xt7d251fn998 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fn998/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1909-09-30  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 30, 1909 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 30, 1909 1909 1909-09-30 2020 true xt7d251fn998 section xt7d251fn998 mm.m.wmw a»:

State University of Kentucky.
September 30,1909.

The Faculty met in the President's room in the Gymnasium
Building at 5:30 P.M., those present being President Patterson,
Professors J.G.White, Patterson, Pryor, Anderson, Mathews,

Miller, Mackenzie, Norwood, Wilson, Zembrod, Tuttle, Rowe,Frankel,
Lafferty, Maxson, Stout, Jones, Terrell, Snow.

_ The minutes of the meeting of September tenth were read
and approved. The reports of standing committees were then
called for by President Patterson. The followinn committees
offered reports. u

Professor Anderson for the Committee upon Diplomas and
Degrees presented the follOWing reports:w

For September 16,1909—u

"The Committee,after discussing the meaning of the

Rwort of terms "major" and "minor" studies, as used in the cata—
Cmmittee log announcing work for advanced degrees, voted that no

on work in a major study should be considered as constituting
Dmlomas any portion of a minor study,“ the Committee desiring to

and secure for the candidate research work, so far as the
mgrees. resources of the University will permit.

The Committee then considered seve~al applications
for the Master's degree. Adjourned.


For September 50,1909.

"At a called meeting of the Committee on Diplomas
and Degrees all members were present except Professor
Zemhrod. Mr.M.C.Spradling,A.B. Kentucky Wesleyan,1908,
applied for permission to pursue the following courses
for credit toward the M.A.degree:— Major study,Law;

Minor, History and Political Economy; Thesis, 'A Compari~
son of the Property Rights of Women under the Civil Law,
the Common Law and the Kentucky Laws'. The Committee,
after careful consideration of this matter, found itself
unable to accept law courses for the Arts degree; and
further upon examining the University catalog, could find
no provision for graduate work in the Law School. The
point also was raised whether the University confers the
degree Master of Laws to dollow the LL.B. now provided
for graduates in law.

In connection with the application of Nr.A.C.Elliott,
it was voted to recommend that his Bachelor's degree he
conferred with the class in June 1910, although his courses
may be finished with sufficient credit before the second
term. In the absence of definite information from the
Department of Education, the Compittee Could not assure
Nr.Elliott what courses WOuld be approved as leading to
the Master's degree in Education.

The application of Miss Rhoda V.Class,A.B.'09, major
English, minors French and German, was approved.

' Miss Lizzie B.Hardesty, B.9.'09, applied for permission
to pursue the same courses as Miss Glass for the h.A.degree.
The Committee again felt the incongruity of seeking Arts
degrees on the basis of preparation in Science. Should the
candidate not apply for the H.9.degree to follow a B.S.
degree? If not, the Committee would recommend that such
candidates pursue one year's work in the regular Classical
course as preparatory to the studies leading to the N.A.
degr ee .

Miss Nancy B.Buford,A.B.1904, a teacher in the New




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Minntee of Faculty September 50,1909.


"Castle (Ky.) High School, haC. been studying in absentia
tor the M A. degre 0. Her major is English: minor History:

MDQTF_OE thesis hakespedro and His Influence upon 1.1terature'.
Mmmittee The sec etary has advised this on ndidatc that the subject
Di ”102% of the thess is is too comprehensive, and  - 1

Minutes of Faculty Septembor 50,1909.

The Committee upon Entertainments NonmAthletic reported
that permission to hold a dance in the vanasium had oeen
applied for ear V‘in the session and had been been granted.

DrePryor for the Gommittoe on Student Organizations
roported that his committee was making inquiries regarding
the membership and location of the fraternities of the Univerw

Upon motion the mooting adjourned.

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Secretary of the Faculty.

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