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Kentucky Kernel


Studying Can Be Easier -- Try
These Suggestions And See


By Jh IlatchnwB
With examinations coming on.pr08Cn: whole versus part learning.
s peek into your room and see in memorizing a long lesson, is it
how you can utilize your time in more economical to divide it into
studying and Increase your chaces;parts or study tne entire work?
of recalling what yu have learned. WeiL nere are two recipes involving
Maybe you wont have to keep the the factors of whole learning which
midnight oil burning every night to psychologists have found useful:
Iiva uiusc iniMi euiim.
1. The factor of interest, and conWSSF Contributions
haTe warked out fidence.
several scientific principles which learning, This is on the side of
especially with beginners,
Because of the size of the task
can assist you in learning a long and
of personal solicitation and of
who soon feel out if their depth in
difficult lesson.
long lesson, and lose hope of ever
the fact that students are eluSometimes memorizing Isn't easy; a
sive Just before exams, the WSso. first of all. make up your mind learning it as s whole.
C. Irvin
By John
SF. committee has stated that
The factor of meaning. This
that you're going to leam. Dont 2.on
many students have not been
the side of whole learning, The consensus around the grill
forget. Before opening that book or is
construction of
reached for contributions.
afternoons is
for it is when you are going through these balmy
the University auditorium
that paper, think to
you have not given, the comyourself. Say. "I am going to learn!" the entire work that you catch its that the man with the largest mim- On
was cue step near beginning when
mittee urges you to help make
Remember, nobody can lift a fin- - gencral drift and see the connections !ber of votes and the loudest loud
members of the Board of Trustees
The 1947 spring quarter will open
gtr to help you. The entire process 01 lne sevenu pans ana if you speaker won the Veterans ciud
at a meeting held on Tuesday voted "Operation function by a
at the University on Monday. March
vhole. Even
election this week.
Places in
can be controlled only by you.
to proceed at once with letting bias
your contribution at the YWCA
care-i24 with the reporting of freshman
Clear the mind for action that Prefer the Part method one prob- s In this, another state-wid- e
lor preliminary ocniitruction.
office in the Student Union be- year in the fair bluegrass Commonto Memorial halt and registration
ding of the whole is
rule No. 2. Speclficallv. this means ful
Governor Simeon S. Willis, chairfore Saturday noon. You will
gln. Then wealth, the college boys really folto
for next quarter will take place in
series of DONTS. "Dont waste
man of the board, agreed to release
be given a receipt and the conthe Student Union building and
time wondering how much time you 'ou can locat t,,e 08118 that cal1 lowed the poem that hails Kentucky
set aside
$600,000 which had been
tribution recorded. If you are
Buell armory oa Tuesday and Wedpolitics as the "damndest."
wiU hare to spend on the subject for minute examination.
$403,000 in
for this purpose, and
a member of a fraternity, sorornesday, March 25 and 26. according
According to managers for the
Dont tinker with the radio. Dont in practice you need to follow
government bonds will be added to
ity, or residence unit, your conto Dr. Maunce Oeay, University
United ticket, it cost an
dream about the trirl or bov with
i.nUc nihr than mnrhoniral ' winning bucks to get Darrell Hancock
this sum.
tribution will be tallied with
whom you were dancing last night, niles If vou have a great deal of ven 63
the organization's total for next
The Grayson Jones Construction
New students, with the exception
Dont think about what you would Ltnrfvini? in rio whether verbatim and his cohorts into the plush chair
Company of Lexington submitted week's report.
of those entering the graduate
like to eat for dinner tonight. Dont or for substance only, reading the now vacated by outgoing prexy How
the low bid for excavation, grading,
school, will report to Memorial hail
watt arouna I or a more suitable ntr Ipssnn after short intervals ara Bowies oi naiu.
and construction of the concrete
at 8 a. m. Monday for classification
moment. Concentrate only on the nf rot ic a wnnrf reneral nrmclDle.
Jun urocK siarea i uesuay iiigiu
foundation, and the Midland Steel
