xt7djh3czs0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7djh3czs0r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19260828 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-08-sep28. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-08-sep28. 1926 2011 true xt7djh3czs0r section xt7djh3czs0r 

     Minutes of the regular cquaerterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, September 28, 1926.

     The regiiar quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky met an Tuesday, September 21, 1926.
Those w'ho att+ede1 the meeting were Mr. E. B. Webb and the Sacre-
tary of tbc BOB.rd., Veleington Patrick.  The meeting adjourned
until Tueet.a a; SuepO'rnbe- 23, 3.926, &nd notices were sent to the
membere,   Thooe attonding the rmeeting on Septembar 28, 1926,
in the of i'ioe o'; ?res i.de-.; MoVey, Univorsity of Kentucky, at
11:30 a. mi, were as follows:

     SuperintendP-.t' Moflcenry Rhoads, Senator H. M. Froman, Mr.
Robert Ge Gcrd~on, Judge R. C. Stoll, M1r, Fr&E3nk McKee and Mr.
Louis ;Hillenmeyer.  Prosident F. L. MoVey was present at the

     i. Report of the Business Agent.    The financial report
of the Business Agent was read and ordered incoiporated in the
minutes.   The report was as follows8.

            Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Monbl of August, 1926

Previously Current
Reported  IMlonth

To Date

General Fund Income
   Federal Appropriation
   State Appropriation - Girls'
   Dormitory                   75,000.00
   State Tax
   Interest on Endowment Bonds  4, 3 22.25
   Student Fees                    131.25
   Student Fees   Summer Schoul 26,947.89
   Student Fees - Veterans Bur.
   Studont Foes - Un. Extension   768.46
   Miscellaneous Receipts           230.91
   Rentals                       i .126.00
                   Total       108,526.76





75,000. 00*
4, 322. 25
208 154.00
2 , 875.063



Previ.cs, ely
zay , ef

   I ns t  ^u 0 2. oin
   Ad   ni - ottra 'i.lc),. lx. e -;
   Acddit i O,-10S .1:Dx .' De ' G'tZ : Y.11,E lat S
           . Tlotal

74,361. 21
4. *D s;"'. 3

          F Fis c-1
Curront   Ye'!r
Month     To D-.te

13,4 ' .50
4 i, z.S5 42

Excess of Inosl^or  cv: O.C Ex,

27 ,829. 75

34,162. 94

Patterson. Hall. Incon-e
  Room Pent - Surmmer School


  Excess of Income Cver Ex.

Gonoral Fund Income
General Fund Exrcnditures


304, CO

1,684.81   1.397.68





(1r.03668)    361.01

48, 385.24


Excess of General Fund Income
ovar Exrenditures         (15,743.08)

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
p;nditures for General Led-
ger Ac. 0  AtintT, 821678-84

Excess of Recei'ts over Ex.
for the fiscal year to date-.
General Fund                5 935.76

Excess of Receirts over Ex.
for the f iscal year to
date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1926 -
General Fund
Cash in Bank August 31, 1926 -
G.neral Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
          Total Receipts

. 133.88



(2 530.75) 19,148.09

47,736.28 53,672.04


          (26, 845.54)

          26i, 826. 50

53.63     62.51
692.76    817.76
746. 39   860.277



Current   Year
Month      To Date

Exps .c.i t ^ r e
   EY.Dn;-I. e
       Tt-;u-;5rr Jv ;. -" a-1

   Exoefxs of E,}pex.p. c- , !

     ' 7 5 - 0 0
___11_ 00

_ .91.12)

64.-9. 00

9 .8.00

93, 39     (97.73) :

ExCess of Expeilr-.. ovrc Re--
ceipts for tho fiscal. year
to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1). 1926 -
Trust Fund
Caah in Bank August 31, 1926 - Trust Fund

Experiment Station Income
   Hatoh - Federal Appropriation 3,750.00
   Milk and Butter - Cash Rec.   1,071.64
   Beef Cattle Sales                14.77
   Dairy Cattle Sales
   Sheep Sales                      12,55
   Swine Sal.es                     25.00
   Poultry Sales                   540.40
   Farm Pxoduce Salep            1,634.53
   Horticultural Sales             199.18
   Seed Test

R entals
Mris cellaneous

Fertilizer Fees
PTihlic Service - Miscel.
Feeding Stuffs - Fees
Adams - Federal Appro.
Seruz - Sales
        Virus Sales
        -Sunpply Sales
      M- iscel'laneous
Creamery - License Fees
         - Testers' Licenses
         - Glassware Tested
Purnell - Federal Appro.
State Appro. - Patterson
Farm Purchase
      Tot al

3,619. B6
  55i .02


54,94 .42




65, 585. 17

    9 * 00






Peport ed

Expenditulre s
   Expenree                  19,,150.00
   Addi it-O'i  and Betterments 2, 876.663
         Total               45,026- l?

