xt7cvd6p2r56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p2r56/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1988 1988 1988-09-29 2020 true xt7cvd6p2r56 section xt7cvd6p2r56  


Vol. XCII. No. 36

Established t 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

er nel

independent SttlLf.‘ 19 It


Several students tell their financial aid woes at S

It) .\I \'l"l' S'I'UII.
Stall Writer

Adam Holdherg is a lourth-semester
tresliuiaii trom Michigan He has two siss
teis in college and his mother is pursuing
a doetorate

He worked tull time as a meehanie earn
iiiiz, $17.tioo~18,titit) a yeai: he said, while
going tosehool part time

Now he has given up his Joli and his
salai‘) to go to st'hool full time But this
lea\ es one prohlem money

liespite having tour ot lire lillllll)‘ mem
Debate team

takes third
in tourney

lh \llt ll.\lil,| ..IU\E,\‘
stat! \\i‘itei

t l\ ~~ i‘ittii \gitioiial \o\iee t'haiiipionship
teaiii .\tlll third plai‘e iii the [98889 First
lll\ltiillttllill t'ollegiate Debate
weekend at Northern

lowiil ll|'\.t‘l'sll)

t'aliai Hot'ketellel‘ and TA McKiiiiiej..
hoth sophomores. det'eated Northwestern
l nixeisitv on .i 21 derision in the quar
teitiiials hetore losing 3 I to the l'nnersity
iii \liiliij-J..'in iii the semifinals 'l’he Ken
tiieki duo iinished the eight pl‘t‘llllllllill‘)’
rounds “IlllJ T i i'ei'ord

ltoekelellei .iiid \ieKiimi-i's defeat ot
\oi'tli‘Ai-s‘i-i'ii was eoiisidel'ed an upset h)
man} liii! ,‘i \‘i’ l’ailt‘l‘stilL l'K's Dirt-("tor
oi l>eluite said no one would he surprised
it the} know this team s .‘iliilily "

\ieKinney however said “it was a hit
iiiie\pe<'ted_ hot H was a long! term goal
stltt’t‘ the} heat ii.s liist yea!"

Hoeketellei and \lt‘Kiiiiie} won tirst
plme ill the i‘ittt’i \atioiial \'o\iee l'ourua
iiieiit .it \ortliwesterii last April .\l('Kiri
I;t'\' also -‘.ls tiitlllt'ti top lit)\l(‘i‘ deliater tll



l’iittei'su'i .aid that he hoped the team
J‘itlltt her mi'e< oiisisteut new season

‘itei't .i t‘t'illly' team so there is
uttii-i‘o‘ 'onohii’ ‘llt \li'Kinnei said

"ha- l'w ; "i'it‘iiatiieii' was attended hi it
teams ;i~.,,-. ‘,' states and ineliided some ot
Hip ',.i‘ikt'0. ,mi MHi

‘i]“ M iii. 4-\ tiii‘ Juiii'ii-

’i'YYL v

,;i.i\" ‘ti'tik i'i‘.liod\ with

_l4'" 'liv iii-i.

‘ "to! halt w:

.tll'!‘ liti- » i
il'vtt'l ':i'o-

r'\t"til‘l it"z'i‘s
.ii't'oi'diiii' o the lliill’i'l.’l""
\‘(iii'eriize ltlisiiiess
l‘lie t'lHHl‘l\\tt|H ;'\t\ \tttt ‘: At
{itis‘i-il liitti-N shoiiltl lie min t a . \v H .,
t'it‘il not used tt. .inil \ lotto-r}.

to he ran like

While Ho
porjitioii ~\\'i('llt is
.iiid \t‘\t"‘.tl l s loltei'\ dii‘eetoi‘s .t'id » ll'
pliers ti.i\e :eeoiiiiiieiided that \eiitiii'ka
adopt it to t‘.l\t‘ the totteiw iii;i\iiiiiiiii i t‘\'

\Vilkiiisoii illlllUllllt‘ti the iiiiiiiiiisoiiii

’Jite owned till‘lllll"t't‘il‘

iiid the setup .vllous : i-tti

,. Liisiiiess rtllti .is wee.

