xt7d513tx72w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513tx72w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140312 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 24, March 12, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 24, March 12, 1914 1914 2015 true xt7d513tx72w section xt7d513tx72w , ( »,.
Y 9 Q
. l F ' l
University of Kentucky
- j VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 12, 1914. No. 24.
;;..;... ..___________;__;__________________;_‘i
Anoclnlon of R•gI•trar• Hold Moat- D•f•at Cathollc Gym Tum, 10 to 7, In "—"` Hard Fight Eivery Pnmonl _—t'
’ In. In mchmomn V·_ a mm. nm W". Lack"`. M Mm Gretchen Hayden Ana In mkrnq THIRTY MEN AT w0nK_ No Mmm-y nn to ¤• Had Tun
Rudy to Embark on “Th•t Year 8•y• Ll•ut•nant
. •=on·rv.s•x cottzozs. _ "‘° "'”"”" °' R"' Long J¤urn•y." One or the best squads or early cams".
I Forty-Mx congand umvorsnbs ·"k“ .*"· seasonvbase ball players seen at the —-—
g were represented at the mm annual GOOD chown Pnzszwr. T° ”*”'" wE°““°*V· ?mml_;;merS;ty tozjxiuxcky in ye"! STUDENTS PENS! HO"'
8 WO [lg OU 3 UB l’D10I')' BVOTY ——-—-—
I' .'I}°(‘§2.T§‘,.‘l£.,"£.'i..$`.1`f.2`§Z.".,.$iZZ$‘$.`LZ£   M     »·»-»·»·· Ms sr ~*¤·   rm ~··* ¤r·¤ ··     “ "der    °‘   mZ“;J2f°,F.2‘;21I“Z¥t2$..Z`;Z 1°§.I..T"Z‘§
4 in Richmond. virginia, along with B8.- Thurgdgy gvgn|ng’ by dgfegung {he COIITIEY, Qfldllllé lll the Agrlculturgl WYKUKY \V¤‘i8ht and Athléllc Director many weeks Student. h·v€ Bx-
' sions ot the National Educational As- quintet {mm uw Catholic gym' 10 to com-se' and for Home time engaged Bmmagcl The squad shows B number pressed a feeling of gratitude toward
soclatlon. 7’ on the Auditorium nm"' Despite by me Experiment Sumom wm be of last years varsity men, together Lieutenant Gulllon tor the Inaugura-
A f€8.(\1l'G WIS the $ddI'€BB of DI'. S. the crowded score, tha game was married to Mun Gretchen Hayden, of with B lot of new material. The latter HOD of U18 h0|)S aud hope UIBY will
P. Cm., 0. the ¤.....s sm. emu. ·¤··* =**·s K·=¤*··¤*·y Ms wss mss “""““°“· “°"‘ w°""°“"“’· "'°“"‘°° ‘° "'°"“°° “‘°"’ "°°" “‘°“ be c....¤.....,¤ me your
• or mauosuon, who outlined ways m '°"" "‘ “’“'“ "°"‘· ‘"‘d "‘° ""‘ ‘“"“ This is ° MDW °°t° t° mm muy than my nm year mmm hu pm No Military Ball wul be given this
which [[16 B\lI'8l\l THEY co-operate with had no semblance of system in their frlendl Both have done WML Miss duced heretofore. Much of the new yell? DGCAUBB f.h8l’6 ll abad CIIBCOHI BX-
conoses and universities. p|gy_ Hayden was ln school here for two m¤*¤¥'i¤l hos ¤l¥'€¤dY P¤¤‘Y0¤¤0d H1 fast isung on me dance noon The rules
The program of the Registrars Early in the mst ha"' the Btr°"u°u° or mma yum and is remembered in company and is seasoned and ready to are either too strict or the dancers
meeting included papers by George W. dgfgngivg ggcgjcg of the Gym mam tht! CIEBB I'00mB 88 & gifted and cgpti- do bBUZlB ill (hi? college base ball not strict enough which make. a hard.
Cmnh Recorder of Harvard Univer. ave broke up me Blue gnd www p]ays vatlng young lady ln both musical and world. Not all of the men who made ship on me uno]. committees and
sity, Professor   Tombo. of and {hq Kentucky quintet were never H[8l'8.I‘y work. their letter last year   be able to chaperones M wen.
