xt7cz892c10g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7cz892c10g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1998 1998 1998-09-15 2020 true xt7cz892c10g section xt7cz892c10g  



—~ -—~.-



News Of
The Weird

Too attached
to your work

About 25 employees
of the meticulously
maintained Boston Public
Library grew so close to
their work that they had
to use the city's grief-
counseling services in
August after a burst wa-
ter main flooded a build-
ing and soaked 50,000
cartons of books.

Said a library execu-
tive to a Boston Globe
reporter, “It‘s a process
just like when someone

One employee com-
plained of nightly panic
attacks in which she had
recurring dreams of the
flooding but couldn't
save the books.

Poor excuses

Tony Faulks. 39, was
convicted in July in
Sioux Falls. 5.0., after
police found $1,300 in
marked bills from a rob~
bery in his underwear.
He said he doesn't trust
banks and thus always
keeps his money down

Siut Cheng, attempt-
ing to get out of a
speeding ticket in July
while hauling a van lull
of lobsters. allegedly
tried to offer the New
Jersey trooper a bribe
of five lobsters.

Former Nazi camp
guard Jack Reimer, tes-
tifying at his citizenship
revocation trial in New
York in August, an-
swered charges that he
had fired his gun into a
group of Jews in Trawni-
ki. Poland, in 1941 by
saying he shot them. but
he thought they were air
ready dead.

sort of

In July, three men
linked to the Republic of
Texas separatist group
were arrested in
Brownsville. Texas, and
charged with conspiracy
to use weapons of mass

According to the FBI.
they had threatened
several state and federal
officials, and their most
ambitious plan was to
shoot President Clinton
with a modified Bic

The lighter, filled
with air instead of
propane, would have
fired a hypodermic nee-
dle, out of which would
be shot a cactus thorn
that had been dipped in
anthrax or botulism.

The attorney for one
of the men called the al-
leged plan so “cocka-
mamie" that the govern-
ment should not take it

- Source:



8r 6.;

Partly sunny Wednes.
day. Rain in the afternoon




News tips?


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September 15, 1998


Helping understand AIDS


Duo speaks tonight about how
friends can help make a difference

By Matthew T. Patton

College students are
faced with a world of de-
cisions, and a few poorly
made can change one's
life forever.

This is the message
two fraternity men have
been sending to more
than 500.000 students
across the nation.
Tonight they will bring
the message to UK.

Their program. ti-
tled “Friendship in the
Age of AIDS," explains
how Joel Goldman's life
dramatically changed in
1992 when he took a rou-
tine HIV-antibody test

and discovered that he
was HIV-positive.

“The saddest part
for me. personally,"
Goldman said. “is that
this isn’t something I
had to get. It‘s not like
cancer or heart disease.
or something predeter-
mined in my genetics. I
got this because of the
choices I made regard-
ing sex and alcohol.“

His experience con-
vinced a friend. T.J. Sula
livan. to join him in a
national speaking pro-
ject to educate students
about AIDS and HIV.

“In the age of AIDS.
we all need to know



.._ “Us ”await .., .1

o.. .ns44u.u‘v..


Jerry didn’t do
so well at the

Emmys Sunday.
Who did? I4


http:l www.kykernel.com


more. we all need to do
more." Sullivan said.
“Our friendships might
depend on it."

Tony Blanton, dean
of fraternities, said he
has seen the program.

“It‘s a very power~
ful, funny program that
addresses the subject of
AIDS and safe sex in a
way that really gets the
message across."

Josh Knipp. Inter-
fraternity Council presi-
dent. agreed.

“The program is bet-
ter than most boring
seminars that you feel
like you have to go to
but never pay attention
at," he said. "Anything
to raise campus aware-
ness about AIDS should
be a popular program."

Knipp saw the pro-
gram at a Southeastern


He’s the hat man
Terry Grossman, owner of The Mad Hatter. showed off his many thousands of hats on display at his store. located on West Main Street.

