xt7crj48sj2t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sj2t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1985 1985 1985-10-21 2020 true xt7crj48sj2t section xt7crj48sj2t ‘ - Q . ’
Vol. XC. No. 11 Established 1094 University of Kentucky. lexmgton, Kentucky Independent slm 1911 Monday, October 21‘ 1935 . '. .
Ad . .t t b . k k l
minis ra ors egm wor on par mg p an x
. . ‘, ' j 1‘ '
Cl'f C' l k d .. i 2 to when! -« ——'—i - - - - . .. :..~.-:. ,

1 ton ITC 6 par targete figmh; 1., vyizigiag‘hif .. istow Proposal 1dent1f1es potential . . g
f .bl . b l 'f ”,ffiaggx. i‘;' “I “8:3 is" f“ ' . _';I’i'.I. ‘i
or p0551 6 pavmg y p an . - cg v- «:3» s, ash/ii,» areas for new parking spaces

-?$: 39%).}; w l pARK ‘: . ,II._II .IITIiI II,

It.) 'I‘|\I.IUII\SU\ bl) transforming (‘lilton ('ii'clc park ' - 'f' ‘3 ‘th' AR. E A l? By'l‘l\l.lft|l\.\1t\ \\.ll-.il:ls . . .x .MI ‘ .' I , if".
SeniorStalHVi'iler intoa parking lot _ (3‘: 9 5' a SeniorStal'l \Vriter sl.ileltit‘l"s n. i" . i, mi ‘ "i .Igf- '2'? «‘4'
“The parking lot which would go r3: 3%: been iii-viii. - - ' i. . ”W . i‘I fit}

It s affectionately known as the there. and let me emphasize there is ¢I \ , Although no plans were liiiali/ed potenlzal pal ~ ', ; , i .. . i. dung '- I' ,1»
"pighowl and it's a good place to no lirin decision. would create about »‘ ' ”a; ' a Friday meeting of administrators ionsidww: .l’ _. .,- I; ‘ 'f ,‘I‘

mm small children and big children Zoo new parking spaces.‘ said Gene ff“... ' , , é,# . brought a caliipuswide parking tlll Nililt' i : . ' ' ; .. 1 be L f .' | I .‘.'- ,
playini.I while squirrels and birds \Villiaiiis, assistant \ice chancellor I‘ .i . y, prmement plan one step closer to allrlu" a' 'la .v “ng1.1 ' r'. _' g _'
when for business "1 completely underr ' 1’ 3&8 c5" . *3... amps!“ ‘ ' \ - refill/it‘ll)“ \\"HUt‘ ill. . ‘ ,i p- ' ‘ipart 'i '. . ’ -“ {IL-ff
. \s students and children hare dis mind the students position on this. {viti‘i‘i‘ii'fi‘fio‘ ~“.-“A‘>«f‘3I .” .. "There is nothing at all finalized. iiients an: ., . , .-... lust i;- .' . 1. .I
mum.” ppm,” (quip. park 1, a per and we knew it would cause prob- .5" .*.\...i..‘ If" " “:1" if; t said Jack Biantoii. \lk't' chancellor mutt iii 'tlt 11w i , '. .» «.114 'c’ i ' r’if
lei-l placelol‘elax lt'mh be Just have to find a suitable “k"- V' ' ., - ~‘- . . - ‘ "Lt . fol administration In fact. we've Ist'l‘u' .wu w - \""J(‘ : ’ ' i ."

llul because ol a proposed cam- trade-ell ' sent the plan hack to get some more lure Will. ~ . .'I"iII '. ‘ I .i

: z I piisuide parking plan the park's \\'illiaiiis and “alter Skilia. dii‘ec l definite figures like costs his in lii'ieziiall'. '.ii . ._ 3n.- ‘- ' _ ,' ‘ '

.I ”we and liallgames may give way tor of human resource seruces. pre '- ' ‘”" . ‘13 . complete right now. but we re work parking pi i . . L1H _. 'I ' '.

l’ loconci'ete and automobile exhaust sented the parking plan Friday to ‘ " " ‘ ,-‘ ,.-.3 mg on it ' skilia -ii in ' - . t “it. . " _ i; . ' ' .

mod, I think it s awlul.” said Jack lllanton. vice chancellor for .; i A. . i-‘__ 3.; ‘ " ‘ Blanton. who saw the plan for the serum-s ':;i . W . 4m: ' ‘5' 'I ".-

,\liss\ ltocco. a ltella Zeta sorority administration cit—'9 " .. ”J 0 first time at the meeting. said most itillp‘rlt‘l‘ll. e : - . am ' ' , ‘~ . - . i.

lllt‘lllln'l' and business adniinisli'a- , 453:3? " .. ~ .. of the student parking problems are pus .j i - ' Vi ‘. 7

. “I,” sophomore "That \ the pellecl I “e may Inol be able to. bill our ' . , -I II 3" 3': -_‘ 3 ’ sol\ed but were lll\lllL’. A lot of \ 13‘pr I. I , I, eel: . .~ .ViIi. .. ; '.- .
' place to go and relax right in the 1’ ”CUM. 1? ‘U..m‘“m"m ( lilton park > 35395.79: ‘5 :3 ‘U, _ " lacul'} spaces the l’iil‘tt” l'..; 1‘ h, , . t - we '. '. “ ‘. ‘.
middle of campus m " play ‘“ ca ltlanton mm “no“ WILLIAMSON ”my SvoN Increased campus construction Brim n [ti-sou ' . . .m I" f I . . cI‘. ; I- ‘

