xt7dbr8mgt32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dbr8mgt32/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1979 1979 1979-03-06 2020 true xt7dbr8mgt32 section xt7dbr8mgt32 l I; KEN'I'UCKY
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I e e .
Vol. LXXI. No. I" University of Kentucky
Tuesday, Much 6. I970 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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increases a roved . « . We
By JEANNE WEHNES by the state as classrooms and are _, i i; a l I I
Associate Editor funded through consolidated ' . , X '5‘ I is '
I ' educational bond issues. These issues .5. . t ' . i_'_ f "S .4.“ "as.
A SIO increase in student activity are financed in part from student Oh boy _ tournament time again!()nce m0": l'Kstudents I: _ 9.. {I5 « .. . . w
fees to. finance the Student (enter tuition and must compete with other found a reason to torture themselves foranight by sleeping l is? 333 L 5 5-7.7»
expansron wasIapproved at yesterday‘s academic construction DIOJCCIS for on cold concrete. cutting classes. eating to" little and 5.55 f...» Ii” .5 . I. . . .,
'I Board of Trustees Executive funding. drinking ‘00 much to get some of "to“ coveted Wildcat “ ,1; use vaw;a.,m~~..- i“:”""”'”_ W . , .. .. g ‘.
.' Committee meeting. The board also Student Center expansion. basketball tickets. Students st‘rted lining up outside 5:1? - '.,-w ii 5/ ' , w... . I.:".fi' ,
‘ passed increases for campus housing however, is a student serviceand is "0‘ Memorial (‘oliseum yesterday morning to getthe best ofthe ‘ « may}... :5 tf'fr’g“w w ' ' ‘ , .
' and dining .COStS' funded Wilh WW)“ or state money. tickets offered to students for the l'K—(‘Iemson game ‘1‘" p- I... . 5‘ “:35, i; _., ,. l, ' .
. The activnyfee.Inow$2Il.25 perfull- The expansion construction is tomorrow night. (‘has Hite. an Engineering sophomore. MVI T1,,“ M ;W* 'I ". . at}
I I time semester. Will be increased to scheduled to begin IJune. I|980 to be and Charles Main. a journalism junior. who arrived early 7 'jsj : " 1'5 . '
$3l.25 beginning in the tall. I980 completed the Iollowing year. yesterday morning. playedacouple games ofbackgammon I .‘ . ”‘. , .5 “:5 -5=.'“=  ’3‘ .
. semester. Of the current fee. $lI2 goes Additional space will be provided for yesterday to kill some time. Tickets we” to begin beingsold , '.....’ :3" f) . [I ,
. to the Student Center Board to finance the SC Cinema. an enlarged bookstore at 9 this morning. ”Wm W" - , r 2;: .. W” a f
its operations and programming costs. and various oIfice and meeting rooms. By JIMM (LIPTON/Kernel “I" , ' 9‘“ " -. a t
(The ’?mal"i“8.$9~25 goes to the [TK The board also approved the ' l i . I .._
Athletic Assocration.)I The MO .hlke increased housing costs to take effect " ' , 2:, .
' WI“ PaIy for the 5‘“ million ”9'“ issue next semester. Blanton said the overall i l . ' l ’
fi"?"9'"8 the ””9510” The. new increase of 7.5 percent will be slightly - i I / .. w"? 5., . . _. 5 '
. Wilding w‘” provide additional less than the expected consumer price . - y "a” . ,
meeting and servrce space. index projected increase of next year. 'Ww ”My ', 9% ‘f‘I ‘5 i” -
' Student Government endorsed (A detailed outline of increased costs ‘ / . ~ ”r 7% ” a I» ~ «
“Pang?" plans ”a“ [weeks agoI.I for UK food and housing was
giVing t e support we rest ent o -. . ‘ I . (5. r, ". a I
m W . Student guest tickets for N IT Will be sold todaY
was necessary before the University‘s ”0‘1"”3 and ”mmg “WC“ ' '
administration proceeded with operates onabudget which receives no . , . ,
expansion plans. Without 5“]de state or tuition money. All costs must IStudeInt tickets for tomorrow two validated II) and activity cards. a total of more than lour tickets. . 0:00 am. to 3:30 pm. General public
endorsement. Blanton said.the project be covered by fees charged to night‘s first round action between I' K student may purchase two student Students have been allotted sections tickets are So for lower level seats and
would have been shelved. participating students, Blanton met and Clemson University in the llc‘ls’c‘ls. 31. 32. 33 and 34inthe |owerlevel.and $5 for upper level seats with a limit of I
50 President Gene Tichenor said at with students last week to discuss the National Invitational Tournament Student tickets are $4 for loiterleiel section 231 inthe upperletel, Students four tickets per person. .
‘-. yesterday‘s meeting students incIreasesand said studIentsw'ereaware will be sold at Memorial Coliseum scatsand S.T for upper level seats. In “litt purehaseIgencral PUbllC “Ck?“ SWde ”Ck“ 511195 “I” continue
~ supported the expansion despite the of inflation and while not happy today from 9:00 am. to 4:00 pm. addition. a student may purchase two will be seated in section 232.I . tomorrow at 9I:00a.m. and willbe sold I
. additionalactivitvfee.SGconducteda weren't really surprised by the Any student with validated II) and upper Ie\e| general public tickets for licketslorthe general publicwillbe at the four windows on the left front y
_ random phone, survey last fall increased costs. activity cards is eligible to purchasea $5 each. \o student may purchase sold at the Memorial ColiseumIand side of the coliseum. The sale of all 3.