Gone Hatty

Terry Grossman finds success in serving the students
and people of Lexington with various headware styles

By Brenna Ohlson


He‘s the. man they call. “The Mad


He has sold hats to anyone from Z-
1035 Freak Daddy to George Clinton
and the Pi‘unk All Stars. He operates
about 6.000 square feet of hat-selling
turf in the heart of downtown Lexing-


Terry Grossman. better known by
closer friends as “Tag." has been sell-
ing hats for almost 20 years. and knows

everything about hats.

His shop. The Mad Hatter. located
on West Main Street between Lime-
stone and Upper. has approximately
20.000 pieces of headwear. ranging from
baseball caps to Stetsons. Prices range.
“from five dollars to whatever you can

spend." Grossman said.

With customers coming from as far


“The customer always comes first
here at The Mad Hatter." he said. “Hi
have customers from Florida visiting
for the holidays. I need to have the
straw hats and the summer hats (in
stock). and I do."

Grossman is not a stranger to cus-
tomers from far away. Having one of
the top 20 most definitive hat selections
in the United States. he sees a variety
of customers every day at his shop.

“A while ago George Clinton and
the P-Funk All Stars Were playing next
door. While the fans were lined up past
the front door to get in. I shut my doors
and the band shopped.

“The concert started late that
night. It was from the group being here
looking at the hats.“ Grossman said.

“Many times bands as different as
Run DMC and dc Talk will come in
here." he added. “They may be on their
way to Cincinnati or Louisville to play

away as Chicago, Seattle and Florida.

Grossman always aims to please every


See MATTER on 3»)


Interfraternity Confer
ence meeting and said it
was one of the most pop.
ular programs there and
the conference brings it
back every year.

“It seems that al-
most everyone wants to
hear these two.“ Knipp
said. “They don't preach


Confidential anony-
mous HIV testing is

and talk about how hor- WW“? '0' "9‘ by

rible this is and that is. the Lexmgton-

They incorporate humor Fayette County

in a real powerful man- "93"“ Department
.. and can be reached


The program. at 7
pm. tonight at the Sin-
gletary Center. is spon-
sored by the Interfrater-
nity Council, Panhel-

at (606) zed-AIDS.

Or for testing:
Monday through

lenic Council. Residence p.m. Lexington-
Hall Association. and Fayette C°- ”93““
the Student Government 099“ AM" ,
Association_ 650 NCMOWH PINE

The free event is
open to all students and
the general public.




mule-w .

Friday, 8 am. - 3:30





“I have the hat they are
looking for, they
just need to tell me
exactly what
they want."

- Terry Grossman,
owner, The Mad Hatter


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky.




' )



Rush not

by policy

Fraternities find good things
from alcohol policy in the
way of high pledge turnout

By Jill Gorin
Wham wine:

Although the campus going dry has
some students in an uproar. fraternity rush
has actually benefited front the decision.

“Most fraternities thought at first that
the dry campus would have a negative im-
pact on potential pledges because the image
of fraternities includes parties and drink
ing.” said Marc Klegg. finance marketing
junior anti vice-president of external affairs
for Phi Kappa Psi social fraternity.

But Klegg said the oppoSIte has oc-

”I think that the fraternities worked
even harder to get guys to rush because
they assumed the dry campus would be a
turnoff.“ Klegg said.

The number of pledges this year for fra-
ternities. as a whole. is more than 400. com»
pared to 342 pledges last year. said Dean of
Fraternities Tony Blanton. The largest so-
cial fraternity on campus. Pi Kappa Alpha

109 members had 139, pledges this year.

About 13 percent of L'K students belong
to fraternities and sororities and will prob
ably continue to do so in the future. Blan-
ton said

“The alcohol-free policy hasn't hurt."
Blanton said. "I think it also eliminated
some fears of parents too because more anti
more students talk with their parents be-
fore rushing "

During rush week. Aug 2328. each frar
ternity tried to attract new members by of
ft-ring food and entertainment.

