xt7cvd6p2w37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cvd6p2w37/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-04-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1956 1956 1956-04-09 2020 true xt7cvd6p2w37 section xt7cvd6p2w37 31



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Minutes of the Universitj Faculty, Avril 2, 1955

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lefferty Hall Monday,
AprLL9: at Agug p.n. President Ponoven presided. Members abSInt were A. D.
Albrighto A. J. 3r0wn*, Leo M. Uhamberlain', O. M, Davenport“, Lyman V_ Ginger,

Uarsie Hammonds, A» 1—H Kip-menu 7‘» T. Lessharz't, Jr., Hwignt M. heath, Don cash
Seaton: wo A° SG?Yv t°“ey 5- 5t8918'. V. V. Terrellt and Gilbert T. weoster.

The minutes of March 12th were read and approved.

7esolutions were read for three members of the Faculty who died during March.
Drofifi S, Ward presented the resolutions concerning Professor Grant C. Knight;
pm J,lfl Archdeacon reed resolutions for Dri J. W. Pryor: and Dean Frank G. Dickey
mad Hm resolutions for Professor M. E. Ligon. The Faculty voted to include

flm resolutions in the minutes, and to send copies to the respective familieso

Resolutions on the Death of Grant Cochran Knight
Distinguished Professor of English

Grant Cochran Knight was born at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, on
April 15, 1393. He died on the afternoon of Torch 15, 1956, having been
stricken with a heart attack a few hours earlier.

His teaching career at the University of Kentucky began almost thirty~five
years ago, During these years he rose in rank frOm instructor to professor,
and in 1945 became the first college of Arts and Sciences "Distinguished
Professor." In 1948 he was one of seven faculty members to be designated
officially by the Board of Trustees as "Distinguished Drofessor of the

Besides a large number of articles in the Dictionarx gi-Americun
Biography and in encyclopedias and mageZines, Professor Knight was the
author of eight hooks: Sugerlntives (1925), leading from the "American
Merhurz" (ed. 1926), The Novel in English (1%31), American Litereture and
leiggg (1932), James Lane Allen and the Genteel Tradition (1935), The
Sealed Well, a book of verse (1943), The Critical Period ig-Americen
Literature (1951), end The Strenugu§.£gg_ig American Literature (1945).
The last two volumes were critical studies of the years l89fln1900 and
1900s1910 respectively, and were the first volumes of a trilogy to cover
the years 189091920. The last volume of the three was about two—thirds
finished at the time of Profesvor Knight's death. I



AS a scholar, Grant C. Knight had attracted much favorable attention
both to his department and his university, for he was a men of national
eminence in his chosen field of American literature.

As a teacher, he had few eouals. His clas:es were fine intellectual
experiences9 for his standards were high and he had learned the art of
challenging his studjnjs to seek to reach them. But his cleSscs were more
than this: they were cultural experiences, too. for his kHOWIGGHG 0f
mUSic and painting constantly reinforced and enriched his teaching of

Pernaps the distinguishing charficteristics of Grfnt 7. Knight were
two° One was his devotion to quality and his unwillingness t0 compromise
It in an age that often seemed to invite comr‘omise. The other was the

extent to which he became for his students the Jiv1ng embodiment of the

Absence ennlained
















‘ 1... u.‘c4._.;..« .. ...._ ‘. 4‘


Minutes 9; the University Faculty, Anril g, 1956

cultural ideals which he held. In his life as a scholar and teacher,
music: he had found what
1 his students to have

and in his enjoyment of literature, artD an
he regarded to be the good life, and he wan
an understanding of this enjoyment and sati
eschers Grent C. {night would
it resolVed
that these resolutions be adoptrd by the University Faculty as an
expression of its high regard for him; and beit further resolved that
they be spread upon the minutes of this faculty, and that a copy of
them a copy of them be sent to the doard of Trustees and to his family.


In any community of scholars and
have been a fine example of his profession. Therefore, be

Respectfully submitted,
ieorge K. Brady
Arthur L. Cooke
John L. Cutler

I) n

Wllliam 3. Ward, Chairman


Resolution on Death of Dr. Joseph A. Pryor

On March 17, 1956, lesv than three weeks from his one hundredth

birthday, death came to Fr. Joseph B. Pryor, emeritus Professor in the
Department of Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Kentucky.

