xt7cnp1whg1v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cnp1whg1v/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1940-10 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Training and Placement of Beginning Teachers in the Public schools of Kentucky for the School Years 1935-36 through 1939-40", vol. VIII, no. 8, October 1940 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Training and Placement of Beginning Teachers in the Public schools of Kentucky for the School Years 1935-36 through 1939-40", vol. VIII, no. 8, October 1940 1940 1940-10 2021 true xt7cnp1whg1v section xt7cnp1whg1v  

o Commonwealth of Kentucky 0







The Training and Placement of Begin-
. ning Teachers in the Public Schools
. of Kentucky for the School Years

' 5-36 through 1939-40



Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction









Emu-0d n second-clan matter March 21, 1933, at the post offlco at
F'I'kaort. Kentucky, under the Act of Augult 24, 1912.

Vol.V|ll 0 October, 1940 0 No.8









THROUGH 1939-40


A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
3 Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
at the University of Kentucky


Georgetown, Kentucky

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky



















The success of the prog ‘am of: education in Kentucky depends to
a major degree upon the type of leadership at work. It is important
that teachers in the classroom as leaders of children while they are
learning, be genuinely interested in the work and be prepared to
do that work. Continuous study must be made by the state in order
to discover the significant factors entering into our teacher—preparing
program. The Division of Teacher ’l‘raiuing and Certification in the
Department of Education has from time to time made available in-
formation useful to prospective teachers and to teacher—preparing

This study of the Training and Placement of Beginning Teachers
in the Public Schools of Kentucky for the School Years 1935-3.6
through 193040 by Dr. William Gill Nash. makes a contribution in
that it brings together significant information bearing upon the
problem of supply and demand, The information should be used as
a guide, not only to those who plan to enter teaching, but to ”(11050
colleges preparing teachers for the public schools in Kentucky.

J. W. BROOKER, Superintendent
Public Instruction

October 1, 1940



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The writer of this study desires to express his appreciation of
those who have assisted him during the preparation of the study. To
each member of his advisory committee Dr. Leonard E. Meece,
Professor Maurice F. Seay, Dean \Villiam S. Taylor, Dr. Jesse E.
Adams, Dr. William S. Webb, and Dr. Otto Koppius—the writer
wishes to extend his sincere thanks. Especially is the writer indebted
to Dr. Leonard E. Meece, whose capable advice and constructive
criticism have been most valuable in the completion of the study.

The Writer is most grateful to Dr. John \V. Brooker, State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, who made the records of the
State Department of Education available for the examination neces—
sary f01‘ the present study. Although many of the staff of the
State Department of Education contributed to the progress of the
study, the writer wishes to recognize the aid given by Mr. Gordie
Young" Dr. R. E. Jagger‘s, Mr. George L. Evans, Miss Louise Combs,
and Miss Mary Campbell.

The writer is also indebted to his wife, Martha Moseley Nash,
for her help and encouragement during the course of this study.

The Kentucky State Employment Service made it possible to
collect certain information used in the study. The writer wishes
if) thank Mr. L. P. Jones, Supervisor of the Teacher Placement
Service, for his cooperation in the collection of data.












, 1. 1.1.



'1 1'11








Chapter Page
I. INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 727
Definition of Terms _____________________________ 729
Need for the Study __________ 730
S0111ces of Data _ 731
Collection of Data _ ________________________ 731
Difficulties Encountered in the Collection of Data 732






Limitations of the Study _. 733

Similar and Related Studies 733
Summary _________________________________________ 734
Agencies Involved in Teacher Certification _________________ 736


Accredited Colleges and U11ive1sities in Kentucky

ricula 1'01 Training Teache1s Have Been Approved ..... 740
Requirements 1’01 (,e1t1flc'1t10n ___________________________________________________ 741
Requirements for Ce1t1ficates Issued Before September 1 1935... 742
Requirements for Ce1tificates Issued Afte1 September 1 1935 742
Certificates G1a11ted from 1935 through 193 9 743
Summary 745




