xt7cvd6p0p4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p0p4g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19331212  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1933 1933 2013 true xt7cvd6p0p4g section xt7cvd6p0p4g I

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semiweekly kernel




Journalism Professor Succeeds Prof. W. R. Jones,
Georgetown College

First Place Given to
Gavel" for



Prof. Victor R. Portmann, Journalism departmPtit of the University,
was elected director of the Kentucky High School Press association
which ended Its
at the University, Saturday.
Professor Portmann will succeed
Prof. W. B. Jones, head of the De
partment of English at Georgetown
college. Delegates to the convention from Kentucky high schools
also voted to change the official
meeting place of the association to
the University, as It Is the only
Institution in Kentucky having a
complete Journalism department.
The convention followed the routine of addresses by Dr. Sherman
O. Crayton, Miss Marguerite Mc
Laughlin, Thomas B. Underwood,
Joe Jordan, Pror. Enocn urenan,
Niel Plummer, Prof. Victor R. Portmann. and Joe Todd. At the close
of the meeting the following officers
were elected: George Watson, of
Paducah, president; Miss Helen
Klare, Dayton,
Hamilton Howard, Louisville, secretwo-da-

In the prize winning division,
"The Gavel." of the Notre Dame
High school of Covingyn, "The
Log," of Danville High school, and
"The Bell," of Tilghmann High
school of Paducah, were outstanding. "The Gavel," won first prize
high, school
as the best
paper, for having the best headlines
and second prize for the best editorial. "The Log" won first prize
for the best news story, third prize
as best all round rfigazlne and

Bell" placed
best editorial.
second for best
best news story, and third for best
headlines.of the UniverThe
sity High school of Lexington won
second prize for best headlines and
third prize for best news story.
Mention was givon- to the following
school publications: for advertising',
first prize to "The Newporter"' of
Newport High school; second prize
to "Good Will" of St. Vincents
Academy; and third prize to "The
Lone Oak Enterprise" of Paducah
High school. "The Lantern" of the
Shawnee High school, was adjudged
to have the best editorial.
For feature writing, first, second,
'and third prizes were awarded to
"The Daytonia," Dayton High
Mt. Sterling High
school, and "The Lantern," Shawnee High school, Louisville, respectively.
"The Highlander" of Ft.
Thomas High school, won the prize
for best magazine sport section, and
"The Spectator" of Louisville Male
High school was selected as the
best literary magazine. The Danville High school annual was
best In the state, and
of the Ashland High school
was awarded first prize for the best
designed annual.


"Hi-Spy- ."

"Hi-Lif- e"


Dr. A. M. Lyon, from the State
Institution for the Feeble Minded,
Frankfort, will speak to the students of the law school at 10 a.m.
Thursday on "Sterilization."


1- -3

for women will meet

in Room 201, Kaslle hall (Chemistry lector room), at 10 p. m. Tuesday, December 12, instead of Room




l nr"rn
liiTiniif fx













Members of the news staff must
attend a meeting at 3 p. m., today
In The Kernel news room. All reporters whose names do not appear
on the masthead of this Issue of
The Kernel must attend the meeting If they wish to be reinstated on
the staff.
Women students who wish to go
swimming are Invited to go to Margaret Hall in Versailles at 4 p. m.
Thursday. The Y. W. C. A. Hobby
with Vera Kerr In
charge, is sponsoring the trip. Girls
who wish to go are asked to notify
the Y. W. C. A. office and get a
health certificate from the dispensary.
Transportation will be furnished
and a fee of IS cents will be charged.
The next meeting of the German
club will be held at 8 p. m., December 13, at the home of Dr. and Mrs.

A. E. Blgge, 387 Woodland avenue.
A Christmas program will be the

feature of the meeting. Officers of
the club request that all who plan
to attend leave their name at the
German department this afternoon.
There will be meeting of representatives of sorority and independent groups in the Women's gym
Wednesday at noon to draw for the
(Continued on Page Four)

Vesper Soloist
Is Featured in
Sunday Recital
Earl Weatherford, New York,
Heard in Vocal Numbers
in Memorial Hall
Earl Weatherford,
tenor, was heard in a recital by a
large audience in Memorial hall,
Sunday afternoon, Mr. Weatherford,
now a resident of New York city,
was born in Covington, and acquired his early training in Covington and Cincinnati. John Shelby Richardson, Lexington artist, accompanied Mr. Weatherford at the
For his recital Mr. Weatherford
chore an extraordinarily
program. The songs ranged
In type from the lyric to the highly
dramatic, from extreme plannissimo
to dvnamic fortissimo. Mr. Weath- erford gave notable renditions of
every type of song on his program,
displaying a fine
a'l keys and in all registers. Mr.
song Interpretations
are noteworthy and his stage personality commendable.
The recltalist divided his program
Into four groups. In the first groun.