questioning about 500 students on the Plans to begin a graduate program student ticket. Upon presentation of more than two student tickets oi. a Rupp Arena ticket offices today from tickets are cash only. ..
i proposed expansion. It showed even in computer science was also approved . . . .
F with recent tuition and housing at yesterday's meeting. Graduate . .
increases. students favored the School Dean Wimberly Roy‘ster said ' ' '
. addition. the rapid growth inthe computerfield an I ates answer questions at 86 forum I
Tichenor said students who have and in student enrollment inthatarea - ' ‘
spoken against the expansion in favor at UK necessitates an expanded By Sl'E TEETER to the state‘s Council oi Higher ' .-
of construction of additional program. The proposed program has Staff Writer Education. r . .: ii 2, I ‘:
recreational facilities are misinformed been approved by the (iraduate But at m.- Student (ymcmmcm- 2 $5 I; ,
about Universityconstruction funding faculty and by the University Senate. Seven of the nine gubernatorial sponsored panel. Republican ; .u " 3-1235 ~ ' c .‘l ? g " .
. procedures. It must now gothe Frankfort for final candidates which took part in last candidate Ray White said he had ' 5;" i A e; " . ~ " M“, ii .4»... " .a
. VicepresidentBlantonsaid facilities approval by the Council on Higher night‘s candidate forum said they “serious reservations" about havinga " , g,“ g Ch}! ,3” a” jaw} ‘ gm .‘ " 1‘
such as the Seaton Center are viewed Education. favor adding a voting student member student on the council because he said 4-?“ ._ 5 ~ ’1’». r I“ ' t “ Q I t . .
he opposes letting the council grow L.“ ’ 5 ":35 I a”, “’“V N
“too large." The members ofthat body ' ,1» /r I“: I . .i ' "‘ M
o a can represent every one‘s interests. he h vi ..,,I., "f” i I -
W’- ” . . .2; tr: ‘ . .
Faculty members. S(i members and .5} I' a; I ’
But Iiust how large the increases will be or when they will 12:1:Efrggggcrsuii:3; ntbrrielfmfiiiih T ' ” §f w i . ,2 r
come is uncertain. the experts add. because oI contiiiticd . . . . , . .
questions about world crude oil supply. candidate was asked two questions by . . II .. . .
“The kev variables to me are the OPEC price. which has members of [th panel chosen b} ihe \i , I ' «$2! I
‘ State yet to be determined. and the marketplace." said Eugene 56 committee I” charge 0‘ arranging i9“ 1
' Now‘ak. an oil industry analyst at the Wall Street firm of the CVCHL By JIM!“ CLIFTON/Kernel StIafI' ‘
THE AVERAGE STATE INCOME TAX REFI'NI) ,5 Blylh Eas‘man Dill‘m- . Candida!“ (in ”0” H “hh‘”d~ About 300 people showed up last night for the panel discussion
. expected to increase from about $93 to $100 this year. (reorge ‘Mk'm; lhurmond Hamlin by gubernatorial candidates. The nine candidates from both '
Revenue Commissioner Maurice Carpenter said yesterday. . and Ralph Ed (”3‘95 all 83” WNW” parties answered questions posed by a student panel.
He said the increase reflects a federal pattern and is due to PRESIDENT (VARTER‘ IN A DRIVI" T0 WRAP lip A [0 direct student input 0" the C‘TUHCIL . ' .
5 inflation and higher salaries of taxpayers. MIDEAST PEA(E TREATY, Will lTy l0 EgH’H and Israel Other support “'35 \OTCCd b\ ihC I I.
i' Most Kentuckians will get refunds more than 800.000 This week and if) and clear ““3." remaining madNGCk‘m“ representatives for three other this lack of quality control“ instead of about 300 in attendence with '
' of L3 million. settlemcl‘“ _ _ _ . _ . . candidates Joe Clark spoke for just budgeting more money. Atkins anecdotes. Atkins said his first act as t .
so far. Carpenter reported. ”‘9 ““9 0f refunds '5 running Egypmnfrlmi Mm'mr Mumffl Kahlil 5am In} mm Harvey Sloane. .lerry Bessinger for listed education.health.and welfareas governor would be to abolish the I
behind the corresPonding permd la“ year‘ ‘hii‘nzarizgeiinpprmlcl Initialize” fiaigngrT-ngy' 1 Id Thelma Stovall. and John Stacey for his three top priorities; Stacey listed University of Tennessee. bringing a '2 '
membersiofthe US. (‘Origresg ianasehinLgton. “n(y§-li1hcr:i5 Ierry' McBrayer. Doris Hinion had no Mchrayer‘s topj priorities as CIIieerII frIorp dthe haIttczriIIlcygeC‘asrdIiIcnrr: .I .
. . N - . . comment. “c ucation. e ucation. an am in in erg - '
‘ TERRY MCBRAYER SAID YESTERDAY the“ 'f he :irtiiibszil: fiiipfiirappfrignfiptaiuiieeiirelie Zzsdezcupted l S- Clark said Sloane would want a education.“ universities“ as he called them. that he _ ,
, were dead pvgrnorhe would sues? programs“) help‘lld “Let us hope Egypt will join the effort. then it rim student and a faculty member on the When asked if UK would lose had attended and later said he hopesto
“Op" ma'ma'n'mepcndence‘mommy“heahh‘mmmmnd happens in a short period of time we may have the council as non-iotin ' b ' ' f , b 'Id' ‘ 'f ' 't I b ‘l ted resident of the United , -
I usefulness. . I . .. . _ . . g mcm ers to money or new Iui ings i capi o e c ec p I . , . .
' _' People's needs do not change as the). get older. said ceremony “5‘2"th supply “gradual input“ and become construction funding was decreased. States in I984. or I980 ii thing-5W)“ .