TEACHERS IN KENTUCKY ....................................................................
The Placement of Beginning Teache'
School Districts ________________________________________________________________
The Amount of P1epa1'1t10n of Beginning Teachers
The Institutions of Higher Learning in Which the Beginning
Teachers Received Thei1 Training 79
The Sa1a11es of the Beginning Teache1s
The Time Interval Betueen the Certification and the Employmellt _
of the Beginning Teachms ................................................................ 179
The Employment of Beginning Teachers in Their Home Counties 783
The Employment of Men and of \Nomen as Beginning T93011915'7gg
Summary -7

THE TEACHER SURPLUS _______________ $33

The Present Status of the Teacl 1 Surp us ' 796
The Control Of Teacher P1 oduction ................................... -- 809
Summary ...... -4








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. 727



" 733
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'1: 745



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lCll€l‘S.. 735



Chapter I


This study attempts to present an accurate and comprehensive
picture of the t'ainiug and placement of all beginning elementary
and secondary teachers employed by the various public school dis-
tricts1 of Kentucky over a five—year period beginning with the school
year 1935-36 and extending through the school year 1939—40. This
particular period was chosen for the following reasons:

1. A study which is confined to a particular year or level of
teaching experience does not permit conclusions as to possible trends
that might be in progress nor does it take into account some significant
economic or legislative factor that affected the conclusions and
results for the year studied but which might not influence the em-
Ployment of beginning teachers in other years.

2. School consolidations have taken place rapidly in the past
few years. Since 1936, the number of high schools has been reduced
by approximately seventy-five, and the number of one-teacher
elementary schools has been reduced by approximately one thou-
sand? Changes in the type of school organization necessitate a study
Of both elementary and secondary teachers. An appreciable number
of schools changing from a four—year high school to a three-year or a
Slx-year high school would materially alter the number of secondary
teachers without necessarily changing the total number of teachers
.011113103'ed. That such changes in organization have been taking place
in Kentucky is evidenced by the following statement:

_ .There are 783 high school organizations in Kentucky. This number

IS in contrast to 808 Such organizations last year. Of the 783 high

“110015 I’GDOI‘tiflg‘ this year, 686 are complete organizations, i.e., they offer

Work through the twelfth grade. More than one-half of these complete

Organizations are organized as six-year high schools (grades 7—12). This

$113336? l’ein‘esents an increase of 18 such organizations since last year.

le are 295 of the complete high schools organized 011 the traditional

0u1 year basis (grades 9‘12). This number represents a decrease of 24

sue -~ -, - . .
11 Olganizations Since last year. It is apparent from these figures

1T ‘ ‘ _
Indepeiildeelifitadiestl}?jK‘entUCky, two types of school districts—county and independent.
l'iCts fire 0011“,.1}”5 “Emmy are confined to city boundaries, while the county dis-
follow that “fused DI the County with the independent areas excluded. It would
al'elflrgely 1‘urizuiiidepcndent districts are largely urban while the county districts

”Fl‘el . .- '
Educatioh(lggillleltlilfilfi;ol507L001 C'mlsolizlalion in Kentucky.

. State Department of
~ VII: N0. 6, August, 1939. p. 343—441.

















I e «w




n ,n.


that the movement in favor of the six—year high school has developed so
rapidly in this state that it appears it is to become the standard rather
than simply another form of high school organization. This seems to be

true in both county and independent districts. Last year there were 7,

senior high schools (grades 1042); this year there are 9. Last year
there were 29 junior high school organizations (grades 7—9); this year
there are 34. The number of schools organized on the 9—11 and 7—10
basis is practically the same as last year. The big decrease in numbers
of high school organizations has taken place in those organized on the
two‘year basis (grades 9-10). Last year there were 33 schools of this
type; this year there are 18,“

3. The legislative Act of 193-}, which changed the requirements
and qualifications for teacher certification became effective as of
September 1, 1935. A period of study nhich includes the school
year 1935-36 provides san excellent opportunity to examine the effects
of a change in certification laws upon teacher placement, training,
demand, and supply.

