xt7cnp1wfk0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wfk0w/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1957 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 2, Autumn 1957 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 2, Autumn 1957 1957 2014 true xt7cnp1wfk0w section xt7cnp1wfk0w jfruntizr 3HUI’5ilIQ $Bl‘hi£
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Nativity Play at Wendover
Cover painting by Vanda Summers
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky.
Subscription Price $1.00 A Year
Edit01·’s Ollicez ‘v€lld0\'01', Kentucky .
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Ofllce at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879." *·
Copyright, 1957, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. "¥

* A Tale to Tell Marion Hickson 26
(   American Association of
  Nurse-Midwives Helen E. Browne 20
E , Beyond the Mountains 37
A Editor’s Own Page 40
Field Notes 41
‘ Q Health and Happiness Peggie Foster and
Illus.—~Inside Back Cover Jane Fnrnas 3
Y I In Memoriam 21
i Old Courier News 13
T i Old Staff News 27
3 On Love (Verse) Bliss Corman 2
Thank You, Ford Foundation 33
The Bridge the Neighbors Built Agnes Lewis 7
Variety Is the Spice of Life Joy Hilditcli 9
 A BRIEF mrs
4 A Mother Pheasant Ladies Home Jourizal 6
A Arrival of Mark Rice (Verse) Ambrose Rice 35
S Autumn (Verse) Rebecca Brown 34
 ~ Full Circle New York Times 40
V-  Jamestown Year 1607-1957 36
 _ Nurse-Midwives Urged for Births Louisville C'onrier—J0ni‘naZ 32
 I Our Mail Bag 34
 is Sayings of Our Children 8
i, The Spider Banbury Chap Books ` 19
M Wliite Elephant 12

To—nighi we calendar  
The rising oi lhai siar
Which lil Jrhe old world wilh new ioy oi living. A
In ihe proiound unknown.  
lllumined, Tair, and lone, i` 
Each siar is sei +o shimmer in iis place.  
In The proiound divine  
Each soul is sei io shine.  
And iis unique appoinled orbii irace.  
Chrisi said. By love alone  
In man`s heari is God known;  
Obey The word no lalsehood can deiile . . .  
Open The door +o-nighl l 
Wilhin your heari, and lighi —`
The laniern oi love ihere lo shine aiar. f' 
On a iumulluous sea  
Some siraining craicl, maybe, il 
Wilh bearings losl, shall sighi love`s silver slar. ll
Reprinted by permission of l
Bliss Cccrmmzfs Poems  

PEGGIE FOSTER, R.N., S.0.M., and JANE FURNAS, B.s., R.N., C.M.
  Cla.ra Ford Center on Red Bird River
{ (See inside back cover for pictures)
' U Mrs. Sam Combs (Alice) of Lyn Log Branch, came early to
QV  the clinic to register for prenatal care. Her least one, Cecil, age
  two, had been caught by the FNS and she again wanted to pro-
_  tect the health of both herself and her unborn baby. She was
  carefully checked each month and soon it was discovered she
V would have twins. We sent her to the Medical Director’s clinic
at Hyden Hospital to confirm this and she was booked for a
{ hospital delivery.
i Early Tuesday morning there was a frantic knocking at
I our door and there stood Mary, Alice’s sister, to say that Alice
{ was "bad off." We didn’t think there would be time to get her
; to Hyden Hospital. We knew if we were to deliver her at home
i we would both be needed as one of the twins would be quite
i small. Knowing this we took with us a large cardboard box, hot
  water bottles, and warm covers.
  We arrived at Alice’s home to find her about ready to have
it the babies. All thought of getting her to Hyden Hospital van-»
__ ished in thin air and we rapidly prepared for the delivery. We
. Won’t go into details of the delivery which was a most interesting
Q one but by the grace of God we have a live mother and two live
I babies. Robin, weighing 3 and ML lbs., came first and reversed
_w his way into the world. His little heart was beating well but it
  took several anxious moments to clear his air passages of mucus
Q and stimulate his breathing. What a joyful sound—his first loud
  cry! Following soon after his brother, Richard arrived head first,
A weighing 5 and Ml lbs. Both babies seemed to be in good condi-
  tion, but we decided that little Robin should be taken to Hyden
! . Hospital. He was so small we knew his chances of survival would
i be much better if he spent the first weeks of life in an incubator
  and under Dr. Beasley’s care.
i il In the meantime, while we stayed in the home to make sure
{ l

