xt7crj48sm3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48sm3h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-08-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 2004 2004 2004-08-30 2020 true xt7crj48sm3h section xt7crj48sm3h  


August 30, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915



Celebrating 33 years of independence


they can
get faith
Page 6


Police investigate 18 vehicle break-ins around campus

By Dariush Shata


A recent string of vehi-
cle break-ins on campus has
UK police stepping up pa-
trols and encouraging stu-
dents to protect their vehi-

Eighteen break-ins oc-
curred either in K lot at
Commonwealth Stadium or
the R11 lot off Woodland Av-
enue behind William T.
Young Library between Aug.
15 and Aug. 22.

UK Police Maj. Joe Mon-

roe said the number of
break-ins is not unusual for
this time of the semester.
though the current number
could make this an above-av-
erage year.

"We always have an ele-
vated number of break-ins
at the start of school.” Mons
roe said. although the aver‘ _
age is 10-12 over the first
couple of weeks of school.
“If we don't have any more.
it'll average out. If we do
(have more). it’ll be an ele-
vated number."

Monroe said UK Police

are increasing patrols in all
parking lots and that police
detectives are following all
leads, as well as looking for
items to turn up in local

Though no arrests have
been made. Monroe said po—
lice think they will catch
those responsible. He said
the break-ins usually contin-
ue for a period of time be
fore police catch the suspect
and recover a large quantity
of stolen items. Monroe said
about 75 percent of the
stolen items are usually re-

covered and returned.

Monroe said the concen-
tration of break-ins in only
a few places is merely be-
cause of the easy opportuni-
ty for criminals.

“Those are basically
where most of the students
park." Monroe said. “Break-
ins happen in the middle of
the day and in the middle of
the night."

Though students can't be
around to watch their cars
24 hours a day. seven days a
week. Monroe said police
are encouraging people to

take steps to prevent having
their cars broken into and
items stolen.

“Don't leave items lying
around visible in the car."
he said. "Detach the face-
plate of the radio if you
have one. That makes it use-

Police encourage those
who have larger items like
subwoofers or stereo ampli-
fiers to have a car alarm in
stalled and to park in well-lit

dshafa'u kykernefcom


Loved ones mourn life cut short

By Danielle Komis


faces filled many of the pews
at St. Albert the Great
Church Saturday:

While some
wiped away tears.
others sat stone-
faced. shocked that a
19-year-old Gover-
nor's Scholar who
once aspired to go to
law school was dead.

Brian Anthony
Muth. 19. of
Louisville. was
buried that after-
noon at Calvary Cemetery in
Louisville after his funeral
that morning at the same
church where he was bap-
tized and attended school as
a young boy.

Muth died early Aug. 24
after being hit by a semi

truck on the outer loop of
New Circle Road near Old
Frankfort Pike.

He had been arrested and
charged with alcohol intoxi-
cation just after 1 am. by

Lexington Police. He
was then released
into the custody of a
friend around 2 am.
after which he ran
into the roadway.
About 300 people
gathered Saturday
morning at the
church to say good-
bye to a young man
whose high-pitched
laugh and strong
hugs always made them

Many were family mem-
bers. relatives. former high
school classmates. fraternity
brothers and other friends
who attended St. Louis Uni-

See Muth on page 2

mm nun | STAFF

(Left to right) Friends Alex Germano, Matt Miranda and Joe Escola. a

UK studen , car

Brian Muth's casket at St. Albert the Great Catholic

church in Louisvrlle Saturday. Germano gave the eulogy at the funeral.


an ‘ i " twififl’;





mm run I sun

Me an Hermann, a friend of Brian Muth's from St. Louis University, kisses Muth's casket at the burial ceremongblncluding family, childhood friends. former

hig school classmates, fraternity brothers and other friends from SLU, where Moth attended last year, about

0 people attended the funeral.

Football players charged with indecent exposure

They also told the kids to

Two current players, one former, yell
to children while naked on porch

By Jeff Patterson
lHE mam mm

Two reserve UK football
players charged with inde-
cent exposure scrimmaged
with the team Saturday and
will continue to
play. said head
coach Rich Brooks.

Brooks said he
had been aware of
the incident in
volving redshirt
freshmen offensive
linemen Eric
Klope and (‘asey
Shumate and for-
mer UK fullback
Joe Razzano. who
left the team earlier this

“This is very old news."
Brooks said Friday "We‘ve
known about it.”

