xt7dnc5sbn6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5sbn6x/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1957-03 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Pupil Personnel Worker in Kentucky's Program of Education", vol. XXV, no. 3, March 1957 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "The Pupil Personnel Worker in Kentucky's Program of Education", vol. XXV, no. 3, March 1957 1957 1957-03 2022 true xt7dnc5sbn6x section xt7dnc5sbn6x  

0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0










Published by

Superintendent of Public Instruction








Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

VOL. XXV MARCH, 1957 NO. 3






Pupil personnel workers of the State of Kentucky dedicate this

bulletin to the late Mr. C. T. Ward who devoted his life to the in-
terest of a better educational opportunity for Kentucky’s boys and
girls. His understanding, warmth of personality and keen sense of
humor endeared him to the pupil personnel workers as a close friend.








The need for a bulletin dealing with the subject of pupil per-
sonnel has become significantly greater as the educational program
in Kentucky has progressively improved. This bulletin is designed
to meet that need by presenting to pupil personnel workers informa-
tion that is of importance and concern.

The more than 600,000 boys and girls in Kentucky schools are
0111‘ first and foremost concern as educators. The child’s adapta-
tion and personal adjustment to the school environment is often
reflected in his attendance record. A program of professional serv-
ices aimed toward understanding and relieving the causes of truancy
rather than punishing it is a primary responsibility of the pupil
personnel worker. This bulletin and every other assistance directed

toward that end is a useful contribution to public education in

Superintendent of Public Instruction







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The need for this bulletin was recognized at the annual conference
of the State Association of Pupil Personnel Workers in the fall of
1956. Mr. C. T. Ward, who at that time was Supervisor of Attendance
and Pupil Personnel, appointed the following committee to compile
the material—Mrs. Helen Wallingford, Chairman, Mason County;
Mr. Ernest Fox, Fayette County; Mr. Charles Terry, Franklin
County; Miss Nan Dawson, Woodford County; Mrs. Lorine Blake,
Jefferson County; Mr. Ezra Sparrow, Anderson County; Miss
Katherine Brooks, Hardin County, and Mr. Charles Ambrose,

Special recognition should be given Mrs. Helen Wallingford as
chairman for her tireless efforts and the quality of service rendered.
Many Directors of Pupil Personnel have cooperated by giving gen-
erously of their time and talent.

Our thanks are also expressed to the Superintendents, Principals,
Supervisors, Visiting Teachers, Classroom Teachers, and members of
the State Department of Education who have made such valued con-
tributions to this bulletin.

Grateful acknowledgment and deep appreciation is extended to
Mrs. Charles Blair, Art Instructor of the Woodford County Schools
for the art work throughout the bulletin.

(Mas) VA. RUTH CHAPMAN, Supervisor
Attendance and Pupil Personnel
State Department of Education
















Section 1 Pupil Personnel Services in Kentucky ............. 115
Historical Development ....................... 115
A Changing Point of View .................... 117
Purpose ..................................... 118
Relationship to Total School Organization ....... 119


Section 2 Requirements, Qualifications and Training ........ 121
State Requirements ........................... 121
Personal Qualifications ....................... 124
In-Service Training .......................... 124


Section 3 Teamwork in Pupil Personnel Administration ...... 127
Works With the Superintendent .............. 127
Works With the Supervisor ................... 128
Works With the Principal .................... 128
Works With the Teachers .................... 129
Section 4 Plan for Maximum Service ...................... 131
Home Base .................................. 131
Scheduling Time .............................. 131
Daily Record ................................. 132


Section 5 Individual Adjustment ................ . .......... 135
Who Are The Children ....................... 135
Who Shall Handle The Problem ............... 137
Case Load ................................... 138
Referrals...........; ........................ 138
Case Record ................................. 138
Procedure Following Referral ................. 139
Interviewing ................................ 140
Section 6 Exceptional Children ........................... 142
Section 7 Community Resources .......................... 145
Section 8 Guidance Activities ............................. 147