’lt \ ”‘hwlf’w 1., my“. imét.‘ m.” -\nd :1 a 1““ pieces of the plan tall StudentsIfrom Alpha Tau Omega fraternity play a game of foot. both curri a and future is the [-t‘d' pleled la~' «l». r 1' a . __ L” . I I
place said liin l)ownard. an Alpha ”1“,pr “mum“ “M Hilton (in, ball in Clifton Circle yesterday afternoon son for the loss of parking space three t\'~_. i‘ . . . vi, ' . If . .
'lau unit-ca fraternity member and (.10 paikiiia‘. MWMM 'l‘l .. . . . . said (.ene \Mlliams assistant \ltt‘ the Xlihlicai la... .1 ~ _ - a am- '. . , 'I
“1““.th freshman "The girls play ~ ie exatt location of the prop- there» s only a few green places chum-lining.“Mmm.» than“ I». mm} . “It." . _ ‘1'; »I
HHHlf‘t pm] L’illIltN lflt‘l‘t'. \H‘ pm} ltiuht “H“ tllt'l‘t‘ ill‘t' “A” pl’ttpr crllos, lht’ owners and lIhf‘ COST have It‘ll til‘. itllt‘ifiiis mm! In! it \ pun. I) I . _ Hl'illtlls ‘7‘ I \ I I ,I \: ~II ,I , IjIrIzI .I
wmmu “mm” \ollmball (irant om” around the ('lillon (‘ircle area not been iniesligated yet. Williams crete saiii \ianivii- pm“. k, tourna- . roposod (onsiiiictIion near the . I . I - ..
M I know my“, mm; In M more that ,IW Iin not own. he MM Nu“ said. but "\\e do know that one lisiii minor and a iiieiiitiei oi Delta Seaton ‘ “mt" lht' I1 k “MM” ‘t'f‘i- ”If" ‘4'" ' - ""W " ’ = > .

. . . » _ , , _ , , _ . ‘ fronts t'lillon ('ircle while the other tiainina sttl‘iil‘ll't lcr and the theinistn T’h‘.\lt'\ WWI“ "‘ "=I ‘ - ~ .. , hing i . i",
paikiiii. but I laiit (\(l‘. htliiu ll .u owned ‘hltst' two pieces of l" . .. » l’ ll ‘ 'l h _j «. \“umm , , . , y . _ , . -.~‘
they lt't'\ enthiiiking about it ’ property. we could build an exteir .onlstoluinbiaAH-nue ”Us”?! “ m . D planned .m \\e [1 . I, ' ' uni “- . f I. ,. - .I' -i -

The plan which was drawn up be sion of the lot that is already there Even thouL’Ji administrators are l‘aui How-1's a political science Ux)gl:i‘13[:t,.\t i“: , “1,“le m“ mi “1.1:. I .i ' . . ' H‘ . ‘. ' ' .
cause proposed construction 1,” mm. Hose gm.” lacilil) (ma leave em. sympathetic with the students. Junior and an .‘i'l‘li. echoed l’oole's )F‘rkm ,5 ILL” W '21:", ‘pmw “W imp“. t . , . ‘ ”h ,_ ‘ I? I
piis is expected to take up sexeral ton t'irclc intact That dectsion has healed f)l)_|('('llt)h.\' to the proposed comments saying "rivei‘ybixly {1:19 30%;?” ‘15“: (thn. “P I,“ out; ‘ I f I ‘ 5” ‘ i '. ,fl. ' i . ‘
f‘\l\lll1L‘ parking lots. calls for possi not been made butwe'retrying " planconlinue thinks that s a had idea l‘tlsiigdstriit'tu:c*:(:-tiul:ll‘xfiidkjl‘ehkmk . “ \Rk!\!. IIII _ .. ' ' h'; '_ .
Greeks hold S - -

ov1etk1dnappers ~-

o o g - ‘ . - 'I
picnic for ‘m . . . ~

. kl“ second captive
local kids ‘ "r . r 9 -' * . , z
‘ . . “in” "-‘ "étf a. . ' i ; '
‘ ' - radio caller claims ~ -~
Games, contests V t V ‘ . w“ r‘ * , ’ 7
. . ‘ ‘ ‘ [h .ll',\\-( \Rl.t)§(il \ll't In The tulip, ., s. . .‘l iimat ' ..' ‘, v, ', .
hlghllght CVenl ‘ x at x , ‘t .-\.ss0cialed Press consular afim :. r Li .2. .. .‘ -' - '1‘
.,-' I ' g. 5" was iii.iipei' ".i . ’ 'i:.istm '* I
N) LIN-“W \TKIV‘ "‘ V ' 0 . ,, BElRl'T. Lebanon 7 An anony- stadium Hi‘ 1 kill nusi vii-r he . . . ' _ 2
('onti'ihuling Writer I 5" &\ 1' I mous caller claiming to speak for and the threw of! --; -. . i' war» at). ' I .. .
i ‘ > -. if \ \ " 7 . 5 i the kidnappers of four Soviets said ductedinklosli -~ :.- .' . ‘ ‘ . .