Dr. Pryor was born in PalmyraD Missouri, April 3, 18560 He secured
is M.D. Degree from the UniVersity of Missouri in 1876, and subsequenfly
:r. Pryor was an assistant to Dr. Hodgen, Dean of the St. Louis Medical
School. Then he went into the practice of general medicine and surgery
and moved to Lexington, Kentucky, in 1882. In 1881 he had married Miss
Maggie Cheney who died in 1896. In 1898 he married Miss Eleanor
Hancock, his nresent wife, who survives him.


Dr, Pryor continued his practice of medicine and surgery in
Lexington and in 1885 he became the regular Medical Examiner of State
College, the forerunner of the University of Kentucky. In 1890 he
was appointed to the headship and became the Founder of the Department
of Anatomy and Physiology. In 1894 Dr. Pryor organized in the College
of Arts and Sciences one of the first premedical curricula in the

Dro Pryor's interest in Dremedical work and his scholarly example
from the earliest of his years at the UniVersity were a source of
inepiration to hundreds of students who in later years occupied promhmnt
positions in the medical fieldo The present Pryor Premedical Society
of our College and UniVersity was organiZed by him in 1915 and was known
then as The Premedical Society. This Society was named in his honor
after Pr. Pryor was placed on Special Assignment by the University.

Dr. Pryor was essentially an investigator. His early classical
work with the xnray in connection with the ossification of the carpal
bones gained him national and international recognition” In 1927
Dr. Pryor gaVe a talk in London, England, before the Anatomical Society
of Great Britain and Ireland. Also, in the same year he read a PaPer
at the Foole de Medicine in Paris. T‘t‘rance. His work in Anatomy be»
came a classical reference in Grey's Anatomy and, in fact, all major

A \ ‘f—«V‘z


“ “AN. ”*‘J

~v.\ ‘1







, \ ‘,.A<~\/

Minutes 3: the UniVersity Faculty, April 2, 1956

tGth°0k5° Use Of the new technique in the study of ossification led

him to the study of ossification patterns, and this in turn to the true
zygotic relationships in multinle births. His mogt recent publication dealt
with these relationships in the Badgett quadruplets, and was published in
his ninety—first year.

Dr. Pryor was a member of many associations. Some of these were the

American Association or Anatomists,
the American Association of doentgenologists, the American Medical Associa-
tion, the Southern Medical Association, the Mississippi Valley Medical

Association, the American ASsociation for the Advancement of Science, Sigma
Xi, and Kappa Alnha. He was the first ViceaPresident of the Kvntucky State

Medical Society and the Honorary Grand President of Omega Beta Pi.

Dr. Pryor was listed in Who's Who in America, Who“s Who in American
Medicine, Who's Who of American Authors, Who”s Who Among Physicians and
Surgeons, the Inter stional Directory of Anthronologists, and, American

Men of Qciencee

hr, Pryor": contribution to the civic life of the community was
pronounced“ Ue was a member of the City gourd of Health for fifteen years.

He was a charter member of the Lexington and Fayette County Medical flocieties.
Also, he was responsible for the organization of the Free Wisyensery For the
poor in Lexington. He V's City Physician of Lexington for two years. Fr.
Pryor was an older of the First Presbyterian Church.

Tr, Pryorgs later years were a source of inopiration to those who
were associated with him. His devotion to students and the University, his
keen and active mind, and his continued interest, and contributions to his
field of research were unusual and outstanding.

It is, th refore, resolved that this testimony to his life and to his
Country and University he made a part of the minutes of this Faculty and that
conies be sent to his wife, and to the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky.

Alfred Urauder
J° W, Archdeacon
L. L. Boyarsky
R. S. Allen

Resolutions on the Death of Moses Edward Ligon

Few men in Kentucky’s educational history have mace as significant
contributions as those made by Moses “dward Ligon. The raSSing Of this
EducatiOnal statesman leaves a void that cannot be filled, 3or his
unusual discernment and judgment have madr a lasting mark on K ntucky's

series of rositions of
thousands of students,

Profes or Ligon was a man who, through a
honor and trust, influenced the lives of :ountles
teachers, and others. Year after year former students of his have
returned to pay honor and respect to this gentleman of wisdom. charm,
and Wit. NO one was a frienc of Moses Fdward Ligon ever had to mentor
scout the quality 0” his friendship, for ProfeSCOI Ligcn always stood

ready to giVe a helping hand to all who were in need.

the American Association of Anthropologists,
























( the

A Kentu hian by birth, Profeswor L
and the state university among the too n


~ 0



:hinki-q and in
his actions. Although he was a teacher EDT 5
years early in his career, the 0911 back tO K ntucky was 90 strong that (