President Frank L. McVey
address students of the
University at a convocation


Annual Reauty Queen Contest
Will Re Conducted at
Social Event in
Alumni Gym


the w'oist presented: "Sleh


More." by Aiken; "Go, Lovely Rose,"
bv Quilter: "Aria La Flcur aue tu
M'Avais Jetee'," by Blrct. In the
second group, "La Reve" (The
from "Manon" by MassDream
enet; "Fleur Jetee'." by Faure: "Die
Mainacht," bv Brahms: and "Meine
Liebe 1st Grun." by Brahms were
offered. The third group Included:
"In the Silent Night," bv Rach
maninoff; "Yarmouth Fair." by
The PipM Of Gordon's ,
men, ivy tt
xiaiiiiiiuuu, niiu
Sound of the Sea." by Ronald. The j
fourth group was composed of:
"That Day We Met." by Bralne;
The First Bluebird," bv Davis; "A
Memory," by Ganz; and "Song' of
Songs." by Moya.



Miss Mary Bryan Is Found
Dead in Red at Her Home
by Niece, Mrs. Cecil E.

program, 10 a. m., Monday,
December 18, in Memorial
hall. His subject win be the
annual "Between Us" talk.
Thomas Scott, member of
the Junior class, will sing several selections. This convocation program will be the last
one before the Christmas




Selection of the University beauty
queen and her five attendants will
be held at the annual Kentucklan
dance, the date of which has been
changed from December 16 to January 13 of the new year. The dance
will be held in the Alumni gymnasium from 9 until 12 p. m.
Approximately 20 girls will be entered In the contest, representing
the various sororities and the independent groups. Petitions for nomination for beauty queen must be
filed in the Kentucklan office before
December 15.
Pictures of the winners will be
Included In the feature section of
the 1934 Kentucklan. The photograph of the beauty queen will be
niihli.sheH in CnMptre Hiimnr nnri
universitv. colletrlate magazines.
The candidates will be presented
during the dance, and immediately
after the selection of the winners,
flowers will be presented to the
queen and her five attendants. Se- lection will be made from photographs furnished by the girls and
from the appearance of the candi-- ;
dates at the dance.
In an attempt to make the contest as fair as possible the names
of the Judges will not be released
until after the contest has been
Last year was the first time that
candidates for the title of beauty
queen were Judged other than by
photographs which were submitted.
The winner of the contest last year
was Mary Dantzler, Lexington, now
a sophomore in the College of Arts
and Sciences, and a member of
Kappa Kappa Gamma social sorority.