Section 9 Public Relations ............................... 149








Section 10 Attendance .................................... 151
Compulsory Age and Attendance .............. 151
Exemptions from Compulsory Attendance ....... 151
Constructive Use of Authority ................ 152
Child Labor Laws ............................ 153 E‘
Section 11 Child Accounting ............................... 154 "1
Continuous Census ........................... 154 ‘1
Enumeration Procedure ...................... 154
Age of Entrance ............................. 154
Vaccination for Smallpox ..................... 155
Records, Reports and Research ................ 155

Section 12 Selected References ............................ 169








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Historical Development

The writers of Kentucky’s Constitution considered education
so important to the well-being of society that they made the
establishment of school mandatory in Section 183:

“The General Assembly shall, by appropriate legislation,
provide for an efficient system of common schools through-
out the state.”

That it might not be left to the whims of the individual nor
to the desires of the community as to whether or not they would
take advantage of the schools, Kentucky’s legislators enacted the
first compulsory school attendance law in 1904. Between 1904 and
1934 there were no uniform provisions for enforcing this law. In
some school districts, a truant officer was given the authority to
compel children to attend school using force, punishment, or any
other means common in the practice of officers of the law. These

officers were not required to have any educational standards or

An accounting of children was made every two years by the
sub-district trustee as a basis for the per capita distribution of
state funds for education at the local level.

In 1934 the Kentucky General Assembly enacted legislation
which completely revised the school law. This revision included
areas Pertaining to school census and attendance. The Division of
Census and Attendance was established as an integral part of the
State Department of Education. The purpose of this new division
was to supervise the enforcement and operation of the school census
and compulsory attendance law. The new school code provided
that all school districts must employ a full-time attendance officer
Who’s duty was to enforce the compulsory attendance law and to
be responsible for maintaining a permanent and continuous school
census of all children between the ages of six and eighteen years
res1d1ng in the school district. The law gave the State Board of
Education authority to set up standards for the issuance of Attend-
ance Officer’s Certificates. The law stated the duty of the Attend-
ance Officer was to see that children were kept in regular attendance







in school and that he was to ascertain and to alleviate the causes
of absence from school as far as possible and try to bring about
a better relationship between the school, the home and the com-

Since 1934 the State Department of Education has prepared
and distributed three bulletins designed to serve as guides in the
Attendance and Census program. The first, entitled “School Census
and Attendance Administration,” was published in 1934. This bul-
letin was revised in 1942 and a “Handbook for Attendance Officers”
was published in 1949.

Until 1949 the major emphasis in school attendance work had
been placed on the enforcement of the compulsory attendance laws
rather than on understanding the causes of nonattendance and
nonadjustment of children to the school. The 1949 bulletin clearly
defined this change and gave suggestions to be used as a guide in
orienting the broader program.

Mr. Moss \Nalton was appointed to the office of Director of
Census and Attendance in the State Department of Education in
1934. Under his leadership and that of his successors, Mr. Jess
Carty, Mr. Mitchell Davis and Mr. C. T. \Vard, the attendance
officers from the various school districts over the state met at
the annual meeting of the Kentucky Education Association ’60
discuss their work.

In March 1952 Mr. C. T. \Vard called a meeting of all attend-
ance workers in the state at the Seelbach Hotel in Louisville,
Kentucky. The foundation for this two-day conference had been
laid by Mr. Ward as he conducted district meetings of attendallce
officers throughout the state. In these meetings the individual
worker had an opportunity to present his problems and exchange
ideas with others in this field. During the conference the existing
philosophy of attendance work was modified and an organization
known as the Association of Attendance Officers of the State Of
Kentucky developed. The organization adopted a constitution in
April 1953. It was decided to hold an annual conference the first
week in October to continue a program of in-service training. These
conferences have contributed much to the development of a con-
sciousness on the part of attendance workers of their enlarged scope
of service and the necessity for more professionally qualified people
to serve in this field.

