xt7cz892c023 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz892c023/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1990 1990 1990-09-04 2020 true xt7cz892c023 section xt7cz892c023  

Kentucky Kernel

Underage drinking, fake IDs target of board

Special Projects Writer

The Alcoholic Beverage Control
Board is gearing up to curtail under-
age drinking and the use of fake
identification at Lexington bars as
students return to UK.

The ABC’s GRAB program.
which started 11 years ago, is de-
signed to stop the use of fake IDs.

“We’re actually going to start
GRAB soon, very soon,” said He-
ward Kinney, enforcement supervis-
or for the ABC Board.

Kinney would not say exactly




when or where GRAB would start.
in fear of jeopardizing the program.

“Officers from this department
serve asclerks in liquor stores, serv-
ers in bars. and in the course of serv-
ing discover persons attempting to
purchase alcohol illegally," said
Catherine Staib. general counsel for
the ABC.

Because of the high under-21
population at colleges, the GRAB
program is oriented towards college
communities, like UK.

“We have jurisdiction in all
counties, but this program is used
most frequently in college commu-

Tuition-setting policy
undergoing review

Senior Staff Writer

Student leaders at UK don‘t think
the state Council on Higher Educa-
tion will change the tuition—setting
formula, a policy which a commit-
tee is considering revising.

Although the formula —- which is
used to set tuition at the state‘s eight
public universities —- has been criti-
cized, representives from UK and
elsewhere testified before a CHE
tuition review committee last month
on behalf of the formula.

“It‘s not perfecr," said John Elder,
a UK student

“The whole point behind it is that
we need more financial aid," he
said. If they do raise tuition, we
must have an equal or greater in-
crease in financial aid."

Added support for financial aid is
crucial because the tuition policy
does not consider other school-
related fees, he said.

“They aren‘t considering the cost
of room and board and the cost of
books and all those other fees," Loh-
man said.

But UK interim President Charles
Wethington said a tuition increase
should be avoided if at all possible.


and govemmen-
tal affairs coordi-
nator for the
Board of Student
Body Presidents.
But it‘s
good because it
considers low
per capita in-

Student Gov-
emment Associ-
ation President
Sean Lohman
said the commit-
tee could make formula revisions to
raise tuition.

“They need more revenue," Loh-
man said. “They want a slight tui-
tion increase. (But) I don’t know
that changing this formula is the
way to go about getting more reve-

Lohman said the formula looks
“at the average benchmark institu-
tional tuition, compared to the per
capita income of Kentucky and they
come up with the tuition for the fol-
lowing year."

Student leaders do not oppose a
tuition hike if financial aid is given
equal added funding.

“Our whole thrust is that no mat-
ter how it's set that financial aid
keep pace with tuition,“ Elder said.

Lohman, who also chairs the
board of student body presidents,

Opening of the
Lemon Tree
204 Erickson Hall

Julie Green-
well stars in
satirical UK
play ‘The Fan-


Review, 6

Campus Calendar ............... 2
Sports ................................. 3
AP Briefs ............................. 4
Diversions ........................... 6

Viewpoint ............................ 8
Classifieds .......................... 9

“They need more
revenue. They want a
slight tuition increase.
(But) I don't know that
changing this formula is
the way to go about
getting more revenue.“

Sean Lohman,
SGA President

“I think low tui-
tion is the best
form of financial
aid," Wethington

Many students
may be discou-
raged by higher
tuition, hc said.
Then, prospective
students would
not investigate fi~
nancial aid possi-

Wethington and student leaders
support how the current formula
considers Kentucky’s per capita in-

At the hearing, Lohman suggested
that if per capita income were not
considered in the formula, tuition
would be better set at the individual

“It depends if you attach per capi.
ta income. then a central council on
higher education is the most effec—
tive system (of tuition setting) be-
cause they take all the institutions
into mind," Lohman said. “Once
you stop (considering per capita in-
come) you might as well have
the institutions set their own tui-

The committee plans to hold three
public hearings in October. The first
is Oct. 15 at the University of Louis—
ville, followed by hearings Oct. 17
at Morehead State University and
Oct. 22 at Madisonville Community

Efforts to resolve

Associated Press

Baghdad balked yesterday at al—
lowing more airlil‘ts of foreign hos-
tages. and Western govemments ex-
pressed fears that Saddam Hussein‘s
government did not intend to fulfill
its promise to free remaining wom-
en and children captives.

