx73vt2b THE

We Lend Our Money
Thev Give Their Lives



Editor Virginius Dahney SUB EECTION


Col. B. E. Brewer, head of

Administrative Set-UIs Altered By Trustees

Student Vote

To Be Inducted




On April 26

and)' Moundsmen
Take Two From 'Cats


Junior ROTCs
To Report For Duty

To Be Picked





To Address Convocation WILL BE HELD
A I 11 A. M. Wednesday Seven Members
Class Meetings
Are Cancelled
For Fourth Hour






At Next Meeting

Body Similar
To Old Senate

To Sponsor Forums
On Ilelmion For Four Weeks

military department, announcRepresentatives to the legislature
of seven new members
ed yesterday that all first year
of the Student Government assoof the Student Union board will be
advanced course ROTC men
ciation to replace those who are
held between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m..
Virginius Datmcy, editor of the
Reorganization of the University s
have just received their orders
no longer in school were elected at
Wednesday. April 28, in the Great
and recadministrative set-u- p
has been anthe regular Tuesday night meeting.
to report for active duty on
hall of the Union building. All Uniognized authority on the South, will
nounced for the second time within
Those chosen were education,
versity students are eligible to vote.
April 26, 1943.
address the next convocation, at
two years.
Marjorie Palmore, Horse Cave: law,
All fourth
11 a, m. Wednesday.
Candidates listed on the official
The report of Dr. Herman L Dongo
Men in the infantry will
Winston Hendrickson, Four, Mile;
hour classes will be dismissed.
ballot will include Eloise Bennett,
ovan, president of the Universitr.
senior man, Givens
to the reception center at Ft.
Dabney, author of two prominent
Edith Conant, Elizabeth Dosker, J.
to the Board of Trustees, dated
Dixon, Henderson; underclassman.
Thomas, and will then be sent
books on the South and its probC. Doyle, Helen Harrison, Jimmy
Forums on subjects found in the April 6. outlined a plan intended to
Ralph Hucaby, Monticello; agricullems, has edited the
recent religious survey to be of draw the demarcation line more
Hurt, Prances Jinkins. Martha Kop-piu- s.
to infantry replacement trainture, senior man, James Crowley,
greatest interest to students will ciearly between administrative and
Virginia Lipscomb, Robert Mcfor six years, after having served
ing center as a group, he said.
Butler; underclassman, Holland P.
previously as reporter and then as
Neill, Claudine Mullinaux, Roberta
be conducted each Tuesday for the educational
policy making func- senThrasher, Ellington; commerce
editorial writer. He has also conParker, Nancy Shropshire, Edith
Signal corps men will report
nexi tour weeks under me sponsor- - tionjI The plan has been approved
ior man, John Swift, Lexington;
Weisenberger, and Marian Yates.
tributed articles to the New
ship of the
and adoDted bv
to the reception center at Ft.
arts and sciences, senior man, Gayle
Times and the Dictionary of AmerDr. Robert Miles, pastor of the
These candidates are chosen by
Thomas. From there they will
Neal, Huntington, W. Va.; senior
present members of the board from
ican Biography. He holds member-sniFirst Presbyterian church, will be ,
woman, Emma Porter, Madisonville;
go to signal corps replacement
nuuises - ui
In many important societies
fh firf ..olr.r
th ,11s.'
people serving on Union committees
Jimmy Hurt, Hard-burl- y,
Faculty and thereby establish a
or interested in activities.
and organizations, including the Intraining centers as a group.
cussion on the topic "Is There Life
partly elective, policy-makiand William Barton, Wilstitute of Public Affairs, the SouthAfter Death?"
The board, which serves "to pro
Colonel Brewer explained.
graduate school, Ray
Policy committee, and Phi Beta
Each speaker will talk for half similar to the old Senate.
mote the interest of the University
Garrett; and freshman, Ausbon
Present alterations of the admin.
an hour and will then open the
and its students," consists of nine
Judd, Donansburg.
Winner of the Lee Editorial
meeting for general discussion for istrative organizations recall those
members, five of whom may be men.
Members Inducted Tuesday
award of the Virginia Press assothe next half hour. At the close of made in the spring of 1941. when
Each Union committee has a
Dr. Charles Barkenbus
These members will be inducted at
",c rpc"
ciation and Lee School of Journalthe hour, persons will have the "c