testa and physical examinations.
words in front of you.
But if vou prefer the part method, during a law library campaign break
Corporaion of Cincinnati made the
The registration period will open
took rr
All right, you're all set to go. vou should at least oiviae tne mate- - that his "cleanup"
low bid for fabrication and erection
Tuesday morning in both the armory
You've got your mind fixed on the rial into fairlv large parts much only $20 out of the pockets of his
$1,003,-29- 1,
of the war memorial totalled
and Union building, with the student
goal. Now the question is whether larger than what you think you can backers.
which was 30 per cent higher
body being divided up to facilitate
to Mudy the material without in- - remember. A reading of the entire
Colorful CamDaien
15 per cent highfar excavation and
the process. Those students who will
work provides a total irameworx in- ",ut
TmU it WRS tne nottest and most
er for steel work than had been
register m the Union building arc:
to renew it at intervals.
Sixteen freshmen have been pledto wnicn au tne pans wiu ni so
colorful election held at the Univer
new and former , law
To begin with, in memorizing a they can be mastered.
ged to Phi Eta Sigma, freshman
sity in the last half -- decade has been
you will get better relong lesson,
students (new and former', graduate
Carolyn Lonjj
The field house will be erected on men's honorary scholastic fraternity,
by oldsters on the
Well, there you are. Now go to readily conceded
sults by giving it one or two readstudents (new and former), trana lot on Euclid Avenue opposite Charles Whaley, president, announcings a day than if you attempt to work, and good luck. However, you campus. A "United'' backer stated
sient and special students, all new
Stoll field which has a frontage of ed this week.
personal contact, room to room
finish the job at a single sitting. dont need luck; you Just need that
students, and former students who
454 feet and is 300 feet deep.
They are: Victor S. Bruner, Hawes- Spaced study fixes the matter more work. Every day thousands of stu- - contact, and the loud speaker
were not enrolled at the University
To Seat 13,000
ville; Richard Crafton. Lexington;
were used bv the 15 active workers
dents are learning to manage their on
during the winter quarter.
John T. Gillig, Ernest Johnson, Dossie B. Haas, Louisville; Douglas
Hancock's behalf. Mimeographed
TLk-- ;
Now we come to another ap-- memory, and you can do it too.
students to enroll in the
and Hugh Meriwether. Lexington B. Hancock, Hopklnsville; Charles
"poop" sheets were spread by both
armory will include the other
architects who planned the fire- Hedges, Jr, St. Matthews: Charles
Juniors, and seniors who were
proof building, designed seating for F. Hinds, Lexington;
Milton H.
Brock and his ticket supporters
enroled in the University during the
a maximum of 12,000 people. Seats Pearson, Richmond; Clifton Rice,
used the same devices that were used
Betty Seay
preset quarter
will be installed at both sides and Louisville; Paul Sears, Somerset; j
by the United politicians and also
formuis the p'We
Stanley 8 It irvin, Newport: Roger
at one end.
made speeches in several of the frathe registrar's office pointed
Final examinations for the present
ternity houses and the dorms.
A movable stage will permit the Stark, Covuigton; Nellan R. Thur-ma- n,
that any ttudoit who has not
winter quarter will begin on Mon starting either Monday or WednesLexington; Eugene R. Weakley,
Bowles, in commenting on the elec
building to be used as an auditorium
completed trree quarters of college
doy. March 17 and continue through day;
classes meeting third
Shelbyville: Richard Udry, Covingstated, "In my opinion the elecat any time.
Is Lyric Soprano
work is a frevunsn.
Wednesday, March 19. the regis- hour on any cycle starting either tion, as
ton; Robert E. Weaver, Lexington;
a whole showed an interest
AlphaoeUwI Schrdule
The floor space, which is to be 160
trar's office announced this week. Tuesday or Thursday;
that has not been exhibited on the Carolyn Long, lyric soprano, will feet by 112 feet, will be large enough and George T. Williams. Frankfort.
AU of the above groups will regisIn releasing the examination meeting fourth hour on any cycle campus since sometime before the
Pledges are selected from all colappear as soloist on the Sunday for two practice courts or one tourter in both the Armory and Union
