xt7d7w676p2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7d7w676p2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-08-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 2001 2001 2001-08-30 2020 true xt7d7w676p2f section xt7d7w676p2f TN; gatiiioiéy The downfalls The new millennium is here, and technology runs rampant throughout our lives. The technological advances have been hailed as the gateway to a better education, but something is very wrong. WebPages, online homework, wireless connections, extensive electronic databases and word processing capability all aid in our education. but what does the rest of technology do? I'll tell you what it does. it drags us down, makes us lazy and changes our priorities. How? I'll show you. Say you've got a paper due, calculus to study, physics homework to do and a brand new surround sound system hooked up to your TV. What do you do first? "Um, the calculus i guess." l . l l l l l I i No, you idiot. Of course you pop in a DVD, kick back and let the three-dimensional sound carry you away. Technological distractions are everywhere. Here are a few of the more severe ones I’ve witnessed: Getting to the next level in your PlayStation 2 games suddenly takes on more immediate attention than your looming eight-page paper. Food money is spent on a $2,000 big screen TV, and in order to cover up the large expenditure, you tell your parents for the rest of your life that you were really hungry and the kickass TV in the livung room is your roommates'. Downloading the newest song or music video you Just saw on MTV takes on more importance than going to that pesky late-afternoon class. You go to take back a surround sound receiver you just bought and end up making a mad dash to the Genie machine to withdraw cash, because your credit card was declined and you really need that $400 surround sound system. The new digital cable in your room is so cool that you try to see iust how many times you can watch Big Momma ’5 House in a row. And after you've watched it 10 times. you have to keep watching because ”Sexually Bewitched" is coming on in an August 30. 260i IHEfiAME 3 Get in line: Remaining upper-level tickets for University of Louisville game to be sold today at Memorial Coliseum By Steve lvey manning mm The UK athletics office announced 350 tickets will go on sale to the general public today for the 14th meeting between the Wildcats and the l’niversity of Louisville (‘ardinals PK allots 10.000 tickets for students. Only 350 were unsold. according to a UK press release. Those remaining tickets will be sold today at the Memorial Coliseum ticket office from 9 am. until 4 pm. for $22 each. Available seats are in the north tip- TESTS per level of Commonwealth Stadium be- tween sections 200 and 208. The tickets are also available by phone with a Visa or Mastercard or by calling 257—1818 or 800‘ 928—CATS. The question of how many tickets could be sold for the opening game has been a hot issue. since the team has under- gone so many changes since spring “We did have a drop somewhat in sea- son ticket sales. btit nothing that was un- expected.“ said Brooks Downing. intercol- legiate media relations director. “That's pretty good when you look at the fact that you came off ofa 2-9 season. you've had an NCAA investigation and you changed coaches." Downing said 98 percent of season ticket holders from the Blue and Whiti- fund and 97 percent of public season-ticket holders renewed their tickets for the up coming season. Another sign of fan interest came vr-s terday when Downing said an estimated 1.300 Kentucky football fans called the UK Athletics Department nonstop after the Lexington Heraldlcader published an or ticle stating some 1,400 public season tick ets remained. including 160 for some