II McBrayer. whoseeks the Democratic nomination.“But our voting members later. Atkins only that said the state out: . 5 I'
' ability to mm mos: needs can change drastically." Independent candidate (ieorge legislature would decide what The people representing candidates . . _ .
I McBrayer held a news conference at Dosker Manor. a / Atkins. state auditor in Gov. .lulian construction money would be spent sometimes had ahardtimeresponding .
. . senior citizen center. to outline his platform forthe elderly. world Carroll‘s cabinet. won the S(i- on. to questions about platforms.
5 He saIid in erdteIcpIhoneIiIiteIi'inifw IIItItIter tItIiat two ofI hIIis sponsored mock election. Democrat There were a number of attacks on McBrayer‘s staEd-in had to say he ; I
~ proposas W0“ €05 “0 a 0 m' l0"~ U‘ 50m“) 1 e . . . . , . Harvey Sloane came in second and the Julian (‘arroll administration by could .not ma e statements on a ' _
. 4 Spcndmt! WOUld ”31““ “a“? expenfcs 1" other areas and HLILAC:VSSIALRLEAILKSEl‘l-ProtY:?grSIT-Ili'lni ragga): Carroll Hubbard third. Students. various candidates. (iraves saida“fear number of questions but said he had . , '
I some Ifould bc but“ UP gradually. 50"“? PTOPIO-‘als “Mid yesterday witha shipment ofcrude on bound forJapanI The faculty and staff present at the forum of the power ofthe governor"cxists in only learned at the last minute that he ' y
‘. fizxrmnsgjugfétflg‘r:ngth um mo‘hm “mains to be Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini‘s revolutionary government voted during the panel‘s intermission. the legislature. but some members would be filling in for the candidate. .
'f ‘ ' meanwhile executed eight more members of the Shah of Improving education in Kentucky “stand up for their constituents and All the candidates were given a
' "art's toppled regime. I was a priority of four candidates. “All their own beliefs." Hubbard said he chance to summarize their positions at ~ - .
STATE POLICE WERE PINNED DOWN By “The days thn foreign tankers COUld come ‘0 Iranian the problems of education can't he wants to see that Kentucky does not the end ofthe forum. (iraves spoke out , I. .
. I CllNFIREfor about 30 minutes yesterday atastrikebound PW“ and load as mUCh OilIIaS I‘he)’ “mad. ”Ind“ I’mcs solved by putting money into it." have “four more years of Julian against being “a nation of special ; . -
_ > .5 Perry County coal mine. said the Hazard post commander. (“dated by them. are over. “"1 H355“ 3?“; Te new White said and added that he is Carroll by proxy.“ interest people." with different groups . . . .5 .
i ' Capt. “"9“ Gay. , ““33”? d'reqor 0f "ans “ate-owned Mllondlf. ”my: ”strong on expenditures and support The forum began with opening always fighting for money. He said he .
' ‘ Cara“! me post :chVC1:.rep°r.t “535 pm that the?” $1.53 We Will ”no” ”my "mush m meet our mama to vocational and special education." statements Iiv each candidate or stand- wants there to be "a common interest ' . ; .
‘ - rife: nciii‘tlilzfllfazcardabrfelteniiiiifyiii numb“ “hm" me Tothe cheersand chantsofworkers liningthe dock at the IIITIessinIgcr said Stov all , wants to in Most gave some biographical tn this country to seeIiIf it outweighs .. .I~ '.
. . He said troopers [)on Williamson and Stan Farler Kharg Island terminal on the Persian (iulf. Nanh pushed a identify the cause '0' ”"5 ShOTlldll- information and some entertained the ”‘05? specral interests. . . ‘
"' responded “and were pinned down by rifle fire from the button to start the pumps and the Iranian crude began to -. ,- '.
- . _. / woods. The cruiser of Trooper Williamson was shot six flow ”"0 a ”"k" P f I t . ii ,
.- I times or more." r0 essor Spea s on ran 8 pas . ‘i
I . . \ I ' .‘ .
" ' - " i - By JAY FOSSETT new pride in ”if" 0351' According to Ricks. all five I . i.‘
. ‘ ‘ natlon h surf wnm Ricks. a professorof Iranian history attempts to overthrow the government ' ~ .-
-. - .. weat er at Georgetown University in shared three common denominators: 1 e ‘
' I cxsouisr: PRICES. WHICH HAVE RISEN aboutZ D Th . R- k - Washington DC; SP0“ ‘0 a" ”some type of aristocracy was - I - .
' . ‘ “n“ ' Filo" 9““ J” l. WI” 60mm“! 10 80 Up sharply CLEARING TOMORROW. Mostly sunny Wednesday. .r‘ , omas 'c 5‘ .0.“ m the overflowing crowd in the President’s involved' 2ta key role was played by . '. ' I « .
I' over the next few months especially if the government Highs today from the mid 405 to the mid 50s. Lows tonight nation 5 foremost authorities on ".3“ Room of the Student Center. the military" ”a“ the monarchy had ' y “ . .
' . I force: service stations to close on weekends. analysts said from the upper 20s to low 30s. high tomorrow in the upper I‘Ih'rlk,‘ the current revolution there '5 a Ricks said the present revolution in some typeio‘fiforiegn backing. ' ~ ’ I ' I . ‘
' ‘ , yesterday. 30‘ ‘0 low ‘0‘ :piritualI ant: Icultural rev “l“l'ml and Iran is the most recent of five attempts ' 5 . I i. . ‘2
. , I I rt e peop c 0 ran are now finding a to 0“,"th the monarchy. Continued on pale . l“ .
‘WWI""'”"Z " V " T“W*‘ ’ ""‘" "’ ”“WWW"N ~0~-' . ‘ -~ > ~ . « s~ . -- ... .muw ‘ .

