xt7cfx73xz7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cfx73xz7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 20, 2007 2007 2007-04-20 2020 true xt7cfx73xz7h section xt7cfx73xz7h DELAYING A DREAM

WWWlstlsl RN11 .( (m FRIDAY

AI’RII jtl, Jung“!

Keenan Burton puts all the NFL to return to a UK team eager to build
on last year’s bowl—winning season




Student walk
to raise funds
to fight child

By Rebecca Sweeney

llt:."."».kLk\ktjllIltl i.i;itl

\ationalh oxer I million reports ol ehild ahuse oi
neelett are made eat li seat, and ISlNl ehildi'en die lr'om
their iiiiuiies. attoidine to the (‘hild .\htise l’ie\entiori
\ssot ration and this \\eekend l'lx' students are doing;
their part to help lrl‘\\Cl those numhei's.

\piil is ('Irild \huse l’re\erition Month and l'ls‘s
(olleee ot ldiitation is hosting the lllth annual \\alk
\_L’dlll\l (‘hild \hrise to raise hoth luirds and anareness

"( 'liildieii and hahies are killed h) ehild ahtise. and it
rtist hreaks \oin heart.” said Man .\nn \imont. direetor
ot alumni and student relations in l'K‘s ('ollege ol lalu
tation 'Hut seeing; tonne people ti_\ing_v to raise alone}
and a\\ai’eiress :' s a great thing: ”

last \L'dl jllll people. ineludine laeult), stalt and
people iron: the \tlllllllllllll). \\alked to raise 34.30“

"t liir eoal is to raise more mone} and inerease the

numhtr‘ ol people \\ho pai'titipate.” said [trie Pittman.

(iolleee ol l klllkdlltlll senior rirlormatron speeialist

l‘roteeds lionr the \\alk support the Center lot
\\omeii. ('lirldien and liamilies. \\hieh ser\es l‘a)ette.
\\ott. \\oodlord. Hourhon. Jessamine and Madison

lltxdlk'tl on \ortli l iniestone .Street. the eenter is a
lion piolrt oiearii/ation \\liose mission is to prmrde a
salt . healing: enxii‘onment lot thildt‘en \\hile ollerine ed
llt.lllrt]|.tl‘1[]\l_1tl\0\ttk\ \L‘[\|Le‘\ lot \\omen and lamilres
iii lls‘L‘il

'Ilie tentei is the onl_\ \rllel set'\iee aeenes in our

tr\e totrntjt area to oller parentine tlasses.” \nnont said.
" l he\ totinsel to heal lannlies so the) ean he sale and
shunt; It s ieall_\ a ereal tatise.”

llie tentei ideiililred \llllktll areas ot soeral need in
la\ette ind slll'li‘tlltil!tl:_' eonntres and de\eloped and rm
pleinentgd programs to address these needs

”He slit ll t‘ti‘L‘tdtl} Is lll'e' \esl. it ll‘e‘k‘ L‘l'l\l\ tl.i)\.llt‘
st.’r\ li e that assists lamihes to sol\e pi‘ohlents and i‘ediite
stress le\els l'lic terrier also olleis parenting: \l.l\\C\ de
wentd to teath parents hon to lo\e and nurture their
thildien \\liile ll\lll_L’ pi'ohlem sol\ ine sktlls and appropri
ate drstiplinai‘x aetion llre tenter also oller's touriseline
prof. iaiiis. a tritit:t\triiiis ptriL‘tailt and adoption support

lhe t\\o mile \\alk is tompletel} eimr’dmated h_\ stti
dents, n lirth should make the iini\ei‘sit_\ proud. \ imoiit

' Ihis ment is out \\a\ ol helping pio\ide the re
solutes tittessar} to tare tor tliildren \\ho are ahtised
and neelet 'ed " said lsaii liiddle. a tumor L‘le‘ltlL‘tlldl'}
edtn itioii rnator (iolleee ol l'tlllxdllltll Student \rirhas
sadoi and \U than ol the merit

lhei the past toiiple ol seats. the e\ent has heen
reathine out tor student partitipaiits \\ho are not edtiea
tron marois \ rrnont said. and the attendanee aitd pro
teeds lionr the t ent lra' e llll teased