According to a police re-

port. the three were “exposr
ing themselves" on June 11
on the front porch of a house
on the 400 block of ()ldham

Accounts of the incident
did not become public until
media reports revealed them


Klope and
S h u m a t e
then made
“sexual com
ments" to a
boy and a 12-
year-old boy
who were rid-
ing their
bikes. the re

port said.

The three came out of the
bushes and off the porch.

The two told the kids.
"We are big fags come up
here so we can have a big
orgy" the report said.

“show some respect for UK

football players." according
to the report
The boys told their par-
ents when they arrived
home. and the police were
called to 433 ()ldham Ave.
The incident occurred at 9:11
pm. according to the report.
The mother of the 12-
year—old told police she did
not want her
son “exposed to
this kind of be»
When police
arrived. an offi-
cer observed
only Razzano.
who was sitting
nude on a
couch on the
porch When
Razzano no»
ticed the officer. he "fled in-
side (the) house to put
clothes on,“
The police report said he
told police “he had been nude
because when he Woke up.


his father called. so he went
out on (the) porch to talk to

Rlllliinfl WilS arrested ill
full pm There was no alco-
hol or drug involvement. ac
cording to the report. His
mother. .lodi Razzano. later
secured his release with a
Si .000 cash bond.

Klope and Shumate were
cited for indecent exposure
three days later. on
June H.

Shumate's moth»
er. Tracy Darnell.
said they are Working
to resolve the situa-

“Casey is a good
kid." she said. "He’s
got a good heart. and
he loves UK.

“He would never
do anything to em-
barrass the university"

The three are due in
Fayette District Court on
Sept. 14.

jpalterson u Iiji'kernelcom


“If we do
(have more
break-ins), it'll
be an elevated

Maj. Joe Monroe
UK Police

Blazer Courtyard
w receives a facelift

Dining Services: more changes,
remodeling, self-serve food

By Troy Lyle
lHE reunion mm

Replacing the large. round tables with café chic
lou‘nge areas and booths in the Blazer Courtyard food
court is part of the first step in a two-year renovation

of campus eateries.

“Everything we‘re doing campus-wide is aimed at
putting the wow back in student dining." said Jeff
DeMoss. executive director of CK Dining Services. “So
far we‘ve only accomplished a small portion of the
many changes planned for the entire campus."

After a $1.2 million renovation. Blazer Courtyard
now feels like a trendy coffeehouse. replacing the
19705-sty1e flooring and cafeteria serving area. The
changes will improve dining on campus. said Dewitt
King. assistant director of dining services.

“Our goal over the next two years is to add more
venues to campus dining. giving students added vari-
ety and faster. healthier food options.” he said.

Dining Services is asking for student input in every
facet of its decision making process. from the proposed
new food options to the renovations and new hours of
operation at the Blazer Hall food court. DeMoss said.

“We want students to have the food they want and

See Food on page 2

VA Hospital braces

for terrorist threat

The Cooper Drive VA Hospital started
using safety precautions after Sept. 11

By Dariush Shafa
THE krmum mm

Dcpartriient of Veter-
ans Affairs hospitals nar
tionwide have heightened
security lti response to a
possible threat against
\‘A hospitals and admin
istratixc offices

(‘aiidace Hull. public
affairs officer for Lexing-
tori's \'.>\ Hospital on cam
pus. said the atom from
the Hi] has iieeti serif lH
each of the ion. \'A hospi
tals iii the country.
though there has been no
word of a threat to a spe
cific hospital

iierit threat." she said

"Nit \,:\\ i‘i.t\t‘ been
named as a specific tar
get We‘ve lllsi iiecii :iii
vised to be alert "

In response to the
Sept. ll attacks. the hos
pital had already height
erred security. including
requesting identification
from all patients and visi

“That's just some
thing we‘ve chosen to
maintain.” Hull said.

She also said the
heightened security pres
ence seems to have a
calming effect on staff.
visitors and patients.

“I think people enter»
ing our facility see the
visible police presence
and feel an additional
sense of security." Hull

“I do believe that our
staff and patients have
an extreme amount of

DU llllllll


confidence in \'A police
and security"

Though she could not
elaborate on specific se-
curity precautions. she
said the VA police and se-
curity personnel are up
to the task.