 . . . V 7T "
. ._, .. . . _ . . . . _ . .. .. . . .. . .. . (.3‘ memes...” w w ” . .. ' “V” _ u....,pwmmw W” M . ‘
gt: 3
a». ‘ . ‘> E - ‘
i 2. Steve Ballinger Lisa "oussard Thomas ('larli Walter Tunis hm. Vaulht Tom Mo...“ . i i
. 1‘ hlllur In ( lm‘l ”1”th ltllf-‘l f::b:lm:nnnm -l&l. [vi/II!" Slittrtt hltmr Dim ll" til I‘liutuxrulilii 3 i
._ Stave Massey i
, 1 Richard McDonald Gnu Holds Ruth M-tiinuli ('Ir) Willis John ('Iay Linda ('ampbell
‘ .llunugtrig I‘i/IIUI Jeanne “times |'- Jul!) Tate -I\\I\IuHI rid] ltlttm Brian Rickard mm,“ "and”, I
. edit 0 1q & c I ‘IW'UUH limit" ("I‘I “I'm“ ‘1\\I\Ifllll.§lltirl\ l-ftltlttrt ”j"
Freedom of speeches a.
S k I t' h Id 't b I ' ' d
. pea or $9 90 IO" S O" n e IMIte t
'1; ,
Should there be limits on what kind of speakers against having them listen to an atheist. attempt to enforce ethicalcriteria on who may/speak instance. But this is an outrageous example and one id
may appear at a publicalIy-funded university‘.’ To be fair to Patrick. this is an election year. The would be decidedly prejudicial. which really requires not a screening process but ‘i
That's something State Rep. Elmer Patrick ofthe actions of a state representative should be taken And remember. a policy that allowsa wide range rather plain common sense. i.
82nd District wanted to know afteraSundayspeech with a grain of salt right now. By taking a of speakers affects both ends of the political li‘ serious problems ever arise in this area. the V7 ‘
at UK by career atheist Madalyn Murray O‘Hair. courageous stand in support of religion.and against spectrum. What do Elmer Patrick and students who speaker-selection process might be altered. For "