4 FRONTIER Nonsmc smzvxcm  
Alice and Richard were doing all right, Robin started life happily  
in his cardboard box with hot water bottles. Rickie also went into  
the box. Before we left to take Robin to our Hospital, Alice ga
wanted a picture of mother, babies, and nurses just in case little E i
Robin didn’t survive. Then off we started for Hyden in a jeep ,
with one nurse holding Robin inside her coat against her own  
body heat and with a hot water bottle. We arrived at Hyden =;,
Hospital in record time-—immediately Robin was placed in the  
warm incubator. What a happy day it was a month later when  
Robin, who was well adjusted to life outside the incubator and  Q
gaining steadily, was taken by his recuperated mother to join  I
Rickie in the beautiful new baby bed in his own home. ,
"Y’ all come," the hospitable invitation in this part of the  
world, we happily extended to the Combs family, hoping they i
could all attend clinic together. This they did, coming for their  ,
first family visit when the twins were six weeks old. Robin and  Q,
Richard were only weighed and measured on this visit but the  
rest of the family got their polio shots. Since this picture was  
taken the twins have had their DPT injections which means that Q
they are protected against diphtheria, whooping cough, and {
Health is a family affair. Many families besides the Combs Q
come to the clinic at the nursing center for inoculation against ‘· 
disease, and for advice about nutrition and health habits. They  
are a credit to the whole community and a source of stimulation .
to us who are public health nurses as well as nurse-midwives. '
Many parents, realizing how the various worm infestations f
can undermine health and happiness, have come to us for help ,
in a family campaign to rid themselves of this all too common  '
enemy. Then there is the water supply. Where does the water i
come from? Is it pure at the source? Does it become contami-
nated between the source and where it is used? So many things
to talk over! 2
H  V.
Many families take advantage of our school clinics. Not long -’
after the schools opened in early August we started to visit them. 1
We were thrilled with the good attendance—especially as it is
very difficult for the children to get to school from many of the ·`
areas off the main roads. The teachers are so friendly, under- 'f

l  standing, and cooperative, that it is a joy to plan a health pro-
  gram to include the eight schools in our area.
fi Big Creek School tops the list with 160 students and four
* l teachers, Mrs. Alma Sizemore, Mrs. Thelma Sizemore, Miss
J Emma Spurlock, and Mr. Albert Davis. It is an inspiration to
  see the wonderful work that is being done with so few school
V} materials with which to work. Each of our schools requires
  several visits, our first to say howdy to everyone and to make
  arrangements so that every family in the district will know
 " there is to be a clinic and may have the opportunity of attending.
9 They bring the little "under sixes" with them, so that a school
clinic really is a family clinic. Subsequent visits to the schools
 } are paid to weigh and measure the children, give the necessary
 ~ inoculations, and to talk with the children and their teachers on
  health matters.
 js Lower Elk is the next largest school with two rooms, 90
V'} students, and two teachers, Mrs. Mattie Ledford and Miss Mary
  Lipps. We were fortunate in having Dr. Mildred Gabbard come,
  with Mrs. Thomas of the Clay County Health Department, to this
1g, clinic. Clay is one of the five counties for which Dr. Gabbard is
  health oflicer. She is a mother as well as a health oflicer, with
Q her home in Owsley County, and she knows just how to gain
  and keep the interest of the children.
 “ Dr. Gabbard examined all of the iirst and fifth graders and
 p several other children with special problems whose parents were
{ also present. It was a very successful clinic and several children
  were referred through the health department for eye examina-
 . tions, chest x—rays, and care of the teeth. Children with specific
 I defects and illnesses were referred to their family doctor, where
there was one, or to Dr. Beasley (the Service Medical Director)
. as is always the case in our clinics. The parents of these children
were visited later in their homes—the problem discussed—and
I happily all cooperated. l
 ' Sugar Creek School, on the edge of the district, has the rec-
” ord number of inoculations as 99% have had their "shots" up to
1 date-—not forgetting the little "under sixes" who always took
é part in the program. Mrs. Jane Langdon, the teacher, can be
  proud and indeed so can the parents.
T We have also held clinics at Double Creek, Jack’s Creek,

