xt7cnp1wh897 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1wh897/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1979 1979 1979-11-01 2020 true xt7cnp1wh897 section xt7cnp1wh897 [33333 I KEN l UCKY
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Vol. LXXll. No. 55 _ . Untventty ofKentuky
Thursday. November l. 1.19 on Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky '
# —-
N nnt Ik ' .. 1 Communication k
u a S - "“ A Agassiz A ... .s ey
Of pOllthS, - 3 s i , ' *9: o t I d f I
I I I “A ‘ . E 3-33" O OW e au t rate,
Other ISSUES y .
. _ . ‘g. .. v; j:- ' e .. j 1; s. U K I I I I '
in interVIew 2r - . OffICIa s c aim ,
By JIM CAGEY ' " _ g .I -~ 'A By “M WELDON But scores of students continue to
Staff Writer . A “$33 “'3 3% [3. A: $5“ Reporter default. This past year was the first
' .. he inwhi
Repiblican candidate Louie B. . ’“ . " .‘ While many colleges and over 3 geiglnceguigoai-usfliom
Nunn started the gubernatorial ;; .. i; or or universities are under attack for the approximately 14.000 UK borrowers
race talking about his opponent's . . - -- ‘3." 33s- ‘33.; high numbers of their students who since the program began in 1958, the
“lifestyle." He said it was too ’ . . “it. {all t0 pay back National Direct cases ofmore than 7m were turned
different from that of most Ken— % .;-;-;_:; . ' if I ' . 3 Student ”a"? UK “he?” ,“ over to the agencies. This '
tucklans. .. . ' 3f «'3 although 3‘1"“th the UniverSlty represented more lian $504,000 in
In the past week, though, Nunn . ....» ... .=i'. 3' '3 “a“ “Problem" —b°85tab°“t the loans (of a $12.7 million total.)
has said the news media have paid . _ 1 a“ f A) fir. repayment record of students here. K . . . .
/ too much attention to this aspect of mg! g, 3°33 33 73 .3." Nationally, as many as 25 percent f t emegyNfiisflhmFfiahg the
his campaign and ignored the «£33 A _,z= A ' . " A of all NDSL borrowers have t33 h”; 0th t d: ’t bel.‘ 0!]:
staan he has taken on other 3'". i We .3» .. gfiffi . defaulted on more than $1 billion ill hhh's ‘c a we h leve we
election issues. ‘ 3. -. ‘ a”; \ M. s " N 33‘s _ loans. But only 6.45 percent of UK’s {33,2310 turn l.h anfy boglowers to
Recently, Nunn sat in his ' 3 333 3 “*- 3 ‘ NDSL borrowers failed to pay back e ernhagertiicrei‘h :33 b: fiscal
downtown Lexington law office and 7 \ their loans last year. yeag, ~ esal 1 W a may avery
talked with [he Kernel about [hose ‘ “A A § ,. James Ingle, UK finanClal aid am lthUS 803 . efwl that all those
issues and Kenucky Politics in ‘i is, ' .. , . . director. said the primary reason for 3:: f” Sfcehhh'ed halve greedy
general. , ‘x; ‘ 3‘ i '- ; _ UK’s success in receiving sunhmghe 1“ over “mg e past
Here are excerpts from that a . A i f Ax; \ ; . . . - repayment is the addition of tWo . ‘ .
interview: " ; _ 3i ‘ . ' . workers in the collections office. (During the current fiscal year,
.. I $2. A ‘ Jim Kennedy and Marilyn Childre approximately $2 million has been
9‘ Regional "’th hatter“ have ‘13“ “ -‘ . ~.».~.«-~«~--- * are those workers. Heading the loaned to nearly 2,000 UK students.)
Played 8 his role in previous .Q, . s3 3 c “’ loans collections office for the Childre said c00peration between
Kentucky gubernatorial elections. '- . g A financial aid department, they say the University and borrowers willbe '
Many have said that Kentuckians . -. 51...?» . § , there is usuallya simple explanation important in reaching that goal.
vote by geography. “3‘0"“ \ ; .1? {A}. l y A. . . for student defaults: poor com- “Many students get so far behind
Kentucky versus “93‘9” Ken- g \ ' ' " 1 3 i. . ; .. munication. that they will never ga caught up.
tucky, etc. Both of you (Nunn and ' f ' - . , M343». “l we ld W . her k 'th th
.- . A. ‘. . \«N u argue that most e re c to war w1 _ em no
Democratic candidate 50h“ Y- . ; g H}. 3"... _ _' Q (defaults) are attributable to the matter how little they send in,” she
Brown) M“ ”he“ on the bah“ as ' 3 $3 $3: ..1; s ‘hxs‘ lack of understanding that there are said. ”You’re never too far behind.
