xt7cvd6p0p8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p0p8t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19470207  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  7, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  7, 1947 1947 2013 true xt7cvd6p0p8t section xt7cvd6p0p8t THE ECENTUCKY K RNEI















Montgomery, Morgan
Give Sunday Musicale









Present Program


Ford Montgomery
and Robert
Morgan, pianists on the University
music faculty, will present a
concert in Memorial hall at
4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in a
continuation of the series of Sunday
musicales being presented on the
campus this quarter.
Following the recent trend in
Joint piano concerts, Sunday's pro-- 1
gram will feature the two musicians
together for their initial appearance
on the Sunday afternoon series of
campus musical arrangements.
Mr. Montgomery studied at the
New England Conservatory in Boston and graduated with a soloist's
diploma in piano and a bachelor
of music degree. He Joined the
University staff in 1941 but entered
the army hi 1942.
University faculty last year after his
discharge, Mr. Montgomery resumed
his duties as an instructor in piano.
Mr. Morgan studied music at
Syracuse university and received his
bachelor of music and master of
music degrees from that institution.
Following service with the Navy during the recent war, he joined the
University faculty- - brat September.
Sunday's Program
The program to be presented by
the two pianists Sunday afternoon
will consist of "Sheep May Safely
Graze" by
"Sonata in
D Major" by Mozart, "Variations on
a Theme by Beethoven" by Saint-Saen- s,
and "Scaramouche" by Mil- duo-pia-


Mark Hughes
Admiring the horseshoe presented to the Wildcats by Suky at a Tictory
celebration in the Kentucky hotel, Louisville, following the SEC final
are (left to right) players Kenny Rollins, Alex Grosa, Buddy Parker,
and Humsey Yessin, team manager.


Basketball Game, Melodrama
Planned ByWSSF Leaders
omen's basketball game and an
oid fashioned melodrama with faculty members playing leading roles
are scheduled to keep the World Stu-de- n
Service Fund campus drive moving Monday and Tuesday, according
to Charlie Boggs, publicity chairman.
The basketball game, between the
Women's Athletic Association var-

Career Talks
End Today
Nearly 700 Attend
HPC, Mortar Board
Job Conferences

sity and the Cincinnati university
women's team, will be played at 7 p.


Monday in Alumni gym. Proceeds from the 25 cent admission will
go to the fund.
Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday
night is "Ridiculous to the Sublime,"
especially written for the event by
William BubbelL If the play goes
through as planned students of modern dance will present a program
between acts cf the play.
Drive Opened Monday
The year's drive opened on the
campus with a rally of ail solicitors

Approximately 700 students will
have participated in the Women's
Vocational Conference, sponsored by
the House Presidents' Council and
the Mortar Board Career Conference
sponsored by the senior women's
leadership society, when the final
session is held this afternoon, ac- cording to conference leaders.
This afternoon, representatives of
several corporations and state
partments will hold final interviews
with senior students in the Career
Conference which began yesterday,
and bring to a close the week's activities.
The Women's Vocational Conference, which was held on Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, featured
discussions on various vocations,
such as advertising.- - interior decor
ating, and medical technology by
persons connected with these fields,
According to Miss Margaret Storey,
heftd resident of Jewell hall, the sub- -

for "Operation University in the
Student Union Monday night. Over
125 solicitors, representing campus
residence units and fraternal, religious, and social groups heard Wen
dell Pounds tone, chairman of solicitations, outline the program for the
of the drive,
Johnny Crockett and Howard Stephenson, presided. Boggs gave a
brief talk on the progress noted in
Informing students about WSSF.
Goal Of $555.55
Working-t-o ward a goaf of $555535
solicitors have approached students
individually this week to urge that

fh,,t,.f fv,.
thro., wkkf rnntrih,,tir or




received from niM.stionoi




Vets Will Cast
Votes Monday
'United Ticket'
Only Entries
At Press Time
The United ticket, headed by Dar- rell B. Hancock, arts and sciences
sophomore from Providence, consti
tuted the only list of students that
had filed at press time yesterday for
the officer in the University Veterans' club, to be filled in Monday's
annual club election.
The election polls will be open in
the Student Union building from
8:30 ajn., until 5:30 p.m., Monday.
In addition to Hancock's candidacy
for the club's presidency, the United
ticket consists of C. Hoge Hocken-smit- h
Jr., Irvine, sophomore, for
John Murphy, Central City freshman, for secretary;


