xt7dfn10q02x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dfn10q02x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19470121  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1947 1947 2013 true xt7dfn10q02x section xt7dfn10q02x Deal oupy wcjuauie

Founders Convocation At 10 A.



If -





The Kentucky Kernel




Guignol Production
Will Open Monday
nights during the
next Monday until Saturday,
March 8. may be obtained from
Mary Lyons, business manager, in
the present Guignol office, room 105,
Jewell hall, teleplime number 5412.
The business office hours are from
10 until 5 daily, and after 5 p.m.
tickets will be available in Univer- two-we-


"I Remember Mama." the two-acomedy that enjoyed success of
smash hit proportions on Broadway, will open In University High
School auditorium at 8:30 Monday
night as another feature presenta- - 5jtv

Winter quarter Student Government Association assembly elections
were abolished and a committee
to study the SGA constitution and
recommend any necessary changes
was set up at the Assembly meeting

Arrangements for the play, transplanted since last week from the
Guignol theatre, were
termed by play director Frank Fowler yesterday as being ""complete."
Although all the stage sets and
properties were destroyed i n last
weeks' Monday fire, the stage staff
has built an entirely new set of
properties for Monday night's opening date.
Beginning with nothing after the
fire last week. Stephen Rauh, stage
manager, and Henry Poushee, technical director, have constructed the
new stage setting. Details in the
new stage scene are being completed





Account The
class family that




grated from Norway to this coun
trv and settled in San Francisco.
ta the
of 1910. the story is built around
Mama and her struggles to maintain
u- - fomii
account, and the family cat, "Miss
Elizabeth," provides adventures that
extend all the way into the realm


In the past, elections of representatives to the assembly have been
held in the fall, winter, and spring
quarters, under me new system one
thiri 01 the legislature will be clect-froed
the fall and the remaining two
thirds will be chosen in the spring,
SOA president Howard Stephenson


pre-Wor- W

need- -





The assembly also voted to take
further action in having the Univer- - night spot"
'"t,nf,g"1I by
the group
UP and aid enforcement
of the fire
nrpvpntinn iuivo mi K
f ' v iii.vii xiiIud rm tuc aiiiuo.

of chloroform.
The cast: Charlotte Corn, Aunt
Ttrrv.k Watson Jessie:
Elv Deaton. scrub woman; Joan
Rehm, Katrin; Louise Swinford.
thin weekend.
Christine; Allene Harrod, Madeline;
Coffee Between Acts
In accordance with Guignol cus- Jovcc Rudolph, Dorothy: Jim Shertom, coffee will be served the audi- burne. Uncle Chris; Clyde Trapp,
Mr. Thoi kelson; Bill HarbaUbh, Dr.
ence between acts of the play.
Reservations for the play, which Johnson; Gordon Brown. Nels; and
will run Monday through Saturday Denvil Maggard. soda clerk.






Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and
Tau Delta fraternity won
their respective divisions in the
Sing held Wednesday night
in Memorial hall under sponsorship
of Omicron Delta Knppa, Phi Beta,
Mortar Board, and Phi Mu Alpha.
Kunners-u- p
were the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and the Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity.
Winning number for the Thetas
was "Theta Lips." The Dejts, winThe University will be "saluted" ners of nine of last 11 contests, sang
by the War Department in a coast "Delta Shelter," "Sal. the Doggoned."
to coast radio program over a ma- and "Invictus." Kappa songs were
jor network Friday, February 28, "A Love Song" and "My Hero." The
PI Kaps sang "Dedication" and "My
it has been announced.
"Campus Salute," a weekly radio PiKA Girl."
Helen Hutchcraft, president of Phi
show sponsored by the War Department and featuring a different Beta, and Ed Barnes, president of
university each week, is aired over ODK, presented, the trophies.
Lewis Sawin, ODK member, was
the Mutual network, from 11:30
master of ceremonies.
a.m. to 12 noon Fridav. ,
Songs by the entire audience were
Best outlet for local listeners de- led by the Rev. Gentry Shclton, assiring to hear the UK program prob- sistant pastor of Central Christian
ably will be WFKY, Frankfort mu- church.
tual station operating on the freDelta