”llieie s no limit on \\hat it takes to sponsor some
one \ lllt-tlll said

l lL'lIl re'reshii eirts w ill he sei'\ed arid pri/es \\ill he
LI|\_'l: to para ipants x\ ith the most pledges

lht- \\all. \eainsit hiltl \htise is \iiiida} lioiir _‘ to l
p lll :n liorit til lllL lohnson ( enter Registration heerns
at I Q in l r: lllli'lll‘dlli‘ll or pledge \llk‘t‘l\.LUlll.|\l Iton
rue ( i.e\ a! ‘ronnrt :‘as v! rrl\\ edit or N“? 3“ 30m

(It )I .oRr‘t'i. ( IRli.\'l‘l( )XS

Wk.» 'f‘t'em’ {‘21 “a: 5


(ll—ll‘BRAllNU it) \‘lt\l\'5()l lNllll’lNlHNtl




l’sreholom junior Sameera Santrala paints part of the liarthdats in the Bluegrass

Mural testerdas afternoon outside the student eentei‘. .\eeording to the .\rt Miles
Mural \Veh site. the Mural \\as in eonjunetion \\‘ith the .\rt Miles Mural proieet.
The mural heir g painted \\ ill he put tr )gether \\ ith the rest t ila rz-mile mural that \\ ill
he ahle eneirele the ( Sreat l’_\ rarnids ot' 15.5.1} pt.

Ensemble honors

By Alle Rone

x. Kin-tymir'ni r

[K \\lll honor the alumni ol lau \iema e-l
(lieliesis and the l is l).l|lk\' lirstmhle \\llll
t\\o perlorniantes this \\eekend

Rasma Heal. an t|\\rl\ldlt.‘ prolessor ol lel
nesiolog). lotirided the ensenrhie .‘ll :edls aeo
and still diietts it todas

"\l} philosoph} ahout danee edutatiorr is
that part ol dame edtieation ts to learn .iil loritis
ol dant e and he enen arr opportunits he \ re
ati\e and to per'lorm " Heal said ‘( in rite stti
dents the oppoi'ttinits to sas sortiethtn: :lrionel»
rno‘sement is otten more meanrnyliil llrett
than. sa}, nurture a paper'

l'\ents to honor the daritt 'ionpt s iiitititie
l\\o eonteils a reteplion, a l‘lllllsl‘ and a
lxeeneland outing

laii \rema ol (lielresrs \\as 'lit inst dante
troiipe at l K It \\as loiinded ni l‘li“ ‘w \lai\
Kine \lonteomeis l\ottlis and \\as aioitiit: unrii

‘\\lt.. l
HI llit oldsi taeiaf'. :iit'nlx'rs :. m
\tgnni of l lit lit - ~-
'lart \r.':t:: a llrt're~..s .
fire llaiite l ituti‘flilt
llairt. lnst'“
ll‘a. toiletils.
Arid llxic u 'u
:t'tottrrvlalt .. Hints w:
ta/t' hip hop. tap and wreak da:
‘llztmauxw \.
sltiil‘iL' 'l‘l .il w‘l
that .iprreai- 'o "rut:
lh Jain
iiit’rzr’itis rrv to
(Lastiait‘. l ..
arr Merriatlot .i
iwttittls appeaiw vi» 'ln
(i.t\i.tlill\ i'th
lr;_~.'l' rir‘pat' [‘rtt c He;

peilornrantt an‘ tlet‘. r

alumni with 2 performanees

ampus, local ofl‘icials answer safety questions


By Katie Saltz

k5 altl'llky‘uflr in t win

In the merit ol an emergent} on eampus. students
ean k'\l‘k‘\l to he notilied \Ia e mail. said Mat. ,loe
Monroe. aeline l‘ls’ l’olit e thiel. at a town] on eam
ptis salet_\ last lllletl

" l he uni\ersit\ ltas an email s_\ stem and earl get
an email our \et\ t;l|l\l\l\ to e\er)one on eampus."
\loiiroe said " l'he unr\ersrts is looking: at dillerent
a\ennes ol appi'oath in elettioni; lormat. like te\t
ttlt‘ssdgt‘s [\Usslld} H

Students questioned a panel ol l'K administrators.
state and lotal polieemen. and other eontiniinit}
irreniheis ahout salet} proeedures at l'K lollouing the
massaere at Vireiriia leth

lim \\ims. assistant \lkk‘ president ol Student »\l
lairs and dii’eeloi ol Resident I rle. said there is a s\s
tem that \.|ll alert all iesrdente halls in ease ol an

Besides the protess ol hold} me students and lae
tilts. Monroe also deseiihed poliee proeedure

"I'he lirst thing: is lot the poliee ollieers to get on
the stene and assess the situation." he said "ll the
shooter is still in the area \\e ha\ e a loekdrmn. and
\\e ha\e a list ol pirinai) eontaets at the unr\ersit_\."