freshman, for treasurer; Bill Champion, Lancaster freshman for
and William Baggett,
Paducah freshman for chaplain. In
addition to the above students. Dr.
Lyle W. Croft, director of Univer
sity personnel, and Dr. Thomas D.
Clark, head of the history depart
ment, are listed as faculty advisers.
Filing Deadline Is Today
Other tickets of candidates sub
xne iirsi selections will make up ject to Monday's election have until
the first of the three parts into 5 p.m., today to file their candidacy
which the program has been divided, in Dr. Croft's office.
and the final two numbers will each
make up the final two parts of the



Rural Leadership
Institute To Meet
Here Next Month

"Toward a More Effective Town
and Country Church" will be the
theme of the 10th annual Rural
Leadership Institute meeting in Lexington April
The UK College
of Agriculture and Home Economics
has invited all persons interested in
community betterment and church
development to attend the meeting.
Lecturers and discussion leaders
will Include members of the faculty
of UK and of seminaries and colleges
in the state, nationally known out
church leaders, prominent
oft rUr&l and country pastors, and other
22-2- 4.

Donovan Will Ask
For 10 Million In '48,
He Tells Kiwanians

Dr. H. L. Donovan and Coach
Adolph Rupp were the principal
speakers at a luncheon meeting of
the Lexington Kiwanls club Tuesday
at the Lafayette hotel. The Univer
sity president stated that he would
ask he 1948 General Assembly for
$10,000,000 for new buildings and
urged members of the club to support
him in efforts to equip the school for


an enrollment of




He added, "We are not asking the
state to give us anything, but to invest its money in the University. For
every dollar it Invests, it will get
something back."
Following the luncheon Dr. Leo
M. Chamberlain, UK vice president
presented Coach Rupp with an
honorary membership in the Kiwanis
club. He cited the coach's many contributions to the University, to the
city, and to the state.
Other honor guests in addition to
Dr. Donovan and Coach Rupp were
Assistant Coach Harry Lancaster.
Team Manager Humsey Yessin, and
players Kenneth Rollins, Bob Bran-nuBuddy Parker, Alex Groza,
Cliff Barker, Dale Barnstable, Jack
Tingle, James Line, and Wallace
Jones. Because of illness Joe Holland
and Ralph Beard were unable to attend the luncheon.

crir. test student interest, but been.
tip chortncrp nf rnnmc nntf- oil f
Mooint or.fi iirccgi rh
ally designed for the UK campaign, most popular subject could be pre- which they are urged to wear ' sented.
throughout the drive.
Fewer Interviews
repon on tne nnve W1U De sventv-fiv- e
men and women mri
made public next week. Listing of appointments to be interviewed durUK's chess team defeated the
contributions by fraternities, sorori- ing the Career Conference. Mrs.
ties, residence units and town sec- Dorothy Evans, university social di- Louisville Chess club team Sunday
tions and per capita giving, by units, rector, stated that this number was afternoon in the Hermitage hotel
will be announced.
in a fourteen-boar- d
smaller than in previous years be- in Louisville
Prof. John Kuiper, treasurer, re- cause employers are not in such dire
port that faculty and staff contri- need of help, ar.d
that many women Professor J. R. Puente won two
butions average $5, but that only a are planning to get married when victories over state champion Jack
small percentage have responded to tn.v rradnat
Moyse of Louisville. Other UK play,
winning were Anderers
This is the third consecutive year son who led inRingo,
many faculty members have not had
and Ryland.
time to get contributions in the mail. that both conferences have been held
The weekly Tuesday meeting of
Solicitors reports are not complete during the same week.
the club will be held in the Card
as yet, but Julia Maxwell, head of
room of the Student Union at 6:30
solicitations in Boyd Hall, has in- tions, Tuesday at 7:15 in room 128, p.m. Players are requested to bring
formed the committee that the aver- SUB.
their boards and sets for play in
age contribution there is over two
WESLEY FOUNDATION . . . in- the club tourney still in progress,
dollars per student to date. Alpha vites all Methodist students to a Club Secretary W. B. Long stated. All future ticket sales in the StuDelta Pi representatives report aver- party Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the A discussion of the match games will dent Union will be made through
age giving of one dollar per member
a recently installed ticket booth in
i be made by W. B. Long.
in that sorority.
the corridor opposite the game
The booth will accommodate four
organizations at a time, and bulletin
board space will be made available.