schedule for all colleges except law, starting either Monday or Wednes
57 new mem
leges of the University on the basis
Miss Betty Seay, '47 Pershing Rifle according to the following alphabetiAfternoon Musicale Series in Me- nament court.
classes meeting fourth war." He added that
the registrar's office emphasized the day;
bers paid their club fees on election
swim- of scholarship only. A three-poiIncluded in the plans are a
sponsor, was presented at the unit's cal schedule:
fact that any conflicts in the sched- hour on any cycle starting either day.
morial hall at 4 p.m. Sunday, acming pool 82' i feet, by 35 feet with standing for one quarter, an average
Tuesday forenoon:
ule must be reported to that of- Tuesday or Thursday; 5:00, classes
Brock issued the following state- cording to an announcement by Dr. a gallery for 550 spectators, and vari- standing of 2.7 for two quarters, or fourteenth annual ball, which was through Z;
by the instructor of the courses. meeting ninth and tenth hours; and
ment on the day after the election : Alexander naniirsi hpari nf IHa ' ous office, dressing lecture, equip- an average standing of 2.5 for three held in the Bluegrass room of the P through R; 11:00-11:- S; M through
is indicated, however, that classes 7:00, night classes.
"I personally was disappointed in music department.
quarters, are the requirements for Student Union on Saturday night.
ment, and storage rooms.
meeting on any cycle starting on
O. Tuesday afternoon:
the number of veterans who partici-naie- d
Captain E. A. Cheek crowned the through L:
Frank D. Peterson, University membership.
either Monday or Wednesday take Wednesday. March 19:
Miss Long made her professional
H through J:
in the recent election I feel
precedence over classes starting on classes meeting fifth hour on any
comptroller, stated that the building
miscellaneous H throueh
Kappa Alpha TheU candidate,
m Baltimore while studying
should be completed in approximateeither Tuesday or Thursday, and cycle starting either Monday or sure that Mr. Hancock feels thedebut Peabody
Speaks Was selected from the 13 sorority Z. Wednesday forenoon:
same way about it. I do ask that all 'at the
Conservatory of Mu- - ly 15 months.
classes meeting the ninth hour take Wednesday;
classes meet- veterans mho supported my candi sic, where she was awarded a scholand independent nominees in
precedence over classes meeting the ing
new students (group I):
Present for
sixth hour on any cycle starr- dacy and the Cleanup ticket panic! arship to study voice for four years Governor Willis, the meeting were To
closed ballot election held on Fri-jd- new students (group II) ;
tenth hour.
chairman; Richard
ing either Monday or Wednesday; pate as wholeheartedly in the future under Frank Bibb
and opera under C. Stoll, Lexington; Harper Gatton, Of
through O 'forr.iertidents:
classes meeting sixth hour activities of the club as they did in Ernst Lert. In
her debut she sang Madisonville; Mrs.' Paul G. Blazer,
With the exception of the College on any cycle starting either TuesC throueh D. Wednesday afThe other candidates nominated
the election. We of the Cleanup tic- the leading role of Letitia in the (Ashland; Jolin C. Everett, Maysville;
of Law, the final examination sched- day or Thursday; and
A through B: and
Dean D. V. Terrell, of the Col- -i in this first post war election were: ternoon:
classes ket congratulate Mr. Hancock and premiere of
Menottl's humorous T. H. Cutler, Frankfort; Edward C.
ule for all colleges follows:
miscellaneous A through
meeting the seventh hour.
his fellow officers on their election opera, "The Old Maid and the O'Rear, Frankfort; Grover Creech, lege of Engineering, recently cho Alice Hall, Aloha .Delta Pi; Ray Z.
Monday. March 17:
sen director of District 9 of the Ford, Alpha Gamma Delta; Doris
Law Exam Schedule
and sincerely hope that the coining Thief."
meeting first hour on any cycle
Louisville; R. P. Hcbson, Louisville; American Society of Civil Engineers, Hill, Alpha XI Delta: Jean Henry.
Regular classes will begin ThursFriday morning, March 14: Trial year will show more and better benestarting either Monday or WednesShe has appeared with the Balti- J. N. Smith. Eddyville; Frank D. spoke on the alms and purposes of Chi Omtga; Pat Thompson, Delta day, ilarch 27. and the last dale tha-- .
Trusts; Bibliography fits for all veterans on the campus. more Symphony Orchestra under Peterwm. (secretary-treasure- r;
classes neeting first Procedure;