Miss Mary Bryan,
for 37 years a
society writer on Lexington newspapers, and for 14 years society editor of The Lexington Herald, was
found dead In bed at her home, 122
Park avenue, at 7:30 a. m. yesterday.
Miss Bryan had been ill Sunday,
but had worked late at her desk
Saturday night. Her body was found
by her niece, Mrs. Cecil E. Cantrill, Pan Politikon
city representative elect to the 1934
Study of China for Next
Semester; to Hold One Con
The great granddaughter of Wilvocation
liam Bryan, who was one of the
settlers of Bryan station, Miss Bry- New members were appointed to
an was the daughter of the late
Joseph Henry Bryan and Mary Gist the meetmg
held Friday afternoon
Bryan. Miss Bryan was a native of ft a
54' McVe?
Fayette county, having been born
at Larchmont. She attended Ham- - meraoers
oi me lacuiiy ana siuueni
ilton college.
uuuy lur w? biuujt ui xuiei&ii countries, will sponsor an active study
of China next semester.
Programs will be arranged next
semester, including a convocation
program and class programs dethe study
Articles by Prominent Au- voted to members of of China. At
thors to Re Included in
committee will arrange with
Latest Issue
professors in the various departments to give over one or more
Many articles by prominent writ- periods next semester to the study
ers and luminaries will appear in of China as it may be related to
the second Issue of "Esquire," the the subjects which they teach.
New members who were appointmagazine for men, which made its
are: Vired to the
first appearance last month.
Included among these writers are ginia Murrell, music; Frank Borries,
Shannon, social science; Robert
Paul Morand, Andre Maurois, Emil Ed
Lurwig, West brook Pegler, Jack Maloney, Webster Cosse, John St.
John, physical science; Jim Bersot,
Dempsey, Owen Johnson, and Alexander Millerand. "Esquire" has been English; Ben Taylor, Wallace Brlggs,
enlarged to 160 pages, a third more art; Cameron Coffman, Journalism;
than were contained in the first is- Bob McDowell, Berkley Davis, ensue, and 40 of these are in full gineering; Ned Turnbull, commerce;
Beebe Gill, home economics; D. R.
Prnntf Uomincruav has o Rnun. Clark, law; Henry McCown, natur- ish letter that deals with bullfights, al science; John Carter, education
stranded American writers and the Harry Clo, military department;country In general. Other writers Edwin B. Patterson, political sclare Paul Morand, ence; James Downing. Charles
who prepares the world for the Mathis, and Earl Mays, agriculture;
and Mary Carolyn Terrell, publicity.
coming of the cocktail;
of France, Alexander Millerand. and
Owen Johnson, who very nearly
come to blows on "Two Sides of
France"; Frederick Van Ryn, who
collaborated with Grand Duke Alex16
memander on his
oirs that created enough Interest to
The first of the series of Cadet
make a sequel necessary, writes
hops, sponsored by Scabbard and
about America and Its congressmen. Fred C. Kelly, Edward M. Blude, will be held In the Gold
Barrows, Louis Joseph Vance, Louis room of the Lafayette hotel SaturGolding and Pitts Sanborn, among day. December 18, from 4 to 6 p. m.
others write of subjects ranging At that tune formal pledging exerfrom bridge and exclusive clubs to cises will be held for both Scabbard
and Blade and Pershing Ritles.
London, music and real estate.
Music for the dance will be furnished by the Blue and White orPLANS FOR XMAS TEA
chestra. Chaperones will be Major
MADE RY HOME EC CLUB and Mrs. B. E. Brewer, Captain and
Mis. Clyde Grady, Dean Sarah
The Home Economics club met at Blanding, and Dean T. T. Jones.
Gordon E. Burns, chairman of the
7:30 last night in the agricultural
building. Ruth Forman, president, social committee, announced that
was in charge of the business meet two more hops will be held, one on
ing at which plans for a Christmas January 8, and the other on Februtea and for the purchasing of club ary 3. The Military Ball will be
pins were discussed.
After the held on February 21.
Admission to the Cadet hops will
business meeting, Anita Burnam,
club gave a be 50 cents for each dance or $1.20
state leader of
talk on "Perfumes," and was assist- for the three. Tickets may be obed in her demonstrations by Mary tained from any member of Scabbard and Blade or Pershing Rifles.




Men's Magazine Will
Make 2nd Appearance



First Cadet Hop


4-- H

Will lie Saturday
Afternoon, Dec.

Kentucky Legislators Will
Convene for Discussions

Tennis Squad
Reviews Plans

For '34 Season
U. of K. Netmen



of Series of
(Jet-Togeth- er

The first of a series of
meetings for the University
tennis squad was held at 7 p. m.
Friday in the dining room of the
Hclskill apartments. Prof. H. H.
Downing, coach of the tennis team,
After dinner Professor Downing
gave a short talk during which he
introduced the new tennis captain,
George Yost. Captain Yost has
played two years on the varsity
and Is a former manager of the
team. He Is a senior in the Law
srhool and Is pledged to Phi Delta
Phi, professional law honorary. He
also Is a member of Sigma Phi
social fraternity.
Coach Downing stressed the
importance of good sportsmanship
and good physical condition. Certain training rules were put In effect and any member of the squad
found breaking these rules will be
drepped Immediately from the team.
George Yost gave a short talk in
which he mentioned his appreciation for the cantaincy and expressed the hope that the team would
be a group of fighters not afraid to
face the odds that will have to be
The final speaker on the program
was Webster Cosse, manager of the
team. His speech consisted of discussing the tentative schedule and
the spring tennis tour. The University of Cincinnati has already
signed a two-yetennis contract.
Standings were brought ud and
everyone was found to be eligible.
Another meeting was decided to be
held soon after Christmas vacation.
Those present were: Prof. H. H.
Downing, Joe O'Brien, George Yost,
"Chuck" Randall. Dave Randall,
Sam - Warren, Webster Cosse, Jay
Luclan, Milton Rush, Elliott, Miller,
Lawrence Jenkins. Marion Brown.
James Moore. Fowler Weed. Eugene
Frvman. George Skinner, John St.
John, and Elvis Stahr.