In 1954 Kentucky took a forward step in education by re-
pealing Section 186 of its constitution, which provided for the





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distribution of the school funds on a per capita basis. With this
obstacle to equal educational opportunity for all school districts
removed, the Foundation Law became effective July 1, 1954. Under
this law, the title, Director of Pupil Personnel, is used to designate
the person who shall have the qualifications and duties prescribed
by statute for attendance officers with the following revisions:

Section 159.080 of Kentucky Revised Statutes no longer
specifies a fixed term, but requires Directors of pupil personnel
and assistants shall have the general qualifications of teachers
and, in addition, shall hold a valid certificate issued in accord-
ance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Edn-

Section 159.100 of Kentucky Revised Statutes was repealed.

This section dealt with the age requirement of twenty—five years

or over before eligible for service.

Recognizing the need for a better understanding of pupil per-
sonnel services in Kentucky, Mr. Ward appointed a nine—member
committee at the annual conference in October, 1956, to express in
writing the philosophy, function and relationship of this service
to the general program of public education. The initial committee
appointed sub-committees to prepare the content of this bulletin.

A Changing Point of View

The main difference in the
work now done by pupil per-
sonnel workers as compared to
truant officers of earlier years
is relatively simple and natu-
ral in view of the developments
of public education. Law en-
forcement still exists, but the
area of attendance has broad-
ened in the direction of ‘a
, trained professional service
thh recognizes absence from school as a symptom of problems
that need to be understood; and, so far as possible, relieved in
OFrder that Children may participate fully in the school program.

rom thls Pomt of view pupil personnel workers look carefully
at the factors which operate against the child’s school attendance
and satisfactory adjustment, and with their training and experi-
ence In working with homes and children try to improve the sit-
llal‘ilon. As professional workers they form a relationship between
SC 001 and home that expresses not only a legal requirement for










school attendance but an effort by the teaching profession to help
pupils meet their problems more successfully.

The trend in pupil personnel services is toward a still broader
type of service which emphasizes the positive, developmental, pre-
ventive and therapeutic approaches for releasing the best energies
of pupils. Increasingly, pupil personnel workers are assisting class-
room teachers with children who have health, personal and eco-
nomic problems which prevent success in school. Teachers and
administrators are recognizing early symptoms of maladjustment
in children and are looking to the pupil personnel worker for as-
sistance in eliminating or preventing these from becoming more
serious. This preventive aspect of the service is emphasized through
work with individuals and with community groups. It is a long
time process which involves all persons who work with or are in-
terested in the development of children.


The democratic way of life depends on education for its per—
petuation. It calls for the optimal development of all individuals
focusing responsibility upon the family, the community, the church,
the school and other such agencies for recreating and refining
democratic ideals in terms of the vital problems which young people
face in our evolving culture.

Democracy’s concern for educational opportunities which will
provide for development of individuals to their maximum capacity
implies that all children are expected to attend school so that they
will be useful, successful, happy citizens. Providing a program of
education designed to achieve this goal becomes a matter of in—
creasing concern to those responsible for a system of public schools
Such a program must emphasize regular school attendance, varied
and rich learning experiences, identification of the needs of the
individual, greater opportunities for the slow-learner and the in-
dividual with exceptional abilities, and close co-operation between
home and school.

The rapid growth of school enrollment, the expansion of the
educational program, the complexity of society, and the better
understanding of individual differences have emphasized the need
for professional services directed toward individualizing assistance
to children in resolving problems which impede their progress in
school. Some of these services are provided by the supervisor of
instruction, the school nurse, counselor, psychologist, and the p111)i1
personnel worker.











Those working in the pupil personnel field seek to unite the
efforts of the home, the school and the community in making
provisions whereby every child shall have a school experience that
is appropriate for him.

