xt7cz8928h40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz8928h40/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19310508  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  8, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  8, 1931 1931 2012 true xt7cz8928h40 section xt7cz8928h40 $






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Council Elections

FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1931

Curtain to Rite on Stroller
Revue of '31 Monday Night





Brethren! Sis tern!




Annual elections of represen
A. J. Weaer governor of Netatives to the Men's Student
braska, wears the badge of Delta
Council will be held Wednesday
Tau Delta.
and Friday, May 13 and 16, acEdith May Marken member
Tickets for Show Are on Sale
cording to an announcement reof the University of Missouri
leased yesterday by an officer of
at Stores and at Various
faculty, Is an Alpha Gamma DelWildcats Are Confident of the council.
Honorary Fraternity Admits ta.
Last Scholastic Meet Was
Points on Campus
Winning Two-Gam- e
Nominations will be made
Two Men and Three
Arthur Capper United States
Held on Stoii Field Seven
from the floor. Election periods
Frew Commodore Nine
Senator from Kansas, is a memWomen Students
The Stroller Revue of 1931 will
Years Ago
for the various colleges follow:
ber of Acacia.
be Riven its presentation Monday
College of Arts and Sciences:
Frank Mason president of the
night in Woodland auditorium with
4:15 o'clock Friday, AdministraDOWNING TO DIRECT
International News Service, is a
curtain at 8:30 o'clock. This is the
tion building; Juniors, room 4;
member of Delta Chi.
first production of its kind in unl
sophomores, room 204; freshmen,
Henry S. Canmy editor of the
versity history.
Big Blue Split Series With room aif .
Annual Banquet, Initiation Saturday Review and chairman
Shively, Track Coach, to Be
Thomas L. Riley, production
College of Education:
of the Book of the Month club,
V&nderbilt Nine Last
Services WiU Be
accr. has been holding nignuy re
in Charge of 12th
o'clock, Friday, Training school;
is a Phi Sigma Kappa.
Week at Nashville
hearsals for the 76 university people BBmBmBs!!
Held May 5
Juniors; room 231; no sophomore
Melvin J. Hein
State Meet
connected With the revue, the lar
freshmen, first
football player of 1930 from
gest cost ever assembled for
After returning from a disastrous
Spring elections to Phi Beta
floor auditorium.
Washington State, Is a member
After an Interval of unven wan
trip Into the South, Kentucky's
camnus show.
Kappa were announced yesterday
College of Commerce: 4 o'clock
of Sigma Nu.
the University of Kentucky wUl
baseball machine will attempt i
Tickets for the revue are on saie
by Dr. W. R. Allen, secretary of
Friday, White hall; juniors, room
Austin J. Young tenor with again
comeback when they meet Vander
on the campus in front of the Ad
308; no sophomore representathe Kentucky Alpha chapter of that Paul Witeman's orchestrn, s a of theact as host to the high schools
' MsBmmB
state in the twelfth
bllt on Stoll field this afternoon in
ministration building. The Campus BmBmBmBew' y':
freshmen, room 303.
J3mm fraternity. Those elected and their member of Sigma Alpha Epsllon.
track meet to be held
series. The 'Cats pre
College of Engineering: Juniors,
Book Store, the Green Lantern, tne ILeeeeeeeeemraP''" LBBBBmi scholastic standings are: Mary Vir
Natalie G. Haburton publicity
Saturday on Stoll field. Twenty-seve- n
viously met Vanderbllt in two
. many
4:15 o'clock, Friday, Dicker
ginla Hallcy, Cincinnati, 2.7; Mormanager for Stations WLW and
high schools have entiered
Karnes and divided the series,
sophomores, 4 o'clock Friday,
students in the fraternity and soror
ton Walker, Hartford, 2.5; Beuna
a member of Delta
WSAI, is
teams totaling 280 entrants.
Coach Devereux has had his boys
after lty houses arc also selling tickets,
Dicker hall;
C. Mathls, Lexinctoni B.5; Anita
Delta Delta.
For the first tlmn Jn hlstnrw
out on the diamond every day since