".33“th of Lexington. Whats the ' " 3’ ' alternative agreements,” Kennedy We’re doing everything possible to
Significance of this lack of ‘ '33-. _; 5.; A $2? said. work it over. We make phone calls to
“3:3? 13" gagsggt' appear as a °‘ 3 3H3 IM “I don‘t believe that most defaults show that there is a way."
resident of Lexington; I will an “ 33 :ghigfiilrhfcraattfonlfthghiiriifgpzi Chh‘he added that h har‘h’hh’
pear as a resident of Woodford ‘ “M - " . ’ cases, such as whei the borrower
Count And the 1' 1‘ ' " . - ~ 3- ~ defaults w11l go down and stay can’t find em 10 merit and has no
. y‘ ”as?“ 'h “"hg W . ‘ . g _ _ down." - p y . -
in Woodford County ls that I sold :5; > . - W -'- .: - ; . , source of income, no action is takai
in home somewhat un tedl . 3 . m... ,, . . ‘3? . .. :1 . 3‘ 1. Th” ‘5 how repayment ‘5 handled. until repayment is possible
A}; l "MM 3' “Amefiip iy A, 1‘ ‘ " " v semem _. .é . ; ._ .. .2 .. .. ;_ .; 3.x. NDSL borrowers are not obligated '
woodford County/that we Icon]: .. a“; _‘ '33: .. . ‘ ; = AAA, . AA ;_ _ , , ' ' ' r. ‘ r : rcpt}: angiprrt of their loan until 1‘ 21K is so successful in collecting
move may and we did move there . . ;. ‘9” ' - 12 months after they leave school, NDSL repayment, why are there so
temporarily whether by graduation, transfer, or many problems nationWide'? .
But my residence will eventually A. . . . . . , . . by (.AR\ l.A\l)l-.RS/Kerncl sun wflfthdrflwal. Tgelrdaccognftsuuar; thIngle saidtgnsvhposslbfidreaéon is
be back in Lexington and Fayette fitting in his law office in downtown Lexmgton. use of coal to the possibility of new taxes. He says o 1013 y 9009‘ ere 1h ea; c ease W1 W S“ en can
County after I've served four years Louie Nunn talks about topics ranging from the news media haven’t asked him enough about payment hasnt started Wlthm 130 obtain the. NDSLS- N0 credit _
in Frankfort. But I don’t know that collective bargaining for teachers to the increased such issues. days Of this due date. _ _ reference 15 needed, no credit
it takes on any significance, WW W" " " ‘ "' ' extensive executive power in view tucky is the most powerful —.it’s cafttgzgfiigfhgg figmezmmgé: ggneglés,cohe ”lg’wfifiggeoglofir;
because I'm known statewide and GOP secretary of state candidate of the increasing movement for very dangerous when it falls into to the Fe derail Collection A an If banks willilclharmight re 're some
Mh' Brwon is a newcomer for all speaks at forum page 3 ”eh'e‘lha'" h'hheheh of “a” thehhhdh Of people who don’t have the FCA is unsuccessful it €urn33the3 t of collateral ” qui 3
practical pix-poses, 3 government? the best interests of the Com— t tof d a1" ti ti ”STU d tshat til t de S“ ta
He’s been out of the state for <——~~3«kfi~~~~~~~~w 33 Well, I was the first to give monwealthatheart.lwouldexpect acgougfover fer inves ga on f. er: neetlul y Sal'mo‘f‘ a
many, many years; he usually Fayette County and central “legislative independence" to the to work, as I did before, very and; orctementhaglaimes. to 1311585331331?!“ 0 qt “yod :3 r t?
comesback tohelp raise money for Kentucky, where we’re both legislature — because I was a closely with the legislature; and l I ll the urn e ‘th over the 3 ‘ tertepaytnien pen 1‘" e
political campaigns and par- known. Republican,they were at liberty to believe that for constructive :2 cc 10h agency we t": given f: 1698mm 'lh eras Ohh ‘5 as °h8 as
ticlpate in political activities—has Kentucky's highest elective act more freely and without the programs — matters of statewide b riowekeveizdoppordunl‘yvo pl?“ 3:”: th t bl
been since 1960 -— but I don‘t see office has been described as among pressure that usually comes form interest ~ that the legislature can alcl llth 313:)" y salt}. t te . ave K 5:3); bel'e curruen Nthaxlii .