1’ __. A‘ 1

nu returns; never to leave again.

ntributions to various organizations were so numerous and ,
it would be impossible to list them all; however, he was Suoh ’
3 leader in such organiZntions as the Ventucky Education
ciotion, the Southern fissociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools, ‘ A1
9 Kentucky High School Athletic Association. the Lexington Board of

:ucotion, and the Lexington Qotnry Club that it is necessary to mention
these, eVen though there are numberless others to which he

"eve his time,
talent, and lovea



ProfeSCQr Ligon was devoted to his family, his ch rch, his friends,
and his school. iis example and his contributions

treasured by those ”hoes lives were touched by this raat man”

will forever be
When the portrait of Professor Ligon was presented to the University
in the fall of 1955, one of his friends and colleagues used the following 6
words to describe the manner in which Moses Edward Ligon moved and worked
in his span of life.

‘He left us with a greater interest in doing things well:
With a better approach to our problems:

wibh a truer thilosophy of life. f
in has enriched our lives and a
Helped to make the world a better place in which to live. \
He has never toured poison into any man‘s cup f
Nor left a scor from combat, f

:i‘ We do hereby reSOIVe that these resalutions be made a part of the ’
‘ minutes of this body and that a cony he sent to the family of Profesaor '

.4. .. uq-J—ku'n . 4-K
._ L.


Frank G. Pichoy


L. E. Meece
5U Ellis F. Hartford

Teen White presented recommendations from the Col‘ege of Arts and Sciences
for approval of two new courses:


A study relating chemistry to economic, social and political aspects
of modern life and examining the work of the chemist. Lectures, re-
ports, and discussions, three hours. Prereq: employment as high
school science teacher. “

Review of the fundamentals of Physics. An attempt will be made to ‘
determine the kinds of problems which have given the students
trouble during their teaching and to provide the answers or methods
of handling. Lectures, reports; and discussions, three hours.

Prereo: employment as high school science teacher.







Minutes gi the University Taeulty, nnril 2, £229

Dean Whi be P"

ntea n recommendation from the Arts and Sciences Faculty
that the :‘o . s

Eva he Niven nermission to ne abseit from the campus on

the dates new" 10-3
-- ,v - s‘ . w m - ‘1 a o
1, Botany 15. ~nril 26~22. F1810 irip, Lawn Aobinson

a ‘ '2 u ( ‘ , 1 1 .
2, Phy51cel voucmtion 1&1. {3y lflml?, Camp fleeinson
3} Geography 1%?b, Mey 8alop Southwest Ventuc y field trip

All reoommenortione from the College of Art? and vciences were approved by the
University FaCulty,


In the absence 0
tions from the Hollege of pngineering eoverning
Lg the University Faculty,

f Dean Terrell, Professor Vomenovitz proseitec vecommenan-
n h

;ev courses whic weru apnroved

53W <,;')U?-Z:-f-’“:S TU ’? ADDED"


Engineering Administration 1 r... Virzmgs‘irau I‘»:.ziL,::,1.;:“.;x'.i‘1m:. (O) b Elsey
(For pre—freshmen nno new °

ireshmen entering in fummer fTemssion.) A pre-
pa atorg “ourre to (just ten stuoent to COLLege iiIe nu acnuaint him
with all fields of envineering. Leoture and reoitn ion, three hours

yer week.

HflquMmewD uhemuzr 3 :Iffiu J LUWV1YINU uANw, quLn, KanUUAY**


1. Change gem? term from Si? to four weeks.



2. Uhanve in catalog descrintion:

CE 15. ChY:RAL FURV4YifiG. K1) 5e Shaver nna fiiytne
GiVen at the Summer Ummn, NOBLE, Kentucxy. Tneoryy fi61“ “ma ofiice
practice, on control surveys, mapping, photogrummetry, preperty surveys,
hydrograpnic surveys Rno astronomicwi 09b0r3t10n** pvere”: Ahnroval

oi Venn of Nepfirtmfifit»

ob Lbb. R"JT5 PU“V”YIJG, Snange from 4 creait: to 2 credits.