of thr- "best seats in the stadiutii." Downing said the report was incorrect and exaggerated the number of seats n- maining. The UK press release stated no Football preview Our annual ‘Pigskin Preview’ l 8 SECTION V Vht/lvrnmyeel'o'pzkkrn. Left over tickets on sale today more football season tickets were avail abll- Predictions for the outcome of Satur day's gami- vary at l‘lls‘s campus .lohii Dis selcainp. a marketing senior. will be root in: for the (‘ardiiials during l'K's season opener "I'm actually a l' of l. tan. so l hope l' of l. wins." liisselcaiiip said “I think Louisville has the best shot at w inning. especially now with two of [ 'K's starters being suspended " (ireg Young a plant and soil sciences ser nior and [K tootiiall tin. otters-d a «littering opinion "l'm surprised lilt‘l‘t‘ al‘l- still student tn ki-ts left with it being may be the biggest ganic ot the year " "toting said ltliiiik w'c hayi- a pl'i‘lTV good chaini- of winning it. though." Earn quick credit by byinpasg exams Making the grade: Students avoid classes by passing the test By Andrea Uhde ASSlSTANfiEWSi0'73fi Without picking up a book. filling a notebook with homo-wot k. or listening to a myriad ot lee tures. some UK students are able to pass a course. Actually it can take less than an hour. in most cases. to obtain credit for a class that would normally last a full se- mester Even though most students choose to ignore it. this quick process is an opportunity open to all students. Special examina- tions, including departmental tests. Advanced Placement tests. and the College Level Examinae tion Program. are available to stu dents looking to get quick credit in college. Many students. though. choose to take the full course “Most students don‘t use them rthe special exams) very often." said Adrienne McMahan. the as See EXAMS on 2 I don’t think the exam is scary at all and I don’t think people should be SUCCESS UK alumna, Gretchen Price, speaks to business students MCKTOMECEK ~“".‘J'O‘ Gretchen Price of Proctor & Gamble, speaks to Gatton students at the Student Center about her success and war stories. By Andrea Uhde A,»%‘N’NENZ§D'QQ l'K graduate Gretchen Price named the in. w steps to be- ing successful in the cot’por'ito- world du: 1:12 i speech at the Student (enter yesterday. mentioning the roie gender (lif- t'erencr-s play in the business world. Price. who graduated from the (iatton (‘ollr-ge of Busi- ness and Economics in info. now serw-s as the vice presi- dent and treasurer of Proctor dz (nimble ( o in (‘incinnati The (.jraduate Women in Business hosted the speech. Price has been with P & (‘, for 2.3 years "You have this perspective you start at the bottom and mou- straight up. but you really move- l--t't and right and 'iii different ways." Price, who had a close mentor while she was at UK. said another vital step is to iiil‘n‘ :i good support system. Having a mentor proved to he an iniporuint start in her ca- reer “Thcreareculturalantisoiiai:iiioisthat':'1.iyciiiipact- ed men and women differently." she - iirl Prici- t.sed to take it petxonally when others. didn't think the way she did. but she now understands tn it women niri nmn think different» iy “lions relate to each other ti'.i‘o‘i;i. vi nipi-titnin and women were raised to relati- b iscd or. r .atLoiiships " Price said she learned to adapt to work w ill‘. men iii the corporate world, "i learned that it's not you versus me. but it's‘ your style and my style as we solve this problem. ' Price added lessons she has learned w line working at hour and that's not enough time to squeeze in any homework. I O 0 I ,’ 1111:“ I Ildated by It. P & (i to help build success. One lesson was to be willing to fail. "If you re not screw in;r tip. you‘re probably not tack- ling things in a big