xt7d7w676m2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w676m2b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1983 1983 1983-04-22 2020 true xt7d7w676m2b section xt7d7w676m2b | Ludorolthotooin
Vince Sanford's patience paid off yester-
doywhonhosognodanottonollottor-ol- - ...-.,.__.,._
intent with UK For a profile of the Wild-
cats‘ newest rociuit see pogo3
A‘ t p
Vol. LXXXV, No. 157 Friday. April 22. 1983 An independent student newspaper Univer'sity of Kentucky Lexmgton. Kentucky
i. . .‘ ”a: ._ c - I
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i 3 ‘3 '1 ‘ SCS leader bemoans drop in interest
" i
‘1‘.» '44- , By STEPHANIE WALLNER “'7 g 3 ._
sci g f. " .‘ Senior Staff Writer u" s" 34
:3? a"; " w 3.!
guide. .. L .' Again ' TA 7 _. ' ,. V V N r i "'
"Ex '3'; C ‘1" %% c . . a ‘K
3:33.. “ ' , . . fig ' S0c1ally Concerned Students may . 4 r7
._ — . _ fit have already reached its peak of in- _' ._ ’ , a
V . 3 .. "1,. a j m? terest. according to Danny Faber. ‘ ’
. j_ .- '35“ “f4 the group's president ‘
':,):;'ftt}gig.“C . ‘ ~ . J 1?“ “One of the biggest obstacles is .f . .
,3 “““r‘ , " people With fatalistic attitudes.“ :' my, Hg.
. «Vere, gym-i W'ikttis;vi;.13'3,“' - “ 3 i, _ ‘ 3 Faber, a sociology senior. said in an " 3' ' if:
3;“ 7 X is ‘ interview yesterday, "It's not so .
meat.» ,, ‘ - " . ‘ much a ath but lack of ro r ~ “
'° ‘ R‘s.” t‘KTKc . . / . . p y' p pe p0
- E}? 3,} .. W '. '4 ‘ 3", ~ " 3Q litical education."
. ‘3; x , , 5 9“» . " “A- y ' . Members who have recently
' .~ he“ ' 3.! ”*3 ' joined the organization. whose goal
‘11", ‘ 3. ‘ ‘ «a» is to promote awareness of sOCial
”5'3 "’ ~iflii’ ‘ \ t) ' i ‘ and political issues through forums
tiff:- -m_,a- ' g and lectures. seem to be less con-
g .43 :5 1 cerned about the issues. he said. DANNY FABER
”are S, , “Students are worried about two
3 g': ‘ “ _ ,- ~3 things.“ he said. "They are worried tremendous gains over the past 20
3 ,N ‘ m... ‘ - ’3 3 135;“; about getting a job and about enjoy- years "We are seeing idemocracyl
2‘”- gxmfit‘ _ “If: .. _ ‘” ' inglife. erode quickly under Reagan." he
‘ J‘s; .. :»"-'_ * ‘ " ’ w SCS. which operates out of the so» said "We should work to preserve
.x' ” ' . " “ _ ciology depatment and has 51 mem- the gains that have already been es-
; 5;“, ‘ bers. was formed two years ago as a tablished "
g3” ', revamped. version of the former SCS has concerned itself with such
_. . ' *4 Students Active in Sociology ”We issues as American involvement in
""i ’" ' changed the name to bring in outsid- El Salvador. the Equal Rights
‘_ ""v‘""°°"""’”“"5'°“ ers from other majorsfl‘aber said Amendment and child abuse Cam-
' Check mate “We have fundamentally an aca pus-related issues the group has
. demic approach to issues." he said treated include campus safety and
if , . . . _ . . , . . . “We do approach some ‘lSSUC‘Sl for campus crime. particularly the
l Justin Manley (right), a sophomorevin biology, plays chess in the ington reSident. Its usually 50-50 on Wins, according to Garrison, solutionsorchangesm policy .. problem 0frape.Fabersaid.
1 Student Center Game Room With his friend Carl Garrison, a Lex- although Manley says it560-40. According to Faber. SCS deals "In 1981 to ‘82 one of our rSCS‘s:
___.._.—.—________ vith campus. community. state. na- main concerns was El Salvador." he
tional and international political is« said "Right now we are involved
I I - sues. with the nuclear arms issue. "
ea or re ers Isa atlanlst osture .. .. M...
said “The political movements in cussion of a possible freeze on nucle-
the '605 and ‘le were devoted to a ar weapons to remain in the public
present. unfavorable world Conditions for language." he said “We're now single issueand basically failed " spotlight for sometime tocome.
By (‘L'RT ANDERSON The isolationist posture has histor- US. interests in the near future. more ignorant than we ever were.” Faber said SCS tries to use struc» “That issue shows the most appar-
Senior Stal‘fWriter ically been more prevalent in Wash- Herring, however. said the decline Herring said the lessons of her tured analyses to show all issues are en: danger for now" he said “Most
ington than the interventionist. but Of US. foreign aid began "well be- mm are not yet clear. because "we related. “You have to consider the of our effort this year has gone into .
,3 3,3, 3_ __ -. "the air is heavy" with desires to fore the Vietnam War.“ as policy haven't had the big debate on \‘iet— issues ll". relation to each other. not a pro-freeze stand "
keep out of other nations‘ back— makers began to reconsider the nam yet." However, he said the cen- justindin’dually'hesaid . The ennronmental condition of