Tigert Speaks
At Convocation


Budget Changes
A salary of $100 was voted for the
editor of the freshman "K Welcome
Book." Increased budget items of
lu l"e wnioens nouse
dents' council, $70 to the Kentuckian,
and $150 to the SGA social fund were
approved. New budget items of $375
for a convention and travel fund and
$150 for the National Student Organization and regional NSO conference, to be heid here, were allotted
All budget changes are subject to approval by President Donovan.
A half page advertisement for the
WSSF drive on the campus will be
paid for by SGA.
ueveiup ine siu- ii kuuiuuvicc
oent program for the spring Freshman Orientation week was appointed by Stephenson. It is composed of
Jtrry Eastham. chairman, Su Ann

quency 1490 kilocycles. Elmer G.
Sulzer, UK director of radio activities, explained. Only other possibility is WGRC Louisville at 1400
kilocycles, reception of which is limited in this area.
information indicates
that the show will feature the contribution of the University to the
war effort and may include a medj
ley of two original compositions by
two staff member-studen- ts
of the
Robert W. Miles, Jr.
Lexington, graduate assistant in the
English department, wrote the mu
sic and William K. HubbelL Lexington, student assistant in the sociology department, did the lyrics
for "Autumn Love." Miles collabor
ated with Mrs. Billie Fisher 'God- frey, Lexington, author of the lyrics,
to produce the other song, Know- ing You're There."

To Be








r,nfo Tr:o
viiiatt iijiani







Troupers Entertain
At Half Time
Of Saturday's Game









The University's Chiels

5,555.55 Campus Goal Set
In Student WSSF Drive

Vocational And Career
Conferences Are Planned







At Valentine






op-Uf- rt.




Tau Beta Pi
Holds Dance
After Game





Suky will send the band, cheerleaders, and all Suky members to
and finals of the
SEC tourney in Louisville next week
end, Harrison Dixon, pep organiza
tion president, states.
Betty Ree Rhoads, speaking for
s"ky members, said that "there
was lots more school spirit at the
Tennessee and Alabama games than
ever shown before."
Delts Win Contest