. It's a good question. but one that was ruined by the a “heathen“ like O‘Hair. he‘s certain to win respect advocated 'he overthrow ofthe Shah of Iran have in example. a committee of students could give more %.

i . way it was asked. from his constituents. common? Not much. except they opposed speeches direct input as to who is invited. (O‘Hair‘s speech 2i ‘
. Unfortunately. Patrick misspelled O‘Hair‘s name . But the argument that guest lecturers should fit at UK O‘Hair‘s and CIA Director Stansfield was scheduled by Student Center Board‘s i
tn his telegram. losrng a little credibility right there. Intangible ‘moral standards goes against the 'I urncr‘s. Contemporary Affairs (‘ommitteeand was paid for '

'. And after saying that the state should not provide prmcrples of what a university should be. A campus Still. Patrick's gripe raises animportantquestion. with money from student activity fees). i
funds or facilities for atheist lectures. he added should be open to free debate on the issues. with albeit in a heavy-handed way. One can imagine But for now. the system is working as it should. I
incongruously that students should hear both sides room for Opinions that differ from and even speakers who should not be invited to speak a ()‘Hair‘s visit prompted discussion and stimulated -
ofan issue. As O‘Hair pointed out. he was obviously radically oppose those ofthe majority. Besides.any mass hypnotist who advocates violent crime. for thought. just as intended. '
_.___________________________________________——————._—____a_.__ "i

> . / f7/ 7' f /

Letters to the Editor //«—<3/ r /
fl. f—I/I I . K \/‘/// A;
——~—.———————————————-—————-___—-——————————-——— // ”ii i i ‘ i/ ’ it.» i
' ' ' . simply for holdingasign. Allow his defense of the Shah's I I j ‘l i j}.
Crl'tlcal ethuette I urge Mr. LutI to refrain from mother or attacks on the Khomeini i m' I ii i) I/t i t
Over the past few vears I have writing further letters or takeoveras youwill.buttoallowLutl‘ I‘ 1 I ‘ l / j 2‘ it": .7
followed Kernel letters and commentaries until he has developed type of personal fomentation to I I t‘ \ l i
tcommentaries with interest. and have sufficient maturity to accept criticism appear is only to worsen the Kernels , * t‘ u ,l/ l
_ come to see that there exist certain Of his 0“" ,if’?“ and to Wake image as folderol. r/ I i‘ ‘ , ,n‘ .. ii‘ i
unwritten rules for such pieces as well reasonable critic1sms of the ideas . . _ I, '33,.“ l i [i i I L ‘7 (KS :3 '.
as for critical responses tothem.’rhese “We“Cd b." Others- Michaeltralbraitn ' Q’sfl’j l,"%‘ {I l i I ' ’ ii a 35,
rules seem to be I) that in writing a English Education junior ‘ ~ i do "A i?” gfib, li { I I i“ “if '
letter or commentary. the writer Tom Parsons . _ Fee farce O) . : «x "Q_ is"! (\"flii i ( fl\\., : ’
exposes his ideas and opinions to Data Processtng Servrces staff "ka *) 0;" ,J ) \‘s \ :rr "\ I I ll t/W : i
criticism from other Kernel readers. I I I don‘t know‘where the Student '~. ’ . 3 y \ 4‘" . i / é. % _ i