and the society, and discussed current Delta Delta; Jean Sherman, Delta a person can enter an organized
hour on any cycle stctrtkig either (M).
Sideline Comments
Reginald Stewart and entertained President Donovan
business at the meeting of the In Zeta; Monie Newman. Kappa Delta: class Is Monday, March 31.
Tuesday or Thursday;
Saturday morning. March 15
0. class- -'
- the armed v to, ces ac.( camps hospiOnlookers' comment on the hurlydiana section at Indianapolis, Febru Gay Hushes, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
s meeting second hour on any 'Cytals, and naval training stations.
Cred burly and traditional Kentucky-fie- d
Contracts I; Contracts I;
ary 28.
Anne Carter. Zeta Tau Alpha; and
To Choose
cle starting either Monday of itors Rights.
campaign Tuesday ranged from "it ' According to press releases, she
Professor E. B. Pehrod, head of Alice Hockensmith, Georgia' PorV
classes meeting
is said to possess a voice of unusu17: stunk" to "I thought it was amus
- mann. and Naomi Duncan, Inde- - 'iYuintrfc (Vioon
the mechanical engineering departany cycle starting Crimes II; Evidence.
second hour on
ally warm quality, of wide range
ment, attended a meeting of the pendents.
either Tuesday or Thursday: 5:00, Tuesday morning,
One lady veteran sta ted. when and great expressiveness.
American Society for Testing Mate- edition of the
March 18:
Former Pershing Rifles Sponsors I The flrW post
classes meeting eighth hour on any
Sunday' "Pragram
. Unnual epflneer.111
asked what her reaction. to the elec
In Philadelphia, February
dance will b
Constitutional Law; Constitutional
included Julia Johnson, Peggy Shir-day; and 7:00. night classes.
tion was, "The Veterans' club elecme flam mate, Louise Weisenburger, Mildrea neia Saturday mgnt. Marcn Z9. in
mncipai speaker at
Assisted by Kenneth Zimmerli at
Law; Bibliography:
meeting was E. A. Condon, director craf t. Audrey Forester, Elizabeth the Bluegrass room of the Student
Wednesday morning, March 19: tion, what'd they elect?" Another the piano Miss Long will present
Tuesday, March
veteran, not quite so fortunate as the the following program: "Chanson
of the National Bureau of Standards. Barbaux, and Mamie Mattox.
'Union building, the College of En
meeting third hour on any cycle Property I; Corporations.
lady, who must have dozed throueh trieste," by Duparc; "Nell," by
Mr. Condon, who has taken over the
anStudent Council
office since the end of the war, outit all. stated. "It stunk, cheap poli Faure; "Tout Gal," by Ravel; "Arl-ettnounced yesterday.
Enforcement of the
Music for the dance, a yearly atby Vidal; "Mi chlamano
rule in 11 campus buildings will lined and praised the war-tiMen tory besides it kept me awake in his
traction of pre war years, will be
from "La Boheme," by Pucci- begin tomorrow with approval of of the department, and discussed in Brooking Places
provided by Bill Snyder and his orA veteran in law school summed ni; "Pace, pace, mi Dio," from "La enforcing procedures by the Board particular new developments in radio
his opinion of the melee by stating Forza del Destino," bv Verdi: "I of Trustees. The action to prevent and calculating machines.
chestra from Cincinnati. The band
Students who purchased tickets
has recently been heard in Cincinin the
that whereas
Edition Of Who's Who formerly ran forwould-b- e politicians Love You," By Grieg; "Love's Phil- smoking Student buildings was taken Founded National Standards civil
for the Veterans club's proposed
many years ago by
by the
nati's "Lookout House," and it feaor al- osophy," by
band dance may return the
President Herman L. Donovan, derman, they now run for president at Czarske-Sell- ," Quilter; "The Statue ciation and was Government Asso- engineers to standardize all measapproved by Presby Cui; "The
won tures June Black, vocalist, and the
Edward Brooking,
tickets to the club office for re- Dean W. D. Funkhouser, of the of the Veterans' club.
Step Weigand instrumental trio,
urements used in civil engineering second place in thesophomore,
Another male Clock," by
first post-wfunds. Vincent Spagnuolo, chairman Graduate School, and Mr. Victor R. vet philosophically mused, "Just as of Spring," Sachnowsky; and "Floods ident Donovan and the Board of work, the society has since expanded
by Rachmaninoff.
state oratorical contest held Satur- heard daily at 8.15 a.m. over the
of the dance committee has stated. Portmann, assistant professor of long
