xt7d513txc5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d513txc5v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 16, 1981 1981 1981-02-16 2020 true xt7d513txc5v section xt7d513txc5v GTE ' w th th ’ tt n I’ I] h w = * ' '
SBTVICB OI'SB an 0 BI'S , a 01' ney ge era S p0 S O S .
l ‘ .
By JAY F0355" some information on how GTE is increase Feb. 24 before the URC in srdered ina rate case. Beshear said terviewed thought GTE was domg Payton Adams. president of ,- '_ '.
5181188108 Editor perceived and the job it is doing." Frankfort. he does not think the ruling applies an “excellent“ job while 18 percent GTE. said he did not know that a '
© COPYI‘lEht- 1”” Kentucky Kernel said Attorney General Steven Bechear said he has not yet seen to the GTE survey. thought it was dorng a "poor" job. survey on GTE's servrce had been ‘. ,
Beshear. the results of the survey and added “I think (the survey) would be Thirty percent thought GTE was conducted. When contacted last . i
ThCUK Survey With Center, GTE has asked the state Utility that his office would "wait and see competent evidence in a rate doing good 27 percent thought it night. Payton would not comment , ‘ ,
at the direction 0‘ the attorney Regulatory Commission for a 38 them and then make the decision" case." he said. “The law provides was ”average" and 18 percent on the results of the survey ' . g . .
general’s Office» has conducted a percent rate increase. The rate in- on whether to include them in the that every utility should prowde thoughtitwas "fair," The survey conducted by the I K . . '.
survey of General Telephone of crease proposal has drawn strong written testimony. adequate, efficient and reasonable of people who have had phone center is similiar to one done lll ', ’ .
Kentucky cmtomers to determine criticism from many GTE He did say,however, that there is serviceThose are the key words. service with another company izg Florida in 1976 In that survey. .in I. *. .
the quality 0f service PTOVlded by customers who complain that the a “definite possibility" that the “Information that we gather may percenti. only 14 percent thought independent marketing serVit-e was ' ‘ , , ,
the company. the Kentucky Kernel company is not doing an adequate survey results will be included in determine" the type of service pro- GTE was better More than one- hired by the Florida Office of ‘ .. ' .; f ,‘
has Ieamed. job. the testimony. vided,he said. half thought GTI-I‘s service was Public Counsel to determine '5 . 1" j .
The attorney general’s office The attorney general's office is Although a past Franklin Circuit The results of the survey. obtain— worse Approxrmately one-third Customer Opinion on the quall’\ in” V. ' »
ordered the telephone survey scheduled to present written Court ruled that quality of service ed by the Kernel Friday, indicate thought me sen/ice was about the servrce provided by Gem m. 'v ’, T
because “we are trying to compile testimony on GTE‘s proposed rate should not be the oiilv factor con- that seven percent of the people in same Continued on pm... . _. 1'.
,. .4 \ .
VOLLXXXIII. No.108 Ker el 1 niN'r‘ii.‘ 0r kentuckx ; i
MOndaYv February 16'198] an independent student nevupupi-r l.c\ington. Kentucky 1, :i‘i :2 .‘l l
g Mock ’ job interviews
" . . it -. .‘ _.f, . e , e I ‘ ‘1. ‘ ~
g I ,. for recruiters questtons
.. - By DAVID PAL’LEY “ _. f
> Staff Writer “They should be serious as tax .1. . . . -‘ '_ ,
’ what you wear. filling out me .5‘ J .
To help students improve their resumes. and as far as signllitl \i'r' 23.: -
job interviewing skills‘ the Place. Wlth the Placement SH‘VIt‘v. is ’ A»
I I ..' . ment Service and a student group because 5tUd€htS are gotng '0 hw- ‘9 ‘ J '3
‘ ‘ ' _.5 } from the College of Business & todothatanyway."shesaid <.
= t . .71 . 7 Economics are co—sponsoring mock In preparation for a Job inter " .
'I ' interviewing sessions. View. students should research the l ; . Z
, s ‘ The sessions. which the company they are interwewmg it
' i‘ . , American Society of Personnel Ad‘ with. King said. “It's important for i) 5
-, _ ’ ministration has helped organize. a student to know his skills and to ..