enough w ay." she said - JEORG ELLEN HORNSBY. FRENCH LECTURER -Jared Whalen Rail Editor rall_editor@hotmall.corn Sigma Pi house hosts Playboy photo shoot 8.1%.; "I don't believe in pessimism. it something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. it Extra. extra... line UK women will appear in Playboy's October Issue, Girls of the SEC. Playboy held open interviews last spring. The issue goes on sale Sept. 3. One fraternity member: 'After a couple rolls of film, everyone started loosening up and it all started to come off." Photographers spent one day at the house and took the fraternity brothers and the girls to a private pool for another shoot the next day, i The atmosphere was laid-back. said Justin R. Durban. a graphic design senior. “After a couple rolls of film. everyone started loosening tip." he said "And it all started to come off." Durban said the experience will be a high- light of his college career “Those three hours felt like thirty min- utes." he said. Playboy visited several other fraternity houses before choosing Sigma Pi. “They were looking for the most Playboyfriendly." said Playboy publicist Karen Ring Borgman. It is not against l'K Greek Affairs or na- tional fraternity rules for the members to ap- pear in the magazine wearing their letters. By Tracy Kershaw tat—RACING mode For (‘hris Dawahare. having Playboy do a shoot in his Sigma Pi fraternity house made staying an extra year to serve as house father worth it. . _ , "It was just the culmination of college." Y9“ W“, "'5 00"“? ‘0 Dawahare said. “I knew it was a once and a '3'“ 't W'”-" lifetime chance," _ ‘ . ' ' He's one of 13 Sigma Pi's pictured in Octo- j_i%_-= 1' i ' ber's Girls of the SEC pictorial. .- i ‘ Of course the guys are merely props to the ...,- ~ 1» -» main attraction: Nine UK females are in the VOL mos ISSUE its magazine. which goes on sale Sept. 3. ,,, Dawahare didn't believe his fraternity brothers when they said the magazine might use their house for the shoot “I actually asked the producer to show me his card.“ he said. SCOTT $4.00! | Inuit S'Arr ESTABLISHED IN l892 INDEPENDENT SINCE T971 }J( 5 5.31.. Call: 257-l9l5 or write: kernel®pop.uky.edu “The Student Newspaper at the uii've'r‘s‘ny otiientfiky. exington n imprison, AUGUST 30. 2001 | KENTUCKY scam ALLTI'IE NEWS THAT FITS The Low-down The deep joy we take in the company of people with whom we have just recently fallen in love is undisguis- able." - John Cheever (1912- 82), American author Suit filed to clarify 1998 abortion law I.tll’lS\'Il,I.I~l \ .li tlwrson (‘ouim t‘irciiu Judge has cleared thc \\.i\ tor .i I.l\\‘\llll trying to clarify lllt‘ lllltlt'ltlt‘tl«'itllst'lll l't'rlllllr'lllr'lll of ii ltlllti abortion l.i\\ to pi'm l“‘il 'l'lic limid l lmrgcd with enforcing lllt' l l\\ laid islwil that the suit lic dismissed The l'lll‘l'Litil‘ l‘ticsd l\ is ixiciori lot doctors who llt'l'lttlll‘ tlwiioos iiltl it 2w I‘t'lll planted that tl'i- stilt» ‘ m \'tllt'lllt'l' Willllt‘ll \t‘t'lxlll.'. to ~‘llII ill: 2r. on li‘\ crust Illill\l‘ one or two trips to ill div: Hot: | Illllt 'l'lic l l\\ rc qutl‘cs that \\tlllli"l lzt i-t'il -l-.o:.i lIlt' lIHIlIltll" pl‘occdurc Jl littlil\ In Illlt‘ " w itcitointcil but doctors s.i\ it s lll't iv 2i ‘1 .\*llllt i: out’ «so to thc clinics tor the brictnir o: it 'tt in he l’tll'tlllt'li‘ll tl\'t‘l' tlic tclcpliotlr It” lt-w Ali” \ .r M» "iv l i\\ could lose lllt‘ll ircil .il turns» -- l'hv sit ' xi is illcil Ill. [lll\\l(1.lllstll t‘ii l\l\\ \\ivii:l~:. .>:; .:i t‘.lI l‘i‘ltlt‘t‘, \\Ill~ ll 5i l« min” lit-w.~ l' Ir-Hm lilr and I.i'\ltigtoll i‘lu‘ l'tl'1'i: -~ in! rim tors Would risk lllt‘ll' liccnscu ii "i: . ill" I.i\\ i\ \. lltllt‘ till ‘iii .iiri «tit~ flili‘l llll‘ll'll Study: Checkpoints not used routinely t‘tll.l'.