One student raised a question about the idea ol al



lowing.v either laeiilt} or students to earr} guns on
eampus (‘apt .lell Mmherr} ol the Kentuek} State
l’oliee said elraitgiirev the unnerstt} ~s polie) on guns is
not the ans\\er .

”You ma} think that somehod) earning a gun to
elass ma) allenate the problem hut in laet it LU!“
[wands the prohlem." Masheri') said, “The lirst thine
poliee ollieers kes in on is someone that is armed "

[here are other \\a_\s lor students to proteet them
sehes on \ ampus. Masherr) said

“The hest tool to arm )oursell \\llh is situational
axxareness.” he said

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 15 cents.

”me is no eontrete ans\\ei ot \\hat to do iir
emergent) situations. hut \lasherr) said the impoi
tatrt thing; is to not tree/e tip and pann

"I'm not ad\o\ atmg tor anshods to he a hero. hut
there are sortie thines )oti ean do." Ma\herrs said
"You ean start talkrne to the armed perpetrator and
keep mourn: ll )ou tan. hari'itade the room It



Britt Pennington a i‘nni'nii'izi aliens ‘ll'lllll \lll'i\ a l'd'l'll‘l ‘ast 'rial‘t " at w i :‘r‘ ttixe'H ‘ x ' . 7t ‘ 'is est
a tltiitll‘ tll students h an ilk

tomes do\\n to light oi llieht ”

\lam ellotts are heme made to ensure the satet\
ol students ll\lil}1 in resident e halls, \\ims said

'lhis \ear \\e ha\e dotihled the stall in the res:
\lk'lkk‘ halls." \\ims said " [his is more than an mdr
\idiial responsihilih hiit a toilettne responsihilit} '

Safety «in 5

Students gather to
remember Virginia
Tech victims

By Jill Laster

'. Jul. ii.

Io make .: liriina't tonneetion \\lll‘.
tlit \ :ieiriia ltth tia;_'ed\_\1iident (no
e'ameiit l‘iesiden' lonah lllt‘fi" ieat‘ at,
1.7 ol the \ntnt‘ts names ;ast nreht dirt
lll‘.‘ a eandlelieht \tetl outside the Mn
dent ('enter

it \l‘lll\l ha\e heen an\orie ol iis
said \eleashia \niitl‘. \lllk'kll‘l ot the
\lartm l tilher kin: h (‘tiltiiral (‘entei
"It's important to ieiiremher the\ new
humans. thes had lamilres. the\ had
ll\t‘\ ..

Smith and Brown plannet' the Hell
last ritehl. as \\ ell as \londa\ s soon at
tel leai'nirrLv ot the shooting:

'\\e tame up \\ ith this not itist as a
\ierl to rememher them, hrit \\e had
tears.~ Smith said “Ho“ tould \\e sta\
sale _..

\lter Hioun read the names ol the
\ ntritts to the erotip ol ahotit 3‘ people
tlreie \\as a moment ot silent e to honor
the \lklll‘il\

lollouine the silente. some ol the

m Vigil ' :‘rtti‘5

Newsroom: 257 t915, Advenising: 257-2872




PAGE 2 [




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Please come out and Join us for the

The 2nd Showcase of


April 25111


1 Check Out Unaergraduate Students and fitends’ I
Achievements Student Center
- Poster Presentations Grand Ball
I 1 Table & Easel Presentations & Rooms
I demonstrations .
- Oral Presentations 5 Vocal performances ,
L I _ I — I — I — I — I R‘ffeshmenfs Avallablc

(attend by. We Mnrition a 01mm majors)