Diplomatic efforts to resolve the
month-old Persian Gulf crisis ap-
peared to have bogged down as
well. United Nations Secretary-
General Javier Perez de Cuellar met
yesterday with Jordan's King Huss-
ein in Paris after returning empty-
handed from talks with lraq‘s for-
eign minister.

President Bush returned to Wash-
ington from his Maine vacation
home, with only a few days to pre-
pare for his summit with Seviet
President Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
The two are to meet Sunday in Hel-
sinki, Finland and discuss the crisis
set off by Iraq‘s Aug. 2 invasion of

nities that are wet mainly
through the school year,” Staib said.

Targeted communities include
Lexington, Richmond, Morehead,
Bowling Green and in Northern
Kentucky, Staib said

Among the places monitored by
the ABC are bars where people ages
18 to 20 are allowed to enter but not
to drink.

“We think everyone should be 21
to enter a place that serves alcoholic
beverages,” Kinney said, “but we‘re
stuck with that (law allowing people
18 to 20 in some bars).”

Undercover agents will look for

underage drinkers with friends who
buy alcohol for them at these bars,
Kinney said.

“If a person of age gives to them,
we cite them for unlawful transac-
tion with a minor," he said. “If we
actually see a waiter or waitress
serve to them, we cite the establish-

Mack McFarland, bar manager at
Two Keys Tavern. said the legal
drinking age is stringently enforced
at the popular campus hangout.

“We‘ve got the strictest doorrnen
in town," McFarland said. “They’re
instructed to take any fake IDs. I've

got a whole stack here and we peri-
odically turn them in to the ABC or
the police."

Claretta Lahr, owner of Coliseum
Liquors, said she doesn‘t see as
many fake IDs as in the past, but has
seen many people without any ID at

“it's a felony to change your 1D
or have a lake, which is why I really
don't think there are that many
around, because you can get in such
big trouble for it,” Lahr said.

She said her store, at the edge of
campus, has cooperated regularly
with the ABC’s GRAB program for

two years.

“Last time, they were here for al~
most five hours. and I think they
caught two or three people trying to
buy without IDs," Lahr said.

Kinney said fake IDs are still
prevalent. despite a decline in their
use after an alcohol-related automo-
bile accident that occurred on carn-
pus almost two years ago, killing
one UK student and leaving another
paralyzed. A fake ID was found on
one of the students.

“We’ve seen a big decline in the

See ABC, Page 7




ONE DOWN, TEN 1'0 60?: UK Coach Bill Curry shook hands tollowlng Kentucky's season-opening 20-17 win over Central Michigan
at Commonwealth Stadium, which gave Curry his first win as the Wildcats' coach. For related stories, see Sports, Page 3.







Fans, baked beans and sun part of tailgating

Contributing Writer

Fried chicken. baked beans, and
hot sun.

Sounds of Cawood Ledford and
practice cannon shots wafting
through the air. And plenty of multi-
equipped vans parked side by side


In advance of the superpower
summit, the foreign ministers of the
European Community nations
planned to meet in Rome. ltalian
Foreign Ministry spokesman Gio-
vanni Castellaneta told reporters
yesterday the l2-member EC would
be considering Bush’s request for fi-
nancial support for the U.S.-led de—
ployment of forces to the gulf re-

Secretary of State James A. Baker
III is expected Friday in Saudi Ara-
bia for talks with exiled officials of
the Kuwaiti government, which like-
ly will center on the same subject -
the cost of the military operation.

In the occupied emirate, diplo-
mats at 30 embassies continued to
defy lraqi orders to close their doors
and get out. The diplomats have re-
fused to do so because it could be
seen as implying recognition of
Iraq's annexation of Kuwait.

The lO~day~old standoff was tak-
ing its toll. East Germany says its

on the grass and gravel next to Com-
monwealth Stadium.