engineering convocation WedAdmission prices are: lower floor,
Wells, Lexington, 2.5; and Hugh R
Francis S. Harmon national
return, and from all appeartheir
nesday, Memorial haU.
first 20 rows, $1.00; remainder lower
president of Y. M. C. A., is a university is sponsoring a high
Jackson, Lexington, 2.5.
ances they are in good shape. Wedschool tennis tournament The reCollege of Agriculture: Friday,
balcony, 50 cents,
floor. 75 cents:
Initiation services will be held at member of Kappa Sigma.
sponse to the newly Instigated idea
nesday afternoon the Blue and
room 101, judging pavilion; junTickets may be obtained at the box
Helen Wlllard (Columbia U.)
the annual banquet, May 15 at the
White sluggers spent all their time
iors, 10:15 o'clock; sophomores,
office of Woodland auditorium all
winner of the 1930 New York was more than was expected by
Phoenix hotel.
In bitting curve ball pitching, as
the sponsors. Twenty high schools
10 o'clock; freshmen, 9 'clock.
day Monday.
Elections to Phi Beta Kappa are
this seemed to be their chief weakhave entered tennis double teams,
The Stroller Revue Is composed of
award, is a Kappa Kappa
based solely on scholarship, and a
ness when they went up against
Which Will KO Into action Frirfav
numbers, music,
standing above 2.5 is requried for
Alabama and Mississippi A. to M.,
The finals in the tennis meet wiU
comedy sketches, specialties, and
to the organization.
especially when they had men on
run on Saturday afternoon.
novelties as are all standard pro
There are 36 members in the unibase.
Additional Attractions for the day
ductions of this type. There is no Miss Irma Pride. Madisonvilk. versity chapter, which was given the
Up to date, Kentucky hasn't
will be a dual track mtM. tvfnwm
freshman la the CoUege of Arts 100th
plot. The entire show is presented
signs of championship
charter in
shown any
ana ScteHees,, will be one of tbe Morton Walker the senior in the
the undefeated
Kentucky track
purposes only,
for entertaining
calibre, but if they succeed in capleading igaree in the Stroller
team and the University of Cincinaccording to the production staff,
College of Arts and Sciences and a
turing these next three games on
RevHe for 1MI
nati; a baseball game between KenSix original
member of Phi Kappa Tau, social
their schedule they can fairly well More Than 1,500 Students were composed musical revue by
tucky and VnnrWhlH anrl
for the
fraternity is retiring president of
can their season successful.
Are Expected to Attend Noel Walton and Horace- - Kane.
tennis tournament
the Y. M. C, a member of Omicron Independent Women
Coach Devereux announced that
Make wnicn win be played on the uniTwo Terms During June, Eugene Royse, musical director, ar
Delta Kappa, secretary of Sigma
he will start either Parell or
Higher Grades than Sorori- versity courts.
July, and August
ranged and orchestrated the music
Delta Chi,
on the mound, with Captain
Both the track mppt.
Other music in the show is, for the
ties According to Statistics nis tournament are and fho
resident of the Men's
plate in today's
Barnes behind the
being sponsored?
persons are ex- - most part, of the popular variety,
More than 1500
Dormitory association, an associate
erase. McBraver. has been pitching
for First Semester
Dy ine Department
or university
The pit orchestra, under the dieditor of the 1931 Kentuckian, sengood ball, but has not been getting occted to attend the two terms of
extension, of which Wellington PatRoyse, Norman Hain- n,
ior prophet, member of Sigma
girls made higher rick is head and Louis Clifton, asthe support from his Infield that he the Summer university which will be rectionSpudMr.
Spaulding, Herbert
during June, sey,
and an associate eldtor of standings than sorority girls last sistant.
should. Incidentally "Mac" won his held at
Bernie Shively, Kentucky
first Southern Conference baseball July, and August, according to Schoepflin, Bruce HoblitzeU, John Board of Commerce to
semester, according to the report
Invite The Kernel.
