xt7cnp1wdv92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wdv92/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1965 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 36, 1965 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 36, 1965 1965 2012 true xt7cnp1wdv92 section xt7cnp1wdv92   - v¤‘<’fi/gr is A A   4  
i  T ` · P ` Sprmg 1965 _ _ _ _ E 5 · V
  ` Q _  RY A H ·   H U M   • A Pres1dent1aI Visit   ·
    `;_»`'   _ -;-       "FJ;   V »·‘‘`       0 Founderys Day Section   { 1 
      J   L- ;? ·*   5 it     • Alumni Clubs Impressive   f A-
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S   ‘ llNl\’EllSl'l`Y OF l<      
 _ ( 1 Published quarterly by the University of Kentucky on the campus of the University at Lexington. $l»p[_ [8 §\(i_ _______,__ Awiiy l:;gi)(·§».  
‘   Membership (Type A) in the Alumni Association includes subscription to the Alumnus. Mcxnber S _ R :,5 \H“ H '_ 84   ,; 
E   1 of National Editorial Association, Kentucky Press Association, American Alumni Council. * *1 · ·" ·   ········ mm 110 1*,5l  
 1 V j i ()et, 2 Afib. .......... Away 2:00 (jg  
` ' " · · S ·`;..`:     ri  
. S · 1 Spring 1965 Volume KAXV I Issue 2 0* 1, 1 ‘ T1 "* “"'“* **11*11->1 .·:, ;
a · ()et. lo La. State .. Away 8;00(fyi  
. l Oct. 23 Ca. ............ llo1ne8:00lZSf Z. 
` Q C ) Oct. 330 \\’.\'a.(llC) llon1c2;00lg>j  ,_
5 ’ 011161118 Nov. 6 \'andy .,.... Away 2Zll1l(`§T QT 
_ _ _ Nov. 133 llonslon .... Away 7;:l0(_v  
i 3 A Pl`€S1(1€l111t1.l VISII *1 Nov. 20 °'l`cnu. ...... llonie 2;00l{Q Q` 
 l 1 1 ° (K l)ay) { 
.   Foundeifs Day: 1965 0 _ _ i  
L * ' lll;,·\I) (,O.·\(Ill—(Il1arlit· llratlsliit,  
if   The Centennial Ball 8  
 I 1 I . . . l’lllCl·`S  
I ’ 1 mdleto Dinner and Rece tion I0 '  t
: `   P P ;\l'lll-(lll;\ll' Seats—Scason ......., Sy-»  
 ’ , . . Stadium S ·ats~—Scaslll(;l;g  iq;
‘ I i . Missouri .........,........................4.., S'  {Zi
 l i . Alumni Clubs Impress New 2  i-1
Q L Anliurn ........................................ $· ~  N
 J i — S   \]iC€ President   14.5.1 . .............. . ..................,.....,,, Si  
. 1 Vanderbilt ..............................._,_ S: ·  
Q l Abgllt the Alllllllll 2] llonston ...................................... $E~  
. \    ,
 · EXECUTIVE QO)[)[]TTEE Dinnctkfv-Bitner: xl. Hardy, 102 Hay Aye., H('1\L1 bM‘l"5  
· 2 ran ort, 'y. ·_ _ · . __ . · _ _ _ . _    
' Mr. \Villiam M. Cant, President, Common- District V1·D1f· 1'1f11j¥>' C- D€‘¤11"111¤1» 611 F01'¤‘$1 Silk of >(`lN?n Enh h m_Umm1""_  
  §wealthKAttorney, 100 St. Ann Street, Owens- D_.~:v_c},   1 B 437 W H_ to the Alunnn l· und during 11ll~;.·  V:
_ 0[Q, y, IS HC V- l . 0\V8l'( , OX I L., Ll lllS , * _ 4 _ ` · i _ X ` _' _  
' Dr. Glenn U. Dorroh, Immediate Past Presi- _C1'§"=‘1‘»   _ _ “lm (hd.m)t punllihl hl1`lt` 1"“’ QA  -
 _ dent, 301 Clinton Road, Lexington, Ky, District \iIII (lxcntncky-at-Large>—Gilbert \}. will begin Nlay 2-1 and end ]a;_» ·  V-
 ·_ Mr. B. A. sha-eiy, vice President, 151 Chen- k¤¤u:¤1¤¤;ry. 210 Ed¤¤~~·¤<>d Rd-. 5. Ft- >i¤t· Tm, iiclini, (..,,.0 ,,,.,,. i,,. ,,,,i.i,,_,· , -
 . Q ault Road, Lexington, Ky. _'¢11?11· 1*}* _ _ ` _` _ _ ` ‘ 1 ` .'  ·f·
_ Ml·S_ Jane lwln l·,lm-iis, T,-Ensnren 1553 Lees, District IX _(Nation-at-Largc)—E\vell H_atfit·ld. Sale (ll ll](ll\'l(ll11ll ll`lllllt’ lite.? .;_ 
