xt7d513tx39s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tx39s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19690128  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1969 1969 2015 true xt7d513tx39s section xt7d513tx39s rrn



Tuesday Evening, Jan. 28,



Vol. LX, No.














Passim Is First Witness
In Maine Chance Suit
A $3 million profit could have chase price of the farm and an
been made in 10 years had Dr. additional $1 million to establish
Arnold G. Pessin and Hex Ells- the center, Pessin and Ellsworth
worth bought Maine Chance stood to double their investment
Farm in 1967, Pessin testified in a decade.
The projected income was
Monday in a $30 million antitrust suit over the sale of the based on 1.5 percent of gross
farm to the UK Research Founhorse sales held there, renting
of stalls for
The suit claims the codefen-dant- s of horses and renting the sales
The Bank of New York, pavilion for other purposes durThe Keeneland Association and ing the
F. Selby Hurst, attorney for
the UK Research Foundation
conspired to keep competitive the plaintiffs, implied in his openhorse sales out of Central Ken- ing remarks that people or groups
other than the named defendants
Pessin and Ellsworth planned may be implicated in the alleged
to construct a horse sales center conspiracy.
Hurst named such racing into compete with Keeneland had
the farm from the stitutions as the Thoroughbred
they bought
estate of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Racing Association (TR A) andits
Arden Graham, who died in 1966. investigative arm, the ThoroughPessin, called as the first wit- bred Racing Protective Bureau
ness in the trial, said his figures (TRPB).
indicated the income from the
He also named the Herald-Leade- r
horse sales center that he and
Co., the First Security
Ellsworth planned to develop on National Bank of Lexington and
the fann would total
a local law firm Stoll, Kennon
and Parke in connection with
Subtracting the $2 million pur the alleged conspiracy.
year-roun- g













Marcie Corcoran (left) of Associated Women
Students met Monday night with University
coeds who have been nominated for Clamour
Magazine's Dost Dressed Cirl On Campus.
The candidates will be judged at 7 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 6, in the Commerce AuKernel Photo by Dick Ware



stantiate his allegations. He
noted that Louis Lee Haggin,

president of Keeneland, was at
the time of the sale president of
the TRA.
Hurst said the TRPB report
has been used to show only derogatory things about Pessin and
that it has been used "to try
to destroy him in this commun-


Hurst said the First Security
National Bank loaned money to
the University foundation to buy
Maine Chance with a larger principal and lower interest than is
normal in such financing.
He accused the newspaper
of attacking County Judge Joe
Johnson, who made it public
that he backed the efforts of Pessin and Ellsworth.
The law firm and one of its
members, Gayle Mohney, were
named for entering a contract
for the Elizabeth Arden Co. to
sell the farm to UK.
Hurst said a bid by Pessin
and Ellsworth to buy the farm
was put aside because they intended to use it for thoroughbred
Hurst said the plaintiffs bid
$1.8 million for the farm on July
27 and were told they would
receive another chance to bid
if their offer was topped.
The following day. Hurst said,
UK offered $1.9 million and the
Bank of New York, the executor
to the estate, awarded the farm
to UK three days later without
notifying Pessin or Ellsworth.



Transylvania's Morrison Hall was gutted by
fire Monday night although firemen and even
several Transy students battled the flames
for several hours. Destroyed along with the
historic furnishings were the college's grades
and records.
Kernel Photo by Dick Ware


Fire Guts Transy Hall
Assistant Managing Editor
Morrison Hall, Transylvania College's stately administration
building and National Historic Landmark, was gutted by fire
last night.
One official said the monetary police and firemen drag the large
loss could go as high as $100,000 hoses up to the building.
because of valuable paintings
Morrison Hall, formerly Morcontained in the
rison College, was designated a
National Landmark in 1966.
The fire was particularly
It was the first academic
costly since most of the college's building in America to be built
grades, records and transcripts in the Greek Revival style. Duralso were housed there.
the Civil War, the building
Six fire units responded to ing used as a
hospital both by
the fire at "Old Morrison" and Union and Confederate soldiers.
at least one fireman was treated
The blaze apparently started
for smoke inhalation.
There was a large crowd of in the basement, but it was imonlookers, but the smoke from the possible to determine the cause
fire was thick enough to keep of the fire last night.
them at a safe distance. At one
No other buildings on the
point, however, students helped campus were affected.