Victor, Who Will March With
"Rest Rand in Dixie," Announced at Dance

Ep-Eil- on



Cwens Majr Ease
Many Worries of
Holiday Buyers










Honor Fraternity
To Hold Meeting

in All Three
W. A. A. Co-e- d




Co-e- d


Horse Show,

Down Derby," sponsorO.D.K. Will Conduct Regular or "UpW.and A. and under the direc
ed by
Fall Initiation on
tion of Wildan Tnomas, instructor
of the horseback riding class, was
December 19
held Thursday at 8 p. m. in the
The regular monthly dinner meet- Stock Judging pavilion of the Agri
ing of Omicron Delta Kappa will cultural Experiment farm.
be held at 6 p. m. Thursday, DeHelm Hogg, Jackson, won first
cember 14, at the Teacup inn. Plans place In all three of the riding
r form,
for the futherance of the Student events; namely, riding
Union building will be discussed in pacing for form, and Jumping for

The regular fall

O. D. K, initia-

tion will be held on Tuesday afternoon, December 19. In Memorial
hall. Seven pledges will be Initiated
into the. fraternity. An initiation
banquet will follow at the Lafayette
Guests at the initiation and banquet will Include R W. Bishop, of
the University of Cincinnati, province deputy of the fraternity, who
will be the speaker. Officers of
the Alpha Theta circle at the University of Clnclnn i'l and of Zeta
circle at Centre co.iege will also be


form. Stie received two awards, one
a silver cup given by W. A. A. in
the first event, a bracelet given by
Meyers Brothers, Lexington clothing firm, for Jumping for form.
Ann Michael was presented with
a riding crop by Mr. Thomas as a
reward for making the most pro
gress in the class this season.
Second and third places in the
events follow: riding for form: second, Virginia Freeberg; third, Lucy
Jean Anderson; pacing for form:
second, Lucy Jean Anderson; third.
Amelia Denton; Jumping for form:
second, Lucy Jean Anderson; third,
Amelia Denton.

Kentucky legislators, held tinder
auspices of the American Legis
lators' association, will hold the first
meeting of a
session today
at 10 a. m. In room 111, McVey hall.
Registration of delegnt?
will be
held in that room at 0:30.
This conference Is being held In
cooperation with the Universitv for
the purpose of holding a preliminary discussion on some of the important questions wh!ch will engnge
the attention of the legislature during the coming session.
beThe Legislators' association
lieves that a discussion of basic
governmental conditions by members of the legislature prior to the
regular session in January will result in a more satisfactory solution
of the problems which confront the
State and will tend to reduce the
number of hssty and
legislative enactments which result
from the lack of legislative planning. Conferences similar to this
one werp held in West Virginia.
South Carolina, and Tennessee during 1932.
Senator E. D. Stephenson will
preside at the morntng session, and
speeches will be made bv Leonard
V. Harrison, chief of staff of the
Bureau of Social Hygiene; James
W. Cnmmack. secretary,
Educational commission; James H.
Richmond, superintendent of public
instruction, and Prof. James W.
Martin, director of the Bureau of
Business Research of the University. A luncheon meeting at the University Commons will be held at
12:45 p. m. with the principal address by Senator Henry W. Toll,
Colorado, executive director of the
American Legislators' association.
(Continued on Page Four)
pre-scsl- m