Excess o' Expend. ove-z

9,913 79



Excess of Exnend. over
income for the fiecal
year to date - Experiment
Cash in Bank July 1, 1926 - Ex-
periment Station
Cash in Bank August 31, 1926 -
Experiment Station

Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplementary
  County and Other


99,_172U-. 6


25,933. 68


95, S2 . 86


   Excess of Income over



Excess of Income over Ex-
penditures for the f is-
cal year to date - Ex-
tension Division
Cash in Bank July 1., 1926 -
Extension Division
Cash in Bank August 31, 1926 - Ext. Div.

   General Fund Income
   Trust Fund Income
   Exp. Station Income
   Extension Div. Income

166,665. 56


 99, 222.86


28 ,052. i3

Fis cal
To -late

73:078 . 76





3, 977 .49




General Fund Expend.
Trust Fund Expenditures
Exp, Station Expend.
Extension Div. Expend.

L. 127-0400.34
   22, 040 r 55
   194, 526.52



Excess of Income over Expend. (27,860.96) 103,920.67

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
pend. for General Ledger

Student Loan Fund - Notes



(150.00)      43.76

Excess of Receipts over Ex."
penditures for the f iscal
year to date - Combined Fund (6,332i12)

101 .433e68



9b101 . 56

Excess of Receipts over Expend-
ditures for the fiscal year to
date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
1926, Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on Land August
31, 1926 - Combined Fund



100 ,260.07

   Abstract of item shown on Statement of
Income and Expenditures as "Excess of Re-
oeipts over Expenditures for General Ledger
Accounts  $19,148,09."n
                           Debit         Credit

Acoounts Receivable

Insurance Paid in Advance

Sundry Accounts






7 7,878.31


To Pate




      2. Unpaid Checks Given by Students.   President McVey
 reported to the Board tha-t aE.umte-r of checks given by students
 for their tuition fees had been returned unpaid.   The matter
 was presented to the Board for their information.   It was the
 sense Of tile Boal that the administrative officers of the Uni-
 vezsity adopt some sort of drastic measures for the prevention
 of such occ;-r.reiacs.

      3. Brent History Prze.     PResident NoVey reported to
the Board. tv2t !ixHenrcyfYe:Lly Bxent, of New York City, had made
a gift to the Universi.tv of Kentucky of $1000.00 as a fund, the
interest of which is to be used for a prize in history.   This
fund is to be. known as the Charles Scott Brent History Fund,
in memory of his fathess   Motion was made, seconded and car-
ried authorizing the Secretary of the Board formally to accept
the gift and authorizing the Business Agent to receive the
funds and carry out the purpose of the gift.

     4. Report of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.
The report of the Superintent      uil  dings and Grounds was
received by the Board and ordered filed.

     5. Lot on Harrison Avenue Deede.d to the City. A report
was received-T`roo Mrr . Pelham Johnston' tha-tthe lot on Harrison
Avenue deeded to the Cit:y of Lexington for the extension of
Harrison Avenue had been formally transferred to the City and
that the deeds had been exchanged, and the matter settled in
a satisfactory way.

     6. Request ol-B eathitt County for Rht-of-wan Through
.UJniversity Prope~rty at Robinson Sub-Expariment Station. A
communication was read from Dean Cooper stating that the Count-
y Attorney of Breathitt County had requested a right-of-way over
University property at the Robinson Substation for the purpose
of building a public highway.   motion was made, seconded and
carried that the right-of-way be granted and that the Chairman
of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Board be
authorized to execute the deed.

     7. Boundary Disputes on Robinson Land.   A communication
ras read. from Dean Cooper to the effect that boundary disputes
in connection with the Robinson Experiment Station had arisen
and Dean Cooper requested authority to engage a local attorney
to settle such disputes.    olotion was made, seconded and car-
ried approving the request.