chairman who serves as a member
the next meeting of the legislature
changes caused
ism, Washington and Lee uuiver-s;t- y
privilege of remaining for further
of the board. Present committees
at 7 p. m., Tuesday, room 204. Union
for "distinguished
with the authorities on ed comment and reverberation all
tre activities and sports, art, dance,
over lne "mPUs.
mTiting during the year 1937," Dabine ishi plan
the topic discussed.
forum, house, publicity, and war
gradKenneth Vanlandingham.
ney is recognized as one of the
The first three forums will be abolished the ancient Senate and
uate representative, resigned from
outstanding newspaper editors of
held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, the regular established in its place a Faculty
Robert Hillenmeyer is the general
the legislature. He stated, as the
die day. Newsweek magazine, in
The ccmposea 01 ir.e president, comp-fin- al
time of YM-Ychairman in charge of the election.
reason for his resignation, that he
the current issue, discusses one of
discussion wiU be held at 4 troller. dean of the University,
All men classified as Navy V- -l was carrying an unusually heavy
Robert Davis is publicity director
Dr. Charles Barkenbus. professor
bis editorials concerning secondary
p.m. May 11. All meetings will be deans of all colleges, dtan of th"
must take a writ- schedule.
of organic chemistry, will speak at and Jeannette Graves is balloting and Marine
room of the Union graduate school, director of the
ten exam, administered by Dr. W.
. . . will be the first speaker in held In
MeErskine Chosen Chairman
summer school, and deans of men
His degree of Bachelor of Arts 8 o'clock Thursday night in
S. Webb, head of the physics deVotes will be counted by the presMargaret Erskine, commerce rep- the
forum series.
was earned at the University of morial hall on "Particles of Matter."
Mrs. Grace Sloan Overtoil, au- - and women,
He will tell how man has looked ent board under the direction of partment, at 9 a.m. Tuesday in resentative, was named chairman
Virginia and that of Master of Arts
This reorganization was adopted
thority on family relations and re- room 201. Pence hall.
made up
of the election committee,
at the same university. In 1921. The "Pn matter as being been accom-of Tom Walker, president.
ligious life on college campuses, will despite some student and faculty
The written test of the qualifyJames Crowley and Givens Dixon
University of Richmond granted particles and what has
conduct the second meeting, dis- - opposition and has been in effect
ing examination is for all men en- were appointed to serve with her.
him an honorarv Doctor of Litera- - pushed by so doing.
cussing "What Are the Implica-- ; since.
listed in Class V-- l, U. S. Naval Re- Sara Ewing, the only remaining
Dr. Barkenbus represents the phy-- i
ture degree in 1940.
tions of Religious Faith for Campus
serve, who will have completed six
Umllned By Committee
member of the social committee,
lec- -'
sical sciences In the series of
or more quarters of their college was selected to serve as chairman
Outlined by a special committee
tures by outstanding professors in
Rabbi Julian Flag will lead the of 15 members appointed in Sep- course by July 1, 1943.
Logic with regard to its place and
of that group. Winfred Ellis. Chapthe arts and sciences college.
The test for all mm enlisted in lin, and Virginia Smith, Lexington, function among the sciences and discussion of the topic "If God Is tember to Investigate the Univer- These lectures are sponsored by
Why ny's administative organization.
Independent party members Class III, of the U. S. Marine Corps
philosophy was discussed by Dr. Both All Powerful and Good,
the college and by three learned turned out in large numbers Wed- Reserve is for those who are in were the new members selected.
Catastrophe the new plan will expand the Fac- John Kuiper, head of the philosophy of There This World
Special Committee Named
societies of the University, Phi Beta nesday night to elect a nominating their freshman and sophomore
War?" for the third forum of ulty to include certain ex officio
department, Tuesday night in the
A special committee was appointed
Kappa, Sigma Xi, and the Research committee
members and also forty persons of
and a publicity com- years as of the date on which the by Roy Hunt, chairman pro tern, to second lecture in the series by out- the series.