4. The independent school districts were required to submit
salary schedules for the approval of the State Department of Educa-
tion for the first time in 1935—36. Since the salary schedules provide
the only primary source of data concerning all beginning teachers,
the study includes all years for which a similar study could be

E: The study should provide accurate information concerning the
demand and placement of beginning teachers. This information
should be valuable to the teacher—training institutions. It too many
teachers are being prepared, programs for the selection of candidates
for the teaching profession might be introduced. The informatloll
gathered might also be used to acquaint the prospective teacher fully
with the possibilities of employment at certain teaching levels, the
geographical areas in which the demand for teachers is greatest, and
the probable salaiies of beginning teache1s The information gathered
and presented l1e1ein should also aid the State Depaitment Of
Education, educational leaders, the teaching profession, and “511059
interested in the progress of education in formulating a program
that would increase the minimum level of preparation required for
certification if such an increase should be deemed advisable.

In ordc1 that the state officials, the administiators of ”59301151;


tiaining progiams, the members of the teaching profession; and ler
lay public might be bettei acquainted with the pioblems of teacl

. . 1, VII
“ IXC’LWCLJ 17th Schools, 1938-39. Department of Education Bulletin, V0 '
No.1,hlaieh, 1939. p. .5.




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, Vol. VII.



education, this study is expected to furnish the following informa-
tion about beginning teachers:

1. The number of prospective teachers receiving their first
certificate to teach during the years 1935 through 1939

2. The preparation of the prospective teachers as determined
from the type of certificate granted

3. The number of teachers receiving positions for the first


The geographical distribution of the beginning teachers

The teaching level, elementary or secondary, at which teach-

ing service is begun

6. The district, county or independent, in which the beginning
teacher is most likely to be employed

7. The salaries at which teachers begin service

8. The employment of teachers in their home counties

9. The delay in securing positions after receiving the first

10. The sex of beginning teachers

11. The number of teachers who were‘eertified to teach but
who did not receive positions '

12. The institutions, by academic level and type of control,
which prepare the beginning teachers

13. The relation between the supply of and the demand for
beginning teachers

14. The present status of those who failed to receive teaching


It is obvious that the investigatiOll will be 0f most importance
to those directly interested in the training Of teachers for positions
111 the Public schools of Kentucky. It is hoped: however, that the
study will make some contribution to an understanding 0f similar
problems in other states.

Definition of Terms

Beginning teacher, as used in this study, refers to one who
secures a teaching position. without any previous teaching experience
either within or without the state.

A qualified teacher is one who has met the state requirements
and t0 Whom has been issued a certificate making the holder eligible
for emlflomnent at a specified teaching level.

Olllystiifiig’ dGmand, andsurplus will. refer to beginning teachers
otherw1se specrfied.
























H Mp



Need for the Study

Two studies of the teacher—training problem in Kentucky have
been made. Donovan" studied the status of and need for trained
elementary teachers in 1925. Willey5 has investigated the relation-
ship between the supply of secondary teachers in various subject
matter fields and the demand in those fields. Willey’s conclusions
are based upon information obtained for the school year 1936-37.
Donovan’s data were gathered over the years 1929, 1923, 1924, and
1925. Each of the studies just referred to has made a valuable con‘
tribution to the better understanding of the problems faced by
teacher—t‘aining institutions. The two studies were made more than
ten years apart, however, and deal with different levels of training
and preparation.

More recently JaggersG has made public a study of the fields
of prepa‘ation for secondary teachers receiving certificates from
1938 through May 10, 19:40. This study is based upon the major
and minor fields of preparation as reported on applications for
certification. Other publications of the State Department of Educa-
tion—such as the report prepared by Evans7 dealing with the financial
support, financial ability, and inequalities existing in various schOOl
systems in Kentucky—have contributed to a knowledge of the
status of teachers. Meece and SeayS have made a study of the
financing of public elementary and secondary education in Ken-
tucky. This report deals to some extent with the education of
certified teachers in Kentucky and the average salaries of elementary
and secondary teachers by type of district.

However, the information obtained seems to indicate that 110
study dealing with the training and placement of beginning teaChel'S
has been made, and it appears that such an investigation would be
interesting, helpful, and informative.

. . ~ ‘ ‘oblcm
4Herman Lee Donovan. A State's Elmncnlary quhmTTnumijdiigation.
(Kentucky). George Peabody College for Teachers Contributions to A
Number 17'.