Columbia University, Walter Hum- gblg go mmm their ugggj good noo]- Mr. Routt ls to take a post in Cana- K8!. B place on this years team with- These hops have furnished untold I
phreys, Registrar otl the Massachu- w°rk` TM permd Bnded m 4 with da in agricultural demcnsmmom out working to their umn. Them wm delight and recreation to the student
setts Institute of Technology, A. H. State at me big end °t uw s°°r°' Miss Hayden plans to go along mo. be lots of competition for every posi- body. They have been attended by
Espcnshadm Registrar of Pennsylvai The Gym gggm cgnunugd than- de. Everything is ln readiness for the trip, UGH Bhd thi? HIGH who Wlu Will have (md music happy dancers and agood
‘ nla State College, A. A. Mann, Regis- f°n°lv° game in tm sewnd p°"°d’ and Friends am bidding good bye and me to may a classy brand of base ban. generous college spirit. They are well
trsr of New York sum College of A8- mgngggd to you (hgh- jone bggkgy couple hBB buf. ODS thing more to do $*011 Field is DGUIQ prepared for Hker as a social function and ought to
"cunur°' Cornell Unlerlityl A- W. The Sung forwgrdg m|gggd uugug]-°ug|$»nd that lB to II18k6 MHS Hayden HITS, outdoor work Bild j\lSt 88 80011 BB (,118 last-
9 Tube"' Registrar of Cnncgie msu- chances for sons, but succeeded ln 1,% Grgvgr (;_ Rguttn weather breaks practice will begin in
mining me", had -1-.+.--;- real earnest on the diamond. The in-  
WW of T6¢h¤¤|0KY» ¤¤d G- O· Foster. Miss Mcchemc I- ed th m t When the Y. M. C. A. wanted a man ned is being mind and leveled and shifted to the outilekl. Curtis Parks
R0K|¤¤‘¤1’ of the U¤|V¤!'¤i\Y of K¤¤¤•¤- cmnnswm game mi :19 Lum nge xd to Introduce physical training into the damage imm.0ved_ A strong af, and Watson are two Freshmen who
_ Sootloosl m06U¤8¤ W€|’¤ hold of tho Scored our of the ten mms M;"98 China, they picked Max Exner, M. D., fort is being made to haye the new in have avowed their lntentions bo make
8\'0¤D¤ ¥`¢D¤"¢¤9¤N¤8 MMG \1¤iV¢¤‘¤i· Mcxemzr and S Bu"; didnhe but then of Kansas City. He speaks Fri- better condition than it has been hem. a place on the teams. Both are good
:;*`;B*°lf;‘r':;’:1*;;*1:: :;:1*;*;; 8*::;*   individual work for the mmm D9 day. 3 p. m. mm-6. New bsmng cages and back °¤*°h*¤8 m¤*°"i°·*· *°`°*' *h° *¤***¤*
The convention was in charge of was prmntl {8 80lDg to Glnphaslze early bgttmg h9·B reported for work thus ful'. H9 ls
President E J Mathews of the UM The Summary; A lily grow an a werden, ms practice to the llmlt. This form or in tho finest physics! condition. follow-
` ` ’ K,,m,,k,_ From me dust or me my street. oorlv nrwioo will wks preference mg Ms W°'k °¤ *h° b**°*°* bm *°¤¤
versity M Texm and the S°°r°t°ry’ Misses Mcchasngy and Tau] _ F It had no thought mst the Universe over oil other work oxosnt the indoor nd W"' ¤°°“ b° is $°°d *’”° bm
I Mary Scott, of Knott College. Miss Hughes     ic Held might was pure and Sweet work for the pitchers and c¤tch6,B_ torm. The keystone position ls being
for? hal;) 1l0;::lin;mc;;;r?v0I:r;;c;:? Misses Holler ond Wood .......... G Thso its virgin Self. so chaste was lt- The battery men will work inside mm; contesrod tor py three or last  
George O. Foster Unlvorsity of Kan; Field g0g]g...M[B8 Mcchesney Ll So p€l‘f8C[ RB retreat. |`6&l WHTHI W€8[hOl‘ (:011193. The only men- Dutch SChI`8.d9l‘, BISCURB
· rust vltepmsldent wmta, Miss Hughes 1, Miss Heuer 1, Mrs., S_ o·¤¢doo·‘ work mov will bo sivoo will B“"°Y “"d "`*“"'°’· ‘* ‘°°” '"‘° **‘°
xsnlphreys Maésachumn; Insmuml Burns L When mgm came down me lily looked bo batting ond some Holding. **"°’“ *h°·* an *h'°° of ***6** mn °¤¤‘
of Technology; Second vice-President, Foul g0als_MisS Mcchosney 2, Miss In the fggg of the gtgrg and gmiled; A few 'of tl1e men who are working noliomfkillwig bl? 18. {QB! 0118. Waters
p_ A_ Dickey, Columbia; Secretary and 'I`¤¤* 2- Miss MoKsovor 5. 'Fhso Woot to sleo·¤—to the sleep or for posluons on the team sm as go;. o u sv; o oy, s t e smmgesticou.
Treasurer E. L. Guns University of Referee and Ump|r&..King_ death- lows: James Parks, Park, Preston, tgstant Of the short stop pos tion.