Friday Night

Betty Sewell. Middlesboro, sopho- more In the College of Commerce.
and a member of the Alpha Oam- ma Delta social sorority, was elect- ed sponsor, Thursday afternoon, by
tne university Dand.
Candidates who opposed her were
Betsy Fry. Delta Delta Delta: Dor
othy Curtis, Kappa Kappa Oam-- 1
ma; Elizabeth Leslie, Kappa Delta;
Marie Vernon. Chi Omega; Ruby
Dunn, Alpha Xi Delta; Elizabeth
Hardin, Delta Zeta: MarJorle Pow- ell, Alpha Delta Theta; Helen
and Pat Tresslar, independ- ents.
These candidates were selected
from different organizations by the
nonsor committee composed of Roy
Hahn, chairman. Bill Duncan, Bill
Rose, Fred Moore, and Bob Mc- Dowell, arid were voted on by the
band Thursday afternoon.
winner was announced at the "Horn
Hop" which wa? held FriTooters
day night In the gymnasium.
At 10 o'clock the dance floor was
cleared, lights turned out, and the
candidates, one by one, were promenaded down the floor, under the
gleam of the varicolored spotlight:
but the winner was not announced
until 11:30 o'clock. At that time
the floor was again cleared, and
Miss Sewell was proclaimed
winner of the election. The two
drum majors, Bob McDowell and
Alfred Eckles, faced each other in
the center of the floor with their
batons crossed, and Miss Sewell
took her position between them.
She was then presented with a bou
quet of flowers by the present band
sponsor, Margaret
Walker. Miss
Sewell will serve as sponsor of the
university band from February 1934
to February 1935.
It also was announced at the
dance Friday night that MarJorle
Powell, Baldwin. N. Y., a Junior in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
was the winner of the song-titl- e
contest. Her title of "Dear Little
Sweetheart" was selected by Harri
Japanese Razaar Will Re neld son the best University song writer,
for his latest song.
by Women's Honorary to
The song was featured by the
Sell Trinkets
Blue and White orchestra, and was
dedicated to Miss Powell. She is a
member of Alpha Delta Theta soThere ain't no Justice!
cial sorority and Phi Beta,, honorJust about the time that the poor ary music and dramatic fraternity.
struggling college lad had gotten
himself to the point where he could
relax in peace, Cwens came forth
with another swell idea.
It, no doubt, took a lot of concentrated effort before the
Scotchman finally convinced himself that, after all, maybe
he didn't know her well enough to Jean Dawson Named Tempogive her a Christmas present this
rary Regimental
year or maybe she's the underSponsor until Election
standing type who'd rather have
in Spring
money than spend it
him save his
on her.
But what was the use? Being the NEW SPONSOR IS SENIOR
fifteen most
sophosnonsor of the
Toon nnwson.
more gals, members of Cwens might
have been expected to dig up some cadet second battalion last year, has
unique idea like having a Japanese been appointed by the regimental
staff to serve as regimental sponsor
bazaar Just before Christmas.
So boys, in case you don't take at the University until the regular
well to gentle hints and soulful eWtinn. which will be held In the
sighs, then you'd better swear off spring. Miss Dawson succeeds Mary
women for the next two weeks or King Montgomery wno was graau-ate- d
from the University In June.
change your attitude toward life,
Marjorie Fieber was appointed by
and Christmas, because you won't
have a chance when you're sur- thA staff of the second battalion to
rounded by all those Inexpensive fill the vacancy left by the appointdifferent-lookin- g
trinkets, scarfs, ment of the regimental sponsor.
Miss Dawson is a senior in the
compacts, and gorgeous Japanesy
things that will be in the Recrea- Arts and Sciences college and a
tion room of Boyd hall tomorrow member of Chi Omega social soror-it- v
Misn Fieher. a soDhomore in
and Thursday.
Maybe a girl friend isn't the only the Oollege of Arts and Sciences,
worry you have scheduled for De- is a member of Delta Delta Delta
cember 25. If there are brothers social sorority.
and sisters and a mamma and papa
anxiously waiting for you to come
home. Just think what an opportunity this is for you to make them
think you've been going to school
in Japan.
Any way you look at it, you can't
go wrong when you're helping out
Helen Hogg Wins First Place
Santa Claus and Cwens.
Events at

Conference Will
Rcgin Today in McVev


Many Noted Kentucky Men
Scheduled to Speak at
Meeting to Re Held Tomorrow in McVey Hall
The opening session of the State
Parks and Conservation institute
will be held at 10 a. m. tomorrow
in Memorial hall, with Dr. Frank
This meeting
L. McVey presiding.
is under the sponsorship of Mrs.