5 \Varner Moore \Villey. The Supply and Demand of Secondary 50750
it Kentucky. State Department of Education Bulletin, Vol. V, NO- '

‘1 R. E. Jaggers. Fields of Preparation for Secondary Teachers. D )
Report No. 34, Division of ’l‘caelier Training and Certification, State 01
Education, June, 1940.

7George L. Evans. Financial Silllllorl. Financial Let E
Ezrisltny in Various Sollool Sj/slz‘nm in. ]\'(‘)i/H('I.'j/. State Departmen
Bulletin, Vol. V11, N0. 2, April, ltitlti.

SLeonarnl E. Meece and Maurice 14‘. Sway. lv’inancinfl
Secondary Education in Ifenlnralsy. '%iille~tiii of the, Bureau of Schoo)tel
leg‘se] (gt) Education, University of. Kentucky, Vol. XII, NO- 1: 561
p. .— 2.

01 Teachers

M imeographed
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lServ1ce, g
ubei‘, 1 o .




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Sources of Data*

Various reports received by the State Department of Education
from the superintendents of the county and independent school dis-
tricts were used as the primary sources of data. These reports9 will
be referred to hereafter as the ‘salary schedule,’ ‘annual high school
report,’ and ‘the organization report.’ Other primary sources of
data were the ‘application for issuance of certificate’ and the
‘application for renewal of certificate.710 A questionnaire11 was
mailed to those who were not recorded as having received teaching

Yearbooks of various societies, survey reports, research bulletins,
unpublished dissertations, books, educational journals, published and
iniineographed reports of departments of education in seve'al states,

and bulletins of colleges of education. have been used as secondary
sources of data.

Collection of Data

The nature of the study made it necessary to secure the names
of all beginning teachers. The salary schedules on file in the offices
of the State Department of Education provide the only source from
which the names of all beginning elementary and secondary teachers
can be readily obtained. The schedules were examined and a list
of teachers secured from the information recorded on Form 1,
page 2, column 4. The same report yielded information as to type
0f school district in which the teacher was employed, the number
0f semester hours of college training, the teaching level, and the
yearly salary of the teacher.

The annual high school report and the organization report were
used as a check against the salary schedules when it became difficult
to identify certain teachers. The applications for issuance and
l‘eliewal of certificates were used to obtain information as to the
Institution in which the teacher was trained. The same applications
also served as a check on the previous teaching experience of the

' ‘ Although the State Department of Education receives no report
:fhtfiiplE‘CrZIid: ‘the classification or serial. number of the certificates
file of auto elicfliers, the (llVISlOllHOf certification keeps a card-index
teacher 21101100: 91, leate holders. llie cards carry the name of. the
\ z: Vitli the serial number and class1f1cation of the certificate

*A ) 'v . .
bulletin.D1 cud“ lefeli'ed to under sources of data have been omitted from this


”Se: appendix, Forms 1, 2, and 3-

“ ‘ée npeiidix, Forms 4 and 5.
u e Appendix, form 6.




















.. tit



by Ellit’t‘l“ for Missouri; by Parsons17 and by Elrodls for Tennes-
see; by Smith10 and by Shatter?“ for New Jersey; by Wliitiiey21f01'
Colorado; by Peterson, Linguist, Jeep, and Price22 for low; by
IIui’i’akei-gi‘ for Oregon; by Gaileyg'l [01- Vermont. Comparisons with
the above studies will be made when occasion demands.


The discussion contained in this chapter can be briefly sum-
marized as follows:

1. This study is intended to present an accurate and compre-
hensive picture of the beginning teachers employed by the
various school districts of Kentucky from the school year
1935-36 through the school year 1939-10.

The period for investigation is chosen because


a. Data prior to 1935-36 are not a 'ailable;

b. It would be interesting to note the effect the certifica-
tion law, which became operative September 1, 1935,
had upon teacher training and placement; and

e. The period provides sufficient time for significant
trends to become noticeable.

3. For the purpose of this study, beginning teacher refers t0
one who has had 110 previous teaching experience either
within or without Kentucky.

4. The study contemplates a thorough examination of the factors
incident to the training and placement of beginning teachers
in Kentucky.