“‘1' one dbl}- 3” CthR‘” from ‘1“ [’7 I \i.‘ g t‘ I. l yesterday they have killed a second Anonymous iaiii" ~ s i. 2 they .. - '
gle parent homes had to surrogate . ~~\‘\ ’ ' captive and (lumped his body near representei: i:.< is . " i f. i-i-rgilion . . . ._ .11
hrotliersalidsisters . . . ‘ V." " the (He Sportive stadium in south ()rganzxatni in: mi . ca" l',\ the ' ,‘ f

Th“ ”1' “mega WNW”) and [’h' / I J . r’ “i , . . Beirut. the \‘oice of Lebanon radio Rl‘oul‘hadl; ifziiit‘it'”H ““-“" ’ - f V " '
Kappa Tau fraternity pledge classes . \ : T / “ ~ . reported The caiier sa ‘ ”v a a, «as to . q" . ,' I g .
rlh’lb‘m‘d it P'mlC Saturday for the ~, ‘ t? I ”~ . But a police search after nightfall pressure st -':a ‘.1 s _. . :iiain _ " ' ‘-
liittle l'irothers and Little Sisters of ' ' f "i."- ' _ W x v, .2 was called off after an hour when no Km" iillj- '. . tal. El i :' itten» . ‘ ' I,
l,e\ington , ‘ , , ’ i corpsewaslound \l\t‘ agaiiis' saw" 1‘, s :unda- " . ,- -I '

Acting on a suggestion lroin the a... , ' .. ‘ ‘ The ('hrls‘tian radio station quoted mentalists :ii the .i ":ii -' port of '. 5 >1 7
l’hi Tau national alliliate. t'hris ’a‘ ,- » 11*“ ' the caller as saying in Arabic. "(me Tripoli .‘i ciuism w . .s .anl in ’ ‘ . ’ ‘
Smith. the Phi Tau community serv , -. ’m_ captive we g executed 13 mlnute§ Tripoli a 2.9‘ h. g» . . nod} . ' ' ' , ' . _' '
ice chairman. contacted Big Broth ’ . w. ‘ I . ago Hi; body Le lying at the the waslouiid , . ' ‘ y
er “lg 5N" M lk‘XIITtiltltl ”9 the“ . / ’ ' . ‘ .m Sportive The police are invited to The him it low a. l mu lath g f h; ‘ ‘._-,-
enlisted the help of the pledge train ‘ I/ go there to pickitup ' est call piirpiiztt-iax. .fi'l' . rep- ' iI'.Ir‘ . '. “ ii
er (‘hUt'h Kruinwiede “h” got m m l / , ’i .. ..., "1; Five police patrols and Shiite Mos resentdtiw ii: llie‘ Ina" . | .m. ration ' ‘ ' ‘ .' 'I ' '.

touch “”11 Laura lanelace. the (‘hi ' f "' / ' h lem Amal militiamen combed the “mam/alum can: i' i- p m i '1'. p“.

ltiiiegaplulgetrainer , T . . ’ area. surrounded by muddy empty ill to a lll Hit ’l-ii ~I.tl.lili said I ‘.‘- I, ' jg

tinder a sunny noon sky. the Chllr F“ 5? lots and garbage dumps but found the same ”liili calli-ii ":ji' _. 14“!” I. I . iI . .I I; ', ‘.’-

dren. who ranged in age from 4 to ‘ x . :4 k ‘ no body day and “are”: '?i :t .m .. iIiI “MI . fix -I ~I , : .I

H. comerged at the Phi Tau house w “ up? :2” “There's no way to assert the au- els‘ would he t“.t‘t'ii't“' 's .si- \losr . ' . - ‘.,‘ ,-

lor games of kickball and volleyball. - \ ’ lhOHllCll) of the call." said a police cow has laiv'i‘: l» snu' in“. its . ' ‘ V,.‘ ,i

lunchandlWH'tmlesls 4 officer searching With flashlights Beirut embass' ' ’i, I‘ . 1,

.i‘il first they were rather shy. of- s,’ V "I ,9. among piles of rubble surrounding ; . . ' . g" ‘.

lering protests like Stephanie's “l . . " .filfl‘fi thesportscomplex ' “"H ' 3m" , . y . . '1 ' ‘ : "i

hadtocome My mother made me " ‘ " . _..' g 9 ; . , I. . ’ . ~ I .

But after they became coniforl- - T d l t d t d I ,' y .I, ‘

able with their new "siblings." the O ay as ay 0 rop C ass - ‘. f ..'l i“ it " ;

kids had plenty to say ttne girl .len- ' ' . . i, .’ -'- , »'

niler had “I love boys" on her name k “3‘“ ““9”“ h J l*‘“'~'"l‘- ‘ ' " ~-I'.‘i 'l lht‘ “ I J ’ p

lag. \\thh she qiiickly refuted by . k. »i H student ”"N "”"t’Wl' 9““‘7‘9 ' H " ‘ '- i

“Mimi ~| didn‘t write that " But o ' loday is the last day students woik on «hi-null i: ii.i,.i a tail " . ‘ '-

Calvin. “I”! “I love girls. call me" "”9“" “WISH-i" iiIia) ofiimally withdrfawI from a mg gi‘adeoraiiii.i-iiii.,ilili '. . . » '

on his ta . pointed to every (‘hi “a.” an( re"el"'“an.‘ re Ul‘lt ~ , -‘

limega plefilge in sight as his favor- Rugged Chase Students withdrawing “x13."_“'l” . I y . . ' . . . .

itegirl Gr El , ht b f UK' R b versit ruo er in their team m t h S t rd receive a ~.\’t on their transcripts. :\n_\Isiudenls t'.‘..ll.'ii¢‘ :ii; .. 'c'und . , - i I ‘.'

liven shy Stephanie began show eg . more, “9 ' ° "‘9'“ er ° 5 ”9 Y t Y “SK h "B” 5 ° C 0 U W alter today students can withdraw ”“N ulktI' 1’ i"‘p\ iii 'vn _- .m: drop . . 'I - -

ing whoever would look the complex team is pursued by an Eastern Kentucky Um- (I ternoon, wont e team game 20-10. for non-academic reasons only and slip to ion mllis ltuiiinnc iii. the last - I' I

math problems she wag working on must file a petition with the dean of ‘18) ”l the semester tii r't‘io iii any . . .-

atschool their college for approval refund . . _ . '.