~ Will involve video-taping students research a company to be familiar f j.
' - and "100k lnteereWerS StUdentS with it. Students should really :11 ‘
' _ - 'l. Will be ”35k“ questions we know down and think over the mock in "‘V A i -'
"‘ A " l ' they're being asked by inter- tervipW'S " . ' ‘.‘.
' . ""‘Q g ' ' viewers. Said the Place-meat Sen King said students can come to 73,: 1' ‘
I ‘ :{ig‘igrdasmstant Llll‘flKlOr. rema the Placement Service to get help i ..
V . ’ in preparing their resume and can
a ‘ ' Students are critiqued on the research companies in the sec ' 7’, ’
basis of their “non-verbal com- vice‘s resourcelibrary f i"
By BURT LADD/Kernei Staff anrgwgrasuziid hollgvvieliizt‘iiIeISrlrelaif: The placement library also can 5-
Me and my Shadow ~ -' V. . .. tairLs tapes “on good and bad inter .- I.»
the" skillstothe position. views "Howard said L‘K studentu ’ f". > '
In the spotlight, Pam Baker dances across the Student Center Lynn Thompson of Alpha Gamma Delta was crowned “Miss Greek Howard said the sessions should appear m m fairly gfivvefi‘ml m m '3? 1':
Ballroom stage last Friday night. The communications sophmore UK" at the second annual event sponsored by Sigma Alpha Ep- help students become more comfon terviews he added W‘T‘It‘lrom ,._ ' 3 '
represented Delta Zeta in the Miss Greek UK Beauty Pageant. silon. table in a real interview situa— recruiters ' I‘ve talked m‘ INK .- '
e in"? ‘hWe' hag: tofinq: and researfch students rate very high on prepa' .' .. i I 94
t t t riass'own. att 05“ preparing or tion. Theycommunicatetheirsknis 3'1. ' t. ’.
C 6C lng _ no on S u en u g6 gazruews do much better. she clearlyand havcaprofessionalirn ,7; .

\, "The sessions help students age ,- '
By SCO’I'I‘ ROBINSON “Of the student accounts (at Economics professor. agreed with the NOW account Masten NM become more aware of the types of King said. "People feel these scs- " a -.
Editorial Editor First Security). very few maintain Strode. “For anyone who has a Sinccnianv students find it difficult questions they need to answer This sions are just for business and ._ .‘ I

the minimum balance required." relatively low balance iivv‘d do bet- to maintain the required balance is from general comments of engineering graduates. but this .'I‘
Although students may have con- said Richard Strode of First Securi- ter to forget about .\'i in accounts." investing in the certificate ’Ui students I‘ve talked to." isn‘t true We‘re trying to get away i. ; g 1'" i
sidered opening a NOW bank ac- ty National Bank and Trtst Com- he said. deposit mav be a wiser ”W” pro» Students should take the mock from that image. because the scs- 1-"!
count the latest innovation in pany. “You‘re probably better off Masten also discouraccs students fitablc LN, ot‘one's money hesniri sessions seriously. said Holly King. sions are for istudents lnl any ma ,1 g .'
checking convenience -- with checking accounts.“ who do have the money from in- MM accounts were éémbihm‘d a business senior who is supervis- jor." . 3 .
spokesmen from each of Lex- “Most students have a very tight vesting in a Now .n-mum "If by [he Depositon. “‘Nnm‘mm ing the mock interviewing sesswns. Howard said the sessmnb are .,,.
ington‘s bunks caution against it_ budget." said Edna White of Se- you‘ve got the money. invest in a Deregulatorv and Monetary Um: B&E senior Mike Gornett is also benefic1al in helping with “the most . t I.» 'j. a
They say that few students can cond National Bank. “Most can‘t certificate of deposit." he said. trol Act last'vear. The account pm supervising SCSSions. important 30minutes ofyourlifc " ,‘u‘. .2
maintain the $1.000 minimum maintain” the minimum ($1.000) Such an investment could draw vides customers with an apprccur _ ‘1’.
balance requ1red for NOW ac- balance. . up to 11.5 percent interest com- lion checking account. I‘(‘qllll‘t‘ a Insfie . i ,.' .
counts. John Masten. Business and pared to the 9.25 percent offend by minimum balance of$l.000 and pay , . .. . . fl. ‘..