Relationship to Total School Organization

The pupil personnel worker is a member of the superintendent’s
administrative and supervisory staff. Each member of the staff
has an integral part in the over all school program but makes his
unique contribution in light of the specific purpose for which he
is employed. A major responsibility of the pupil personnel worker
is that of working with the school, the home and the community
on problems of social adjustment that result in nonattendance and
maladjustment and seeking means to correct these conditions. Many
of the problems involve teacher—pupil relations, program adjust-
ment, medical care, and economic and social needs. The pupil per-
sonnel worker, therefore, has the responsibility of assisting other
staff members in identifying these specifics, in seeking assistance
from other agencies and organizations when needed, and in serving
as a liaison between the school and the different agencies in helping
to solve the individual’s problem.

By its very nature, personnel work cuts across all school serv-
ices whether they be administrative, instructional or social. In view
of the constant individual contacts with young people and their
parents, pupil personnel workers are often in a position to feel the
pulse of reaction to school situations and are able to evaluate the
school program in light of the best interests and needs of the pupils.

As a member of the administrative and supervisory staff, the
Pllpil personnel worker participates in the planning of the indi-
v1dua1 school programs, serves as a resource person for school and
lily personnel, and participates in the activities of community agen-
cies concerned with the welfare of boys and girls.

In some school districts a more extensive program of pupil
PErsonnel service is provided by the employment of visiting teach—
ers, school counselors and school psychologists. The problem of
COI-o-rdmation arises and calls for co-operative planning in deter-
mlning the size and nature of their tasks, the part they shall play
as a team, and the part each shall play individually.

t' {ill school personnel should share a mutual and not a competi-
1‘; Interest in children. “How can we work together to make the
so 001 a good place for children?” should be a professional motto.











State Requirements
Director of Pupil Personnel

General Provision: Each board of education shall employ a
Director of Pupil Personnel as provided in Sections 159.080, 159.090,
157.360 (8) of Kentucky Revised Statutes.

Planned Program: 1. The Director of Pupil Personnel shall be
responsible for working with pupils, teachers, and parents in de-
veloping and understanding the functions of the school. He shall
devote his time and effort to discovering problems of social adjust-
ment that result in nonattendance and lack of adjustment to the
school situation and seek means to correct these conditions.

2. The Director of Pupil Personnel shall be responsible for the
records and reports relating to attendance and pupil personnel ac-

3. The Director of Pupil Personnel shall initiate and conduct
research projects which will aid in planning the total school program.

4. The Director of Pupil Personnel cooperates with community
and state agencies and utilizes resources in seeking solutions to the
problems of children.

5. The Director of Pupil Personnel shall be responsible for the
enforcement of the compulsory attendance and census laws and
shall secure the enrollment of all children who should be enrolled
and keep such children in reasonably regular attendance.

Certification: The Provisional Certificate for Director of Pupil
Personnel valid for four years may be issued to a person who holds
01‘ qualifies for an elementary* or a secondary* certificate based
upon a four-year program of preparation, provided that the appli-
cant has had three years of successful experience as a teacher or as
an attendance officer; and provided, further, that he has had the
following professional courses:

Child Growth and Development
Guidance and Counseling

School Organization or Pupil Accounting

Tile Certificate for Director of Pupil Personnel may be validated for
e teaching level for which the holder is qualified.








be valid.

The certificate may be renewed upon basis of three years’ ex-
perience as a director of pupil personnel or three years’ teaching
experience at the level for which the certificate is valid and evidence
of having participated in conferences or workshops called by the
Supervisor of Attendance and Pupil Personnel of the Department
of Education or upon completion of four hours of graduate work
in lieu of each of the three years the holder fails to teach.

The Standard Certificate for Direc-
tor of Pupil Personnel valid for five
years may be issued upon completion
of a master’s degree as prescribed for
a standard teaching or standard admin-
istrative certificate and three years of
experience as a director of pupil per-
sonnel on the Provisional Certificate for
Director of Pupil Personnel.