Newberry, Ulysses Creek and Upper Elk schools but have not,  q
as of this writing, completed the full program. , 
We are interested in helping our children to become inter-  
nationally minded and recently, when we had the pleasure of a I
visit from Dr. Bedekar of India, we took her to visit several of , q
our schools. She wore a beautiful sari and she spent some time "
with each group of students, pointing out India on the map,  
writing in her language on the blackboard, and answering hun-  {
dreds of questions about India. Many of the parents have told I
us how much their children enjoyed meeting a real Indian from  ·
What of the future? Who can measure the peace and hap-  `
piness which can be enjoyed by those communities who make ‘
health a family affair—for all will attain God’s reward for tak- .
ing the best care they can of the wonderful body He gave to
each and every one.  .
Once, in June, we came upon a mother pheasant steering a j, 
brood of minute babies across a dirt road. They were too little  
to mount the bank at the other side, and when she realized it, M
she cast an agonized glance at us. We had stopped the car. She
thought it over, and rushed back guiding them to safety on the J
low side of the road. They looked too small to walk, but they
twinkled along after her. The least one had to be helped with _
much fluttering of wings and special instructions. r
We sat quietly for some time after they had vanished. It
was a small miracle to see how this wild, frightened little mother *
would not save herself. She would save her babies or die trying. _
I was thankful we were the ones who had met her. A speeding ‘
car with a careless driver would have killed all thirteen.
—From Diary of Domesticity, by Gladys Taber `,
Reprinted by special permission of the Ladies? Home Journal. `
Copyright 1956 by the Curtis Publishing Company. Q

Executive Secretary, Frontier Nursing Service
  Last March, twelve men in the Flat Creek district had a
 . "working" at the Caroline Butler Atwood Center at Creekville.
 l They cleared the road to the nursing center of all the debris that
  had been left in the wake of the January flood; unblocked the
 _ drains and filled in the worst holes with creek gravel. It was a
big day’s work but these kind neighbors made the road safe for
I their nurse to get out on her district and for her patients to get
to her, during the summer months. The nurse gave them a good
 · This was only a temporary measure. Something permanent
 ig would have to be done before another winter. The consensus of
 A opinion of these men was that to replace the log retaining wall—
1 washed out by the flood—and to put the road in good condition
would cost at least $1,000.00; and they were pretty sure that
V the next Hood--or even a big tide—would wash it out again. Miss
» Joy Hilditch, our nurse-midwife in charge of the center, took the
,4  problem up with Mr. Bascom C. Bowling, chairman of the Fron-
_, tier Nursing Service Flat Creek District Committee. He talked
with various men on this committee who understand road build-
_ ing. Finally, they concluded that it would be a waste of money
l to repair this old road along the creekbed. In their opinion it
would be far better to abandon it and build a new road through
a neighbor’s field. This would necessitate getting a right of way;
* grading the new road and fencing it off ; and putting in a wooden
bridge with concrete pillars over Big Flat Creek. This decided,
» Mr. Bowling approached Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bray about the
 . right of way, which they generously gave.
I Mr. Bowling then called a meeting of the Flat Creek Com-
mittee for July 11th at the center. After Mrs. Breckinridge had
Q given her report she turned the meeting over to the chairman.
He suggested that the Committee take on the new road and
bridge as a project; and that they not only line up the labor and
supervise the construction of the bridge, but that they undertake
if to raise the money for it too. This suggestion was met with