game in his four years in college Dean W. S. Taylor, director of the Sallee, Hugh Adcock, Ralph Arnett,
Mary Virginia HaUey, senior in released by the Dean of Women's track coach, is in charge of the
Citizens to Visit Uniand Walter Yoder.
CoUege of Arts and Sciences office Wednesday, and among the track meet, and H. H. Downing,
when he set the Crimson Tide of summer session.
Kentucky tennis coach, is to direct
After the overture, the Stroller
Alabama back by the score of 7 to
and a member of Kappa Delta sororities Alpha Delta Theta takes
versity May 28
Conditions for the summer ses
3, at Alabama one week ago.
sorority, is the retiring president of first place. Chi Delta Phi, honorary the tennis tournament.
sion student body, which will be Revue of 1031 win open with what
Included In the list of entries for
The Friday lineup:
of the literary sorority, stands first among
Mortar Board,
composed chiefly of Kentucky is said to be one of the most sen
the track meet are many of the
Two committees to make the final History club, secretary of
Kruger, first base; Johnson, sec- teachers who were unable to attend satlonal opening choruses ever seen.
the honoraries, with Mortar Board largest high schools in the state
ond; Toth, short stop, and Kogue the regular sessions, will be much The chorus girls in the opening arrangements for Lexington day,
dramatic editor of the 1931 running a close second.
and several are bringing teams of
win hold down the .hot corner. The the same as those which prevail chorus are: Leota Ford, Alice Jane which will be held May 28, have Kentuckian, member of Phi Beta,
girls made an aver more than 20 men. LoulsviUe Male
been appointed, and details will be Y. W. C. A., Alma Magna Mater
Howes, Jean Dawson, VlrginiatHol
outfield will probably consist of Mur- during regular terms.
age of 1.67 and sorority girls 1.49. High school led the list of entries
out within a few days.
lis, Sue Layton, Edna Mae Kirk, worked
phy, Ohr, and Trott.
club, Theta Sigma Phi, Strollers, The average standing for Alpha with a team of 29 men,
Special arrangements have been
with du
All citizens of Lexington are in and Kernel staff.
Vanderbllt has not announced made with the Southeastern Asso- Dorothy Kelly, Victoria Cooper,
Delta Theta was 1.76, and that of Pont Manual, of LoulsviUe, with 26;
lineup, but they probably will ciation to allow the summer stu- Madelyn Shlvely, Irma Pride, Joan vited to visit the university to in
Beuna Mathls, senior in the Col Delta Zeta, which ran second, was St. Xavier, of Louisville, with 22,
start Askew at short; Shackleford dents to buy round trip tickets be- - Jarman, Dorothy Jones, Mary spect its laboratories and workshops lege of Arts and Sciences and J 1.58. Chi Delta Phi made the high- and Berea Academy with 22, close
Faust at third; tween their homes and the univer Frances Young and Gertrude Evans. on that day. The Board of Com member of Kappa Delta sorority, est of the averages, 2.66 with Mortar
in tenterfleld:
will send letters to all the
Roberts in left s"y
Schwartz at first; riSht
treasurer of Mortar Board, sec Board 2.42. Boyd hall women avfares. For Justine Whitethe opening Johnston merce
for one and one-ha- lf
Besides the schools named above
field, and
organizations in
city inviting is
field; Fortune In
retary-treasurof the Political eraged 1.65 and women living with other entries include:
the first term, continuing from will be seen In andcomedy song and them to attend to the the organizaall
Foster at second case, uiiner iJipe June 15 to July 18, tickets will be
Science Forum, president of the relatives 1.67.
Anchorage, Earret Manual Trainmask and
the city
or Hudgins will don the
12 to 18.
For the dance act win be which Herbie attend' in ingroufS invited them to Girls; .Glee, club, treasurer of Phi
The averages ofi-athe sororities ing school, Henderson, Berea :Aca- Schoepflin
in order that Beta, member of Phi Mu Epsllon,
heard in
shin guards, ana it is a toss-u- p Be- sold from June
arranged in order of preeminence demy, Bourbon County High school,