\ll’.l's tum solit‘icti (‘llt‘r’lxlttlll‘l-s to li“'lt tittiulwn til '\ llt‘.’ lull It'\\i‘l than illlll"I w? ’ lillillll‘l‘l‘._ according to istiuh ic't mil \\rtlllt"»ll.l\ 'l‘lic stud\ \\'.i\ donc in 'lic lc Ill-lllllll‘ tor lltghwn .\' ilt‘l\ ohm tr .liw lalitilllls ll1£l\Ili'lllt'ltt‘\l\\'l\'ri! iw‘ ., t.» ’l W 'Iilillltt‘ll I.Ill\ll‘i}_1 'l‘lir- instit‘at rw‘orv "t mircl: oi lllllll/Jllllll illlltli‘tl ll\ iti’ii l:.l;tit:-rwwn;|l,1iliil\ liarlici' rcsmrr'ii l,\ lllt ~ .i l‘ o \llrl‘t‘w'il tlrrl .ll t'llllttl related to ll it - in run In lt'tIll"t‘tl I\\ :‘tl percent when m;u-,.- l'ti ii-w. minim. oi- tun ducted llt‘tlticntli 'l"‘» tut” ~‘TEII'. it'lliltl that ii stiitcs. lllt Illtlllitl Iv ';'r i-\ \.: l. ills :. on! lit‘tll' gm. condiictcd chm Iallvltl“ . :. iii-triuwl .is ill li'.‘l\l oiii‘c .l not”. I ‘ 'i« stiitt' l.l\\'s Irii'rcii' w" 9' points tIt’\l'illi si‘ -. sow-i :i;"ri.i lt'. liltitl tllrit liltlll'ItI "it -‘ru= t' . ..i l‘WtiHlI'i 'I 'i:: "t \l \t'l‘ »' rii -. liw' 'Ilt‘lli lil‘ IITI tilt v' .itlit ‘. " t'll’li iilly l- . . 3‘; ‘Illll‘ _.t~litl" is? I’i'\ ~ llll ill IIH’I Ix (‘tlllllllt'lt‘ll l'Ilt‘:‘l\lli\'l‘l. Condit's children resign from jobs tltu' 1l l‘-. illi‘l‘ l .i.\ cumin. S;\(‘li.\.\ll€.\"l‘tl l :22? (lray Iliiyis lillllll"1'x will. lllt‘ (‘Illltil‘t‘il .tt tl‘t-t signed from lllt' :1o\r~i‘llni"« otlti c tit. ll .inil (Uttli‘t' (‘iiliillf 'jli. .iiliiiiitti'il l .l. lf‘tti' ',\i lilt‘ll ioint resignation Ii'ttcr 'l‘uiutlw or: tl‘i- cor. dits “:irc a proud .oul Itt‘. ii t.iir~il\ lit" emit ll‘. tlic good tinics but also rl'ul li‘ ' "u- ilsnl.» A! Ixoin ' (‘Iiiiil (‘oniljt norlo-«l is it‘« iz'i’ iI \' ,iz, l‘.ll‘siill tor Davis and his «isll‘l .\ It .~ \jlt‘i‘lfil tiiiit Davis and the llcn till itzr ioirzi'cssm in truth (‘rilitornia how lit-r n ionrtimc lrii-nds and political .‘lIIlt‘\ '1‘» ti Ii’i‘ii t. t'\ illicit l‘.‘ : :ivt‘yi’w. .l!‘, r!‘ it ’tsxlx FIRE AT HOOTERS: Former NBA forward Dennis Rodman has gotten on the bad Side of Newport Beach police again, this time for allegedly spraying a rest- aurant full of people with a fire extingutsher. "It appeared that someone had said something that he didn't like," polite it. Doug Fletcher said of Sunday's inctdent at a Hooters witnesses told coin e Rodman entered the restaurant about ‘i 45 p in carry- ing a tire extingursher He didn't appear to tie intoxtraled. it ; REALITY CRISIS: Robert ller of ”The Sopranos" and two other teenage boys pleaded innocent Wednesday to charges they robbed two teens of $40 on Manhattan's Upper East Side ller plays Anthony "A.J " Soprano, the not- smoking. mleI‘ilt‘VOUS son of lony Soprano on the HBO moo drama Singers dedicate awards to Aaliyah SANTA MONICA. Calif. ~ Newcomer Jill Scott captured three awards. including entertain- er of the year. at the Seventh Annual Soul Train Lady of Soul Awards. Several entertainers at Tuesday night's ceremony dedicated their perfor- mances and awards to upand-coming singer Aaliyah. who was killed with eight others in a plane crash in the Bahamas on Saturday. Aaliyah. 22. was nominated for rhythm and blues. soul or rap song of the year but lost to Yolanda Adams. NFL locks out refs, replacements in NEW YORK With the breakdown of talks Tuesday in Dallas between the football league and the NFL Referees Association. replacement officials will work exhibition games. the first la— bor stoppage among officials in NFL history. The lockout will begin Thursday night. when six ex- hibition games are scheduled. The contract ex- pircd last March and the two sides have been ne- gotiating since, Most of the replacements will be from NFI. Europe or the Arena League. and league supervisory officials. all former field offi- cials. Will also be on hand. Wildfire engulfs California mining town WHAVERVILLE. Calif. Flames burned through houses and businesses after a fastmov mg wildfire forced officials to evacuate more than half of this former mining town of 3.550. Residents who fled Tuesday night with handfuls of belongings waited to hear if they still had homes They were ordered to evacuate after high wind fanned the blaze toward the town. about 200 miles north of San Francisco. said California De partmcnt of Forestry spokesman Steve Gasaway. ’l‘lic fire had destroyed at least nine homes. husi ncsscs and garages. No injuries were reported. 