5. All primary source data were obtained from original records
on file in the State Department of Education.

10 Mary Elliff. Sonic Relationships, Between Supply and Demand for Aggie?
Trained Teachers, A Survey of the Situation in a Selected Representatwq’ N0,
Missouri. Teachers College, Columbia University Contributions to Education .
654. Bureau of Publications, New York, 1935. . to

17 Rhey Boyd Parsons. “A Study of the Relation of Supply of Teachellsgzé.
Demand for Teachers.” The Elcnieiilary School Journal, 36:97—10}, thODevaG as

13141105" H~ Jfllrod. TCUChCT Supply, Training, and Demand in Ic‘niicsscvhers
Related to Certification. Doctor's Thesis, George Peabody College for Tea 1

19“”. Scott Smith. The Placmuent of Incwpericnced Teachers yin Ncitfishlligg
High Schools in Relation to Their Academic Preparation. Doctors TheSI,
York University, 1937. H SHIPM-

20Roy L. Shaffer. The Demand. for Teachers in New Jersey and The“ l
Doctor‘s Thesis, New York University, 1933. C 1011,10

21 F. L. Whitney. Teacher Supply and Demand in the Public Schools. 0 ‘
Teachers College Series, No. S, Creeley, Colorado, 1930. ~Snpl’ly

'-"-" E. T. Peterson, E. F. Lindquist, II. A. Jepp, and M. P. Price. Teachel?939
and Demand in Iowa. University of Iowa Studies, Vod. VII, No. 2, Ju11§._ ‘ _’t‘y of

2” C. L. Huffaker. Teacher Supply and Demand in Oregon. UanelSl
Oregon Publication, Vol. II, No. 5, January, 1931. '

'~’1 Francis Louis Bailey. A Planned Supply of Teachers for Vermont.
of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1939.







or Tennes-
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6. The original records are occasionally in error. It is believed .. ~ ‘ a
that corrections resulting from further investigation have ‘
produced accurate results. A -*


The study is limited to certain phases of the training and
placement: oi,3 white, teachers.

Since the academic training 01? prospective teachers is largely ‘ 2'
determined by the requirements for certification, the, next chapter will ‘ '

deal with certification requirements and the types of certificates

received by the prospective teachers included in the period of the ‘ i

study. l' ‘ , ' l










A Rn-







" rll


Chapter II

Agencies Involved in Teacher Certification

The General Assembly, which is the legislative body of the State,
has created the State Board of Education and the Council on Public
Higher Education. These two agencies and the State Department
of Education perform certain functions in the certification of
teachers. The General Assembly enacts into the state statutes the
types of certificates to be issued and the minimum requirements in
semester hours for each certificate. A semester hour is defined as:

Within the meaning of this act, a semester shall consist of eighteen

weeks (one-half year) of standard college or university work, and a

semester hour shall consist of one academic or college hour per week for
one semester.1 '

The Council 011 Public Higher Education presents to the State
Board of Education, appointed by the Governor, for its approval a
suggested curricula for the minimum semester-hour requirement.
After approval of the proposed curricula by the State Board of
Education, the State Department of Education, through its division
of certification, issues a teaching certificate.

The General Assembly sets the minimum requirements for
certification, the Council on Public Higher Education is really an
advisory group, the State Board of Education is an approving bofl)’;
and the State Department of Education acts in an administrative
capacity only.

The Board of Education, under the provisions of the Act creating
the body, except for the Superintendent of Public Instruction who is
a member ex-officio, is limited to lay members by the followmg
provision :

The State Board of Education shall be composed of the Superintendent
of Public Instruction and seven lay members who shall be apDOinted by
the Governor in the following manner. All subsequent aPDOint'
ments to the State Board of Education shall be for four-year terms;
except that should any vacancy occur the vacancy shall be filled by
appointment of a layman, by the Governor, the person so aDDOinted to

. . - - e-
hold office» only for the remainder of the period of tune that 1115 p19d
cessor in office would have held, had no vacancy occurred.”