. ,- . . Dear George , , . . . Q \ s .t / .
and should be willing to accept such Health Advisory Committee comes up 4 \v \ , V . ~ . , 1
criticism. and 2) that critical responses lwould liketo comment on Stephen with their ideas about jacking up the 4 9 “ \ . \‘i .t I . l ‘
should be addressed to the ideas Lutr'article "Dear George."( kernel~ price of tuition with their stupid " 3' [y ' EV “ x t _, “,5 ~\ ‘ . 3 .
expressed. not at the writer himself. March I). Even considering the mandatory health fees.butlgotthisto ,. . ' m , ' - " flit) .‘ K ., \ t _._ 2' ‘

In his March I response to George Present reputation of the Iserne/‘s 5a}; lam barelyableto paytuition and j‘ . Q0 767/ _ Vii“ _ E L , v 7/79 . , /« t' .
Potratz‘ criticism of his recent editorial exchanges. they now seem to other expenses of college as it stands . I .lj \' \V r": --.: \ Liv/r, \ i' 9. i.
commentary. Steven Lutz has have sunk to a new low. now. I dont want any type of health if 6%, a “\‘\ ‘; _\~ ‘17”;45, '32; \i , . it ' 1,
breached these rules in a disturbing if my memory serves me even fee forced on me and especrally sincett 1‘" ‘ .. \_ / bi \‘eé/ y- , ‘ {I I i
and Ugl} “3),. His March I piece vaguely it seems that George Potratz would cost me more for tuition. \‘ .‘ :I , C a | l \ , .2. _ j i ‘, é
showed an inability to respond to the commented on more than the Iranian I guess (the members of) SHAC \ AK . " t ‘ , i‘ \ \‘fgigyjy’f V ",1 i j_
criticism for which he should have confrontations in his earlier article. must have rich daddy's and mama‘s th \\ i i ‘ L d ‘ ‘43:". i 3' y; I
been Prepared when he wrotea Kernel His consideration of several affairs silver spoon tucked in their pockets f - _ \g i \_ \‘2 l I \ ' , i it . ‘1 I: l‘ ‘
commentary. showed broader understanding of because they ought to be Ioweringthc \ 7’ \‘ fi‘fi‘v-F ‘ ‘3 ’

In accusin Potratz 0, “telin me factors causing such confrontations. tuition instead oftrying to figure out (e ’ , ‘ a.) ‘
what to thins" Lutr was particuglarly not only in Iran. but in the United how to raise it. ...HNY,8Y\E€TFEART,H K LOOKIN MHAW WIKMA ”THAT LIFe’UmyANV “E i, I 9
out ofline.To disagree with someone‘s States as well. My finances and many others are WWWOT HAPPIPESS, BIT IS FAR GIT... IT’S M MAN? MINDY,BUT I CAN DIG) IT...” ‘ f
opinion even in the strongest terms. is Lutz. on the other hand. has taken extremely limited and I think it is j
not to tell that person what to think. If free reign here to foam at his vindictive unfair to impose this health fee on us. I ' '3.
we were all to adopt Lutz‘ point of bit. Lutz has used the paper to level a have been sucking the hind tit since g
view. we would never express personal criticism at Potratr for coming tothis University and.ifthings 8868 i ‘
disagreement with others ideas for holding views not seemingly as anti- don‘t ease up financially. I will be r“: I '
fear of being called intellectual tyrants; Iranian as his own. Such a thin veil as swallowing it instead of sucking it. I I l

. the benefits we all gain from having his lightly thought out opinion on the Tuff titty to your health fee. 7
our ideas challenged and criticized Iranian situation does little to prevent an hUI , Jan for, J ’ SEX/St .
would be lost. me from seeing Lutl as the one with Eli Simpson I '1' ,
. y _ “limited vision.“ Journalism sophomore . , . , . - ‘

Worse than Lutz'inabiltty to accept By CELIA BREWER (onsrder. that. With the CXCCPIIOH leave you men stuck in a “jam(b)."out _