3 Palestinians. 1 Israeli, killed JERUSALEM Despite lsracl's open-ended take-over of parts of a West Bank town. l’alcstini» ans fired mortars. machine guns and assault rig llcs from thcre at a nearby Jewish neighborhood ovcrnight. drawing heavy Israeli return fire, lilscwhcrc. thrcc Palestinians and an Israeli wcrc killed in separate shooting incidents early Wednesday Among the dead were a Palestinian gunman. a Palestinian motorist police reported to have her-n shot by Jewish extremists. and an Israeli truck driver who was killed in a Palestin- l:in shooting ambush. The United States has dc- lltIlll(l(‘(I that Israel withdraw from the town of licit Julia and that the Palestinians hold their tirc. -Compiled from wire reports Continued from page i sistant dean for student ser vices. “If you think about it. how do you have the prepara- tion for it if you haven‘t taken the course?" For those students who choose to take special depart- ment exams. applications are available in the Student Records office The application asks the student's reason for taking the exam. and the preparation that has been done for it. Applications also include a description. expected date of the exam and a space for the signature of the depart— ment. McMahon said the de- partment offering the course determines if a student may take the exam. UK no longer administers (‘1,F.P tests. which work differ cntly than departmental ex- ams, but the UK testing center is planning on setting up a computer system for testing in the future Associate Registrar (‘Ieo Price said CLEP tests. which are given after students read a study book for the course. were once very popu~ lar. Pricc said AP exams. which are given to high school students. surpassed them. The 200001 UK Bulletin states the university is among the top 100 schools in the Unit ed States for receipt of AP test results. Price said the most popular AP courses are Eng- lish and math. followed by chemistry. biology and foreign languages. For college students tak» ing a foreign language. place- ment exams can save up to ones Corrections four semesters of work. While some colleges require two se- mesters of language. colleges such as the Arts and Sciences require four semesters. Stu- dents may choose to take a short exam at any time to test out of the lower-level language courses. French lecturer Jeorg Ellen Hornsby said the exams make an instructor's job easi» er. “If the student who needs to be in 202 has signed up for 101. that can be difficult for the instructor. intimidate the classroom and cause an in structor to have problems be cause the student is bored." she said. Even more. students may take the exam as many times as needed and anytime during the year. Price said anywhere from 10 to 50 students apply for spe cial exams each semester. but it seems many students are still too nervous to try and test out of a class. Hornsby. though. called the testing system a fair way of testing students' abilities. “I don't think the exam is scary at all and I don‘t think people should be intimidated by it." she said. “It places the students where they ought to be." Wanttopassthetest? For more information about bypass or other exams. contact individual academic departments