Hif vk


She announced that Delta Tau
Delta fraternity won the cheerinz
contest held last Saturday night
at the
game and
have a reserved section for
j would
night's Georgia Tech
prize. She
Scabbard And Blade game as there were added that although
seven entries,
four organizations gave cheers.
Judges for the cheering contest
were Bill McCubbin and Joyce
The University Men's Glee club,
Zeal," Bach;
Wakefield, of the physical education
"Grant us to do With
under the direction of Aimo Kivinie- department, and
by Joseph "Come Sweet Death." Back;
inmi. and accompanied
An initiation and election of of- structor in historyRhea Taylor,
Tongue," from "Sleepers, Bradford, and Jack Fenton.
will present its annual con-- ! Let Every
and Suky fac
Virgil Pryor, assemblyman
and ficers was held Tuesday night at ulty advisor.
cert Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock Awake,"
chairman of tlie judiciary committee Buell armory by Scabbard and Blade,
in Memorial hall.
"Thanks Be To Thee," Handel; is chairman of the committee to stuThe Glee club, made up of about -- Hospodi Pomiloi (Lord Our God dy the constitution. The entire judi national military professional socie- 'Who's Who'
65 members from various colleges Have Mercy)," S. Lvovsky; "Dona ciary group was
appointed for the
Members initiated were William
campus, was Nobis Pacem," Old Canon, arranged study. Members are J.
and departments on the
Pelham Johns- Blackford, William M. Byron. Hugo filitnlrl
organized as a musical group to pre- by H. R. Wilson; "Recessional" Begi- - ton, representative,
O. Hemple, Glen G. Martin, John
and Ed
sent worthwhile music arranged for nal DeKoven, all sung by the Glee Carolyn McMeekin and Dean Barnes, Roop, Randolph G. Simpson, Charles To
South-woomen's voices to the student body end club.
from the student body.
Wills, Bingham Willson, and William
The 26 University students listed
Young will present "Intcr-Mezz- o
to the
G. Kendall. These men were selected in the forthcoming edition
Op. 117, No. 1," and "RhapsoThe Glee club was inactive during
from the second year advanced "Who's Who in American Colleges,"
the war but was reorganized in Sep- dic Op. 119. No. 4," both by Brahms.
ROTC classes.
are requested to contact the Kentember, 1945.
Final Group
Officers Elected
tuckian, campus yearbook, during
The Glee club will thn present: Campus
Yourg Is Soloist
Officers elected following initia- the coming week to pay the per
My ra- Vfjmtr who will unrom-- i "Silent Struigs. Bantock;
Snapshots of an informal variety tion ceremonies were Charles Wills, capita assessment for the "Who's
pany the program, w ill also appear as tive Land," Gretchaninoff ; "Suabion are still needed by the Kentuckian. captain; Bingham Willson. first Who" page in
the annual. Charlie Lances Announce
soloiit, presenting two selections by Folk Song." harmonized by Brahms; campus annual, the yearbook staff lieutenant; John Roop, second lieu- Harris,
Kentuckian business manHe is a junior mr jor in mu- - "Green Eyed Dragon," Charles; announced yesterday. Any type of tenant; and William G. Kendall, ager, asked
that the students bring Places
"Varme Land," a Swedish folk song; pictures connected with campus
sic from St. Louis. Missouri.
first sergeant.
their share of the page expense to
Director Kiviniemi is a member of and "Wind and Lyre," Ware,
Five prewar members were instru the yearbook office in the
will be welccy.ed. and TomOf
Usheis will be members of Phi Be- - my Gish, editor, requested that stu- mental in reactivation of
the music faculty.
the local
of McVey hall.
Special organ accompaniments for ta and Phi Mu Alpha, music
dents wishing to submit such pic unit; "D" Company of the Fourth
will be plaved by Perry sional societies.
tures bring them to the Kentuckian Regiment. Major D. W. Glenn, facPaul Makovsky, violinist, will be office in the
Parrigin. a member of the Glee club
of McVey ulty adviser, aided in the installation Wood
the soloist for. a concert March 2, in hall.
and a senior music major.
of members and officers.
A public exhibition o f student
the Sunday Musicale Series.
The program follows:
work in wood carving is now on disSalver stated that any man who
play in the University Art gallery.
Prof. Edward Rannells, head of the is a third quarter sophomore or first
quarter junior is urged to see one of
Department of Art, announced yesthe phamplets explaining the point
By James E. Abell
The Art gallery, room 217 Bio- system on eligibility at the informanext president of the State Univer- logical Sciences building, is open tion desk in the Student Union builSince its founding, the Univer
sity has had five .titles and nine sity of Kentucky was Henry Stites from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and ding.
Barker. Judge Barker, as he was 8 a.m. until noon Saturdays. The
Further information on the society
The University campaign for the chief executives.
World Student Service Fund, label- - ' will be handled by Harold Friedly.
Before being officially designated more commonly known, saw the en- daily hours were announced in- can b obtained by contacting Morris
Beebe, whose phone number is 3113.
led "Operations University," is being radio publicity by. Bill Spragens and the "University o f Kentucky" in rollment of 721 students In 1910 correctly in last week's Kernel.
organized by the newly appointed all - O. C. Halyard, and solicitations will 1916, this school was known as doubled by 1916. He coordinated the
- be managed by Wendell Poundstone. Transylvania University, Kentucky University with the agricultural accampus
Johnny Crockett and Howard Stephenson.
Members of the Art club w ill be on University, Agricultural
and Me- tivities of the state and attended all
The week of March 3 will be pro- - 'the poster committee. A meeting for chanical College of Kentucky and farmer meetings possible. The Department of Journalism was estabclaimed Student World Week, and all campus committees of the WSSF the State University of Kentucky.
The first president of the Agri- lished during President Barker's adall students w ill be requested to sup- - '1U be held Monday night at 7 p.m.
port the work of WSSF by contribu- - The YWCA office will be the head cultural and Mechanical College of ministration.
Paul P. Boyd, now Dean of the