Kntucky. 'R \v Waltér Registrar of Time of halv6s__15 and 10 minutes. Ag [hg gon] of g littlg chud “r'00dSOII, and Ralph Morggu arg \\ ate}? has plB».Y€d STGBJ. ball Rnd
Lehigh llnlverslty, was rnade Director  *•`°_T` Goes back to be clasp of the Father- the Old men out for puchersl Au éhows promise of better Work this
of Publicity of the Association.     Sou]. these men have been tried out and it ls 56*** thou SVB? b°*°*'°- Tho ¤°9·*`
The zonnowmg neglmm memo YEARLY DANCE ""‘°“°’“"’ ““" ““"°"'°"· b°"""°° “" wm °° “°'° '° °°"”°' "‘° md' °° uw umd °°m°r' i° mm
·   ......   E. J. M.......,   ems pmm. tood S     ss K ss       "’ V °“‘““      
many of Texas; W. S. Wilcox, Buck- A my blogmgd on me hlghwgyb cm., says he ns gsm; to be better than em. old mss Thsso two moo will sooo bo
Mn University; R. T. mm, Virginia Mnk, Anmm. V", hnnomnt Sm., To thetread or the sweeping throng; lf Jimmie is as good as he wss two oovortioz shoot sho sock io fool biz
Polytechnic Institute; H. M. Tlbbetts, Function fo the Year. It bore the gaze of a hundred eyes years ago he wm do` The most prom. léague style. Capmn wmsty Wright
Dartmouth College; E. Jn Bengoughl when burned the mm, of wrong; lslng or me new material for pitchers ~~ 111 hovo s rssulsr srmv of ¢¤¤oi—
Mcnmsmr Umv€r8“y_ F- I- Wolcott Last Friday mgm, in Bunn Armory. And one came by who tore its heart are Thomas, Thompson and Grubbg_ GMBS for positions in the outer gar-
_ ’ ` nh stmnmers of rnd nd men \Vlth a ruthless hand and strong. 'l`h0¤¤oS. U6 of UW Sid¢>Wh€€\6F WPG. d°"S‘ Crunk Abe R°m· C°yw°°d· L°°·
Oberlin College' W` A` Lan"' Hood W I I di H a sg promises to make good. His south. Gllmbeft and Berkshire are candidates
gzgigzosgggg ;T1c:?ri)::;:_B   fniatgsnsut Ioihma dergce $:;:]:2;;   U oousht H0 glimpse of a garden fair; paw arm shows speed and with {rg Mid three swell performers ought to
bm Univemny G. O. Foster Univer- wm not soon be forgotten. The Sem lt knew no other name varied style of delivery ought to bg b€'S9|0Cl€d fl'0m the list,.
` ’ l·`ora world that used and bruised it so puzzling to thi! b9·¢¤¤¤¤¤· Th0!¤D¤0¤ rhs °b°v° named men am oss °
shy of Kansas; J- A. Gunn"' Univer- i0;;s;a;niu:l;ta?gBd’rtwtlue the other 'l`han a world of sln and shame; of foot ball fame, has speed to burn, P¤*`* of tho $Q¤¤d ¤U`€¤dY Oui- Wh9¤
. my of Mans; E` ;°`_G:us’SSm° Um` 8 This Linen awssctw; manned No Ana, hopeless, crushed, its spirit and is working hufd on his control. Work bosios ou tho dismood it is or-
` gornilhivozorufllzxvgsslty; cj   better decorations could have legen Wsssd ms '1`l¤o¤¤vso¤ looks. sooo. Grubbs. §°°;‘;dd **1:* ***° i':;'“*’°;‘v will bg
Albion College; A- G. Hu"' Uuivep had_ The lights and md and green AB U18 BVGDIDK Bh&d0WS Came. lhé prlde of ML Sterllng, ls 3 [all fel- OU 9 - Bi`98 Wh Hg FBS y A11
my of Michigan: A' we Tarball. can com schemes were amused to please now sun an assortment or curves wo his oollsossos s ssoosssful ssssoo-
mgm mamma of Technology; H. the mont careful Obnnrven And who can say but the sheltered one sollw slwéd- H6 is W0¥'ki¤S hard Md —*‘_°'•‘•-—·—
Winston, Umvemny of Virginia; A` H- U the Sopns set much keener on A gulllg-yd newer had been rsmlrun. Reed and (`ruln are the only W. D. Weatherford, Phd., is the au-
Espenshader Pennsylvania Bmw C0'- dancing from year to yo". me Junior llud its home been out on the highway, old men out for the receiving end ot thor of three books widely used among
lege; F. C. Ensign. University of Prom wm be n minor thing in me Clegg the business. Reed has all his old time college men; "Negro Life in the
Iowa; R. W. waters. Lehigh Univer- nodal me of the students. To the path of shame and sln? form. "pep" and talk, and ls right on S0utl1." "Present Forces ln Negro Pro-
, . And the other forever angel whlte the job. l‘rum, who ls also a good gress," and "lntroduclng Men to
(C0¤tl¤\l•d OD P\|0 B1!) Patronize Our Advertisers! Hud lt blossomed sue within? tielder and a strong hitter may be l`l1rist."
Weatherford   Chapel at 7 -00 p m For Men Only
. • O U

2 T H E ID E A 1
’ ‘ W “ I . `  ..,   - ...*, ' .
  ` I “ ‘ i"  1·:   norton   I T `"` "  1·:Aus·r1c Music ”|
Y ' ` ,
  ME AT Lhtldren 5c I, 1 I
”““` HE ORPHEUM H A R ""'"‘”“‘°" ‘°°   ·
l` FIROT-CLAOO IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITANIPIR, Jr., Ownor and Managar. OPIN 10 A. M. T0 1.1 P. M.  