UK Chess Team

Beats Louisville Club



New Ticket Booth
Installed In Union

S G A Will Enlorce
Kernels No Smoking Penalties
Rules In Effect
Beginning Mar.

STRAY GREEKS . . . wiU meet at
7:15 pjn., Wednesday, in room 206.
Action to prevent smoking hi 11
. . . Sunday at 6:30 pjn.. Maxwell
campus buildings has been taken by
Street Presbyterian church.
the Student Government Association
FELLOWSHIP assembly and approved by UK Pres- OPEN HOUSE . . . Friday night at ident H. L. Donovan and the Board
Maxwell Street Presbyterian church. of Trustees.
ODK . . . will meet at 5 pan.,
Frazee. White, Miller, Neville.
Tuesday. In room 204, SUB.
Kastle, Norwood. Barker, and Pence
BLOCK AND BRIDLE . . . will halls, the Administration building,
meet at 7 pjn Monday, in the Dairy Alumni gym, and the Agriculture
building will be
for smokKENTUCKY ENGINEER STAFF ing by students, faculty, and staff
MEETING . . . will be held at 5 members beginning March 15, acpin, Tuesday, in room 206, En- cording to the act, on which final
gineering Quad.
approval was given last week. Only
BSU . . . will meet at 7 p.m., exceptions are in offices and rest
Friday, in room 128, SUB.
will meet at
Penalties for student violations
7:30 p.m.. Friday, in Miller hall.
have been set at a $5 fine for the
DISCIPLE STUDENT FELLOWfirst offense, suspension from all
SHIP . . . mill have a supper-lectur- e
classes for the remainder of the
meeting 6 pjn.. Sunday at the Cen- quarter in the building where the
tral Christian church.
misdemeanor iccurred for the second
UNIVERSITY DAMES CLUB . . . offense, and "denial of the privileges
will meet Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., in of the University" for the third ofthe Home Ec building.
ION COMMITTEE . . . wiU meet
Organization for enforcement is
from 4 to 6 pjn., Monday, in room built
around the SGA judiciary
119. SUB.
the faculty.
EPISCOPAL HOLY OOMMUN- - committee. . , . Members . . of ....... .1
ION . .
7:30 ajn., Wednesday,
chapel. SUB
committee is then to determine the
innocence of the accused.
4 p.m.,
On the basis of the decision the
Wednesday. SUB.
VETERANS CLUB ELECTION committee is to recommend to the
dean of women or dean of men
COMMITTEE . . . will meet at 7 pjn.
punishment on the scale of first,
Friday, in the SUB
FRESHMAN CLUB . . . sponsored i second, and third offenders.
by the YWCA and YWUA wiU con- A committee, composed of Jerry
UntlC 1
of lnv eir! K h ' K ttsa.T! "bir'1'"; JO'in ScOt?;






Jack Fenton, members of the assembly, is in charge of publicizing
the new ruling.
$1250 Presented
A check for $750 was presented
by the assembly to Tommy Gish for
the Kentuckian, UK yearbook, at
the regular meeting Monday. Martha Rich, as treasurer of the
Women's House Presidents council,
was given $500 for the council..
A change in the
to elect
19 SGA representatives in the spring
quarter and 10 in the fall was passed
by the assembly. Formerly there
were three elections each year.
Power to direct any student to
appear before the assembly or a
committee for an act deemed contrary to SGA regulations was given
to the SGA president, subject to
in another
amendment to the