.. town Rnndi Lexington, Ky_ _l1p Qll’8ffl€T St., Charleston}. \\ cjt \ Ugllllll Owng Xu yust 0 both thrmmh    
_ Helen G_ King, Di,-acm,. ng Alumni Aflnim District h—George W. \\ arwick. lnlfi Ridge _1 · · _ 1> ·· _‘~ _··  
 _ Qlumni House., 400 Rose Street, L€xingi0n_ Rd., Lancaster, Pa. ticket window at the Atlilctlc 0:1  I
1 . y` Timms Exrniu: Mar, 1967: uml by m*“l· ,  2 ‘
 · Terms Exeuu: Mar, 1965; Disnict I_M,_ Douglas william; Hopkinsvmm _ Season ticket holders, may .5;,  xii U
, Disnici l- L_ Berkley Davis, 22 Sinn,. Cwck _1\y_. _ _ V tor out-of-town game tickets at    ..: A I
  Park, ()wenSbnm_ l(y_ District ll-Mr. Lynn jcffrics, Columbia, Ky. (,,,,0 uw`. wud in their <,,,N,,, t. Q,  rj-
{ District ll-R_ R_ Dawson, Blnnmncltl, l(y_ District III-Kirijoe Creason, 4000 Druid Hills ` · ` ’ I ` ‘      f .
Disgrict I%__n,;cK§y Reed, JL, 441 Swing Lmwv Dlliong, I]{vDlL:§yl]l,_·R:   B th 1-01 I" (ll'Llt‘l'5, Al;\l·tt‘ 5t‘l);ll';lt(‘ Cllt‘t‘ S {1*12.*  5,:1
. 0u.S   9 , ry, 15 1'1(I -1 IS. A . . OS\\'0f , 1 ‘ lll- ' Q ` ' ' .‘ A Q , ' ·    
  ¤rnnc1Viv-M.5. Elmer cab, rmi. paw, Lex- castle Road. Lt·xs¤r¢¤¤._ xy.; nr. 12. in mg mt *1 "1 ""1" "1" *1 “""‘ “‘ ‘ ,-  
 ‘ gigton, léy.; Guy A. Huguelet, jr., 1469 D liafflsx/_42il Rilsér SLB Lgwiingtog. lx§37 vv All 1`11<‘€'1’€$ $1101110 110 11111(1P l1·§1·~~"  
k ·. D ‘ ·, L ,‘ gm , K ·, is rict -— r. ames . cn, ox · P , in- ' ' . . ‘ .- _. —— Ni ‘ _ 5;  ia
. Distlliciv\L/1[;l\irslllv}1ichzi·ij(dnHogking,691 1..,......   ry. *9 1 1~ ·“1·1s*1<~ *~~<*<~*1}2¤·_ *11;,,.  ,,_ —
 _ Ave., Paris, Ky. District VI—Dr. Emcry Clark, jr., Flcmings· (`111`UC1 1111 11k 1T11(1111i111 r111`1~C1 1**  f,
 . District V1-]. Roger Caudill, 530 College Blvcl.. burg, Ky. Lpxjngllin Ky  {
 _ Morehead, Ky. District VII—Mr. Richard G. \Vclls, jr., Pike- ` ' I  n
 * District VII—Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, 2711 Sem- ville, Ky. C111`¢`1'($ 111111 111` ¢1¢11•?<1 1111} 1·  '
j‘·  l inole Ave., Ashland, Ky. District VllI—(Kentucky-at-Large)—Mr. Cecil  {
. 2 District VIII (Kentucky-at—Largc·)—-Mrs. Hamp~ Bull, R. #1, Georgetown, Ky.; Mr. joe Rnp-  z
{ i ton C. Adams, Old Keen Place, Versailles crt, Box 471, Ashland, Ky.  i'
 l Rd., Lexington, Ky.; David H. Pritchett, 520 District lX—(Nation-at-Large) -— Mr. Ernest Q  _
 _ Capital Ave., Frankfort, Ky. Steele, 7117 Shcflield Dr., Knoxville, Tenn. . _ \ ,,, E- 
‘ _ District IX (Nation-at-Largc)—B. j. Harris, District X—(Nation-at-Large)—\ir. C. Robert E(111(11` ·····-··--······-· QUFNTW 11 ·` L"'  
I ,3000 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, Fla. Yeager, L. G. Balfour Co., Attleboro, Mass. . ,_  Q`
L_ Q Distr1ct3§i37(gzxionl-at-Laggc)\?l{)I\;¤rr>{VS.h_Tr;¤y- Managing Editor .........,.. ll1;LtiN 111  ~
'  " DOI', 1 BH OUSC ., 1 . ., EIS lll}.! OH  
 · · ` 15- D·C· BOARD OF TRUSTEES Crapliie Design ,, El,l,S\\'()l\Tll TA1"11?  
 _ TERMS Exnmn MAY 1966; Dr. Ralph j. Anl.{elncci, 3217 Tates Creek Pike, _ .,  
  ’ L~ ‘npztcn, K;. Illustrator ........., R. ll. l1o1>Nl2\ 11*11*  
 » Di§rict1I—N.   Neel, City Enginccr’s Office, Robzlfi H. Hi0cnmcyer, 1554 Meadowtborpc  i. _
 · en erson, y. D ' ·, L·” rt , K_. ,i ·- ' .· _R=F1?O?Y  i'
 , Disgrict II-RI%hard E. Cooper, P. O. Box 183, jamgvh, Slxllglgllirl, lllomnfield, Ky. (11*** Nlm`5 ``°''`'''`'''` ADA D L  