. ? nineteenth"thé‘balam‘e‘ _ UK basketball was the name of m. " t ‘ r i3." '
Former Beatles together but why new... We a. mu. t t . i.

, 0 mon to banks throughout 1.0x» the men‘s and women‘s teams H l i y“ «if. .'" "

ington. and most charge a service chalked up victories. For a closer ‘i ‘ ”V t ‘ i" . '

By The Associated Press drummer. arrived around noon building in New YOFkl‘itY “'9 0t $4 When the halam‘" ”HS look at the games. see pages 4 ' "‘1ij ,'
Sunday. but he denied rumors that McCartney and Starr had booked below $1.000. and 5 _ . k. ; fl 5.

‘ SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico — the third surviving member of the recording time at Air Studio before Unlike most checking accounts.
Former Beatles Ringo Starr and rock group. George Harrison, Ignnon‘s death. “They wanted to however. the NOW account re OUfSiaE L". 1‘
Paul McCartney have reunited for wouldbecomingtotheiSIand. come before Christmas. but we quires Customersto maintain dildl- -— ,..h._._, - - ' , u , \ i '1’.
a recording sessron on the Canb- Jackson called “totally untrue”a were committed to another band. ly $1.000 balance Any withdrawal Spring showers will settlein until ‘ I . _. W, :__-. ‘
bean island of Montserrat, the reportinthe Sun newspaperofLon- Jacksonsaid. Whl('h lowers the 0\(‘rall balance tomorrow accompanied b . - ‘ ,
manager of Montserrat‘s Air Studio don that the album would be a McCartney. who collaborated below$1.000.atanytmicduriiigthe temperatures in the mid SOsy 4 . . .5
said Sunday. tribute to the late John Lennon, the with Lennon in writing many of the month. means the bank customer Tonight‘s ”low” is expected to be “. ‘ t ‘ ~

Steve Jackson said ina telephone Beatle who was shot to death last Beatles’ songs. reportedly has been must pay the service charge in the 405 with temperatures ris- :5.
mtervrew that Starr. the Beatles' Dec. 8 outSIde his apartment on tiny Montserrat foraweek. regardless of the monthly balante. ing to the mid 50$ again t omor. i, ‘_ . . it", 13';
‘If Opportunity 1(IIOCkS9 I i “
O . _'C\" .» ;.
From UK law student to assoaate dean — Van Boo ven knows both SldeS of the story i; .
By CHRIS ASH associatedean. Paul Van Booven. was appointed associate dean after tion.and we're going to have to find on law review membership. on are readmitted. 60 to 70 pert-em .‘ .’ '
Associate Editor Although he is not an adviser in graduatingin 1976. new ways to do as good a job of employment history. than on actual eventually graduate j: '
. the college. Van Booven spends Van Booven said he became in— educating our students. as well as computed grade-point average Last year the committee dealt 'j _' ' |
Law students can obtain much of his time counseling terested in administrative work become better managers of the And. grades in law school , since with a recommendation by two “ _ . : V‘-
academic information without be- students who want information con- because of contact with school of- money that we do have. I've been here ~ have remained faculty members to limit the ' . ‘
ing restrained by bureaucratic cerning University policy. ficials at Depauw and UK. Also. “Right now. we are not making fairly constant."Van Booven said. amount of time law students could " : _ 3
regulations. thanks to the college’s “I serve as someone who is while still in law school. he saw any commitments. nor are we get- Another committee theassocrate spend in work outside the . i '
available most of the time." said needs that were not being address- ting ready to retreatfinancially." dean chairs is the Academic Status classroom. The proposal urged .. . ' ,
Van Booven. who also chairs the ed and envisioned making the The admissions committee that and Regulation committee. which compliance with an American liar . K p
, law school admissions committee. school run smoother by reducing Van Booven is on is also consider- determines whether law students Association regulation limiting ' ~ '
... “I have an open-door policy — I try tension between the administration ing the recent trend toward inflated should be dismissed for poor grades second- and third-year students to .' ~, . .
to give them upfront information and students. undergraduate grades. which and whether they canbereimtated. 15 hours of workoutside their ‘ , .