Student organizations wanting to

use the booth are asked to make ap
plication in the directors office,




Exam Schedtde Announced, 11947 PR Sponsor
Finals To Begin March 17 jm
1U DC .oi


Final examinations for the present
winter qunrter will begin on Monday, March 17 and continue through
Wednesday, March 19. the registrar's office announced this week.
In releasing the examination
schedule for all colleges except law,
the registrar's office emphasized the
fact that any conflicts in the schedule must be reported to that office by the instructor of the courses.
It is indicated, however, that classes
meeting on any cycle starting on
either Monday or Wednesday take
precedence over classes starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday, and
classes meeting the ninth hour take
precedence over classes meeting the
tenth hour.
With the exception of the College
of Law, the iinal examination sched
ule for all colleges follows:
Monday, March 17:
meeting first hour on any cycle
starting either Monday or Wednesday;
classes meeting first
hour on any cycle starting either
Tuesday or Thursday;
classes meeting second hour on any cy
cle starting either Monday or

classes meeting
second hour on any cycle starting
either Tuesday or Thursday: 5:00.
classes meeting eighth hour on any
day; and 7:00. night classes.
Tuesday. March 18:
meeting third hour on any cycle
Presentation of the 1947
starting either Monday or WednesRifles sponsor will be made at 10
classes meeting third
p.m. tomorrow night in the Blue-gra- .s
hour on any cycle starting either
room of the Student Union
Tuesday or Thursday;
during the unit's fourteenth annual
meeting fourth hour on any cycle
starting either Monday or Wednes- The sponsor will be chosen this
meeting fourth
afternoon by closed ballot after
hour on any cycle starting either
each candidate marches before the
Tuesday or Thursday; 5:00, classes
company with PR Captain E. A.
meeting nintn ana tentn nours. ana
Edward Brooking of Lexington, a Cheek. The thirteen candidates
7 :00, night classes.
sophomore in the College of Arts and
one selected from each of
Sciences, will represent the Univer- - ten sororities and three from th
' city in the state
Wednesday. March
oratorical contest independents.
classes meeting fifth hour on any to be held tomorrow night at 8 pjn.,
cycle starting either Monday or in the Biological Sciences building.
The following girls have been seWednesday;
classes meet- Representatives from Berea, Centre, lected by their respective orsaniza-tioning sixth hour on any cycle start- Morehead Teachers. Murray TeachAlice Hall, Alpha Delta Pi:
ing either Monday or Wednesday; ers, and Georgetown colleges will Ray
Ford. Alpha Gamma DrUa:
classes meeting sixth hour also participate.
Doris Hill. Alpha Xi Delta: Jean
on any cycle starting either TuesThe contest is open to the public Henry, Chi Omega; Pat Thompson.
day or Thursday; and
classes end will end a series sponsored by
Del'a Delta Delta: Jean Sherman.
meeting the seventh hour.
the departments of English and Delta Zeta; Betty Seay. Kappa
speech in Kentucky colleges and the Alpha There; Monie Newman. KapUniversity.
pa Delta; Gay Hughes. K ippa KapBrooking was the winner of the pa Gamma; Anne Carter, Zeta
j annual UK
oratorical contest held Tau A!,ta and Alice Hocken&mith.
tin the BS building Tuesday night. GeoiKu; Portmann, and Naomi DunOther participants were: William can, Independent.
Toombs, Louisville; John Anggelis,
Former Pershirg Rifles sponsors
Versailles; and Taylor Hudson, Lex
By Joe Hancock
ington. The subjects of the speakers include Julia Johnson, Peggy ShuWill there be jobs lor the classes graduating this vear?
mate, Ltuise Weisenburger, Mildred
Shadow-boxin- g
In spite of some dire predictions concerning unemployment! with Democracy;'' Toombs, "The Or aft, Audrey Forcter. Elizabeth
which have been issued by certain agencies in recent weeks, there Wouldn't Believe It; Hudson. "Pre Barbaux. and Mamie Mattox. The
sponsor was selected in 1942.
is no evidence of a slackening of demand for university graduates, a vention Through Power;" and Ang last
gelis, "The Federation of the World."
survey of various departments and colleges at the University indicates.
first post-wTickets for tr
Engineers, accountants, journalists, physicists, stenographers, teachers, All who participated are returned dance, which w.i f.;ure the music
chemists, salesmen prospective employees in many categories are being servicemen t.
of Clyde Trask and his orchestra
Harold Lindsay of Madisonville, a from Cincinnati, are 2.00. stag or
called for daily by employers who- write to the University for recom- physics for some 50 years, and de student, presided over the contest couple. A booth will be open from
clares that "In all my life, I've never Tuesday night and judges were Dr. 9 ajn. till 1 pjn. today In the Union
presiM. Chamberlain, UK
shortage of trained
for ticket sales. They will also be
Take the matter of engineers, seen as great a as high salaries of- Leo Miss. Jane Haselden,vice
assistant on sale at the dance.
for example. Dean D. V. Terrell physicists, nor
and Prof. R. E. Ful-soof the College of Engineering said fered. Men graduating from the de- dea nof women: speech
Trask. who has been heard by
and drama at many students at Springhurst. feaJune have
that there is a current chortage of partment in have each already half-doz- Transylvania of
placed and
had a
approximately 50,000 engineers.
tures a "smooth" style, according
offers from which to select.
to PR members,
"We have opportunities for a Any man has a chance for commergreat many more than we will be cial work or to continue college work