as ir who second term, from July 20 to Auguides may be furnished. The Unitween Dethroe and Ross
uter-ar- y
gust 22 tickets, will be sold from
Casev Countv WJirh
versity Commons will be open to the' German club, Patterson Mater, follow: Alpha Delta Theta 1.76; Millersburer.
wiU get the call for mound duty.
Then John Murphy, William
society, Alma Magna
1 to
Eugenia Beck, Delroy Root, visitors at both the luncheon and Pitkin club, Co-e- d Band, 1931 Ken- Delta Zeta 1.58; Zeta Tau "Alpha school, Liberty, Clark County High
Coach Pat Devereux's Blue and the July on 23. August 29 Is the
which tickets may be and Edna Mae Kirk will appear
last day
1.57; Alpha XI Delta 1.55; Kappa school, Covington, Dayton, du Pont
(Continued on Page Blx)
in dinner hours.
tuckian staff,, The Kernel staff and Delta 1.52; Kappa Kappa Gamma Manual, Louisville, Eminence, Fulused.
"May Scream," a comedy skit.
In the afternoon the military de is a Stroller eligible.
1.50; Alpha Gamma Delta 1.49; Chi ton, Henry Clay, Lexington, Irvine,
The residence halls for men and
Leota Ford and Alice Jane Howes partment will hold its annual Field
College Omega 1.45; Delta Delta Delta 1.41; Male Hleh. Lonisvillp Mlririfochnm
Anita Wells, senior in
women will be opened and arrange- are next
in "Happy Feet," a song Day. The Feld Day will consist of of Arts and Sciences, the
who has Beta Sigma Omicron 1.0; For the Milton. Mt. Olivet. Neumnrt Worth
may be made
ments for rooms there
regimental assembly from 2 to 5 taught school in
Stanton, is a mem- honoraries: Chi Delta Phi 2.66; Middletown, Paris, PinevUle,
through the dean of women and and dance specialty. Harold Rltter
There will be competitive
seen in comedy
St. Xavier, LoulsviUe, Verthe dean of men. Rent in the is then "Private a Burke." monologue driU for both company and in ber of Phi Sigma Alpha, honorary Mortar Board 2.42; Theta Sigma
political science fraternity.
Phi 2.29; Phi Upsilon Omicron 2.10; sailles, University High, Lexington,
women's dormitories will be from called
"Hear Ye," said to be a hUarious dividuals. The drills will be held
Hugh R. Jackson, is a senior in Phi Beta 1.97. The average for all Stearns, and Stanford.
$12.50 to $15 a term, while for men
Several coveted
Mrs. Mayme I. Logsdon, Uni- It win be from $12.50 to $17.50 a court room comedy is next on the on Stoll the military "department the College of Arts and Sciences the women in the university was 1.6. Valuable trophies, donated by EdC. Parry Kraatz. Irma awards of
ward Madden in memory of his faand is a member of Phi Sigma Kapversity of Chicago Profes- tern. The University Commons program.Madelyn Shlvely,
will be given on this day.
ther, J. E.. Madden, will be nresont- Bradley
sor, Will Be Guest Speaker wiU be open also. Students will be Stephenson, Gilbert Kingsberry, Dr. Frank L. McVey has appoint pa social fraternity, debating team, Dr. H.
ed.4 A set of five medals win be
and Sigma Upsllon.
able to find room and board at
at Annual Convention
given for each event of the meet
Phi Beta Kappa Is known as the
reasonable rates In Lexington out- Joseph Mills and extras as Jurors, ed Major O. R. Meredith, Prof.
To Give
J. Horlacher, and M. J. Crutcher mother of Greek letter fraternities.
and in addition a plaque wUl be
side the dormitories. Health service and spectators, appear In this
to serve on the committee repre- - The society was founded in 1776.
Representatives from all the col- will also be available.
given to the winning
Native of Denmark and sliver trophy will beteam. A large
entlng the university.
leges and universities of Kentucky
Noel Walton In "Breaks." a nov
Its first chapter was established at
The regular fee for each of the
awarded the
or pxnected to be Dresent foe the colleges
winner of the mUe relay as weU as
League of Nations DelSamuel McCormick is chairman William and Mary CoUege. There
Law College will elty piano act, win then be seen.
Kentucky j
annual' meeting
the winner of the 440-ya- rd
egate to Visit U. of K.