The American experience in Viet- yards. “not just in Central America. merits of large foreign spending tral lesson is that “we should not go “In a democratic society you have Kentucky is another issue Faber
nam has contributed to feelings of but everywhere" since Vietnam. he during the Eisenhower administra- back"to Vietnam. to exercise your right to shape it emphasizes '
restraint among LYS foreign policy said. tion. "T‘hOse in the military think the isocietyl.” Faber said “Political 'I regret that we haven't done
makers. who fear that foreign inter- “We don‘t have the option of act~ Davis said Amencan ..1 norance next time we become involved in democracy must be expanded to more towards environmental is-
vention of any kind is taboo. says ing or not acting." Davis said. Be- about Vietnam and ignoranie about war. we must use all our power be- economic. socml and cultural de- sues." he said “Kentucky has some
' Vincent Davis. director of the UK cause US. interests are inextricably .. . fore public support crumbles." he mocracy as well " very very severe environmental
, . . . ourselves contributed to the deba- . .. . . - . . -- . ,
Patterson School of Diplomacy, linked With events in the rest of the cle the war became I norance said. Liberals are afraid that if we Faber said the world s political problems
Davis spoke last night in the Stu- world. “we must live with the conse- about other nations he said is a don't remember Vietnam. we will be system is currently in a state of In other areas. however. the group
dent Center at a world events forum quences of our action or inaction. By continuin roblem ' m the L’nited doomed to forever repeat its mistak- calm crisis. "Neither the Republi» has played an active role.“One of
sponsored by the Kentucky Humani— not acting.we are in effect acting.” States aigd'fhere is little ho that es.‘ can or Democratic parties have a our SCSI biggest events in the past
: ties Council and the Bluegrass chap- Davis said the decline of US. eco- the situation will im' rove pc Among Americans. Herring said, clear ideology right now." he said was our work with Governor
- “' ter of the United Nations Associa— nomic. military and informational p the war is remembered with a great "They‘re kind of in a state of anom- Brown's cabinet on somal problems
‘- tion. George Herring. UK professor lpropagandist) intervention has co- “The US. is the only country deal of "ambivalence and uncertain» ie." of Kentucky." Faber said. "We met
I! of history and author of America's incided with its increase by the Sovi- where you can graduate from high ty. Most hope Vietnam will be rele- Faber said he believes freedom with a panel of researchers to dis
Longest War -— l950-1975 was also et Union. a trend that may result in school without knowing a foreign gated to the scrap heap of history.” and democracy are eroding despite See SCS, pageé
I I I A~~v~ ' —--—— ~ ~ ~———»—-—————-——-—-——-—-———-———-———-—-————-——————-——-—y
calllns emphaSIzes Educatflln writing campaign promoted by the banking industry yester~
I bid f Go 8 nor's Mansio FRIDA! day and agreed to repeal President Reagans plan for with-
In I or v r n holding taxes from interest and dividends.
r rt .
, . .. ‘ . FIMAPMdsm” OpO 8 The 91-5 vote approved a so-called compromise drawn
By SUSAN SESSIONS 3 7“.“ ‘ . ' ' LKD nets $11,000 f0? SChOIBFShip {UHd up by Republicans. designed to save face for the preSident.
Reporter * ; Technically it leaves the withholding law on the books -—
~ \\ This year's Little Kentucky Derby earned $ll,000 for the Stu- but ProhibhS ”5 use unless Congress OdOPlS h 090‘" in 19873
7 ' _,..._. m __..Vv..M ' L .. dent Activities Board's two-year~old LKD scholarship fund,
The following is the fourth in a five- . k f . Greg Kupar, the organization’s adviser, said Wednesday. |sfaeli official alleges Syrian hOSti'ities
Pf"? series-on the MG." 3‘ gubernato» * ' - The first LKD golf tournament, co-sponsored with the UK
rialprimaries. . -' » \" Alumni Association, raised more than $3000 from 0 field 0' JERUSALEM — lsrael Signaled concern yesterday that Syria
Lt. Gov. Martha Layne Collins .3 ' ' ' " ' 70 participants, he $°ld' and over 30000 votes °' ° penny might be preparing for war. and the military command re-
said _5h9 will make education the t0P ' ' ' ' per vote were (05' in the “'5' ”(D King contest, bringing in ported two Israelis and four Arabs killed in the latest clash ‘
priority m her first biennial state over 5300‘ along the Syrian-lsraeli front line in Lebanon.
budget ifshewmsthegovernorship. Also, ObOU' 1:400 students attended the RleY Sk°995 The command said lsraeli troops intercepted four guerrile