“When I rushed. I was looking fora fra-
ternity with good guys it ho had the same
goals as me .. I was not toncwrnwi about
the drinking issue." said Brian Baker. a
new member of Kappa Sigma \‘(it‘l‘il frater
nity and a psyr hology ,iunmr

(Inc fraternity leader \‘llll the new dry
campus policy didn't affect rush activities.

"We really didn't do anything different
Iy because rushing was dry already. but the
bid party on Friday had to be held off—cam-
pus." said Brian Grote. a marketing junior
and member of Kappa Sigma

And Greeks are optimistic about the fu-

"I feel that the numbers will increase
The alcoholvfrec policy is good because it
gives us a better chance to work with I'K."
said Nathan Blaske. a Tllllillt‘l‘ management
lllilltil‘ and member of Phi I’si " t was a
smart decision. It had to happen."


Blanding I
looking a
bit French

Residence hall gives students
chance to immerse in culture

By Jerry Duncan

If you happen to be \ isiting a friend in
Itlanding I this semester. you might be (It
vetted by the soft tongue of the French lan
guage resonating lll your car like molasses.

Your first lllli:I‘-‘~’~Itill might be that
these are exchancv- s‘udv tits because they
sound . well, From Ii 'Ihey are actually
French majors participating in La Resi
dence Francaisc an innovative residence
hall program aimed at engrossing students
into French culture. said .lell‘rcy Peters. di
rector of undergraduate studies in the
French Department.

The only stipulation of residing there
is that students must try to speak in
French at all times. Obviously. there will
be mistakes. mishaps and moments of be
fuddlement. but so goes the learning
process. said (linger (‘arby. an English and
French senior who has been hired by the
department to oversee the program.

"The convenience alone of having pm
plc around me. constantly pushing them

See FRENCH on 2»)








prove an official impeachment inquiry in the
next few weeks, before the Nov. 3 congressional

Key Republicans said Hyde's panel might be
empowered to go beyond Starr’s investigation of
Clinton’s sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky
to other issues including Whitewater and ques-
tionable fund-raising activities by the Clinton-
Gore reelection campaign in 1996.

But a Democratic congressional aide said De
tnocrats would vigorously oppose such an expan-

Besides censure or impeachment, a third op
tion being mentioned. mainly by Republicans. is

The Low-down

__-, g UK Hospital adds
" is. another helicopter

“ ‘ LEXINGTON — The UK Hospital is adding a '0‘ W


"t. .
"57:," second helicopter to its airborne medical service “‘1'“ with his re51gnation.
" (1* and will base it in the Breathitt County town of 5M...- “V
' 5 Jackson. officials said Monday. "V

Couric laughs at those
afraid to speak openly

NEW YORK -— Katie Couric wants to talk
about body parts that most people would rather
not discuss.

Starting Oct. 1. a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter is Cmnssleeal
- ~ . to be Stationed at the airport in Jackson from 11 leaders. They
- --L ' am. to 11 pm. daily. The helicopter is to he say Clinton
a. ’ '. staffed by two pilots, a nurse and a paramedic. M a”
the hospital said. a “a“.
The UK Hospital is the only toplevel trauma “in“...
center in central, eastern and southeastern Ken and Jim be real.

.._....._-_ W I N...


draft care.

tucky. In a release announcing the expansion of
its air service. the hospital said basing a heli-
copter in Jackson will cut down on the time it
takes to respond to calls for help in the most re-
mote parts of eastern and southeastern Ken-

Kathy Stumbo. vice president and CEO at
Our Lady of the Way Hospital in Martin. Ky..
said the expanded service will boost medical care
in her area.

”All of the Lexington hospitals and the Hunt-
ington (W.V.) hospitals try to be very responsive
to our needs when we have a patient that needs
to be flown out." Stumbo said. “But by the heli-
copter being placed in eastern Kentucky, it can
only improve service.“

The new helicopter. which UK will lease for
$40,000 a month from Petroleum Helicopter Inc.,
is identical to the hospital‘s current helicopter.
which is to remain oncall around the clock at
the UK Hospital helipad.