     8. Exchange of Lands at Robinson Experiment Station. A
communication ras read from Dean Cooper stating that he would
like to have authority from the Board of Trustees to enter
into negotiations for the exchange of certain isolated tracts
of land on. the Robinson Experiment Station property for other
twacts b5:dering Uii.veastty prc~oerty, with a view tio reducing
the fiie hazard.   Mo.Lon was made, seconded and carried au-
thoriz;.nmg Deian Co.per to enter into such negotiations.

     90, Fe-e-rt of Co,.imittee on Retirement Plan.  President
MoVey reForTed. Ite prog;.ess of the committee appointed by the
Board of Trustees cuci. the question of a retiring allowance for
the University staff:,  The matter was discussed and the fol-
lowing resolutions were offered and adopted:

     First; After September 1927, members of the University
Staff who have reached the age of seventy shall be retained
as members of the staff until provision can be made for their
retirement, but they may not continue as heads of departments
or as directors of divisions after reaching the age of seven-

     Second: The President of the University of Kentucky is
instructed to confer with the Teachers! Annuity Association
of America and report back to the Board whether or not the
Carnegie Foundation wiil make provision for the supplementary
annuities, in case the University of Kentucky adopts the an-
nuity plan for the Association.

     10. Progress of Plans for the University Campus. Pres-
ident McVTy reportec, the progress on the building plan for
the University campus.   He indicated that he was trying to
find a plan which would locate to the best ad vantage at least
three new buildings for the University.    He stated that sev-
eral plans had been presented but that they needed to be studied
and, possibly, modifications made.

     11. EnroIlemE; for this Semester.   President DicVey made
the following statement regarding the enrollment of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky during the present year:




         Arts and Sciences     983
         Agriculturo           185
         Engineering           396
         Iaw                   65
         E ducat j. on         220
         Oor1,,c;:xce          248
         Graduatc Students    102

         To be Distributod      31
                Total          2230


(Based on the schedule cards turned in by the Deans)

          Arts and Sciences     323
          Agriculture            63
          Engine erirg          172
          Law                     0
          Educat i on            63
          Commerce              114
               Total            715


    Enrollment 1926-1927

              Men         1489
              Women        741

    Enrollment September 28,
        1925                      2048

        Gain to date               146

     Enrollment in Graduate School

              Men          64
              Women        36

(A number of graduate students are yet to register)



     12.. Granting of Doctor s pDegrees. Upon recommendation
 of President McVey, the following resolution was offered,
 seconded and unanimously carried by the Board of Trustees:

           In the judgment of the Board of Trustees, the
     University of Kentucky should offer in the Graduate
     SchooJ. courses of study and thesis problems leading
     to the. octorl s degree.  The departments and courses
     axe zo be determined bg the President and the Dean
     of the Graduate Sch*ol and confirmed by the Universi-
     ty Senate.   The announcement of this action should
     be made in the near future with the understanding
     that candidates for the higher degree will be received
     September 1927.

     13. Increase of Budget for Kastle Hall.   A communication
was read from  r. M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds, indicating that about $3,000.00 additional is.
needed for Kastle Hall for the installation of certain equip-
ment there, including sinks and motors.    lotion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing that the addition be made
to the budget accordingly.

     14.. Uniforms for the Band.   President MoVey presented a
request from Professor Carl Lampert that the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky make some provision for assist-
ing the band in the purchase of uniforms.    Motion was made,
seconded and carried stating that the Board of Trustees is in
sympathy with the pro ,osal to make some provision whereby the
University can assist in providing uniforms for the band, and
referred the matter to the President with power to act.

     15. Annual Meeting of Governing Boards. President McVey
called attention of the Board of Trustees to the annual meet-
ings of the Association of Governing Boards.    The matter was
ordered entered into the records so that those members of the
Board of Trustees who wished. to attend the meeting could do so.
The communication was as follows:

           The Association of Governing Boards of
           State Universities and Other Institutions

                           Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 2, 1926
Members of Governing Boards;

     Some time since we mailed to each one of you whose address
,ie then had a copy of the proceedings of the Columbus meeting
of the Association of Governing Boards.    If you did not receive



your copy, please let the secretary know.

     we expect to issue another Bulletin about September 1,
somewhat similar to the one issued last year.   We are asking
each of you to send any information concerning your institu-
tion which would be of interest to members of other governing
boards.9  A little emf:fct on the part of each of you frill be
beneficial to als.o  This should be sent us within ten days.