or the Counseling 8 testing Cen- ter at 257-4i33. The headline for the story about the UK Counseling & Test- ing (‘cnter that appeared in Wednesday‘s paper should have read “(‘ounseling Center offers counseling. career advice." The Counseling ("enter is separate from the Career Center. which is located in the Stuckert Building on Rose Street. Also. students may be seen up to 15 times per academic year. not per semester. without paying a fee. Students must have an appointment. except in the case of phone consultations or emergencies. to speak with a counselor. A205 8: ABCS. If you love children, you’ll fit right in at Alpha Xi Delta sorority. Through our national service project, Choose Children, you can volunteer at UK Children’s Hospital, host a Halloween party for a local Girl Scout troop or teach little ones their ABCs. Learn how you can make a difference in the life of a child - or two - Attend an interest meeting in the W.T. Young Library Auditorium, September 4, at 7:00 or 8:30 pm, or September 5 at 6:30 pm. Stop by our campus information tables Call 245-8548 or E-mail Betsie at bkeeler@alphaxrdelta.org THE ENVIRONMENT Get rid of the garbage by recycling on UK's campus Making use of waste: Coordinator says 15 percent of waste was recycled last year UK Recycling Recycling bins are located across campus for people to recycle goods ranging from paper to aluminum cans. to find out more about the UK recycling program. located in room 0002 of the Scott Street Building, contact iom Gregory at 257-8788. For more information on the Residence Life By Beclry Helsel fill“ Mill“? RIIdIII'II. I‘IIIIs‘II. Saw our planet Think gI‘I-I-n’ All Hi thII IIIIIIVII slugnnx III-u tIIIIIIV's sIII'IIIty tII tI'IkII (‘I’ll‘t‘ III the IInvII'IInInIInt l)\' H“ I‘yI‘lIng (Il‘ cutting down (Ill \I'I'IstII. 'l‘lIII\"vII lIIIIIn ll‘d'll lIII' wars. and iht’ llll‘t‘l‘ III-cycling I'll'l'illVS symlml Is pl‘llllt‘il IIn llt‘I'll‘lY IIVI-Ijv IIIInII'IInIII' I‘l (’(lll \llllli‘l' huts l't‘(‘_\'('ll' l‘l‘(‘\'l‘](" and next In \‘IIIIIhng lllitl‘llllll‘\ l'K has II lI'II'gII l'(‘()'(llllf.1 lll'lt uII ItII \llplltlll‘l Il hv tinI tannin thII l' K I' ll_\\ll IIl l’l Int l)I\ l\liIll zIIIIl tlIII llllII II III RII~ llll‘lll'i‘ lIIl'II ”(Silllll'llh III'III \\'t‘l('(llllt‘ tII llV‘ any l'ltlllilllll‘l‘ thIIV ('I'lll find as lllllLl IIs llli“. put III It Whitl illl‘fI'lI' \llllpll\i‘(l in.“ \I'lll] Titlll (It‘IIunI'y I'K's I‘III'V :‘llng l‘iIIIl'dlll ItI-I‘ XVII WI’ll‘Il '13 [N'l'i‘l'lll IIl Mill [Hill Wilx‘l“ LZ“ll"lIlIHl III I'K tII lli‘ I'IIIV tll‘ll H pIIIt.IIIl gull '37 tIItI Il tIIn~ III \(tl III \\ {\lt‘. :I IIIIIIIlIII tlIIIt hI'Is stIII'IIlIlv grown HVl'l' thII IIIIIIN‘ Tilt‘ l'l’ll ('Ulll‘l'[\ l‘t‘l‘X'l'lI’lllli‘N from all I'IIIanIs lIIIIlIlInus IIx (‘t'pl III \llll‘lllt‘ h lU~ “(IIII I'IIIII IuII kl't‘l)\ IzIIInu up. IIIII IIII II llll" wIII \ up. hnt IIIIl I'Il Illt‘ \I‘IIIIII IIItII L'Itt‘hziuia“ liI'IIuIII I. x In! [K R“\lili‘lll‘l‘ IIIIII. tI'IIllIII IIl' IIII'VI linu In li‘\l IIIInI II hIIlls. I'IIIIIII‘IIIII I'III ‘.I lillLI ll 78 tIIn~ IIl InIItIII lIll\ IlIII'IIIIZ thII \[Il'lllLI ‘JIIIIl \i'llll'\l“l‘ 'l‘hII gIIIIIII IIIHIII t\ \li‘iIi II] [\lll \ Illlll llll\'"ll IIIIIII-I In In Ight ltllll‘ t’rllllIlllll‘l\, i‘Ill h With 'l \[N’( IIIll\ lllIll'kt‘ll I'll) in help \lllill‘lli\ It'llll‘lllllt‘l WllIll I1IIII~ ,|\ lillt‘ l‘llll KENTUCKY KERNEI. I THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. ZOOl l A3 lll\ thII I lllllt‘lll\ lHl IIII II Ill}: SIIIIIIItIIIIII IIII yI llnu I II \\\ I'I'In‘t sztle'IgI- tlIII I-IItII‘II Inn tillllt'l lIIIIIIIIIw III I'IIIIII IIIIIII ‘Ilt’ls‘ ()l' IIthIII‘ lllllt‘l'\l lleIlv- things. “MIN (‘ltlllLllllt‘l\ ll“ In III-III‘II'tnIIInlIII Ill'l'I‘|\. IInIl IU‘ llllllll\' lll'I‘lW lIlll' IIII II II: l‘I‘IInI \tIIl'l {Illll lIII IIlt‘I. (Il' .III I'\4" lll Innl H :1 tlIIInI how. this I» Wl'llliti nn rumpus. thIIIIIK tun n \llllll‘lli\ tII \I'I’Itr h III’III ; II It HIIII'III'III; (Ilt‘tfill x \ IIIll I: l\ III\\'l\\ lIIIIkInI: III: I, IIlIIII~ tII lIIIlII IIIIIIII l“ II II uIII'Il III [i‘i ‘y'l lmg J—I iIIIII II! I? I'll» ll recycling program, call the Residence Life of- fice at 257-4783. RtIIIlIInts I'It [TK l‘I'lll IlII thIIII' part by using: thII I-I'InIpIIs I'III'VI'lInI: hIns plI'IIIIIIl In llllllil' Inez» hv (‘Hlllllllli‘l' III'IntIII‘s [luring the last sI'hIIIIl your. more tlII'In 13 [N‘H‘i'lll III I'K‘x \i'I'Is'tII “'le l'l‘l'Vl'li‘ll. (ll' :IIIIIIIt 83h Inns TlIII l’l'l) III III and ‘Ikllzll \lIl\'\ IIIIt tIItIII \\'1l\ll' (IIIIuIIIfiV \‘Jllil rm 5‘ llllti "ll :lll\'iIlll‘ w Ints II, :II« I, I"lllll£llll“'l\ II'II r‘ltlll IInIn ItIIII Illlll hII\ I‘l inIIIIl IIlII I, IIl'lI'n \tIIl'l' Is IIII' III th I! I'll l't'IIII tn I “Hi ll’T us.” lIII = IIIl I-lII ll‘i'l CK IOMECEI ? 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PIiRCING Stumo : ‘MIUUI A' h I ' Pill NOV! 1 ALL STADIUM SEATING quantum-135mm -IUISDI;E wt rm iii ‘ ' A‘IKZAN ”If 2 ‘RlON. ISCKECNS ADVAN‘CMELUSMWIN NI ‘-wmzmisi s ovW‘ ' Amwmlml 'WTMNWAKSWV’UI -WPARII[PGUl a”, PEARL‘MMIPUI TI ifimiim 20/H/illllll’é’l'MIly * Free Weights * Nautilus * Cibex * Certified Trainers * Aerobics * Boxercise * Basketball $19.95 per month 2-5121 per semester 1812 Oxford Circle oft Versailles Road lz'Aventis Earn Up To $200 A Month Without The Headache Of A job! A vent/y Bio- Services Make serious spending money the easy way when you donate plasma at Aventis Bio-Services. r --------------------------- 1 Don‘t mtss out on this chance to earn good money on your own schedule! Call (859)254-8047 1840 Oxford (irce, lexington. Ky. I. ——————————————————————————— J It’s a powerful thing. Hundreds of college students like you are already enjoying the benefits: . 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By Patrick Avery SCtNl llillOR By Stacie Meihaus M‘slSlANl st lNl lDIiORfi September Roek Star Mark Walh- ‘tet‘g with a mullet Direetor Stephen llerek directed the first movie in the illighty Due/rs se t‘les Need i say more'.’ Not Another Teen Movie This film makes fun ot' many reeent teen-age flicks. int-hiding (‘rue/ Intentions. I'm" srtr Blues and xirneriron l’r’e. Hardball Keanu Reeves stars in a .lli'ghty Due/rs fairy tale, orily the sport is baseball and the setting is a (Thieago ghetto. We'll have to wait and see it~ Reeves can pull ofi‘ the niee guy eoaeh role. Big Trouble Barry Son nenf‘eld. the man responsible for Men in [liar/r and Get Shorty. directs this novel based on Dave Barry‘s book of the same name Glitter Maybe Mariali had a nervous breakdown be- eause she realixed inst hoyy bad this movie \y ill be. Training [lay lien/.eI Washington and I'Ithan ll.‘l\\'l\e star as eops in an I! A. polit'e drama. Rap stars Ilr lire and Snoop l)ogg along \yith soul singer Mary (tray star in sup porting roles. Don't Say A Word (iary I’Ieder direr'ts his sevoiirl kid- napping story. his first being Kiss the (Hr/s Mtehael lloilL’las plays a psyehiatrist whose daughter is kidnapped llis quest to find her inr'lndes get ting elues from a nearly eata tonie young yroman. Hearts in Atlantis Based on the popular Stephen King novel. Anthony Hopkins stars as a man who believes men in yellow jaekets are out to get hitn. l’oor Hopkins has it nally turned into another Mar lon lit rndopitkingmovws sonly for money At least he hz‘tsnt gotten really f‘at yet. Zoolander lten Stiller dtrer'ts, stars and makes his eo- yy‘riting debut. Stiller stars as a male model who is eoereed itito assassinating the president oi Malaysia. October Collateral Damage At (it. Arnold St“hyyarxenegger probably has more cholesterol damage than eollateral damage. Serendipity Lovable .lohn (‘usat‘k stars in a love tale where he and girlfriend Kate lleekinsale itiitst test late. Oh my gosh. an original movie Not? Bandits Britt-e Willis and llilly Bob Thornton star as batik robbers in Barry lievin- son's latest movie Willis and 'l'hornton sport bad hairdos, See PREVIEW on AS GET BACK INTU SIIIIPE WITH ( A.” Lil” (Vi $9. 