“"' “·'· ··wlneLess·· News wm:. Newman:. U l D·E{~` E E 0 ‘ ` • •
. ,....- - n on ee ama cry on ea. x
Keith Vaudevillc. Tlwrp is H wer;} r“·hhIh mm; Homo. llnless nrtlclm are glvpn tn lh.- ml. 5 4  
_V____ k U 4· T V [ { I Itnr, the nnslntant edlmr or placed In IIN, ·ph,,,.,dM._ h,,fm.,, H Small mp
(ming In gh;. g,ppm;rn;u~0 of the {lling H G HS` wo A r *in::' ian the box lh tllP lTl8ll\ blllldlml bf N"` dlence, nn aoonnnnt nf the on-ed KAIIIP,
& F     grunt RHHHIRH danppn \‘n\’|()\\';\_ {lt HIP l'i**l`l""l"l*l"t' fhg nl: ’HR)rO0: st. R|)P(`l"*'(l lI0lll'. llV'rp la only u Small HAT! NlXf)h pPQkF!, nf l,|\GI'1»lh§P, SVOII
  r   y lh".   uvxt Saturday. rnatlnysp and “p!" tnlkinh Art ‘up0 Og) one ay, (‘h}\\\("(‘ of SHUIP hPlng published- 'h(\ Il|]|()]‘| l)f\("af]’]a'()['y (`()[]'P|l[_ l
K                           \"P     to   f()r       hp      
el mam will 1..- nmlleu to two days. l""l"""""‘_ "‘l"-Hl*` ‘"""°m *"gy""z"" promlsed and from this on we Wlll ar wu;. R ru-mlelrnl gum medal glvpn hy
1·•-45 BENALISCOPECO ·l·|mr,..n.y una I·‘riuny, wllh daily mul- '“""' """""‘l* I"'"` b°°" Mmmm " lh range for publlcatlon the nintrrlal at lh,. sm-l..;,l_ l
JESSE KB$:y:E:·fND " Ima-_ Tun- hlll to In- pr.·s.·m.»41 durlng l·‘l*‘I=F=lI’l*3‘ l**"lI**l** ¤*¤ I>¥`*‘<‘l¤*’lI' NW hm", M HN, sW,(_|m_d hmm Mr- |_mk0_H Suhjmlt was H"` fw
NSATLANTIC mo ""“ “""" "“""""""““‘ '“ " '“°‘"'“’" "" Mm" Symn" bm ”°"`m""g °`":“"r »   V ····»·»~ Milind., -·A can I., A....,._·- ,..,..
TRA · ·.zl·ll t‘ltsl!l fr
Novelty Mmm-. Onerml un that in good ln Ihe vuudPVlllP lim- I'";r°q" Rim eo}: ml rl (gulf; IT Hoy GROUND HOG SAW he performed in great style. L; O
The 1¤··¤¤ MVS- l’“‘*‘ H"“*‘k**"’· __ H Greek marched around Troy und be- excellent contest In the line of decla-
PER$: V;:RA~l   cO·· Wlill Tad U*l`l`8lll*’· lll tall? “U*‘“** Vlgm WOW m) mm9:;1H0n{ TEM is :1 In; fom Romulus was nursed by the matlons. ,
·· a m' ." ,_ . ; » » " v ' . , .
e u IMIFO {md H"“zm"" M‘*"l’“*· In mm" m`l;"“nlt` _' Sa t mm any To Og Q wolf, so some people claim, the ground _. -
, . . "; m 0 >l‘O\'€
was HA-l-Tl; gtémtsk ) mm the following iwll known vaudv- "“ “’;"" “:l""° *`;° ‘°‘;) ° 'f H lm leaves nn. umn- and mus the light T T _
ll"0l'¤`|€l’lY Ml`B· Dm'9 Ona °r_ illp Stars have been S¢·*(‘lII‘9dZ ·lf‘>*F*‘ to Nm mm le on rp 8 sence 0 8 f‘\l tl F tl tl l fl" b· D E N I S
And Ted Lorraine, nn. the Buena VII}! ’ I ‘ V 1 ' d rm] Nmams of wire in me mms of Assyrl 0 l 0 ier rar I on ne secom o e Q
Tango and Brazlllan Maxnxe. lxeller and lompany, to a mon e mM.y_
OLD at-: on hI<·ycIes;·the Transatlantic Trio li"' ““‘l "**bYl°“l““ "°“““"'°“°"" that It (mmm bp domed that the ..mg.. ¤n• J- T.  
Orlglnal Nonaenaa, "Doing Well. "**"‘” “ "‘""l"“l """"`“’ ¤ff~*¤¤ uml l" Tltsel anfijm peoples must have m Is Intelligent for If he has common 127 Chelpildt
Thank Y°u·" (lP("l(](-‘(lly (“ff(‘¥°(*llt from Bnythlng HPPU “ re ess` I V sense enough to carry a calendar for Hours 8 A- M. to 8 P.       l V
. · i, llut the Assyrlologlst was vlrong. l
sronv or A Hum IN LIVING """°· “"° “‘"" “’ *""“"· [“"d“ M""” d f MH 1 t th t so many years ln has lower vet.; ..l..._- I
MODE;_$_ is a pleasing comedienne; l’€I‘¢‘>‘ E"' or ° r°"°" ° {mm 0 °’ pocket to know when the day comes, DO I l TY
\\'aram and Company have an law`- l’°'°l‘“pS’ which the made: cm') by he certainly wIIl be wise enough to L R SAFE RAz0Rs° g
··—··‘-‘ .. · · I e
Psllng Sk*=‘“`h °¤ml*‘d The H°““m“ in mind` It is not comm 0 ais`] i foretell the next forty days. From Endero Keen Cutters
'°'}‘i°"".ll‘"'.&'?“..'l1‘$EZ"°°é. ESXZSY M""‘·"` “"‘“° ”°“‘“‘““ ““" "‘"‘°"' ‘“ "‘“‘ """‘ “‘° "°" °"""'°""fd“ Q`: “ me pmem as . swlal l....a..., he and Ever Ready
8.::%: nfgony: 10 ami' ’ their original nonsense, "DoIng Well. wg"); €l*I¤*¤¤**;d f"°';‘ °°°°t °"‘r°"é (.mwl,.d buck to his dark den for Some JUST WHAT YOU NEID.