American Legion Asks KUAC
To Investigate SDS Activities
American Legion of
has called on the Kentucky
Activities Committee to investigate Students
for a Democratic Society.
In a resolution adopted by the legion's state
executive committee, the student organization
and "dedicated to
was cited as
the destniction of our present fonn of government by foice if necessary."
The resolution also urged Cov. Louie B. Nunn
to initiate an immediate probe of the student
In a related action, the committee called for
the suspension of students and faculty at colleges in this state when they violate established
rules. The committee also urged college officials
to deny the use of campus facilities to "irresponsible and subversive organizations."



In support of its call for a probe of SDS, the
committee cited a report by FBI Director J.
Edgar Hoover, which said the student group
was at the core of the New Left movement in
this country.
The developments came at a weekend meeting here.
SDS members at the University reported to
the Kernel last week that they are virtually "inactive" now.
The members cited lack of leadership and lack
of issues as reasons for no serious attempt being
made to organize for activity in the second semester.
"It's impossible to get anyone to do anything," one SDS member said. "There are more
liberals on campus than ever, but they're

* KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, Jan. 28,

2-- T1IE


LUV- Let Us
STOCKTON, Calif. (CPS- )Another campaign has been
buiuhetl to lower the voting





For The

Vote-Campai- gns

of the new move- Tl,e M"
mcnt is a Nlct, Hivt" by Sen.
Kirch Bayh
at the Uni- versity of the Pacific, located in

Us Vote.
Stockton, GO miles east of San launched LUV-L- et
Francisco. Hah, a strong proOn the show he asked stih
vote, dents to establish independent
minent of the
urged UOP students to put the chapters across the country. By
needed pressure on Congress to early January there were chapget the age requirement lowered. ters on 207 college campuses and
The student government de- in about 1,500 high schools.
cided to follow up on Hayh's
Previous campaigns have alsuggestion and picked Dennis
Warren, a junior debater, to ntn ways fallen afoul of criticism by
the campaign. A week later, with aging legislator that persons uiw
an appearance on the Joey
der 21 arc too immature. Hayh's
television show. Warren had constitution
revision subcom

(D-Ind- .)



18-Ye- ar







mittee held hearings last year on
a proposed amendment but they
came Just after the student revolt

at Columbia University and died
quietly in the committee.

Warren hopes extensive student lobbying arguing, among
other things, that student unrest is partly the result of the
lack of youth participation in
government can change that.
He expects it to take

Bethlehem Steel
Loop Course Interviews:


10, 1969
What is the Bethlehem Loop Course? It is our management development program for graduates
with bachelors or advanced degrees.
The course starts early in July with four weeks of orientation at our home offices in Bethlehem,
Pa. Loopers attend lectures cn every phase of the corporation's activities, and make almost daily
visits to a steel plant.
Steel Plant Loopers, who comprise a majority of the average loop class of 150 to 200 graduates,
proceed to various plants where they go through a brief orientation program before beginning
training assignments. Within a short time after joining the course, most loopers
are ready for assignments aimed toward higher levels of management.
How about other loopers? Our Sales Department loopers (30 or so) remain at the home office for
about a year of training. Most are then assigned to district offices where they take over established
Fabricated Steel Construction loopers are trained in a drafting room, on a field erection project,
in a fabricating shop, and in an engineering office. A looper's first work assignment is based on
interests and aptitudes disclosed during this program.
Loopers in Accounting, Shipbuilding, Mining, Research, Traffic, Purchasing, Finance and Law,
General Services, and Industrial and Public Relations go through training programs tailored to
their types of work.
Where would YOU fit in? Check your degree or the one most similar to it.
or mechanical maintenance departments of steel plants, fabricating works, mining operations, and shipyards. Fuel and
combustion departments. Supervision of production operations. Marine engineering assignments in Shipbuilding
Department. Also: Sales or Research.
departments of steel plants and manufacturing operations.
Engineering and service divisions. Technical and supervisory positions in steelmaking departments and rolling
mills. Also: Research or Sales.
CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Technical and supervisory
positions in coke works, including production of byproduct chemicals. Fuel and combustion departments, including responsibility for operation and maintenance of air
and water pollution control equipment. Engineering and
metallurgical departments. Steelmaking operations. Also:
Research or Sales.
INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING -- Positions in steel
plants, fabricating works, shipyards, and mines. Engineering and maintenance departments. Supervision of
steelmaking, rolling, manufacturing, and fabricating
operations. Also: Sales.
CIVIL ENGINEERING: Fabricated Steel Construction
assignments in engineering, field erection, or works management. Steel plant, mine, or shipyard assignments in
engineering, construction, and maintenance. Supervision
of production operations. Sales Department assignments
as line salesman or sales engineer (technical service
architects and engineers).