“(iiir \‘A police staff
is prepared to handle any
potential scenario that
we are faced wtth." She

l'K Police have over-
all responsibility over the
Hi (‘hziridler Medical
(‘eriter security

l'K spokesman Carl
Nathc said police are pay-
ing close attention to the
situation at the \‘A hospi-
tal dtie to its proximity to
the UK (‘handler Medical

According to the De»
partment of Veterans Af-
fairs Web site. the VA
hospital s) stem has been
responsible for providing
medical care to US. mili-
tary veterans and their
families since the 19305.

As of October 2002. it
had provided health care
to more than 6.8 million
veterans in 48 states. the
District of Columbia and
Puerto Rico,

The VA system now
helps with education.
death and disability com-
pensation and pension

The VA hospital sys-
tem is a part of the De.
partment of Veterans Af-
fairs. which was estab-
lished in 1989.

dshafa ta kykernelcom





Continued from page i

versity with Muth last school year be-
fore he transferred to UK.

As the funeral started. the crowd
stood and solemnly turned to face the
back of the sanctuary as six of Muth's
friends, their faces etched with grief.
carried in the coffin of the friend
many of them had seen alive less than
a week earlier

UK student Aaron McNulty. the
friend who had signed for Muth‘s re
lease from jail. was one of the six pail

Muth‘s father. mother and younger
sister clutched one another tightly as
they followed the coffin into the church
and fought to hold back their grief.

The soothing btibbliiig of the bap-
tismal font in the back of the .saiictu»
ary was soon replaced by the an
guished sobs of Muth‘s mother.

She was ushered to a chair .is faith
ly and clergy tried to comfort her.

During the ceremony. .\luth s older
brother. Michael Mtith. .ir. spoke as it
he were talking directly to his brother

"1 wish that your time hadn‘t been
cut so short.” he said. “You‘ve learned
to accomplish in 19 years much more
than any of us who will live much
longer lives ever will "

Alex Uerinano. Muth‘s friend since
grade school. also spoke. describing
Muth in his eulogy as someone who
appreciated the little things even
Wendy's hamburgers and clothes from

“Look how vintage it looks?‘ he
said. remembering what Muth said
when he once found a ’l‘~.shirt there

After he was laid to rest n-uir .t
stream that ctits through the cemetery.

friends spoke highly ot Math. who
Continued from page 1
dining done their way.‘ he \‘illi ‘1 iur

main goal is for students to t-ltiil\ din
ing on campus again "

Additional changes aie pi tuned
for Blazer. including selt serx it e spe
cialties such as pina. soap and s'ilrid
and international foods. said .iitti
Wims. assistant \ ice president to: s' .i
dent affairs

Blazers hours ll.t\t‘ :iiso t hinged

‘ Kentucky
' Clinic
\’ ‘

>> Reynolds ltd.
let: South


mm v
‘ Central

‘ Hospital


graduated third in his class front 'l‘rin-
ity High School iii Louisville. excelled
at golf and loved the 2001 comedy “Zo

Mourners scattered into groups.
talking softly to one another. ()thers
just stared at Muth's final resting
place. seemingly unaware of the strong
midday sun beating down on them.

While friends and family said it is
hard dealing with sticli an untimely
death. they don‘t think that placing
blame will help.

”That‘s not how friends and family
are thinking about it." said Erica Bor-
dadoi‘. a high school friend of Muth‘s.
“That Won't bring him back."

Still. friends said that others sboiild
learn from the tragedy:

“We can learn from this and create
new laws to keep this front happening
again." Uerniano said.

Michael Muth Sr. Muth's father.
said parents. law enforcement and stu‘
dents need to brainstorm ways to keep
young people safe front the dangers of

"if we can get all these groups to
gether then we won't lose people like
Brian." he said

t‘ara lloiilehan. Muth's senior
prom date at 'l‘rinitv. said that Muth
was always fitii to be around She re»
called a time on spring break in Pana-
iua l‘ity. l'la. when Muth and some
friends thought it would be funny to
run into the ocean cotered in pow»
dered sugrit‘

"He went out specially to get it."
she said. laughing

llominii liavis. a l'K sophomore.
said he atid Muth and some other
friends went camping last summer at
Red River (lorge and played coriihole.
.’i bean bag toss game. for hours.