Kentucky was John Augustus Wilting toward the $5,555.55 goal of the quarters ior ine arive.
campus drive, Stephenson and CrocHPC Schedules
Students will be informed of the liams in 1866. President Williams, College of Ai ts and Sciences, headed
activities of the WSSF during the a graduate of Kentucky University the institution from the resignakett aiuiounced.
Transylvania tion of President Barker to the arMeetings
Davis LowTy resigned as chairman two weeks preceeding the drive. later combined with
of the committee recently because of Charles Boggs, publicity chairman University to form the State Uni- rival of President McVey.
The following committee heads Interior, art, medical technology,
versity of Kentuckyi. was also founEspecially remembered
for his were
illness. Prof. John Kuiper. head of said. Radio forums, to be held by the
child welfare,
announced this week for
the philosophy department, has ac Veterans club and arranged bymeet- der of building thatCollege" in the zealous interest in student welfare, Mortar Board Career Conference the sociology are included in the and
now houses Frank LeRond McVey became the
cepted the portion of campaign by Cox, and a Philosophy club
Mrs. Dorothy Evans, University so- of subjects to be discussed at the
ing, headed by Howard Stephenson. Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg. pre- seventh head of the institution in cial
annual Vocational Conference for
Joseph Desha Pickett was
1917. During his administration, the
BuKy will collect donations from j president, will be held to make cleai
Conference chairman, Lee Trabue; women, sponsored by the House
the townspeople at the Vanderbilt the importance of the drive and The siding officer after Williams ret-in University plant was increased by exhibit committee, Mary Bennett Presidents' Council, beginning on
38 buildings and there was a 4,500
urned to "Daughter's College"
game in Alumni gym tonight.
WSSF. The schedule of programs 1867 until 1868. Pickett was a chap- student Increase in enrollment. It LaMaster; publicity, Lenora Henry; the campus March . Miss Margaret
Publicity Men
Storey, head resident of Patterson
lain iu the Confederate Army dur- was under Dr. McVey that the Col- appointments, Mary Lou Wither-spooNewspaper publicity for the drive will be announced in The Kernel.
program, Barbara Allen; typ- hall, has announced.
ing the Civil War.
lege of Commerce was established
ing, Mrs. Greenwood Cocanaugher,
Among the persons who will ap
Probably foremost in the minds and the College of Education
Frances Pritchett. and Marjean pear on the conference program are
as the
Jewell Hall Chooses IKCP Club To Award of the readers James first Patterson,
Myrtle Labbitt, women's
Jeanette Rey-- 1
president is
From Dr. McVey's retirement to Wenstrup; posters,arrangements, Jo Mrs. of radio station CKLW. Wind- and social
Couple' Prize
who served almost 50 years. Pres- the present administration, Thomas
sor, Ontario, who will discuss the
ident Patterson saw the establish- Poe Cooper, Dean of the College Ann Kloecker.
Mrs. Evans announced that the advantages and disadvantages
The Kentucky Colonel Poultry- ment grow from a school with four of Agriculture and Home Econom- following
organizations have noti- career women on jobs; Cissy Gregg,
Dixie' Gene May, Zeta Tau Al- club cf the College of Agriculture professors and a graduating class ics,, served as acting president.
fied her that they will have rep- of the Louisville Courier-Journof one student to a university with
pha, and Phil Pearce, Pi Kappa
Dr. Herman Lee Donovan, hailed resentatives here on March 6 and and Will T. Welsh, commercial
Alpha, were selected the ideal swee- and Home Economics announced 75 professors and 100 graduates. as the "practical man"
"go- - 7 for the conference: General Elecand a
artist. Representatives from Proc
theart couple at the Valentine Day that $5 will be awarded for a win President Patterson initiated the getter," became the institution's
tea dance held last Friday in Jewell ning emblem designed for the club, steps to obtain the University Ex- eighth chief executive in 1941. One tric Corporation; R. C. A.; Proctor tor and Gamble and T.WA presscheduled to be
hall. The two were selected trom
Entries are to be made to the periment Station, and annual in- of President Donovan's first an- and Gamble; Sears, Roebuck and Linesatare also
Miss Storey
Company; Girl Scouts of America: ent
the conference,
a troup of twelve couples entered club office iu the Dairy Products Hall. He increased the
come of the University from $9,000 nouncements contained hope for the Kentucky Utilities; Veterans Ad- said.
In the contest.
building on or before March 31. to $150,000. Starting with one dwell- building of a new field house. Plans ministration; and the Child Welfare
Judges included Mrs. Dorothy
of th',- University ing, he raised its pro)erty to include now are for that structure to begin Division and Public Assistance Di
Evans, social director; Mrs. Ger- Representatives
vision of the Kentucky Department Dean
campus and next year.
trude Harvard, head resident of art department, poultryjudge entries, 17 buildings, a
Among other plans outlined by of Welfare.
and Poultry club will
a 250 acre farm. Patterson resigned
and Dean oi Men T. T. Jones.
Appointments and interviews for
President Donovan are the construcBoyd hall: Mrs. Earl Quisenberry. t The club will have as its speaker in 1909.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, who re
Following President Patterson was tion of a fine arts building, jour- the conference may be made hi
was program on March 6, D. D. Slade of Lexing-r- h
Grace Huffaker
Professor James G. White who nalism building, and new residence room 204 of the Student Union ceived a fractured kneecap in a fall
airman for the dance end con-- I 'on, nationally known hatchery
F.vseveral weeks ago, is expected to
which was under the super- - era tor. Prof. E. T. Wightman of served as acting president until 1910. halls to accommodate an anticipated building on March 4 and 5, Mrs.
enrollment of nearly 10,000 students ans added. This conference is for return to his classes sometime next
A Chief Justice of the Kentucky
vision of Margaret Yenaer Jewel, the poultry section is faculty
Cipirt wVm Hrarno the
senior tneu md women.
4 liDe II- t
'hr 'i"h