This was the scene Saturday as
the UK football season opened.
Fans came out in f orce. hours before
Central Michigan and UK began
play, in a rite of fall -— tailgating.

Tailgating, :1 popular unofficial
sport, brings thousands of people

into the parking lot to prepare tor
the game.

Preparation, however. seemed to
consist of two different schools of
thought. Some, such as Laurie Hill,
made the gathering a true picnic.

She coordinates a large group of
tailgaters. They make their party a
potluck meal. including tried chick-

en, beans. pi7/1i. and other to W"
picnic foods.

The other group shuns awziv t’otri
cooking of any kind. Pat Mitchell :1
UK tan, said: “No one u ants to
cook on game day."

Both groups agreed. however. that


Gulf crisis appear stalled

envoy was grabbed by lraqi authori-
ties and taken to Baghdad when he
ventured out of his embassy. The
missions are ringed by troops, w1th
power, water and telephone service
cut off. Inside, the envoys and the
citizens under their protection were
ninning out of food and water and
sweltering in l20-degree tempera-

The punishing Mideast climate
also increased the misery of thou-
sands of refugees, mostly Arabs and
Asians, who flooded across the bor-
der into Jordan.

At a refugee camp at Shaalan. 24
miles east of the Jordanian border
post at Ruweishid. a slum city of
desperate Asian refugees has sprung
up. Jordanian authorities will not
process their entry until the refu-
gecs’ governments guarantee rapid

“it‘s like a piece of sandpaper
from horizon to horizon, with scor-
pions and snakes," said Jim Nuttal.
coordinator for Save the Children

who has been noticing wrth the rcl'u-
gees. “Thcv dcxpcratcls nccd tents.
transportation. mod. water and med-
ical care."

During the weekend. hundreds oi
foreigners ~otiic ol whom had
been detained .it M‘v installations as
human shields .igzirnst potential at-
tack .A made their way out aboard
three separate flights from Baghdad.
the lraqi capital

But yesterdat. Britain and France
, which had sought permission to
send in planes to pick up more
Westerners a said the airlifts were
apparently on hold.

Saddam promised last week that
all the foreign women and children
captives could leave. but Saturday‘s
flights were the only largt‘sscalc de-

The French Foreign Ministry indi-
cated yesterday that Iraq \(‘I condi-
tions for landing rights for a French
plane to repatriatc women and chil-
dren. The Minisuv said France
would not meet the condiuons, and


it did not way what the ci‘lltilllt‘lW‘

"lratii authorities have once again
gone back on their position." minis»
try spokesman Daniel Rcmtird \‘illli
grinilv lie denounced lraq‘x efforts
to “complicate, slow down and
make more difficult" the return of
the remaining women and children

Remard said the Iraqis had initial-
ly approved landing rights for an
Air France Airbus, which was to
pick up 200 women and children
Wllh cxu visas. about one-fourth of
them French.

Bntain‘s Foreign Office said yes-
terday that British diplomats in
Baghdad were considering the pos~
sibility of largoscale overland evac-
uations as uncertainty grew over fu—
ture airlifts.

“ObViously our interest is in get-
ting Bntons out as qmckly as posSI-
ble." said the spokesman. speaking
anonymously in keeping With cus-

See GULF. Page 7


 2- Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. September 4,1990



Inlormatlon onthbcdendarotevents lecolecteatromthe Student Activities. oneezosmsiudem Center Urwersityot Kentucky. Theflormotlonapubhhedaeuppledbvthe
MbeMedmndtheStudeMAmmb-Ottbewsmwmowam 00W


Wednesday 8/29

OSeminar: 'The Design,
Synthesis 8: Application of
Nucleotide Photoaffinity
Probes'; Free; Med Cntr MN
263; 4PM

0 Meeting: Rhodes & Marshall
Scholarships lnfo Session;
Free; Gaines Cntr; 3pm; Call

Thursday 8/30

0 Meeting: Fulbright Graduate
Scholarship Info Session;
Free; Bradley Hall; 3pm; Call


Tuesday 9/4

0 Exhibit: 'Six Year Invitational
Retrospective'tthru 10/9);
Free; Arts Place; 9am-423Opm;
Call 255—2951

- Exhibit; “Works of Rebbecca
Simmermacher”; Free;
Rasdall Gallery Student
Center; 9-5pm