Lawmakers say Clinton
needs to get serious

WASHINGTON — President Clinton should
stop his attorneys‘ “legal hairsplitting" with In-
dependent Counsel Kenneth Starr if he wants to
save his presidency. say lawmakers preparing to
sift through thousands of documents related to
Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Several Democrats voiced hope Sunday that
they could work out an accommodation with
Clinton, possibly a vote of censure that would fall
short of impeachment. Other lawmakers, howev-
er. said impeachment hearings appeared in-

Rep. Henry Hyde. R-Ill.. chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee that would conduct
the initial hearings. said he believed they were
necessary. “but I want to hear from everyone on
the committee.“

Other officials from both parties. speaking
on condition of anonymity. said it was increas-
ingly likely the Republican-run House would ap-


escrow. NBC
anchor Katie

should not be
afraid to use
the proper lan-
guage to talk

lie-Ian body.

“We have to use the words, say them.
‘Colon.‘ ‘Rectum.‘ ‘Bowels.’ The more matter-of-
fact you are with the language. the more it
helps.“ the “Today“ show co-anchor said in the
October issue of Good Housekeeping.

Couric's husband. NBC legal commentator
Jay Monahan. died of colon cancer in January.
She is anchoring a five~part series on the disease
that began yesterday.

“Too many Americans don't get tested be-
cause they don't want to talk about that part of
their body,“ she said. “You can't be squeamish
about it. It might cost you your life."

The mother of two said her sorrow is still
overwhelming at times.

“When I think about it, it just permeates
every cell in my body." Couric said. “You can
forget about it temporarily. But then the grief
comes like a huge wave and like a horrible inva-
sion of your heart and soul."

Cartoon series on NBC
based on David Spade

LOS ANGELES —— NBC's first prime-time
cartoon series in more than three decades will be
loosely based on the dysfunctional childhood of
“Just Shoot Me" star David Spade.

Spade will provide the voice for the main
character and his father. The comedy, tentatively
titled “Peewee.” is targeted for broadcast in Jan-
uary 2000.

The series deals with Spade's early family life,
including his sporadic relationship with a ne’er-
dowell father who walked out when he was 6.

“David has had this show in his head for
many years. and that kind of personal vision usu-
ally makes for a great animated show,” said
Kevin Reilly, a vice president of Brillstein-Grey.
the producers.

NBC‘s last original primetime animated series
was “Famous Adventures of Mr. Magoo" in 1964.

Fox has had hits more recently with “The
Simpsons" and “King of the Hill."


Poster Sale
Shaaeee Kennedy, a undecided


mml mm STAFF




Continued from paqel

selves to speak in French helps
me a lot." said Andy Cockrell, a
international economics fresh-
man. “As La Residence Fran-
caise grows it will be a better
experience for everybody.”

Adopted from other suc-
cessful ventures at universi~
ties around the country. La
Residence Francaise seeks to
make the learning experience
easy as well as fun.

“It gives students a place to
meet, to develop a sense of cul-
ture. and it is open to the com-
munity so that francophones
(people whose native language
is French) and francophiles
(people interested in speaking
French) can share their knowl-
edge and experiences." said Sa-
dia Zoubir-Shaw. associate
French professor.

Among the activities
planned are French cooking
classes. French movies and a
Mardi Gras celebration,
Zoubir-Shaw said.


La Residence Francaise is a
socially interactive learning at-
mosphere not found elsewhere
on campus. Cockrell said.

“In order to learn a lan-
guage you must do two things:
you must speak and have
fun," Carby said. “That‘s what
La Residence Francaise is all
about. We speak to one anoth-
er in French. We mess up. we
laugh but most importantly.
we learn.“

The official opening of La
Residence Francaise at Bland-
ing 1 was celebrated with an in—
augural party held last Friday.

About 40 people. including
department faculty and stu-
dents, attended.

All of them seemed to
have high expectations for the

Currently there are six
people living at La Residence
Francaise. Cockrell. the only
male living there, said every-
one was getting along just fine.