-"it¢- tiitti-m lll't '

the list'ti 1‘ t illiltiit

itical groups

l’ieiitsen and litikakis here alone with otliei

the t olleue ltepuhlieaiis tune asked ~i
iorit\~ iraterniti .ind dorm leaders to set
=ip preeiiiets \tllltldl' to those oi toiiuties l'
Kl‘lltttt‘k\ ttl order to offlilllt/v the Iteiiiihli
t it“ i'ampaieii on i-iiuipus

llaizaii. w ho i- the iiiaiiauer lill' the ltiisli
eampaiuu at l K said his ioh is to wake
silt‘e Heorue ltiish wins among t K‘ Wu

\inee r'lasses hogan this tall. the t‘olleile
llepiihlieaiis have passed lIitt iooo pens
and hiiiiiper stii'kers tostudents

“in lime asked a series ot speakers t‘i
«nine to [K on tieorge ltush's‘ hehall‘
llauan said The (‘olleize Repuhlieaiis also
plan to eoiitiniie ianipaiuii etlorts tor

toea'ed Izi‘ fit'HIH‘

a i"? £19355;

work for canuiiiai

ill il”\ '
llrtt - t i‘
I" ”‘4“
"'ie {Mlllil
In t‘ i it

"dike wire
the l tiilx mi i
lt's'tti'tiiiz i . u»
'lioiii' lulllki l‘l ‘ is
‘t'lll\llti|lill'i ‘i‘illl‘l‘\
the lliikiih‘s i
tine lit.tllltl"t I f"t' ‘ -- , v
.ii‘eueaiedtotiettei .‘1ii:ii s In“ ii! i.
“e ie t i ?
'tlt't‘lttlL“ "t-I'v




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\i-ri. Ilttitii‘

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75" 80"


Today Parity cloudy
Tomorrow Chance of rain






Thursday September 29, 1988



Broken Homes rehashes some old



Why the formula is important
to UK.


See Page ?

x ‘3
3”” any} Mk

’ 0/

we l i‘izi‘ *-






 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wound-y, September 29.1000




Broken Homes rehash personal faves on debut


H) l.\\ l‘llllIS'lW

r'ontriinritiiiu t 'rrtie

5TH \lt-lll 'l'llRUl (ill

The Broken Homes
\lt \lit I'Iii'ils


l‘his iii-but album should‘ve been
an H‘ To lll.tl(t‘ this simple for
azitnm- in a hurry. "l‘hc Howling. ‘

.\ii \on “an! is literMhiiig
inaxbi i-‘mrhiig Hut 'aiid the title
tiaik i: am 'lit‘ t‘t‘leasu‘ \wrth prnr
i lll"ll}_’

'l‘ltt' M's:
i “1.

“wig. M;

'w» tracks Straight
’l‘iiiie' and ‘Single

haw psychedelic
the t‘ult men
mama” l‘ne r‘oiiibiiiation oi odd
ixz'n s and a good Georgia Satelhtes
‘iea‘ «rem.» proiiiisiiiu at hrs! But

\. nu.

i'-t"«"~ .ts ll grit






Sltl\\l\ the iustei' fades to reveal
yet another bunch of kids playing

l‘ht- hits with


ll.tiist‘it really
l\e sown." apparently
about m-riiurle. girls and their
teriiinriie talents Broken Homes‘s
bla'arii sexism is about the only
ihrni; i'e-inotel) redeeming in this
writ; .imi tiu- will) thing deserving


attention and maybe a good bar of

"All You Want ls Everything"
reveals the group's potential as, er.
serious musicians It deals with a
man who sees me as a continuous
that “It‘s a drag when you get
older dangling on a string it's a
drag when you're a soldier. r'l‘uek
Norvellr and all you want is ev-
erything " The song is slow, With a
nice succession of moody back
ground tones tl'eliioteh sounding
like a \ll riig quartet r

"The llowhng‘ depicts adoles-
eenee in an ultimatum il just hit it.
and l mold really identity with this
songr Broken Homes pulls no
punches putting the songs narrator
on the razors edge between life
and «truth llt‘uH‘ll and Hell.

happiness and insanity ~ “When I
climbed up to her window/ Above
the crowded mall/They were lonely
days, they were lonely nights/And
l was not afraid to fall“

This song is made of the secrets
the wind lets slip to a hurting kid
when he struggles across the rig—
gings of a bridge. It's not happy,
true. but it's good.