* `omcrsct, y.  Q `
 '· District III-William Dctherage, 315 South Fifth ° ° ° bl' Hr   -
i,. i Street, Louisville, Ky. The Board of Directors meets in St-ptemlwr, I Edited bg lh? Pgpariimcrlisofiilisciixn,  ]=·
. District lV-Dr. O. B. Murphy, 470 Overbrook November, january, and March and the annual 3 mus an mlm c un cr. L Xmniq  T-.
 · Dr., Lexington, Ky.; j. Patil Nickcll, 302 Hart meeting is held in May or june each year, The Second class P°$10g* Pwd at E ”   .
`. Rd., Lexington, Ky, time and place is set by the Directors. K€¤\l1Cky. 40506  »,  
1.  1 2   1
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 i I     mgsrnrzxr Lvxnox B. jonxsox capped the Univer- "The Great Society will oller you the chance to (tern, _
V _ l   P sity`s one lnrndred years of service and leadership work. It does not promise luxury and comfort and rr life .
I · l by an address delivered at the Founders day Con- of waste. lt does promise every Arneriean a clrgrnur to F  
J j 1 vocation. enrich his spirit and share in the gr·eat eornrnon errterpria ;.   "
 ,   A He turned to the younger generation in saying “Your of our people. V - ' · A
    i task is different and more difficult than any that have "Your energy and your sacrifice are needed. It it my I Q . " ,1
i r I gone before.” President johnson directed the attention job to tap those resources and help provide the elim, i  ·_`l
  I i of the audience to the future rather than the achieve- to serve."   ·
l     . ments of the past. President johnson outlined the various prograrnsk  A ._ 
 A r 3 "If you wish a sheltered and uneventful life, then you which he said volunteers are needed in starting with rj. l " T  l ,·•
 {     are living in the wrong generation. No one can promise Peace Corps and including volunteers in the war agajjjjg I ·` _` 
t i ` you calm, or ease, or undisturbed comfort. poverty, women to help deprived children prepare lr: ’ P
.   I l “But we can promise you this. \Ve can promise success in school, community action programs in Qvggjr  g · _
  I r   enormous challenge and arduous struggles and hard community in an effort to wipe out poverty and restore  
I I t   labor and great danger. and protect beauty in America. F I
Qi  j E , “And with them we can promise you finally triumph- "In every area of national need the story is the same?   ‘ , ‘
_ _     triumph over all the enemies of mankind.” President ]ohnson said. "The Great Society cannot tk    
 P l T i I The President’s early arrival halted the Centennial built-either at home or al>road—by government alorg ; "_
V.  ` I I Founders Day Convocation as distinguished alumni were It needs your sacrifice. I intend to continue to sent} Ii    K
r l I being introduced. Striding rapidly, he was almost across for new ways to give you a chance to serve. And lhs; ·*‘ 
I f I the platform before many in the audience recognized to move toward the day when every young Arneric;  
 f I j him. will have the opportunity to give a few years of lrislrfr  
  I I Dr. Oswald then presented President ]ohnson the to the service of others in this nation and in the world.  -
  j Centennial Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws follow- “You will bring to this work not only skills and ener;.  