in the Law Col The first part, of the revue is closed of the committee appointed by the are now 114colleges of this organand the members of these teams
lege it wiU be $25.50 a term. A Wn ''The Good Old Davs." This Board of Commerce. Other mem ization in
throughout the
matirni association Saturday. Mc- - refund, not to exceed 80 per cent, is said to be a handsomely mounted bers are C. S. Brent. Fred B. Wachs, United States.
Forschhammer, Den- wiU receive medals. The individual
Dr. Hennl
vv hall has been designated
The mother chapter at WiUlam
will be made upon demand, within production number in two scenes. Tom Underwood, and L. K. FrankeL
one of the three women dele- scoring the highest number of
The first is modern, while the sec- The two committees wiU hold a and Mary became extinct during mark, to the assembly of the League points during the meet is to receive
headquarters for the association and the first eight days.
oe uem wuuusu-o- ut
conferences wui
Two dollars wUl be charged for ond takes the audience back a few meeting early next week to consider the Civil War but since then has of Nations, will spend several days a special silver trophy.
(Continued on Page Six)
(Continued on Page Six)
AU those taking part in the meet
the day.
the details of the day.
the first day of late registration, and
at the university addressing various
Prof. J. Morton Davis of the de- $1 a day for each succeeding day.
(Continued on Page Six)
groups on the campus on tbe
partment of mathematics is chair- The entire sum must not exceed
League's humanitarian work. Durman and wUl preside at all sessions. $5.
men will get their
ing her stay, beginning Sunday,
Prof. A. R. Fehn of Centre CoUege tuition and room free.
AppliMiss Forschhammer will be a guest
is secretary.
of Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey.
occas- cation for these privileges must be
The guest speaker for the
(Continued on Page Six)
work of the
The humanitarian
ion will be Mrs. Mayme L LogsLeague of Nations Is Miss Forsch-hamme- r's
don, formerly of EUzabethtown,
special Interest. Monday
associate professor of mathematics
she will speak to university politiBy DANIEL W. GOODMAN
at the University of Chicago and
Tuesday, at University Concert Band, Unthe engineers and their music for the dances. There will cal science classes.
Tossing away all cares and caslon, wUl
an authority in the field of
be six
Berea College, she wUl be principal
Members of Chi Delta Phi,
der Direction of Elmer Sul-ze- r,
worries of cold reality, rising on tip- guests to gather at 9 o'clock and,
geometry. This subject has been national honorary literary sororThe carnival ball for the engineers speaker at the chapel exercises.
the rhythmic strains of
toes in effort to attain the goddess dancing
Presents Musicale at
studied most exclusively by the Italand the
become an
ity, are urged to attend an imof carnivaUty, Uteraily leaping up the Rhythm Kings will whUe away has the university.established custom Wednesday night, at 6:30, she will
very little is known
ian school and
Memorial Amphitheater
It is for many speak to the International Relaportant meeting to be held
into a world of colorful gaiety to
wee hour of 1, engineers a bright spot in a veil of tions group during a dinner meetabout it in this country. Mrs. LogsSunday at 4 o'clock, at the home
glide with overwhelming 'cachinna-tio- n their time untU the
darkness. It Is a gala occasion and ing in the University Commons.
don will speak Saturday afternoon
of Miss Nancy Duke Lewis, West
The university concert band, playthrough nocturnal and enig- Saturday morning.
which engineers can treat Everyone is invited to attend this ing last night at the
The carnival ball, the twelfth an- one-oin room 111, MoVey hall oh
Sixth street. Reorganisation and
matic diversion, the engineers of the
Material for Fresh;
their friends to a truly enjoyable meeting; persons expecting to be phitheater, presented Memorial amnual affair of its kind at the univerUniversity of Kentucky tonight win