V‘e .. concert April I" about 200 attended the LKD splash and an las trying to infiltrate Israeli lines south of Solar near the
.:::: estimated 2,000 participated in the cafeteria kick-off parties. Beirut-DomOSCUS highway late Wednesday. An Israeli army
,.'. Gubernatorial l MARTHA lAYNE COLLINS The annual bike race April 16 drew 100 participants, he said, spokesman reported may a yhird Israeli soldier was killed m
.‘ Rm . » - whilethe l0.000-meter run drew 50' southern Lebanon in an ambush about ll miles north of the l
my) expectations. and ddm'ss'm's Kupar said there was no attendance estimate for LKD's | | b rder
standards are a step in the right di- 3 , 5““? ' ° -
\ rection."shesaid. crowning event. the annual balloon race. which drew 21 en- The inCIdents coinCided weth news reports of increasmg
”Education is expensive. but the 0°”th said, however. that she trants. This years 5500 scholarship we"? to Carla Sue Curt3 Syrian activity in Lebanon an extenswe Soviet rearmament
only thing more expensive is. the would allow exceptions for adults singer, communications sophomore. of Syria and recem Syrian war games cited as evidence of
lack of it." Collins said in a written who want to return to college to a ssibleS “on ouemwe
response to questions submitted to start or finishadegree. po y ',
her campaign headquarters. “I will She said she hopes her economic House Shortens debate on WEBPOI'I freeze The reports orlglno'lng fI'Om ° bOChQround b“? ”‘9 '0
propose legislation to increase funds deveiopment plan would help recent Israeli correspondents by Defense Minister Moshe Arens
{9" student loans and h" the VOld lh collegegraduatesfindjobs, WASHINGTON — Nuclear freeze advocates won another said it was not clear whether the Syrians were preparing a
financial asststance created by cut- it '5 very important'to me 'h‘i" skirmish yesterday as the House voted 2l4-l94 to shorten spring campaign or were adopting ° defenswe posture be‘
backsatthefederal level. our college graduates find work in 3 3 h i d I | it it
Collins faces Louisville Mayor Kentucky."she said. “Our youth are remaining debate on the measure. but Democratic leaders causet ey eare an sraeia ac
Harvey Sloane and former Human Kentucky‘s future. and if we don't the" PU'OfthT‘Ol ShOWdOW" unlilnexiweek
Resources Secretary Grady Stumbo have jobs moving to Kentucky. we The procedural vote. urged by the moiority leadership \
on(thlel.May zfdbeglocbfihc ballc: ha 1““ :63}? college graduates movmg cut off debate on about 40 pending amendments to a central
70inssaise ievesse s 010. . . .. .
been addressing issues of interest to An emergency job incentive tax portion 0' the resolu'wn' 8"" R9990" adm'n's'm'm" allies
college students during her cam- credit. designed to apply to people vowed to fight on next week. With other amendments to ——
paign. stressing her support for in- entering the job market for the first other portions of the bill.
creased higher education funds. in- time. is'part of the economic propo- Thursday's vote allowed the House to inch closer to what WEATHER
crEased h'tlahct!“ 3,“, andtexpand'ed sa'llzhColllFs sf'd- t 3 nor l Speaker Thomas P. ONeill Jr D-Mass. predicted would be
jo oppor uni ies in en uc y or e ieu enan over a so . _ .
graduates. stressed making computer literacy a an ultimate pro freeze victory by a margin ranging from 50
(‘ollins said she also intenrk to part of the state‘s education pro '0100V0'95»
raise salaries at state universities to grain, Students deserves the oppor- The non binding resolution hO'lY Opposed bY "‘9 R9090"
:gifcingsgerteeghgogaigicgg "3;? Wycdgipulrrzmfifmngtiizzped'ufilg °dminl5"°"°" u'9‘” ”5‘50?” "°S°'i°“°“ 3' °" y'lmdmed: Mostly cloudy today wlth a 50 percent chance of show-
- ate, mutual and e 'l'able reeze on ro uction eve -
offer pay that competes with univer- theirschoolyearsshesaid. ' dd I V “ ' i ll leorwea ”M ore and a possible thunderstorm during tho aflornoon
sities in neighboring states and pri- Collins said she would make funds opmen °" 9" °Vm°m ° ° "W po ‘ wlth highs In the upper 50s to low 600.
vate industry to have a quality high- available to alleviate the faculty Mostly cloudy tonlght with o 30 porcont chance of
er education system. , shortage m UK'S computer science SOM‘. TOM'S withholding 0f iDCOI‘OSt Ihowon and low: In the oppor 00:.
Collins said she agrees With the department. but would leave the de~
. . . . Mostly cloudy tomorrow with a chance of ehowon
proposal to rinse UK s freshman en- claim about exactly how to spend
trancerequiremuits. the money up to the university ad~ WASNINOtON ._ the senate yielded to a massive letter and hlgh in tho inld to uppor 50s.
' “High performance will follow ministration. _,___.—__.__~_,__.___ g. _M_c_-_—___~
t l I