La Residence Francaise is
scattered throughout the first
floor of Blanding I. Students
interested in speaking French
are invited to come by.









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Do you think Clinton
should he impeached?


“I have been on quite a journey these last few weeks to
get to the end of this, to the rock-bottom truth of
where I am. I don’t think there is a fancy way to say

that I have sinned.”



“No he should
only seek

forgiveness from
God. No one else

ah, I don’t






“I don’t think he
should be
impeached. I
don’t think it’s

should pass any an impeachable
judgment.” offense.”


. ,s


“I don’t think he

think he should should get

be. Just because impeached for

he’s the what he did, but

president doesn’t I think he should

mean he can’t for lying to

make a mistake.” the people.”






Torry Grossiimi showed oft his display of hats let customers to choose troll.


Continued from paqei

a concert and their driver will tell them
about the place."

(lrossman has also sold many hats
to Broadway shows.

Grossman knows quite a bit about
the Lexington area. in January his hat
store will begin it's 20th year in busi~

West Main being the third loca
tion for his shop. (lrossman says he‘s
happy with his shop's current loca

The three-story edifice houses the
immense hat collection. but the area
that customers see, is only a portion of
the selection (lrossman has.

The mid-level. where consumers
shop. is a supplement to the basement
and second-floor areas.

Despite his new location‘s ample
space. there are still frustrations that act
company (lrossman‘s career.

“()ne of the most frustrating pans of
my job is when people come in looking

for a hat. but don't have the patience to
tell me what they want." he said.

“I have the hat they are looking for,
they just need to tell me exactly what
they want."

Grossman has been interested in
hats since he was a child.

When he opened a store with small

selection of hats, he found consumers
complaining about his lack of bat selec-
. He gradually fazed out the other
products he sold in addition to his hats.
and made the store an all~hats institu-

"I found a niche. I liked it. and l
filled it." he said.

Through moving. and changing
fads. (lrossman has kept up with the
chameleon-esque world of headwear.
The affordable prices and atmosphere
make The Mad Hatter the place to find
your next hat.

“We have a variety of hats that
appeal to everyone." (lrossman said.

"We have hats for anywhere from
church to skiing. it‘s just the matter
of the customer telling me what they


up among

National reports say females
binge drinking more than ever

By Laura Janovich

i—H—E DAILV iiiitiutuu

MORGANTOWN. W.\'. - Some college
traditions are ageless: Eating pizza after mid-
night. Pulling alinighters before a big test.

But recent national reports about other
“traditions" , the guzzling of cold beers
with friends or getting so drunk you cannot
even find your dorm room are being seri»
ously examined for the long-term damage
they cause to drinkers and nondrinkers

Nearly half of all college students are
binge drinkers. Binge drinking is defined as
“the consumption of five or more drinks in a
row on at least one occasion.

At campuses across the nation binge
drinking among female students is on the rise

A new survey of college student drinking
recently completed by the Harvard School of
Public Health revealed several factors that
predict which students are most likely to be
binge drinkers.

Among the most important factors were
why more females in the last decade have be»
come binge drinkers. The most general reason
for percentage increase is due to more females
attending college. Sociologists feel that fe»
males are more likely to be binge drinkers
now than 10 years ago because it is more so-
cially acceptable. it is just not guys hanging
out in the bars anymore.

Research also found that members of
sororities are four times as likely to be binge
drinkers compared to other students.

Females that participate in college ath»
letics are almost one-andahalf times more
likely to be binge drinkers. Sociologist haw
found that female binge drinkers experience
at least five or more alcohol related prob
lems. Frequent female binge drinkers are
seven to 16 times more likely than non-binge
drinkers to miss class and get behind in
their schoolwork.

Studies show that binge drinking by fe
males is a factor in 66 percent of student sui-
cides and 60 percent of all sexually-transmit
ted diseases. including HIV. Twenty-six per
cent of women binge drinkers engage in un
planned sexual activity. and i5 percent do not
use protection when they have sex.