plans for next year win be disthe third of
mintotSmatios!" She has
climax the program set
new officers win be
assemble in the Men's gymnasium sity wUl1931 Engineer's Day, when social function. The engineer's ball there are requested to notify Miss a series of six twilight programs.
is practically the only dance at the Sarah O. Blandinu. dean of women. Approximately 12S persons
an extensive investigation of the elected. and
where they will act as hosts to more for the
Members of the secer-lt- y,
the Engineering CoUege holds open university to which the girls
Miss Forschhammer the audition, despite lnclemeat
not affiliated with XI chapter than 1,000 guests who wUl attend house for all who care to visit and paratory schools throughoutof prethe win talk to societies and political weather.
Dean Paul P. Boyd wUl lead an who have attended other schools
what promises to be the most sucequipment and country are Invited.
ooen aiimmff" at the close of the are-alsscience groups a? the university.
The program rendered last night
cessful carnival ball In the history inspect the modern
invited to attend.
training engineers at
When the dance was first cele- Mrs. McVey is holding a tea, under
Pregrsea. Other University of Kem- of the institution.
Masqued and facilities for
the university. The shops and la- brated at the university, it was held Wednesday at Maxwell Place, in Sulser,. the conduction of Elmer G.
costumed in harmony with the oc- director of the band, interboratories wiU be open from 1:30
(Continued on Page Six)
apeak are Fret. B. L. Sees, Pref.
preted tbe foUowlng selections:
her honor.
o'clock unUl 5 o'clock this afternon.
"Rboda Royal," march, Storm;
Cwrae Latimer, and Miss Alleene
Members of the student body and
"Egmont." overture, Beethoven: "la
faculty and any others who have
program lor we
the Clock Store," descriptive, Orth;
The trrirr
not yet obtained tickets for the
to as follows:
"Moce Trombone," novelty, Fillmore,
carnival bail wUl be able to procure
Saturday morning, 9:3012:30:
played by Elden Durand, Beryl
them at any time today, either from
and Henry Baker.
Curvature m the Mnetein Space-Time'- ,"
Mr. Dicker, superintendent of shops,
B. L; 'Bees, umvemity;
Three other twilight auditions
-Friends'of Miss Jarvis soon Joined or from any of tbe other members
have been planned for May 14, 21.
The Arttfcmettestof Certain
when one has become accustomed and 28. All of these concerts heat
her in this unique custom and it of the committee on
Sunday is Mother's Day
Quarternion Algebras," J.
to the numerous distractions,
Probably not many realise that wasn't lone; until the entire city For the benefit of those who desire
Phi Ma
M. Beewell, Georgetown College;
to rent costumes, a representative of The whine of saws, the knocking yelling of the director and the the Alpha, the sponsorship of fraternof Philadelphia
was engaged In
proesslonal musical
hammers, the tearing of hair
"A Brief Outline of Thesis on the commemoration of this day has
Co., LoulsviUe
smiles of the chorus flow- ity. wUl start promptly at 7:15
Geometry," Aleene reached all parts of the world m paying homage to its maternal par- of the Kuprlon at Dicker haU today (Director Riley's) and the strains
wiU be
the short space of 17 years. Not ent. The more ambitious among to supply students with appropriate of the pit orchestra combine to ers one sees that a great deal is be- o'clock on the nights designated.
Lemons, university;
ing accomplished.
In case of unfavorable weather on
"Finite Oeometrics," Walter L. many know that uncie earns man them decided that the custom could attire at reduced prices. Members make rehearsals for the forthcomclerks make special preparation to weU become a national affair. Of of the dance commute have speci- ing Stroller Revue of 1931 a com- ailMembers of the cast are working any of the appointed nights the
Moore, University of Louisville;
day and part of the evening in program for that night wiU be postcourse as la expected when an in- fied