1 Acts of the General Assembly, 1934. Chapter GS. p. 297:)
3‘ Acts of the General Assembly, 1934. Chapter 65. 1). 21.).










The ( ualit‘it-ations l'or meinbershi ) on the State Board of Educa-
t 1
tion are set forth in the following language:

The qualifications for members ot‘ the State Board of Education shall be
the same as those set: out hereinafter for the school board members
except that members of the State. Board of Education shall be at least
30 years of age. In the appointment of members of the State Board of
Education the Governor is to be influenced only by consideration of merit
and fitness for the position, and appointments shall be made Without
reference to place 01‘ residence in any part of the Commonwealth, occupa—


the State, tion, party affiliation, or similar considerations; except, that no member
011 Public at the time ot‘ his appointment: or during the term of his service shall be
apartment engaged as a professional educator."

cation 0f Since the qualifications for membership on the State Board of
ttutcs the Education are the same, with one exception, as those required for
ements in membership on local boards ot education, the legal qualifications for
116d as: local board members are given below:

f eighteen
n‘k, and a i
r week for

A person to be eligible to membership on a board of education must have
attained the age of twenty-four years, must have been a citizen of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky for at least three years preceding his elec-
tion and must be a voter of the district for which he is elected. He
the State must have completed at least the eighth grade in the common schools
as shown (a) by the records of the school in which said eighth grade was

aproval a completed; or (b) by affidavits of the teacher or teachers under whom
ull‘6111911t~ the work was completed; or (c) by an examination to be held under
Board of such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the State Board of
: division Education for holding such an examination. He must not hold or dis-
charge the duties of ally civil or political office, deputyship, or agency
under the city or county of his residence. A board member shall be
tents for


Eligible for relection unless he becomes disqualified as hereinafter
really an Drovided."

lng body, , 1 , , , ,

iistrative ’lhe Council on Public Higher Education was created by the
- t

General Assembly :

creating For the purpose of coordinating the work of public higher education in
. thls Commonwealth, there is hereby created a Council on Public Higher

in who 15 Education in Kentucky?


Membership ot’ the Council on Public Higher Education is con-
‘intendent tl‘Ollcd by the following: provisions:
ointed by The Council on Public Higher Education shall be composed of the follow-

tapDOint' ing members: The president or chief executive officer of; each of the
L1‘ terms; f0110Wing institutions of higher learning for white persons——the Univer-
filled by Sity of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, XVestern
)ointed to Kentucky State Teachers College, Murray State Teachers College, and

his D1'9de‘ Morehead State Teachers College; a member, other than the Superin-

:‘ilctsg Hi , . , ., , 'I i i- '7 9.
‘Ibal. 4). éifichmal Assembly, 1034. Chaplet (1.). p. -11.

5 l . . -
AC“ 0/ the General Assembly, 1931. Chapter 05. p. 317.

















‘ n M1?



“ fill





tendent of Public Instruction, of the board of regents of each of the four
above mentioned state teachers’ colleges, said member to be selected by
the board of regents of each teacliers' college; three appointive members
of the board of trustees of the University of Kentucky to be selected by
the board of trustees of said University; two lay members of the State
Board of Education to be selected by the State Board of Education; the
dean of the College of Education of the University of Kentucky; and the
Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Commonwealth, who shall be
ex-officio chairman of the Council. When the Council shall meet to
consider curricula for teacher training, three persons who are from
accredited institutions of higher learning, who are not members of the
Council, and who have been appointed by the Executive Committee of
the Association of Kentucky Colleges and Universities, shall be invited
to meet with the Council in an advisory capacity.“

The powers, duties, and functions of the Council 011 Public
Higher Education are stated in the following words:

This council of sixteen members shall be known as the Council on Public
Higher Education in Kentucky. It shall be the duty of the Council 011
Public Higher Education in Kentucky, and it shall have power:

a. To coordinate the work and determine the curricular offerings
of the five public institutions of higher learning, for white persons, in
Kentucky, namely, the University of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky State
Teachers College, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Murray
State Teachers College, Morehead State Teachers College, on the basis
of efficiency and economy.

1). To determine the amount of entrance fees and the qualifications
for admission to each of the above mentioned institutions of higher
learning for white persons.

0. To consider the budgetry requirements of each of the above
mentioned institutions of higher learning in Kentucky, and on the Dam
of the needs of the various institutions, as indicated by the individual
budget submitted, to recommend to the state budget committee or other
proper author