 . ..-. . .
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Illl Mold." Animi- 09mm! John Orlflln Mldoy ”Hm Llnl I. Kid-b- «LID. Vulcan. M Clluovd ?
min. i no summon. Arnhluw spam (dim- Spnmimmuumn... emiiutdnor Graphiutdmn II '
P E RSUASION Jun-- “Mn "0'“- '0'." "l" 50“" um. mum: Jr. 90" “but" ii-owio Mllllon Ion v-nuooh (km A». l »
Monuqnwihi mi N "not i 'w Anmam Am Edwin Ailltlonl590ll| (duo: spumimmmu Awuum “wiping“,gmpmi _,. . LL- . - - .~ 5
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Panel’s leak plugging Ideas PW” ”“7 “’5'“ “529 W CONSC‘ENCE- ‘-
k ' tak pt' '
ma e THIS en assum Ions / a .
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8 . , -— ,. i
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Once again. it seems the Reagan adminis- government officials unfailingly classify in- _._,’ ’ ;
tration is on the verge of openly demonstrat- formation that is vital to national security fl Jr,“ , ;
ing its contempt for the Constitution. and the pursuit of justice. _ S '_,/' f I?! § l,

A committee chaired by Richard K. Wil- As history has shown. however, secrecy is . / //’/w \_, “ ; l3
lard. deputy assistant attorney general. re- the most abused of government pm'ileges. (; y ,l J g l
leased a recommendation Wednesday that Officials often use secrecy for self protection L ‘ l V 0 9
the administration seek legislation to make and to keep from the public spotlight mea- ‘ Jul. 1’ l ,
.ill leaks of classified information by past or sures they know will be unpopular. . I ”'7 ' [VA]; |;
present government employees a felony. So it was with the Pentagon Papers. the i5 F \ l\ ’ L
Guilt would be punishable by up to three illicit release of which ended all doubts that \ ) ‘2 ll
yearsmjailanda$10.000fine. U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War was. 1 9 {j/ ‘l 3‘