Thursday 9/6

- Movie: 'Bom on the 4th of
July‘; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call

- Auditions: UK Dance
Ensemble; Free; Barker Hall
Studio; 4-6pm; Call 7-4267

0 Musical Theatre: 'The
Fantasticks'; $1258; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8pm; Call 7-4929

Friday 9/ 7

0 Movie: 'Bom on the 4th of
Iuly‘; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call

- Movie: 'Pink Floyd The Wall;
$1.95; Worsham Theatre;
Midnight; Call 7-8867

0 Musical Theatre: 'The
Fantasticks'; $12,$8; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8pm; Call 7-4929








UK’ 5 Student Activities Board presents the work of Rebecca Simmermacher in the

Rasdall Gallery. This exhibit consists of several canvases splashed with brilliant hues of

acrylic paint. The gallery is conveniently located on the second floor of the Old

Student Center’next to the candy shop. Keep your keen eye out for the various

changing exhibits that will occur thoughout the school year.



. Other. Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;5:50pm;

Call 255-8566
Meeting: Cyling Club; Free; kaopm; Call 233-

- Meeting: SAD Contemporary Affairs Committee
Meeting; Free; Sudem Center 228; 5:30pm; Call




- Religious: Hoty Eucharist; Free; St. Augistine's
Chapel; 5:30pm; Call 254-3726

- Religious: 'Encounter'; Free; St Center 205; 7pm;
Call 2759533

- Religous: NCZ; Free; Newman Center; 7:30pm; Call

-Religious: Fellowship at Christian Athletes; Free;
502 Woodland Ave; 9pm; Call 0-6556

THURSDAY - Religion: Nae; Free; Newman Center. 6pm; Call
.Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center; 6:50pm;

Call 255—8566


- Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Center; 9.11:30,
5 A 8:30, Call 255-8566

- Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; 3 Augistine's
Chapel; 10:30am; Call 254-3726

- Religious: Holy Eucharist at Fellowship; Free; St
Augistine‘s Chapel; 5:30pm; Cell 254-3726



0 Workshop: Day of Percussion;
Free; Concert Hall; 10am; Call

OMovie: 'Bom on the 4th of July';
$1.95; Worsham Theatre;
7:3()&10pm; Call 7-8867

0 Movie: 'Pink Floyd the Wall';
$1.95; Worsham Theatre;
Midnight; Call 78867

0 Musical Theatre: 'The
Fantasticks'; $12,$8; SCFA
Recital Hall; 3pm; Call 7-4929

Sunday 9/9

0 Movie: 'Born on the 4th of July';
$1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7pm;
Call 7-8867

- Musical Theatre: 'The
Fantasticks‘; $12,$8; SCFA
Recital Hall; 3pm; Call 7-4929

0 Exhibit: 'Images of Appalachian
Coalfields'(thru 10/21); Free;


UK Art Museum;Noon-5pm;
Call 7-5716


Horn-compo .ForMnthomaUnNedtyDe nt tomdieentrieeontheCdenda Can Cmm
WNofluMnMWMaNMm portme ' 0 I’ll


Friday 9/7

OSports: UK Volleyball at
Brigham Young: Mizuno
Classic; Noon-8pm

Saturday 9 / 8

0 Sports: Wildcat Football at
Rutgers; 7pm

0 Sports: UK Volleyball at
Brigham Young: Mizuno


Tuesday 9/4

- Other: Opening of the 'Lemon
Tree' restaurant; $4.50; 204
Erickson Hall; Noon—1pm;
Call 7-1675 (open Tuesdays
and Wednesdays)


Wednesday 9/5

0 Academic: LAST DAY FOR

Thursday 9/6

0 Other: Right Weight Diet
Program Intro Session; Free;
Med Center annex 218;
5:30pm; Call 7-3052

Monday 9/10

' Other: Kung—Fu/ Karate
(beginner classes); Buell
Armory; 6:30-8:30pm; Call



Join the UK Cycling Club. Meetings every Tuesday 9:30 pm.
For more information call 233-7438. Also, Check the Weekly

Events in Campus Calendar.