U1 be led
The final discussion
the nn ot asquint professor cr
mittee for the coming elecion. The test is given.
investigate the possibilities of post- standing arts and sciences profesby Dr. E. Stanley Jones who will above wno shall
Dr. E. N. Fergus, president of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, through
elected bv ttuf
This test is for the purpose of poning
the date of student elections sors.
talk on "Is Religion Producing Any
Sigma Xi. will preside at this lec- - its president. Carter Brumfield, has qualifying for participation in the
Attempting to show how the exact Positive Effects on Our Civillza- - professorial staff
in order that the new constitution
Officers for the coming year were ture.
pledged its whole hearted support College Training program to be inAccordiri( to Dr. Donovan. "It.
might be completed before the vot- methods of mathematics have been 'ion'
elected at a mass Baptist Student
a part of the pr0. to the Independent party.
provides that the membership ot
augurated about July 1, 1943. '
ing. Vincent Spagnuolo, Betty Lee applied to logic. Dr. Kuiper asserted
tmion meeting Tuesday afternoon. eram on student opportunities and
Rev. Robert McNeill, student pas- - the FacujlT
composed of both
Milton Kafoglis made a brief talk.
same as that
The test will be
Catherine Rigsby. arts and sciences the enCouragement of scholarship the theme of which was "if we work given to Class V- -l the of the U. S. Birk, and Margaret Erskine com- that logic in its modern form 100 tor of the Maxwell Street Presby- - th. adminUtr.ttir and
largely a product of the last
pose the committee.
R. Boyl tnaugurated last year. The purpose
Junior, will succeed James
terian chunjt and Dr. J. Huntley th;reby giving pr0fessurS and ad- well win." Givens Dixon brought Naval Reserve, except that certain
Members absent from Tuesday's years.
Dupre, professor of history, will minlstators the opportunity to work
as president.
lectures is to present to the out the fact that the Independent j parts of the prescribed test will not
He discussed some of the disco'
serve as experts to furnish back- together for the welfare of the inOther officers are Margaret university and the community four party sponsors men that have al- - be required for the Marine Reserv-read- y meeting were Martha Koppius, arts
and eries made in the field during this ground material for the forums.
and sciences
Drake, vice president ; Elizabeth outstanding scholars in lectures
stitution." .
shown themselves capable, as ists.
represen- time.
Ruth McQuown. graduate
Student chairmen are Russell
Evertson. social chairman; Lucille representing their productive and has been demonstrated in previous.
i VI t1 th
nrnniiNi.ri r li i n Oh
However, anv Marine Reservists tative. I'nder the present constituDr. Charles Barkenbus. professor Conrad, Carolyn Spicer. Virginia
Car- - creative scholarship formulated in
Karrick. devotional chairman:
elections, and another interesting desiring as a matter of interest to tion, any member who misses three
of organic chemistry, will be the Baskett, and Bob Davis.
ol Jean Terry, (secretary: Mildred sucn
fashion as to have a wide talk was maue by Vincent
tee's eport, is to make possible an
take those parts of the test not re- meetings during a quarter is auto- next speaker in the series when he
Catherine general appeal.
Buchanan, treasurer;
effective formulation of basic poliquired, may do so with the under- - matically expelled frbm the legis- lectures on "Particles of Matter:
Hardin, magazine representative;
cies and a clear definition of funcThe nominating committee elected standing that the scores made on lature.
One of Man's Approaches to an Un- YM-Y- W
Baker, publicity chairman, j
tions, in order that the fundamen'
were Hannah McCollom, Milton those parts will not in any way
derstanding of Nature," on Thurs
and Dr. C. C. Ross, faculty advisor.
tal purpose of the University may
Kafoglis, Jimmy Hurt, Gixens Dixon, militate against them, but might
day. April 22.
will be elected
The pastor-advisbe best achieved.
Vincent Spagnuolo, John Trimble, be of value as the basis for esti- at a later date.
Fmnctknu Separated
Betty Birk, Betty Lee Fleishman, mate of aptitude for certain courses
Plans were ako ditcussed at the
Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton, noted