Furthermore. the committee said the ad- at best.misguided. “A j 4A, a; f/‘ / l
ministration should consider seeking the'en- And countless other leaks _ particularly _ .w _, t l
actment ot civil penalties for unauthorized . . , h . l ) i
re -i imts of classified information includ- those to journalists _ have helped keep t. c Q j // \ - r l
‘ttgjgltlrn'illsts ' Reagan administration from fulfilling its ' l // W l
‘ ‘ ‘ .' ' ‘ ' 'mitin individual ' '

The committee was convened at the re- gleildttfmusngngogfillglg Ellie hlation'g social wel— / l
quest of President Reagan‘s national securi- fares vstem ._ ~’ . I) g .
ty adviser. William P. Clark. in an effort to y ' S0 1.”, I
plug security leaks he said have plagued the Rather than concern itself with putting a .g/ ' « I
adriiinistration. cap on free discussion of its actions. the ad- E Po ' - l

Although the committee concluded its re- ministration should examine the motives of N L l
port by advising the administration to delay the employees making the leaks. All too 5f?“ . ££S ' 3
introducing the legislation until Congress‘ often it might find lonely knights in armor $ ‘\’\‘\‘\\ -' , l
. l- .‘ ' ‘ V . . . . . . . . . . Y \-.\ 5/ -r\\‘\_‘ 1;‘ \ t w) ,
agenda clo‘ll‘h somew hat. its recommenda- fighting the ill-intentioned initiatives of a \>:-;._._ \\~~_‘\— ‘____A -7
tiohs remain poised to pounce upon the First wrong-minded administration with the only _:‘\:~ . ,Ffig’?" If

. . -_ _ . ‘l I '
.»\men<.iment weapon at their disposal ~ access to the free :7?»— ‘- \\ ‘ ( #427féfl ..

By making such proposals. it assumes that press. 1. .-,‘.-,‘.\\ \ § ‘ s‘égzgafi” 7&3».
W s

Th d't' 1" hr drd thrminblrrd
9 IS Inc [0’18 9 ween mur e , ea e a U 9

l have a picture on my wall of a "terrorist attack." ularly the CIA, trying to disrupt the l remind you of another group of air raid more acceptable and justi- raeli occupation. But. again. it is a 3
dead child burned beyond recogni- Thus. we divide the world‘s atroci‘ current status quo and Sandanista "terrorists" the British once fought fiable than the killing of an Israeli matter of perspective. The Palestin-
tion liven the sex is now impossible ties into acts carried out by states. government. who were armtd and fighting for child in a katyusha rocket attack? ian man meant his wreath to sym-
tt- determine ll I tell you nothing or members of the United Nations. This irony can be seen even more freedom in their land, In my mind. Are the Palestinians killed to be la~ bolize both his respect for those
more about the child. you are still and acts carried out by terrorists. clearly if we examine the vocabu- they were freedom fighters and it beled "terrorists" and thus justifiab' Jews killed in Warsaw and his re» 3
moved to some measure of pity at And we Sit back in our easy chairs lary used. When the Sandanistas was those early Americans who ly annihilated while the Israelis spect for the Palestinians who are
the premature ending ofa life convinced that these artificial dis- were fighting the established gov- made it poss1ble for me to sit here killed are to be mourned as victims now being killed in Lebanon and im-

Ii' I tell you the child was killed in tinctions are satisfactory signals ernment that we approved of. they writing now. of“senseless“attacks'? prisoned on the West Bank. But the ’
an a: strike in a summer war. you telling us when to and when not tr were known as “terrorists." . , . 1 § 1‘ t t . 1' ’t . Israeli mayor of Tel Aviv angrily re» "

.il‘t" riot appalled or particularly in- got riled up Now. those we are arming in Hon- 1:") tlmznfijgoxuognfn {gn‘lllef’zaglv per‘lsgictcisg 3312;521:035 I; gaging: fused to acknowledge the Palestin- -
reused. lust saddened After all. war duras and teaching to fight the cur- p, ‘ . . T , . . . . . , ' . ian expression of sorrow. charging
j p -——-——— t d tabl' hed overnment are marketplace killing a few ClVIllanS. today who are responSible for at- him with desecration of) holv place