able to supply. Not only are or- on a scholarship."
ganizations seeking the service of According to Dr. Lyle Dawson In
graduates, but of returned veter the Chemistry Department, "There
ans out of college for two or three is a very great demand for chemists
years. Almost every day, representa
types of industry throughout
tives are here to interview people in all
we now have in the upper classes." the United States. Demand will
probably exceed the supply for the
Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of
Almost the same conditions ap next five or ten years. We have
the University, said Tuesday that
ply in the College of Commerce.1 several calls each week for trained
he had "no comment" to make upon
Last week, about" 20 students were chemists."
Much "how it can be told" infor- the recent threat by Jesse Knox of
interviewed in one day.
In regard to salaries. Dr. Dawson mation on the wartime development Frankfort to sue if the University
Dr. L. H. Carter. Professor of said "There is no set limit, but In- - and application of radar will feature continues to advocate a new state
Kacutf fwHturioti in. its Publications
tne aetnonstraiion-iectuTe- ,.
Economics, states that the "demand PTTviHpnppH men mitH a
is greater than the supply in all degree may receive a minimum an1 Microwaves." by J. O Perrin
Knox1 originally condemned a Uni- ---- kinds of jobs, but the most serious starting salary oi oeiween M ano
ExLnMon Bulletin
lies in the fields of accounting, 240 dollars a month.
1? W:00 a. ro..
stenography, and sales."
ition. President Donovan re- Over in the College of Education today
assembly. Const in
in an
In the various fields "of journal the shortage of teachers is
a lengthy and staunch let
In his talk. Dr. ernne, who Is ter last week derining tne rint oi
ranging from
istic employment,
Not onlv do remiests come
general publications work through from many schools in America, but noted for making technical subjects the University to print opinions of
advertising and
foreign countries as well. For ex- come alive to the layman, will de professors In college publications.
there is no sign of a shrinking mar- ample, Afghanistan is seeking 31 scribe, among other things, the market for graduates, according to Dr. male teachers with B.A., M.A., B.S.. vels of radar, the "electric eye" which
Niel Plummer, head of the depart- or M.S. degrees to teach mathe- enabled American flyers and vessels
ment of journalism.
matics, English, physics, chemistry, in the war to find enemy targets m
fog, smoke and darkness.
"In the last week alone we have biology, geography, and geology.
received calls for ten graduates to
Dr. Perrine, a graduate of Iowa,
Professor M. E. Ligon, Direcor of
take jobs. In as many cases as pos- the Teachers Placement Bureau, re- Michigan and Cornell universities,
employsible we are arranging for
is a member of three honorary
ceived 471 calls last year for elemenGuignol Director Frank Fowler
ers to hold places for the next big tary teachers in the state and only scholarship fraternities, Sigma Xl.
class which will be graduated in 17 were available.
Phi Delta Kappa, and Sigma PI announced yesterday that the play
Sigma. He served as a captain in "I Remember Mam" will be preJune."
World War I, at the Signal Corps sented at the MaysviUe High school
Some of the students have already
Officers' Training School at Yale auditorium on March 10 at 8:30props
jobs around Lexingtaken part-tun- e
Mr. Fowler stated thai all
university, and remained on the Yale
ton, and should be well established
used for the proengineering faculty until 1921, when and equipmentpast two
by the time of their graduation, Dr.
weeks will
he joined the reserch department of duction theseMaysville for the one
Plummer added.
Movies of the Wildcat games with the American Telephone and Tele- be taken to
Dr. William S. Webb, head of the
night stand. Stating that the MaysBowl graph Company.
Physics Department, says "There is Oklahoma A&M in the Sugar
ville Rotary club is sponsoring the
and with St. Johns' at Madison
Dr. Perrine worked on fundamental presentation, he added. "We think
a very definite shortage of trained Square Garden will be shown Tuesphysical problems of dial telephone Maysville is very nice to invite us
physicists, and the shortage will
the Bluegrass room
continue for several years until the day in Harrison Dixon, Suky of the operation, and has been constantly to come."
presiprocess can catch up with Union.
associated with research and deeducation
velopment activities in the Bell systhe demand. It is highly probable dent, has announced.
Scheduled to start at 7:15 p.m., the tem. He is an editor of the Bed Washington medal by the Engineer"
that there will always be a demand.
club of Philadelphia.
days, graduates of picture are being shown free of System Technical Journal.
Even in pre-wDuring recent years. Dr. Perrir
this institution were always placed charge. Mack Hughes, Lexington
In 1927 Dr. Perrine represented
long before the end of the school photographer, filmed the scenes.
the Bell System at the World's Con- has given a number of popular scienreyear."
Dixon added that the program will gress of Telephone Engineers and tific lectures and demonstrations
to electrical communication
the World's Congress oi Physicists, lating colleges, engineering societies
Dr. Webb has been associated with last not more than one hour.
at Como. Italy; and in 1928 and 1930 before
he gave the de Forrest lecture on and civic clubs in the United State-and Canada.
at the Sheffield
At 7:39 tonight. Dr. Perrine will
Scientific School, Yale University.
In 1946 Dr. Perrine was awarded the repeat his presentation for the publir.