thatit adds any significance. I feel the most powerful governorships in the governor‘s office. work well with the governor. 03;}. e t rrtfiwer a eh: wrce 1" b33118 morelfrhwrtarft—md more _
that I’ll be quite successful here in the 50 states. How do you view this The governor‘s office in Ken- Continued on page 3 :1urli;32&"o our w“ en com- Catinued on page 5 3
New Center for the Arts to open with Verdi ’8 ’Requiem ’ tonight
By THOMAS CLARK The concert hall will have its Chorale" name. the tickets went to people either staff of arts-related departments cm at the center’s box office on a 1
Entertainment Editor grand opening tonight with Giuseppe Tonight‘s chorus will be made up involved in tonight‘s production or throughout the University. firstcome. first-serve basis. ' ‘
Verdi‘s Requiem,aRoman Catholic primarily of the UK Chorus and those associated with the Univer- . . . The tickets were taken very f
"'5 a 55:3 million package -— mass written during the Choristers, plus about 30 singers sitr. UKProsldentOtis Singletary also quickly, she said, mostly by UK
complete With concert hall, recital Renaissance period. The work will from the Lexington area, said Sarah Each member of the orchestra submittedallstof who“ to receive faculty, staff and students. ‘
hall and art gallery. be performed by a lea-voice choir, Holroyd, diorus director. The or- and chorus received two tickets for tickets, Salisbury said, Wh'ch m3 Salisbury said the distribution was ,
'It isn’t exactly what UK en- four nationally-known soloists anda chestra includes a few outside the performance, Salisbury said. cluded the Board Of mtees’ UK advertised, but she could not '
VlSionedforaCenter fortheArts; it 75-piece orchestra under the players in addition to the UK Or- Other tickets went to people in- Fellows. and other frrentb 0f the remember in what paper. The ~
lacks the proposed classrooms ahd direction of Robert Shaw. chestra, she said. volved in the design and con- UniverSity. Kernel did not receive any in- -> .;
bridge to the Old Fine Arts 31111de Shaw is condictor of the Atlanta The concert hall seats 1,477 struction of the facility, persons Apparently, ally a few students formation on the distribution. 1.
on Rose Street next door, but after Symphony and Chonis and for many people, and every seat has been involved in the arts throughout the were able to receive tickets to the The Center's 22,000-square-footart ‘3.
two years Of construction and two years has conducted various claimed for tonight’s performance. state (such as symphonies, art function. Salisbury said after all the gallery will be dedicated Nov. 18, “
. decades of cramped contitions h chonrsesforrecordingsManyof the Holly Salisbury, cultural arts co- leagues, state commissions), UK invitation lists were filled, the with Thomas J. Leavitt delive'ina ‘
the Old building, It IS a blessing. groups bear the “Robert Shaw ordinator for thecenter, said most of administrators and the faculty and remaining 270 tickets were passed Continued on page 3 '3
e—todayefi———————m———————————————————»— :
. The chairs and mon orders were I 3
Ella Callahan of Trumezull, Conn, Logllgesiliflt. :efizgd natlon ngifvxbduzahi‘hgrfdzmliflnfil amggamm ' 3
campus that no one using that name has registered at the Campbell immediately known '
Houseoranyofthecity'sotherhoteisandmoteis. MEMBERS OF Tl“; THREE MlLtfrdISLthathhcgrdl ‘
There is no tale ne directo listin for that name in “155““ {Old congressional critics yes ay e -
. “gigglmfigmfgfi $3251" TICKETS Trumbull. and thghOConnechcu?city'sgpolice said they report of their investigation istar-mching.evenflioushit world
081‘ etlc Association haven't been notified of an missin checks. d0°s not recommend a nuclear moratorium.
MldeastRegioml Basketball roummenttobeheld March y 5 J m G K (M an of the “and,“ cm INVESTIGATORS liar: sxmmlno COCKPIT .
l3 and 15 at Rupp Arena. "“3210" Add gm;:,y‘c 3m” hmm‘ the dlyold naconnmos to detamlne whys Wooten Airllnel DGlo
.. All rernatnhig tickets are fol-the upper levelof the arena. re fl r'ecomngemb 35):,“ medicine for the “my." to jetliner from 140' MN” touched down W the W m .