University Men's Glee Club
Will Give Sunday Concert



Delts' Cheers Win
Reserved Section
For Tech Game

Carrillonic Bells

A varied program of events is
planned for the third annual observance of Founders Day at the
University today. Dr. Leo M.
vice president and chairman of the Founders Day commit- itee. states
The program for the dsy follows:
Founders Day convocation. 10 a.
m.. Memorial hall. President Herman Lee Donovan presiding: or- -,
V ....HttWi
gan prelude. "Song of Joy." Perry
in Memorial hall.
' "f
' i.
G. Parrigin; Invocation.
After two years as president of
W. Stephenson, Mt. Sterling junior,
Kentucky Wesleyan college. Dr. Tipresident of the Student Governgert in 1911 became professor of
ment association;
philosophy and psychology at the
Memorial hall carillonic bells, a
University, and from 1913 to 1916
University from the
gift to the
also served as director of athletics
father of Alexander Bonnyman. Jr..
and head coach at this institution.
who was killed in action on Tarawa.
At the University Dr. Tigert was
Dedication hymn. "Eternal Fatht-r- .
perhaps best known for his work
Strong to Save," played by Mrs. Le- psyIn commercial applications of
la Cullis on the bells; address. "The
chology, especially in the field of
University of Kentucky Under Four
advertising. In 1920 he was elected
Presidents." Dr. John J. Tzert. prespresident of the Blue Grass Adver- t
Dr. John Tigert
ident of the Universityby of Floridi;
tising club and became a member
the atiai-enc"Alma Mater." sung
of the Associated Advertising clubs
benediction. Mr. Stepiienon:
of the World.
:cari'.'onic bells recital. Mrs. Cuilis.
Dr. Tigert's association with the
At..l :'e Association
was interrupted by World
Student Union building. 12:15 p.m.:
special broadcast t o alumni and
War I in which he served with the
American Expeditionary Forces for
friends of the Umverbity. a
one year in Scotland. England,
transcribed program dealing
France, and Germany, first with the
wiiii vib Dust, present, and future
YMCA and later with the Army
of UK. over 11 tsUo stations at.
Educational Corps. He holds the
various times during the evening:
birthday basketball game, Vanderbilt
commission of lieutenant colonel in
A George Washington
he U. S. Reserve Corps. After the dance will be held tomorrow night Kentucky. 8 p. Tt
war he resumed his duties at UK, in the Bluegrass room of the Sturdlo
resigning in 1921 to become Com- dent Union. The dance, sponsored transcribed by WBKY. University
senmissioner of Education of the United by Tau Beta Pi, engineering
FM station, includes talks by Presior honor society, will feature the ident Donovan. Dr. W. S. Wbb.
and anthroIn 1928 Dr. Tigert assumed the music of Will Hauser and his or- read of the physicsand Thomas R.
pology departments,
presidency of the University of chestra.
c fn.
will Underwood, editor of the Lexington
Florida. He has received numerous
honorary degrees, including the be informal and cabaret style, wiUiHarald. Music for the program will
diLLX degree from the University of be on sale at the Union today from be by the University Choristers,
Kentucky. He is president of the j 10 a. m. through 3 p. m. and from rected by Miss Mildred Lewy. and
hall cariBonu:
10 a. m. until noon on Saturday. by the Memorial
Southeastern Conference.
by Mrs. Loio
A vranrisnn of Holland
N. Me - Any remaining tickets will be on tower bells. Directed
professor of raTyeire, founder of Vanderbilt uni- sale at the door Saturday night. Robinson, assistant
program will be broadversity. Dr. Tigert was born in Admission will be $1.50. stag or date. dio arts, the
Nashville and was graduated with
music will be broadcast cast by stations U-. WCIF
:rr: Lexington: WIXV.
honors from Vanderbilt. At Vander- WCFO, Cincinnati:
bilt he played football and basket- tion, and a local station from 9:4a WHLN. Harlan; WHOP. Hookins-vill- e;
ball for three years and was elected until 10 p.m. His band has reWKAY.
captain of both teams. He was cently been playing in the Cincin- Mayfield: WLBJ Glasgow: WKIN.
Bowling Green:
halfback by nati area.
named an
WOMI. OwensbOiO: WPAD. Padu- Grantland Rice.
WSON. Henderson.
Dr. Tigert and members of teams
The Kena' souvenir roiilon of newspaper,
he coached at the University of
tucky Kernel, student
Kentucky will be guests of honor at
to those attend-will be
a luncheon given by the Athletic
ing the Founders Day exercises.
Association a t noon Friday. N o
prsdiTt Donovan announced
formal program has been planned
'that a!l tiiir-- f rour classes will be
for the luncheon.
Students who see the basketball dismissed Friuay ai.d that Uraver- closed at mat
game tomorrow night between Ken- - sity or icts may
tucky and Georgia Tech are in for irr.e, so students and start memoer.-an additional show. During the in- - may attend the convocation.
termission period at half time, the
UK Troupers have scheduled a ten- minute performance.
The show, first put on for UK
Lances, junior men's leadership students since the group reorganized,
A noon sweater swing will be heid
society has vacancies for a limited will feature a spring board act. and Tuesday in the Student Union baU-- a
doubles tumbling act.
number of pledges, according to an a small portion of the 15 It will be room. The regular Thursday een-thact show
announcement made this week by
will be presented late in April. ing sweater swing wilT start at 6:15.
Clay Salyer.