{He Dis... Aniston

By Kevin O‘Leary

lhe \I1IIl HUI .\.\l)f\le1h.1
\1111111s1111e1e1l ,leIInIleI .-\IIIstoII
.t \lt1ttlu' [U l|\s‘ Htlt lls‘t‘ \\ll\le‘\l
1111-11111 111 s11.1‘1'ss takrny the
stage HI llttll} \\111uls KllKlells
lheater home 111 the ()se.I1s. to
.Ie_1';1t .III .1\\11111 hetoIe .III 1111111
t'|1\’\' ol tlIousantls eheeIIne her
1111 ‘l \1'111111111 tails ill lme \\Ith
lenIIIleI.‘ lake (isllenhaal
gush. 11 to the ennui helore IIIe
seIItIIIe her “1”) the noIIpIolIt s
\.1n;.111.111i .1\\.II1I (.11 11111112111111;
e11\ \IsIhIht_\ III the media

the 1e1e1non} \\.Is the latest
III 11 serIes ot Ieeent Utltllljls .il
\theh 11 heannn}: .1\lllslnll has
seemed happIer than she has 11‘.
months \\hIle a souree s..I_\s the
post \IIIee \anghn aetIess. 1N
\\.Is dreaehne h.1\nI;1 to 1.111
through thIs “hole 11.1tIIIe thine
11;.1111.‘ \IIIstoII \\.I\ spotted
\pIIl l2 llII'tI111‘ .lllsl l.1n11hrn1'
\\ Ith 1 11111111 111\st11_\ III III \ltlllll“
.l 1lIt1ne1 III 11.1111111 hooth at the
\1111s1'1 lime: Hotels l11\\erll.11
lll “Usl llHll“.\MNHl llL' \\1ts .l
e11111ll111~kn1e llt‘llt‘r.ll 1:111 111
11\e1.1_1,'e"11e11,1ht s11\~. .111 11111111111111
‘lle .le.1:i_1. hehl heI IIIteIest
llIe esemtness 1|esethe1l the
1lIIIneI .Is .1 \lt‘lllllls‘ date at the
eater} l)III'II1;: heI Ineal ot salad
11\ 1th eIIlletl ehteken. flen \\ as Ie
.1lI1 111111 1111.11 he \\.1s s11).1n_1: .lllkl
It looked hlse the} new holthne
hands IIII1leI the table.” s11)s the
sonree it \\.Is 11111111 seeIIIe he:
emo) heIseII \\ltll what looked
like .1 111111 1:11)

A big step

He IIIIeht \\.Int 111 111111). the

your daily dose 111 1111112111111111113111, 1101) 1‘11I11111311111111111 [amt—3| ‘ Ql

Jen's hot
mystery date

Calling all bachelors!
is ready to give love
another shot

IIe\t1lIIIneI soon 'Slre Is read)
to date .Iearnf s.t)s .III .\Inston
sonree "\he \Hll IIe\eI 11\eI
enIIIe all her IIIseeIIrItIes. hut
shes read} to get out theIe,
nhnh Is .1 111;; step "
and source l1lltllll.ll \\|lll lIeI
searth 1111 Mr leiltl "ten Inst
\\1tltls snttteults‘ she (.11) ll.ttt:..' Utlt
\\Ith.1ntl Is e.1s_\ She s eoIne 111.1
pornt In heI lIlethat1It she ne\eI
gets IIIarrIe1l. It 11111111 he the L‘llkl
111 the “111111.111” she Ie.1ll_\ \\.InIs
to get III.II‘rIetl and h.I\e 11 11111111
1) "

Me 11111) I‘tIIe her titentls
lt.t\e set .Is slte‘ [\l;I_\s llte ltcltl'
No setthng. "She elesenes some
one \\ho Is going (11.11111 to \tho
she Is and let her he \1h11 she Is
and take 1;.IIe ol her as long as
she \\ ants them to." her pal Joel)
l'Isher. star 111 tms lll Death.
tells ls