. without any bureaucraticredtape. “I decided to take tthe positioni becomes a problem when consider- “Our rules require that if a stu- classwork. According to the regula- . - ' * 3
- . . “That’s essentially the same assomethinglmightneverhavean ingapplicationstolawschool. dent doesn‘thaveazoat the end of non. first-year students are not ‘ ‘
’ thing we go through during the ad- opportunity to do again - one of Higher grades “have been fairly the year. he or she is dropped for allowed to do any outSIde work ' . . ‘
7 i .' _ . missions process," he said. “We those ‘if opportunity knocks. you'd constant since 196763." he said. ad- academic reasons — at the end of . .
' a like to talk to anybody who comes better listen to your heart rather ding that “pm-1967 grades were not the first year. and at any time after Van Booven said the committee ‘ ‘
.. ~ in. but we want themtonot only get than your head'situations." as inflated as today's grades. “If that if we so recommend,“ he said. adopted a regulation which set ‘ ‘ .‘ .
l . i . a sale job that UK is a good place to His administrative job has forced you have somebody aged 35 coming “The main work of the committee these work limits, but it did not set .
s a: 3,. iii]. _ go to law school. but also Van Booven to deal with some of back to law school. there’s the pro is deciding who should get back in, sanctions to be imposed on of-
" straightforward information about theproblemsof education. blem (of grade comparison)" This is determined by looking over fenders He said the matter is no ' ‘ _
theirchances for admission." “Higher education is in for a He said he does not comider law student petitions for longer anissue ’
Currently. 160 students are ad- tight.|ean10years.Thc flow of new school grades as being inflated. reinstatement," “There is \irtually 100 percent ‘ . ,
mitted to the UK Law School each money —federal and state — is go- however. Van Booven said that although student compliance and I'd say that
‘ ‘ year. ing to be cut substantially." Van “There'sagreater variety in law most students dropped for on the whole the faculty is more
Van Booven. a 1973 graduate of Booven said. Even with increases school grading systems than in academic reasons apply for read- pleased with the performance of ‘
PAUL VAN 300sz Depauw University atGreencastle. in funding, “if there are any, we‘ll undergraduate grading systems. mission only about me—half are students in class than they were ,
Ind..attendedlaw school at UK and be lucky if we keep up with infla- Law firms rely more on class rank. reinstated of those students who hack in thefallof '79," hesaid.
i r ‘ t 1' t '

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, February 16. 1981-5
. . --—-----—-----------‘
0 . '
Maturity may b6 in making for W Ildcats iThe end 0' the l
I brown bag blues. . . . l
' lub has Vlh' Most of which were ing at the SEC tournament , I
After the Kentucky ,, coach Joe Halls c . .. . ' _ , nf N no"! I
V Wildcats had embarrassed I‘M . 2 ~ deed one Of the Mt groups 0‘ thunderous dunks in the face We are Just trying to build I u::irheiso§gupgn ii» I
. ' and intimidattd a decent 1“ 2‘3 ‘ talent in the land. And. yes. of any Alabama player who momentum up tothe tourna- I $1 m f f I
‘ Alabama team Saturday . V i§ that talent may indeed be happened to be in the merit, said Minmefield. I .' . o
, night at Rupp Arena. it was .. :3 . .. ii. , . ripening. neighborhood. In the second And while that momentum I any 5.2? one," o, I .
2 only customary may the ._ ' In the first half, Kentucky half the Wildcats rammed may havestarted atOle Miss giore pizzfiordergd I
babes 5,. biue 'run through . 2 Q i did it with a defense that forc- home some of the best it hit full stride Saturday. As I (“33:68“an onlgm I
'2 V . their usual bi-weekly routine . 2 -. ed Alabama to connect on sidewinding shimmers (six a teamnl think we'ha've come I Fast, Free Delivery I I
. . of telling everyone just how " just 23 perecent of its shots forthehalf, win all) this side of age, said Minniefield. I 1641 Nicholasvme Rd.