Columbia Broadcasting system.
as they keep on sending that
In the third of four parts of the The following buildings will be to encompass every branch and day night.
"The bands that the dance com- journalism, were among the well
Admission to the
we don't
for smoking by students phase of engineering and industry.
mittee had selected for a spring known persons whose biographies $65 a month president have to worry, program, Mr. Zimmerli will play
won by James F. event Is $1.50, rouple or stag, and
First place was
of the club is. "Scherzo," by Charles Griffes.
and faculty members: Frazee, White, ASTM specifications are now the York, a Berea College student, who
dance were unavailable until after were included in the 1947 edition of whoever the
tickets will be on sale in the en
criteria on which all methods and
A prominent campaigner for the
June graduation," Spagnuolo added, "Who's Who in the South and winning
The next musicale will be Sunday, Miller, Neville, Kastle, Norwood,
represent the state at an in gineering quadrangle thruuKh today.
ticket looked longingly to March 30, when the University Barker, and Pence halls, the Ad results of measurements in the will
attempts to
some of the Southwest."
terstate contest to be held in April
whlcn time toey wlU go on'
the day when campus elections will Mixed Chorus and Orchestra pre- ministration building. Alumni gym, United States are based.
bands for an available date were
gai,, i the Union.
Prof. Penrod is secretary of the in mansion, xu.
all pattern themselves after the re- - sent Brahms' "Requium," with Dr. and the Agricultural building. Smok
queen Will Preside
Brooking, a University veteran,
affair. He Capurso directing. Two performan- - ing will be permit tea In the offices committee on physical properties of
A queen will be selected, to
thinks the campus needs "more ces are scheduled, at 4 p.m. and 8 and rest rooms of the respective insulation materials, which has to do spoke on "Shadow Boxing with
over the ball, and she arvt
with standards, and methods, of Democracy." On Friday night he
bull, more loudspeakers."
Mann Is New Seven Women
measure of such values as vapor gave his speech at a regular meeting her six attendants will be presented
The following men won the elec- A $5 fine will be the penalty for
permeability, specific heat, thermo- - of the Optimist club. He was chosen to the campus during the dance,
The Women's Fine Arts society tion. in addition to Hancock as
ofviolations for
conductivity, t h e r m o diff uslvity, to represent the University in a The regal party will be selected from
The faculty of the College of Law
seven students at ceremo- - j ident, each in office on the laurels
Teams Debate student suspension fromthe first
all classes emlssivity, reflectivity, and
contest with other students held women students in the engineering
announce Uie appointment of Ar- ies. Tuesday, in the Union.
of the United ticket, which polled
the remainder of
last week.
nett Mann, Bloomlngton, Kentucky,
They were: Joan Rehm, Lexlng- - 286 votes for Its candidate for presl-toIn Opening Tourney for the building where the quarter
as Student Editor of the Kentucky
Jo AnnTalley. Louisville; Mary dent over 237 for the Cleanuppers:
meanor occurred for the second
Iw7.Journal for the Spring Quarter, Carolyn Carver, Somerset; Virginia C. Hoge Hockensmith Murphy. Irvine Of Speech
offense, and a third offense will
1946-4Stephenson Jessie, Lexington; Jo
bring a forfeiture of University
Teams representing eight Ken- privileges entirely.
William Coldiron, Greenup, Ken- Ann Range, Winchester; Ann Eng- tral City, secretary; Ben S. Calvert,
tucky, will continue as Business lish, Lexington; and Mary Jo Fish-bac- k, Georgetown, treasurer; William Bag- - tucky high schools opened the 1947
The SGA judiciary committee will
gett, Paducah, chaplain; and Wil- Central Kentucky Speech Festival
Orlando, Florida..
be responsible for determining guilt
liam Champion, Lancaster, sergeant
with a debating tournament Thurs- or innocence of accused persons.
Members of the faculty, staff, or stuWith $1,688.01 in the WSSF cam- Dr. Lysle W. Croft, director of day at Frazee hall on the Univerdent body may report violations to pus treasury to date the first reports proached giving $44, and PI Kappa Student Fellowship: and Section
personnel and Dr. Thomas O. Clark, sity campus.