4. Jounig £2 21 HroEned:

[I m «. .t t. . ’
A0 ue eiieccive during the suwmer sessmon 1790.
3‘ m . . w . — A - .
-o be effective oeginning tne summer sessvon lyjb.

m‘ . , . .., , . ,
4m Faculty also annrovec etucent trins Far studentr 1n the on1e~e 0i angineering
as follows:

The fepurtment of Electric 1 Lngineeaing requlsts flCrmlSSLOD 10? five
students ana one feeuity member to de absent from the UniVursity on April
11-14, inCLUblVe, to atteno the annual meeting of the ttunent grunches of
the American Institute 0? 1rilectricni 7nqincerr at Jiemeon A & M 0011989-
Uiemson, Eoutn Carolina. This renuest we: aprroveo by the Joliegv of
Engineering Faculty on March 26, 1956.



















- '1 I? 0 ~ ‘ A , ‘ _. ‘- (T, 1
Minutes f the Un1VCrsrgz Faculty, Hnrxl 71 1/50




The Deoartment of Mechanical engineeriiig 1ecueets permi1Se ion for
eight students and one faculty member to be Dr .ezrlt f1om the Un U’ersity 0n
Aoril 25~28, inclusive, to attend th= imericen Society of Mechanical
Engineering Student Con1ereoce, Region ?ix, to time n ”lie: at the Hotel
Roosevelta St. Louis, Missouri. This request Wis approved by the College
of Engineering uaculty on Mar h 16, 1956.

Dean Siney nresente6_ the following recommendatione 'rom the Grecuate Facuhy

covering new courses wiicz1 "ere «““IOVPO by the Uni rsity
I. The Graduate I.ounc il re~o~n,an neprovol of gra6~ete
for the following conr ses , previously afoEOJeo by the ' '

for undergraduate creiit:






Animal Industry 147 Foultr Faeflingj (2) Regin

Art 135. Ancie11t Art. (21 Rennells

Art 130. HedieVul Tii: (31 Wannells

Vusic 1223, b. Chamber Vusic 7nsembles. (1 each)

Physics 121, Solid State “xioics. '13) Giléart

thsics 156. Nuclear Reactor physics. (7) Coo hren

Physics 101. O“icntation in Modern Poys. for T cachinga (3) SEEff
Chemistry 191. Orientetion in Todcrn Cfiemistrv 10? ”e8 chin; (3)




II. The G‘aduate Council recommends approval of one following strictly

ooics in Trcmat;g firts. (3)





owics and problemsa

depending on the need 3. fienerally


s u
offered as an independel ‘udy courseg Prere0u151te:
o h

reUndcrgradunte moj

English 247b, Soecial Ionics i; Syeech. (



’31 \V)

Study and research on specific to«wi cS Sn problems,
depending on the needs ef students. Gene rally
offered as on independent “tidy course. Fre re uisite:

Undergraduate major in Speech.

Physics 704. 0185 sic <71 Mechari (3) K"rn
A lecture and proolem course coverin:




particles, and continuous media

end Hamilton and their applicz r

onfil :rinciples; and
transformation theory. Prerenu P
Vath, 105a,


The Faculty also approved a recommendotion fzom the G2 aduete Faculty that a
greéuate major in gricultui 81 and home economics extension be established
leading to the professional degrees of Master of Science in Agriculture and
Master of Science in Home Economics.

Dean Martin presentea a recommendation from the Jommittee on Student
rkgenize.tionr that the Agricultural Economics Club be approved as a new




lZRthn. The Faculty aporoved the recommendation.


rsics 104 or equivalent;

ne Secretary of the Faculty ~ ad the following Stetement from President


\ I“.




. 4 .i4-i\ .


Dr. Robert
Secretary” UniV5351ty Faculty
Universi ty of 21.9 n}; -.

My dear Dr. Mills:
I have today requested the Board of lrustees to begin its

sident as soon as nos ible since I would like
work as of September I.

search for a ne“ pre
to go on a change of
,m enclosing a oony Or my communication to the Hoard and I

S ry of the Faculty, to present this

tv Faculty. This is my official notice

communior ion to the Universi U

to the resulty 943 :taff that I wish to be relieved of the arduous
. n . . r

cuties of the offiC( oi president as of Sentcmher l, 1950.

May I ask you to reed this stetement to the Faculty at its next
meeting and make it u matter of record.