' .V , ‘ much they have grown up. 0r «2 with Minniefield and running of, well, houiswlle. Promiseai PI‘OW- Pro I phone; 275-4437 I
V come of age 0r. yes. ‘ mate Dicky Bea! smothering “They couldn‘t stop us on misos that Kentucky can not I 830 Euclid Ave. I
. . V' matured , the identical Bama guards the fast break,“ said Min- afford to backtrack on. Not I Phone: 269-9655 ..;:;:§:‘;55::;:;:;::.;..... ‘ I -
' ‘ ' - 5 2 - ' ' ' now. ..s3332332312;2E2?3322523231553332..
' V V Kentucky fans have been lmV a! m mca oosaV - Pas "ugh - ~ ll am. 1:30 am Sum—Thurs. \ I
. patient!V awaiting for a“ 0‘ ' 1" feet the We “‘7‘“de 9‘ n°tch°ttw°51°w2m°e M” l n am. 2:30am Fri.-Sat. “‘
. _' . . [ms often frustrating season? Eddie Adams and Mike paws mefield took off on length-of- ' Umd Gamma,“ 1% Demos , 222:}:3iif? K}? I
.. ~ ._ , But maturity IS a funny . hit for Just four pomts in the the-court racers that. ended 1981 LKD I ptzzd |nc 12050/1402 .a:1135517333:¥§3§3§3§3221:5”..5.:::3133§3§§35,E\ I
. - comm 0d!” And various IOhn ClOY first half . eight for the game. with booming Jams. With 6:14 ..533}1V£3§35§33V55ii{33:5E5313???'5'???'15$332553?iiliiiiifiiiiiiic I
‘ " 2 times through this puzzling Adams who 00'1"“th W‘m left the SOPh°m°re Speedster I tn 5315?;fiiliiiiiiziji‘i};32i=f32122?E353515;}3E1?iiliitéEi‘giiiiiiiiiii; I
V' V V -' campaign it seemed as if the ”amt“ 3“" ”mm ‘“ ”We” W“ the “use °" a lone contest win I b 5:513:11::5i:25:21:25:2153::5522':”5*e213/212";2éiéiéisigézizé'5‘sii;25%;: I
' . ' V. V Wildcats hati run as rapidly Alabama to earn MVP crashing dunk that Produced $25 I z 922511:2.“at._'~3252gage:g:5;15.21.4112::5r;;3g;gigigzgz25213342522335;.1
V . V. - \ through the maturation pro— But the pieces fell apart at honors. hit only one field goal high-fives from everywhere. I — < Vi V1 ' '55:;531Viegeijfi3fiiii“if£3"fififiifiigiiEllifiiiiiiéiifiiigi '
‘ . ‘. cess as Brinkt‘SllleldS. Tennessee last week and Slld~ Saturday. “I‘ve been waiting all year 2 N 2 ..'_=-_ 'flfiffzifiiiii11:}?I}:Viifiiiiiiiiiiiiif‘_
' ‘1 ‘ . .- It started when Kentucky denly Kentucky was met “We were a little more for that one," said Dirk, W" I o E t ézzigzeigiazéziizia;
. 2 . , . . whipped out fake [Us to pass another pretty face. “People relayed in our ag- ing. . _ . 25th Anniversary Little | a a .Ev'VV.;:.:-'E§}31'3IT'137.5;E:-j:3£§i;:;§;§33§11iii32
-. V V V out beatinge t0 ”ht“ State and were beg‘m‘"g ‘0 look at gress'veness' sa'd “a” And “nth “me handy 0" "5 Kentucky Derby I ’ 7‘2:-_:-.:52.i}.:5.22;.g5.1%.:25a2-}age?23-52521;iiiz;s§:§:§2§2§ii:a .iéglizgzézééi‘xz‘g
2 ‘ ” ' Indiana early in the vear giv- Kentucky as if we were just “That’s a better combma- side. Kentucky may have . . . | “e243:.z;zzézi:i=‘=,t-.52;113252§2§a§:§2§2é22'::Eege2523313:;:;32325231';:;:;2§%§‘:2