 s FRONTIER mmsxno smnvrom  _
enthusiasm by all eleven members present; and Mr. Bowling A 
started off the drive for funds by giving his own generous check  
——others followed suit. It was a most interesting and gratifying _  
meeting. -
As this Bulletin goes to press, the road, fence and bridge  
are completed except for the finishing touches; and the cost to
date in cash money has been $696.78. It would have cost several  
hundreds of dollars more but for the gifts in kind, which were l
largely due to personal contacts made by Mr. and Mrs. Bowling.  
County Judge Charles H. White, Manchester, gave the use of  
the bulldozer with its operator; the Gennett Lumber Company,  ?`
Creekville, and the J. Walter Wright Lumber Company gave all _
of the lumber for the bridge—logs and flooring. Gifts in money  
from thirty-one donors for this road and bridge have to date  
totaled $343.00, meeting about fifty per cent of the costs paid in P
cash. Mr. and Mrs. Bowling made several trips to Manchester  
and spent endless time in seeing friends—many of them in Man-  2
chester and asking for contributions. They personally raised  
over two-thirds of the total fund. Our barn woman at the nurs-  
ing center gave one month's wages, in addition to her husband’s  Q
contribution. ,i
This help from our own people, under the splendid leadership  
of Mr. Bowling, has been most heartening to Mrs. Breckinridge Y 
and all of us, especially to Miss Hilditch. Space does not permit  Y
our naming all of the kind and generous friends who have given ?
their time or money—some have given both—in building this _
new road and bridge. We can only send out to each and every  ,
one who had a part in it, deeply grateful thanks from the bottom I
of our hearts. (
Nurse: "How long have you had your sore throat, Danny ?" `
Danny (age eight and very serious): "I have had it since j
I got it." "
Nurse (after stopping to think for a minute) : "And when
did you get it ‘?"
Danny: "I got it yesterday morning."
T. 1. I

l JOY HILDITCH, R.N., s.c.M.
' _ Caroline Butler Atwood Center at Flat Creek
5 The hill top across the valley was bathed in sunshine giving
  it a curious disembodied appearance. The heavy October morn-
  ing mist obscured most of the valley so I could hear but not see
  a neighbor calling to her cow to come to be milked.
  Taking a supply of swabs and antiseptic lotion down to
i the barn I got Laura, my mare, out of her stall and with the help
I of Elsie, my faithful barn lady, cleaned a festering wound on her
 Q neck. A careful check of the pasture fence had revealed several
  rusty nails which I had driven in or removed so I hope she will
_ not repeat the accident. Poor Laura did not appreciate our
  ministrations over much tho’ she did enjoy the apples and corn
  which we used to bribe her into a semblance of stillness.
 ji Going indoors for breakfast I noticed the hill across the
_ valley had come back to earth, and I was enjoying the promise
 " of a clear sunny day.
g While I prepared my saddle bags for the day’s visits heavy
  steps sounded on the porch, and into the waiting room came a
 - neighbor who had recently crushed his linger at a saw mill. His
if wound was healing well and in a few minutes he was on his way.
Meanwhile another man arrived to have sawdust removed from
his eye, then two children came to have typhoid shots before
Z school. Just at 8 a.m. as I was getting myself and Spot, my red
. setter, into Parker, the jeep, Ellen came rushing up with her
youngest boy, an energetic seven year old. He had just fallen
out of a tree and sustained an injury to his wrist. There was
  not much swelling but as Ellen said "It looks right quare." With
cotton and a magazine for padding and splint I bound it up and
fixed a sling. Then wrote a note to Dr. Beasley and hastened
— them on their way to Hyden since I didn’t feel qualified to set
~ broken bones!
My first call was to see a child with badly infected tonsils
who had been sick several days, happily the fever had now left
him and his tonsils looked much healthier. Leaving instructions
1 with his mother for his continued care I rejoined Spot in Parker
1 .