' criticism of his ideas. however. wasthe . of the model herself. who attended in the cold. How will you ever survive V " '
vituperative nature 0' his own Letters pallcy Once again. one of the media has Similar drawing Classes at Murray these Kentucky winters if your own _
criticism of Potratz. Rather than produced an article whose overall, State University. all the peolple architectural short—sightedness _ it.
criticizing the content of Potrati‘ The Kentucky Kernel welcomes and Concern particular issues. concerns or [hOUgh perhaps unconsCious- effect is inVOIWd in the amide ‘wo “mews" V0” out'.‘ it 3' if '
piece. Lutz waged an all-out attack on encourages contributions from the UK events relevant to the t'It' mmmunm, or -———____—.—.—————————————————-—————_ . ' i '
the person of the writer. To sav that community for publicationontheedimrial remarks concerning the operation and l . While I doubt that I am the only ._
another‘s ideas piss one off its one and opinion pages. . reporting of the Kentucky Kernel. Inlon person who was OffendFd bythlS ““51 . . ‘ ‘
thing; to call another person's vision letters.‘ opinions and commentaries Opinions: 0p story. III readily admit to the rest of . V. ;

- “cri I .. .. . . .. mu“belwed_‘*“‘!”lple'SPaced-and mu“ Shouldhe90linesurleis.6(1t'hflrar‘lt’rs you out there. and especrally you .‘ l

pp ed and essentially worthless include the writers Signature. address and per line . . x . C " ' ‘ “
' is quite another. Lutz' characteriza- phone number. L'K students should - ,. _—~—_'.———————_-——-———__—— nascent ‘sextsts. that. yes. [he ollegc .:' - '

- .. - ' * . -, _ (’"eamlnplm" “,”"'"“""”""”'""'g f f : btl sex : . I f h roiessors and three students are of Architecture surel ' has some “gm" , . '

tion of Potratz as a fair weather 'I‘CIUde lhc" year and major. and “1“" to topical issues of interest It) the I'K 3, on“? ‘SU C hm re er wt 6 P . . y ‘
revolutionary" was particularly stiycmployeesshouldIisitheirdepartment ammunm > kernels February 27 front page story men. Although this fact makes one students. perhaps even a female . , .
unfair. and the cruelt V of th‘ ' and Position ‘ . ' by Chris Blair about the model who wonder about the nature of such instructor or two. or God forbid - , . , V
3 ‘5 remark The Aernelresenetherighttoeondense Comment-rm. u' n - I . . h . II-’ I. d a full-fl d ed wom n rof . 0 ‘ . .
was unwarranted by anything said by or reject contributions. limitthe numberof Shouldhe 9i)Iinexorless,60i'harat-Iers poses m the bu” for UKarchitecture C asses. W cm sma. “m? 03 mg a." e g a p e55 r ' ' * t
Potratz in his commentarv. ' submissions by frequent writers. and to PWIW- students. Although the writer states even latent voyeurism might creep ”1‘ (though a tenured one '5 Pr°ba.‘".y.‘?° i l
_ ' editforspcl‘iing.grammer.ciarityanditbc. Are reserved tor arm/er whose that students “study the complexities the writer assures us that architecture much ‘0 CXPCCU- 31" SUCh POSSIb‘IIlICS f , 'r'
In fact. Potrat7 has withstood some Ious statements flulhors. the editors fft‘l. ha\‘€.\pet'lnlt‘r€- of human form by drawing nudes.“ students (supposedly both male and do not dismiss the point of this Vj ’
rather foul weather lately: he has Letters: demltatt. Vex/reru’nu'. training. or other nowhere does the writer explain why female) draw nudes “to develop a opinion: if students. architectural or ' . i
served [0 days m Jail. and faces p”.Sllli’,i;u/tllte3i)linertirlett.MIcharat‘Iert g::;(l;ollrms to address a particular only female nudes are used for such concentrated awareness of the lines. otherwise. are to study the human .- . , i“
_ anmher 80 days If he loses his appeal. W} purposes shapes and proportions of the human form. in all its proportion and .. 4

body“ (the quote is from a Professor complexity. shouldn‘t they be given -

' Roccanova. but the emphasis is mine). the opportunity to study the forms of "
CUNK CLN . Tell me. Professor. why only the both sexes? ii.

3 °.. . ‘ female human body? Surely you don‘t . .. ‘ ., » j
‘ K H . “ Egg-$1; WE CHAS ME exclude men from humanity. Reverse mbgdlinls'uii‘a‘inothgi-cszggf‘fdiv pa? . J

‘ @IBi-Euo SCXIsm. right? . h ‘_ ng ,, d ‘ Id f ' .