>93“; “r h . , ,h, h Id . ”[1119an est £15.. , g .. ateful ”L The bomb was planted by members tacks on British outposts in pre-1948 and murder ' , :

f f. ‘9“ 5.9”“ my“: “ t f 1 L; 2:] ,. pa mi: t dc?“ ’30“ m ke of the Palestine Liberation Organi- Palestine as well as attacks on Arab Some cultural rs tives are
d m 'l.m Mn“ tar ipn‘_ ‘n a ime U LOSIOY 5‘ E0085 3 1‘ “UK I a mum, who are part of a military villages that are viewed by many Is~ h lth , ht . th’np: 'Eficoth .r‘ 'r . , ‘
”upp‘M‘d peat.“ W.“ are m” ABUKHATER anysense. and a government without a recog- raelis as statesmen and freedom ea y, appy I g. a .e'sa (
iffllt’d and angered dl ”11> ”term?” Let me give you another example. , ,. , , . . . . . . . . demeaning and deadly Isn t it the

, , . . _, _ _ . . l‘..'l(‘(l statt They. too. are fighting fighters. ()ne of these Israelis is now , _ , - - , .
ti.~ act But wha. I ask you. is the To the Bnush government and the . . . . ultimate affront to human dignity .
.. . . . . . ‘ for their independence from the oc- Prime Minister. , - , . .
dittt’rence. l> not me child atlll dead armed soldier patrolling Belfast _ .. , , and to human rights when we kill re-

-- . .. _ . .. - .__.____._._____. . . (upying power of Israel. The world ‘ . , .
it Killedm war orin peace streets. the Irish Republican Army and the (‘Bs‘ \‘ews call their action There are also many young Pales gardloss 0f thermotive. whether in

Is not the child‘s basic human But are they satisfactory? Are are terrorists. They are armed. dan» "terrorism 3. ‘ ' tinians dead and alive today who are war or m rebellion? And lsnl It the ,
right stillvioiated regardless" they not only distinctions between gerous radicals who are attempting ‘ ' reSponsible for attacks on Israeli ultimate affront to posSible peace 3

In these modern times of war. official and unofficial terrorism? to disrupt the status quo. to disrupt However. a series of bombs are military and Israeli towns that are and human understanding when we .
peace and international strife. we. Are not the children killed still dead the British occupation But to the dropped from the air on the be- viewed by Palestinians as heroes allow ourselves the awful leisure of g
as Westerners and Americans. have and victims either way'.’ Is it not ul- Irish Catholics of Northern Ireland. seiged cities of Tyre and Sidon in and freedom fighters. as well. justifying some atrocities and con- j

lwuised a way oi dealing with such timately merely a matter of per- the IRA are heroes and freedom Lebanon killing hundreds of Pales- Just this week in Warsaw. Poland. demning others‘.’ Death is death I

recurrences If amounts actually to spective" fighters. fighting a battle against a tiniari refugees lThe toll is thou» a group of Polish Jews who were What‘s the difference” It is only 'I
;;ttle more than all attempt to justify Let me give you a few examples. foreign power that has no moral or sands by the time the two-month- killed in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising when we refuse to make artifiCial ‘ ~
some actiors and condemn others A few years ago when the American legitimate claimtotheirland long missmn is over.) These bombs where they resisted the Nazi inva« distinctions between this child‘s

The perpetrators of the air strike government supported the Somozan The British soldier killed inside a are dropped by members of the Is- sion were remembered for their death and that child's murder and

' are members of a recogmzed mili- regime in Nicaragua. we were horri- Belfast tank is a hero in London and raeli military. a recognized military courage. One Palestinian man also respect both lives equally that we
'ar: carrying out a recognized mas fled at the Sandanista militia who an enemy in Ireland. The Irish teen- of a recognized state who are on laid a wreath at the base of the me— will begin to make progress on the
wit 2r. what we call a “justifiable were disrupting the status quo of the ager killed by a British bullet is a what they call a “defensive" maneu- morial both in memory of those issueofhuman rights.
war The perpetrators of the car capiualist government. In the inter- casualty of war with expected ter< ver The world and CBS News call it Jews killed in their courageous re—
born? are members of an unrecog- im period since Somoza‘s defeat and roristic leanings to Buckingham Pal- “war ” sistance and as a statement that his Lesley Abuhhater is an English
nizeti‘ military carrying out an un» the Sandanista Victory. we now find ace and a hero to her people at But is there a difference? Is the fellow Palestinians are now engaged graduate student and a member of I
rwognized mission in what we calla the American government. partic- home. killing of a Palestinian child in an in a courageous fight against an 15- Amnesty International. '
C II t h b t d' ' t t I ' ' I
0 age eac as us a nu [sappom men , #9 In genera .