At Saturday Ball


Will Represent UK

In Interstate Meet



Survey Finds Plenty Of Jobs


Available For '47 Graduates





Perrine Talks
On Radar

'No Comment' About
Knox Threat To Sue,
Says Dr. Donovan

AT&T Man Speaks








'I Remember Mama'
Booked For Showing
By Maysville Rotary

Movies Of St. Johns

And Oklahoma Tilts


Chinese Scholar Will Teach
History And Political Science
Pari., will come
A Chinese author and scholar. Dr.
to the University during the spring quarter as visiting proleor
ot Far Eastern affairs in response to an increasing studtnt interest


Xo-Yon- g





In eastern civilization, administration officials have
"History of the Far East" and "Contemporary Far Eastern Problems."
new!' created courses, will be taught by Dr. Parit, whose appointment
was approved by the Board of Trus- tees at their last meeting. The Hu rstein and Western educa
courses are offered in the history tional backgrounds .live made Dr.
and political science departments. Park one of the best interpreter-The history course will be offered at ' on US. relations with the Far East.
the third hour Monday through and both students and civic groups
Thursday and the political science have praised him highly on his realI
course will be given at the fourth istic approach.
Universities and popular audience:;
hour Monday through Friday.
throughout the enure country have
Dr. Park is now on the west coast gained a better understanding cf
conducting a lecture tour under the Far Eastern affairs by attending Dr.
sponsorship of Rotary International Park's lectures. In addition to hU
of Chicago. After this series of lec lectures, he has written several
tures is completed, he plans to come books In the last decade. His latest
to the University late this month.
work, "The White Man's Peace.'
Far Eastern problems have been Is a compilation of historical treaties
Dr. Park's life study. His main am- - and acclaims the white man's con
bition was to be a diplomat, but he tributions to peace. He also has
lurneu iu leuciuiitg ueuauav lie re- had several artic'.-,- on Fax Eastern
After subjects published in American magfused to be a
studying in China and Japan. Dr. azines. Among these is an article
Park continued his education in in the September issue of "Current
Europe and America, especially at History" which foretold that GenHarvard university where he re- eral George Marshall would not succeived his MA. and PhX degrees. ceed in making peace in China.