Cordially yours,

H. L. Ponovan


{bvernor A. 7. Chandler, Chairman
and Members of the noord of Trustees:

m‘ a A-“ ,- " '. A " . ‘ _- h, ..
lhole cones a time in every man’s life unen he must consult the

cmlendnr; tLet tim- has er"iVQd for me. t is now fifty years since I taught

my first school a a :urnl school in Mason Qounty, Kvntucky; the Lord willing
I expect to comnlete fifty years as a teacher in 1953. Cu ”arch 17 I was
SiXtyrnine years of age. A half century is m long period of time in tha life of
on individual and I have spent all of it, excent for a brief tour of duty with
the Army in the W t World war, in the pursuit of knowleoge, teaching and nd~
ministration of hools and colleges, twentymeirht years as a college president,

fifteen years at the University.

M -, . . . . . _, ,. .
“any years of study and observation of neOple workinb hh' lleld of
education convince me that it is time for me to ask

:3 y—v

'ne loo d for H change

Mr I; ' " - o - . > -, 1 1 _
if -0Tha Following this conViction. I am nersueoed I sno lo 'onuost the
m . . . _ . _ .,
oerd Of Imustees and Faculty to legin their search for a new orCSident tnat
he may take over the arduous cuties of this office on Crptember l, 1956.

I am prompt a in making thf «ecision my two motives:
POSition of President of the Un



s l71rsé” tne
\ iversity is a grueling taske It requires long
n0111‘s of work esch day onfl only a strong man has tle onP9VY end drivc to

méet the strein, The president must be mentally alrrt; he must have the
Vlsion t0 Tlfln 8L5 execute nrogrems, the patio ce of Job, the vitality to keep

m) meeting neople, making speeches, ”riting rrticlws. r sisting

















Minutes of the Universitv Faculty, Anril 9, l,



pressures from many sources, and he must have the courage to figlt for the
University against all odds when nothing but r fight coo mainto

‘ 3 1: its integiifi; r
He must love the sense one sensitivity to recornize end US' dood counsel (
.D ' ~~ ' ‘ n , .. ‘ . ‘ ‘ ’ ' 1

“hen oflered him. I lealize that age 1s taxing it: texl end I no longer have /

the energy I once bad. My loyalty and devotion to mv Alma Net-r will not
permit me to coast along for another ye er; I hove no desioe to

C” . 3-... ...- ‘ . .,.. .1..." .- , z” ‘ ‘

1y; _ :he second motLv w may Du -egaidcu-:s seliisu. I have verged so
constantly at oeing president I have

have always intended to reed. There s

end many books that I
. J have always wanted (
to see but my duties have vastno us? my visiting them. There are tWo books ‘
‘ 3 3 I have been intending for years to write but there hes oeen no ti me to do it
33*. While there is yet time and some enerhy, I went to rerd tnos: rneglected books
' nod vi51 t those an cos I have not seen. I wish for time to g etif3' my desire
to achieve these things, prepare those unwritten manuscripts :hich I heVe
covenantcd With myself to write. One more thing I would like to do , give
hd'* more time to community work than my rigid routine has permitted me to do in
whh' 3“ the past. These matters no good citiZen can afford to ne:?eot.

There are two reasons why I am requesting the Board of Tins stees
to give me a year earlier a changeaofmwork sta tus under the noli icy adovted
by the Board in 1928. A committee of the T41eculty some yeers ago requested
that when I planned to relincuish my duties as president of the University,
I would giVe thr Board and the Jaculty notice of my retirement from the
presidency some months in advance. At that time I informed them I would
honor their request which I am now doing. The other reason is quite as valid. (
Time is required to make a careful and diligent search for a new president.
A b06rd should have sufficient time fo select a new president and thereby {
avoid the necessity of sales cting on Acting President. If r long interval ,
fl exists between two administrations it frequently becomes a neriod of unrest
‘m' for the faculty and institution drifts without a program.

‘1 I have no desire to take part in

. A nouw-Jdrui‘ cu
. .1 ..

the selection of my successor and I flmll ;
! deliberately refrain from active participation in this matter. However, (
twentymei3ht years of experience as a collere nresident, plus a knowledge 7

of the literature on college e.dminis tration, plus a familiarity with the , The

best practices employed Dy boards of trustees in seeking a new president lead 8

I have giVen so much of my lifes I am justified in saying something about Hm
procedure a board should follow in selecting a new president.