The Kernel writer goes onto quote w at mac stu ent wou ”SF or '

I ‘ ,/ ’7 - u - l $4.50an hour‘?0r erhapsrtslow
AKNT— THEY , Roccanova as saying that the body is 0“ y p f

g ; /7/f, a model to study proportion and the selfflteirmggygai: (Ethecfrstli‘i‘d‘erit: I

2‘: . 0 //, z / complexity of natural form.“ Leavmg up?” {the .. . d m) ,3

~ I //// 3 {/1 , out one-half of the sexes certainly for ear 0 "'8 me "P ' ‘t

. r ' 'f . 7. coke Kg)” 5 ”ti/V reduces that proportion and that Whatever the reasons. I wish that , r j

// ' c r b “:- / / a”, / “’ complexity. doesn‘t it? Also. again writer Blair. with the androgynous y

5i: // 9 ‘ it! '//I/"/ i from Roccanova: “We (architects) first name. (Editor’s note: For the . . t'

'- , . f» I " ////// build around the human form. For record.“the androgynous” Chrls‘Blalr fl
. //.i/ g ‘ \ I ///’//// instance. doors have a certain ls female.) had just once questioned ' f
. - . // }'l ‘ II J 5/ . / proportion, We build spaces that are Professor Amatuzzo. aim“! the list of . ,' l
5 i: r A I, l ’4 I '1’ 2/ - r” genrally built for human beings.“ Nice “half a dozen” models and the single-
' j ' I " ‘~. U , / 417/9 justification. but surely you “guys" sexed nature of “posing in the buff." .

‘ ' " //fl/”/ "I \ . ' ‘ / I 1/ 7/ don't forget the menfollt when you go and Roccanova. about those teenie-
. ' ‘ ' .. /// ' // H! '9',“ I 70 j 1/ to dcsignthc oi‘doorjamb. After all. a weenie doorjambs. But perhaps ‘

, ' Wy/ , .' ’ ‘ Z? I) 4 common retort to feminists‘dcmands looking too closely into their
v, . ‘ ////// / I Z If/ for equality of opportunity. department‘s sexist modeling policy
.. J. ‘ 4' . /// ' ’,y f /5 particularly in physically demanding would have beenain the finalanalysts. t

E .7, ."j ,r-,. 7.. / , / t I / / / '1 f / professions (such as police work and ah . . . too revealing. ' (

:‘a' ' t [I /, l ' . ,.,..‘ . / fire fighting). is that women are too i

L's -;:;i:‘t-fi-'..‘.‘ ‘35“?- short. too small. too weak. Designing Celia Brewer is an Instructor In the .‘

$.73}? buildings around the female form will Developmental Studies Program. ,

.fifi sew any}:


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1 T 1 iii sisii ( in intuit. Tuesday. Much is. rim—3
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4 ~ . Kidney foundation SpOflSOI’S area fate to 00" “Ct OHS/”g Stu y
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’ Sign-up dl‘lVB t0 QGt donors 0 I en, S“ 8 an ar [Vin
g B) MARIA BRADEN time tightening mortgage Director 1 ynn l uallen said the
.97". T , . T T \wuiattit l’itss \Niiici lt' q U I l t” me n l s al tcr scope is too \Hde
if By LISA SllMMhRs National Kidney Month and ( cniralT Kentucky Kidney "A big pmhmn .c that 3. lot intieasiiig piihlic criticism of l rider a proposal mailed
'ii’ StaffWriter Lettington cinemas are going i‘()undullt)n.“lllbCiHulblClhls ol people don‘t know aboutlhe '\ compieherisiye study of the agency for making too few l‘fldd) to the board. KCH
.3 free passes toarea drTiycrstht Saturday at booths in donor cards on the back of the state‘s hotising needs and limits to the poor would contract with an
7; Students can get free moyie sign the back ol their drivers lexmgton and liirfland Malls their license iiiitil it‘s already ability to respond to those Ihe “I, pm ”le w T independent consultani to
f” asses 'ust by si ninr their l' .‘todonatetheir kidneys. . - - - . “- T . -- . . - - » ‘ L T . . . . . . .
g game 'lMarch' Ts gdcsg ”med will: 3““ ‘ (mwrw hyt'hc By signing the back of the cTiTiycrch \T:llth pl istT Tiiid thtiTiT needs is being initiated h\ the established h.‘ the l973(ieneral complete the sldlLVHdt housing
TTTTTT . , . g e p .. ...p . . Kentucky driver‘s license T”. tT T:Ty lelllTlT it sTtoiTiTlTatc toTsiTgii. keTnTtTticky HousinTg ( pip T TT Mum,“ to pimide “mum“: suryTeTsT by \oyember
2;: . '. ' , . .. L“ et sait s no rite. e ur use is o itenti \ a ' _, .