After munching on hotdogs and ' j " ‘

potato chips and drinking grape on ta ' . .I ,

punch. the kids and pledges divided .

into four groups for the pumpkin . , , . _ , .’ :

wrung contest The kids drew the Groups organize events to educate students during Alcohol Awareness Week , . .

face they wanted and a pledge did It I It . r I I I , _ . _ ' .

the carving The five winners took . . .———-—————————————"——— drinking at 7 p m \Vednesdax m the n "c ~Y‘ "‘l "“"‘ I~"“"‘ IARMN ;

. . ' . B\ S\|I.\J \ \I \I.I‘.\ll’ \Tl V - the LSL TlpZCl’s was a darn; tilled

home glow sticks _ “ Student (enter theater The panel 'h . i -

Next. the floor was cleared for the NJ“ “m” We Want to ShOVV students that they do have 21 also will be composed of student and :kkgog;u :W 1m ”1” see -.

naturist;tart—taut? tail; W i. We that they say . . . ' i‘i‘é“linerifiiifiii'd:Lit-‘chél‘iéi‘ii"3’? .

the serpent." Krumwiede said. The coming more aware of alcohol and Mary Brinkman. the (‘ounseling and Testing Center. "on"! JIM” u‘mIri'i d'i \Wt‘hcad

to winners. two boys and eight girls. m" rfip‘me'lm“ [hm “re ‘nhon‘m BACCHUS s onsor Jim Stein. Interfraternitv Council 5m: mes“) “M" Mm “3“ “a .

won Halloween costumes. With its use P pI'eSldPnl and Ann \lohtgomerv what mm of the student‘ expected

Every kid wasawinner. however “COM! Awareness Week begins I Kirwanlllhalldirector‘ " For a mm“ W ""Emm‘s‘

"They will all take something today \th a week of events and . . paged.

home «- Krumwiede said programs planned to help people sored such weeks at l h for the past “This year if people show up. we

‘ _ "become more physically and spe» five yearshrinkman said have some good events that will be On Thursday. mOt'klallfi Will be m” t Fennnmin \l‘tldcnlS are

Bl" (h? k'ds weren t the only ones eifically aware of the effects of alco BAt‘CHl'S's main objeCtive is to fun as well as educational " SWVQd 1“ the reSidence hall cafeteriv holding I Phone-MM" 10 TIM

‘0 benefit Saturday. “Everyone had hol." said Mary Brinkman. the BAC— remove the problem of alcohol Tonight is “designated driver" as during dinner A demonstration money for a sCholarship land for the

a good time. Krumwiede said. ”l" (‘Hl‘Ssponsor abuse through the promotion of night at Bash Riprocks lounge. 0f the effects 0f alcohol on motor Odkfl.Forlhestor\.scc pagch‘,

fact a '0‘ Of them ‘the pledge) want “We want t'K students to realize prudence rather than prohibition. where free nonalcoholic drinks will Skins M“ be presented at 3 Pm

to ,do something “"1 them at the responsmility they take upon she said “We want to show students te available for drivers "We want Thursday I” the Sigma NU fraternity

Christmas. themselves when they drink alco- that they do havea choice. that they people to realize that they should house

Lovelace said 185! War the sorori- hol." said Stanley Abell. public relai can say no and be independent in make sure that at least one person WEATHER

[V raised 331110 for Big Brother/Big tions intern for Boosting Alcohol their thinking, in a group is sober enough to drive." A BACt‘m'S Fun Run at 9 30 a m.

Sister of Lexington through its an- Consciousness Concerning the "We feel that any kind of effort Abellsaid Saturday will conclude the week of

nual (‘hi Omega Greek Sing. Health oft'niversiletudents helps." she said. "Just people know» Bob Babbage. l'rban county coune events The 3 l-mile run will begin Today will be mom I

i. - . - - . . . _ _ y candy and

BL" this PICNIC was more of a so More than 70 percent of the col- ing there IS an awareness week culman and assmtanl to Pre5ident outSide of 1-. S Goodbarn and end in mild with u! Nth in me “we, a

Cial 58Wi09 Project than a fund-rais- leges and umversitia in this country gives them an idea that there is an ()tis A Singlctary. IS the keynote the Commonwealth Stadium lot. TM “in be msm.uy cloud!

er."shesaid. are expected to participate in the alternative.“ speaker for the week He will lec- There is an entry fee of $5 and the with . slight dance of shows. the

Krumwiede said he hopes t0 con- National Collegiate Alcohol Aware- Abell said he hopu the addiuon of lure about alcohol and students at 8 first 50 entrants will receive a free law will be from 55 w 60 T06“,

tinue Phi Tau's relationship with Big ness Week. according to a press re- new events this year will increase pm tomorrow in 230 Student (‘en- T~shirt M will be M and mild w“ .