The Standard Certificate for Di-
rector of Pupil Personnel may be ex-
tended for life upon three years of
experience as a director of pupil per-
sonnel during the life of the certificate.
If the holder fails to meet the require-
ments for life extension before the cer-

tificate expires, the certificate may be renewed for five years upon
two years’ teaching experience at the level for which the certificate
is valid or upon six semesters hours of additional work of graduate
grade for each of the two years he failed to serve during the life of
the certificate. (Adopted by State Board of Education, June 23, 1955,

and September 20, 1956.)

Statutory Requirements: Director of Pupil Personnel

Appointment; qualifications. See KRS 159.080
United Districts. See KRS 159.090

Expenses. See KRS 159.110

Office Quarters. See KRS 159.120

Powers. See KRS 159.130
Duties. See KRS 159.140


If all requirements other than the courses listed have been met, the
certificate may be issued with the stipulation that these courses be
completed during the four-year period for which the certificate shall








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Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel

KRS 157.360 (8) In allotting classroom units for director of
pupil personnel, one classroom unit shall be allotted each district
which is allotted thirty—six to one hundred and sixty-six classroom
units, and a unit for each additional two hundred and sixty-six
claserom units.

School Attendance Worker (Visiting Teacher)

The Foundation Program provides for the allocation of class-
room units for special service personnel. The criteria for the Unit
of School Attendance Worker (Visiting Teacher) are as follows:

General Provisions: The school attendance worker (visiting
teacher) shall work in cooperation with the Director of Pupil Per-
sonnel in carrying out such functions as serving individual pupils
who need special understanding, helping with problems of special
adjustment, promoting positive adjustment to school experiences,
and helping pupils find opportunities to continue their educational
progress toward realization of their potentialities.

Qualifications: The school attendance worker (visiting teacher)
shall be a person with a Bachelor’s Degree and a certificate valid
for elementary or secondary teaching. The school attendance worker
(visiting teacher) shall have had a minimum of two years’ success-
ful teaching experience.

_ Planned Program: The program shall be based on the follow-
mg points:

1. Working with parents and other citizens to promote de-
s1rab1e home-school relationships.

2. Acting as liaison with community and state agencies in
seeking solutions to the problems of children.

3- Guiding and counseling individual children in making ad-
Justment to the school situation.

4. Investigating and correcting home situations which are
resulting in nonadjustment and nonattendance.


Working with principals and teachers in identifying prob-
lems of children and assisting in the solution.




 Personal Qualifications for Pupil Personnel Workers

In order that the pupil personnel worker may give the most
effective service, he should have the following competencies:





Kind, sincere and warm interest in people

Respect for the individual’s rights and ability to help
himself and to make his own decisions

“Tell-developed powers of empathy—the ability to project
oneself into the other person’s situation or predicament
Ability to organize and to administer a program of pupil
personnel services

Skill in the techniques of interviewing

A knowledge of the social, emotional and physical devel-
opment of children

Ability to recognize problems for referral to community
and legal agencies

Willingness to seek consultative services and to accept
recommendations after careful evaluation.

In reference to the above recommended competencies, the
worker in pupil personnel services should adhere to the following
code of ethics:

Code of Ethics

Be a worthy example for all children of the community
Maintain personal, physical and mental fitness

Honor and support the educational profession

Affiliate with professional and related organizations.
Recognize the individuality and worth of each child
Assume responsibility for his personal growth

\Vork with all children and parents justly and impartially
Respect the confidentiality of findings

Abide by the religious and political convictions of the
child’s family

Provisions for In—Service Training

With the transition in theory and practice of pupil personne1
service from compulsion to satisfactory pupil adjustment, there
should be provisions for pupil personnel workers to acquire traifl'
ing in social work. Training in social work includes courses ill
understanding growth and development of the individual, pSyChi'
atric principles, medical information, child welfare, family life,
community resources, guidance and methods of social casework-












Professional growth is a change that takes place Within the
individual which makes him more competent in carrying out his
professional responsibilities. Workshops can do much to encourage
the professional growth of the pupil personnel worker and should
be encouraged and continued with the assistance of the State De-

partment of Education. New workers
should be given a period of orientation.
Professional reading and research stud-
ies increase the workers understanding
of major problems in the field.