Andy Warhol doesn t remember learned from this University. it's Student). I think that because I am my own fault. I've never done any- I‘ve been a failure as a college stu- 80‘-
me' 1.in Tomlin called while I was how to take disappointments «even leaving this University after being thing “collegiate-ish" during my dent. SONS Mom and Dad. even though
out and to :np it all off. I don‘t get to those as big as not shaking Presi- on the rare four-year plan. I deserve four years at L'K. Facing up to realities like this are YOU all have sacrificed very mm" 50
shake 'llis Smgletary s hand during dent Singletary‘s hand at gradua- something, I've never pulled childish “col- painful. but as I said, it's okay. You that I COUld 80 ‘0 COHCSE. get a des
graduation .‘t‘remlmws tion gracefully. It wouldn‘t hurt the University to lege~type‘ pranks on the dean of my have to face up to those realities gree and find a well-paying job —— I

an” r.;; in in” nnn. and money give me a plaque. It doesn‘t even college lallhflllgh I‘m sure no one sooner or later. It‘s just as well that hear Key West needs cocktail wait-
sperzt at Ins l. :iiversity. I'm pretty A have to be a real big plaque u a would ever do that to Herbert Dren- it‘s now. resses,

PM ,3 When my brother graduated Barbara little one will do just fine. just as non anyway) I‘ve never stolen the I‘ve faced up to the fact that I‘ll

with .I dean-e In bubInPSs. he grit to . g v / long as my name is spelled correct- opposmg school‘s mascot. I‘ve never never be known as “the white Diana Barbara Price Sallee is a journa-

shaw prwdpm gmgletary 5 hand I ‘ ‘ SALLEE ly. been on a college weekend. I also Ross," I'll also never have a 10w lism senior and Kernel editorial edi-

dor ' think it s fair It took Billy a j . See if UK gets any of my alumni have never been to a weenie roast or rider car to cruise up and down the tor. She is rather unemployed at the

3,: longer to gm out of here than it‘s m." money. I'm hurt; I‘ve been forgot- even a bonfire. I don't even know boulevards of Lexington, and I prob- moment (Creed Black and John Car< I
gdken m9 .. and n9 51111 got to shake I‘ve learned that although I may ten. once again during the most im- the words to the UK Fight Song. ably won‘t get a job in the field of roll, please take note). but unless !
mg hand not have deserved some awards (i.e. portant year of my college life. 1 After ”0n. on [TofK. . l'mlost. joumalism,either. things shape up, she's going to Key

1i thpre has been anything I have Sullivan or Outstanding Journalism don't mind Even though I know it‘s Here I am ready to graduate. and Reality‘s painful. but it‘s all I‘ve West.

l I Lexmgton certainly doesn‘t need, It courses as an undeCided freshman. provement on campus. We intend to attributed to me by Scott Wilhoit in "he does not question the legitimacy
AllOCk on Mac is for this reason LADD calls for a I do not think the business depart- keep this promise. Contact us at the an article that appeared in the April of Carroll‘s remarks," Of course.
total boycott of McDonald‘s until ment has a right to deny students Student Government Association Of- 20Kernel. Wilhoit quoted me as say- it's possible that Wilhoit was a

A local concern is the great injus- they withdraw construction plans on who are not busmess majors any fice. 120 Student Center. or call 257- ing that I question the integrity and member of the “some listeners“ cat-
llt‘tr' being done to Lexington by Mo Main Street courses as long as they can handle 3191 sincerity 0‘ former Kentucky GOV~ 8801')’.