. Also. a limited number of student Ind guest tickets are state “5:2,, and its 0“,,an resumm way and crashed at Mexico City’s losihrwdod um"
: Ivdlable h" the UK-Bowltng Greer game Saturday If- But the inpgereport on the March.” nuclear accident yesterday. . '
ternoon. They are on sale at the ticket office inside --FORMER STATE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER drew strong criticism from the chum... d the m, Sixty-nineofthetapeuons aboard Immoffichh .
‘ Memorial Coliseum. Harold McGuffey and former Deputy Commissioner LM. corgressional panels um oversee nuclear power They said ”W- ’
The Mideast itegioml tickets are being sold at the left “Ike” Gray testified yesterday betm a special federal its recommendations didn‘t go far HIM]! since it did not 3°“ Cm" “d ”-5- ”“1“ “hm“ ““ ° W “‘3 '
, front wlnrbws of the Coliseum. grandljury investigm state insurance contracts and include a moratorium. ' been "303$qu thaw“ no hope lhll “X m .
agent icensing prooe . pasoruw oun ya.
3 |ocal Al” ‘hhh' elm'm' testimony before the jury were Three persons also were reported killed on the pound _
. state Catrina Secretary Jock Hall; Acting Illunnce and 19 survivors from the aircraft were then to one
, Commi-ioner Don Rhody; and two lnmnce Department RESCUERS PLOWED THROUGH DEEP hospitals, the officials said.
. 3 MARY ELLA CALLAHAN, IF YOU'RE SHORT or employee who adminiter licendng examination to SNOWDRIFTS yesterday. picldnfl up hm 0‘ We 3
; CHANGE. in how "hate you mum set your hand- on um". stranded by a hllmrd that battered eastern Colorado and th '--
ume. McGuffey spent about an hour with the jury and aid the Oklahoma panhmtle with 12 inchu d snow and winch W“ or I‘
. It's apposed to be yam. afterward he was asked about Gov Julian Carroll's firm up tosomph. Two peoplewerefounddoodlnacar. :?
, The manager of the city’s Campbell Home inn, Tony of Gray and himself last week. Among uioee rescued were 16 pm and the driver WINDY W111! ICA‘I'I'IRID snowm AND HUN 3‘,
: Lovello, laid a truck (fiver “find a brown suede makeup Carroll asked for Ind received McGuffey’s resignation on a Continuital Trailways bu thd was strum outside nmms mm tonight, huh today in the mid It. i:
j ‘ kit curtain“ sum in check: and money orders" in the effective Oct. 23 bed-use of alleged improper bending of Campo, Colo. en route from Amarillo. Texas to Denver. All mtonight near to. m aidng tomorrow. with I M ii
‘ hotel's 9‘3”“ l“ Why. 18"“ license: by the lmunnoe Department. were in good oondtion when thcyarrtvodlnCampo. in an m to M I). a:
k \5‘
f 55:?
.3 . _ is
' "‘9’ ‘1‘ ‘ " “ " ' "‘ ’ “‘“W fireman—«vacuum? .- -— -—-—-——-—-—-J‘a.m : t: L." ‘.‘.._"_i. ‘ -3-"-'3--llili"‘i"iili"t18"""3‘5’4' " e ’ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ . - ~ . i- v' ~ - _. . .,v . ~ 3 ‘ firth
l , ,

 " " ' " """ ‘v‘fi‘v—w—w—Tw—m
KENTUCKY mu. McDaniel Mm Gm- m M.- Tho- cut Joe- Clay Gary Landau
Edna! m Chic} SI!" Milt! Item McDonald Enlarmmm who! Spam Edilar Dream of Photogrqihy
. Animal! Editor: CH, McGee '3
(‘uy Will. [by Stephen (‘ylthh Debi-m- Irhn Rickard David Maynard ‘.