"I only knew him a year. btit he
treated me like we'd been friends forev-
er ‘ he said

for the past few summers. Muth
worked at a local country club‘s pro
shop and had blistered hands from

it is lltI‘t't open from ll am to mid-
:ti4ht. as tiiilmsetl to Tam to H p m.

it‘s» ill in response to student's
desires for more atcessible. demon-
stration oriented cooking." he said.

Hist/er Hall isn't the only place
students will be noticing changes.
The Studcnt center’s food court will
be .ipdgited later this semester.
lil’xliiss sfllll

\K» re planning. on leaving the
Kit iiid Long .lohii Silvers concepts.
itll' we will be :idding several new
lt".iiliit'ti concepts ringing from burg-
ers to the Pit lllt Ritiif he said. ”The
:.c\\ ittiit'i’liis. (it'\l‘_'llt'tl lit iiiit'l‘ Sill-
deijts greater variety. should be com»

A} 90


playing so much golf. his father said.

But last summer. Muth Sr. said the
country club wasn't open the entire
season. so he got to spend more time
with his son than he had in the past

Maybe the easy schedule wasn't an
accident. he said.

"if I hadn‘t had that time. I would
be so empty now." he said.

At the reception held in the church
hall after the burial. Muth's fraternity
brothers from SLU were crowded
around a table by the window of the

Ryan Rooney and Ryan Walde. both
members of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity
at SLi'. told how Mtith figured out how
to turn on a campus fountain an
open fountain that was usually turned

"He would have to climb down this
hole in the ground." Rooney explained.

Muth and others would wait until
an innocent pedestrian would walk
into the path of the fountain.

Then. with video camera in hand.
they would turn it on. trapping the per-
son m between the sprays of water

“You could just hear this roar (of
laughter) from the hole he was in."
Rooney said.

One table over sat a group of
women who also knew Miitli from SLU.

Megan Hermann said she became
best friends with Muth after she met
him in her economics class.

She spoke of late~night “clocktow
er talks" that she and Miith used to
have at a clock tower on campus. and
laughed when she remembered how he
used to pop the collar tip on his fa-
vorite pink polo shirt.

"He lived for the moment.” she

Germano said it was this attitude
that made Muth so well liked.

“His excitement attracted us to
him." he said.

dkomism kykernel. com

pleted over winter break and ready to
go as students return for the spring

Dining Services isn‘t completing
all the proposed renovations at once
since Kentucky requires approval for
any project over the cost of 8399.000.
l)eMoss said.

"The important thing for everyone
to realize is that all of this is going to
take time." Wims said “Look at Blaz-
er Hall as an example; students
should be excited about what they are
going see in the future.”

fly/e «I A'_\‘A'ernel.crmi


Now “I‘ll“
All lEl'flilI llidorsl



tilt/ice Students.
racuitt ti. Emnlovees


with their III 8. 100 I

There’s a Lot
Riding on

1m some. old in lo Mo m."- on uld tor u o fed-rot Ito-t.


UK student reports rape

A M yearold teiiiale l'K student reported being
raped at :3 am. Aug. 21 on Rose Lane near campus. Ac
cording to a l'K police report. the rape occurred at the
victim's home between lift and 11:“) am. The report
also states that alcohol or drugs were a factor

Police are classifying this as a second-degree rape.
which is a rape that involves the victim being pliysi
cally or mentally unable to give consent and where the
perpetrator is aware of the Victim's inability to make
the decision to consent.

No arrests have been made. said Maj. .loe Monroe
of the l'K police depai'tiiient.

Truck bomb at 0.5. Security Company ltills seven

KAlilll“ Afghanistan A truck bomb ripped
through the headquarters of a US. sectirity company
in the Afghan capital Sunday. killing at least seven
people. including two Americans. in the first major at
tack in the city in more than a year.

The blast. which injured dozens. targeted the of
fices of l)yn(‘orp inc. a security and information tech-
nology company based in Reston. \'a.. that provides
bodyguards for President Hamid Karzai. The attack
conics less than six weeks before Afghanistan holds its
first presidential election.

Remnants of the former Taliban regime have
vowed to disrupt the balloting and have been staging
increasingly frequent attacks on l‘S forces. election
workers and potential voters. Taliban spokesman Ab-
ditl Latif Hakimi claimed responsibility for Sunday's
blast and said it was detonated by a Taliban fighter us
ing remote control

Games end with 0.5. winning 103 medals

ATHENS The Athens ()lyinpic (lames came to a
close Sunday with triumphs anti twists.