Her girl ahottirtoun hehaonI
Is 111 sharp eontrast to ho\\ she
seeIIIetl sI\ Inonths ago. \\hen
she hare!) lelt her home \\lIIle
reuneIIne 1111111 11111 lll tated I11
III.1n.e \\Illl \1111ghn (‘I'etht heI
enitIIeInls 1111 the translotnra
111111 Reeent platorne ontntes
\xrth (11111111111 Bloom and (I
tt1tllL’IL‘l Ryan lsaxanangh seem
to h.1\e heen Inst the Illltljl to
homt her eontItlenee: (‘onI'teIIe_\
(‘11\ set 1111 the tlllltlL‘l' \srth K11
\.In.111_1_1h 11s “.1 test run." s;I_\s a
s111111e. .11111 ‘11 e'\ e all been tr).
111:; to 11\ her up?“ stt}s another
lIIen1l \hes been open to It.w
‘.\ltlslttll reeentl} 11.1111 (‘ox haels
h_\ appearing; on the season (male
111 l)111_11'l'\ rennIun that hoost»
etl l'ltlltl}_‘\ 1-) pereent. "She 11111
me 11 la\11I.‘ (‘11\ tells Is "It

.\1l\ls ;t \s‘\‘

“as lantastre 111 .111 111th he1
111111111 Shes |tlst 11111 ‘1

Fighting nerves

\'I1|l. 11tte IIIeInher 111 ,'\ll|\
tons Inner enele \sot't’tes she I-
Inst IItIttIng on a hra\ e lace ".let1
Is no happter than normal.” 111'
ststs llte pal ‘lll\l\lk‘. \llL' Is .1
«lee-pl} Inseeure person \\llll nu
sell esteetn “ lltll pt'su‘tlllll‘.‘
sIIIIle I'III§_1ht he \11111 the 11111111
ordered "It s heeII 11111111111.
thIongh IeseaIth that ll )011 .111
11s It _\11n 1e happrer. 11111 “III 111'
happrel.” IIotes ps_\elIo|o}_1Ist l’e
let .I l‘1t\1lt'U "ll 1.1m toIee 111111
sell to get out there and sInIle.
11111 mil (eel hetter ”

But the Inniortant thing: 1»
that s she s 1l1111ng1 sa}s heI pal
Sung s \xrte. l'rIIthe Styler ”11\hr
stilttlel}." Sulet tells l‘s. ”She
desen es to he happy"
Suddenly, Miss Popular!

l’raetIee lll.tl\C\ perleet
\\hIle the tornIer hotnehotlx
hIInts 1111 someone "smart and
enltnretl. s;t\\ .1 soIIree.lIan;.11n~_
11111 \\lllt .1 le\\ ItIelIeIhIe haehe
tors “111111111 IIIIIIIm e her game

Orlando liloonr” \nIs11111
\\ent on .1 |IIst pals group date
“till the snIele aetor .11 the Sun
\L'l 111111111111 \laIeh I"

,lLlllllL‘ ()lI\eI 11 the Naked
('het (and his \1111:. nIInd you;
111111111 .11 (‘III III limerl) lllll‘

\prIl 1 "ha\ Ill}: 11 11111111 “me an«‘
thinking: nine." s111s .1 source.

/.aeh 1111.111 .1\t an ()sear
hash. "he potnetl 1111 the ehartn
hut .len 1111‘1nt seeIn Into hIIn 11;
all.” s.I_\saII11nlot1keI








Bl N1 1 HS
0 Small elasses
' Personal Attention





Courses available in 10
sessions of summer school:

Full Session: May 8 — August
lntersession: May 8 - May 27
NM? also otters a \ariel) ol' the to ('lglll“\\kt‘l\

to see session (lalt‘s. please \isit:
https:/ lexpress.nku.edu

0 Progress in your ehost'n degree program


llNlVl RS


to northern
Kentucky ?



, 1
Party Pics... 1
Interviews... 1

We're Covering Youi















April ll),


Chiis Miles
Asst Sports Editor
Linilesakykeitiel cum


think student-athletes wanted to see this
1i nated for their own sanity.”

—— Kate Hickey, NCAA D-l management council chaiwvoman,
on a proposed NCAA text message ban for coaches.

(UK men's basketball head coach Billy Gillispie has said he
sends over 8,000 text messages a month.




W \lt: 't’l t‘

“a KHt-‘i at

0,. .