Managing Edilur Lil Dot-nu COM 154in Asmmnr Airman! Sports Editor Phalo MOW! :
Editorial Eduw £"’"’"""”""" 5‘1"” ‘
Jay l-‘o-eti . 5
° . (ampus Eduor Teresa Young
cdlta‘lals & commts Special Editions Editor i'
. t
/ A ,
I :
POI fountainneeds help ” ‘ ‘
The fountain in the Patterson Office Tower forgotten, it is now 50 days later and work on the_
plaza is surely not the elusive “fountain of youth" fountain has yet to be started / ' l
once sought by Ponce de Leon. It was originally hoped that the fountain / \ , I l
. . . / - z 2
.1" fact, If anythng, the centerpiece 0f thenplaza reconstruction would be completed by late fall or \ / \ \G a) ; l _ ..
might be consrdered the . hunt“ 0f age. . early winter, but now it appears that the project /\ . ~ ‘ ’ I it Q
. And although the fountain is only 10 years old, it won’t even get started until then. / , \\ l l 71‘, . 1
looks much older ;_ it is, to excuse the expression, The fountain, the focal point of the whole POT ‘)/ ;\i K‘ D »\\ 3. Q
all washed up — like it has been through the rinse t,’ ‘0) / , ‘ J. :‘
c cle once too often plaza area, should be reconstructed as soon as g . ,_ 1‘ t 2»- ‘N ‘ gt ll
y ' possible. It is p'obably one of the first things i a! p93 , W \‘t‘ ‘.
On Sept. 11, the Kernel reported that a $63,000 . . . , ., \ 9, . , I \\ i
. ViSitors to UK see, and presently, it doesnt do , l . \s V, . _ _.
contract had been awarded to Sinnco Inc., of h f r the Universit ’s ima e r.) , ,4 J. / \ l \ l 3
Versailles, Ky., for demolition and reconstruction muc o y g 3 l I , 35 c t "a, f,
of the fountain. Work was expected to “begin So, why don‘t some administators and-or ‘ 3 f w ut" \ \ L . }
within the next 10 days.“ But 10 and behold, the 10 contractors get on theball anddo something about i , fix/i .\ fl , _ 3 . ,
days passed, then 20 days flew by, then 30, then 40 that clump of wire and concrete Sitting in front of )1 a 5‘ > . 3.
. . . theoffice tower. It may not bede Leon’s fountain I ”6;.“ i will 3
, So. in case the University and Sinnco Inc. have of youth, but it certainly deserves some attention. l’l ’ l\ l 5 51“ . "\ 2,
l , f‘ / ;»
l l . .t
. V I ’e ,
l . .1. ‘/
People searching for something _ W ,3 .\ :
. / /\ \ l ‘
, l / "\ / \\ f / V
\ I, ‘
shou/dn t getput downs, Insults I . .
”WWW—~— '
By PAL'L MANN Following thae truly moving helped many people avoid trouble in , i
' outbursts, I'm sure many students the future. I‘. __
There are two topics which weresaved from eternal damnation. Even though I’ve never had Jed
everyone has an opinion about -— Another example of genuine Smockpointhislfingeraitlmef‘iirgave; u ”
reli ion andpolitics_Theproblem is, Christian ethics occurred in Florida a mimster te me w at n o s 9 c ”Q _
evefyone believes their opinion is last year. A minister in Gainesville music I should listen to, I did en- 1 M MW"‘E R CO OP"" ‘
the only correct one. took a survey of 50 single counter a situation at my church .
Religion — Christianity in par- heterosexual couples One of the which really upset me. . .
ticuliar — seems to be quite a questions asked was if the couples I’ve lived in Lexington for almost
controversial subject on this campus ever engaged in pre-marital in- seven years and I have been a 9 9,8 p0 Icy
due to thefact that we are attending tercourse. About 85 percent an- member of alocal methodist church
an institution of higher education swered yes. The next question asked for the same amount of time. Two The Keme, may condense 0, Letters: interest to the UK community. .-
and are too intelligent to ever what kmd “f musrc these couples weeks ago I was Sitting 1“ the sane reject contributions, and frequent Should be 30 lines or less and no
believe in an omnipotent force which listened to while making love, if any, tuary when I began to get this sharp writers may be limited. Editors more than 200 words. They should
controls our lives 3 and who the artist was. pain in my stomach. Due to a lack 0t reserve the right to edit for correct concern particular issues, concerns Cosnri‘melrstgcrigo l' l . -‘
However' even on thls very —'——__—__ breaKaSt my my was beggmg for spelling, grammar and clarity, and or events relevant to the UK 0:1 800 Inc:0l+;ss,w1thno
campus there are people .Wh° ate nutrition. . . may delete libelous statements. community. more an wor 5‘ c“ articles 7
searchingfor somethingto fill a v01d stafl When the time was right, I left the are reserved for authors who, in the
theyhave in their life. Many turn to santuary and headedfor the nearest For legal reasons, contributors Opinions: editor‘s opinion. have special ... i
the ChUI'Ch for comfort. Un- / soft-drink dlspenmr for Pellet. must present a UK [D before (he Should b6 90 lines 01' less and credentials, CXPCYlCllCC. tl’allllllg or f
fortunately. instead of hearing the co umn While 1 was trying to drinka Cok‘é' . Kernel Will be able to accept the should give and explain a position other qualifications to address a ‘
gospel, toomany times they are to settlemystomach,lwas accosted ‘matcrial. pertaining to topical issues of particular Subject.