OMeeting: Black
Student Union;
Free; Student
Center 124; 3pm;
Call 269-4869

OMeeting: UK
Cycling Club; Free; ,
9:30pm; Call

0 Other: Opening of
the Lemon Tree'
restaurant; $4.50;
204 Erickson Hall;

0 Exhibit: 'lmages of


“The Wall'


Coalfields'(thru 10/ 21); Free;
UK Art


- Exhibit: ‘Six Year Invitational Retrospective'(thru 10/9); Free;
Arts Place; 9am-4z30pm; Call 255-2951

Pink Floyd


week at glance

wedn esday
0 Meeting: SAB Contemporary 7—31 91
Affairs Committee Meeting; -
o : A T DAY
Student Center 228; 5:30pm; $32813;MLE§T OF
'Meetmg: Student Government AND/OR HOUSING IN
Assoc; Free, 7:30pm; Call ORDER TO AVOID


Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call

0 Movie: 'Pink Floyd the
Wall'; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; Midnight; Call

0 Workshop: Day of
Percussion; Free; Concert
Hall; 10am; Call 7~3l45

eMovie: 'Bom on the 4th of
July'; $1.95; Worsham



0 Movie: 'Bom on the 4th of
July'; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 730&10pm; Call

0 Auditions: UK Dance
Ensemble; Free; Barker
Hall Studio; 4-6pm; Call

0 Musical Theatre: 'The
Fantasticks'; $12,$8; SCFA
Recital Hall; 8pm; Call

0 Meeting: Fellowship of

Christian Athletes; Free; 502
Woodland Ave; 9pm; Call

OMeeting: UKANS(UK

Association of Nontraditional
Students); Free; Student
Center Patio; 5-7pm; Call

0 Other: Right Weight Diet

Program Intro Session; Free;
Med Center annex 218;


0 Other: Kung-Fu/ Karate (beginner classes); Buell Armory;

6:30-8:30pm; Call 277-5929





 SI ’01 x’ '1 ‘8

Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, September 4, 1990 - 3

In ‘perfect’ game, Cats pass first test

It was perfect. really.

Some called it the terminal modi-
fier “ugly,” some conceded with
“not pretty," others. those that invar-
iably see the bottom line under all
the subtle nuances floating above
simply called it a win.

Really. though, UK’s football
game Saturday was perfect The
well-coached Central Michigan Uni-
versity came to Commonwealth
Stadium yearning for victory and,
man for man, they were a lot bigger
and more experienced than UK.

And the Chippewas gave Bill
Curry’s first UK team the kind of
well-executed competition they
needed in their first game. In the
process UK was given a realistic
perspective on what it has to do to
beat the big teams in the Southeast-
ern Conference.

That kind of competition, of
course, was not expected. With the
excitement and anticipation of Bill
Curry’s system and the talk of a
strong preseason, media and fans
expected UK to blow out CMU.

(I must admit here that I was one
who wrongly predicted a blowout.
But unlike all the Kentucky sea—
soned sports hacks, I have an excuse
— I'm young and stupid. Besides,
one reason I do this, rather than med
school, is because sports writing is
the only business where you can get
paid to be consistently wrong. You
can't beat that.)

The Chippewas, however, sucked
it in and gave the Cats a wake-up
call. Brought them down to earth.
They let UK know, Curry or no Cur—
ry, .hat the UK team is still young
and there is still much work to do.
“That was a better team than I had
even thought of in my most omi-
nous look at them," said Curry.

But, in the words of all those peo-
ple deplete of babble and nonsense.
a win is a win. The Cats did what
they had to do when they had to do
it. The scenario.

After UK blocked a punt to set up
fullback Al Baker’s three-yard
squirt into the end zone, UK‘s de-
fense collapsed. They allowed two
consecutive, ostensibly easy scoring
drives. End of first half: 14-7 Chip-
pewas. The Cat fans, in the space of
some 40 minutes, went from exuber-
ant to disappointed, some probably
even cynical.