Brother/Big Sister by having a rep- lease student participation in the activ- ter N m dunes of shower: .1

mentative of the organization Although this IS only the second ities, Joseph Burch. dean of students. For more information on any of khan-r10

speak ‘0 fraternity members about time a national awareness week has “In the past there has been a lot will participate in a panel discussmn the above activitia. students can '

becoming his brothers. been observed BA(‘(‘HUS has spon- of apathy with the events." he said. about alcohol policy and campus call Brinkman at 2575597.

 i' l i ‘- I
2 — KENTUCKY KENNEL My, “W21, 1“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
‘ ities Office.
‘ . m s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
. day preceeding the publications date.
.I ’ , m , . W k h _ t . . ,
: . . WEI 5A8 AMHGW“ We“ O Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting, ' WorhShOPS: Preparing Your People for Change: 203 SC Memos;:Iocirse5:112:21??ngeRseIsuscitation (CPR) ‘5
'- , ' I‘ , t U" W Sit-den: Activities Board Awareness Week ”5 SC ‘ p'm- C0” 7'8“” Addition: B:30a.mI.-Noon; Call7-1851 U Concerts; UK Trombone Choir- free Center for the
, I- . '. _ O'flel’ Not‘ur‘ol Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week e Movies Foul Play 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre; 0 Concerts: University Artist Series. 'The Tokyo String Arts-8p m Call7-49m .
-. II, I. .' . BACCHUS 7 30p m Quartet $7-stu.'$11-pub.: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m., Call . Concerts: Guest concert: Colorado Wind Quartet- .Iee
I .. . - - Aartemits Last day to dropa course . 59°"5 Em” deadline l°' intramural ‘35 Seaton: 5 7‘31‘5 Memorial Hall, 8pm., Cali7-4900
' ‘- I' .' ‘I . 0 acodemu> Last day to withdraw from the University p-T'WC0'lh7'3938T T d _ T h _ I ;IMg°I";9;ébgAB Concert Committee meeting,- 228 SC. 5 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting, Alumni Gym 7 30
I I . . LI, wadkemur‘ebod and receive any refund , ars ip N - ues ay Nite oget er- Baptis Student P.. .. aI - . p.m.. Call233-5201
’ . .. . ‘ I' . ' NAC‘VlP\ Faei Play Si 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre Union ‘29 Columbia Ave. 7 309"“: Call7-3989 . MOTH“: Police Academy 2; 5"75 w UKID; Worsham 0 Other: Rock 8 Roll Time Tunnel Shows- free (12 noon
. . I: . I , ,- . I - I“; P m I Workshops Purchasing Procedures by Tom FlGldS, pur- ThEO'TG- 7330P-m. 1 p.m.i 7 p.m. Bp‘m.)' SC Ballroom- Call7-8867
.-‘ 2’ ' . -., ' O'nev Meet me SAB Board Night 230 SC 8 30 pm Ch“51"9 lSMemOTlOlHOI" mam-Noon, Coll7-1851 ' Sports: Volleyball Officials Clinic; 135 Seaton: 4 p-m- I Movies: Police Academy 2. $175 w UKID Worsham
w , . . ' ; ‘ ~ 55p 0 Other SAB-BACCHUS co-sponsored speaker, Bob Bab- COIN-3928 ",9me 7'30p.m.
-I ~. : ,' . ' ' O'r‘er Student nortraits Seniors 8 underclassmen iii b99" 230 5C reception l°ll°Wlng in 205 5C 8 9-171. C0” 7' ° Meetings; Emergence: AI Feminist Women's Press ' Plays' Baby with the Bathwater: comedy about mar-
. ‘1 .II . . r x, g 2 .I 5p m Colt74005 5867 meeting- students interested in NOW call 231-7985; 109 riage 8 child rearing: SS-pub.: “IS,” Lab Theatre 8
, I: . . ‘ ' \‘r-e'v'igs Bahai ASSOCIQ'IOn organizational meeting ' Mee""95 UK Waterskl Club meeting- everyone wel- SC:6p.m.I;Ca|l231-7985 p.m.:Call7-1385
.I- I, .I .~ , . DIV x , 30: m Call 252 2308 comel Please stop by! 223 SC, 7pm Coll277-0618 0 Meetings: Students with a purpose- Maranatha Chris- . Sports Voile b 11 ~ - - -
. I . _ , , . ,- , _ _ . , y a Officials Clinic 135 Seaton 4 pm.
.- I . I, . . _ Om“ Amnesty lnIemGIIonol Benet-t Spaghetti Din e Other Student pom-ans. Seniors 3, underclassmen, 11} Non Fellowship; Maranatha Center: 7 p.m.,' Call231-7001 Call 73923
I-: ’I " ' . . ..; S7 Allo‘ta Restaurant 0 30-9 30;: m, Call278-5130 SC.‘ 9": i-5p.m., C°”7'4°°5 _ . l .. Other: Pizza Eating Contest- reps. from ‘9 ”'5'” ath- ' Other, Computer Literature Search Demonstration
. . r . .' ' : a Orr.” Designated Dflver Night at Bosh Riprocks- free (1:, er IAPPIY k" NOV»l8'22 0" campus interVIews 20' 79336;me 8' band w'” particrpate: 5'0" field: ”0°" Call Day: 104 King Library 9 a.m,-9 p.m., Education Library 9,
- - -. - ' v " ahchonc drinks for drivers 8 food 5 ecials 9 p m Mott ewsBdg ' 12 1-4 .mi En in rin ib 9- - »
. . p , . , . , , p . g ee 9 L rary 12, 14 pm. Agricul
. I I. -.a> ,I‘ :242 - Other Oct 2B-Nov. i on campus interviews priority - Lectures: George Lucktenberg speaks on the fortepia- ture Library9-i2 1-4 30 p m Chemistr Librar 10 a m -6
I. I .- . C'ner Apply ,OI NOV 18 22 on campus interviews 20‘ lists published 201 Matthews Bldg. no harpsichord: Center for the Arts: 3:30-5 p.m.: Call 7- p.m., Coll7-6312‘ I l y y