First, administrative or executive
Carter Brumfield, and Donald Dona- of study.
meeting for the annual Baptist
as an authority on marriage and functions are separated as comAn article by Leo M. Chamber- hue.
tiludent union banquet to be held
family relations and as a religious pletely as possible from education30, lain, dean of the University, is
Those chosen for the publicity
at 6:30. Friday evening, April
worker will be on the campus the al policy making.
Delta Kappa,
among the articles by eight of the committee were Elizabeth Goggin,
week of April 25 to 30 to conduct
at Calvary Baptist church. The
leadership fraternity, has named
Ail administrative and executive
nations' outstanding educators in Helen Thacker, June Baker, Givens
Reverend A. L. Gillespie of Owen'
Betty Anne Ginocchio. arts and a series of meetings for the Relig- functions. Including all budgetary,
five faculty members to act as the
issue of the University Dixon, Pat Patterson, Irwin Hoffi
Rf,Mnt. :the latest
ious Emphasis week sponsored by financial and
Quarterly published man, Bill Barton, Walton Wright,
business matters and
Miss Dorothy Collins, director of active chapter of the organization sciences freshman from Lexington,
union secretary, will be the guest Administration
during the war.
has been named head announcer of the
including the authority to suspend
Boyd at Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Stanley Zakem, and Milton Ka- social activities of the Student
speaker, according to James
The first meeting scheduled is an or otherwise abrogate rules in speDr. H. H. Downing, professor of the University radio studios. She
Union board, announced that there
Dr. Chamberlain's article is en- foglis.
present president. Newly elected
Easter sunrise service at 6:30 Easter cific cases, are definitely assigned t
are vacancies on several Union mathematics and present treasurer replaces Lewis Sawin.
titled "Effects of the War on the
weaofficers will be installed at the ban- of ODK. was named chairman of
The next meeting will be held at committees.
Betty Anne is the first woman morning at Memorial halL If
the president and his administraCurricula of the Public Institutions
7:30 Wednesday night in the Union j Any students who are interested the group. Other members, select- - ever to hold the position of head ther permits, this meeting will be tive staff.
of the Southeayi States."
held in the amphitheater.
Tickets will sell for 85c this year,
issue pays tribute to building.
mav Sign Up at the Information 3d from the list of 12 faculty mem- announcer at the studios.
Other meetings include a series Educational policy makmg. on the
and will soon be available at the ctnnfpfllatesti . i 't now nrpsiripnt
desk in the Union. Names should bers who are former ODK men.
She started perfoming on the of forums at 4 p. m. Monday, Tues- other hand, is made the responsi" from
any memUnion building
are Dr. M. M. White, head of the University station while she was a day,
turned ,n by Wednesda'
and Wednesday of that week. bility of the University Faculty.
ber of the Baptist Student union .
t M KpfT of
department; Dr. J. freshman at University high school.
Home Economics club banquet. Dr. This body is to be composed ot trie
Baylor in the section devoted to
Committees with positions avail- Huntley Dupre, professor of history: Her activities have included acting, Irwin T. Sanders class on the fam- administrative officials and a numMiss Josephine Brown, who spoke
"Builders of American Universities." on "The Industrial Collaboration able include activities, art, dance, Prof. James W. May, assistant pro- engineering, producing, recording, ily,
and a possible talk to both ser- ber of elected members cf the Inforum, house, publicity, poster, and fessor of heating and ventilating and script writing, all in addition vice men and students Sunday structional staff of the rank of asof China" yesterday at the Experiment station, will address the Dutch war effort groups. At present engineering; and Dr. L. J.
sistant professor or higher.
to announcing.
assistant dean of the agriLunch club at noon today in the more war activities are being plan"It has seemed wise to enlarge
Betty Anne is a Phi Beta pledge . The second of a series of forums
culture college.
Football room of the Union building. ned for this quarter.
will the membership of the present Fac