Dr. John J. Tigert, president of
the University of Florida and former member of the University of
Kentucky faculty, will deliver the
address for the third annual observance of Founders Day at UK on
Friday, February 21. He will speak
on "The University of Kentucky Under Four Presidents," at 10 a. m.

War Department

A committee, composed of five
members of the SGA judiciary com
'mittee, one administrative official
appointed by UK president Herman
L. Donovan and Dr. Howard Beers,
nieh School
SGA faculty advisor, was instructed
From Forbes' Book
to study the present SGA constitu-Next week's production was adapt- - tion with the idea of recommending i

tle theatre.

Kappas, PiKaps


Full Program Planned
For Celebration Today

Thetas, Delts
Win Contest

Quarter Election
Committee Set Up
jUK Saluted
To Plan Changes
In Constitution
On National
Radio Show





yxiil Winter

Symbol of the I'nivertJty is Memorial halL Alumni everywhere look at
a picture of the building and think of college days. With this picture.
The Kernel wishes the University a happy 81st birthday.



SGA Voles To Abolish



'I Remember Mama
Stars Students



Noon Sweater Swing
Held TuesdaV


Tigert, Philosophy Prol,
Coached Football iTeam
Like beauty and brains football and
philosophy aren't supposed to mix.
Yet a philosophy professor coached
the Kentucky football team to two
seasons perhaps more successful
than the recent one under Paul Bryant and win and a scoreless tie over
a win over Purdue,
two ties with Sewanee.
Dr. John J. Tigert, now president
of the University of Florida and
speaker for today's Founders Day
celebration, began nis coaching career at the University by guiding the
girls' basketball team in 1912.
Reserved Seats 50c!
Football games then were played
on new Stoll field. The spectators sat
in new Barker stadium, named for
the president of the University. Reserved seats sold for fifty cents. Special trains took rioters to
gmes at Louisville and Cin-


The Prohibition club of the University was welcoming a meeting of
the International Prohibition Association. William Jennings Bryan was
listed as one of the speakers for the
The State University of Kentucky
was about to become the University
of Kentucky, and The Idea was ask
ing for suggestions for a better name
for the student publication.
Tigert was made assistant to football
coach Alpha Brummage in 1913. The
Wildcats played Illinois that year
and lost 0. Stars of the team included James Park (now commonwealth's attorney for Favet'e coun
ty), William "Squirrely" Tuttle, Gip
Downing and Paul Hue
A 33-- 0 win over a Tennessee freshman squad was the highlight of the
year for the freshman team of 1914.
coached by Titjerv. Other victims of