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Steel plant, fabricating works, mining operations, and shipyard electrical
engineering, construction, and maintenance departments.
Technical and supervisory positions in large production
operations involving sophisticated electrical and electronic equipment. Also: Research or Sales.
MINING ENGINEERING Our Mining Department
operates coal and iron ore mining operations and limestone quarries, many of which are among the most modern and efficient in the industry. This 10,000-ma- n
oilers unlimited opportunities to mining engineers. Also:
Graduates are urgerf to inquire about opportunities in our
Shipbuilding Department, including the Central Techni
cal Division, our design and engineering organization.
Also: Traffic.
year we re
cruit loopers with technical degrees other than those listed
above. Senios enrolled in such curricula are encouraged
to sign up far an interview.
ACCOUNTANTS Graduates in accounting or business
administration (24 hours of accounting are preferred) are
recruited for training for supervisory assignments in our
3,000-maAccounting Department.
with degrees in liberal arts, business, and the humanities
are invJed to discuss opportunities in the Sales Department. Some
graduates may be chosen to fill
openings in steel plant operations and other departments.






non-technic- al

NOWS THE TIME TO SIGN UP FOR AN INTERVIEW. And when you register at the place
ment office, be sure to pick up a copy of our booklet, 'Careers with Bethlehem Steel and the
Loop Course." It contains important information
through the Loop Course.


the corporation and your opportunities



An Equal Opportunity Employer

in the Plans for Progress Program




* THE KENTUCKY KEKNEL. Tuesday Jin. 'J8.



First Annual Pop Music Poll Announced

Kernel Arts Editor
The recent Supreme concert

stimulated discussion of taste
In pop music on the UK
Essentially the debate is between
lover of "soul music" ontheone
hand and the "acid rock freak"
on the other, though other type
of pop music also have sizeable
support on campu.

Because we feel this debate
is a healthy sign of interest in

in the arts on campus, thceditors
Deadline for submitting balof the Kernel arts page have lots will be Friday, Feb. 7. Ballot should be addressed to Pop
organized the First Annual Kernel Top Music and Film Poll. Music Poll, Kentucky Kernel,
The ballot printed on this page University of Kentucky. Students
list various categoric such as on the Lexington campusmay use
best group, best vocalist, best campus mail and save six cent.
album, etc. Any categories not
listed may be added in the secResults will be tabulated and
tion labeled "Comment." Thi
announced during the week of
section also may be used to re February 10th. The ballot will
cord any other comment on pop appear in the Kernel today,
music or film, either on the local Thursday, Friday and next Tuev
scene or nationally.

Buddy Miles Lacks Variety

Kernel Music Critic
Buddy Mile has made a lot
of moves in the last six months.
Last June he was with The Electric Flag under Michael Bloom-fielBy late July, Bloomfield
had split and The Flag featured
Miles. During the late fall or
early winter of 1968, Miles formed
The Buddy Miles Express, consisting of nine musicians three
of which were
of the
Electric Flag (Herbie Rich and
Marcus Doubleday, both hom-meare the other two).
Having seen Miles in action
twice (once with and once without Bloomfield), I was most immusical
pressed with his over-al- l
especially his
drumming. So I expected his first
album to be outstanding.
"Expressway To Your Skull"
is somewhat disappointing
fair album which could and
should have been much better.
But the style is mostly vintage
Electric Flag plenty of horns,
tasteful guitar, organ and an
occasional drum outburst and if
you dug and still dig The Flag,
you probably will like this album.
Miles' Voice Dominates
"Expressway" ha only seven
cuts, but they are long and the
album lasts about 32 minutes.
Miles reedy voice dominates the
32 minutes
with its wailing,
screaming, panting and grunting.
.There is not universally speak


ing and taken separat ely a really
bad cut on the entire album.
It just seems that what Miles
has in energy and talent, he
and his band lack in variety.
The album gets off to a good
and appropriate beginning with
"Train" a bluesy tune with a
good beat, guitar, tight horn section and a tremendous bass run.