'sd'fl' \t,1 : .1" V




v .\'vv>l

At the end ofthe 2006 football season. Keenan Burton knew
he would enter the N191 .. draft. But after reconsidering. he
‘ame hack to a team that has potential to he better than men

By Matthew George

:naieo'iiii LZKVM'” ,.

In lellltd l\ \yide teeei\ei l\teii.iii lliiitoti Ii
itally aeeoiiiplislted his thildhood dieaii:

During last season's *‘t ,‘h ltlss to l oiiisyille
iii the opening game ot the season Hutton t .ittelit
totit passes lot 11“ yaids and a toiiehdotsn and
ran a ltlll yaid kiek ietitiii lot .i
against the (‘atdiitals iii l’apa .lolttis \taditiiii lle
spite the loss lot tlte (tits. Hittton‘s stell ti peiloi
manee “as something he ltad aspiied to \lllet‘ he
“as young

lad Burton. Keenans tai'thei used to take his
soti on morning t‘tiiis thtotigh theti loiiis\il|e

totit lidou it

one day you ate Going to he \eiy siieies-liti ld

would. tell lseeiiait. \\|io al\\.iys dieagiied o' nay

iii); tit tioitt ol a ltoiiietouti, l otiis\illt item“

".\1\ tathei \yas teally .tsli\;' in NH He i“ die
.ispeel ot titaktitg sttie I had e\ei\tliiii~ l t‘t'

and iii the aspeit ol lteitiit tliete tot in. \i'

had to do \yitli spotts' l’ittitoii \‘lil

\s his eitlleee iateei eyolutl. Hutton .' «l
oped aiiotliei dieaiti playiiij' li‘i thi \ll \s the
.‘l'll’t season \\ttllllsl tlit‘.\ll. it looked as llltlltf‘ll hr-
\\eie on the \eige ol ilkl‘il\”‘ in; it

ltititoii \\as named liist team \tl \t ‘illltittsl
etii ('otiletente as aii all pttipose i‘iayei “x the
\\\l\\ tated l'iess \\llll “

lt‘tt‘PllHlls. l “V" \iiltls

l.‘ lttllslltlt‘\\ll\ last season He hei ante only

is a Duet-Wat I’iiiii tout-i1 l‘lels lot llls \ll ti'al'
liiiitoi: illt'il‘tl d wait the oppoittiiidy iii thr-
.:t:tiii.iietii:'1lt.tl lie “ldlltlht

iillst'dsiiz’ lit my titty

lt'llllltlll: 'ol l\ to' Us s\"1‘«‘l season
tstiii'vi'se t . titeiids
iasi- Hutton had told

ili‘llll" “T he ‘«\.i~

lll' .li'i .s‘wt‘ ...t: .'
laiitih wiif

leaiiit'..i‘.u it,

titst .Ihott' .‘\ct\oti.' gong: lit
so into ilit tll.ill

\‘ 'lii‘ end (i? ll
had lll‘i t'oiid iiiade lli‘ 'l, .t l t-

’i had a .oi w? 'l. :t ..

t'ie'its t‘ z'aztie laltiiost
is iea\itis'.' lliti
ton said lti1t\ tl‘llltl .iitdl
law at the same time it

i aasn't i‘eal

lelt like I had pioyeii a
:ia‘ lllllilslllt‘ altoi.‘ f.l"li “i
l\ illllllsllii' alioiit litt\\ t‘iuxll \as oi how good!

tottld he in tollez'e. htit iiist liltil‘tW httatise l \\.is

‘.\as tlist

l staited getting .i lot ot tails from triettds
and l slatted talking to my teatintiates and slid!
like thatf Button said “I iiist tited to ptit it in the
ltaek ot my mind. itot he seltisl: and iiist toetis on
the season \yhieh \\as uhat \yas important at that
lli'ilt '

Billlttlt \lltl he ‘lekthtl ltl .isk l K lii‘atl ethlel‘i
Riel! Hrooks tot s|\l\lkk'

“\\e titst tad some eon\ei'sattons.' Hrooks
said "I had talked to i lets people that l ktte\\ iii
the league and kind ot had .t sense of \\heie he
\\as going to go and that was the middle ot the
third mood I told him he‘s got to make the deti
ston. but I told liitii tltat l telt he eoiild teally heit‘
himsell \\illl one ntoie good \eai‘”