First, the best authorities on higher education regard the s lection I
E of a new executiVe officer of a university as the most important an for
H reaching out a. board ever has to perform. Second, that the appointment of a i
‘ffi TrusteeeFaculty Screening Committee is employed in the better ordered col- 7
:ld leges and universities in selecting a new president. When this method istmed
‘ the morale of the faculty is maintained at a high level and the new president
comes into office enjoying the support and loyalty of the faculty, conscious
of a part in his selection. The board can get no better advice than from MW81
and devoted members of the faculty whose only interest is the welfare of the


V} me to the convic ion that #5 a matter of duty to the University to which bu

stitution. Third, it is desirable for the Board-FaCu3ty Screening Committee 7
to evaluate carefully the personnel of the University with reference to the L
discovery of notential president: on its facultyo In my judgment there are at !

lee.st a half do? zen first rate men on the staff of the University any one of

whom would make a good r1 Tsidont. However, I believe the Board and the FecuIW
should mfiké a diligent search both within 8nd without the Univors ty and 01100Se
tne ablest educator they on n. possibly fi:-d e;ailahle for the

him mpresident of the University. The Un ers city must not be








r it.






The Faculty
plans with deep
Lmtion to the develOnment of


penalized by medioc.rity in the selection.
0 1 till;
than absolute

vital to

In requesting the

desire to

privilege of v


people I have

of the



other ground

rec-c IX-



l. n


ligent couperation in

there has


I). {3 V 63 1'

The University

every effort pcsrible
for competent university

I am

gain or comfort

ccnsciou s
no t many ma_

H .

period of my life, ux‘

always be warming ann

make it 506

The frecret"

Chairma.n of the

7r. Robert


9:)? I‘C!

ved b, e

regret and

Ty 9er

308.330. 0: T7

L. vi] is,


ever known


I shoulé
for their

been 3 m




F); 5

Eh F:


en .
e nae

thr rilling. an ccnsicerenly because you have


d to the

Univereity of Kentucky

My dear Pr.

he desires



ident Ponoyen
to relincuish his
Kentucly effective


V 1
n '6;

tember l,

J» .


Erlend id

01' C(JIll




“card of Trustee


er icd of fifteen years.


cf the University Fficultfl Avril 2;

It des

to giv

Elltl ‘Icnle n

The T

my profo und


El’VL“ ‘5

me a change of
who hPVe


the best.
ersit cy f‘or the appointment
fitn eese

clli; ently concerned witn its nrogrem.


sunp or t ;


have mede mistakes

I have


this letter my




unity in

fzu* exceeds

spared no effo

n the performence of my duties 3

abiding loyal
program of the University.
s a strong faculty


apnreciation to
During this re


administretion enfi


these times



9 I

SD 7.;



“’11 2 n

in my administration,

no p
It is

It is
to be made on any


work, I
for the
comn05?-d the Board of
are the grandest

nave found them deeply devoted to the welfe re


d make


but I


d both in time and labor thet in ictrosnec t will


stending vote

the Tsninw




a resolution


fijb nnc



H. L. Donovan


ith grrtrful

ennrcciation his

the following letter from the
April 3, 1356
the University errc of Trustees

as Presiaent
accert a



he 131 e C.

the President’s

the University of















L,. 12‘

Minutes or the UniverLitv Faculty] Anril i, lfiob

It will be difficult for the uoerd of T-ustees of tn: Univ c: siW of
Kentucky to express its iull anwraciotion to President 011ov:=n for the

untiring and courageous 1881.T rship which as has given to 13h1s institutiOn,


Io his services as the chief 8cm1nistrrtor he has 8.1wn.ys kept foremost
in his mind the best interests of all the hectic in the commonweeith who
are served nirectly or indirectly by thv Univewr ity of Ventucky. Dr.
tonovan's cu Mities oi grertness will become even more evident in the
years 8been when the University moves into w1rmter fields of service
which he as Pr es id .ent has envisioned.

The Hcard of Trustees has today expresse its deep gratitude to Dr.
Bonovwn for his excellent work in wringing this institution to the position
OI eminence which it now holds one has FPTPOVGO his rcouest.

Wm recognize the magnitude 01 the trsk or selecting a new president
who can give the tyr o oi Educ: tionsl leclershin deserved by this institutmm
in the days shone. It is the deS' e 7o¢rc of Trustees that we
scoure an outstsnaing eauc tor 9nd caministr tor to head tne UniVErbity
of Kentucky.

The Uommittec of Fifteen and the Planning and Policy Uommittee of
the University Faculty hnvw recommennea thnt the fucuity particinvte in
the proceSS of selecting a new Pro siue711t 01 the University or Fentucky.
The University Chapter of tne American Associetion of University Professors
has also suggestec that faculty members have a part in the screening of
pos siole canoicutes for this position. As Chairman or the Board or Trusmms
I shoulo lil