The second song, "Let Your
Lovelight Shine," is one of the
best on the album and marred
only by Miles' revoltingly sensuous gnints and groan near the
end. There is also a very neatly
riff about the
middle of the song.
Enter iconoclast. The third
song i "Don't Mess With Cupid." I must say that Miles' version is much better than Otis
Redding' s. The basic structure
of the song is the same Miles
and The Express simply put more
into it. But I might add that
"Dock Of The Bay" as an albumis not the best available
example of producing and flawless studio engineering either.

Funky Instrumental
Side one ends with a very
funky instrumental
Mule" which has a slight taste
of Cliff Nobles style in the horn
section but is much, much heavier in every other respect. Unfortunately, it is only on this
cut that Miles really lets go with
his dnims.
Side two contains undoubted- .

ly the most energetic song on the
album a 6:37 version of "Wrap
It Up." Also on this side are
"You're The One (That I Adore)"
a song reminiscent of "You
Don't Realize" on The Flag's
"A Long Time Comin'" album
-- and "Spot On The Wall."
If there must be a "best cut"
on this album, all can say is
the choice lies somewhere between "Train," "Funky Mule"
and "Let Your Lovelight Shine"
all of which elicit the best of
The Express.
And, besides the ubiquitous
horns, 1 guess I should add that
Jim McCarty's guitar is in evidence and a standout on nearly
every cut. He moves in and out
of the
schools with apparent ease.
Maybe on the next album we
could be confronted with a little
more variety, a little more evidence of Buddy Miles' superb
drumming and also someone to
help with the singing.

The Kentucky


The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University ot Kentucky, cms
mtfton. Kentucky 4o5o. Second
paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed tiv tune weemy duringexam
school year except holidays and
periods, and once during the

3 easy ways
to get the

V Zin Codes
write to:


Best Group
Best New Group
Best Vocalist



lies! Vocalist


Best New Male Vocalist
Best New Female Vocalist
Best Musuian(t)

Pel fornici(s)


llcst Songwritcr(s)
Ilest Single Record of


address book.
Call your local Post Office

or see its National Zip


Local Zips can be found

on the Zip Map in the
business pages of your
phone book.
Advertising contributed
for the public good


Ilest Song of 19fi8
Ilcst Album of


Favorite Type of Music
Ilest Local Group
(Lexington, Louisville, etc.)
Sex Symbol


Sex Symbol

Ilest Film of 19(i8
Ilest Actor
Best Actress
Best Director


Mail to: Pop Music Poll, Kentucky Kernel, University of Ky.

Welcome to the
Effleeot Society
Want to help us do something about it?
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note the Zip in the return
address and add it to your


I'ubUfthed by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Yo. UUice Box and
liegun as tne Cadet in ltf
pubiikned continuously as the Kernel
since 1X15.
Advertising published herein is intended to help Uxe reader buy. Any
Ul or misleading advertising shouia
be reported to 'A he tditois.

Film Poll Ballot



Royal Winnipeg Ballet principal
dancer Richard Rutherford perform a scene from Sir Frederick
Ashton's "Les Patincurs." The
ballet company will pcrfonn at
Memorial Coliseum Thursday
night, Jan. 30, as a feature of the
Central Kentucky Concert and
Lecture Series. The program begins at 8:15 p.m. and is open
to UK students with ID and
activity cards.

First Annual Kernel Pop Music Anil





* Volunteer Army

Last week the draft was tailed "a drastic invasion of individual
liberty." The speaker was not a radical student but a U.S. congressHatfield made the charge as he preman, Sen. Mark Hatfield,
sented a bill to abolish the draft in favor of establishing a professional army. He bears listening to.
President Nixon ran on a platform which included a plank calling
for a check into the feasibility of doing away with the draft. Over the
weekend he was advised by another governmental branch to undertake
a study into this area. With all these forces coining together, perhaps
anew and fresh look at the draft will indeed be made.
Hatfield realizes that in order for the intent of his bill, which also
is sponsored by eight others, to be carried out, pay raises and additional benefits will have to be made to attract a sufficient number
of men into a volunteer army. But he recognizes that the present army,
due to the transient nature of its inductees, is already costing heavily
because of its inherent inefficiency.
But more important than logistical considerations are the moral
questions involved. The draft does represent an uninvited intrusion into
the lives of many men, and for some it presents an extreme dilemma
as to the ethical problems involved in serving in the armed forces.
A volunteer army would certainly solve most of these problems.
One word of caution has been raised, however, about the nature
of a
professional army. In order that such a force would
not gain too much power, as could easily become the case, such a
military system would have to bear close watchingby a civilian agency.