Thank You," are mirth provokers of " re ess *"`q“ ms W ""‘n° a g ea time l
qoon sears ALWAYS AT wc. , l . 1 th ` C 0 ER & URN
400,,. ,__...,__   , ,_ __ me highest order, The stm-, or A hunt deal perhaps. but st ll some, n l e The sewers of this Sunny Southland 0 P D
Tolaphona 638 hl living models is (me °f the m°“t M" great mceivizg himuoni go" be ni will welcome his return and will joy-   ,
, om an · a
, mth acts °“ um Smgc t°d°"‘ erected gr Jt G M-con H 1 p us of ously receive the radiant sunbeams of MAIN STREET AND BROADWAY I
_ ,’ D1 6 BD B  
The Gutztlt C0   “"I“‘“";, `Y°   . “ ed     S euson - l
• · sll con· ronze w re are 0 e arrang • C0
Saturday, 1'¤8tlH€€ SHN} Illgllt, SUP horizontally in [wg parallel straight WHAT GORGA8 HAS       ,
      dents and faculty, as well as the citl- mms at B height of 400 feet above the PROVED AT PANAMA Mlncgrpontcd J
Pipes Rcpaired. ’°“S °f L""‘“"°“* “"“ "°“’ “" °"‘ g*¤¤¤¤- Thee ¤<·¤¤¤¤· ¤=— they are The unique Value or me work or H 
Dvrtimlty to BGG the W0l'ld'¤ 8l`°¤*°¤* called, will become a vital Part of UW Colonel Gorgas lies in his practical   Pi
L|XINOTON, · · KENTUCKY danger, Pavlowa, t0g€thGI‘ Wlth receiving device. At New Bl‘\1¤8WlCk· demonstration that I'€Kl0¥\S of the 136 WEST MAIN STREET • V •
  NOvik0ff’ company of four Score and   J.,   miles diBt8.nt.,   or earth   closed to the vyhitg man   ·
umv|;RsrrY LUNCH STAND ¤<>¤¤r>l¤¤* ¤v¤¤¤h<>¤v ¤r¤¤•=¤¢r¤ ¤¤¤¤¤‘ more such wires will become an essen- ..,,,1 be made 8. l.,,bm,l,l. as any po,- 0 ENS and PENCILS  
Catora oxclualvoly touattadonte the director of Mr. Theodore Stier, tml part of 8, great U-ansmmmg Sm,' Hon of our Own country- Any section   and  
*"° F'°“"Y °* sun " V"' Y <·0¤du¤- Nor ¢¤¤ civilized m¤¤ S· I Fm I: t I P
con. 8. LIMEBTONE AND COLFAX be gl"‘~’“· M“*l“°°» "Magic Fl“t*’·" the American Review of Reviews for now reced to hlg Own posmon of ram.   n'         =
wld "l¤Vl¥Btl0¤ to the D9·“c€·" and March. ism resignation or indifference to the `"`WW
  H ’ ' V
lnvertlssments. Night, Orientale, ...*4*7-- ravages of epidemic dlseasa         ·
YES, Baskt scenery, "Solree de Danse," and MEsSRg_ cAMpgEL|_ AN;) ThiS_ them has been the career of I
w°"° °°°°° °'°°°°Z`°° °""°f°rm° ”*'°"‘“m"”· "A“°"m“ B°°°**m’€·" HART A·=P¤·~T¤¤ ·~¤·=·¤¤- Colonel G..g... nl. cl....C..,.l..lc.. W"'- E· 8**6**- ¤··=¤···~-
  B8iley;·l;;_esSing   and new s<>¢i@I dancing Craze- Those TOPS OF PURE FOOD BUREAU the man and of both the professions        
·l d ir, t see this great artist .._.. ;" ` ;*—· I
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS xx no es e 0 I l ` IDEA ul be of healing and of soldlery which he so · .
·l ld I ‘ tl i e ts reserved at 'l`l¤*‘ redderb Ot The W
621_ > 10U law *9 l` S 8 » nobly represents that no reward in the
in south Umumne Phone y glad to earn that Mr. Watt Campbell • • l
  °"""· ‘ be i ( form of great wealth has ever been
· and Mr. llen Hart have en appo n - (nmtpamea)
—-—••-•———- hls nor would lt have ever been con-
. . . · . . ~ · . ’ DOROTHY D
. C. A.   Van ll~·ll¤¤¤I<· Mllisirsl. Nl¤F<‘l¤ JN at ‘°d ""‘l’"wl`” °t the P}"8 hood Hu sldered or accepted. Th satisfaction FOR wglg4l%I§1HOES
wm. vw will nm: ·v·~·»·¤··¤ · " `''` " M '```’ "` mxhllmlllllllg-[0;;   graduates of "' “"’"‘ “"`" """" '"' ""’ "°"° ‘" $3 50 to $5 00
c°MpLETE DRUG STQRE 1--+-·¢·»—~-1- 0 I 0 mba ` _ humanity is the modest dlBtll'l(!tl0II • •
•"°°'d :**3/Atr:U°;°*8?r°:EéTs I LETTER FROM SGUTH AFNCA State und are working under me db worthy of him and of his monumental RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
MAIN AN · T0 pROF_ MELCHER retrtlon of Ur. \Vl1ey’s SUCCBSSOI`. work    
\ I 0 xt LO d n Under the (Ibm chemist are three There should, tlnally, be a Depart- $4.00 to $5.00
• ’,.0x ‘,}as no,  . .