WW.I,.,IEE$BAY.mis.m i s




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The Campus Calendar is a weekly publication produced by the Office of
Student Activities. Postings in the Calendar are FREE to all
registered student organizations and UK departments. information can be
submitted in room 203 of the Student Center or by filling out a request form
online at ijW All requests must be submitted
ONE WEEK prior to publication. For more information call 257—8867.




inter Varsity Christian Fellowship Meeting. 7.00pm.
Room 230 Student Center: For more
information call Michelle at 97t ~82i4
Alpha Phi Omega Meeting. F130pm. Room 359
Student Center
Student Social Work Association presents a brown
bag lunch on "Private Practice in Social
Work". guest speaker is Hank Galbraith. LCSW.
I lame-i 2 iSpm. 645 P01
Junior Panheilenic meeting. 930nm. Delta Gamma
“Friendship in the Age of Aids"
featuring U. Salome. and loel
Goldman. 7:00pm Siiigletaw
(enter (onceit Halt. Free admission:
Sponsored by IFC. i’aiiiieiienic. RHA
and $04





(70” Singles tournement. tee off
“at is at :“:-.;uii. laces Creek Cit)”

/ .:
w L ilJI\P

3an5 s;

Psi Chi H‘- . 7.5m biIlOpm. Room 9:31;.
‘ it it 93;) ‘%
t l .h.’ 9‘


itc- r’ti»:-» ,3. j

mnemonic: ‘"

When We Were kings presented by SAB. 7:00pm.
Wustiiiiii Tlieaf i iRE E With Student ID




Family Studies Student Association ,. 3‘
meeting. 6:30pm Room 128 Erickson égfirg
Hail; (iuest speaker and pizza! 33%;,
UK Lambda meeting for ""
Lesbigaytrans people. 7.30pm, Room 231
Student Center


Golf Singles tournament. tee oft starts at noon. Tales

, £9 , Creek Golf Course




FRIDAY 9/1 8

Student Social Work Association kickoff A:
meeting, meet faculty and other :31“%
students. SfiOpm. direttions available 3~ s:
at room 620 PUT


K UK Women‘s Soccer ({3‘ Ml‘mOLlri
' g: UK Men‘s Soccer vs. the Citadel. 730nm.
" ' Lexington. Ki

"”KING CAFE" night at the Martin Luther King
Jr. Cultural Center, presenting Attrilachian
Poets; come for entertainment, music, coffee,
and good company. 7:00pm, Room t24 Student
Center .

“international Night: Come for food, fun, and
entertainment; 7mm, Bradley Hall Courtyard


UK Football vslndidnti. 1.30pm.
Commonwealth Stadium.
iexintiton, KY

SU NDAY 9/20
519315, UK Women‘s Soccer @ Colorado Coile e
(as “'










Not Home
Editor in Chief
Phone: mom I (wait “Waive“






ex case rattles Utah

she had drunk the beer but


Suit alleges
rac1a1 bias

Wayne State University Medical School

' ‘.
I ' v.-
) 'l '1 f I.

“date-rape" drugs are used to

“-3 Police, victim seek answers in Kappa Sigma

incident; DNA of all members to be tested

fey Stephen Spencer


Jlittle cooperation from mem-
bers of a University of Utah fra-
ternity, police say they’re step-
lping up their investigation into
,a probable sex assault at the
fraternity house that may in-
volve “daterape” drugs.

“The only thing that I know
at this point is that there was a
group of boys locked in a room
with the victim while she was
naked," said Salt Lake Police
llet. Heather Stringfellow, who
is assigned to the case. “I be-
lieve people in the fraternity
know who these guys were, but
.are choosing not to tell."

I Kappa Sigma President
‘Jason Ellis assured Stringfel-
low they would cooperate ful-
ly but “that’s not been the

case," she said.

“People involved have failed
to return phone calls and give
statements as promised,"
Stringfellow said. “Since these
Kappa Sigma fraternity mem-
bers have chosen not to cooper-
ate, I'm left with no choice but to
subpoena each member to take a
blood sample and a statement.“

The samples can be used to
match DNA to any seminal flu-
ids on the clothing or body of
the victim. Test results will be
back by the end of the week,
Stringfellow said.