the committee, which will recom- of "Operation University" results Alpha, with 32 members solicited D, Hillel Foundation and Baptist
head of he history department, were
All other events of the regional mend punishment or exoneration have been made for the UK com- giving $44. Contributions from other Student Union. Section D held
elected faculty advisors.
Two-Wee- k
festival will be held on the campus to the dean of men or dean of mittee by Charles Boggs, publicity fraternities were: ATO, $31.50 Lambwith contributions totaling
If. in the spring a young man's of Eastern State Teachers college women.
da Chi Alpha, $30; Zeta Beta Tau, $130.53. Section A reached $114 in.
fancy turns to politics, he'll have a in Richmond Friday. They include
The drive for funds, which ends $29; AGR, $18; and Sigma Nu. $11.05. Section C, $100.50; and Section B,
Dr. Clay Campbell Ross, profes-t- SGA has announced that any
tough time living up to the pace set oratorical declamation, interpreta
$25 V). Hcports for town soUciralions
sor of educational psychology at I""1
changes desired in the organization officially at noon tomorrow, to aid Fraternity donations total $255.80.
by these men.
tive reading, poetry reading, radio
Wniripn'tt Rpiripnrt Mvtntr a re are incomplete.
Uie University since 1926, died at
material in the SGA Student Direc- foreign students was aided by $62.80
reading, radio speaking and extern- tory should
tlie Good Samaritan hospital Satbe mailed or phoned to made Monday night when the UK ported by Millie Jotinson, chairman, I
Special Gifts
; poraneous
Mary Hilleary Bryant, 166 East womens' varsity basketball team de- tnows Jeweu nau at tne top wiwi ; WeniVJ Pmindstone. in
urday night after an illness of two
Other regional speech tourna- Maxwell street, Sh2425, chairman feated Eastern State Teachers col- 83 persons solicited giving a total of I toUi solicitation, reportscharee of
ments are scheduled in eight com of the directory committee, before lege women's varsity with a score of 8.60. Boyd hall was first in per gjf
Born in Church Hill. Tenn., June
the following groups: S
munitles throughout the state dur-In- g the end of this quarter. The com'
in the UK womens' first exgiving with 67 persons solicit- - fcy. ,27 ,7. student 3;u. Asooctvion.
2. 189C, Dr. Robs was the son of the
the month preliminary to the blned Student Directory supplement hibition game.
ed giving $67.40. McDowell house
late John Rogers and Mary ElizantWn club $15. Lea, Cf
state speech finals to be held on the for the winter and spring quarters
Howard Stephenson and Jchnny
second m per capata giving jmen Voters. i0; Worn s At.Wic
beth Darter Ross. He received the
University campus April
will be published soon after the be- - Crockett,
of this year's with 16 pirls giving $16. Fourteen Associate.
degree from Carson-NewmA.B.
and Phi Beta $5
Participating schools in the de- glmiing of the spring quarter.
campaign, announced that solicitors sbuueuia ai rui&iue resilience gave
college in 1914, the M. A. degree
ha've contributed
bating contest at UK yesterday were
are still reporting at WSSF head- $11.50, and 56 women in Patterson
from the University of Tennessee in
PHALANX . . . will meet at 12
Frankfort, Georgetown,
quarters in the YWCA office and hall gave a total of $36.19.
1916, and the PhX. degree from
noon, Tuesday, April 1, at the Bowl. Athens,
Faculty and staff contributions
Paris, Stamping Amy
a complete round-u- p of the drive will Hoge Hockensmith
Columbia university in 1925.
INTERDENOMINATIONAL LENand Robert have not yet been totaled. SudenU
not be available until the end of the Flege,
A veteran of World War I, Dr.
TEN TEA FORUM . . . will meet at Ground. Winchester, and Wllmore. To
in charge of solicitation of who have not donated are urged by
Ross taught at Furman university
p. m., Wednesday, SUB. The Rev. Each school may be represented by
men's dorms announced that Kin-ca- drive leaders to make their contribu-tlo- s
and also may enter alSororities Donate $43
and Iowa State college before comJames M. Llchliter. rector of Eman- two entries the tourney.
Beauty Contest
hall tallied $43.65; Bradley.
at the YWCA office in the S'u-deing to Uie University 21 years ago.
uel church, Webster Groves, Mo, ternates in
Eight sororities have reported with $41.10; and Breckenridge. $38.88. In
Union. All coorioutions will
According to the rules of the
will speak.
Amy Price, 1947 Kentuckian beau- a total of $430.45. The
Church Deacsn