 A i ing the President’s introduction by Gov. Edward T. but the most important ingredient of all; the idealis;  A
 . Breathitt. and vision of youth.” gi 
 Q Saying that the younger generation—those under 25- On George \Vashington`s birthday. President johns:  
 . · I r constitute the world’s majority, President ]ohnson said, quoted from \Vashington`s first inaugural address: “Tle  
 I “You inherit a world with great danger, the largest destiny of the republican model of government is jrrrlljr  
  difficulties and the most promising destiny in history.” considered as finally staked on the experiment entrrrstei  i‘ by
l’ “As an American citizen today, you are also a citizen to the hands of the American people.”  ' 5,
 · of the world. Your cause is truly the cause of all man- In the years since Washington spoke, President _lOlllZ·  
{  kind], son said, "The great experiment has prospered. \\`lier¤   (1}
 V Elaborating on his central theme that the central task we once stood alone. today the sun never sets on lr:  
  of the younger generation is to make the world serve to men, or men struggling to be free. Even where dietrtrrr  
A  enrich the dignity and value of human beings, ]ohnson rule, they often Hnd it necessary to use the lariguasvii  
_.  said: free elections and the rights of man. For our clcrriUU·%ij·  f
 ·· “\Ve will do this not through riches, power or comfort. has proven a most powerful secular idea in the lriSl¤K~  ri
 . j You will {ind meaning only by sharing in responsibilities, of man."  
    the dangers, and the passions of your time. A great The President said Washington fought for a1*\,j  Q   ’  _  . :5 W ¥ ,;,’, '  I' JE `,   if I-
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T THE CREST of a century’s work, the University silliouettes of couples walking tow.ird tlie Student liv
A family and its friends paused during the Found- across a red carpet leading to tlie lroiit eiitriuiee 4
l er’s Day \Veel1‘;lll<*N- l"'
. Anticipation of high excitement was created in the excitement so much a part of a University iir<·\’i¤*¤l“
i bright flaming torches on the sidewalks outlining the zest and mood of an energetic new century. l lr ‘
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A A ‘·     I A V       liam Xl. Cant, Mrs. ]ohn Sherman Cooper, Nlrs. ]0hull.  
A A    , 2 »  AA AA A     ___ Oswald, Mary Ann Harris and Mrs, \Villiam Detlwmié J
i l   K   A ‘     ~ (2) Mary Ellen and \Villiam NI. Cant greeting Scum ‘
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l   I     Y   A = .¢·     ]0hn Sherman Cooper.  3
l    ·   , F n ’'i   "    V )» }·` Ag;   President Elvis Stahr of Indiana University M5  ¤
(   LA   AAAAA_   ·. A   ' , ’ M A   Tl AA Cov. Edward T. Breathitt in a lively eo1i\‘erSuli<~i.  A· (6)
  AA 3    `   A A *`  AAAS); AA   \ \Vatching are Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, Blrs. ll.-l  
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. i E _ ma the greatest economic prosperity-   T The Stress
I it ever known by Man;   me mums
With scientitic accoinplishment,  Communist
S · . unparalleled in human history;  and the mv;
_, -· With a technology whose machines and inetiitidt  with apnic,
i   continually revolutionize our way