Police are also testing for
the presence of “date rape"
drugs like rohypnol (known as
roofies) and gamma hydroxy
butyrate, which goes by the
street name “Liquid X," accord
ing to Sgt. Don Bell of the Sex
Crimes Division.

The crime of rape becomes
a federal offense if so-called

help impair the victim.

Stringfellow said she might
press charges under the state
rape statute as early as this

The Daily Utah Chronicle
reported Wednesday that an 18-
year-old Utah student went to a
party at the Kappa Sigma house
Friday, Sept. 4, but can only re-
member waking up late the next
morning in a car and then in
the fraternity house with a
stranger’s clothes on.

The Chronicle published a
police source' statement that a
sexual assault had occurred.

The woman did not remem-
ber enough to say if she had
been assaulted, Stringfellow

For the victim's version of
events, please see her letter to
readers published on this page.

In the letter, the victim
talks about how she mixed her
own drinks and did not accept a
beer from anyone at the party.
as far as she remembers.

The Chronicle reported that

Stringfellow and the letter say
although she had apparently
asked for one, she didn’t drink it.

Stringfellow said police are
not charging the victim with
underage drinking.

“It doesn't matter how intox-
icated someone is — if she’s im-
paired, she cannot give consent
and under the statute, that's still
rape," Stringfellow said.

The victim’s letter talks
about drinking going on up-
stairs “because of the cops."

One fraternity member
who was at the party said there
was no drinking.

Police assigned to the party
said there was drinking and that
wristbands were used where
they were, Stringfellow said.

The police had been hired
by the fraternity, she said.

They were apparently not
allowed upstairs and left at
about 12:30 am. The next morn-
ing, Stringfellow said.

This is about the same time
the victim lost her memory, she


Rutgers student abducted from home

Eight others robbed in residence hall tops
night of surprise and terror at college

By Louis C. Hochniaii

- Residents of the Raritan
Gardens apartment complex
remain shaken following the
Thursday night robbery of
eight people and the abduc—
tion of one —- a 22-year-old
university student — from
her Paulus Boulevard home.

The robbery began when
a man held a gun to the head
of the female university stu-
dent as she got out of her car
in one of Gardens parking

lots, Sgt. Tom Selesky of the
New Brunswick Police De-
partment said.

The robber then forced
the student into her apart‘
ment, where he tied up four
people in the apartment and
took an indeterminate
amount of money and jewel-

Three other people en-
tered the apartment and the
robber herded them into the
bedroom, Selesky said.

He said the robber forced
the student into her room-
mate‘s car. in which he drove

her to the ATM at the Rutgers
Student Center on the College
Avenue campus to withdraw
cash from the student’s ac-

Unable to retrieve any
money, he drove into
Franklin Township where he
used a pay telephone.

After completing his call,
he drove to the corner of Liv-
ingston Avenue and Eliza-
beth Street, where he left the
car and headed toward North
Brunswick on foot, Selesky

The student, who was un-
injured physically in the rob-
bery, drove down Livingston
Avenue until she found a po-
lice officer.

Police expect to have a
composite sketch of the rob-

ber today.

One neighbor of the stu-
dent, a Bloomfield College
student who did not want to
be identified by name, said
the robbery has made her feel
nervous about coming home
from school late at night.

“I usually have to walk
through the parking lot late
at night," she said.

“Now I‘ll probably be
running though the parking

She said in the two years
she has lived in the apart-
ments, she has had very little
reason to be afraid, but a few
individuals who moved in re-
cently made her nervous.

“I wouldn‘t be surprised
if it was one of them or one of
their friends," she said.


accused of denying admission of student

By Sara Kellen-Ilene
tit! SOUIli END

DETROIT — Grosse
Pointe Farms resident Nico-
las Lorenzini, 25, filed an
Aug. 14 lawsuit against the
Wayne State University