the "Kitten"' team were CynthiAnj.
Lexington ht?h. Somerset; the only

loss was to Danville.
Tigert Named Head Coach
When Brummage resigned in 19! 5.
Tigert, former star end at Vandevb.lt
became head football couch. His
were Jim Park. "Squirrtiv"
Tuttle. Lt. Arthur Underwood crul
William Rode.
Last year's team having been
"practically destroyed" by the lo o;
many varsity members. Tigert set to
work to develop a new team. Star o:
most of his games was the late "Dec"
Rodes, who had done outsiarjd'.:i
work as quarterback for the !9H
freshman squad. Among substitute.
for Roues was Bart Peak.
With ntiirly sixty mtn out f r
practice. Coach Tigert be an the
driil for the opening j.me with Butler University of Inaumapclu-- . Although, they finished the gjtr.e with
seve.. p'ayers in.tured. the Wildcats
defea.U 3utler. 33-- Other victories
included Earlham 'Richmond, Ind )
Cincinnati, and Louisville.
"Uotly C'ntested."Literally Speakin?
Then, 'n That wss described bv
The Kernel as a -- .lotly contestt d
game" the thermometer registered
93 degrees 'n the sliade the 'Ca'-0.


7-- 7

tie Witt





rale but Injured Routs "for the rest
of the season."
"Do Purdue" was the cry before
the homecoming game with the
heralded as 1 favorites.
Although the student body was refusing 1 bets, the Wildcats had a
0 victory, the touchdow n scored by

Day game was
on Page Two;


* Debi uupy Mvauaoie
Pape Two

Friday, February 21, 1947






The Spice Of Life


tUniyersity of Kentucky"





Pat Bl'rTT
Cafy Comam


By Amy Price and Ifelen Dorr
Make of truth a trade.
Manning Editor
For the past several weeks stuDo thou as I tell thee, lad;
News Editor
ToM Di:ncam
ntM l tfc Post OIIIm Lntaftea. Kwtoekj.
dents have been clamoring for the Be the best of men,
aeond class aiattar antler th Act ol March I, 1871.
Frmiirick Nirrmn
Instant Srwt Editor
continuation of a gossip column in And girls won't write of thee
Itw'iinf Minimg Editor
rK SoRRFiir
The Kernel fo we are sticking our
in verse
' Uninelj tstareoUtgtsU Ptcm amttio
necks out (this we have learned
R wji k Mfi.ton
Sports Editor
Nor' think of thee again.
fcwtagton Board of Comm.ro.
Iron the experience of other gossip
() c H I.YARD
Awtanl Sxtrf. Editor
writers) to bring you the chatter of
Kentucky Pres Association
Congratulations to: the cast of
Society Editor
f,VFr Jmfso
national Editorial Awoclallon
the campus. You can help continue "I Remember Mama" for carrying
I ii i.v Thompson
Rrwrite Editor
this column by turning in any news on with the play after the set was
either to The Kernel office or to us. destroyed in the fire; Dixie Gene
"AN ""'HT
Before continuing, we wish to
Tom r..Fco,T
nTo-k'- h.
couple of
for not including
the state chosen the Sweetheart
ii son
Chicago - boston - los amucs
ment about the dozen roses they Jewell hall at theFriday; Valentine
eipn4 met mn eolnwita mrm to to oomnSerme, tft
the Kentuckian tea dance Bob Nelson for Margaret
Dowell and
on 4 4o not moreeeetru
of the wnrr $ tkrm&l-rQueen coronation.
on the romantic tradition by being
M On Quarter
reject the optnirm of The KemH.
11.50 On Tear
on Valentine's day.
While browsing over at the li- marriedwonder who'll win out with
at Alabama, but I don't believe
brary, we found the University of Nell Payne
Lance Trigg or
tiiat is a repson for our doing the
Gccrria's Sweetheart of Siema Chi Blackford? They both seerh to Bill
same, do you'' The show of spirit
pricing the cover of the February running a good race.
Editor, Kentucy Kernel:
only tiood th it cun come from
9 edition of the A'lanta Journal.
I was appalled at the show of is the an
Wayne Harris has put in his bid
is it worth it?
The Si!?s seem to have come into
sportsmanship by the University of suchW'luldexhibition congratulate Capfor his brother's honorary key to
hke to
their own through publicity on the Jewell hall since his brother is
Kentucky student body at tiie
tain Kenny Rollins on his display
game Monday ni;ht.
of good sportsmanship. Rollins
Speaking of the library, it is a getting married in the near future.
At the beginning of the game I m