Donald 5 Restaurant Will] the Let's get together Lexington and the workload Please don‘t hesitate to stop by or Julian Carroll. I clearly stated that I The questions he directed at me
planned construction of the restau» “Attack Against Big Mac ” The College of Business & Eco. callanytime, V _ had no opinion concerning the integ— certainly reflected a bias on his
rant on Main Street nomics should practice what they JohnS.(ain rityorsincerityofCarroll. part. Is it possible that Wilhoit al-

since McDonald's is showing no Chuck Malkus preach and meet supply with de» NealHardesty Wilhoit prefaced the attribution by lowed some editorial bias to enter
respect for the Citizens of Iexington LADD President mand. FloHackman saying that “some listeners were his reporting of Carroll's appear»
with the construction of the restau- ‘ JohnW.Fish skeptical of Carroll's sincerity.“ l ance"
rant on Main Street. Lexmgton Anti , Michael (' Kovaleski benators-atiargeelect must have been the entire “some lis- Wilhoit has made a false and pos-

Drunk Drivers and its 500 members UndeCIded Undecided sophomore . . 9 teners" element. for Wilhoit appar- sibly harmful alleged quotation of
propose a boycott of every McDon— AlfrlbUl’lon . ently only questioned one other per- me, ,
ald's restaurant in lexington I‘m an undecided sophomore. soon . _ son on the topic. That person (Shea . Michael A. GOfOI‘th

The LADI) boycott shall be called to be an undecided junior. Don‘t Open Offlce I adamantly 0bleCt ‘0 a statement Nickell) was quoted as saying that First-year law student
"Attack Against Big Mac." and laugh. it happens to the best of is. m ed
shall begin at noon on April 22 with Schedules are due and mine is not We. the team of Cain. Hardesty. BL M COUNTY by Berke Breath
a great amount of ‘emphaSis placed fimshed ’ . Hackman and Fish. would like [0 ‘NW ”will i4 .1, .-,_i v,,; (“J c-..‘ Wéh‘t rug I‘UMIE‘; A“ 0‘ With” Kt ”M”? «1% 0f (WW1 Hfll'k‘fLiNllY
on "staying away from McDon- I am trying to take a variety of take this opportunity to thank our mwu‘ a. ,. .‘£~'L‘frl.'iiit «with We trottevitw: IN AKIMAHAHV iNllNiMiitt» no tiniwitmy to tilt
ald's and not making any purchase courses to broaden my education. supporters in the recent senator-at- It‘t‘flll" “1" ‘gi't’cni’tlo t‘i‘ufgitl av: mt Wits l’Hl‘JlON mt Mtottw mew. tmimio'i tor 1th
from the restaurants in Lexington Ideally, a variety of courses will largecampaign Lqulllr’i x writ-r some VCR. . vitt deltlhlwll UlNL’iHllf t,Hlltlv'l(‘1NL)UKt it

It is unfortunate that such a mea- help me chooseamajor. We appreciate the encouraging re- Aggy?" 15:54. clef ’“ W" to t‘l ' “m“ ”WWW“
sure must be taken to preserve [£X‘ I'm having some problems ception we received when visiting 39.n- it“ ”A; nix: ,M 11w" “ng
ington‘s neighborhoods However, Upper-level business courses are variom orgamzations. and we ap- (W3 "W m” ’R we Limits
McDonald‘s has not given any con- only guaranteed to business majors preciate the people who encouraged -' . ,I .\ or tab
Sideration to the concerns of Lexing- Double majoring in bminess and us throughout the campaign. Most of ”i ’f. “t3 l. \ 4f: ‘71)}?
ton Emlish seems appealing. I cannot all, we'd like to thank every student . \ ”3ft: l~ ~‘. 3- ' 7i“ ‘I /\ f) 7‘ ( ’ ‘

LADD believes that it McDonald‘s make a decision until I take some of who took the time to vote in the elec- i’". l “‘07,. E2 1 ) ,v. r LA . t‘ “ “ ‘-
completes construction on Main theseupper-levelbminenscoursee. tion. .- ~ “ . . ”t3 'r- A... {le v ‘ , ‘ r
Street. it will continue to destroy ‘l‘heEnglish department isnotlilte One of our promises was to be M- i' “.qu -' ’ “'3 . .34! “' V‘k . .\ .Qa\
other Lexington neighborhoorh and the bmineu school, and I could available to all students to hear . » \~ ‘ - w “‘ “ ‘_
create more traffic woblam, which have taken upper-level Erglish their ideas and suggestions for im- " ‘ " ' "" '

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. Wildcats Sign -5 swungman from Lexmgton Lafayette
By JASON WILLIAMS Sanford chose not to sign with a and catching the eye of majorcol- ral highly r