Guy Cromwell, director


state parks; William E. Jackson,
state forester: and Curtis Allen,
representing the State Game and

Fish commission.
The reception committee, appointed to welcome the visitors at
the sessions and at the banquet
Wednesday night, includes Mayor
W. T. Congleton, City Manager
Paul Morton, Walter W. Hillenmey-e- r.
Circuit Judge King Swope,
County Judge Chester D. Adams,
Samuel M. Wilson, Mrs. J. Arthur
Edge, Mrs. Samuel B. Walton, Dr.
Henry H. Hill, Dr. Jesse G. Herr-maRev. Father George O'Bryan.
Henry K. Milward, Ed Wilder, Col.
John M. Skain, Desha Breckinridge,
John G. Stoll, James H. Combs, W.
H. Courtney, L. B. Shouse. John G.
Cramer, Carl B. Wachs. Walter G.
Rehm, Jonas Weil, Charles Manning, and Mrs. Cecil E. Cantrill, all
of Lexington.
Invocation will be given by Rt.
Rev. H. P. Almond Abbott, bishop
of the Episcopal diocese of Lexington, and will be followed by a welcome address by Dr. W. 8. Taylor,
dean of the College of Education.
Other morning features will be a
discussion of "Our Park Program,"
by Mrs. Emma Guy Cromwell; a
talk on "What State Parks Can
Mean to Kentucky." by Col. Richard
Lieber, Indianapolis, followed by a
round table discussion under the
leadership of Robert W. Hoffman,
Washington, D. C, of the national
park conservation service, and Mrs.
Robert Vaughn, Bardstown. of the
Old Kentucky Home commission,
concluding with an address on "The
Scientific and Educational Value of
State Parks," by Dr. W. D.
professor of zoology and
or the Graduate school.
Dr. W. T. Rainey, of the Lexington Leader, will preside at the afternoon session, opening at 1:30 p. m.
Tom Wallace, editor of the Louisville Times, will speak on "The Development of State Parks," and a
round table discussion on forestry
and wild life will be participated in
by representatives
of various women's organizations.
The banquet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Phoenix hotel, with
R. Underwood,
manager of the Lexington Herald,
presiding, will conclude the
meeting. Speakers at the banquet
will be Governor Laffoon, Herbert
Evlson, Colonel Lieber. Frederick A.
Wallis, Paris, and Dr. Frank L. Mcn,




Phi Mu Alpha, men's national
honorary music fraternity, held
initiation exercises Sunday morning
In Memorial hall for the following
men: Nevin Goebel, Covington;
Marshall Hamilton. Jamaica, New
York: and Robert McDowell,
81mp-sonvill- e.


41-1- 2


Kittens Defeat Rental Cubs
by Decisive Score of
47 lo 21

Wildcats Slow on Offence in
First Ha'f. but Hit
Stride in Second
Coach Adolnh Rupp's champion
Wildcat basketball team, decisively
trounced the Georgetown Tigers by
the score of 41 to 12 for their
triumph of the season last
Saturday night in the Alumni gymnasium. In a preliminary game the
Kentucky Freshmen won easily over
the Georgetown Cubs by the score
of 47 to 21.
Coach Carey Spicer's Georgetown
five, displaying the best brand of
ball any Georgetown
team has
shown against Kentucky in recent
years were able to hold the Wildcat hoopsters to a 6 margin at
the half.
Although the Tigers were playing
their first game of the season
against the Wildcats, they functioned like veterans and were able to
control the ball much more than
the Wildcats during the first half,
but the great defense of the Kentucky club kept them from getting
in close to the basket for many
crip shots and they apparently
weren't satisfied to blast away at
the hoop from out on the court.
During the first ten minutes of
the Initial period the Tigers were
able to keep up with the stride of
the Wildcats, and it was only during the last eight minutes of the
first half thatfthe Cats were able
to pull away to a safe margin.
Apparently profiting by some advice given them by their mentor
during the half, the Ruppmen hit
their stride at the beginning of the
last period and were able to pull
away to a 28-- 7 lead before the Tigers got their first basket from the
floor when Caudill scored on a
crip. With a comfortable
to tneir credit and the period more
than half gone, Coach Rupp substituted freely.
Kentucky's reserve strength, displaying a good brand of basketball,
were able to continue the scoring
Desand the game ended
pite their wide margin of victory,
the Cats looked none too good in
their second performance and they
will have to show a great deal of
improvement to maintain their position as ths titleholders of the
Southeastern conference.
As usual. Capt. "Frenchy"
again topped the scorers'
with 12 points, collected by five field
goals and two out of four free
throws. "Slip" Jerome and Dave
Lawrence tied for second honors
with seven each.
Coach Len Miller's Kitten quintet made a spectacular and somewhat inspiring comeback, after be7
ing defeated by the Varsity "B"
team last Tuesday night, to beat
the Georgetown Bengal Cubs by the
decisive score of 47 to 21.
The Kittens started off In a
flashy manner when Carlisle, the
former Kavanaugh ace, dribbled the
length of the floor to makev a crip
Throughout the entire game the
yearling squad displayed fast movteamwork,
(Continued on Page Four)