The Cats, however, came out in
the second half wholly determined,
especially quarterback Freddie Mag-
gard. Maggard seemed to have a
look in his eye and a field presence
that said, “We will win, ifl have to
do it single handedly." He proceed-
ed to throw, with a soft, though
strong, touch, a fading scoring pass
to John Bolden in the comer of the
end zone. After a 50—yard field goal,
UK had a lead that it never relin-
quished. UK showed a sense of
toughness and determination that
lacked in the past. Perhaps the domi-
nance of desire over fear is what
the Curry influence is all about.

Some assorted goods and bads
from Saturday:

The defense’s ability to rise to the
occasion. Junior noseguard Joey
Couch, who may prove to be the
kind of sacking and tackling mon-
ster UK needs on the defensive
front, blocked a punt on CMU’s 29
that set up Baker's touchdown. Big


play. Couch also laid CMU’s talent-
ed quarterback Jeff Bender on the
turf twice, to account for both UK

Then there wm Randy Holleran.
l-Iolleran produced two defensive
plays that secured the UK victory.
Both came on quick blitzes that left
Bender helpless. The first big play
left Bender flailing a pass to the
ground as he was falling to the turf
— intentional grounding. The penal-
ty knocked CMU out of field-goal
range, and kept UK’s lead intact.

In the next series, Holleran clean-
ly attacked Bender again, this time
scaring the quarterback, who wasn’t
about to throw the ball down again,
into tossing a strike right into UK
bandit Jeff Brady’s hands (finally
those strange defensive names make
sense). That one pretty much sealed
a UK victory.

second quarter was a scary one for
UK‘s defense. Granted, the Chippe-
was‘ offense was executing well,
but holes were opening up on the
line and in the defensive secondary.
Defensive coordinator Larry New
will have some screws to tighten
this week.

Pelfrey lined up 50 yards from the
goalpost for his first collegiate at-
tempt. He would have liked his first
to be a little easier, but he had been
drilling field goals from 50 yards
consistently through the preseason
and the pregame warmups. He put
his head down and booted it well
it was straight, but would it have the
distance 20 years later it fell right
over the center of the goalposts.
Good for the seventh longest field
goal in UK history. Also good for
the SEC play of the week.

Pelfrey was literally beaming af-
ter the game. A perma-grin, induced
by a piece of football glory, chiseled
across his face. “It was the longest
kick of my life." he said blushing a
bit. “It seemed like it took an hour.

.. It was a dream come true." Now

the Cats know they have a worthy
successor to Ken Willis, currently
with the Dallas Cowboys, who
served as Pelfrey’s mentor.

ugly. Maggard threw strikes to re-
ceivers who wouldn’t hesitate to let
the ball slip through their hands.
The momentum of the opening drive
was ruined by three consecutive
dropped passes. It‘s simple. The re-
ceivers have to catch the ball before
Curry’s pass—oriented offense has a
chance to produce.

Johnson was quiet Saturday, but he
showed, in a remarkable, diving null
and void catch outside of the end
zone and in a smooth, sliding, drift-
ing 33-yard third-quarter punt return
that he is there for the big play.

GOOD: UK won, and a win is

Bob Norman is an English senior
and a Kernel sports columnist.




ANDV COLUGNON e’e'wai S21“

FIRSTS: Al Baker lunges forward to score UK's first touchdown of the '90s Joey Couch blocked his first punt to set up the score The Cats
beat CMU 20-17 for the first win under coach Bill Curry. The biggest first. however, was Douq Peltrey‘s first collegiate held goal of 50 yards

Couch blocks punt, leads way to UK win

Assistant Sports Editor

When the tidal wave of blue yer-
seys poured onto Commonwealth
Stadium Saturday attemoon, it was
no coincidence
that No. 48 was
leading the pack.