forced to ‘hsten t0 put-downs and —_——_—‘- three separate times by three dif- ,
mStllts Wthh would PUt Don Rickles The only artist in the double-figure ferent usha's. They told, not asked, , t
ougotdbfilhfitsd . _ t percentages was Elton John. The me to return to the sanctuary or '
Vl en y. 0 .3." many mlhls ers minister then proceeded to do the leave. They said the minister had I ,
ofthe gospel believe thebest way to community a favor by starting a told them to patrol the church to calumnISt wonders how to at
reach the“ audience 15 to make campaign to ban all Elton John make sure no one was “hanging
them feel gmlty about the“ lives. records. around in the halls." '
Sogie ministlersd believe dthatnby Evidently, this man of God Evidently, the minister wanted I l
CU mg P6099 0W“ an. ’03 lhg beleived there was a cause-effect everyoneinthesanctuaryduring the at t I co 0 s to ethe
them names they are tlllfllllhg the relationship between pretmarital sermon and he wanted to make sure an I a m an I n r
b‘bllcatL comrhlantdtll) spreig the good sex and Elton John's music. this was done. The reasoning behind '
news roug ou e‘wor . Imagine, you’re driving down the all of this is quite sound. After all, - . . - -
Each semester thls campus and street and suddenly “Saturday the sermon is probably the most Thee arealot ofloneiy people on woman gmfitmfifily' intflflectugly, find plotential comkpanionfs, b}: . .
others around the countr are . , . ,, . . . . . . _ this campus. andphySica y. eywan men as Kentuc y IS no nown or i .,
y y Nights Alright comes on the radio. inspiring portion of a worshp ser - t f d i
bombarded Wm, "born a ain" . . . That is a rather presump uous well as lovers. preponderance o sunny, san y ,
, _ , _ g You have this uncontrollable urge to Vice. But the methods used to ac- - 1- b ethel I - d - - - t . rod - b ,
Christian ministers whose main . - , .. - . . assertion,lrea 118. iitnon 958 The preceeding escription is no beaches. An int mtion y a
. g _ . . . Jump in the back seat. But you re by complished this end were definitely beli - be Th 1 t - - b t f l . d - ood { , 3
“0an ,5 to int their {m ers and . eve it to true. ere are a 0 of Just one, five or ten guys, u o mutua fnen is a g way or a
gondemn. P0 g onursstilfdso yotgigio home tlfirustrated. Dull} of links. h . . _ of students on campus fervently many men who I personally know. I potential couple to meet, but what if 3
Usually around th's ti f - F‘_ a o - ng on e respon- eing roug t up m a Chum“ searching for frient‘b: people they have no doubt that there are the-e is no mutual friend? That ' i
. _ ‘ 1 me 0 year sibility of banning the records of one home, the church has always been a can feel close to especially mem- robably many other males on this leaves the direct approach—simply -;
LK ls blessed Wlth the Presence 0t of the most popular entertainers of part of my life. However, I was ’- - p - - . ~ g
George”Jed"Smock Due toaprior th - - - bers 0f the OPPOSIte sex. What thls campus who would fit that walking up to someone and in ,
. - e decade, this minister should never told to condemn people and - f - - . - ‘ '
comrnittment Smock a bi to . . . means is that there are a lot 0 description. If you re a female and troducing yourself. ; i
be here so we were glues tug!“ cf b have locked at the survey more insult the" hfeStyles because they people looking for potential ——'—‘——— Some guys are very successful 1 i
- . r me ‘ ' - - , . , . i
one of his associates M L chy realistically. ' were different frtm mine. l‘lor wasl boyfriends and girlfriends. using the direct approach to obtain .3 3
While L nch was 031 t hf: call: 5 He should have realized that there instructed to force my beliefs down How do I know this” Because in Steve sex, bit we are not dealing with that -. i
condemniil us all to hell S P k has always been pre marital in anyones throat who wasnt in- my four years of livingm UK dor- _ here. Many guys will not use the 3’. .