Alumni To Honor Five
Nomination of five outstanding
seniors to be honored by the Alumni
association will be made by a committee composed of Mary Keith Dos-ke- r,
chairman, Elizabeth Carey,"
Jerry Eastham. and Dr. Howard
Beers, faculty member. If approved
by the assembly, the five will be
guests of the alumni at their April
dinner meeting. One of the five will
be chosen at the meeting to serve
a s an honorary member of the
alumni executive board.
Copies of the student directory
may be obtained at the information
desk in the Union and the bookstore in McVey hall by any student
who has not received a copy, Mary
Hillary Bryant, chairman of the di- ftnnnurtnpH
vctorv onmmittpp.

Will Be Presented

UK Oratory
Contest Crown










Mortar Board members Barbara Allen, Mary Bennett LaMaster, and Jeanelte Reynolds tap Betty Peters,
lvfnrtnn enir in nriteerinr. nH P Burnett, l.exinrton enlor In JouriwUsm,

* Best uopy Avaiiaoie

Page Tw6


SGA Delegates Report On Conference



Casfv Coman





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a Li1nrm, Kantaeky,
Act o! fcaieb J.






'ji jir.







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National Editorial Association


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Assistant Managing

Jack Sokrfm r.
BaXttx Melton


murccii.t, ma


pAT BimstTT

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Business Manager

Advertising Manager
Is b nmt4m4 rka
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aa im art
ionrr MaoMlraa,






The Art 01 Smoking
By John D. Englr, Jr.
Have you ever watched a female
opperclassman when she wa mok-ln- g
a cigarette Of course you have,
but did you watch long enough to

appreciate the gen'le art and the
graceful artist? Listening to great
music and reac.ng portry may lead
you to appreciate much that is artistic, but only an
appreciation of the art of smoking
can lead you into the inner realms
of modern culture.
Pot your observation and pleasure, choose a coed who has success-loll- y
passed through the beginning
Ftages one who is well cn her way
to smoking perfection, you can determine her virtuosity, not only by
the fraceful ease with which she
Jjerforms the artistic act, but also
by noting the elite group before
which she demonstrates her skill.
You will find that she has wis ly
chosen a crowded room. Here at the
University, she cn be found in the
f rill during lunch periods cr in the
Union building where she meets
VI til other members of her sorority.
These groups also contain a few
favorite fraternity members who are
adept at lighting cigarettes for
ladies. The members of the group
arrange their seats in a circle and






After you nave chosen your subject

from one of these groups, find a
aest from which you mav observe
her and then enjoy ti e thrill of a

flawless performance.
Note how
slowly she removes the 'iearette
from a glistening ease. Observe
her charm and composwe as
the cigarette ligi.tly on the side
of the case. Notice that .he taps
the cigarette only three times befo-- ;
Inserting it between her lips. Now
watch how smoothly she operates
the cigarette lighter." One facile flip
of her thumb produces a flame
which she brings graccfullv to the
sin-tap- s

tip of her cigarette. fNaturallv. if

there are gpnt!men near her, the
act of lighting the ci?Rrrte assumes
a great masculine sipnificanne)., If
the lady applies the Carre herself.

she does so with great dignity and
poise. She is careful to touch the
flame to the cigarette only once and
very briefly, at the same time suck-ia L't of air through the tobacco
and giving one slight puff to indicate that her performance has begun.
Now that her cigarette is successfully lit, and the case and lighter
are placed before her on the table,
the dignified charm of her manipulations touches you like a Beethoven
symphony. After the first intake
of smoke, she removes the cigarette
from her lips by holding it between
the index and middle fingers of her
right hand. Notice that the cigarette
is placed precisely at the second
joint of those fingers and that she
holds it in front of her at Just the
proper distance while her elbow
rests lightly on the table or the
arm of the chair.
Now watch the lady's facial expressions. Slowly her lips are parted, and the grey smoke oozes out
In a dream-lik- e
manner. Then she
tilts her head back and raises her
cigarette for the second movement.
This time she takes a long inhalation and blows the smoke
from her nose and mouth.
Now siie rnulen and says something
to the girl next to her. at the same
time holding the cigarette over the
ash ray and removing the ashes in a
pleasuig manner by tapping th