As the red-
faced cr0wd of
57,550 rose to
their feet when
the flood rushed
on, it was clear
that the man in
front had come
[oplay- COUCH

But the Cats, staggering their way
through an uneventful first quarter.
didn‘t find the spark needed to pro-
vide everyone with the expected
trouncing of the Central Michigan

Then something Similar to a mira-
cle happened. Joey Couch. who‘s
never blocked a punt in his life.
came through the Chippewas‘ front
line untouched. He saw nothing but
daylight between himself and an un—
suspecting Dennis Nicholl ~-
CMU‘s punter.

“It kind of surprised me when I
came free," Couch recalled after

“It was like.

UK‘s 20-17 victory.
‘Golly, I can block a punt.‘
time ever."

But Nicholl’s kick, which ap-
peared to be destined to be refunded
back in his own face, cleared
Couch’s outstretched hands by inch

Joey still hadn't blocked a punt.

Not one to give up easily, howev-
er. Couch knew another chance
would come his way and next time.
he was determined not to come
away empty-handed.

When his next opportunity did
come along, Couch remembered the
path he took previously.

“I lined up on one side of the cen-
ter, then I shot the gap on the other

. when I went to the other side
there was no one there to pick me
up. That was our game plan, to go
in like that. They kept telling me all
week that I should come clean," he

And he did.

Once again he raced untouched up
the middle and once again there was
Nichol]. This time, though, when he
left the ground in a Superman-like
leap. the ball met his outstretched
arms and ncochcted into the sky.

Couch blocked his punt and UK
had the ball on the 3-yard line. The

Cats scored on the nest play and
eventually won a hard-fought game

“I guess i was gtust ill the riitht
place at the right time.“ he and
"We‘ve been working on that all
week and i lost executed whill the
coach told me to do."

Besides the blocked punt and the
other near~miss. (‘ouch added Linc
tackles and two sacks to his credit
Not bad considering the mitt that
Couch not only played on defense.
but also sen ed on \pCCldl towns in a
game which \QW tield-lcwl temper-
atures near 200 decrees.

That son of eifori gets the atten-
tion of his teammates who under-
stand that touch. who weighs 7‘5"
pounds. is playing against v,lllc‘ll\l\t‘
linemen who iisudllt w‘citjh :7?
pounds or more.

“I guess on paper \ou can took .it
Joey Couch - and l was opposing
teams will look .it turn its an .111-
dersized nose guard." \dld defensive
tackle Jody Matthews

“1 tell \ou what. .locv\ got .i 't-ii
of heart. Elos got .1 great sense of
where the hall is.“ \l‘dtlllcws \illtl.
“He‘s qmck .ind acts around those
offensive tiiiciiicn faster than I‘ve
ever seen .in‘ibmly. llc tomes up
With the big play."

Randy Hollcran. who lead lTK‘s

tlt‘lcnsc Willi il Lit‘klt‘s .2‘ a line‘-
titickcr. \;l!tl hc noticed l‘outh \ t’fll
us well

llc L‘l\"‘\ i ll) tqucnt cynr‘» tiiic
no out there and lllul \ sonit‘llllnl
)t‘llWC got to haw from your ifclcn-
\lh,‘ :.ncmcn.' lltiilcmii \llil
‘lhm is bigger. wit cipcct I'icin m
Like .: 't‘rcak r r Liki- . (le wit nut
Allh .ioci \oti don‘t we t‘iat.

('truth didn't qun l‘ut he did hay.)
to :cht oil \ome ice .ramp in the
second halt :hut he l‘elicved
tit-.ii-rclutcd. But it‘s at those l.lllL‘\
when .i player looks back on the
cnth‘cxs lliltlfs tit _’tln(llll(lnlnll loin:
before the \‘LLsUll began.

is CFC

'T‘htit -. when {Olltllilnlllllil mines
in and we fought through 1;. I: was
~cr\ hot." he \Lll'tl. ‘liwrybody clsc
knows ll that was iti Commonwealth
Saturday . "

(‘urry was impressed with MC
sponsibility (‘ouch feels for his foot-
bull tcaiii.