and a member of Alpha Gamma conducted by the
Lucille Brown, Lexington, w as
These men will serve as the ac- Delta sorority.
be led by Mrs. Overton Tuesday ulty in order that the administraelected
tive chapter in taking over all acnight, April 27. She will be guest tion and staff may be kept in closer
tivities of ODK. They may elect
speaker at m luncheon for faculty touch with each otiier. in order
n,onMiss Rebecca Van Meter, direct- that the fullest advantage may be
new student members or new facand advisory boards of the
Other officers elected were Clau- - or of
activities of the Student
taken of the wisdom and special
ulty members in case someone
Wednesday, April 28.
dine Mullinaux, Corbin,
board, resigned from her
She will talk to the young mar- abilities of members cf the instrucBetty Fleishman, Lexington,
tion April x Sne expects to enter
ried couples of Lexington at a ban- tional staff, in crder to insure the
Most important function of this
secretary; and Barbara Winters, more acuve work concerning the Doctor Pryor An Autobiography
quet sponsored by the Couples' largest amount of coordination of
group will be the reorganization of
Paris, publicity chairman.
war effort since her resignation. By Dr. J. W. Pryor
Prof. Lawrence Yates, of the Eng- club of the Second Presbyterian the various colleges and divisions of
of his adoption he has spent fifty the fraternity after the war.
Miss Van Meter has been with the Hobson Press, Price $3
lish department, has posted
the Institution, and in order to proyears and he has seen the old town
church Thursday night.
University since Octobrr, 1939.
bond for appearance before Federal
Dr. Joseph Pryor. international grow and times and people change
Mrs. Overton was on the campus mote the most cooperative and
graduMiss Dorothy Collins, who
District Judge H. Church Ford to in connection with the Religion in democratic administration of the
authority on the ossification of the in every walk of life. The Pryors
ated from the University last quar- human hand, has written his auto- were southern sympathizers
answer charges of violating federal Life conference in 1939 and was one University." the committee explains
Purchase by the University of a sugar rationing regulations.
ter, has been chosen to fill the va- biography. The book is replete with while his father, a practicing physiof the speakers at the Farm and
I Malty Named
Hearing for Prof. Yates has bet;. Home convention this January.
such ideals and conclusions as the cian was also mayor of Palmyra, house to be used either as a dormiMembersliip cf the Faculty will
tory annex or as a cooperative scheduled for June 14, during the
esteemed and dearly loved physi- four of his uncles were fighting in
consist of the president, dean, dean
cian and teacher would inspire. the War Between the States. In house for women was recently com- j next term of federal court.
of the graduate school, dean of each
United States District Attorney
His life and work from 1882, when his book Dr. Pryor recalls many in- pleted.
college, dean of men. dean of
Westminster . . .
John T. Metcalf swore to criminal
The structure, a three-storVaMiltv vnlimtrt.r wnrkrs ill tlie he came' to Lexington, to his seven
cidences of the war and of his early
women, registrar, comptoller. di. . . fellowship will meet at 7:30 o'343 Harrison information charging the professor
rooming house at
tieth birthday when he retired from life with his large family of sisters
big war bond drive include Dr. Wilrector cf extension, libarian. presiclock Sunday evening at the Maxwith several counts.
S. Taylor, Maurice F. Seay, the University of Kentucky as pro- and brothers, each one seeming to avenue, was bought from Mrs. Ella
dent of the Student Government
well Street Presbyterian church. liam
The information said that
Dr. C. C. Ross, Dr. H. N. Sherwood, fessor emeritus of anatomy and have made priceless impressions oh Venova. Chicago. Located directly
Dr. J. Huntley Dupre will speak.
Anne Ricketts, arts an usciences association, seven representatives of
physiology, is well known to many j his young life.
behind the women's dormitories, it owned 300 pounds of sugar when
Frank. D. Peterson, and Ab D.
and arts,
on May 7, 19421 in ap- junior from Nicholasville. has been literature, philosophy,
citizens and his accomplishments
Student I Dim . . .