The triumphant included light heavyweight boxer
Andre Ward and the first l’nited States medal in the
men's marathon since 1976. a silver by Meb Keflezighi.

The strangest twist came in the marathon. which
was won by ltaly's Stefano liaidini. Brazil's Vanderlei
de Lima was leading with about three miles left when
he was mugged by a l'iystander. Lima recovered to gain
the bronze medal.

Team USA finished first in the medals race with
101%. 11 more than Russia. With as golds. 39 silvers and
29 bronzes. the Americans surpassed their totals of 97
in Sydney four years ago and llll in Atlanta eight
years ago

China. third in overall medals with 61%. had the sec-
ond—most golds. 32.

At (‘losing t‘eremonies in the ()lvmpic Stadium
where the (ittlllt's opened Aug. 1:4 l()(‘ President
Jacques Rogge told the crowd of Town. “You have
Won. You have won by brilliantly meeting the totigli
challenge of holding the (James. There were unforget
table. tlreaiii (laines ”

(‘ompilcn’ t'roIH it’ll‘i‘ and staff reports.

















KIT Pilot!)

Dr. Christopher Bader, a professor of anthropology and sociology, says his research may seem strange for Bay-
lor University. But many scientists now think study of UFO believers leads to better understanding of religions.

Sociologists study
believers of UFOs

Many scientists think UFO
belief rivals extreme religions

By Jeffrey Weiss
Knight Riddet Iitbune

DALLAS ('hristopher
Bader Wits otte of those liltls
who loved tales of the im-
probable. He grew up to be
come his own iittprobahie

He‘s a sociology professor
at the conservative atid Bap
tist Baylor l’niyersity; a I’res
byterian who has a particu
lar interest in people who say
they are I'Ft) ahdiictees or
victims of t'eligionlinked rit
ual abuse. llis study of the
two groups was published iii
a recent issue of the Journal
for the Scientific Study of Re

“My students ask me all
the time: ‘I)o you heheye itt
UFOs? Do you belieye itt ritti
al abuse'.’ Do you helieye iii
Bigfoot?” He said. ”My any
swet‘ is that liiist don't tare
whether they 're real or not."

Studying the socioIogy of

religion is nothing like dely
ing into theology Ite said

"We‘re not study In: (iod
We're studying what I)i*it,)le
who belieye itt (iotl and li\t-
on earth do." he said

"God” and “t'eIi.tio':' .Ii‘i‘
defined broadly by soctoIo
gists of religion tenet in
UFO abductions and iii I‘Ittl il
abuse both lllt‘ltllle '1 large
dose of faith.

The scteittittu ItI.iIII
stream has Hot at t'eptetl dll‘»
claims of aliett abductions
And many wlto claim to ll.I\i-
survived ritual .tbasi- say
they discoyered the 'ihiise
through the recoyery of ll int:
repressed memories The
length of time between 'Iti-
alleged eyent attd tlte Ii‘t'it\
ery of the tttettlitr\ often
makes it hard to IIt\i‘\II;IJIte
the claims

So are tliete [I‘lts grab
bing people" Are there Satan
ic cults abusing people" In
many cases. people belteye
without the kinds of e\i
dence that would (‘ItItHltii-
outsiders it's a matter of
faith. And that means people
who belong to support
groups for I'Ftt ahduciees or
for stiryiyors of ritual abuse
can be studied as titettthers of
“new religious ntoyeittents "

The only connection he
tween the I'Ftt folks and the
ritual abuse folks is that the

two groups gained attention
iii the lttiths. as Dr. Barter was
starting his academic career

Sociologists such as Bad-
er sitidy small groups like
these because they belieye
this is a way to understand
how successful faiths ile\el-
op. After all. the largest t‘eliv
gtons all started witlt a few
people considered unusual
by their neighbors.

"It really is no craztet‘
than anything else." he said
of the iiutsidetheniain~
stream stuff he studies. “I
appreciate it as a belief. and
a siticereh lielil ltellt‘f.”

Not that he expects belief

iii l'I'i) abductions to ittorplt
tttio a tttator iatilt anytime
soon "Not itt ttty lifetime."
he said.