was enjoyigg the same pastimneofm tBercourse afnd there always Will be. terested. I was alwaYS tallSht that mitories, I have continually heard walngarten direct approach for fear ofrejection. 3, 3,
the cam us of Eastern Kentuck ecause 0 this, he. 'should have the theme of the’Bible was love — many guys iroclaim their unhap- Indeed, the guys who have the {g 3
that schools paper, The Ram” uliwalftaettietrzprgrllccigsnxdvvfinggl‘l companionship in their lives. The you think the above description is do meet with rejection. Perhaps if,
Progress. as calling some of the disease IEstegad of makin le Paul M ' J H i catch “39’ °‘ mum, is a?“ the“ Sl’“°“ym°“s “’"habmns guyvthen many gifts are turned 0“ by the
female students “whoremongers.” angry this a roach mjd‘fif’v d Kan“ If a 0:31 a sm jun or men are 100th foracertain type 0t Skip the rest of this article. These direct approach because they think ff:
‘ pp 9 a" a em" copy w" female companion. Rather than the gws wouldn't be interested in you the guys whouseit only have sex on '33 .
' ‘ easy lay (also known as the “dutch anyway. But if the desription in- their minds. But the fact is, many ,~.~
. treat,” because she tells her date, dicates the type of guy you’d like to men who use the direct approach do 1‘
e e r S 0 I r “You buy the food and drinks and meet, but have been unable to find, so simply because they want tomeet ‘3‘
the rest of the evening will be (I! read on. Maybe we can solve your a particular girl and they have no 2
me”), these guys are lodring for problem andmakeafew guys happy other alternative.
_ _ ‘_—“—‘——————-—-—-——-—— someone with whom they c." as well. So we still have the iroblem - j.
FIVO questlons Take your pick; Kirwah on campus. We, thestaff and establish a meaningful relationship. Conversation with other males how do the men (beer-ibed in this ~.
a) Does a bear sh't in the woods? residents of Kirwan Tower, wish to These guys are interested in finding about thl subject has led to a few article meet the women they are f .'
18;:st 3:339:10“? ycriting this b) Doesa one-leggedduck swim in point oute‘tjhat the name Kirwan was a lactolnsiifiltillle planet; for I: coiictlusionsw but got. dsfintige lookinai‘ilffor?l ‘11:“ m $03.13: , i
I” n o. e‘ ampus or circles? misspell twiceintheHomecoming re ion p in wi e coup sou ions. e've eine e sever emae
Greek letter printed Oct. 31, C; Is Kyle Macy the last white Issue of the Kernel, once on the back relates to each other as people, not problem as being a lack of contact many eligible girls on campu who
* aazszigrzzis‘idgiir:in: W Q.” new... embed... parasitism - '
. - - . em in IS in u n omi W1 0 - W - . 7
Independent co-ed I feel obligated to ”[3, Would a fraternity guy ask you AnneBlevins, listed from mgr-wan [V of a real relationdiip not the reason compatible woman, in this case, a lot of guys who would like to ac- 2f
3232352: {Lieti‘éiftiéfi'fiifiém me 0“Only if I wear my pants down i‘m°“§“s“ei”"°'"°'°dbi.m“ it}: "‘e '°'"L°“i‘§”$iv§‘“i§"i§' ”33a"? MM" “51mm. 3?: 3mmd2dtffi°$ $.32: 33%?” t
‘ . ' ower, an one in e 5“. esemenar n n - re omenaspeope,no Ill ey n 0 . -
'1! I see you are not in a sorority. 3:8?“ .my “"35- I, do“ we" plement’s listing of the finalists. p security tofindagirlfriendtouse as to be diplayed for other girls’ ap- Irealize some peorie are going to 3‘
Why not? ‘3 :m m)! hm" alligators 0“ my In addition, we have been a showpiece to glow 0“ t0 othe- proval. She en'pys being alive, and misinterpret this article and think ,
lonly have room for four reasons: 0:835 t,::srder;on ("Y feet, braces receiving an increasing amount of SWS- They don’t hide untbr the doesn’t feel thenedtohide from life I’m trying to start 3 UK chapter 0' i
at My 1.0.. IS above 30. dri'il‘eyaewhitzagamn:r:‘ my pine. 0' mail with Kirwan misspelled. So, to pretense 0‘ “machoism,” meaning by relying on drugs for a good time. the lonely Hearts Club. I’m not. I’m 3. _
bl [can think of a lot better ways ~ set the record straight, we wish to they don’t have to wear the latest She is fun tobewith because she has simply trying to gene-ate potential .3