This colorful background has left contains a large dining room, a he declared ration books for his wife elected presidnt of the Newman three of social studies, four of physplying for
are monuments to his ability and rich memories and many of them. kitchen, and three baths.
board will met Monday in
sciand six children, that the family club to succeed John Swift, of Lex- ical sciences, four of biological milireligious attention to duly and to The author relates, also, experiRoom 23-Union building.
ences, one of athletics, one of
possessed but 34 pounds of sugar.
Pryor ences that were disappointing and,
the cause of humanity. Dr.
Other officers elected include tary science, seven of agriculture,
He also declared, according to the
Open House . , .
birthcelebrated his eighty-sevenof course, those sad moments that
one of home economics, five of eninformation, on August 20. 1942, Mary Charles Wood, women's
day, Saturday, April 3, in his lovely all men face when the loss of loved
for all service men will be held
Vincent Spugnuolo, men's gineering, one of law. three of eduwhile applying for a purchase cerfrom 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday in
home on West Second street, calmly ones, father, mother,
sister or
Betty Payne, secre- cation, and three of commerce.
tificate for canning sugar, that the
reading the recording of his life brother leaves only the comforting
Mortar Board will sponsor a
the Union building. All University
Provision is also made fcr a Unifamily hud only seven pounds of tary: Anne Foley, treasurer; and
display from 10 a.m. to
as it was reproduced In his recollections of happy hours enjoyed
anare asked to attend
Paiihellenic council has
sugar when it owned 304 pounds. Margaret Julia Wharton, assistant versity Assembly which shall
4:30 p.m. Monday and
first book.
together. Dr. Pryor's wife died in
nounced a second bid day on
of all officers and employees ot
Third count of the information treasurer.
Parents Were Vigriniam
across from the Union inforMay 1890. just a short time after
Friday. May 7. All women who
. . club will meet at 8 p.m. Monday
The Rev. George J. O'Bryan will the institution. This body will have
says that he had In his possession
Joseph W. Pryor's parents were he had taken the chair of Anatomy
mation desk. Towle silver will
Li Frazee hall. Dr. Herndon Wag- as chaplain, and Miss no administrative or legislative
304 pounds of sugar "unlawfully, continue
wish to be rushed should report
but established
their and Physiology in the University
be shown.
willfully, and knowingly purchased Margaret Lester as faculty adviser. powers, but will serve as a medium
ers. professor of philosophy
to the office of the dean of
home in Palmyra, Mo., and it was of Kentucky. One would enjoy listThe elections were conducted at of expression for all members of
Transylvania college, will speak.
Senior women, esjecially town
i without
surrendering stamps or a
there that he was born. Having ing at this time several of Dr. Pryor's
women as soon as possible.
students and dormitory resicertificate having a total value equal the club breakfast meeting last the stafT. regardless cf rank, and
University famous pupils but space will not
been graduated from the
dents, are asked to visit the disto the quantity of sugar delivered." Sunday, and were followed by a re- - will offer to the president an
A second day is being planned
of Missouri Medical school and hav- - anow
play and to pick their favorite
of "The Song of Bemadette" portunity to address all employees
Metcalf explained that the pening practicea wim nis lamer lor
because of the short notice givCwcns, 5:10 p.m.. room 204
In addition to having written an
patterns. This includes those
i, m..f
alty for such violations was a fine by Miss Virginia Griffin, instructor on matters of general Interest,
en to prospective rushees before
All changes will become effective
not to exceed $10,000. a jail sent-- I at Morehead State Teaehsrs col- who became seniors this
iMiss Maggie Cheney of Woodford interesting story in a very simp
hus nittde VttlUttble
the last bid dayence not to exceed one year, or lege. The new officers will be iu- - September 24. 19t3. the opening of
county, Kentucky in 1881 and mov-- d st'le' Dr'
Forum. 7 p.m., Music
i both.
The fall qwrter
stalled in M;vv
Continued on PuKt Four)
'to Lexlneton iu 182 In this eit-Times-Dispat-