    C0. S um Africa lm`p€°t°r°’ Om in me wei"' one in thi ment of Public Health in Washington,  
_ _ , 0 · central, and one in the eastern part 0 V `
Anthraclte and Bltumlnous Jun, 28, 1914. the lvniwd States Mr Campbell is with a Secretary of Public Health In For the E
  xl U P f M ll ‘ ' i the l’resldent’s Cabinet. Ninety mll-   c   S   • » ~
. \' H' l` I`0 . €Cl€I'. .· · » ' · · ,’ *
. K k .*5 ud M O U l 1 I re the tasttrn lllbp8(.IOI` and Mr. Hart s mms of people would be vastly bmw I y A
.. .¤·. os wen ·nt a .· . .. · I ~   _
L€X1I1gt0I1, €Iltl.1C y d 'O * H H llu tt. dd i U the lnsptttor ot the western division med, in me most vital mlauons of Go to
nn w . ns s une n 19 ___— ,.,., IA t ll- _ . .
  ° g *" `“ “ °· NOTICE my by the appointment, wlth his ac- The Lewin Cigar Cg_
orange Bree btute and his address is - _
W S. GRIFF ING not l·» vadaorl o F s 1 am sta -———— "‘”"‘“‘“"“‘ °f B"g""""`G"""'“' °°"‘““ °""‘ ""' '°"°"""
O ' a., ‘ , . . n . ·` ' l
_ d _ F t L G C tt? Several weeks ago The IDEA issued to this preemlnence.——l~`r0m "(?0l0nel  —
The Sanitary Grocer Ftlre in Tub (1u1iJ2;m4u?;d pml) a notice that articles for publication Gorgas, Panama, the \Vorld‘s Sahita-  
ll e cl y o a on n, Wl e peop e. _
ptbtted b 'l` day atti ,"b Jl B.Hbe,itlA.r-
PHONE 720 l enjoy the sea-bathing, immensely. l mus 9 u m m y ues on y 0m_ u r _n le me    
C S L_ d V_ _ , A I t d _t_ t k H noon. Many have not heeded that lean Review ot Reviews tor March. T k l   t
gy_ _ Img an wgmlg vg_ lave o o 1 Ineran wor , I0 SBIUB as 8 & 255 0I' Cllillf _
  Uosthuizen, but my territory stretches —Mad• by-— “ 1
      from the Natal border six llulldrféd Lexington Roller   C0., l
110 SOUTH UPPER ST miles to the south, an rear of 1*4 times E I I I I   y  
· I • as large as Kentucky. W I IS & M       PI'Op,I'
n nes Made Dall . " o •
Fresllgocilgrn Fritters y Our trip across was pleasant and
L·xIN°T%N' _ _ KENQUCKY un··three weeks I stayed in Scandi   ( *0      
.,,....."...............""... """" ““'° f“" °' "'““”“"’· T"" • 101 mm Llmaatona sa., lm; m.¤n u.•.l
scandinavlans · re the most hos itable
clnninm Prem":} Mmm', ‘ A ' ‘·‘* V P · mconvomvrzv FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ·
R in Ilonest, industrious and handsome  
°'°° "" ·‘i··   *     M me- Restaurantfi
          FI I G H T N OW S E FI V I C E
w_ H _ Stevenson Your Nmdem and mend Hot LuncI¤•• at aII Inoun. Clganl Tobacco
I ’  
L d, , W k PIETER xocu. ` W. W. CADEN
G IGS OT Cl I _w_
Speciahy ll`oncluding a 5U·mlnute talkl·~     A   Corner   and Bolivar
"And now I'd have you remember that D l E   d
Club Rates, 5 Suits,   ltobert |Iurns’ poetry"---(titterlng in   North Limestone Lexington.   r• •   r  
$0] |_ |_|_•_ ph"`. |g1g.¤ rotnn; laughter and then coutusloll).  
______ (Voice in rear)- ··nuuy for uonertw _,__ ______________ __,_t___l_ Cisy N••'l. Bank Bid';.

T H E I D E A 3
, . H       Money Loaned on all goods of Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 pcr cent on  
' O
I Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc. II
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block  
I • —-—;—···"‘····*‘—······‘—·‘—‘·;_‘*·"‘  -*;*1*  ————-———·———-——————»—-··—·—--—e~-—— —· —-— --~·- -~
\\` .| Sanford, I'aptnln
V A. Ii:tl»b:tg¢·_ Student Xlnnaler
Girls’ Basket Ball.  
I Nllss Ruth \lct'lte~=ttey_ f`aptaln. `\\\\Q’ { ;_`~\ ,’
I Miss i·`Iorcit<·e Ilitghes, Nlitnager ` L{6E)5?\`  
I l'l‘o|` .l J 'l`igert_ Voailt.   , \I
I "K" Association. —  "~ _/
ll··r~»h··l Scott. President lt) /_*
M _ l' l·`•r\Il \\`l‘itzbl, Vice-i’l‘esia|··liI "
to Q ‘ l(:ll‘l Z•·l't`oss, S•·<·r•·t:tl‘y, -L-- "
_] I   .-_.-.. _,.•.,_ mc,.  
/n ` The (Hee t`Iub joiirnexed to l·`rank·
l s a fort Tilesday evening to give a concert
_ at the (lp•·r·i lloiise. 'l`hcy arrived    
I Q €&l‘|y in thc afternoon. They first •
I went to the I`apitol and gave several B
I l selections before each Assembly and    
were very kindly received by the "" '
I law-makers.      