'Come Let Us Reason Together!'

'Kernel Soapbox: Selective Service Unjust, Inhuman1

EDITOR'S NOTE: The author graduated
the University in 1965. His article
was originally a letter mailed to his
draft board in Versailles on Jan. 10.

In my haste to complete the form
150 which I recently returned to you,
I had to leave unsaid many things which
I feel deeply and earnestly would like
to communicate to you, if I may have
such power and control over my life, a
responsibility which I' am sure you do
not take lightly, I hope you also feel
the obligation to keep an open mind
and to try to understand, if not agree with,
me and the other registrants whom you
control. We are bound together in a relationship which you entered willingly and
into which I was forced. The ramifications
of tins relationship I have recently made
the dominant concern of my life; I trust
that for yourselves as well there is a
moral issue of continuing concern, an issue which you deem worthy of constant
reconsideration. In other words, I hope
that your minds are open, for it is only
when the mind of one party of a disagreement or difference becomes closed
that violent means of settlement are resorted to.
You will notice that I have returned
my registration and classification cards
to you. I hope you vill take note that
they are not destroyed or mutilated. The
Justice Department can prosecute me as
easily for nonpossession as for destruction
of the cards if you choose to inform
them of my "crime," so it is not with
any hope of avoiding litigationthat I return them whole. It is rather because I
believe that burning or tearing the cards
is analogous to violent action of a sort
which I do not condone. As I pointed out
in the statement accompanying my form
150, violence brings an end to communication between the parties involved. I wish
to keep the channels in all my contacts
open so that a point of mutual tolerance,
understanding and respect, if it exists,
may be reached.
I can conceive of a draft card (and I
think the U.S. government, the Selective
Service System and I are one in this
respect) in no other way than as a constant symbolic reminder of my enforced
subservience to the military establishment. The card itself does not in even
the most insignificant way contribute to
the administration of the draft, but it
remains in the pocket of a man for years,
seen only by him and exerting a slight, but
nevertheless real, psychological influence on him, a sick sort of influence
and one that should have no part in
any society, least of all a purportedly
free one. If nonpossession of a draft
card is a crime, then who is its victim?
No one except the institutional vanity
of the SSS, for carrying or not carrying
such a piece of paper of no practical
purpose (it doesn't even help in cashing
checks) is morally no more nor less a
crime than, and indeed serves the same
purpose as, carrying a handy wallet-sized


photo of Lewis Hershey. The law requiring
possession of a card can only be a means
of the state's inflicting its presence on us,
reminding us of the fact that we are not
really wholly free, else why would we
carry an absurd little piece of cardboard
with us everywhere. It reminds us, so to
speak, of "who's boss."
Carrying (worshipping) a card (cross)
is a religious ritual we must observe to
stay out of prison (get to heaven) if the
National Director decides, on a whim,
to enforce the law. When this National
Director is in a position to play the role
of a whimsical god, then the sacraments
of that National Director become like
pagan rites, and their practice must cease.
It is for these reasons and because of my
desire to assert, for once, my freedom to
think and act as I feel, to test the degree to which my government fulfills its
avowed purpose of ensuring that freedom, that I must refuse to carry these
I have decided definitely to stop playing my part in the unfortunate, and more
than slightly absurd, game which has
been going on between us. For the past
year one of my primary goals has been
to stall the issuance of an induction
order until my 26th birthday. Throughout this time I have known that I could
not serve in combat, but it was a matter
of my own psychology, and not of principle, until very recently. Like every potential draftee. I simply did not want to
go. I regretted and intensely resented
the prospect of sacrificing two years of
a life to which I had finally succeeded
in giving some direction and purpose.
I was assisted in this stalling attempt
by assorted goofs in the handling of my
case. This time proved very important
to me insofar as it gave me a chance
to consider in greater depth my maturing
ideas about the place of violence in my
life and the validity of certain institutions
of our government. Since my appearance
before the Board in September, it has
seemed as if a race were on, a race on
your part to send me an induction order
and on my part to deep things stalled
with procedural matters. I was taking
the easiest way out of the whole mess,
and I now find myself glad that you
"won" and I at last am forced to confront myself and my fears.
By the time I appeared before the
Board on Sept. 9, I had decided that
I would not serve in the Army in any
capacity, but even as late as that time,
my main concern was my own comfort.
While I was in Bermuda in September
and October to gain an extra 30 days
in which to request an appeal, the main
question on my mind was whether to face
prison or leave the country permanently.
Exile would be a great psychological hardship on my family, so I hoped there would
be a way of avoiding that. More and more
I began to believe that I could dodge
the issue altogether, as my birthday drew
nearer. So it was not until I received the
actual induction order on Dec. 6, four
days before my birthday, that, with