and we made our way to a turn-off which he loves, knowing as  J
he does, that it means a walk for us both. After the excitement TZ
of chasing numerous make-believe rabbits we finally came to the
head of the hollow where the Jones family live. Marie, the  
mother, was waiting for us in a spotless bed as usual and as il
usual too her daughter was busy with tubs of water and a wash · 
board. It seems that her four brothers insist on getting them-
selves black from head to toe every day of their lives so poor j
Peggy has a never-ending job keeping their clothes clean. Marie j
has spent many long months in bed keeping herself cheerful,  
listening to the battery radio and sewing. Her lungs are badly  
infected so she has to have injections three times each week,  E
hence Spot’s familiarity with the road.  k
Next I left Spot and the jeep and crossed the creek to visit  
an elderly couple whose children have all married and scattered.  
Both Becky and Don were feeling sprightly and talked enthusi-  
astically of all the grandchildren. Having admired her shining  ly
kitchen and compared notes with Becky on egg production I  _&
finally left with a neat package containing a dozen fresh eggs. 3
I do hope this winter will be kinder to them than last when they  
both became seriously ill with pneumonia, after leaving their *
house during the night of the big ilood.  E
Leaving Becky and Don we made our way to the house of
a young family fairly new to the district. Here I gave the baby ?
and her brother both diphtheria and whooping cough shots, this ;
gave me great satisfaction as I have been trying for months to  }
persuade the mother that both children should be immunized. H
Young Donny stood perfectly still while I plunged the needle into  
his arm and his only comment was to the effect that it "sure  ,
didn’t hurt." After some discussion regarding Allie’s health I  
finally took my leave. I arrived at the next house just as the ,
family were coming in from their tobacco stripping. I needed
little persuasion to sit down with them to a well laden dinner ‘
table. Presently I was able to satisfy myself that the mother of .
this lively group was getting over her spell of "high blood." She *
‘has been very cooperative and sensible about following her diet
and is feeling much better for the drop in her blood pressure.
Once more I rejoined Spot and Parker and went down river
a piece to see Roscoe, a sturdy 2-year-old who had recently col- .

 I lided with the cook stove and burned his arm. He is a fat, jolly
l little fellow who takes everything in his stride. His mother has
 , been dressing the wound each day since I last saw him. He
H announced that it was quite better and sure enough it was almost
V healed. While I was looking at his arm his father came in so I
§ was able to redress a wound on his wrist. He had fallen a few
{ days before in his barn and cut himself quite severely on some
, part of his tractor. Coming straight to the clinic he found me
  at home fortunately so it was stitched up in a matter of minutes
  after the accident and was now almost ready to have the stitches
  taken out. We arranged for him to come up the next evening to
 E have this done in the clinic.
Our last call was the Post Oflice to call for the mail and
  have the gas tank filled before going home. With the help of a
  neighbor, armed with a bucket of corn, I tended Laura’s neck
 § and was pleased to find the swelling considerably reduced so I
  hoped, with her, that it would soon be healed and forgotten.
 -§ After this I settled with a cup of tea to read any mail and
. the daily paper. By the time my supper was ready I had written
  up the records and was looking forward to a quiet evening. Soon
 , after supper a regular visitor of mine, a school girl, Dora, came
  with her mother. Dora used to have frequent severe attacks of
n' asthma but she does not any more—since she has been taking
. allergy vaccine regularly for the past four years. Dora is quite
” philosophical about her shots. She’s quite used to them and pre-
  fers shots to shortness of breath.
 1 Closing the door behind them I noticed the valley was almost
filled again with pearly mist.- The nurse’s day was ended and
i I sat by the fire listening to the united sounds of my neighbors
? before picking up my book and losing myself in a chapter or two
» of the N orth West Passage.
· The nurse’s day was ended—what of her night? With two
_ expectant mothers due, the odds were that one would send for
me, and one did!