P The concert was given at the Opera
\ - House that night and a good crowd d    
· I \ V heard the songsters.     a
I ll ·—·+•-· R ·
I ‘ \*
I   \\~ l v»1.°*°° I\\'ith Apologies   .l. \\'. llil•·y.i
    Alice <§—· the child was christened
U   I ily the angel Love.
\\'hile the pearly dew still glistened, I
I I ln the moonlit grove,
I _A __r_ I ____*___________ I _ Y _    p _ l______ _ _________r Angels eartltward bore the maiden
` _ I Attd her soult`ul eyes were laden  
 l it V" _' in     I Willi the light which Eros gave her
"‘t°?‘“:’r kqvr ;~— IH.     ln the Land above.
7 -  · · ' ° ` t- FOR THE SPRING ______j____.
  · L°" ‘ f f}. __ ‘ I ++++++++++++++++  
` ` -’°°.~.1   " I University of Cincinnati, Vanderbilt _ 1} '·'     T
    and Tennessee is be I W """""""""""""""""""""""*
I -   Met. I   advertising under this head will  
- ix __" ’ . l be charged l`or at the rate of tive cents
G _  ___ .· _` " Big Squad Out. I Der muh
 .;· --—- ~-—- Make your selection today, first
  Ph W. J. Sanford, (‘aptaln of the track \\'AN'l`l·1l)»—Alnmnus has splendid op- PICKIIIQ is ¤|W¤Y8 bat- We
N Pg (Pall, COll'lm0lllY KIIOWII BS "PIRHY" UF porttmity for students working tlieirI QUITBHICC YOU SGYISIZCHON ¢l`
_ · " égli Usalulluouol issued u ouu for (`uu(u‘ ~ I way to earn aLl expenses while in m0¤¢Y I‘¢fUf1d¢d-
  ·· v‘ . dams Ialu Monday uuu us u result I I residence. l’retTerred, experience orI *
•_. ` ` .r_, ubout Uu"tY mon ""l’m`t‘“u· New (ui ability in sa.lesntanship. \\'rite
I I · _ · . ~.. {hem have already been workins and * (WIP li**“" *"’-· ()""~u"‘· N"'-    
X are in excellent physical condition. I ..-g .-..,c -..._,.-,.._ _. - I ’
I   "   All were put to work at once and now I`**I< I··>ir‘¤¤l»l·· ¤‘·¤¤‘nisI¤<—d
G" `_ track work ls being conducted regu """"" —u"¤l 'I"k*'l> W-7·" W- II I  
` ·<··, _ larly along win. on- ool··i· tn·inlo··s wmxsrv wntcnr *¤·*‘*··¤*i··*·I· l·l?· I? Ilisli
at the gyntnusiutn. Prospects for zi Base Ball Captain.   INCORPURATED Q
WILLIAM TUT1-LE, winning team are very good. Many ol` \\'rasty \\'right, captaitt of the lt•l4 Saturday Evening POSL Terms hl
, tlte point winners of the ltilil team are base ball team, has his proteges out _ _ , . _ . . _ ., `
U Caplan; évket Ba", 1?13i_ _ out. Many of the men who tried out every afternoon in the Armory and isI   No “C0nogo FQHOWQS Shop.,  
. Sq“i"°“y {unl? and ms fdnmul for the squad last year are \v0l‘kiltg rapidly roititding his men into playing '  
baud ef I>¤~k<*t bell tosuors will Sooo again as well as many new men out t`ortn. \\'rasty is one of the most en, ROOM AND UOARD——·Llood rooms
; mush o wry Sucwssrol season The for tho first time. 'I`he l'niversity of thusiastic base ball men in the gante with excellent table board. Mrs.I   ;‘““
I luosom basket ooo “`““‘"‘ hos ooo" aI(‘lnclnnatl will be met at t‘incinnati today and will make one of the hard- IVIIDIIIZIOII. 120 East Maxwell.
• ~ moot satisfactory ooo from all View on May 2nd. The l’niversity of 'l`en· est working captains the \\'ildcatsI  
poiuiu “ri[h o' good amount of Om ltessee will be taken on llt*!`<*. 'l`lt<’ have ever ltad. \\'rigltt is an all arouiid  
lumoriul book io Sohool me soosoo date to be decided later. Vanderbilt ball player attd will soon be ready for   R S  
Started ou won ooo the umol) luwo has will probably be ntet at Nashville. faster company than tlte college world
I \>€¢*¤ IWW lll"0“¥ill"ul· uuu luck has Here are a tew of the men trying affords. lle will have a winncr if        
<>~‘s¤‘t¤k¤·· tho Squad in mum" ways but out; \\'eigltts~—~Illevins, l`rntcher, hard work and entltusiasnt counts t`or -——
has **0* “"*°"‘°u the “'“"‘*"g “""“*‘Iyy‘tittams and yit·oiitit·uaay. .iuillps...s ttl.,-iitiitg. Saw nlonevbyordmug Kentucky
with wlucli the '*‘**'“ *°**"*’u· *""“‘· Hopkins, sarnn, Karl zarross and Jep— MM _*__ fniru us _ _ _
I , Tom zorfooo was rut out of the gomo I son. Sprints -Hopkins. Roth and Mc-I ATHLETK; ROSTER ____ ORCH free tulhon m all depart`
I with a' boo knuh Then Pmsmu wuSI)llll‘tl‘)'. Hurdles Hopkins. QuarterI I     I¤¢l'ltS except I.aw t`0 graduates
suspended front participation in atlt-Iuml hun mihh Sam-Um. m.U“.umg_ Fawn Athletic c°mm_u C of kentucky High 5Ci’\0UlS‘Wbo
l*"u`* oy the uououo ""'"'“u“"` o"`Isartin and linrk. Mile and two miles lmlw H is H_u_k__l_ l,u_`Il_.$_(;“i(_iU 417 EAST MAXWELL are prfparcd to cmu the llwshu
Q Q cause of alleged professionalism. ltt   (.I“_H_),· UI (.' (.lm_k_ SA ul .l.h0nmSml‘ `Pm'; H ‘ll `(HIHQ (ilmimlmli   V. A. BABBAQE man (jagg,
sluw uf uu uovoruuy nom"', he ooo"` ‘ \\'eidman and llogerfe. Many others I,l_m.I H. F4 Vumhi; .|,l_`__ _m_ Kar K· $· lo “""“"”"""""· _ _ I
his team through thus fur with un ex- I are Wmmiug MH.) dma “·m.k MH |_'n_` (_' [:4 W D   Q   It I   Each CUUIIYY I"` {ht" 5l—¤l¤ I!