. . i . 2 - - ‘ .. ,- _ . .. 't Deadline Friday, Feb. .:._55:;;;.-.-:._;.3.3.2 V.':'E1:111::1}?i'55:".-.v13.}1':1355"}:3é‘3121213ly
' v 5 ing credence to the them-V 3mm” team‘ Sd'd floor "0” . grown up through mm] yV h I 25.3:}...-..--.::.;:2'::::;:-'.:.;:z:::::2:;:::;:~‘ .::-'<‘;:3:::::;:::'
‘ ‘ V' ’ . that possibly the Big Blue had leader Dirk Minniefield Spurred on by the first- “We realize that our backs 20f . ‘ .3115; a???2152133222???,.::EEE5V3V;:.§::V13‘:VV‘V3A
‘ enough talent to V skip the Saturday. half 32-19 blowout and the are against the wall.” said For more details pick up l___________ \
2 7 3' development stage “We felt real bad after the party atmosphere of tne UK Minniefield. “We are behind entry form at Student
V- However losses to Notre loss to Tennessee.“ he COh' students (who weren’t about in theconference race, but we Center 203
.V r‘ , Damp Alabama and LSU, tinued. “That was definitelya to Sleep out in freezing tem- aren’t giving up,"said Hall: ea SpOr S
‘ ' V- ‘- VV squandered hopes that UK 10W POlht‘ lthinkthattime we patures to watch JVUSt But the Cats are realistic.
f V ' ~ was every bit as good as :ts really realized how bad we “another" team) UK LSU still leads the conference
. ... . preseason [Op-bllllng. were playing " unleashed an offense in the by three games With Just four a..‘r‘=‘\e\'\\\\ “\\\\\\\\ ' \\\\\\\\m'\\\“.
. ‘V . .V 50 after the mSappmnt- What followed was an en- second half that raced With to play, I RIDE 'EM HARD AN! PUT IEM UP WET .
' ‘ ‘ 2 merits, every time Kentucky couraging effort at MlSSlssip- youthful abandon. l 5 '
‘ V y :' trapsed through patsies like pi that provided the Cats wtth “We were getting out on the That eaves the UK-I;SU ’ ROD E0 fl
' Florida Vanderbilt and a 62-55 road win. The skeptics breaks," said Minniefield March 1 clash as Thore o ta ’ ’
" Auburn. the Cats pleaded remained unconvinced. who chipped in 16 pomts. confidence-builderk 32}; 1t ’ AT THE 5
‘ - ‘ V they could feel the Pieces Of SoSaturday. Kentucky ShUt “And that led to some spec- tle “It for Ke'a/qfdyts l: 5 '
V theflpuzzlefittingtogether. up and PUt up. Pthhg that tacular plays." also leaves the 1 ca pee ' 5 DESPA RA Do ‘
. _ f—"—.——_—_—-—_—— . fffsjjju» .V;§§iEf§..V..=.V§‘3V5§;' ' :5:Vii:in"51:13:iiiilfiiji'2'53:3: . .
. ' ' | GENERAL C'NEMA THEATRES I All the Draft 00 can Drink $4.00 ’
’ 7 75 MONWRU éfl-‘l-UNOVQKGSJEEOBEQEM- 5’2"“ ’ .
. $1. suiuiiouoitrs misr W'.’..’.‘.‘..‘,.".'9W.°'.‘.ll.- 25.5; M O n d CY N I 9h 1. 9
' .1 ,1 1&1! .
3 '4 V l m-uu unnoosm no. Luiit AllEll .. ’ WKQQ BAR WARS . I
. - ‘,' “Paul Nominat- ’ e V
- OUTSTANDING” JANE “LY : ' (Fri. 2/20 25¢ Draft, $1.50 All Drinks) I
~ 1 ,' I I a...“ m FONDA TOMLIN 2 _ , , I d I.