of the barracks. Joel Ungerleiter in recorded and the student given be
event, teams came to the tourna- ty queen, was
asked yesterday after- which 40 members were solicited charge, 50 persons solicited gave receipt.
EPISCOPAL HOLY COMMUNHe was a member of the American
ment prepared to take
at 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, affirmative or negative either and noon to represent Ashland in the gave $134.50. Alpha Gamma Delta $52.90.
Association of University Protesside
"Miss America" beauty contest this was second with a total contribution
tors; Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa
Residence Totals
drew for sides and opponents pre- year.
of $75. Kappa Kappa Gamma, with
Delta Pi, honorary education fraDISCIPLE STUDENT FELLOWliminary to the opening of the conThe total for women's residences
63 members solicited, donated $64.
ternities; the Kiwanis club; and
In a letter from Wayne E. Allen
SHIP . . . will have a supper-lectutest. Each eliminated team debated
is, to date, $219.69, and for men's
the Calvary Baptist church, of which
meeting at 6 p.m., Sunday, at at least three other teams before of the Sandy Valley Grocery Com- Alpha Delta Pi gave $60.
March 28
pany of Ashland, Miss Price was
was a deacon. He was a
Forty members of Kappa Alpha residences, including barracks. Is
Central Christian church.
eliminalon. At the end of the third
Dr. C. C. Ross
in the Young Businessmen's
The next ecltior. of The KerKENTUCKY ARCHAEO LOGI- round only those teams which won congratulated on her success in the Theta gave a total of $40. Twenty-nin- e $176.45.
members of Aloha Delta gave
Town solicitation, headed by Vinnel will be In your mailbox
CAL SOCIETY . . . will meet at all or two of its debates continued recent UK beauty contest and asked
Friday, March 28. All orgaiu-zatioDr. Ross is survived by his wife, E. S. Ross, Powell Station, Term.; 7:30 p.m., tonight in room 201 of in the debating. After that, as any if she would represent her home $26.70 and 38 Zeta Tau Aphas gave cent Spragmiolo and Charles Burton
town, Ashland, and the grocery $22.25. Donations from eight mem- was grouped into four sections. Most
sons, Clay and W. T. Ross, Weiscr, Idaho.
Mrs. Vera K. Ross; two
Pence hall. "Shell Mounds in the team lost its second debate, it was
havwtf news to subnur.
bers of Sigma Delta Tau totaled $8. of the soliciting was done by memFuneral services were held In the Tennessee Valley," a film record of automatically eliminated and the re- - company.
Campbell Ross Jr., and John Newshould turn it in to The Kernel
Fraternity giving was headed by bers of the following church groups:
Ross, all of Lexington: two W. R. Milward mortuary chapel, the excavations directed by Dr. W. ' gional winning team was the one
news room. McVey hall
When interviewed yesterday Miss
not later than 5 p.m..
risters, Mrs. Russell iWier, jtiiiox- - conducted by the Rev. T. C. tcton. S. Webb, head of the Department of which survived. Final results were Price stated that she had not yet Triangle, with 43 members solicited Section A, Westminister Fellowship:
vale. Tenn. ; and Mrs. Juusuu lay-j- l
ttrs in the Lexington ceme- - Anthropology, will be shown for stu- - not available at, press time last decided whether to accept the offer gave $48.25. Second place was shared Section B, Wesley Foundation and Wednesday, March 26
by sat. with the 55 members ap Canterbury club; Section C, Disciples
mprip hv llpr.
1nt unrt the penpral nnhlir

Spring Registration
To Begin March 24

United Ticket Is Winner Trustees Vote
In Vet Club Election
On Fieldhouse














Phi Eta Sigma
Takes 16 iMen




Examination Schedule


Carolyn Long
Will Present
Sunday Music




Seay Chosen

PR Sponsor





















1- -2



Smoking Ban
Is Elfective
On March 15

Tickets For






24-2- 6.





In State





off-lim- its






Journal Editor

pres-pledg- ed




Education Professor Dies

WSSF Reports $1,688.01 At Press Time,
Campaign For Fiinds Ends Tomorroiv








Wo-lank- rd


2-- 5.

Enter National


Tri-Del- ts.



Next Kernel

* oesi isopy MvaiiaDie
Page TwS


rrsuB'nrD wrrKLY DOKOta
school tbkm
Pat Bubnett





at tL


PoFt Otric





Tom Duncan
FRrnrmcit Nichols
Jack Sokwtlle ....

at Oitafton, Kentucky, M

cisss BifrUet uoarr tha Act of March 1,



Irroollfut Pros Aasoelatkm
. ton Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
national Editorial Association



O. C. Halyakd

Janfv J