Lottisyille played its lioitte loothall games at tlte

“One day yott ate going to play in tliete and


()eeasiottally. I'd yyoitld lead his son neat

Stadium. \\here the

the thiid playet iii l'l\ lootl‘all histoiy to awn
iiiitlate It'll") teteiytiig \aids in one season
lniyetsity ot [he is loot I.

setotid team .\H \l-(

I'K's .‘ylost ()iitstaitditig Ullensixe l’layei at the
eiid ol last season. and “as ptoieeted lo analysts

1‘“ pound teteoei \sas nanni

as a ietei\ei and .\.l\ \o'ed

\lttttffii‘ttt: a



little hit lli1.tllslilll\ .ili-l itty lolks

\\k‘lk stittgehiie a little ‘iit l itis' minted to help

them .tllll stippoit thetii

Ilttitoii said he thought .Il‘itlll playine iii the
.iiotiiid the ninth oi

iltth gaitte lll the Still!»

l d Burton said .tn titisttie Keellat‘ tailed lllll‘
a \\eek hetoie he
\yhethet to entei the dt‘att oi return to \sllttstl to!
his tiital season ot eligthiltty

\\otild make the detision on

Set Burton L‘iaat' 4

Golf teams look to make run in postseason

By Stuart Wiser
sports©kvkerne| tom

Both the [K men‘s atid \yomeii's
golf teams have faced ntttnerotts eltale
lenges this year. inelttding laltettng
against tougher teams.

Now. both squads look to make a
statement in the post season and \llk‘r
eeed where they've tailed dttring the
regular season.

Battling inutnststeitt play and top
teams in the Southeastern ('onlerettee.
hoth squads look to finish their sea
sons strong and make a ptislt lot the

Both teams yytll be looking to
make a statement that. thotigh the sea
son has been tough. l'K ean still titan
age to make a run in the postseason.

“We‘re going to lows on otii

game taking gate ot otti oyyn htisi
ttess." said Stephanie Harkei. ol the
\\0111Cll\ team “'l'hese girls are itist as
good as anyone."

“ith lt\e SH~ teams iii the top I‘.
the ttomeit‘s team is taeing a totiin
postseason 'Ihough the \yometi
hayett‘t had the best seasoit \ldllNllstll
Iy. there's tto reason they ean‘t piit to
gether a good three iottnds ol goll.
Barker said

"l‘hey're .i gieat gtotip." Barker
said "I hate no tomplamts about
then \york ethtt attd t‘espeet lot their
toaelies and eaeh othet "

l‘he “omen's teatti \\|ll tee oil .it
the Old Wa\ei'ly golt eoiitse tit
Starkytlle. Miss . this \yeekend Bark
er heltey es the players tan titrn things
around in the tournament

Seniors Katie Johnson and Maris

sa \ltiii \\lll letid the \yoineit‘s teani
\lso playing in the tournament “1”
he titniois Heth l‘elts attd l’li/aheth
llitlsttll and lteshnian standout l-tiea

l'he teaiti \\lll arri\e in Starkytlle
lhttisday attd take part iii a praetiee
totind lieloie the ioutnanieitt toiiiids
take plate on l‘t'iday. Saturday and
\dllltl.” l‘he \yomen \in| play its
lioles \‘dLll day

llte ttiett also laee a totigh .\l‘(\
('haittptonship ehallenge lht'ee ol the
top ltye teaitts iii the nation are iii the
Sl-(‘ No l (ieorgta. No ‘.\lahama
and No 5 Honda

"\\ith all the good teams in the
\‘H‘. it‘s yet‘y likely you'll get paired
tip with some ol the best players.”
sophomore Brad Doster said

l)oster is one ol the players yy ho

.ite tiayelittg to (ieoigia to play .it the
Sea Island (iolt ('ottise Doster is
touted hy tiesltttiaii .\le\ \Ull‘t‘llllt‘lll.
lelloty sophoiitore ,\ndy “inings. tit
iitot (‘ale Bait aiid settioi l'yler \\i|

“No question that the SH‘ is the
best goll tottlt‘l't‘tts‘t‘. lot sure." said
tnett s head eoaeh Brian ('ratg

the men “I“ he randomly paired
up ttt threesotties \yith players from
the teams in the Sli(' and \ydl play IN
holes a day l‘fltltl). Saturday and Sllnr