Christmas Open House Will
Re Held for Y. W. C. A.
Student and Faculty Members Wednesday
Christmas open house for all
members of the Y. W. C. A. will be
held Wednesday from 3 to 5 p. m.
in the Women's building, sponsored
by the music committee of the Y.
Invitations have been sent to all
women members of the faculty and
The program for the afternoon
includes informal singing of Christmas carols, and the "Hanging of
the Green" which is an old English
custom of decorating before Christmas. Special Christmas music will
be featured.
The Dutch Lunch club' will have
its Christmas party Friday noon in
Patterson hall. Patricia Park is in
charge of the arranijeiig
special feature will be the singing
of carols led by Harlowe Dean, student of Henry Clay High school.
Girls who were not at the last
meeting and wish to attend Friday
are asked to leave their names at
the Y.W C.A. office in the Women's
building. This will be the last meeting of the club before the holidays.
A Christmas party for all freshman students will be given by the
freshman members of the Y. M.
and Y. W. C. A. at 8 p. m. Friday
in the Women's gym Features of
the party will be a floor show given
by students, and dancing. This will
be the first
event of
the Y for this year.
The committee in charge of the
arrangements for the pirty Is composed of Margaret Coo.ier. Eleanor
Ligon. Tippy Calhoun, Dorothy
John Spragens,
and Allen Browr
students are inv


Hol-com- b,

A banquet

was given In honor of
Monday at 6 p. m. at

the initiates
the Wellington Arms Tea room.





* Best Copy


year. The majority of the staff
have brrn the best friends of the
organizations, and have altlrd them
in many other ways aside from
actual contributions. They are to be
highly commended for their interest
In these organizations and for real
izing what, a great uplifting influence they have on the campus. .
However, although the students
are not called upon for large sums
of money to aid these groups, it is
only fair to realize that they add
their share to the work which is
done. Many of the students put
their hearts and souls Into Just such
work as is done by the Y. M. C. A.
and the Y. W. C. A. They wish
them well Just as heartily as anyone
on the campus and they are just
a? wjjling to devote their time and
energy to making a success of the
work undertaken.
Let us all, faculty and students
alike, unite in a common effort to
further the worthwhile work being
done. Tills Is truly a service to the
University, and everyone who takes
part Is adding his bit to help the
school, Just as surely as the football
and basketball men are doing their
part to help their University.

The Kentucky Kernel



Natt.nal Collrn Prraa Aoclallon
Krnturar Intrcollflat Prrna AiWKtatlon
Lexington Board e( Commrrc

In Itself the practice is simple and
baby-likbut it is another question
when It becomes an infringement on



Tuesday, December 12, 1933

Study Nature



Sca nJal 0

the rights of others.
Aside from the actual danger of
shooting fireworks around buildings
there is the disturbance to classes
and to those who are Inclined to
study. One must realize that the
University Is for all and not for any
certain person or group of persons.
"The Rose Girt of the Week"
So, If you do not respect yourself
To Alphagam plcbe, Lillian
put away your toys while
enough to
we toss a rose... Her congenial
attending a university, remember personality and general frankness
the rights of those who are here to havecampus. her a popular figure on



Not Hooks

Distractions of Nature . . . and of Natural Hlondes .
Inhibit Students' Concentration




mistake immediately, as the libra- M By JANE M. HAMILTON
rian, to his embarrassment, withSt udy nature not books I
Such was the advice of Louis John draws the book, which unfortunateill
ly bears a library label.
Rudolph Agassis, the Swiss naturalDecember 14, 191C
A glance Into the hall reveals a
ist. And many a man student folProfessor Noe's latest book Is
freshman perilously
lows thRt aphorism, reproduced on carrot-toppe- d
favorably reviewed. "The Blood of