"On the Clem Number of Cubic handle the rush of mail that. Is
that everyone attending the bination mad house and abbatoir.
order to get the show in shape for poned,
Fields," c. O. Latimer, university; certain to arrive within the few novation is purposed, Uttle response dance must appear In costume.
Almost 100 university students a brilliant presentation Monday
Portions of the last concert of the
"Berne Concept from Mathemati- days before that second Sunday 14 was found, but tbe promoters did
judgDecorations which have been pre- have parts in the play,
Strollers and would-b- e
series set for Thursday night, May
Morehead May. Few are aware of the fact receive encouragement in the fact pared to embellish the gymnasium ing from the confusion and noise night
cal Physics," J. O. Black,
then-line- s
29, have been reserved for request
that manufacturers make plans in that Governor Colouest, of Texas, for the occasion are the most elab- which this would-b- e 100 are able to Strollers class seen rending
Teachers College.
rooms, at luncheon numbers. AU selections proposed
Luncheon, University Commons. December for the increased volume Inaugurated tbe custom of pardonorate ever devised at the university. create one would think they were and dinner tables, and we even before May 21 wUl be considered for
l:4e, bustaees session, room 109, of business that is theirs because' ing prisoners, on. that day. AU this A lattice-effec- t,
crepe paper canopy rehearsing for a war play instead of noted one perfectly charming young this program and included if posof Meeker's, Day. In fact very little had happened, by 19f.
lleVey hall:
overhanging the center of the floor, a revue. The stage hands seem en- lady
is generally' known of, taaaiigla
la 1914 thv NaUaaal Mother's radiating every color of the spect- tirely unaware that they are not the cationgoing over her stuff in convo- sible, according to Mr. Sulzer.
3 p. m.. room iU, MeVfy haft
SMde Reja.gs an Aid im f the hoUdar that is new ehssrvrt Day AssoeUHon whWx had been rum In gay harmony, wiU blend with only persons in the building, as does
Those who attend the revue MonSENORg, NOTICE!
ifntjgiillrs," D. W. throughout North and South organised decided to take a step rays emitting from multiple colored everyone else. The characters for day night wUl see nothing but the
that would result in making Its flood lights around the floor. Even the skits go to. the back of the au- finished performance. They will
Fugeley, Berea OeMege;
The last chance for seniors to
"Ob the Pieee tfMathesaaUcs In Way back in 1910 Miss Anne Jar- - holiday observed all, over the coun- more win be added, to tbe weird ditorium to rehearse their .lines and not see the perspiration drip from
- vto of PWmtlhla dstaad to mv try, RsaresdrtUMvcs of the asso- fascination of the spectacle by the laugh uproariously at their awn the heated foreheads of the stake
order rings and invitations wiU
a ueerai tobsmbt whw
be Tuesday, May 13, is the main,
special tribute to the memory of ciation weat to the Uaitod States programs red and alack, which wiU cleverness The Idle member at erew. They wUl miss the panto-mi- ne
ny Transvrraala OeUege:
build-ta- g.
of the
of material wr her mother one aav out of the year. Congress.
irom every part ox the east watch heat wae are ea
loom :an-ux- e
ef the director as he is haU Seniors Administration to
are requested
ia May and an .Ffft, the House ef Ripresinta-tlve- s the. baU, room.
Mayme L
the stage and decide that they stricken speechless by the stupidity
Friibwin Matbsmstlns
advantage of this Anal
commended the day as a
oeemeLtsL wear a waist
tAktvenmy ef OMeat.
The twe orchestras, ekyiaf al- - tksmsslvcc have the beet aet.kt the ef; tke.ettes. They .will ely sat. a
i a mm c
As seeme te ee m aetcr cas- smooth, aeekked, eleVer. eaterUm-la- g
Oeaeral emcacssca eaeaed
(OeacisMted ea Page Sis)
ta the casual ekeervcr, bat
StreUer Revue at 19tl.
ef Ike floor, will faralehewUaaeus
Deaa Paal P. Beyd, WMtweHr.