3 0t spehdlhs 3500 a year. Vicki Carlson point out to the campus that Kirwan disco fashions, they don't needtoget a sense of hunor, she likes to try solutions for what I know is a 3
.- , Cllllkedahngl‘eal men, not greek ‘ Tower and the Kirwan-Blanding drunkeverynight,andtheydon’ttry newthiny andexperiencea,andshe common poblem among many of
"198m. . . firndgnrhmcmmm' Complex Spell the name Kirwan to appear as bad-ass tough guys can talk about subjects othe- thin the males andfemalee oncampus— ‘
(I) My face does not drssdve in a Second “cc" Land A with an“a"and not an “i."This was ready to pinch out anyone who make-up, soap operas, and white lack of comact. 1
~ .y ram Storm chimmny "‘9’ " done in honor of former UK bumps into than on the sidewalk. Camaros. Sheisareal person, not Let’s hear from some of you
._ 2) Since you arenotin a somrity‘ President Albeit Dennis Kirwan These mos are polite; they feel some fake figure basedon what she peofle out theeilowcanwebrlihe
g what doyou doon weekends? . _ l I (1968-69). So, out of respect for comfortable with themselves. thinks gws are looking for. She the gap eepuating pomdal com- ,
é Let‘s put it this way. I don’t pull Klrwan With an A Pilieildent Kirwan, we request that They’re not merely bookish nude makes guys accept he udsheis and pmiona? Is it eve: pounds:i Width;
' trains! a members of the University eitha, and many of then are a guy who tries to moi he into little thought an comm ca . ' -‘
.4 3, What do fraternity guys think of lthsSbeeh recently brought to our community please keep this spelling athletic andin good shape, believe it someone she’s not doesn’t stand I maybe we can come up with some _ ,
1 you? attention that three isageneral lack in mind when referring to this or not. (After all, one does not have chmce with her. ideas. . i
E I don’t ll . 0f knowledge concermng one Of the campus landmark. to be a jockhead to be an athlete, if The problem is, the woman are r
, , m y F”? a M" PM?" landmarks of camels. ,In recent you catch my iii-iii.) main-me hrdtomeet. (Orare theyjuethard Steve Wei-pm- la a ram l
. ~ 4) Doesnot being inaso'ority, give years there havebeen an intreasing Staff and Residents of Kirwaii real, not afraid to show their totind?)Youdon'timially findthcn Education sealer. lib coll-I ap- l
. . you a feeling of indepaidence. nimber of misspellings of the name Tower emotions, md have a lot to offa- a in bars. A beach is a good place to M" .- nuuuyn. - l
. _ l
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~ ~ ' ‘ . '. , - ’ . - ' l BEST COPY AVl

 i .
3 mi; Kl-ZNTU‘KY KERNEL. Thursday. November 1. ins-3
* I . I
f Nunn says he can t promise taxes won t go up
’ Continued from a e I has will have would stimulate the coal plans for coal and that would believe that with the energy process, so it does not break areable tosatisfy the public,
A d I thinkp fhat the :fileocitc'enie- Edd the people of market and give than a be for immediate conversion crisrs now, and us seizing the industry and destroy Jobs ~ until such time we know that
. din" s to be so aratc Kentucky will notbecoerced constant reliable source. (from) oil; the president opportunity that we have here that it does not destroy all of we are safe, I suggea a
‘ Ju dc'lag Harbin and digtinct We have over900000children Coupled with that, we giving us blanket exemption in Kentucky, and with a the economy . we must moratorium on the
‘ an m pert f the others out in 15 states ndw not being would create industrial (from pollution regulationsr president that will recognize inoie toward the ultimate development of any new
from antli 9 di 'a is thd educated because of centers in and near the so that we could roll the problems that we have here, obiectives The best example systems; completion of
because e in Seyfor the teachers' strikes which they sources of power to make the thermostats back lupi, Will be able to move the coal is what they did in Cleveland what‘s underway may depend
”at source 0 p0 called originally area more condinive to in- requiring coal power- out of Kentucky probably where they said that they‘d on the stage that it's in.
peopled h od ced a “ rofessionalnegotiations”l dustry moving in and g