“He‘s on all the special teams :1-
runs down he llt‘ltl .iiitl \lllrlsnt‘s
lX‘UplC, llc‘ FUsht‘\ Illt‘ l‘tlsst'r
lust a great addition to the iootball
team.” (‘urri \dld.

llk' \

Volleyball team sweeps past first three opponents

Managing Editor

The UK volleyball team opened
its season in perfect fashion by cap-
turing nine straight games in three
matches to win the Kentucky Kick-
off Klassic this weekend.

Four of the six
players named
to the All-
Team were
Wildcats, in-
cluding most
valuable player
Laura Linder.

However, UK
coach Kathy De-
Boer found her
team far from 0.305"
perfect after UK barely escaped
Sunday’s championship match
against Central Michigan University
15-“, 15-9, 16-14.

“After the first two matches
(against Tennessee Tech and West
Virginia), we were feeling very
good about ourselves, but this one
gave us a whole list of stuff to work
on," DeBoer said.

UK won all three games Sunday
but struggled to control the middle

of the floor against a much smaller
Central Michigan squad.

“One of the areas that we need to
work on is middle blocker transi-
tion," DcBoer said. “We should
have done a better job against this
size of team. We have to learn to
capitalize. .

The Cats found themselves trail-
ing most of the final game because
they were unable to control the mid-
dle and committed a few unforced
errors. But two consecutive blocks
by Angela Salvatore and a kill by
freshman Betsie Aldridge tied the
contest at 14.

“It‘s great to see young players re-
cover from a mistake and go after it
like that," the UK coach said. “An-
gela made some major blocks at the

The game ended on a sour note
for Central Michigan, as UK‘s last
two points came on net violations
called by the referee — the last be-
ing conu'oversial.

CMU's senior outside hitter Patty
Mitchell was called for a net viola-
tion as she spiked the ball to the
floor on UK's side of the court. The
net violation gave UK the victory.

“I was disappointed on how this
match ended,” said Terry Robbie,

the Central Michigan coach. “We
were right in it. I disagreed Wllh the
call, but the ref has to do what the
ref has to do."

Although Robbie was ObVlOUSly
disappointed With the way the
match ended, she was pleased Wllh
her team and the tournament.

“We saw teams from different ar-
eas of the country," Robbie said. “It
was a great chance to see Kentucky
early in the year. We can use this
match as a measuring stick, because
Kentucky is usually in the Top 25."

Although Linder was named top
player of the Klassic, she attributed
the award to her team.

“I owe this honor to the team,“
the senior setter said. “They really
were the ones who played well and
made it easier for me to get the sets
out to them. It's hard to say that I
deserve it because it is a team sport.
We went out there and won it to-

Along with Salvatore and Cathy
DeBuono, freshman (‘arin Zielinski,
who was the only Wildcat to see ac-
tion in every game, was named to
the All-Toumarnent team from the

“I wasn't surprised." DeBocr
said. “All through the preseason.

she has been nothing but impres-
sive. Laura Linder was named to
the it‘ll-Tournament Team her
freshman year. and l think that we
mightyust have somebody with that
kind of talent."

Other players named to the All-
Toumamcnt Team included West
Virginia‘s Cathy Folgcr and Central
Michigan‘s Shelley Harrah.


-During Saturday's game with
Central Michigan, UK junior
Yvette Moorehead suffered a knee
injury. DcBocr said that she would
be out for a few days but could see
action in this weekend matches at
the Mtzuno Classrc.

oFonner UK volleyball player
Lisa Bokovoy was honored during
Sunday‘s match for being named to
the GTE Academic All—American
team in 1988.

-This marked the fourth consecu—
tive time that the Wildcats have
won the Kickoff Klassic.

The last time UK lost the Klassic
was in 1985 when they finished
second to Fastem Kentucky Univer-



‘t't ‘l.l.l‘l\’li:\l.l. lil‘lSl'ljl'S 7'

Kentucky Kickoff Classic



(thllly iftllgt‘l‘
Shelly Hm‘nlt
Allgt‘lil Stilititoi‘e
(‘zitliy llcliiioiio
(_‘:ti'iii Kieliiiskii
Laura Linder

l'K (it'lintls Tonnes-su- Twit
l‘iititih. Mu ll];

13K (felt-tits West Virginia