     The next meeting of the Association till be held at the
University of Wisconsin, Mad.ison. Wisconsin, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, Nov-;thr 11, lS, 13.   The program will begin
Thursday morning and close Satucday noon.   Saturday afternoon
we will attond the annual home-coming football game mwhich will
be played between Io.-a and Wisconsin.

     Please send the secretary suggestions which you have as
to topics which should. bD discussed.   Meetings will be more
helpful if the program is built from suggestions from many than
if it is. merely the work of the officers.

     The headquarters at Madison will be at the Loraine Hotel..
The secretary has oade reservations for forty people.    Just
as soon &s possible we should be glad to receive   -ora from those
wvho will attend so that we can make sure that we have sufficient
reservations to care for all who may be present.    of course,
the hotels mill be full to overflowing on account of the home-
coming festivities but we will care for all wvho notify us in
due season.

     If your Qoverni2; Board has not yet joined the Association,
this is a special invitation to you individually to present
the matter at the next meeting of your Board.    So far, we have
been sending the proceedings tc all members of Governing Boards,
whether their institution has joined ox not.    we need the sup-
port of all, not only financially but also suggestively as to
programs, and person-ally by reason of the informal discussions
which are always had at the annual meetings.

                      Yours truly,

                           (Signed) D. W. Springer, Secretary

     16. Contract Given Jackson T. Lumber Company for the
Erection of the Building at the Ennrin       C         Motion
was made, seconded and. carried that the contract given to the
Jackson Lumber Company for the erection of a building to house
the 'Wendt Forge equipment be approved.



      17. printing of Tags for Experiment Station.   Motion was
 made, seconded and carried authorizing the Director of the Ex-
 periment Station to obtain an opinion of the Attorney General
 as to whether or not it Js possible for the University of Ken-
 tucky to print tags for the Experiment Station in some maynner
 other      t r- Thro'ogh the State printers,

      5  Fee CTha;e, by the Public Health Service Laborat6ries.
 A corpt.r-icaci-on xas read from Dean Cooper regarding a proposal
 for a scale of faec for -erk in the Public Service Laboratories
 not of a public J!:i.-,,,tic-,-L-  The Board of Trustees requested
 that Dean Cooper subritt detailed suggestions regarding the matter.

      19. Linen fox- Mert s Doramitory. Upon recommendation of Pree-
 ident McVeyi mooi.on was Gade, seconded and carried authorizing
 that sheets and pillow oases be purchased for the ments dormi-

     20. Ex-Service lTren. in the Men s Dormitory.  A communication
was. read TfronEMr. J. HS Siveeney, a student, W 0 stated that he
is an ex-servioe man, is uarried, and has his family in Lexing-
ton, and that he desires to share a room in the Men's Dormitory
for the purpose of having a place to study.   On motion, second-
ed and carried, Mir. Sweeney was allowed to occupy the room tempos
rarily until there is other demand for it, it being specifica~ly
stipulated by the Board that such permWission is not to be regarded
as a precedent since the Board does not feel that the University
has facilities for caring for ex-service men who are married.

     21. Appointments, Resignations and Leaves of Absenoe. Upon
recormendation of Pre-sident MioVeyp -tKe following appointments,
resignations and leaves of absence were approved:

     Salary of James L. Graham, assistant professor of psychology,
should be changed from $2500 per year to t2400 per year.   The
salary appeared in minutes of last meeting as $2500.

     Mrs. Edwin Fisk appointed as instructor in art for one year
to substitute for Mr. Swisher, salary $2,000 a year.

     Appointment of Mr. ai. H. Crowder as student assistant in
the Department of Bacteriology, salary $250.for the year.

     Appointment of Mlr. J. M. Bush as student assistant in the
Department of Bacteriology, salary $200 for one year.

    Appointment of Miss Carolyn Scott as student assistant in
the Department of Anatomy and Physiology at a salary of $200
for one year.



     Appointment of Hors. Marian E. Miller as stenographer in
the Department of University Extension, salary $1400 per year.
Miss killer is at present employed in the office of the Regis-.
trar and resigns this position to take the position in the
Department of University Extension, effective September 24, 1926.