Is Established

Dr. Robert Miles
Is First Speaker
In Tuesday Events









excit-questio- ns


All Enlisted Men

Must Take Exams













Officers Chosen
At Mass Meeting





















Faculty Members
Named By ODK
To Be Actives

Article In 31agaZine


Ginocchio Named

Head Announcer
Of Radio Studios

Union Committees
Need Workers




Lucille Brown
Elected President



Miss Van Meter



Miss Brown To'Speakj

Resigns Position
On Union Board





Dr. Pryor, former Professor,
Is AutliQr Of Autobiography


Prof. Yates Posts
Bond For


Court Appearance

New House Bought

Workers Named


Newman Club
Elects Ricketts


As President




Mortar Board


To Show Silver


Second Bid Day
Is Friday,












* I

The Kernel Editorial Page

Entered kt the Pr.r On ire at
rls's matter under the An of March 3. 179.




Kenttickv Tnterrolleeiate Pres
I.exlnitlon Board of Commerce
Kenturkr Prejrs Acormtton
Njitionel Fditonal Association








ItustnrfX Mamgrr

Jyy Wtist


tnnwtni N.


20 MOION Ave.

ot. . looacmi




.. r.cuc.

sn One Quarter
si 50 One Year
rm.... e77o he
ft rJn ,we,
writer thrmsfhrt. avd rfa mf
r r'w
fhr optirmn







c haxe in. nit' til lilt'
his is ilic Insl mcniiou
l.tt l that I lie Kernel is under new managc-nieiii- .
Wc purjxoselx made no statement of :in
ttliuiii.il Mlii xihcn xve look over ilie reins.
uf knew that sin h an editorial would le
quitklv tossed aside lv readers.
Bin after ilirec weeks ot silling in ilie Ironi office directing lie nuiinil.it nut i the "si iidcm"
licwspajxr, we have Ik' n n 10 wonder il ilie
taper and the ojorliiniix lor eression in il
s or
Itflongs exclusively to Kernel si a II
10 i lie suidenl IkkIx as a whole.
Former editors had told us thai ilie xvax lo
st ir ii student opinion was to write on iniiuo-crsia- l
issues. W e ltgan our uest lor read ion
an editorial on ilie Siutleni War Fund.
'1 here was no moncv in il. What was 10 he
doner Nothing, atconling lo I lie lat k ol comment- which itt ren ived.
"Are W'e Worthy Ol 1 liis Onmiiyr" we asked in another article. W'e pointed out thai con-l- i
ihut ions of lime ami cflori toward (lie war




cllori wen- negligible on the rampus. Siutlen'is
attepietl ihe lad hv their silence.
Il has alwavs been the
olicv of 1 he Kernel
to Ik- a clearing house lor student opinion. Ce
thought it unnecessary 10 reiieraie this stand.
W'e are wide oxn lo suggestion and cnihusi-asiiialwilling lo prim anv letters whith
might omit to us.
I In
last communii .11 ion I he kernel hail
from a student was on February lit when C . i i i in
I)ion proiesied against a big name band. We
have hail leners since then, but il is inicrcsiiiig
lo note ihai ihev have all innif from scrv it
Ii seems ili.il a man must go out ami
light lor Ireetlom of sjH'Cth and ihe press before
he begins lo appreciate them.
W'e assure von ihai this will Ik our last
harangue on ihe subject. Ton mu h wordagc
on ihe theme might have the devastating elicit
suidenl minds lo
ol awakening somnambuleni
ihe .K)ini where ihev would lcgin lo )hc nomei

ai ion.

Ihe (.iu mil. staling that pail

ol ihe reason
this blanket tiedii graining xvas that the
tipMiic nts to it timing the war ol 1911 IS hail
jio ahernatixe plan, oilers concrete suggest ions
forgiving legit imate t tt'tlii lor military tiaining
alter this war.
Fhe Count il let itiinnt iuN that colleges ami
st ho ils base their acuediiing on the results ol
tests given bv the I'niied Slates 'Armed
Institute, the former Annv Insiiiuie. These
lesis. the (xiuniil teMn jioints oiu. are now
(vixen not onlv to tleit i mine the results ol
toutvs given bv the Insiiiuie
bin also to measure all etlut ai ional
the rem ruing sen it emeu and women.
Ihe Insiiiuie is set up to send to anv college
v. hili
requests it. a complete "t ompclcni e


'Fhe F.tliior.

prolilt or exerv K rson in the various brant lies
ol the Annv and N'axv. 1 h C.ini, il

III, II HHIl l 1 I'lllll II llll lllll ' 1UHU III! I'll
the basis of these p.of.les, but jutlg.ng en.irelv
bv the individual colleges academic standards.
Im lulled in the Count il plan is a recomnien- tl.nion ihai colleges yvhiilt allow tretlii for
ROTC. physical training, hygiene, or free eli c- lives "mav w, II consider granting direct credit"
lor military training receixed in these subjects.
1 his iirogram. the Ouint il rejioi i einj)liasies.
is ,..H,se,l to meet the mm.edia.e neetls ..I tc- mining casualties, the ntimher ol xvhu h ai jut s
em is "bv no means negligible." anil also to sit
up the machinery for copin ? wilh the lamer
prohlt in ol mass demobilization when the war
is over.
I lit
vitlllt lli siies-e- s iii.ii ii jii.in - nn it ii
lacliial information "to le tuilizetl
lo provide
bv the individual institutions in the liglu bl
i heir own jiolicies