Most of his work inyolyes
less t‘ontroyet‘slal belief sys
tents why churches atid de
nominations succeed or fail
itt draw ing members. But
wlten Itaylor hired him a
couple of years ago. he told

his new bosses that part of

his studies could seem a hit.
well. odd fora Itaptist school.

"Itut when l talk about
Satanistn iii class, I'm not re
ct‘tiitittg." lie said.

[Its paper. published in
the peer I‘e\ iewed iournal. is
the fruit of years of tentative
contacts with support groups
tot people who say they've
been snatched by aliens or

I‘Ittldll'» abused Mettibers of

these groups are suspicious
of outsiders. Much of his pa-
pi-t details how he gained
their trust and e\entually.
some information about

l‘th‘ltt‘tldllV. lie was able to
4M .‘tft of the ill) folks and
a] ritual abuse suryiyors to
anonymously fill out forms
about their ages. education
and other (lt‘tttttgt‘ftmttt‘ int'ot'

That information fills a
hole iii the study of tltese
groups. he said, Most acade
tttic attention has focused on
the ltellets or on psycliolout
cal eliects on the ltt'llt‘\'t‘t\
tailer's goal was to identitt
the kinds of people who sub
serllie to these beliefs,

What he caitte up with
has its limits. lte adtttits The
sample size is small. and
there's no way to know for
sure if they represent the in
erage l'f‘t) abdttctee or ritu

alvabtise survivor. But the re»
sults are iii litte with re
search done on other small.
new religious movements. he

Matty academics who
study such ntiw'ements tend
to consider
these particular groups as
rubes. he said. “They assume
that these are some country
bumpkins who belieye that
the l'lt'tis are plucking them
off their tractors 'l‘hat's not
what people who are Interest-
ed in new ideas are like.“

It turns otit that the folk
who filled out ltader's forms
area lot like most Attiericans
who seek out unusual faith
ext‘ieriences: 'I‘hey're general
ly female. white affluettt and
well educated when com
pared with the general popu

()l the .31 l‘li't') alidllt'tees.
.‘ti were women. ht said they
were white attd sis identified
as Natiye American (three
chose botlt categories). at at
tended some college. attd 11ft
were whitercollar workers.
Most said they found some
positiye aspects to their eyper

()f the lit ritual abuse
suryiyors. all were white
women. it ltad attended col-
lege. and of the 131 then em-
ployed. I'd were wltitercollar
workers This was an tinhap»
py population. 'tllfl most re-

ltot‘teil the‘. had do/etis of

multiple personalities.

What tlte\ haw itt coin-
ttion. Ballet said. is that they
mostly follow the pattern
found mother new religious

“The theory tells us that
it doesn't matter about the
personality of the god' in-
\ol\'eil .. lie saltl ”The point
is that a certain detnograph
l(‘ is interested in things out
side the mainstream ”

ltqtder‘s own interest in
stich things started when he
was way young

“I read The \ntityitlle
llot‘ror‘ wltett l was in the
fourth grade and I couldn‘t
sleep for .I week." he said
”When l was a kid I used to
try to fiitd Itigt'oot iii the
woods or worm that l'His
would come to my room and
get the ..

He‘ll admit to neyer los
ing his fascination with the
mystery associated with
talesol thesupetttatiiral

"If we eyei' caught HIL’
foot and ptit hint to a cage."
he said. "I'd be teall\ do
pt'essetl .





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GWU deals with security

Students learn to live with daily
with threat of terrorism nearby

By Amy Aroetsinqer
me Won Post

sands of students returned
this weekend to George
Washington University. fully
prepared to encounter the
high-security clampdown in
the shadow of the school's
close neighbors ,_ and poten-
tial terror targets — the
World Bank and Internation-
al Monetary Fund.

Arriving with their fami-
lies in Foggy Bottom. stu»
dents endured traffic jams.
long lines and frayed tem~
pers. but nothing more hor-
rific than a typical college
move-in day.

“l have three kids here. so
it's just a nightmare in terms
of logistics." complained
Jack Adler. a father from
New York in ball cap and
shorts. sweating on 21st
Street NW Saturday after
several trips up and down
the stairs of an old dorm.

Adler noted. however.
that none of the vaunted se»
curity set up around the
neighborhood had slowed
them for a second. Police
never even stopped to inspect
their U