“l thittk \ye'll do line \Ne‘ye
struggled a little bit this year. \ye haye
.i lot ol’ young guys." said Andy Win»
ittgs a sophomore on the men‘s team

l‘he teatti has proyen at times durr
iitg the year they can eompete on the
same leyel as the top teams in the

eottntry. (‘raig said. but the team is tn
eonsistent l‘hey are also young. \ytth
oiily three seniors and ittst one tumor
to the eight sophomores anl lresh
men With the players he has. though.
(‘raig would not like to haye it any
other way. he said

"l helteye in this team." (‘raig
said “We haye a lot ot talent and guts
and I‘ll take that met age and e\pert
enee any day "

The players share (‘raig‘s eonti
denee People should not o\ et’look
their spring pertormanees attd under
estimate the team. Duster said

“Odds are against us. but the play
ers yye haye are eonl‘tdent \ye‘ll get a
respeetahle linish." Doster said “With
the talent we have. there‘s no reason
we can‘t \y'in."


 PAGE 4 |


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.iliii ticituitcti \izv-ivlmv \‘ l'K' ‘ n Jim tacit H Hi» i.‘.‘.?‘!\‘i i": lit-imi‘ Imiin lil liic \t‘tnmi

41>. \\ilii\‘ iiiwirly iiit it'lllili: ‘tr ' - :2 I if \il \il liliiii‘i ll, iiiili‘vii ml liit' it‘lllilJliit'lii

ByTraVIsWaldron ' _ I lust ‘ vi i\ iv ii .‘ “will it» mitt 'iimc il\\.l\ linm

“Ni/3:1 to. ,u

lilt'nl .il iilt’ liunnt- ikiiiii\ ( "iir ii‘ilii‘ik \ ‘» Kli‘ iii: . ‘w'i. hipliiitt‘ 'r limiis'ii iiik' ( nlillllmiulcx i\‘.il

i‘it‘\ \.- i iiiiitii \i.» . -I‘ i k ills? uni. iil.i«i.i \_i|li iii\
iK tliik'iili\ ki\"i\‘.l’\'li \i\l :‘uillm-i i\:::‘ l 'l‘?‘ \xii~'\\iii* titltiiimi I‘m» «iv 1mm \\iii in until) iul \.ill«i\ in
unu- 'ill\ \k‘.i\Uii Maxim: iiit’ illiit' itiiw m tilt ii \ "- li\‘.iiii \iiili'i\ " H H I: I-' "l\'\‘ | i\ i tliiiik’ will --x\iII:'H|§J
, /

Hiliiiiugx ’v i iii \i.iltil Hill iiii\ \i.liil'li1 ’miiikn .; .llii \~.ii\' \» f it .mti \ti. ‘-t|li-. lnxi' til \ 1 lim- ell iiiL' Iiiiiif.‘\ I lliw
\\\‘('i\’\'iiti. 1i \\.1\iil\'(‘.|l~ iiit'ii \i iiumtilt-z :: ,- minim-i mm in l~ ill iiik itV'liitli \i‘.iui1li.it’ ililllili iilr~ :10in H lilt‘ l.itl liml

AJI".”41‘(‘IMX till/l


idi ii)ii!iiiik‘\\ Iimi iit'limi iiik‘iil lililli‘i\'\ il‘.|ii i: in:- ii :imi‘ ii iimi \izm ill .1 i: xiii-x liimlt iii\'\ “in ik‘di .lli\

iirc\.ilii \cillnl lm'lit‘ \t ii\‘-i'llF (.tivliiiil i \l .imiiiii ill‘i lil.llii‘ till» wilt' iiiiii ii Ull‘ixii imih .lliii I iiivi liilllk “U twill
Mllti ‘mmii \\ii<'~i'!u|||it .iiii. iuti 'iii i il'iiiiitii I iiml in mm iii' iit'.li .ill}inni\ i)illki.l \.ilii "il'\
li'x liil iiik‘liiiii. \timt‘lli iiill“it‘~ puny il-i "K Kitinmni‘ "iiw iiiiiit' i‘ii|i~ mil wl tin- my \lili “1"“ ill iiit'li iiik'iiilil‘lcx

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