Stroller Star







Two Committees


Named io Arrange
For Lexington Day




Colorful Carnival Ball Tonight Will Mark
Close of Annual Engineers' Day Program


Delta Phi

History of Mother's Day Reveals
That Custom Is Only 17 Years Old

Saws hine,Hammers Knock, Hair
Falls in Stroller Revue Rehearsals





* j


Best Copy



The Kentucky, Kerne




National College Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
K. L P. A.


Newspipr of the Student! of the Dnlrenitr
of Kentucky, Lextnrton
Subicrlptlon 13.00 t ymr. Entered tt LextnfUn, Kf.
PottolTlce t second cUu mat! matter

Managing Editor
VIRGINIA HATCHER . Asst. Mgn. Editor
THOMAS L. RILEY . . . Dramatic Editor




William Ardery
Elaine Bonnell
Morton Walker
Margaret Cundlfl

Elwood Kruger

William Bhater

Louise Thompson

A. A.


Eleanor Smith


Polly Reese


Sue Dlckerson
News Editor


Emily Hardin




Lillian Gouch

Few students at the university other than
those who actually are participating in the
forthcoming Stroller Revue of 1931 are aware
of the labor which Is required to produce a
student entertainment of this kind. Members
of and aspirants for membership in Strollers
have been devoting the major portion or their
time to the revue and their efforts will
be Judged by the remainder of the student body
at Woodland auditorium Monday evening. me
KrmM believes that every student should at
tend the revue, not only because It Is produced
entirely by undergraduates at ine university out
because it will be one of the best shows of Its
kind which has ever been presented in Lexing
With the introduction of student written
productions Strollers last year became definite
ly a ranking modern collegiate aramanc organization. As In the very successful "Home Talent"
students nre resDonslblc for every phase or
production of the revue this year. The fact
that those who have seen tnc entertainment
In rehearsal are Instlnting In their praise of
It connotes ability and originality on the part
of the producers. Many entirely unique fea
tures nre nlanned by the directors 01 ine revue,
who have forgotten nothing which will aid in
In making It the stage highlight or tne univer-

Sports Editor
RALPH E. JOHNSON Assistant Sports Editor
J. D. Adams
Clara Innls
G. L. Crutcher
Marvin Wachs
sity season.
Totsy Rose
It Is natural that the revue type of enterREPORTERS
Gilbert Kingsbury
Mary Galloway Griffith
tainment will be much more popular with ti
Mary Virginia Halley
Robert Baxter
ctitrient miHlence than would heavier drama
Ann Coleman
Cameron CofTman
Eugenia Beck
and, knowing the likes and dislikes of their
Mary Alice Salyers
Leonard Rowland
Mary Elizabeth Price
nn.intrs the directors of the forthcoming pro
Ray Stark
Scott C. Osborne
ductlon have embodied everything that will
Fred Shells
Harry Varlie
Buena Mathls
ontertnin students. Appearing In the revue are
who have achieved campus
Frances Holllday fame in the past for excellent directing, acting,
Edna Smith
Fannie Curie Woodhead KinHno- nnd dancing. With extensive taientea
Oav Lnuehrirfoe
Gertrude Evans
Jane Oloster
material and with able and original direc