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1579 Third Avenue, New York 28, New York
You don’t have to live in or near New York to help make money
for the Frontier Nursing Service at the Bargain Box in New York.
We have received thousands of dollars from the sale of knickknacks
sent by friends from sixteen states besides New York. The vase you
have never liked; the objet d’art for which you have no room; the
party dress that is no use to shivering humanity; the extra picture
frame; the old pocketbook; odd bits of silver.-There are loads of .
thing? you could send to be sold in oui behgéf. d b 1 f
I you want our green tags, fu y a resse as la e s, or your (
parcels——then write us here at Wendover for them. We shall be happy {
to send you as many as you want by return mail. However, your ship- i
ment by parcel post or express would be credited to the Frontier Nurs- 4 _
ing Service at the Bargain Box if you addressed it
1579 Third Avenue {
New York 28, New York i

7  Edited by
I From Frederieka (Freddy) Holdship, Sewickley, Pa.
and Virginia (Jimiy) Branham, Hingham, Mass.
Note: Freddy’s and Jinny’s safari of about six weeks included
the Edinburgh Festival; several days on the Isle of Skye
where they spent a day with the district nurse—arranged
for them by Queens Institute of District Nursing for
Scotland; a visit to Edith Bunce (O1ive’s sister) on the
, Iglfdof Wight; and various places in England and Switzer-
Hingham, Massachusetts—August 24, 1957
I don’t believe it! A week from Monday Freddy and I take
to the air. Freddy gets here Friday afternoon. I’m trying to get
together a few clothes. The last accomplishment was getting
· the best barn shoes out of hock—got to have something in which
4 to climb Ben Nevis! Yes, and we’ll keep thee posted via post
Argyll, Scotland—September, 1957
 , Roads here are like the Wendover road, only they are paved
I and very hilly. We went to Roag (Isle of Skye) and found Mac’s
house. A relative was living there with her sister, Christina
` MacKay, both in their eighties. They were most interested in
learning about Mac and insisted we stay for tea. The elements
have not been too kind—could hardly see the Cullin Hills.
Ullswater, Lake District—September 22, 1957
Now we are at Ullswater. A gorgeous location but we
° brought the sodden cold weather with us. Can’t see a blinking
hill, let alone a mountain.
Yesterday we took to the hounds by mistake-—ended up with
_ the harriers in the A. M. as they lit out through the fields after
the biggest bunny. More fun following them through the fields-
_ see the hare and ere long the hounds yelping after it. Great
{ sport! In the afternoon we went to the dog "trails"—gathered
1 it’s a strictly local sport-—fox hounds built with a bit of grey-
4 A hound, I'd say. About thirty lined up and released—a course of
A fields on surrounding hills—could see them almost the whole