clammy hands and nervous tremors, and
after a few days of deep searching and
meditation, I finally made the decision
to refuse induction.
Even at this point I was considering
my own neck and looking for the easiest
way out. Onjan.5, 1 drove to San Francisco with the intention of having my order
transferred to the Oakland induction center, where there are about 20 refusals
every week and a large backlog of untied
cases. There, if I were tried at all (there
would have been a chance that I would
not have been because of mistakes by the
clerk in handling my CO application),
there would be an excellent chance of
receiving a very short sentence or probation. But on the night of the 7th,
the night before I planned to visit the
S. F. Board office, I finally conquered
my fear of jail. I began to feel very
ashamed that, after all my
I still had not found the strength
to face an evil war machine openly and
honestly. That night I drove back to
Los Angeles.
I assume that you did read the statement accompanying my form 150. At the
time I applied for the
I had finally decided that it and a
were the only two classifications that
I could then accept with a clear conscience. Being conscientiously opposed
to fighting, I was primarily concerned
with winning the freedom not to fight.
But now I see that, if I were given a
it would be on the strength of my
ability to think through the moral issues
and express my final position, something
that someone without my intelligence
and education could not do, and the
and the
classifications are therefore
no less discriminatory than the
which I am ashamed of having
It is obvious from my previous statements to you that I cannot bear arms
for any purpose. Therefore, you are assuring me of a prison sentence by sending me an induction order, and denying
me the rights which the SSS suposedly
protects; for one, the right of an objector
to war to perform alternate service. Thus
you make the matter of my support dependent on the taxpayer and deny society
the services which I as a free man can
render to it. In this way you accomplish
. . . what? Several of my friends are aware
that I was seeking a job in L. A. county
as a social worker. Will I be of greater
service in prison? Ironically, perhaps I
will, if I serve with the imprisoned hundreds around the world as testimony to
the fact that war is an unnecessary evil
which can be stopped unilaterally.
I am no longer afraid of prison. I do
not now have a wife to leave behind;
I have been away from my family for so
long that I can feel as close to them in
prison as out; in fact there is very little
that will be hard to leave. The most
difficult thing, probably, will be to leave
work. It is Just when I
find that there is hope to end war and that
I have a place in that work that I am

4-- F

1-- 0,



2-- S

new-foun- d

faced with the inevitable impotence of
prison. But I, at least, will be free, for
I have taken the bars from my mind and
my spirit. Do what you will with my
body, it will never be used against mankind in the cause of murder and destruction.
I do not mean to imply that serving
in prison will be pleasant for me when
I say that I do not fear it. It will be
difficult to face the fact that I am growing older and yet not living; the absurdity of my presumably being rehabilitated from a superior moral position to
an inferior one will weigh heavily on me.
The act of the state to convert me to a
violent way of life by inflicting the violence of prison on me will exert a psychological pressure that I will continually have to resist. The realization that
I am a political prisoner in a free country
will undermine my faith that I am accomplishing anything for the cause of
peace. The debasement of my manhood
by the removal of my free will and by the
heterosexual repression and homosexual
violence of prison will probably have a
lifelong effect on me. It is a high price
to pay for exercising the freedom not to
kill, but the only way to win and to
maintain freedom is by acting as a free
man in the face of repression. If we
insist on our freedom in large enough
numbers, no government, elected or imposed, can take it away from us. This is
the main principle of nonviolent action.
As I said, I am ready for prison if
necessary, but do not want it. So I call
on you to examine your consciences and
to cancel my induction, order in the realization that it can have no conceivable
useful purpose toward acquiring me as
an agent of death, that you remove my
classification, knowing that my conscience makes it impossible for me to
accept any part in the military system,
that you permit me to accept a job
as a social worker here in L. A., and be
of use to my brothers rather than a
burden to the taxpayers. To be completely honest, I will not accept a
classification nor perform alternate service that I would not perform
freely and without compulsion. If given
while working, I would appeal it
and request no classification at all. But
those are abstract, rather than practical,
I have purposely tried to communica