‘ ’ . *.‘r;"'~(-.- 5 81:9 ' Workshops Government Employment 201 Matthews 4900 . I . . . . ' Other; Student Portraits- Seniors 8 underclassmen 111
. - .. 0 workshops Job Search Techniques 201 Matthews Bldg H o m -Noon ° D'SCUSS'OM» F°°d ‘0' "‘00th d|SCU55|0n group: Lan- SC; 9-12, 1-5p.m. Call7-4005
, _ . Bing s as m guoge plus ? equals Career Success' 8. Business plus 7’ . th . - ,.
II , ‘ I» . I . equals Career Success, 119 SC: Noon, Call 7-3295 '(l) er Opben TtI-iouse A Baht“ Perspective on (”rem
. . . . . O Other: Student Portraits- Seniors 8 d l 111 500° issues y m Anderson- presentation and ques. 8
I U" 97C ossmen, .
.I . . ans. session at 7 30pm.
‘ . - SC 942' 1’5 p.m.: Call7-4005 0 Other TOP 5 program on Appalacian C It re 8 H sto
I .I ,- . . t I . _ u u I ry
I I . . . . 0 her. Forum on Alcohol 5C Theatre, 7 p.m. Call 8 by Ann Campbell 8 Terry Birdwhistie supper following K-
. ' . 6242
. . . Other- Oct 28 No i n f’ t . 't . House: 21 8older Call254-1881
. ' . , 20‘ Matthews Bld ' V' a campus "5 pm)” Y Sign-up ' Other: Alcohol effects demonstration 8 speaker at the
, . ~, 9: Sigma Nu fraternity house.Bp.m. Calls-6242
4 I > .‘ ' Other Mocktoils will be served in the cafeterias at
, . .- , dinner for Alcohol Awareness Week Call 8-6242
- ‘ , . ' Other. Oct. 28-Nov. i open schedule sign-up 201 Mat-
, , ‘ ' I: thews Bldg.
. . __ _.,.. _ ..,_..-..._ TT'-__W'—__—“ mm mm
' V I ' ° Meetings UK Badminton Club 59010,, 530 p m., Call ' Movies: Police Academy 2: $1.75 w"UKlD, Worsham 0 Exhibitions: Photographs by Len Jenshel- stunning 0 Exhibitions Knight Exhibit Rasdoll Gallery Call 254-
. . ,' . I, 278 ‘138 Theatre 7:30 pm. color views of Newport mansions; CFA- Art Museum. 12 6076
' ' . , Manes The Blues Brothers Police Academy $1.75 ‘ Other. National Teacher Exam-required for new teach- Noon-5 p.m.; CaII7-5716 ' Movies Dial M for Murder $1.75 w UKID Worsham
I A uKID Worsham Theatre 7 30p.m tars-$89, will be notified: TBA; Call 72791 ' Meetings: UK Badminton Club; Seaton; 2:30 p.m.: Call "180'“? 7 30131“-
: .. ' ,= 0 Other Colloquim in Social Philosophical Studies in Ed- . “075' Baby Wl'h the Bathwater. ‘50me Ohm” mar- 2787138 ' 590’15 UK F°°'b°“ "er, dLS'T'bU'lO" for 90"“9 °9°'"5'
II .’ : motion ‘3‘ Taylor Ed. Bldg 3-5pm Cail7-479S riage and child rearing: SS-pub., $4-stu., Lab Theatre; 8 ' Plays: Baby with the Bathwater. comedy about mar- E. Tennessee St. MemorialCoiiseum 8am-8pm.
' . H ' r’iuys Baby with the Bathwater. comedy about mar~ p‘m' COHIISBS . . riage and Child rearing, $5-pub., 54'5““ Lab Theatre, 8
, '. I ”096 and child rearing 55-pub.. $4-stu. Lab Theatre 8 ' Sports: UK Football vs. Georgia away, Georgia p.m., Coll7-1385
, , n M Call 7 1385 ' Other: IBACCHUS Fun Run- 55 entry fee, Common- 0 Lectures: Joel Pett, editorial cartoonist for the Lexing-
' ‘ i , t times 2 for 7 Police Academy 11 and The Blues Broth- wealth S'Od'um‘ 9 300m" Call 8‘62‘2 '0" Herald-Leader, CFA' A" Museum; 2 p.m.:Coll7-5716
. .1 c” ~troy-«mg for prizes Worsham Theatre 6 30 P.m, Call . Other' Sunday evening fellowship: worship, dinner a
. . I 8867 fellowship, K-House 412 Rose Street, 5 p.m.: Call 254-1881
. . ' Lectures New Deal Art: W.P.A. Works at UK w slide
. +4 » by (It Harriet Fowler King Library North Noon
- ' , . . ' «J 21 viuiPloy Si 75w UKlD Worsham Theatre 7'30p m 10 23: University Artist Series. 'The Tokyo String Quartet' $7.5m” SIT-pub; 10/ 22: Deadline for intramural; 135 Seaton; 5pm.; Call7-392B
‘I . I' . i0 22 Knot Play 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30 pm. Center for the Arts, 8 p.m,, Call 7.3145 10/ 23-24: Volleyball Officials Clinic, 135 Seaton 4 p.m., Call 73928
if . 1 . ' , 4 "2 73 Police Academy 2 Si 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30 pm 10 242 UK Trombone Choir- free; Center for the Arts; 3 p.m.: Call 7-49“) 1026: UK F°°'b°” V5- Georgia away; Georgia
:I . i - . ." , . IO 24 pOlKP Academy 2 $1,75w UKID Worsham Theatre, 7 30p m. ‘0 241 Guest Concert: Colorado Wind Quintet- free: Memorial Hall: 8 p.m., 1028: UK Football ticket distribution for game again E. Tennessee St. Memo-
. ‘ ; - . I' _I ‘ ',l, 10 25 The Blues Brothers Police Academy 5175 w UKID: Worsham Theatrel C0ll7‘49m rial Coliseum; Batm.-B p.m.
. . . . . ‘I .I ' 30 p m 10 2729- Photographs by Len Jenshel- stunning color views of Newport man-
‘I ' :_ E I '4 . ~‘ 25 2 'or 1 Police Academy 2 and The Blues Brothers drawings for prizes sions: CFA- Art Museum: i2Noon-5 p.m.; CalI7-5716
I . .'x , . I I, w ”Mm 'heatre 6 30p m 10 28-11 8. KnightExhibit: RasdollGallery; Call 254-6026
x If .17 . i .I I- I, j 26 pol,(e Academy 2 $1 75 W UKID Worsham Theatre. 7.30p m 10 24-30. Baby with the Bathwater: comedy about marriage and child rearing:
' ‘. , .’ I ; , ‘. if. 28 Dialeo’Murder si 75w UKID Worsham Theatre 7-30p m 55-pub-,$4~stU-: Lab TheatrezfiprmuCaII7-1385
. 'I. l ' ‘5 ,‘ I '.
l . I. 'I- . 10 23 Food for Thought discussion group Language plus 9 equals career suc- 10 21 Lastday to dropa course 10- 26: BACCHUS 'Fun Run'- 55 entry fee; Commonwealth Stadium, 930 am.
- , fi- »I I;I ‘I.I‘ (es 8 Busmess plu57eauols career success 119 SC 12 Noon Call7-3295 10 21 Last day to withdraw from the University or reduce course load and Call8-6242
, I ,' - i ‘0 7’3 George Lucktenberg speaks on the fortepiono horpSichord Center for remit/9 Orly refund 10,27: Sunday evening fellowship- WO'SMP' dinner 8' fellowship: K-House “2
. irr.‘ - ; , - '- f the Arts 3 30-5p m Coiiuooo 10 21.25 SAB AwarenessWeek “0525's5P-m-:C°”25‘-183'
,rI . II . .' I . to 25 New Deal Art w P A Works at UK w slide show by Di Hornet Fowl. 10 2126 Student Activities Board Awareness Week 10 22: Purchasing Procedures by Tom Fields, purchasing, 15 Memorial Hall, 10
I- . - ' r. or K-"g Library North Noon 10 21-27 National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (BACCHUS) a.m.-12Noon;Call7-1851
. I , ~’ , ' i 27 Joel Pett editorial cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader CFA-Art 10 21 Meet the SAB Board Night. 230 SC: 8:30 p.m., Call 7-8867 10 ”'2‘? PTOW’lDQ Your “309'? ‘0' Change, 703 5C Addition, 3‘30 ant-Noon
3;. . ». Museum 2p m Call 75716 10 21-24 Student Portraits- Seniors 8 underclassmen, 111 SC, 9-12, 1-5 pm. (0"7'l85l
.' ~4I . , , . .- 1? 21 BOl‘iOl Association organizational meeting 109 SC 7 30 pm Call 252- Call 7-4005 10 2‘25: c°df°P“'m°"°'Y R95‘5“"‘11’10'1 (CPR), ‘5 Memorial HO“: 8 any-Noon.
-I .' ‘ ' II ' 1:108 10 21 Amnesty international Benefit Spaghetti Dinner-S7, Alfalfa Restaurant; C0“ 7-1351
- 3, . . is 22 SAB Public Relations Committee meeting. liSSC 4 p m Call 7-8867 6309 30pm, Coli278-5130 ‘0‘”: TNT- W'sdov ”"9 1090*" Soptist Stud-r" Union: ‘79 Columbia Ave.
. - ,-' . , 10 22 UK Waterski Club meeting- everyone welcome please stop by' 228 10 21 Designated Driver Night at Bash Riprocks- free non-alcoholic drinks for 733013-"1-3 CNN-3939
-. I I I SC 7 p m Call 277-0618 drivers 8 food specials, 9 p.m.. Call 8-6242
I I I- . . . - <0 23 SAB Cancertcommittee meeting 228 SC 5pm Coli7-8867 10 22 SAB-BACCHUS co-sponsored speaker, Bob Babbage; 230 SC, reception
.‘ , '. . I ’0 23 Emergence A Feminist Womens Press meeting- students interested in following in 205 SC 8pm., Call 7-8867
. I , N O W call 231 7985 1095C 6p m. Call231-7965 10 23 Pizza Eating Contest- reps. from 19 varsity athletic teams 8 band will
I . - . - I '0 23 Students with a purpose- Maranatha Christian Fellowship Maranatha participate StollField Noon: Call7-8867
,I ' , . Certer 7 pm. Call 231.7001 10 23 Forum on Alcohol; SC Theatre: 7 p.m.: Calla-6242
j - . ‘ 10 24 UK Fencing Club meeting, Alumni Gym 7 30pm Call 233-5201 10 24 Rock and Roll Time Tunnel Shows- free (12 Noon, 1 p.m., 7 p.m., and 8
, - I1 ' 10 25 UK Badminton Club Seaton 5 30p m Call 275-7138 p.m.). SC Ballroom (0117-8867
‘ . , I: 10 27 UK Badminton Club Seaton 230p m Cal|278-7138 10 24 Computer Literature Search Demonstration Day, 104 King Library 9 LOOKING AHEAD
, I , a.m.-9 pm Education Library 9-12. 1-4 p.m., Engineering Library 9-12 1-4
, , p.rn , Agriculture Library 9-12, 1-4230 p.m., Chemistry Library 10 a.m.-6 p.m.;
' ' Call 76312 1009: Graduate Recital: Michael Hesse 8 Wesley Waolard, trumpet: Memorial
. . 10 24 Open Hause: A Baha'i Perspective on current social issues' by Tim An- ”9"; 99"“ c°ll 74m . I I
derson presentation and questions and answers "“50" 0,130me 10"”: Baby with the Bathwater: comedy about marriage and child rearing:
‘ 10'24 TOP's Program on Appalacian Culture 8 History by Ann Campbell and 35‘9”!” ““lu'3 l°b Theatre; 8pm.; cf," 7'33” , ,
. Terry Birdwhistle, suPPOr following: K-House/412 Rose Street: 21 I alder: Call "V”: 5".” M°"°9'"""' by 0" M'k' N'dwk- C°”""""9 °"d 1“""9 C°"'
254-1881 ter; iSMemoriali-taii; 10 a.m.-Noon; Call 7-1851
10 24 Alcohol effects demonstration I speaker at the Sigma Nu fraternity "V”: F°°d ’°' Thought A Comm. M'”: Vflwm'" ‘ Options by JoAnn
. I house: 8 p.m. Call 8-6242 Smith; 119 SC; bringa sandwich; 12Noon; Call 7-3295
10- 24. Mocktails will be served in the cafeterias at dinner for Alcohol Aware- "f3: 5'1"“ concert: Memorial ““9”“; 8p.m. .
n.” w.“ Call 8-6242 ”/22; First UK Basketball game againstCzechoslovakian Nat.: Rupp Arena
1025. Colloquim in Social/Philosophical Studies in Education, 131 Taylor Ed. "/2: UK F°°'b°""" 5' h""'“” St.; Commonwealth Stadium
Bldg. 3-5 p.m., Call 7-4795
10 26 National Teacher Exam. required for new teachers- $89; will be noti-
fied: TBA Coll7-2791