     Appointmat of Niss Lurline Harper au office assistant
in the Department of Physics at a salary of 430 per month for
ten months.  Also, appointment of Miss Lurline Harper as of-
fice assistant for Student Loan Fund work at a salary of k,50
per month for twelve months, this amount ("'SO0) to be paid out
of Student Loan Fund.

    Appointment of Miss Margaret Gooch a.nd Miss Jeannette Met-
calfe as readers in French and Spanish, respectively, in the
Department of Romance Languages at 40  per hour.

     Appointment of 11r. Ishmael Planck as student assistant
in the College of Commerce for ten months at a salary of i30
per month.

     Appointment of Mr. J. Philip Glenn as student assistant
in the College of Commerce for ten months at a salary of ,,;20
per month.

     Appointment of the following women as house-mothers for
the various sorority houses at a salary of $100 each:

     HIrs J. W. Smith, Alpha Garmma Delta House
     Mrs. Annie Neil, Alpha Delta Theta House
     M.rs. Margaret C. Crutcher, Alpha Zi Delta House
     Mrs. Jake Spears, Delta Delta Delta House
     Miss Meary Morris, Delta Zeta House
     Mrs. Ollie Hampton, Beta Sigma Omicron House
     Mrs. Winn Harrison, Chi Omega House
     Mrs. M,'tary M. Taylor, Kappa Kappa Gamma House
     MIrs. T. A. Stebbins, Kappa Delta House
     Mrs. Sallie Blanton, Zeta Tau Alpha House

     Appointment of Mr. Raymond Miller as student assistant in
the Department of Geology at a salary of $200 per year.

     Appointment of Miss Gertrude Flora as graduate assistant
in the Department of Botany for ten months, salary $500.

     Appointment of Mis s Cella Taylor as secretary to the Dean
of the College of Education at a salary of i1800 per year, ef-
fective October 1, 1926.

     . Appointment of M1r. W. B. Owen 'student assistant in  zoology
for ten months, salary $20 per month.



     Temporary appointment of Mr. TV E. Fskew as inspector in
the creamery license secion at a salary of 5.125 a month, ef-
fective September I.

     Appoi.ntment of MAi.s Elizabeth Deaver as office assistant
in the Graduate Schocl on a half time basis at a salary of
$4O peT month.

     Promotion of M4%cs Elizabeth Wyatt to position as clerk
in the Department of Farm Economics, salary  90 per month, ef-
fective October 1.

     Appointment of Iss Christine Owens as clerk in the Depart-
ment of Farm Economics, extension, effective October 1, at a
salary of 80 per month.

     Appointment of Mr. Palrh 'goods as part-time instructor in
Agricultural Education, salary 1'1250, during the absence of
Mr. Carsie Hammonds.

     Appointment of Mr. E. E. Diatcher as part-time instructor
in Agricultural Education, salary t1250, during the absence of
Mr. Carsie Hammonds.

     Appointment of Miss Ronella Spickert as critic teacher in
Home Economics, Versailles High School, salary t1300.    .

     Appointment of Miss Mary Adams as critic teacher in Home
Economics, Georgeton-:i High School, salary '1000.

     Appointment of MIr. L. B-.Shackelford as instructor in Eng-
lish, salary 1800.

     Appointment of Mr. B. P. Davis as instructor in English,
salary -1800.

     Appointment of Mr. A. T. Kelly as instructor in English,
salary .`l800.

     Appointment of Mr. B. P. Ramsey as part-time instructor in
English, salary $.300 per semester.  MAr. Ramsey is a graduate

     Appointment of C. A. Poole as student assistant in Physics.
for nine months, salary .30 per month, effective October 1, 192.6

     Appointment of R. R. Craft and Woodson Scott as night
librarians in the Law Library at a salary of '.10 each per month.



     Appointment of Mrs. Ruby Murphy as stenographer in the
Department of University ExtCension at a salary of $1100 per
annum, effective octobar 1, 1926e

     ProtCon of Mir. G. K. Brady from position of assistant
professor or En;.].sh te that. of associate professor of English.
Increase .1. sa-; to :3200 a yea.

     Increase it salary of Mliss Lula M. Hale, field Worker at
the Robinson Subttat-o.':- tt1&00 a year, effective October 1,

     Appointment of Mr. H. E. Hendricks as assistant county
agent, Grayson County, trip AugLst 28, 1926, to December 31,
1926, at a salary of LKLOO per month.