 14 V FRONTIER NURSING snnvrcm »
time. In thirty minutes they were back, having covered ten miles!  g
We have met more wonderful English and Scots—two Eng- "
lish couples, one Cambridge and one near Sheifield, have asked us  
to visit them at their homes en route down. Never have I seen `
such hospitality!  
Jungfraujoch, Switzerland-—October, 1957  ,
Got a marvelous snow burn from the sun up at J ungfraujoch. T
Can hardly believe this spot is real—chalets, cow bells like V
chimes, basking in the sun for breakfast and lunch. Now, we
are about to put down in Prestwick en route home. Had a rare
evening last night with Corrie and Mary "Brownie." All so won-
Sewickley, Pennsylvania—November 5, 1957
We really did have the most superb time. The Festival and
all of Scotland was wonderful and the heather was in full bloom.
We could have managed without quite so much Scotch mist! We
loved the Isle of Skye and the mist cleared just long enough for
us to get one good look at the Cullins. We spent one afternoon
looking for Roag House—it really is out in the middle of no- I
where, but it is a lovely old place. Miss MacKay, whose sister
married Mac’s brother, Alan, and her older sister lived there all %
by themselves. They showed pictures of all their family and
Mac’s family—all of them having passed on.
We never did get to see Stevie. We passed not too far from I
her on our express flight from the Lake District to Aylesbury-
the only express tour we made. Talked with Hilly, but Lydia was F
away. Never saw Jo Grimaldi. I called her place of business so
many times that the telephone operator recognized my voice! l
Finally, I gleaned that she was on holiday in Italy and wouldn’t V
return until October 22, so we missed her by a nose. 1
I’m terribly sorry about Tenacity and Fanny. Somehow, I  i
was afraid they wouldn’t get through another winter. A mighty  I
sad and empty barn, too. pi
From Amy Stevens, Denver, O0l0rad0—August 26, 1957  
Maryellen Fullam came to Denver last night. We had dinner l
together and then afterwards she stopped by to see me at the

 . house. She’s such a grand girl and is looking forward to being
‘ Social Service Secretary. Of course, we gabbed FNS for hours
, and it makes me more homesick for Wendover to talk about it.
` I am trying to think of ways I can get back (maybe with Bruce)
  before we are married; but, since our plans are still rather un-
._ settled, I haven’t come up with any solutions as yet. I have
{ finished summer school at Denver University and am now en-
F joying four weeks of freedom before I start the autumn quarter
. ——I may not go back, either!
—October 30, 1957
Did not go back to school this fall. Instead, am enjoying
[ my happy, happy engagement time. This Sunday, November
3rd, I’m ilying home to be with mother and the family before
we are married December 28. We will be living in Rangely,
From Anne (Nano) Eristoff, Avignon, France
—September 7, 1957
I Dusty and I are off on another of our expeditions—this time
moseying around northern Italy for two and a half weeks. We
 Q crammed in lots of museums and then rested up with a few
days of country quiet in a small village.
From Justine (Dusty) Pruyn, Avignon, France
A —September 7, 1957
Now we are going our separate ways-—Nano to visit friends
in France and I up to Paris and then back to England. I was
. there six weeks earlier this summer at Oxford studying seven-
teenth century history supposedly, but actually enjoying Eng-
1 land and absorbing Oxford. Nano also was travelling earlier in
I England, then to Holland and Germany. We both wish we could
 j . include Wendover in our itinerary.
ia ....
j From Sandra (Sandy) Gray, Louisville, Kentucky
Ji —September 13, 1957
T We are driving to Hollins College on Sunday and I have
_ doubts that we will ever get organized by that time!

I hope that you don’t mind if I appoint myself a walking  
Chamber of Commerce for the establishment of Wendover, Ken-  
tucky! People keep making the mistake of asking me how I K
liked the Frontier Nursing Service and I just can’t pass it off t
with, "It was great!" I inevitably corner the polite inquirer for {
several hours to tell how wonderful it really is. I can’t express ~
in words how much I loved it. Every afternoon at about four g
o’clock I get a craving for tea! ?
From Jean Alexander, Bernardsville, New Jersey .
. —September 14, 1957  *
I just wanted to write and tell you how much I loved work- ‘
ing with the FNS. If I had not had to go to college I do not  V
think I would have left. I miss everyone terribly and I can
hardly wait until I have a chance to come back.
From Linda Branch, Pinedale, Wyoming——September 15, 1957
Thought you’d be interested to know that the Christmas
Secretary of 1955 and the one of 1956 finally met—completely
accidentally——here in Pinedale tonight. I went to a rodeo today,
got back around six, put in a call to Massachusetts to Anne Q
Kilham to make quick arrangements for meeting her in Denver I
the end of the week; did some book work I’d brought home from
the oiiice and then planned to go to the show. I was interrupted
by a friend who’d been kicked on the head by a horse, and as