The album‘s final redeeming fea»
ture is “Finding Out," a song
which actually sounds a lot like
Simple Minds‘ "Don‘t You Forget
About Me." The fiddle sounding
synthesizer adds a nice touch

Broken Homes is simply a major
contrast of styles. with a few good
songs slowed down by a bunch of

by Berke Breathed


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tartar in Chic:
Newt-v9 thcr
Associate Edit!
Editorrat Fd:t:'

Arts Editor

Sports Editor

Photo Editor

Advertising Director
ASSistant Advertismg Director
Production Manager

'taes 3e 83’.‘ per year

man 8' Sneoi‘erdsvnie KY 40165

The Kentucky Kernel

Tne Ken'ur‘w,‘ Kerne? is published on C3 3-
year and weekly dorsng the summer seals» "
Th rdrc‘ass postage para at Lex ng'o' ‘r-"V ~1 :. ' ‘ U 2 ’ed subscription

The Ke'ne' is printed at Standard Pub

Correspondence should be addressee M '

Jay Blanton
mamas J Sullivan
Jim White

‘i A Duane Boniter
Rob Seng

Tom Spatding
l'iandal Williamson
Mike Agin

Linda Collins

Jett Kuerzi

Scott Ward


.1 the academic

" “tin: 534 Buck-

,r‘~, Kernel. Room




Rob Song
Arts Editor

more counrssv or MCA aaconos

The Broken Homes d: t m alt no
major contrast of six 1:»

\Irriie/il line Through Time. is a

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Pick up the Kernel — And pick up on what’s happening



2 honors

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky. The state
of Kentucky is expected to collect
two of the 10 awards that will be
handed out Friday by the Ford
Foundation and Harvard Universi-

The awards, worth $100.000 each.
will be given for creative programs
in Kentucky's education and court
systems, The Courier-Journal re-
ported yesterday.

Bill Rust. director of the New
York Ford Foundation's office of
reports. refused to confirm Ken~
tucky's awards, but the newspaper
said verification came from seve
ral other sources.

The presentation will be made at
the National Press (‘lub Building in
Washington.“ (‘.

The awards, part of the 1988 In—
novations in State and Local Gov-
ernment Awards Program. are
jointly sponsored by the Ford
Foundation and the John F Kenne-
dy School of Government at llarr
vard University

The Kentucky programs singled
out are the Parent and Child Edu-r
cation Program J’ACE» that
brings undercducated parents into
the classroom along with their
young children. and the state's use
of Video cameras to record court
proceedings. elininating the need
for a court reporter and the time-
conxtuiiintt typing of the court re-

Both programs \et national prec
edents and are considered models
in their fields

VHF started in 1980 after Rep
Roger Noe. l) llarlan. pushed the
idea through the legislature

Métdhltt‘. t‘ircuit Judge James S
(‘henaiilt age the first Kentucky
judge to the 't'ltlé‘ttlilpt‘ as the offir
cial court record. beginning in 1982

Since then the practice has
spread to courts in Jefferson.
Fayette. Warren and other coun~
ties, \i’lltl Jefferxon ('ircuit Judge
Ken ('oi'e). Federal courts. as well
as other \mtm are beginning to
tollo“ \tlli Ititwaid

Both Holt Nit-Heath, court admin
istrator tot ‘he Kentucky Supreme
t'ourt and ("orey \r’lltl they knew
ahout the award for the court's
hrograiii \ film crew came to to
re) s courtroom to film the project
for the liinoiations in State and
Local tiot'ernvrient Awards Pro
gram» orex  nil 'llt‘
'oiiiiula liit tieai 1.; .- one oi

. all’ at: r. '..'.t


(ti\'[.\t.lti,\ in,
Kenluck‘. t :i.\i-i 1’.
lion to st; :iiizimr

approprial :i tll'

helium; Ail la 1.
03-," Nit-"pr
vt . t v t. ‘ .1-
laitl'?‘ ... l 1- ohm; mt“
Wilt“ and i:.x.t'i«.l,e~ ‘
‘ r . , . .
.tt .tti ~ motto wall 5;“! vi
' V i l

l,"“l li'fltlil" iii" t’ti'v""‘l'

alert: (on: u \Ullilllliit‘t oi :

I . i -
VilllriLi. 'li llLilttl l'tiith

State rejects rate
hike, orders refund

.,’ {it

forthel’-\t'l‘Iai.yard their plans, which iitiiitle ii '; ‘utt'karlti head




lt‘ornerot ill-\ll \' J .liit'l j .





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To come to one loiisv meeting. Actually, it
won't be lousy" it"zl he ti lot of fun. Well, ii
little fun.
Anyway, it's the lxcntuckv Kernel Staff
meeting and it's the place vou need to he to
meet all the L‘tlllttl\ and fellow staff mem-
bers you'll he ‘i\ orkiiie, with when vou fi—
nally come to your senses and decide to
work for us.
It’s Monday .it 3 pm. in 035 lournalism
Building. See you there.
T/lt’ Rental/kit ,Kt'i‘m‘l

it’s not
like it’s

‘ MHJ“V1‘¥-“W'nn