The Kentucky Association of Pupil
Personnel Workers, in cooperation with
the State Department of Education,
holds an annual state-wide conference
for pupil personnel workers. This con-
ference gives workers current informa-
tion on State policies which affect their
services, presents outstanding authori-
ties on pertinent subjects, provides for
discussion of vital problems and pro-

motes better understanding among


















Since co-operative planning is a major emphasis in education,
all staff members should plan and work co—operatively toward help—
ing children as individuals acquire the greatest benefit possible from
school experience. The team approach utilizes the combined train-
ing, thinking and experience of the total staff.

The development of working policies and procedures for pupil
personnel administration is a shared responsibility. Some school
systems have found it helpful to form a committee, composed of the
superintendent, pupil personnel worker, supervisors, principals and
selected teachers, to consider policies that govern the service of the
pupil personnel worker. This committee thinks through the contri-
bution that the pupil personnel service can make to the system at
large. It also works out a broad statement Which defines the re-
sponsibilities of the pupil personnel worker and other professional
workers in relation to individual school programs. Such a committee
may function from year to year reviewing the work of the previous
year, discovering new problems, and making plans for the improve-
ment of the service.

To insure an effective pupil personnel program the personnel
worker needs to recognize some accepted policies affecting his re-
lationship with other school personnel.

Works With the Superintendent

_ The superintendent, as administrative head of the school dis—
trmt, is responsible for the effectiveness of the school program.
ThrOUgh him plans are made for the formulation and acceptance
0f working policies and procedures which will best meet the needs
012' children, make the most effective use of the particular service
Whlch the pupil personnel worker brings to the school, and point
up.ho.w the pupil personnel service differs from that of the teacher,
prmclPal, and other school personnel. To do this, the superintendent
needs to have a clear understanding of pupil personnel service and
how it can most effectively serve the child and the school.

Together the superintendent and the pupil personnel worker









will need to devise methods for involving the whole school team
in working to:

1. Establish sound policies and procedures through which
the pupil personnel service is made an integral part of the
total school program.

2. Interpret pupil personnel plans and methods to school per-
sonnel, children, parents and community.

3. Establish a regular plan for evaluation and modification
of policies and procedure.

4. Make a budget that will provide professional and clerical
staff, adequate equipment and travel allowance.

The superintendent has the additional responsibility for sup-

porting the working policies and procedures of the service once
they have been approved.

Works With the Supervisor of Instruction

The pupil personnel worker and the supervisor of instruction
can work cooperatively, each supplementing the other, in helping
the teacher to become more self directing in coping with children’s
problems. The pupil personnel worker may discover needs of chil-
dren that are not being satisfied. He should work with the teacher,
the supervisor, and the principal as they attempt to adjust the
child’s program.

Works With the Principal

The principal is the responsible
head of the individual school. All con-
tacts with the school should be made
through him or with his knowledge.
The pupil personnel worker works in
cooperation with him. The principal
should be consulted about policies and
procedures in his school and should be
kept informed of all progress in the
areas in which the pupil personnel
worker is working.

Since the principal is the executive
head of the school, he is responsible
for referrals to the pupil personnel
worker. Early recognition and referral
of children needing help are essential.
Such referrals should be made after some preliminary screening
has been done within the school.













Together the principal and the pupil personnel worker should
consider methods for carrying out the following responsibilities:

1. Interpret the pupil personnel service in the school and com-

2. Help all children in the school become acquainted with the
pupil personnel worker in such a manner that the worker
is accepted as a natural part of the school and children
will not feel embarrassed or reluctant to see the worker

3. Provide opportunities for the pupil personnel worker to
participate in meeti