 U 1 l . l
Mfl—____fimvxuuu Maxim, W21, 1'5 -3
___.__.———-—-—————— __
Sports Edivov
Assistant Sports tditoi .
gifughfigxmgvc.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;I_2:I:~;isut..3ifff; ".\I."I"ZI23;“13:3“"i’ir'fri'tfii'i. . '-'.I:3'j;>'<‘§§§’:'5'.-.;:""". »;- gm .M'ii‘iri: ’ " ' " ' " - »' E.’W:'Il’ziif’ii.3~‘ \ "";«3tf“s‘“>‘..s° ..}’=‘-I:"'55'--:~_sx;:1:.\ .. II, . li35fiiipr'”“‘< » 1- '3'“ ' .
*‘tir°‘*¥«?"¥ «oft 33“} v v a - « '
it) JASON WILLIAMS 1151' committed seven turnovers to times "We have the speed and the five minutes left in the third quar With six minutes left. 151 sent in Mum-u. 5““. . . o i, o m to ' ., 1 ' ’ I‘
Staff Writer l‘K‘s three ina game that somewhat power We Just had to get itsed to fer. but lost a fumbled snap on his backup quarterback Doug Powell “mm“, .. ., l, i, ‘, i, U , .
resembled last year's mistake-rtd- our pOSIIHOHS andIhow to play in dlfr second play and he marched the Tigers down- W‘ . -'I'
BATUN [mung La The Kenr den 3640 15(1 win m Lexmgton en ferentsituations' “We just tried to get something field to a 4:1 yard field goal by Ron “l H 1 . 4: I I ~’ ' .
tuckylxiuisiana State football game did look like a repeat tofi last Johnsons mtt‘rt‘f‘pllun \ttth Just started." L'K coach Jerry (‘laiborne nie Lewis for the first score of the 1'“ 7 I; I", . L . . i ~r' . '
saturday night may have been a year." said l'K backup quarterback more than six minutes left in the said about substituting his quar game r" J ‘ A ' ’ ' 'I.I~.,' 1'.‘ ‘
comedy of errors. but nobody on the and receiver Tim Jones. "It was a {“51 half killed l.Sl"s third solid terbacks “Nobody was domg any "I went iii at halftime and did a ' ' .1 f v .' ..
fieltl.it'l‘iger Stadium was laughing tough game. but we feel like the chance at 31‘0ng after mustng flf‘ld thing " little >t’)lll<>t‘a(‘lllllg.' said Lewis. Isl ”I . it" '- 3 " r :9
Defense dominated while both winni