.- . ' 5 ; NEwMANm a Music by the Willy Dame Ban 5
" ' , 2 Ely syw flit/1g, :"/~ Ava/a the dreaded DISCO Trauma AUI. - ‘ ‘ ’7 > Q
5. . ~. l \3; a '7 >,-. . the easy way. don 'r dance Just APACHE, , To ,. \ ‘\ “‘ “‘\“3“‘."“‘§§“ “““.”
. « , 5" l g. \9 91‘ come in and have a good time, 0R1 ' “‘\é‘
. . 5 ' _ :3; $; .. 13:: meet some greatpeopi'e, dr/nka THE Roux RV mm U ”mm 5' l I; g
. ,ny "" ‘4‘; few and/islen to some tunes 2100 430 a H” rims 2 . - ' -
- -' ., ' Na", " - 'fe: y s 4 . . . .
.. , . 'mfngzg wiiTSS'LS‘ZfSifji’énsé’igiioenygéi 7-10 930 1:30 3:35 5.35 7.45 9.50 THE PLACE YOU VE BEEN WAITING FOR
V' , 2 . ' F' ' , ‘ ~ “ . . ‘ . 1 - ' 'V ‘ V V V' V - ‘ '
r . - ., ., fa. riff .2. M‘Zi'if’n’ifaifi Sfé‘otiif'éhié’ , ' mm: mm Cassie «w = " Elf: . '5 BUST'N LOOSE-'-
. ', . . “ML 1 ~ ,’;¢F‘§ Wednesdays Happy Hour from) 5 272'60‘2 IKllOlASVIllultw OK“ IDS. . ‘ Y“ \‘ ’ Monday _ help us knock OU'I’
V; ' a I . TS “ ~. MBA/lift 50‘ Ladies Nighlwnl‘ "Theyeorsbestlilm" . 2 IN .
. ‘ ,- ,' 737 3‘ . .- so“ drinks irom 8 m 1. And No modes Champlin :- ”LY TOML 2 ; . . /— Muscular Dystrophy
'- .i ". .V. ‘~.~ .. ' ,. VI '. V ' ’ l
_ ; p . _ $31-23“ LadleSCOVF'Chargetemgt‘t l “mes ; THE INCRED'BLE . / Don i miss round one of Bar Wars.
. , i 0‘ V .- i _ \g‘ Thursdays. 80 draftbeers.$t 25 ‘ SHRINKING . ‘.
. :., . . '2_.v,‘i\ w . drinks and No Cover Charge. Q ’ WOMAN . .\ TUOSdCY- Donl' MISS “Crazy JflCk"
- g . i9." Fridays. The famous Happy Hour . 2 U & hi H II c f ' l I ' I
I. . n J" '1 from5til8wnh 50‘ drinks . .| 'tiday [PG] A unlvERSAL E . . ’ ‘ 2 \ S O 993 on as 0 ex fly on S
V "V 'V V -V l' 53‘"'°ays' B" 0’ D'SCO NOS‘a'g‘a - IVA-‘12:]:y‘\'a‘s\\‘rittel:ii P‘CTURE ~ ‘ . \ ‘~ ./ Hottest Ever!
‘~ ’- . ,Ji . won 75‘ drinks from 7m it e" “ “ , 1145 3345 5‘30 1 ‘1 — Lar eGome R d 7f T V
. , ~V ’V l ,. s ' No cover arranges for UK, I:30 4 45 8'00 V 7:30 9:45 ' 2 / \~ /. ' 9 com on 00' ' ' screen
- . . i “ . . , . . .
5 ' . ~. 9“! l -\ Transy and Eastem students . / .i Featuring live entertainment
‘1 -. 2 y , . mm current/.0 3 (.IM and Ill( HARI) g m .
" ' - / \ i ') W931" . ' ”Y: BOB BRICKLY
' . ‘ ' u“ 5 i \ \ SIIR (,RAI.‘ r Fradoiasmurdov .- . / ,
2 ' ' -’ 2‘ n \ ® fl , W .. E] :V TheRolling Stories . '. Lakeview Plaza '
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