cellent record. 'l`uttle is one of tlteI(_mmm_m_t_ on mv mwk M SIHH l_~h_m Jin" In Iiiullri ijluliolui A I entitled to send} irRizi;. ut tut-
· best athletes tlte school has had in just as Soon as lh`, “.(_u(h_,.. MH IM, I `I I   iHu_u`u"' lh hl MN [lz   tion. “l¤U*€ul¤U<"i· Iubuldluty
· many days and deserves great oreditImn_ out l_ umm" I and other t¢¢8. 0¤¢ 0f llwfff
for the good showing the teams ltavm _____j____•__ I H"` I" H' uMmu"""‘ ‘\`”N“'u I appointees.
made with which he has played.I At the big Student Volunteer t`on- Iuosiuo lm`°"l°"" _ , 
"Sam" has been scot·ed on but very vcntion in Kansas City lltcy had lir. F°°t Bau k’ Z'/Irl-; Necessary expenses tttoticratc.
few titties this year and should beI \\'eulltel‘fot‘d make tltc announcementsI `lumos Ilorku (uu’too'·  
ranked as one of the best guards lnIto the 7,000 people tln·re because or B°°k°* Ba"' I     For lull information regard-
iilo Sutitlp Ithc carrying power of his voice. uvmmlu Tum"' ("u'oo"‘ ` in: appointees. courses oi study,
__ I I______+•_ ll. .-\ Norris, Student Xlanager   con of board. cttw apply to
···—‘"*+•·   \\'it'ey "l‘lease hang thc rug on thc Base Ball. I H_ S_ BA,\l{Kl.l}{·
A ying on the linger is wortlt Iwo nt   llllv ulld lwdt ll-H l"l"··*—~ ··• ·¤··> Ml .··¤ •·¤¤···¤¤··—
der-graduates, alumni nnd fsculty of th• TIIIUYIUOI. ·. ,;,,,‘,h. mlm hp cm dm`.n_
  and (}0\·pfnmpnf_ hn; bppn (-O|]p(•t|"¤ Huy,. Mk., girls th"' nr" jnlhx M
THE IDEA is the omclnl DBWIDIDGT ut tht UDIVOTIIU. It II IIIUOG _ ` ‘ Iniesulny the mrnrwn hmkp down
Mm me View of mrmsmug to nl mblcribon ·lI me coll". D". of K·¤_ lnrnrmatlon from the various eounties healthy nnd who- nlrls who have nm- and mgm Imlppd was mp Mmmplmrp
tacky, together with I (H20! of NGN! 0f *¤W"“ °°¤°•*'¤|¤| an ¤¤t""m“ concerning the condltlonn of the hltlon. who have elnlms to ln-nuuy und of mn H H I t I it 1 H ‘ t •
· _ n . .e ns mw sn xm n
Entered at Lexington Post Omco as ••co¤d cl••• mail m•tt•r. h TIT   T n EM r°°°" ydl"' ’I:';°d U"` “m” H"` mc bm "· mss Iiessie l·‘lsher, of lnmvllle. In
  y 0 nvprs y yrosg gm (wm n T] · · . _ .
EDITQMAL ·1_A'r’ 1.1*1*. 1 ' 1 a s lore nexer Mw u llobhl ‘**‘“'*"" “* quill"; npr slsier and our mnU‘0¤.
STONEWALL JACKSON, Editor-In-Chief. CLYDE TAYLOR, Ang, Educ; much xaluable information about the expressed by in sweet girl than that in WH MM`, G. Pmmrl
A••ocI•\• ldltori. **0***]***0**** and ¤*‘°d’* of the |¤m`m· a letter recently reeelved, when she __ M__
RUTH McCHESNEY. Socio!} Editor J. O. REYNOLDS, Humorllt *"`*""· said. "| want in make nhome for you.! Tiger! vonehes for Weatherford. ,
E. F. DANFORTH, Athletic Editor MARGUARITE McLAUGHLIN, Alum; The author of that bulletin will also wsmt to renr our children and I wnnl They are old Vanderbilt friends.
W. (._ Cross ·H ___________ _ _________________________ M(.(.h¤nk.n] Report"- deliver others on different subjects in to grow old with yon." 'I`hnt's genuine \\'o-ntherford was ehnmpion gymnast