99 STUUENT ElIIIUllMENT FEE ° 21,0 PIECES OF CARDIO EQUIPMENT ' OPEN AT 5 A 2909 IIIUIIMUIIII llll ‘ KICKBOXING, BODY PUMP YOGA, AND SPINNING ' TANNING FACILITIES ' FULL COURT INDOOR BASKETBALL , CLOSES LATE! STUDENT UISUUUUTS llIllIIlIIBlE | = UEFEB EIlPIBES TUMUBBUW, IIUUUST 318_I! 2 UUIWEIIIEIIT lUUITIUIIS! 269-2492 3650 BUSTIIII ltll 219-9558 PHOTO FURNISHED Fresh Prince Will Smith stars as the boxing legend Muhammad Ali in Michael Mann’s latest epic, Ali. Although the movie went through many production difficulties, the end result may produce multiple Oscars. PREVIEW Continued from page A4 .soinethinu Thornton is grown .‘lt‘t‘lls‘ltillll‘tl to in his roles The Last ('astle .lriities (iillltlttllllil and Robert Redtord .stai ll‘. a prison drama. l‘]) and comer .‘ilark Rllili’tlt). who got overlooked lt_\' the Academy Awards tor his l)t‘l.l‘)l'lll£lll"t‘ in You ('u/i (‘oim/ on rile. shoiild step tip to the acting challenge before him From Hell The lliiuhes Brothers (Menace 1/ Society) make .lane Austin's S/ee/n' l/o/ [our in the (lhetto. Johnny lleitii and Heather (iraham .star. Riding in Cars with Boys l’enni' Marshall directs a (léll‘k'lléllt't'tl llrew liarri'inore in the story of :1 Voting: stl‘llL’ mmunm mason zmxmmmm ummc mum multivitamin": um:mimm FRIDAY elm: lliothei‘ Mamet Mamet l):i\'id llrii'id Heist l):l\'ltl Alaniet Nllll said November Monsters. Inc. liisnei' collahorates want with l’isar. the s'inie ioniiiiii‘i who helped l)]sl]t-\‘ [itiitllll‘t‘ ’l'oi Story Hilly (‘ifiistal .lohn tiooiinirin and Steve lilist't‘lll‘i star .is I die and cuddly monsters who sll'llL’Lilt' to scarechildren Shallow Hal (twineth l’altrow stars as a large woman whom Jack Black Illltls attrac ll\"‘. Only in :i Farrelli Brothers inoi'ie. Windtalkers John Woo makes a war nioi ie tor Nicolas (‘aue Nothinu t‘V‘lIlllL’ here Harry Potter and the Sor- cerer‘s Stone II this lll(i\ ie is ms um «um music slum" TUESDAY m 3m mm TUISDATSATMMTS 6 El. - l ”I. 2320 PAWMBO DRIVE 335-8800 halt Els good as .l K Rowling's lust-selling novel. it will win the hearts and praise oi as mam adiilts as children Leuentlam actor Richard Harris stars :is lleadinaster .-\lltll\ ltiiinliledoi'e and newcomer Daniel Radclitte \tiil‘s its Harry Potter December AA“ \‘vlll Sillllll Itil‘tt's Illl the world as legendary hoxei' Mohammad Ali There are llll' ineroiis doiihters as to whether Smith can shed llls i oinedi roii tine to coinpleteli' tackle Ali With director Michael Mann at the helm. expect Illls film to he an earlx‘ favorite for (tscar gold Ocean‘s Eleien As. a lireak from his iiiastertiieces 'I'rattic and [firm Broil/ii (clr rli ieetor Steven Soderlieruh der id ed to make his liiggest and hold est feature to date a remake of the Rat l’ack's ()remi's ll (leorcze (‘looney lirad Pitt and lion t‘headle take o\'er the orm \ r - PHOTO FURNISHED ”flu; ; Guy Pearce stars as inventor Alexan- der Hartdgen in The Time Machine. PHOTO FURNISHED Robert Redtord stars in the prison drama The Last Castle. iial Rat l'zlt‘kt‘l' roles Gangs of New York Leonardo llitaprio l)t‘('(tlllt'\ the leader of the lllllllltjl‘ftlli ltezid Raliliits' LfilllLI .-\ \‘iolent period ditiinzi directed hi' Martin St ors i‘se is not to be overlooked even it it does include t‘aineron lJia/ Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship ol the Ring El: iah Wood wo