     Appointment of M4iss Florence M.lcKnight as assistant Home
Demonstration Agent of Lee County from September 1 to September
30, 1926, at a salary of $.00 per month.

     Appointment of Miss Ruby M. Feikert as assistant Home
Demonstration Agent of Garrard County from July 1 to July 10,
1926, at a salary of $150 per month.

     Appointment of Mr. 0. B. Travis as assistant county agent
of Owen County from Augast 1 to December 31, 1926, at a salary
of $100 per month.

     Appointment of Mr. J. Ed Parker as field iagent in club work
in Mason County from July 1 to Pugust 15, 1926, at a salary of
$125 per month.

     Appointment of Mr. H. S. Long as assistant county agent of
Jefferson County from July 6 to December 31, 1926, at a salary
of $125 per month.

     Appointment of Pender H. Wilson as assistant county agent of
Hopkins County from July 6 to December 31, 1926, at a salary of
8125 per month.

     Appointment of Sylvester D. Wroods as assistant county agent
of Pike County from July 7 to Decar.ber 31, 1926, at a salary of
$100 a month.

     Continuation of employmenlt of Mr. A. J. Chadwell as county
agent of Pulaski County from July 1, 1926, to February 28, 1927,
at a salary of P183-l/3 per month.

     Continuation of employraent of Mr. L. H. Woodhousea as county
agent of Jefferson County fSrom July 1 to DerCdaber 31, 1926, at
a salary of 4t233-1/3 per month.



     Continuation of employment of Mr. Clyde Vatts as county
agent of Carroll Courfty from J;:lY i. to December I1, 192;6, at
a salary of 8200 per mcnt1l
     Ccrtinuation of employment of C. E. Mriller as county agent
of Bo-v',.tv C ty .JDamvil1I..'. Kentucky, from July 1, *1926, to
June ail, :J.-'7 It a 5:.:r Of 241.-2/3 a month.

     Cortnt,:h.a-ation of emp oyment- of Mlr. John 0. Parsons as county
agent of 'I;mgofft: C;r,.-I't; -.fom flugust 1, 1926, to July 31, 1927,
at a salary of '3._. Ver)1ath.

     Continuation of ernp oyment of Mr. S. J. Jones as assistant
county agent of Fcrarkli. l County from September 1 to December 31,
1926, at a salary rf ::O Per month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Eula Conner as home
demonstration agent of Graves County from September 1, 1926,
t.o August 31, 1927, at a salary of ;$j..50 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. 0. R. Wheeler as county
agent of Hancock County from September 16, 1926, to February
28, 1927, at a salary of 8150 per month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. S. D. woods j county agent
of Harl an Coutnty' from. Ssptenber 1 1926, to September 30, 1927,
at a saLa:: y of Ah, 50 a month.

     Continuation of employment of John E. Parsons as county
agent of Lawrence County from September. l, 1926, to August 31,
1927, at a salary of 4l66-2/3 per month.

     Continuation of employment of Mtr. H. S. Long as assistant
county agent of Jefferson County from September 1 to December 1,
1926, at a salary of Z-166-2/3 per month.


     Resignation of Mr. Cecil Carpenter as student assistant in
the College of Commerce.

     Resignation of Bertrand P. Ramsey as student assistant in
Physics, effective October 1, 1926.

     Resignation of Miss. Cella Taylor as secretary in the Depart-
ment of University Extension to accept a position in the College
of Education.

     Resignation of Mr. J. w. Jones, field agent in marketing,
effective September 1, 1926, to accept a position with the Bureau
of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D. C.



     Resignation of Miss RoneDla Spickard, club camp assistant,
Fayette County3 effective August 14.

     Resignation of Mr. V. C. Ashby, county agent in Hancock
County; effecttve September 15, 1926,

     Resignation of Mrs. Nanette Arkle Dalton, clerk in the
rlepartnienb of warm Zoonomica., to become effective October.-i, 1926.

     Incefinite leave of absence, without pay, was granted to
Mr. C. H. Burrage, forester at the Robinson Substation, effective
September 3, 1926, on account of illness.

     Upon motion, duly,; seconded, the Board of Trustees adjourned.

                             Respeotfully submitted,

Wellington Patrick
Secretary of the Board